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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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ET interview with Elizabeth Mitchell (I can't see this posted anywhere, anyway).


And then there's also a much anticipated and hoped for romantic exploration that is going on, but I can't say who it's with. [Laughs] But I feel like that is going to be incredible.

I doubt this has anything to do with CS.  CS are in the middle of what seems to be an out of control crisis.  Guess we'll see what happens, but I get the impression that my gag reflex will be working overtime of OQ are doing more of the nasty.  Regina is gonna end up pregnant, isn't she?

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I doubt this has anything to do with CS. CS are in the middle of what seems to be an out of control crisis. Guess we'll see what happens, but I get the impression that my gag reflex will be working overtime of OQ are doing more of the nasty. Regina is gonna end up pregnant, isn't she?

Yeah, agree about the CS. Even though EM's statement about the romance is vague, going from other hints, it does seem OQ-related. Bets on whether it's going to be Belle or Regina ending up pregnant? Either option would be beyond ridiculous.

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Well, we already know there's gonna be a OQ morning after, so that's that. But doesn't the release say Will and Robin have some kind of mission? I would hope it's saving-Marian related, but Robin's a douche, so it could be whatever.

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So, Emma and Elsa are gonna be wearing the ribbons next episode right?  Does that mean they come in their possession at the end of 408?  And if so, does that mean there's no family reunion?  If that happens, I see everything ending with DQ, Elsa and Emma as the "family".

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OK, the entire Robin the repugnant Hood morning-after tease is such a putrid insult on so many levels that it is now a lip curling, bile inducing *poke a stick in it, it's done* issue and no longer even a part of ONCE for me. There are tons of other character stories to enjoy and angst over. Regina is the real loser, and while still loving her snarky lines (mostly) I just don't give a flying squat if she ever finds a happy ending. The entire premise of the juvenile Operation Mongoose is based on getting a happy ending, but if Robin the dishonorable, weak, cheating shithead is rolling around in her sheets with a pubescent, raging libido and destroyed character, face sucking her into a sappily ever after eternity, she already will have her happy ending. So what is the point of finding the author?


Ahhh, must be something else, of course.

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Hook says that in every episode, doesn't he? LOL.


I think he says it multiple times in every episode. 


But the script tease does tell us Hook eventually finds Emma and yells out to her. And because of the exclamation point, we can assume he's in anguish, desperately trying to seek her attention because she's in peril and...


...Yeah, no. That script tease just sucks.

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I'm tempted now to retweet that myself before every episode. And it would be accurate 99.9999% of the time.

Seriously, Hook needs to beware of the handcuffs just like Emma needs to keep away from portals.

Edited by OnceUponAJen
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Has anyone figured out where he is?  Maybe she locks him somewhere so that he doesn't follow her.  It's not like she's never done that before.


The theory running around Tumblr is that she handcuffs him to something to keep him from stopping her/because she can't risk hurting him -- in a parallel to Tallahassee and New York Serenade. She hasn't handcuffed him to anything so far this season, so that quota needs to be filled.

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So what is the point of finding the author?

My thoughts exactly. This is why Regina's kiss in 4x07 and the morning after scenes make no sense. Since the writers tell us the author plot goes all through 4B, and Robin is supposedly her "happy ending", it defeats the whole purpose.


Then again, none of the characters have acted logically this season.




Another script tease.



I can't tell you how enthused I am about watching Emma run away and smoking hot OQ scenes for two hours. The only saving grace is the fact the hat mansion was in the promo, which intrigues me.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Adam is just trolling he knows Cs fans begin to worry about the lack of spoilers.


I'm keeping expectation low about any evolution for CS.

They will share 1 scene and it will parallel Tallahasee.

Nothing new, we already knew she is into this!




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Did they not already say that the Snow Queen would lose all interest in Emma if she had no magic? Which means she ain't losing her magic and an entire episode where she tries to do so is pointless because we know it's not going to happen. 

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I bet Robin decides to get his "honor" back the morning after (until the following night). Hence the need to continue Operation Mongoose

Oh my goodness, if he does this he will be the *actual* worst. Sadly, I could so see it happening. He'll run out of the crypt all "that shouldn't have happened!" Like, yeah, jackass, absolutely.
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I bet Robin decides to get his "honor" back the morning after (until the following night). Hence the need to continue Operation Mongoose


Then Regina gets pregnant with his child. Let that sit for a minute. That's exactly the kind of thing I expect from this.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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That CS script tease. Love it. Oh, Adam, you just love teasing people. Not gonna lie, I had a good laugh. I kind of wish he would do more script teases like that, just to mess with people. Killy says swan a million times per episode, so who knows when he yells it this time.

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Can you imagine how insufferable pregnant Regina would be? Because I can't. Seriously, she's already the worst, but with a spawn? And Robin's, to boot? Ugh!


The only good thing that could come out of it is that the odds of Robin biting it will increase marginally. Regina having to deal with raising a child with his father dead is something I could see these writers doing. I mean, she's gotta be the biggest victim ever, or the world will end, and giving her a complete family is just too simple. (Another possibility - the baby will be evil/corrupted by some villain, and cue soapy drama).


In conclusion: oh God no. At this point I'd even take Belle over Regina if somebody absolutely HAS to get pregnant. But seriously, Snow has just given birth, so maybe they will wait at least a season before playing the baby card.

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Besides...if we are going to go all soap opera on the writing, why not wait until there can be a whose the daddy story?

The lost year was such a missed opportunity for this. Imagine if, instead of Snow, it would have been Regina the one pregnant when they go back to Storybrooke, without memories of who is the father. Comedy gold!!!

Back to the script tease, Adam is clearly trolling. It's Adam saying to the Captain Swan shippers that they are going to share a scene. What he is not saying it's that is probably going to be just one and totally pointless, like the ones they have shared since episode 5.


I wonder how he gets injured.

Probably Emma blasts him and that's why she decides to chain him to something, so she can't hurt him again.

Edited by RadioGirl27
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The theory running around Tumblr is that she handcuffs him to something to keep him from stopping her/because she can't risk hurting him -- in a parallel to Tallahassee and New York Serenade. She hasn't handcuffed him to anything so far this season, so that quota needs to be filled.


She probably takes his hook and locked him up in a cell.  I'm assuming he'll be able to free himself, but not holding my breath.  I wonder how he gets injured.

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(Another possibility - the baby will be evil/corrupted by some villain, and cue soapy drama).


Conceived in a crypt full of evil magic under the body of its grandfather who its mother killed and next to the beating heart of its fathers wife who its mother had killed in another timeline and would have killed in this timeline if she weren't trying to look like a hero, who could blame the baby if it did turn out evil - maybe sometimes evil is born.


Who am I kidding? A&E would never turn their pet character into Rosemary. The baby, despite its creepy conception place will be the lightest light that ever did light because she is born of the truest love (which could not be denied despite the Evil White family trying to ruin it by saving a life) and a mother who is able to yield white magic more powerful than Glinda herself (even though she had a power assist from her necklace) despite her years of victimhood at the hands of the Evil White Family.

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Conceived in a crypt full of evil magic under the body of its grandfather who its mother killed and next to the beating heart of its fathers wife who its mother had killed in another timeline and would have killed in this timeline if she weren't trying to look like a hero, who could blame the baby if it did turn out evil - maybe sometimes evil is born.


Hey, it was true love finding its way to each other! So what if they were surrounded by the hearts Regina had never got around to return despite her supposed redemption... maybe they amplify the love R&R have for each other!

Edited by FurryFury
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She probably takes his hook and locked him up in a cell.  I'm assuming he'll be able to free himself, but not holding my breath.


He did manage to get out of handcuffs when he was injured in a bed without his hook.


There was a photo of him in a cell that we haven't seen play out. My guess is that he will be locked up by Emma to "protect" him or allow her to do what she needs to do to get rid of her magic


Way to take away his agency.


Rumpel will probably have some sort of video that shows them the wrong thing.


If Rumpel keeps editing tapes, they'll have to get rid of the phrase "video or it didn't happen" in Storybrooke.

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That script tease has me wondering whether it's actually REGINA who runs away during the morning after. That might actually make Robin even jerkier--if Regina is like "crap, what have we done, you're supposed to be falling in love with your wife to save her, we shouldn't have done this" and he's totally unbothered by what they did and the fact that he's happily consigning Marian to death.

Side note: awkward, leaving him in your own crypt!

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I watch live, but I'm just not inspired by the Robin/Regina thing. Everything happened so quickly with them, that I didn't feel much emotional investment in the relationship. There was no build up of tension, no explanation as to why they might be attracted to one another other than fairy dust fate. Plus the fact that Robin is married makes the whole thing a bit sleazy. It reminds me of the relationship in Sex and the City that Carrie and Big had after he was newly married. They met on the sly in seedy hotels and it just felt wrong. Regina the character deserves better than that, if she wants to be considered as redeemed. She needs someone who will inspire her to do better in life rather than someone who is so weak they'll just rationalize her behavior.

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That might actually make Robin even jerkier--if Regina is like "crap, what have we done, you're supposed to be falling in love with your wife to save her, we shouldn't have done this" and he's totally unbothered by what they did and the fact that he's happily consigning Marian to death.


I won't be surprised at all. If you look at this objectively, they've been really careful with Regina - she hasn't done anything truly bad or immoral - she didn't kill Marian despite thinking about it, she tried to save her after DQ froze her and she broke up with Robin and told him he must fall in love with Marian again. Naturally, this means Robin has to look like an absolute jerk and do all the bad stuff to preserve drama.

Edited by FurryFury
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I've asked my friends to come over and hide all the sharp objects and a few heirlooms I don't want broken. I threatened them not to hide the alcohol though.

Sean tweeted not to miss the opening scene and that he was sorry he couldn't love tweet tonight. Then said that was a Freudian slip.

Um eww. Do not want.

I'm going to cling to Jen's tweet that tonight is not to be missed. I'm hoping Emma's stuff is worth it.

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I think Blue is supposed to be back for this episode. I wonder if she is the "unlikely source" from whom Regina gets info on the book (though she actually seems like a pretty logical source, really) or if she gets involved in the whole removing Emma's powers stuff. It's actually kind of weird no one has gone to consult her yet this season, given all the magical shit happening.

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Love this quote from Elizabeth: "And I think that she could have gotten love from so many different ways, but she seems to have only one idea of what it could be in her head and nothing else fits."

Doesn't it just fit Regina perfectly? If only Lana were just as self aware about her character.

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It's actually kind of weird no one has gone to consult her yet this season, given all the magical shit happening.

Probably because she's debateably the most useless character on the show. Maybe she's just been scheming evil plots.



Love this quote from Elizabeth: "And I think that she could have gotten love from so many different ways, but she seems to have only one idea of what it could be in her head and nothing else fits."


I actually thought she was talking about Regina when I first read that.

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Probably because she's debateably the most useless character on the show. Maybe she's just been scheming evil plots.

Sure, but within the world of the show, she is supposed to be very wise about magical things (if rarely very forthcoming) and she's certainly more of an ally than Rumple. 

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It's possible Robin wants to reach Regina because something changed with Marion. There's going to be a lot of crazy magic going on and since she was frozen by the snow queen, some of that could affect her. Or with everything going on, they could find out something about others who have been frozen that he thinks might help. If it was just about outlaw queen I don't think he would be telling Will.

I'm guessing no one has gone to the blue fairy because she's a pain in the ass. Beyond that, Regina hates her and I don't think Emma knows her power like she does Gold's.

Edited by l star
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Loved E.M on lost, and now I know she is witty and logic.

 Will love for DQ to remplace Regina, nice dream.


Heaven help me for the first time, in forever. I'm beginning to be excited about this one!

I blame the troll in chief Adam for that!

Hook "Swan l" So promising! Endless possibilities!

If it turns up to be nothing . OQ will surely bring a good laugh.

So, I'm still an addict to this soapy crack and need counselling before I'm brainless.

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