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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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Well I'm not sure how Hook is going to kill Nimue given that he left Excalibur with Rumple. And I guess the CTV promo show that Emma gets it back from Rumple? Maybe that's Hook's contribution -- he sets Rumple up to save them all.

I don't think there's a long con in play -- Hook is just being very Heathcliff right now. I think Hook will come to his senses when Emma is threatened, have his Vader moment, and do something to stop Emperor Nimue. That's gotta happen to avoid total character destruction.

But I also think the repercussions will extend far into 5B and Hook will be feeling a lot of self loathing while he's isolated from the rest of the group. And that's a long time to put the lapead couple though angst. It's gonna need huge emotional payoff. It's Snow and David levels of torture. Which has been paid off at least.

I also need Emma to say unequivocally to Hook that she's coming to hell to get him back and won't let anything stop her.


By the end of the season I fully expect Killian and Emma will be living in their house and probably engaged.

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After all of this, I'd be more in favor of them backing up a bit and just trying to enjoy each other and dealing with their issues rather than jumping right into marriage, but that's just me.


I thought Rumpel was using his blood to seal the portal in the finale. Not to open it. I thought they opened it at the beginning of 5.12. I know they're wearing the same clothes, but the cemetery stuff implies that there was some sort of time jump there. It would only make sense for Emma to have some sort of ale conversation to ensure Hook is okay and then actually make a plan/take a freaking nap/find new parents for all the babies before embarking on a trip to hell.

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So, Colin is saying be prepared for a heart breaking and heart wrenching mid season finale but, Brigette the writer is saying have faith in Hook and that she cried happy tears watching the finale. Is she a Nimue fan because I don't know what else to think.

Colin makes it sound like the finale is hell for CS so I don't see the point in being happy about it. Honestly 6 months potentially is a long time to wait for this storyline to resolve.

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My hubby's explanation: Maybe they opened a portal and he fell in?

well...Killian went after Emma when she fell in a portal...

In the photo where Killian is holding a scroll....contract with Hades???

also....https://mobile.twitter.com/cptnswan_ouat/status/671808364192464896 ....no ring....

Edited by PixiePaws1

I want a big fairytale wedding with everything -- horses, carriages, poofy dresses, showers, bachelor parties, no seeing each other before the wedding but they keep sneaking out to see each other anyway and get foiled by relatives but they finally succeed to end up saying their vows in a field of Middlemist before the actual wedding -- every 'boring' moment.

I clearly will be writing some fanfic.

Back to spoilers -- if they are in the same clothes doesn't that mean they will head out same day?

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Back to spoilers -- if they are in the same clothes doesn't that mean they will head out same day?

Yes, and I'm sort of intrigued by the clock.


I wonder if the underworld isn't also stuck in a time warp, which would sort of make sense since these people are dead. So I'm guessing repeating their days wouldn't be a surprising thing.

Yes, and I'm sort of intrigued by the clock.


I wonder if the underworld isn't also stuck in a time warp, which would sort of make sense since these people are dead. So I'm guessing repeating their days wouldn't be a surprising thing.


The time on it has moved an hour.  Maybe it moves for each soul set free (either Herc or Meg being the first - I suspect one of them is there to save the other.)

So, Colin is saying be prepared for a heart breaking and heart wrenching mid season finale but, Brigette the writer is saying have faith in Hook and that she cried happy tears watching the finale. Is she a Nimue fan because I don't know what else to think.

Colin makes it sound like the finale is hell for CS so I don't see the point in being happy about it. Honestly 6 months potentially is a long time to wait for this storyline to resolve.


Eh... I think Brigitte is too positive, but I do't think it will be all gloom and doom. Colin was probably just being careful. He's not very good at dodging spoiler answers.


Yeah--six months is a long time for this storyline to resolve. I guess that's how the Rumbellers feel each year. :-p

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So, Colin is saying be prepared for a heart breaking and heart wrenching mid season finale but, Brigette the writer is saying have faith in Hook and that she cried happy tears watching the finale. Is she a Nimue fan because I don't know what else to think.

Maybe she likes Swan Queen. Hook's character is assassinated  and then he dies. Some people are going to be crying happy tears next Sunday. 

  • Love 3

well...Killian went after Emma when she fell in a portal...

In the photo where Killian is holding a scroll....contract with Hades???

also....https://mobile.twitter.com/cptnswan_ouat/status/671808364192464896 ....no ring....


It's amazing what someone could wear under her shirt or better yet when it's needed in a scene.

Maybe she likes Swan Queen. Hook's character is assassinated  and then he dies. Some people are going to be crying happy tears next Sunday. 

Hook's character is not gonna be assassinated, please stop. He's not gonna go out a villain otherwise why would Emma and the others be doing everything they're gonna do to get him back? He's gonna go out a hero, to justify the others saving him.


Please SQ shippers are irrelevant and they already have something to worry about, Red Warrior since that's coming back in 5B.

So, Colin is saying be prepared for a heart breaking and heart wrenching mid season finale but, Brigette the writer is saying have faith in Hook and that she cried happy tears watching the finale. Is she a Nimue fan because I don't know what else to think.

Colin makes it sound like the finale is hell for CS so I don't see the point in being happy about it. Honestly 6 months potentially is a long time to wait for this storyline to resolve.


I don't think it's as doom and gloom as Colin is making it out to be, but revealing that it's not doom and gloom would be giving away spoilers.


Bridgette hasn't ever been wrong to CS fans and it's not just her. Adam and Eddy have also said CS fans should watch these last three episodes. So I think that while it will be heartbreaking we'll know it's not the end and she's gonna go to the UW to save him along with her family and finally fight for her happy ending.

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I still hold firm to Rumple opening a portal for them to travel to the UW since now we know his blood can do that. Also the clothes they're wearing are the same as they wear the scene Rumple cuts his hand so I don't think it's the next morning.

I would agree except for the cemetery filming for 5x12. Unless that turns out to be a flashback to between the sacrifice and Gold blood scenes in 5x11 LOL.

Now I'm imagining Rumple having to open and close this portal constantly. Time for your regularly scheduled donation dearie!

I'm going to assume that either it closes differently than it opens or it is only open for a short period of time. I think that spoiler photo is from when they reopen it although they will need a lot of boats...that photo of Jen looked like she filled it up! Do they go in one at a time? I assume they use the DO boat.

Maybe Rumple was closing it behind them.

And when they all get back from hell, won't they meet the definition of people whose blood opens it in future?

Edited by chrisvee

Emma could have hidden Hook's ring, knowing she's meeting Milah, who would know it's Hook's ring. I would love it if she's trying to be sensitive to Milah's feelings here. I am so excited for these two to meet. Just please don't let Emma be surprised that Milah is Neal's mom. I have always believed that she knows exactly who Milah is. 


Maybe Rumple went to find Milah because he is looking for Neal, who, if he appears, will be Baelfire. Neal didn't want to be his young self again ever, and I'm not saying he needs to be punished because he wasn't evil, but it would be kind of fitting if he's trapped in the body of a 16 year old. Maybe Hades is mad at him for bringing back the Dark One.


They fit all the DOs in the boat!

It's like a Tardis.

Ha! I just realized there's been around 12 or 13 Dark Ones, just like the Doctor!

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I just hope that, if they are really there to save Hook, they have his permission. I don't want another case of "I love you so much that I'm going to save you against your wishes". Once was more than enough.


So long as saving him didn't mean reinstating the darkness, I can't imagine Hook would be anything but thrilled to be saved from Hades. But you're right, if he wants to stay there, they should honor that.

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So long as saving him didn't mean reinstating the darkness, I can't imagine Hook would be anything but thrilled to be saved from Hades. But you're right, if he wants to stay there, they should honor that.

I would say that it depends on why he would want to stay. If once he is purged of the Darkness (hopefully he does! ) he descends into an almost bottomless pit of self loathing and guilt and feels even less worthy of Emma's love than he did before this whole mess (because he always did err on the side of thinking he wasn't good enough ) then does he really deserve to be left there?

I might add that I am not clever enough to answer that question.

So long as saving him didn't mean reinstating the darkness, I can't imagine Hook would be anything but thrilled to be saved from Hades. But you're right, if he wants to stay there, they should honor that.

They're not gonna dedicate an arc where saving Hook is one of the main plots only to decide to have him stay in the UW. That would be just silly and a waste of a half season. I give this show way more credit then that

Edited by Hookian

New Script Tease. Emma plans to put all the Darkness into herself and have Regina "destroy" her with Excalibur. Regina will probably agree, but maybe she lets it slip to Dark Hook. That would be enough for Hook to decide to sacrifice himself.

I thought exactly the same thing!! The SQers are going bonkers on Twitter about this being a sign of Emma and Regina's deep love ....and I think she wants Regina to kill her!

  • Love 5
"Be still my beating heart....while you drive a whacking great sword through it!"...*sigh*...you just don't see such deep love stories like this anymore..

It appears increasingly likely that Hook is going to either be put down by Emma (with or without his permission is the only question) or kill himself, so apparently A&E also think having one lover die for another (or even be killed for another) is a deep love story.


I really hate where this story is going. There are lots of ways they could have written it without damaging Hook and with making it more romantic, but they had to go for the Amazing Twist. 


The SQers are going bonkers on Twitter about this being a sign of Emma and Regina's deep love

SQers are going to be happy about whatever happens. They will see it as a matter of trust and love if Regina has to kill Emma to save the world. Only Regina could do what Emma really wanted. Emma wants to rid the world of darkness, so Regina will help her do it even if that means losing her. She is prioritizing Emma's wants over her own. 


If Hook keeps being a villain and dies, then that is even better because they get rid of a character they hate and clear the deck for their ship. 


Dark One Hook is a positive twist for them. They get to talk about the multiple times Hook has tried to kill Emma. They get to talk about how his redemption is garbage since he turns evil on a dime. He says meaner things to Emma than Regina does. You think casting a curse to punish a 10 year old is a stupid idea? Well, how about casting a curse because the woman who loves you saves your life! Yes, this is a gift to them and they will have a very enjoyable hiatus. Lots of great talking points.


I really hate how this twist is turning out and there is not much they can do in the next episode to make it better. And after the last episode, I'm not holding out much hope they will even do that much. Hook is going to cheerfully do evil things for two thirds of the episode and then pull an Ingrid because of Emma being hurt and then everybody will decide to save him for the same stupid reason they decided to save Regina with the failsafe and Hook haters will howl that is stupid and I don't have a counterargument unless I absolve Rumple of all his sins and change my mind about the bazillion second chances Regina has gotten.

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Exactly what I was thinking!

Milah doesn't appear to be whacking Rumple with a stop sign or anything from the few spoilers we got of that scene, so it seems possible she doesn't remember her past life, which is a shame.

When I saw the children crossing all I could think was "How many were killed by Regina for the terrible crime of jaywalking?"

The thing is though, that Robbie Kay interview made it sound like Peter Pan remembers who he is, so why wouldn't everyone else?

Oh I have no doubt they all remember who they are. Just because Milah isn't losing her mind at Rumple doesn't mean she doesn't know what's going on.


As far as SQ- I think it'll be clear who Emma's TL is by the end of the episode. Of that, I have no doubt. I don't know how hard they have to beat them over the head with Hook & Emma for them to get it.


I hope the children are all imaginary and no actual children have been punished by having to go to underbrook.

Is it possible that Emma is the one who makes the sacrifice? Maybe she pulls a Rumpel kills Pan move with Nimue and stabs them both. This sacrifice de-darkens Emma, but she loses her immortality and dies. We then get a reverse "Birth" moment and Hook trades himself to the Underworld, so Emma lives.

If that happens, then we have to question what the hell it is that was supposed to happen to Emma back in Camelot with the whole let's cut the darkness out of her.


Was Merlin going to sacrifice her life to get rid of the darkness?


Given the way he's behaved himself, that would not be shocking.


I also could give a rat's ass what SQers think. I don't even understand why their thoughts are part of the equation.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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Well, there's nothing balanced about Emma's life. I genuinely don't think people care enough about her, and what she wants.


Whether this is a long con by Hook or not, she's reaping misery for trying to do the right thing, and taking on the darkness, so I'm not sure what kind of message that sends. Whatever happens, the end result is still the same for Emma.


She loses.


I hope Regina takes a good look at that situation before she ever opens her mouth, and complains about how much her life sucks.

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I hope the children are all imaginary and no actual children have been punished by having to go to underbrook.

The kids probably refused to be adopted by Regina and they are being punished because of that.


Yeah, I think the only way I'm going to cry happy tears is if Emma and Killian are back to normal and in the same realm at the end of the episode. And we all know that isn't happening.

If they are back to normal, alive and in the same place at the end of the season we can consider ourselves lucky.

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I thought exactly the same thing!! The SQers are going bonkers on Twitter about this being a sign of Emma and Regina's deep love ....and I think she wants Regina to kill her!

Can I just ask who the hell cares what SQ shippers are gonna say? Are they relevant in this matter? No, they're not. They will be wrong just like they always have been and always will be.


This is gonna be between Emma and Hook. Regina is going to stand in the background, frozen solid along with the rest of the family. 

If Hook keeps being a villain and dies, then that is even better because they get rid of a character they hate and clear the deck for their ship.


Must suck for them that Killian is not gonna die permanently but the "seeds being planted" are not for their ship but for Red Warrior. So double no on their part.  Oh and Robin Hood is still in the picture so, they can't win no matter what and from pics it looks like Robin and Regina are always gonna be together and side by side in 5B. Good luck with them handling that. 

Edited by Hookian
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Perhaps this is a purgatory type thing where you have to find some forgiveness or something before moving on. We also don't know what was said in the scene so I could easily see it as Milah giving him crap but not in a conk you over the head with the my crossing guard flag type way.

True confession. I had some shopping to do (so why not do it on a filming day when you have time for a 2 hour lunch?). I came out of the "clock shop" (where I bought some tea - it is honestly the only place that I've found that sells that brand) just as the called action on that scene so they asked me to stop in the doorway. I have to say, it is amazing how centered Robert Carlyle is. He is absolute stillness. Anyway, He's standing outside the mortuary, a school bus passes and then Milah helps a gaggle of uniformed kids across the street. She sees Robert and has a brief conversation. There are no fireworks or anything else. 


It was all, "fancy meeting you here". They probably did a bunch of other takes though, so they could have tried some different approaches to the scene.


When I came out of the hardware store, they were setting up blocking for the next scene where Robert walks Milah across the street to meet Emma.


BTW Those kids are quite young. I think they emptied out a local pre-school to get them. They looked too young to be blind witch fodder, but who knows?


Also, "Any Given Sundae" now has a red "closed" painted on the windows. 


Nothing else to report because I actually was shopping (and did get a good start).

Edited by kili
  • Love 8

I may not care about the SQ shippers' reactions, but I do care about the shameless freaking queer-baiting that Adam keeps on engaging in.  Releasing this kind of script tease (and it's not the first time he's done it) is a calculated move on his part, he knows which kind of fans are going to respond to it ("ZOMG, SQ IS ENDGAME!")  He is purposely stringing them along in hopes of getting more live ratings, and it's very sleazy of him.  Has he no shame?  None whatsoever?  I guess not.

Edited by Mathius
  • Love 2

True confession. I had some shopping to do (so why not do it on a filming day when you have time for a 2 hour lunch?). I came out of the "clock shop" (where I bought some tea - it is honestly the only place that I've found that sells that brand) just as the called action on that scene so they asked me to stop in the doorway. I have to say, it is amazing how centered Robert Carlyle is. He is absolute stillness. Anyway, He's standing outside the mortuary, a school bus passes and then Milah helps a gaggle of uniformed kids across the street. She sees Robert and has a brief conversation. There are no fireworks or anything else. 


That's so cool, kili! thanks for reporting on what you saw! The low-key meeting between Rumple and Milah seems to support the idea that the dead characters have no memories of their past. Can you go shopping some more? ;-)


I may not care about the SQ shippers' reactions, but I do care about the shameless freaking queer-baiting that Adam keeps on engaging in.  Releasing this kind of script tease (and it's not the first time he's done it) is a calculated move on his part, he knows which kind of fans are going to respond to it ("ZOMG, SQ IS ENDGAME!") 


So, Adam is not supposed to tease anything Emma and Regina related? Those fans tweet just "#SwanQueen" to literally anyone who tweets anything about the show these days. Even to random people like Shatner. 

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