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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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Quote: 'However it's Regina that Emma entrusts to save her life in a pivotal moment'

WHY?????? I just vomited on my shoes! !! Remind me again how long ago and how many times it was that Regina tried to MURDER her in cold blood...'cos in the show time line I am pretty sure it was only a few weeks!

Just wrong, wrong, wrong....!

I think we had a circular discussion about this a few times already, but suffice to say, I think context is key. What it won't be, IMO, is a "My family and boyfriend are dummies, please Regina you're my only hope" kind of scene. It'll be a mix of you owe me/you have magic/you're ruthless enough to put me down if necessary.


Also, remember when people watching the screeners for the finale spoiled a big and emotional SQ scene that was their absolute favourite etc? And it ended up being Emma tearfully confessing to Regina that she loves Hook? I think patience is key. There'll be time enough to smash tables if worst case scenarios come true ;)

Edited by Serena
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Quote: 'However it's Regina that Emma entrusts to save her life in a pivotal moment'

WHY?????? I just vomited on my shoes! !! Remind me again how long ago and how many times it was that Regina tried to MURDER her in cold blood...'cos in the show time line I am pretty sure it was only a few weeks!

Just wrong, wrong, wrong....!

Yeah, it's annoying and frustrating how the writers keep pushing this "friendship" bullshit to please a particular subset of fans, even if it makes no sense.


Oh, and the exact quote is :


However, it’s Regina that Emma entrusts with her life in a pivotal moment, and we couldn’t love this scene more.

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I think the 2nd connection between Camelot and EF is with the dagger and Excalibur. And yes I know Excalibur isn't the sword in the stone but Once is obviously conflating the 2 since we see Arthur pull Excalibur from the rock in the promos. Sure it's an iconic moment but that moment is in the premiere to drop a reveal about the dagger most probably.



They've already set the ground work for Excalibur in 3x02's flashbacks. David already called the Sword in the Stone Excalibur and so did Rumple.


In the dialogue, David said that the sword was forged by a benevolent mage named Merlin - So Merlin made the "mightiest sword of all" as per the poster caption.


They haven't come outright and said it, but it also sounds as though he's made the Dark One's dagger as well. I don't think it was just lying around.


So two blades, both represent power, one is good power and one is evil power, so they couldn't be more different.


While I think there is a connection between the two, I don't think it's the "clue" that's been under our noses for a while.

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The Blue Fairy will gift Belle with a Bell jar containing a single rose in bloom in order that she may watch over Rumpel's life while she embarks on a perilous journey without him, reminding us all that this love story is far from done. Everybody say Aw!


Sounds like a Blue Fairy solution. "You're going on a perilous journey and the cell service in Camelot sucks, so just carry around this large, fragile glass bell-jar and you'll know how fast your True Love is dying while you're gone. Combined with your propensity towards four-inch heels, I'm it won't be awkward at all."

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The TVSource Magazine preview is really good, and doesn't even mention this supposedly major SQ scene. See how each reviewer lets their own bias shine through? And the TVS Mag writer is a huge Regina fan. Plus it mentions some good Snow scene re: finding Emma that other reviewers don't mention. AND the fact that Hook and Henry go on a mission behind Regina's back - that would qualify as "major" to me and I would certainly mention it when writing a preview, but this is the first we're hearing of it.

Edited by Serena
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When one plan fails, a determined Hook recruits Henry for a rogue mission behind Regina’s back.


Interesting. So will it be Henry who gives Hook the clue that Zelena can create tornadoes that transcend realms?


“Did you ever hear the phrase slow and steady wins the race?”


Somehow, this is going to be directed at Hook, the man who was willing to wait hundreds of years in Neverland to kill his enemy and is currently dating a woman who likes to go at a snail's pace in their relationship. I think he fully understands "slow and steady." But when someone is battling against the clock with the darkness draining their good soul, time isn't a luxury. 

Edited by Curio
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Somehow, this is going to be directed at Hook, the man who was willing to wait hundreds of years in Neverland to kill his enemy and is currently dating a woman who likes to go at a snail's pace in their relationship. I think he fully understands "slow and steady." But when someone is battling against the clock with the darkness draining their good soul, time isn't a luxury.

^ this. Like, sorry if he doesn't want to waste time dillydallying around while his true love is turning evil???

This is giving me unwelcomed flashbacks of the time Snowing and Regina were taking that leisurely stroll as they went to look for emma in 4x08.

Man, if Snow is going "mama bear" on people trying to find a way to help Emma...it would be a good time to throw in a few Snow/Hook scenes. But of course that'll never happen.

Regina shouldn't even be allowed to touch that baby blanket.

So far it sounds like a pretty solid premiere. Last year's (both 4a and 4b) were so-so. The talk of it focusing on the core cast gives me hope, but we'll see how long it'll last.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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Regina shouldn't even be allowed to touch that baby blanket.


Well, this is from the review I posted in the Spoiler Only thread:


Emma’s baby blanket does make a scene, which includes a very sentimental Snow and a sassy response from our favorite queen.

Oh, yeah, I'm so looking forward to see Regina being all sassy in that situation. She loves Emma so much and she is so worried for her.



Edited by RadioGirl27
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So I see time travel has now been mentioned a couple times. My theory is some kind of closed loop. Like, some time has passed in Storybrooke, then Dark Swan shows up, prompting everyone to travel back in time to Camelot when Emma was still not evil, but it's events that happen there that turn her dark. Or Dark Swan travels back and uses her knowledge of the future to try to stop them from keeping Emma light? (I thought they said no to time travel, wth)

I feel like we've gotten most of the episode spoiled and I still can't quite make sense of the order it all happens.

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Emma’s baby blanket does make a scene, which includes a very sentimental Snow and a sassy response from our favorite queen.


Oh, hell noI'm sorry Regina, but you do not get to be sassy while holding the baby blanket of Snow's daughter who she just lost to the darkness—the same baby blanket Emma was wrapped in when you once attempted to kill her as an infant. I'm so over Regina's bitchy attitude being downplayed and called "sassy." 

Edited by Curio
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That's just another proof that people shouldn't take out-of-context spoilers at face value, though. I saw CSers freaking yesterday about the still of Regina holding the blanket, and it turns out it's a Mama Snow scene with Regina being an asshole. 


I can't believe the writers are so tone-deaf that they think it's okay for Regina to be "sassy" about the symbol of the childhood she robbed Emma, Snow and Charming of?

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Why Camelot?

We know that Merlin is the link between Storybrooke and King Arthur, but we were intrigued to see the writers working in a second connection between both fantasy worlds that really helps solidify certain key story elements going forward. We really don’t want to spoil this one for you, so suffice it to say a really big clue has been sitting under our noses for quite some time now. You’ll get the point of it soon enough.


So this is what I'm most curious about. Like really...please crack theory, pretty please with homemade whip cream and cherry on top!




Emma’s baby blanket does make a scene, which includes a very sentimental Snow and a sassy response from our favorite queen.

So again, there's time for sass and time to just zip it! This is about timing and I'm pretty sure Snow hasn't laid eyes on that blanket since the first time she saw it in season 1, you know, back when she held it. And I think Hook is the only person who even knows where that thing is because of 4x05.



The Apprentice survived the goop? Dude don't give them a wand, open a fucking portal! 

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The Apprentice survived the goop? Dude don't give them a wand, open a fucking portal!

Maybe Mickey's still too weak to open a portal after being attacked by evil dark goo.

The wand could fit in with the mysterious time travel stuff though. The last 2 spells/magic it used were to open time portals. Maybe they'll use that to go back in time to Camelot to try and help Emma??

maybe we'll get lucky and this whole "setting up stuff" means they're also setting up the eventual reveal of the black fairy. There could be some kind of connection there. Maybe Nimue will be the Black Fairy?

I've got nothing.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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It is important to note that Belle cares what is happening to Rumple, but that doesn’t mean that all is forgiven or that everything that came before doesn’t need to be dealt with


Oh, so now the writers are actually going to address important things a character has done in the past to harm another character instead of just brushing it under the rug?

Edited by Curio
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Oh, so now the writers are actually going to address important things a character has done in the past to harm another character instead of just brushing it under the rug?

If they're finally going to tackle some of that stuff, I hope they do the same for Regina this season too. Because then that would mean two former villains' evil deeds (Hook and Rumple) will be mentioned/addressed while Regina continues to be whitewashed.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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From that Yahoo article:


Horowitz adds, “We also love the notion that two of the people that she has grown closest to over the years, Regina and Hook, have both battled darkness themselves, and their experiences can inform what she’s going through and either help or hinder her. The whys of their relationship will be revealed, but it’s a big part of the first half of this season. It’s going to take the 11 episodes to get there.”

I don't know what the hell is he talking about with the "whys of their relationship".

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I can't take these lines seriously. Regina and Hook are the two people Emma grew closest to over the yrs? That sounds fake but ok.


Well, after Emma lost a genuinely great girl friend in Elsa, she hasn't even put in an effort to open up her female friendship circle to any applicants beyond Regina. So technically, that sentence is kind of true. (For a show that's supposedly all about "empowered women" and "female friendship," there's an alarming lack of actual female friendships on the show.)

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The link between the Dark One and Camelot is actually super-clever and something I’ve never seen anybody speculate about. Expect a bunch of OMG!!!!!! reactions in live tweeting. It is revealed very early in the ep.


So, I wanna know about this.

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(For a show that's supposedly all about "empowered women" and "female friendship," there's an alarming lack of actual female friendships on the show.)


In S1, she did sort of have female friends (Ruby, Mary Margaret, etc.), but the show moved far away from that and Snow barely has much screen time nowadays, so it's no wonder that it's all up to Regina now (although they did have the whole Frozen arc, but only because it's hugely popular).

Edited by Free
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The positive first!! I really like some teaser.

Captain cobra teamwork ,Yeah !! And maybe it will silence people who still say that Henry hate Hook.

Really Like Snow gets emotional about the blanket. So much better and make more sense than Regina being sentimental over it!!

Really curious about the CS arc going have some revelation in the 11 episodes!!

Negative stuff now!!

I really hate that a lot of comments and A and E themselves obviously choose to presenting the relationship between CS and SQ as competing with each others.

For me it is for click baiting and riling up faction of the fandom against each others.

Because even if I was 100% buying the friendship with Emma opposing a friendship against a love interest is wrong and something we do see among young people and adult in the society.

Woman and girl should have boyfriend and bff it is healthy. And those relation are not the same.

So, yeah Emma could believe that Regina in a particular situation is the best choice to hold the dagger without diminished her relationship with seem But, they really seems to phrases everything like Emma makes a choice between them. Cheap !! And counter productive in the long haul.

At least they are playing with the confusion between SQ friendship and SQ romantic and it is worst

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Jarett Wieselman 

‏@JarettSays   @cptkillianswan incredible. #DarkSwan basically — at least in the premiere _ turns Hook into the male lead of the show <3



Intrigued and antsy.  I no longer have cable, so I hope you guys discuss the hell out of this (lots of lovely little details please!) until I’m able to watch the ep on Hulu whenever they decide to post it.  My poor little Roku box is going to get a workout.


I’m also thrilled that Snowing get some angst too…hope it’s not glossed over and that Josh & Ginny make me squee.  Besides CS, they’re the only other reason I watch this show.  And the little snippets of the townspeople we get.  I wish they would've developed them to be a bit more prominent and cray cray, like the Stars Hollow townies. 

Edited by FierceAfroChick
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Oohh...Hook gets to act as the male lead for an episode? Nice.

I'm also happy that Snowing seems to be getting a good storyline this year. At least (as far as we know) it's not character-ruining, ret-conning nonsense like the egg-napping in 4b.

This episode sounds like it'll please a wide spectrum of the fans. It sounds like there's stuff for everyone.

**about the most recent spoiler: "The Sword in the Stone" was released in the 60s, I think re-released in the 70s and was apparently paired with a Winnie the Pooh movie/segment in 83.

What year was Emma born? Unless the theater got a hold of the film and had a kids night or somehing.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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Well, actually, it’s not really Rumple — it’s a manifestation of the Dark One’s powers that is masquerading as Rumple.

This really is the MiB, isn't it? If there's no connection between the Dark One and Morgana LeFay, I'll be disappointed.



about the most recent spoiler: "The Sword in the Stone"

Am I the only one who's excited they're using a Disney movie? I've been waiting for this moment too long.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I think it's cool that they're using a Disney movie. I know why they chose the "Sword in the Stone" as the movie, but there are great parallels between Emma and Arthur. 


And when Merlin goes to see her, she's only 6. It makes me sad for wee!Emma.

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So I guess the Dark One dagger was forged from the same steel as Excalibur or whatever.

That's what I figured awhile back, that they were copying some parts of the Ebony Dagger and sword stuff from the Marvel universe and that that was the non-surprising connection. I'm also guessing that Excalibur can beat the DO or vice versa and that Emma knows about it but won't tell anyone. Maybe that's part of the warning she gets from Merlin as a kid.



If there's no connection between the Dark One and Morgana LeFay, I'll be disappointed.


Since they're doing Nimue, I don't think they're going to do Morgana. If the black blob belonged to Merlin, Nimue would have that connection or maybe Nimue was the OG Dark One.



great parallels between Emma and Arthur

In opposite ways? Cause I think we're about to do that whole prophecy thing with Emma destined to be the DO vs Arthur's prophecy. Maybe they'll retcon the breaking of the Dark Curse stuff. Emma as the future DS is the reason why she's able to break the curse, and not because as Rump believed, that true love potion loop hole he put in.

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Since they're doing Nimue, I don't think they're going to do Morgana. If the black blob belonged to Merlin, Nimue would have that connection or maybe Nimue was the OG Dark One.

Or Emma is supposed to represent Morgana, just not in name. (Like Charming/Regina/Rumple were the Lion/Tin Man/Scarecrow)



great parallels between Emma and Arthur

I can see that. Arthur is trained by Merlin to be a hero, while Emma is trained by the Dark One to be a villain.

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There are theaters that show old movies. There's one near my place that's showing Outbreak and Ghostbusters for like the gazillionth time.

I'm more looking at is as an issue of accessibility. I didn't grow up in the 80s or know much about film, but wouldn't it have been difficult to get ahold of a Disney movie in year where it's not celebrating a re-release? Or would they have had the film in stock? I feel stupid for asking. Edited by HoodlumSheep
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So based on the Disney wiki, it was rereleased in 1983 in theaters and then had a bunch of home movie releases after that. So while 1989 wouldn't have an official release, I can see them at least having it in some form at a local theater for maybe a special showing or something. VHS wasn't that prevalent at the time so the movie theater is the only place you could see something like that again.

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I posted this earlier in the Spoilers Only thread, but the mods decided it should go here instead.


I was able to see the ep thanks to a friend. A few thoughts:


*I liked it more than I expected. Expect the worst & anything else is a pleasant surprise, right? LOL. As a Captain Swan shipper, I was pretty happy. As a Regina hater, I rolled my eyes & was very table-flippy because of some of the tongue baths & things to do with her.

*Hook is VERY proactive and in the ep quite a lot. He has the major role in keeping Emma from doing a Very Bad Thing when they finally find her.

*There’s a wonderful Captain Cobra scene that’s second only to the previously mentioned scene as my favorite scene. Something that happens with Emma, Hook & Henry sets the latter two up to play an important role in helping Emma that if not paid off at the end of the arc will piss me off to no end. (We’re talking lack of payoff to the Hook’s heart arc in 4x11 level of pissed off.)

*Hook & Regina are NOT friendly with each other in this ep.

*I like Once’s Merida much more than “Brave” Merida. I was shocked how much I liked her. But she reveals something that I think a lot of “Brave” fans won’t be happy about.

*The link between the Dark One and Camelot is actually super-clever and something I’ve never seen anybody speculate about. Expect a bunch of OMG!!!!!! reactions in live tweeting. It is revealed very early in the ep.

*I think David had only one, maybe two, lines in the ep. Mostly he’s in the background looking concerned.

*Merlin, please be less cryptic with children. WeeEmma is adorable but very confused by the strange usher.

*There is no time travel. I don’t know why some reviewers have mentioned that. There is a time JUMP.

*There is no magic coming from Zelena’s baby.

*JMo is great and chilling as Dark Swan. And she has eyebrows, huzzah!

*“Again?” Snow says at one point, echoing my thoughts and no doubt the thoughts of many others.

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*“Again?” Snow says at one point, echoing my thoughts and no doubt the thoughts of many others.

I hate pumping you for information, but how bad was the "sassiness" that Regina gave during the blanket scene? I want my tables flipped prematurely so I can buy new ones before Sunday when I have guests over.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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No one's guessed the Camelot DO connection? We need to step up our game. Just tell me it ain't some more soap opera stuff like paternity reveals. They love those. Like Merlin is Lancelot's daddy.

By Dark One do you mean the OG version or Emma as the DS?

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I'm happy that Mickey's still alive.

I'm not. The whole point of Emma sacrificing herself was because the dark goop was going to destroy everyone in its path. So is the show trying to tell us that once the dark cloud was done consuming Regina, she just would have been unconscious for a bit and then wake up later along with The Apprentice? If so, then why the hell did Emma make such a huge sacrifice for something that actually wasn't even a big deal?

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