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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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Ursula looks kind of mundane next to Cruella. She should be the baddest bitch around so I hope they do her justice. I'm not sure how her black tube dress with tentacles would translate into something workable on land but there's got to be better options than a skirt suit?

I'm not sure I buy into PTSD for Rumple either. Maybe they shouldn't have done that premiere graveside scene where he vowed to be good if that's what they were going for, followed by the hat scene. I just figured he saw the hat and all reason and good intentions went out the window in the face of temptation. I do buy that now more than ever he wants to get out from under the dagger's control because of Zelena but that doesn't mean PTSD. That scene where's he manipulating Emma and the hat doesn't scream PTSD either. And most importantly I don't think Robert is playing it like that. He's playing it like Rumple hungers for ultimate power. There's a noticeable gleam in his eyes when he's scheming and with the hat. If it was coming from a place of trauma I'd expect more desperation on his part. Right now he just seems gleeful and outright scheming bastard.

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I think Mal will be the general villain (the for everyone villain) since she is somehow linked to everyone.  Regina, Emma "slayed" her dragon form, Hook was down there with her when she was a zombie or whatever, Charming put the potion in her...


Ursula and Cruella are probably going to be the sub-villains in this one.

I'm guessing Maleficent will be the main villain, too. I'm up for Ursula be an ambiguous character like the sea witch in the original tale, as long as they give her a "Don't screw with me" edge. I hope she's a recurring villain through the end of the series, too, or at least that she carries over into season 5. I would like if she really is a "goddess," just so we have a character more powerful than Rumpel. She should already be able to travel all the realms at will, which Rumpel can't do. From what they've shown of Maleficent in the past, I don't picture her being too formidable.


I expect her to be connected to Rumpel, most likely the ink he planted for Emma in season 2 was from her? Also, I could see her having offered Hook a deal at some point, too. I know I've speculated about how they could do Ursula since the beginning. If she was already in the real world before Storybrooke came there, perhaps she could've been banished there by Ariel's father (a place with no magic where she can't hurt anyone)? Honestly, if they do include King Triton as another "god," he most likely wouldn't be a friend of the cast either.

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It might be a K-8 school. My cousin's elementary/middle school was like that, though it was a Catholic School and not public.

I'm really excited to be having so many villainesses running around. We haven't had competing evil female factions on the show much, and not at all in the present day.  It'll be interesting to see where everyone's loyalties lie.

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Does this look like while CS are strolling, they meet Belle? Actually, at some point it looked like Belle and Emma were BOTH hugging Hook, which would be hilarious and I'd pay to tie Rumple to a chair and make him watch it over and over.


Oh, and it seems like CS are actually holding the coffee, not Jen and Colin behind the scenes. Hook discovers Starbucks? 

Edited by Serena
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So I don't mean to be that person, but Regina dropping Henry off to school (so he slept at her house) plus Emma and Hook strolling with coffee probably early in the morning, equals... you know? Yes?

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So I don't mean to be that person, but Regina dropping Henry off to school (so he slept at her house) plus Emma and Hook strolling with coffee probably early in the morning, equals... you know? Yes?


Well you're not just that person.  After reading the description, him waiting for her, the kiss...I'll be that person, you know...they crossed that line in the sand.


I know it's probably rehearsal, but Belles looks happy for someone who just found out her husband is a giant asshole.  If she wasn't wearing her gloves, we'd probably be able to tell if she's still wearing her wedding ring.


Also, on a totally shallow note, I love, love, love her coat and the color.  Now...put Belle in a pair of pants.

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I'm going to guess that Storybrooke Savings and Loan is Ursula's place, where she offers deals of a more mundane sort than Rumple does. Those poor unfortunate souls have to get loans from somewhere.


And it's probably from the second curse, which would explain the nuns not being able to use it in Season 1.

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Does thisActually, at some point it looked like Belle and Emma were BOTH hugging Hook, which would be hilarious and I'd pay to tie Rumple to a chair and make him watch it over and over.

Hook discovers Starbucks?

Killy would be so overwhelmed by Starbucks. I second the Killy/Belle notion. Sounds like the ultimate revenge plan against Rumple. Become besties. They can start a book of the month club and meet up at the coffee place for discussion.

Not gonna lie, a Captain Beauty brotp is one of my secret guilty pleasures. I know it'll probably never happen, and I wouldn't want it to happen until Killy sincerely apologies. I suppose it would be too much like the Regina/Emma/everybody- wants-to-be-her-friend-for-some-reason :(. I just really want to seem them geek out/ get into heated discussions about books (and their interpretations)

Forgot to add, does anyone else see a *possible* fish scale-ish pattern on Ursula's shirt/outfit underneath her jacket, or am I hallucinating?

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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Does this look like while CS are strolling, they meet Belle? Actually, at some point it looked like Belle and Emma were BOTH hugging Hook, which would be hilarious and I'd pay to tie Rumple to a chair and make him watch it over and over.

Oh good, I'm not the only one who initially saw it that way. I was thinking that surely that had to be between takes or an outtake because it's hard to imagine Belle in a group hug with Hook. But I do love the idea of Belle and Hook becoming friends because I actually think they'd get each other. There would have to be mutual apologies -- a sincere one from him about hurting her and her admitting that she was wrong about him having a black heart and blaming him for Milah's death and for making Rumple go dark. Then they could talk about books. And Rumple would blow a gasket because it would be yet another person in his life he's driven away, only for them to end up with Hook.



Random: Is anyone else having trouble typing on here?

One of the ads (that CW Movember one) kept hanging my browser while it tried to load, then I'd get the "script not responding" message, then it would try to load again, and every time it was loading, I wouldn't be able to type for a while. It was taking me ten minutes to type a post, so I started doing everything in Text Edit and then pasting during the rare moments when the site wasn't hanging. Then I finally installed an ad blocker because the ads were making the site unusable and I was having to force quit my browser several times a day. It's worked fine since then.

Edited by Shanna Marie
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There would have to be mutual apologies -- a sincere one from him about hurting her and her admitting that she was wrong about him having a black heart and blaming him for Milah's death and for making Rumple go dark. Then they could talk about books. And Rumple would blow a gasket because it would be yet another person in his life he's driven away, only for them to end up with Hook.

Agreed. Hook's previous apology wasn't sufficient not so much due to insincerity but due to pride. I think by that point he was truly sorry for it because he had come to regret and hate the man he once was...the issue was publically apologizing for it to the woman who is still Rumple's girlfriend and still openly loves him, while Hook still very much hates him. I can definitely see how he'd be thinking "Ugh, I do regret what I did, it was wrong, but do I really have to apologize to HER about it? She's so bloody irritating!"

Nevertheless, I would love seeing both Hook and Belle get over their mutual discomfort of each other and become friends, if not just to severely piss off Rumple, whose self-awareness is lacking when it comes to Hook (he didn't "steal Milah", she left with him of her own choice when YOU stubbornly refused to salvage your marriage by moving some place else!)

Edited by Mathius
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My reading of what's happening in this pic:


"I want more coffee!"

"Dammit, Granny is cleaning my room right now!"

"Dammit, David is back at the loft with the baby!"

"Oh, look, Swan, this office is convenient and unoccupied. And I can even promise you multi service." (naughty eyebrow raise)


I am also one of those reading the tea leaves from the coffee. Given that we had to endure crypt sex, we damn well better see more with CS than euphemistic coffee to know something happened.

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(he didn't "steal Milah", she left with him of her own choice when YOU stubbornly refused to salvage your marriage by moving some place else!)


And also refused to fight for her to get her back when given the opportunity.  You know the whole "A man who doesn't fight for what he wants deserves what he gets."  Wasn't that on Hook's poster for this season or was a fan manip?  Because we seem to be getting just that for the character.


There actually is a Storybrooke Coffee in town. It's been in the background for as long as I can remember.

Have they?  I actually tend to not notice things unless they are pointed out.  So now I know there are ATMs around Storybrooke and a dentist as well as a lawyer.  I thought Gold was the only lawyer in town, the only landlord which means Hook will forever live at Granny's.  I can see the conversation about references and security deposits.

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Agreed. Hook's previous apology wasn't sufficient not so much due to insincerity but due to pride. I think by that point he was truly sorry for it because he had come to regret and hate the man he once was...the issue was publically apologizing for it to the woman who is still Rumple's girlfriend and still openly loves him, while Hook still very much hates him.

There's also the fact that it was essentially a coerced apology in public, and those are never satisfying to anyone. The wronged party has to wonder if it was sincere at all or was just said because it was more or less demanded in front of an audience, and the apologizer knows that no matter how sincere it is, it's going to sound insincere in those circumstances, and it pre-empts any real apology he might have been planning to make on his own without being prompted. But it might also be difficult for him to feel like a sincere apology would be welcomed or believed while she still thinks he has such a dark heart and is the one who harmed poor Rumple. How do you apologize to someone who believes you're the worst? But maybe if she learns the truth about the dagger, sees what Rumple has been up to and sees Hook's very non-black heart she might be open to accepting a more sincere apology and might open the door by admitting that maybe she was wrong about him. But on this show, it will all be bygones on both sides. Even if there isn't a group hug, it looks like Belle's meeting up with Hook and Emma and is on more or less friendly terms.

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Does this look like Belle is opening up the library while CS are passing by? Maybe they stop and chat, or they're going there for research? They don't seem to be in a hurry, so I'm guessing it's not "we need to find out how to stop an evil witch" kind of time sensitive research.

There's also a pic of Hook opening a door, but I can't tell what door it is. Is it Granny's or the library?

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If this is filming for 4x12 that means this episode won't premiere till March correct?

According to Wikipedia, 4X12 "Heroes and Villains" airs on December 14th and is the midseason finale. I'm assuming with the reveal of the new villains, that is what they are currently filming.


I'm curious as to why Hook and Emma want to go inside the library. Are they researching something?

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I'm curious as to why Hook and Emma want to go inside the library. Are they researching something?


I know if there was a crisis at hand (like right this moment), Hook and Emma wouldn't be strolling leisurely like that like they don't see to have a care in the world.  We know what lives under the library and Emma and Hook are the only two people who have been down there.  Maybe they're going to check it out and make sure there's no Maleficent still alive or something?

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I think all these scenes, Emma and Hook going for a walk, Regina taking Henry to the bus, Belle opening the library, etc. are the beginning of the episode. They are all relaxed, thinking the last crisis is averted and then boom!, Maleficent (or someone else) appears.

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I've checked again and I believe Emma and Hook go for a walk to the library. In the background of the Hook-kissing-Emma's forehead pic, you can see the library entrance and Belle's coat. Then there's a pic of Hook entering the library. Since a forehead kiss kind of seems like a goodbye, maybe they have breakfast/coffee together, then they walk to the library, and Emma goes to work while Hook goes inside? Like other have said, a leisury stroll with coffee doesn't exactly scream "we're going to research something because we are in mortal danger"


Crack theory that I would love more than anything: Belle hires Hook to help her at the library! After all, he's good at research. 


I'm going to check if it seems like Hook and Belle are running together from the same direction in the "Maleficient is attacking" pics.

Edited by Serena
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We may be overthinking this. Hook goes into the library because that's where the books are. His cabin on the Jolly Roger was loaded with books. He no longer has the Jolly Roger. There's got to be some way he's been learning about modern life, so maybe he's been spending his spare time in the library all along.


I'm about to head to the library, and I'm just going to get books, not to research evil. (well, not this time, at any rate)


But I do agree this looks like they're filming a kind of "ordinary world" sequence to show day-to-day life in Storybrooke when it's not under magical threat before all hell breaks loose. Again. If Maleficent bursts out of the library dungeon while Hook is researching modern life, he'll have a front-row seat.

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Crack theory that I would love more than anything: Belle hires Hook to help her at the library! After all, he's good at research.


You know...for as much as I make fun of how useless Belle is as a character, her hiring Hook to work at the library and their begrudging friendship could actually save her character for me. I'm all on board! 


What would be funnier is if Belle puts out an ad for a librarian assistant, and Hook is literally the only person in town who responds to it.

Edited by Curio
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Thanks. I guess the confusion comes from the last episode actually being two episodes in one. "Heroes and Villains" would have been episode 4x11, but because of the double episode, it is now technically 4x12, unless they considered Smash the Mirror to be only one episode. But even abc.com lists it as 4x8 and 4x9.



But as long as we know they are actually filming "Darkness on the Edge of Town", then we know it's 4B!


I wonder if there will be a time jump? I'd like to actually see Hook and Emma develop their relationship more, but I guess I'll take what I can get. I'm just glad they are still together!


Then there's a pic of Hook entering the library. Since a forehead kiss kind of seems like a goodbye, maybe they have breakfast/coffee together, then they walk to the library, and Emma goes to work while Hook goes inside? Like other have said, a leisury stroll with coffee doesn't exactly scream "we're going to research something because we are in mortal danger"


Do we know for sure Hook kissed her on the forehead? To me it just looks like a weird angle and I don't really see a kiss. Also, I don't think they need to be in mortal danger to research something, I just can't think of anything at the moment that they would want to research at the library! Unless the library has real estate listings, or want ads, or job postings.

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I'm with you, pezgirl. I hope there is at least a little bit of a time jump so it really isn't crisis! Crisis! Crisis! And the Henry bus moment seems to reflect that as well.

As for the library, I also think it could be a leisurely visit for Hook. After all, we do know there are pop-up books about ships in there. ;-)

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A Belle/Hook friendship though weird might work.  I remember Belle's fish out of water experiences when she discovered burgers and iced tea because she hadn't had the Storybrooke download.  I did get the impression that whatever happened between them was maybe water under the bridge in the two episodes they somewhat interacted in.


Also, if Hook is in the library it's probably for a plot point.  I'm assuming that the hat will be back in the possession of the good guys, so maybe he's going to look up a way to get rid of it or something to that effect.  I don't see him cooked up in a library putting books back on the shelves.

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A Belle/Hook friendship though weird might work.  I remember Belle's fish out of water experiences when she discovered burgers and iced tea because she hadn't had the Storybrooke download.  I did get the impression that whatever happened between them was maybe water under the bridge in the two episodes they somewhat interacted in.


Responding in the relationships thread. 

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You know...for as much as I make fun of how useless Belle is as a character, her hiring Hook to work at the library and their begrudging friendship could actually save her character for me. I'm all on board! 


What would be funnier is if Belle puts out an ad for a librarian assistant, and Hook is literally the only person in town who responds to it.

I would love this! A&E, make it so!

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As for the library, I also think it could be a leisurely visit for Hook. After all, we do know there are pop-up books about ships in there. ;-)


I think A&E were trying to be clever and drop a hint to future plot points in that scene.  It was just too blatantly trying to misdirect.  Look at the pop-up book about ships.  No wait Robin is looking at a pop-up book about cars.  Forget about that pop up pirate book, Robin found a new page about the OUAT book.


I vote for Regina shares her 'find the author' mission with Emma and Hook learns about the pop up book from Will and they go to take a peak at it specifically.


It belatedly occurs to me that Belle is a sucky librarian.  Why was Dr. Suess next to a book about cars?

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It belatedly occurs to me that Belle is a sucky librarian.  Why was Dr. Suess next to a book about cars?

Maybe in a land of fairytale characters, it's impossible to differentiate between real/not real, and therefore no classification system.  Everything's organized by title, or author's last name?

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Interview with Josh and Ginny. Not particularly spoilery, but in here just in case.

Hehe, I just watched that video. When Josh jokingly talked about the crowded living situation at the loft and how Emma doesn't pay them rent, I was like "Come on, dude. You shoved her through a wardrobe by herself as a newborn so she could free you and your people from a curse...and she did. And Emma has continued saving your butts plenty of times since then. Free rent for LIFE!" 

Edited by regularlyleaded
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After all, we do know there are pop-up books about ships in there. ;-)


A prop they made for the show (the pages after the pop-up ship are all blank). The two books that Robin pulls are real (an ancient mercedes maintenance book and The Cat and The Hat), but Will pulls out a prop book. Why? If they wanted him to be fascinated by a pop-up of a ship (or anything), there are lots of more impressive pop-up books you can get for less money than making your own book  (anything by Robert Sabuda).


Haven't A&E said that the Jolly Roger is returning? I think the pop-up book Will found is either predicting the future or documenting life in Storybrooke. I think it was a significant find and stupid Operation Mongoose Page XXIII distracted viewers and Will from it.


The "Once Upon a Time" book is found when it is needed. I think Will found the book because he or somebody else will need it. 

Edited by kili
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Just because this thread is so dead right now and will likely be this way until we get the sneak peeks and whatever else.  It seems that Blue is brewing some sort of potion in the preview for the whole shattered sight spell.  I'm shocked they thought of using her for something magical.

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'm shocked they thought of using her for something magical.

She's probably rarely used because she has no fairy dust. That doesn't exactly give an excuse for her not being a consultant, though. I wonder if it's some sort of spell to make a person immune to the effects. I wonder who she'll give it to... Emma?

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I suspect Emma's not going to be at risk in the first place, as that would have deleterious effects on her feelings toward her other "sisters". One of the Charmings would be my guess. Snow's supposed to be in charge of this town, so she'd make sense.

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Wasn't it said in some interview that the ribbon bracelets make them immune to the Shattered Sight spell?


I didn't get the impression that the spell would make people actually go evil -- so I wouldn't expect Hook to revert to pirate mode, for instance -- just that it focuses on the dark and blots out the good. So all Anna could see was how Elsa shut her out, and she completely forgot anything about Elsa's love for her. All of Belle's deepest fears were brought out by the mirror.


The kind of stuff I could see happening would be Snow getting more fierce about holding onto the baby and maybe even blaming David for the times she's had infants ripped out of her arms, while David talks about how she's shutting him out and only cares about the baby. Hook might sink into a "I'm a horrible person and nobody loves me" depression. Grumpy will hate everyone. Granny may be a raging paranoid with her crossbow.

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I didn't get the impression that the spell would make people actually go evil



Didn't Lana pretty much say that Regina goes evil in SB, though? I think I even heard something about how she starts dressing as the EQ?

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Didn't Lana pretty much say that Regina goes evil in SB, though? I think I even heard something about how she starts dressing as the EQ?

Well, to be fair, it's not a very far walk for Regina from "Regina" to "Evil Queen". 

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