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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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So, I was thinking about a possible Hook-related timeline for the next three eps: 

Fall - he does bad things, cuz, Rumple

Shattered Sight - massive guilt trip, Emma makes with the forgiveness

Heroes and Villians - he's back on the right side of the equation 

Edited by Dianthus
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I'm seeing a picture on Twitter Emma/Hook where Emma is wearing a gold ring on her left ring finger. I don't see it in the official pics. Is that a manip, 'cause it looks pretty authentic to my eyes. I'm not sure where that came from.


It's a manip. I came across it just a bit ago and it was marked as such, though not especially clearly.


In the full-frame pic of Hook & Emma kissing, you can clearly see the reflection of a guy holding a boom mike in the lower right corner. Oops!

Edited by Souris
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I still want to see the pic. *pouts*
ETA i think I just saw it. Emma actually has the key ring around her finger, but the keys were cropped out. So I guess she actually was wearing a ring. ;)
ETA 2 -Just saw another manip which is the one I think you guys were talking about it. A fake Captain Swan proposal:


I noticed the boom operator also! Hopefully the film camera was shooting from a different angle. I wonder if the pic of Snow and Charming in the station is a shot of them watching Emma and Hook? I'm not sure if they realize how much they truly care for each other.

Edited by pezgirl7
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Finally saw the boom operator's reflection, now that people have pointed it out. Hopefully they fix that! Although it's hard to tell because these are just promo pics. I'm not quite sure if they'd let all the curtain reflection stuff block/kind of cover up half the scene like that.

So are we positive that Blackbeard has the Jolly in those pics? They don't use fancy technology to change the color or anything? Who am i kidding?that would probably take up the entire Special effects budget.

Hmmm...originally I thought BB would be in a flashback from the past, but now it looks like it's more likely from the missing year before Killy took the ship back, just like many of you have hypothesized.

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Barely-a-spoiler from TVLine:


Question: On Once Upon a Time, will we find out why Will Scarlett/the Knave left Wonderland? —JJ
Ausiello: “Yes, we should be learning more about his post-Wonderland life as the season progresses,” Once cocreator Adam Horowitz answers. “We will also be exploring more of his past with Robin Hood.”
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TV Guide has an interview with Adam and Eddie. This is the only sorta spoilery stuff:

"It's much more emotional and apocalyptic than the other curses on our show where we're just killing people," says cocreator Edward Kitsis. "This is a rage curse — fun and scary at the same time —t hat can bring out the worst in everyone. If it isn't stopped, it will make our characters turn on each other in horrible ways." Longtime friendships will be threatened. So will romances.

"We beta-tested the curse in Episode 8 [Nov. 16] when we got to see how terribly it affected Anna [Elizabeth Lail], who is the nicest, lightest, most spirited character you can find," says cocreator Adam Horowitz. "So just imagine the curse's effect on those who we know have a dark side, like our Evil Queen [Regina, played by Lana Parrilla]." Adds Kitsis: "Even a hero like Snow White [Ginnifer Goodwin] has a bit of darkness she'd never dream of acting on — but the curse will reveal it."


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XrystalPond, thank you. I'll watch when I get home.

Adds Kitsis: "Even a hero like Snow White [Ginnifer Goodwin] has a bit of darkness she'd never dream of acting on — but the curse will reveal it."

Oh yay!! I can't wait. /sarcasm

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I like how rage is supposed to be fun and scary at the same time.  I'm sure there's a lot of unintentional comedy, but last time I checked, rage was kind of not a "fun" thing...


I find the whole thing about how Emma and Elsa aren't affected because one is blood related to the DQ and the other one was fostered by her all kinds of weird.  I thought it was because of the ribbons.


So is Hook's hook getting taken away so that he doesn't impale someone with it in his rage induced whatever...and if Rumple is affected, who says he doesn't try and crush that heart he has right away since he just hates Hook so much? 


Also, is it too much that some truths get flung at Regina though I'm sure once the curse breaks, it will be all about how everyone is sowwy and did not mean it.  Because seriously, someone should tell her!

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It's "our" Evil Queen. Telling! ;-) I can't bear to sit through another segment of Snow's continued character assassination. While Regina's murderous outbursts will be played for laughs. I just can't even with this Show.

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So is Hook's hook getting taken away so that he doesn't impale someone with it in his rage induced whatever...


There was that photograph that Jennifer tweeted of Hook in the jail cell and another with his hook on the coat rack. Maybe after the kiss, he removes  his hook and hands it to her.


Obvoiusly, whatever they do doesn't work because there is a rumble on main street. And Rumple isn't going to let his minion chillax in a jail cell when there are curses to be cast. Or maybe Hook can die in the Sheriff's office just like Graham - only this time Rumple is crushing his heart instead of Regina.

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If Dark!Snow calls Regina on her bullshit I will be so freaking happy.


Unfortunately, given that Snow will be locked away in a cell, I don't think it will happen.


I do hope Bold and Audacious will start throwing fire balls at her lover though.  Because I will laugh and laugh.

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I do hope Bold and Audacious will start throwing fire balls at her lover though.  Because I will laugh and laugh.

If she kills Robin under the spell, I will forgive A&E for all the Outlaw Queen crap this season. It would make me so incredibly happy.



Unfortunately, given that Snow will be locked away in a cell, I don't think it will happen.

She's present in the brawl, though. Apparently she gets out from her cell. (Wouldn't be the first time...)

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Adds Kitsis: "Even a hero like Snow White [Ginnifer Goodwin] has a bit of darkness she'd never dream of acting on — but the curse will reveal it."

(from the TVGuide interview)


Really? Who would have thought that. Wasn't there the time Snow drank some potion Rumple gave her to forget she was in true love with David, and Snow became quite nasty and grumpy, hurting birds, the dwarves, and then even wanted to kill Regina? And wasn't there some anger management with shooting arrows in the woods to work through her guilty feelings of having tricked Regina into killing Cora, not to mention this dark spot on her heart? Maybe I confuse that with a different show.

Edited by katusch
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If Dark!Snow calls Regina on her bullshit I will be so freaking happy.

Except it'll be portrayed as a bad thing, and would be used to demonstrate that "See, Snow has wrong thoughts and impulses, too." instead of "She got hit with the ultra blunt truth potion and confronted Regina."


I desperately want Snow to stand up to Regina, but I'd hate for it to be tainted with the same brush as self-defense killing Cora was.  We'd have scene after scene of Snow apologizing to Regina for pointing out that Regina was awful for a long time, while Regina insults Snow and almost accepts the apologies.

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Regina and Robin probably team up to finish Marian off. When the spell breaks, they're both so horrified (peobaby that they didn't finish the job), that they break up. And Robin likely leaves with Marian and Roland to the Enchanted Forest. Cue mini-violins and OQ angst.

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She comments on the costume and that she had wanted there to be a montage of Emma teaching her about technology and taking her shopping for jeans.

This is what I wanted on this show, more than anything. I would have forgiven -- well, not everything, but a lot of the writers' crap if they had given us Emma/Elsa friendship scenes like this.

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And Robin likely leaves with Marian and Roland to the Enchanted Forest. Cue mini-violins and OQ angst


I will weep for Marian if this happens. Marian needs to show Robin the door. He can't be bothered to try to do research when it could help her (didn't even know there was a library), hinders the one person who could help her and then rushes to do research for her exeuctioner (suddenly, he doesn't need to play darts anymore? Goes from drinking with Will to making Will stay sober to help him? Scuzzball). If Robin returns to Marian after all that, he is a worm. There is absolutely no honor in that. NONE. Marian would be lucky to be rid of him. Some times you need to know when to walk away, sometimes you run. She needs to run.


Since Robin is obviously MIA for a few episodes. I much prefer him to have second thoughts about Regina when he sees her in full on Bold and Audacious form during the curse. No longer able to deny what he should have known since the beginning, he can go on a spirit quest deep in the woods and eat dirt for a few episodes. Then he can return to Regina and beg forgiveness for ever having doubted her. Robin/Regina is happening. I just have to hold my noes and live with it. I just want Marian to get some kind of happiness after giving that loser a  purpose in life, sacrificing everything for him and getting killed by his new girlfriend. Throw me a bone A&E!

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I wonder if the breaking of the shattered site spell does something to Robin's feelings towards Marian? Kind of like a reboot, where he suddenly feels the love towards her that he originally felt. Probably not, but just an idea.

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Should be noted that that ET interview also contains the first sneak peak. It's DQ and Rumple, though nothing much happens.


No, but it shows a whole new level of batshit crazy though.  I don't really understand why she's going after the people who live in Storybrooke.  They are mainly from the Enchanted Forest and have done nothing to her. 

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That's the thing though, Emma and Elsa still don't want to join her and she's clearly not forcing them to.  She doesn't seem to have taken over their free will or anything like that.  It seems that she just wanted to channel their powers with her own so that she could cast the spell.  At least that's what I got from the last 2 minutes of 408.  I don't know.  I find this show incredibly confusing at times.  It makes me feel dumb as well because of the interpretation of the whole magical aspect of things.

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Maybe she's planning to erase their memories after the mass wipeouts happen. IDEK, there's no reason for her to want to live in a big town just with two other women, other than because she is insane. 


Trying to speculate what deal Rumple is trying to make with DQ. I doubt he's going to be affected by the spell (the mirror didn't affect him). So, he will perhaps ask for a counter-charm to protect Belle from the Curse, and in return, promises not to suck DQ into the Hat?

Edited by Rumsy4
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I guess Rumple wants a deal so he (and probably Hook) are not affected by the curse.


From that ET article


Not to worry, Outlaw Queen fans! Despite the fact that Marian's well-being is a priority, something incredibly swoon-worthy is going to happen in this week's episode while the couple prepares for the Spell of Shattered Sight to finally hit.

We're not going to spill exactly what is going to be said, but you should definitely scatter some pillows around the room for when you pass out from adorable overload. (But maybe some tissues, too!)

So not only they are having sex before Captain Swan, they are also getting the "I love you" first. And that in a week-long relationship. I wonder what A&E have prepared for their first anniversary. A true love kiss that brings world peace?

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So not only they are having sex before Captain Swan, they are also getting the "I love you" first. And that in a week-long relationship. I wonder what A&E have prepared for their first anniversary. A true love kiss that brings world peace?


Honestly, OQ are a complete train wreck.  Can't even compare Hook/Emma and Regina/Robin and their fairy dust destined "love" which is a complete aberration.  They are banging, they are telling each other "I love you" while his wife is frozen. 


If I were to bet which couple the writers care about the most, I'd go with Hook and Emma, not with OQ.  Robin is all kinds of vile.  They aren't even trying to paint him in a good light.  There's a problem when Regina is the more mature of the two.  I doubt I'll be wasting any tissues on those two.  They wouldn't even rate a square of my toilet paper.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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We're not going to spill exactly what is going to be said, but you should definitely scatter some pillows around the room for when you pass out from adorable overload.


IDK if that's an "I Love You". When they say "adorable" I think Roland. He's probably going to ask if Regina is his new Mom. A&E would probably think that would be swoonworthy while I find it gagworthy.


A&E and I clearly do not see eye-to-eye on many things when it comes to Robin Hood.

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Yeah I think the Regina and Robin romance is going to crash and burn by 4.11 - they're giving them far too many happy moments for it to last! And please give us more backstory on Robin coz right now he's coming off as a sleaze bag

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The problem with giving Robin more backstory is that they'd have to show with with Marian, the woman who turned his life around and who he would have walked through hell for. Showing them together in the past would make him look even worse in the present.

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Not to worry, Outlaw Queen fans! Despite the fact that Marian's well-being is a priority, something incredibly swoon-worthy is going to happen in this week's episode while the couple prepares for the Spell of Shattered Sight to finally hit.


Meah at the media trying to sell OQ without talking about all the disturbing aspect of the ship. So, it will disapear!

Honestly, I' really sure that A and E really know what they are doing about this gross sl.


When fans find out that the iconic and brave Robin Hood will be the love interest of the very bold and audacious REgina a lot of fans complains that never Robin could love a tyrant like the Evil Queen used to be.

So, they chose to make him act like a douche, not caring about his dying wife and bingo not one ask how someone like Robin Hood can love Regina,actually for many Regina deserve better than him,

It is kind of clever if you look at this this way! Disturbing by the character assassination and all the dirt Sweep under the carpet but clever.

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There is really no reason for Marian to stay in Storybrooke. She's been there for like two days (while not a corpsicle), so you know she's going back to the Enchanted Forest World with the rest of the Frozen gang (they must be going home). Her idiot husband still has everybody living in a tent in the woods and he's got a new girlfriend, so she might as well go home. She's going to take Roland (she can't leave him with her idiot husband and her executioner), so Robin will blather on about honour (a word he couldn't find in the dictionary even if Will found the book for him in the library and opened to page 'home-house") and follow them home.


Outlaw Queen angst! Robin will miss a few episodes (he's off filming something in Europe right now) and then he will be back. Marian will have conveniently been eaten by an ogre off screen or he'll abandon Roland because he loves Regina too much. Even though he is an idiot, Robin will discover yet another way to travel realms that Rumple did not. Given his usual method of  research, getting really drunk and hitting a bullseye opens the portal. Operation Mongoose will meanwhile be in full swing.


ETA: There are a report that there are two new sneak peaks here (I can't watch because I'm outside the US):

http://abc.go.com/shows/once-upon-a-time/video/PL55126739/VDKA0_e9dh8t jt


First one has the usual suspects (Snow, Charming, Hook, Regina, Elsa) and Grumpy watch as a new curse roles in. They mention it will be there by sundown and mayhem will ensue.


The second one has Snow taking on the Evil Queen with a sword in the jailhouse. Could be fun.

Edited by kili
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TA: There are a report that there are two new sneak peaks here (I can't watch because I'm outside the US):

http://abc.go.com/sh...39/VDKA0_e9dh8t jt

Omgosh! There's a swordfight with Snow vs. Regina, and Snow shoves Regina through a glass door! So freaking awesome. (They pretty much spoiled Kristoff and Anna's return. They're seen in the sheriff station.)


I love how in the other sneak peek they're watching the slowest curse ever with binoculars. Emma's line about, "The answer is simple - let's not be in town" is very intriguing. Where the heck did Regina get her "by sundown" assessment?

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Omgosh! There's a swordfight with Snow vs. Regina, and Snow shoves Regina through a glass door! So freaking awesome.


Now I cannot wait!


In that sneak peek for those who cannot see it, Kristoff and Anna are there, Hook opens a door and steps on a bunch of marbles and ends up air born and right on his back (looks painful).

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