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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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4 hours ago, Shanna Marie said:

Whether or not Tiana dies, if the show's pattern holds true, her being named a regular will be the kiss of death for her character. Up to the point where she was named a regular, she'll have had a lot to do. Once she becomes a regular, the writers will lose all interest in her and stop giving her anything to do. She'll mostly hang around in the background for scenes and get maybe a line or two per episode. The only exception so far has been Hook, and I wonder if Colin broke the pattern by breaking his leg soon after being named a regular -- they couldn't use him, so they became more interested in him instead of having him available and losing interest.

Thinking more about what we know of the situation for season seven, Henry really comes across as a jerk. First there's leaving home -- not just to go to another city, but using the Last Magic Bean (is "last" maybe a variety of magic bean rather than a description of its status?) to go off gallivanting to other worlds so he can be enough of a hero to get written into a storybook. There are lots of ways in our world to be a hero, and wanting to get written into the book is looking for glory rather than true heroics. Plus, isn't it selfish to use the Last Magic Bean (and we really mean it this time) to go off looking for glory? Given the number of crises they've had when they really could have used a magic bean, you'd think they'd save it for an emergency, or use it to grow more magic beans, or something more sensible (I had a similar problem with Red using an earlier Last Magic Bean to to off looking for the pack she rejected and that rejected her). But then there's Henry off in another world, getting married, and having a kid, and unless he's using more Last Magic Beans to pop in on his folks every so often, that means his parents and grandparents are missing out on all the major milestones in his life and missing out on his wedding and getting to see their grandchild/great-grandchild as a baby and growing up. Given his family's history, that's especially harsh, since Emma missed out on his early years and the Charmings missed out on Emma's childhood. He's by choice doing to his family what Regina did to them with the curse.

Plus, all the looking to be a hero to get in the book and the magic bean shenanigans are unnecessary, given that Henry is the Author, and it's been established that the Author has the ability and the duty to world-hop. Henry probably should be out traveling among worlds, but he has the power to do so, and he has a good reason to do so other than wanting to be in the books that he, himself, is supposed to be writing.

He was raised by Regina and he has Stiltskin genes ... that was always going to overpower Emma's genes and influence; thus we have egotistical douche who thinks he's entitled to do whatever he wants using double standards to justify his own selfish behaviour. 

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I just don't get where they are going with this season.  How do you have Hook without Emma?  If Henry was in trouble, Emma would go, even if she was pregnant with triplets, it would be Hook that would stay behind.  Its just dumb.  I'm looking forward to seeing Hook, Regina and Rumple in their new curse personalities.  But knowing that there is really no Storybrooke to go back to or the people that lived there.  I can't see the point of having kept old regulars in new roles other than the actors still had contracts?

I kind of hope that we don't see much of Hook, Regina and Rumple in the second half of the season, so the new stories can take over because the old stories aren't coming back.

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6 minutes ago, scenicbyway said:

I can't see the point of having kept old regulars in new roles other than the actors still had contracts?

I think it's the case of having their cake and eating it too.  The three characters they've left on the show are also their favorite characters to write for.  They seriously think there are still stories to tell for Rumple, that Regina still needs to find her happy ending, etc.  In addition, they see the remaining characters as a way to draw in existing viewers and legitimize the new stories.  They saw with the "Wonderland" spinoff that with no originals, interest plummets.  This way, they think they can retain a core contingent of viewers.  If the show does badly in the fall, I think they'll actually rely even more on Hook, Regina and Rumple.

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I think it's the case of having their cake and eating it too.  The three characters they've left on the show are also their favorite characters to write for

It's Regina, then Rumple, and then Hook at a distant third.


 that Regina still needs to find her happy ending, etc. 

All Regina really could use is a new boyfriend. But, "she's never been defined by a man", so I don't know if that's in the cards.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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1 minute ago, KingOfHearts said:

All Regina really could use is a new boyfriend. But, "she's never been defined by a man", so I don't know if that's in the cards.

Their messaging is always contradictory.  She let 40 years of her life be consumed with revenge because of the loss of a man. If that isn't being defined by a man, I don't know what is.

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45 minutes ago, Camera One said:

Their messaging is always contradictory.  She let 40 years of her life be consumed with revenge because of the loss of a man. If that isn't being defined by a man, I don't know what is.

Not to mention all the moping over her relationship with Robin Hood. Especially with the whole Marian debacle.

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51 minutes ago, Camera One said:

Their messaging is always contradictory.  She let 40 years of her life be consumed with revenge because of the loss of a man. If that isn't being defined by a man, I don't know what is.

Replying in Regina's thread of giggles.

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There's a new article with a few quotes from A&E in Hollywood Reporter today but it has absolutely nothing new.  If you insist on reading Eddy's new words...


Yes, those season one callbacks are intentional.

"We're not going to be retelling season one, but we always have echoes," Kitsis tells THR. "The premise is of the show was fairy-tale characters who no longer remember who they were searching for happy endings. That's the spine that we're still following, like a road map."

Same spine, same road map but we won't be retelling the same stories.  Uh, okay.


Rumple's new identity is still a mystery — and will remain so for a while.

"A lot of that we do want to try to preserve as a surprise," says Kitsis. "Needless to say, he is someone who has his fingers in a lot of pies, who's connected to many of the stories in ways that are very Rumple-like. He's an intimidating figure."

Why would they need to keep this a surprise?  New crime boss?  Corrupt cop?  Who cares?


"For 'Captain Swan' fans that are worried, don't be. But watch it, and all will be explained in episode two," says Horowitz. "They don't have to be frightened, but they do have to watch."

Adds Kitsis, "We are very cognizant of the passion."

They do HAVE to watch.  Nice strategy there.

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1 hour ago, Camera One said:

but they do have to watch

No I don't HAVE to watch, Eddy. I prefer fanfic. No other Show or book has made the switch to fanfic over canon easier. This Show keeps repeating the same plot over and over in such a dull manner, I rather prefer and enjoy reading variations created by fic writers way more. 

Edited by Rumsy4
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20 minutes ago, Rumsy4 said:

No I don't HAVE to watch, Eddy. I prefer fanfic. No other Show or book has made the switch to fanfic over canon easier. This Show keeps repeating the same plot over and over in such a dull manner, I rather prefer and enjoy reading variations created by fic writers way more. 

For those of us feeling disappointed and missing the in depth emotional discussions and full resolutions to the tremendous number of emotional & physical traumas...that any real human being would have to work through..fanfic is our only source.

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10 hours ago, Camera One said:

Is Henry going to be The Author AND The Savior now?  

God, I hope not. If everyone and their cousin is a savior it really lessens the specialness and uniqueness  of Emma being one. We already have Aladdin and Rumple born as saviors. To add yet another one would dilute its meaning.

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52 minutes ago, MadyGirl1987 said:

To add yet another one would dilute its meaning.

To be fair it's already diluted. Originally they made it seem the True Love baby is what made Emma special and the savior. Obviously Rumple's parents were not true love. We never met Aladdin's parents so I can't comment there.

Literally every major story after Neverland diluted Emma's specialness. 3B Regina shoots out light magic out of nowhere and it's never addressed again.

4A Elsa and Snow Queen show up with magic as powerful as Emma's while Emma loses control of hers for no real reason.

4B the egnapping and darkness transfer making it seem Emma is only good because of what her parents did before she was born.

5A she reacts worse than Rumple did initially to the Dark Curse, etc.

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On 9/1/2017 at 11:37 AM, Shanna Marie said:

Thinking more about what we know of the situation for season seven, Henry really comes across as a jerk. First there's leaving home -- not just to go to another city, but using the Last Magic Bean (is "last" maybe a variety of magic bean rather than a description of its status?)

Just pointing out that Regina didn't say it was the last magic bean. She said, "If that's the only magic bean you have-". As in the only one he's taking with him. Not necessarily the only one around. We all know Henry would think it's more adventurous not to plan for his return.

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Why didn't they just use the Apprentice's Wand to send him away?  Isn't it around somewhere?  Wouldn't it be smarter to keep the magic bean in case he wants to come back? I still think it's ridiculous that no one else came to his goodbye.  I wonder if Episode 2's Emma flashbacks will explain why.  I suppose it could be as easy as Henry telling Emma and Hook that he doesn't want them there because he'll get too emotional.  And say goodbye to grandma and grandpa for me though they probably couldn't care less.  

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20 minutes ago, Noneofyourbusiness said:

Just pointing out that Regina didn't say it was the last magic bean.

But it does seem like every magic bean they come across is the Last Magic Bean. Where are all these beans coming from? There was all the drama at the end of season 2 when Regina destroyed the bean field and Hook swiped the Last Magic Bean, so they couldn't escape. Then they used that bean to get to Neverland. But then Snow miraculously had another bean from somewhere to give Red so she could go realm hopping, and apparently they came up with another for Henry. Meanwhile, they were terribly rare in the Enchanted Forest, so Hook had to revive a dessicated one to open a portal to get him and Cora over, but Blackbeard keeps finding them whenever Hook needs another one. So, are they rare, or not? And given the number of crises in which they've desperately needed a magic bean, it seems irresponsible to use them for anything other than a crisis, unless they got that field going again, in which case Henry is dumb for only taking one. Then there's still the issue that Henry's the Author and supposedly can travel between worlds without a bean. Maybe he can't take his motorbike without a bean.

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I rewatched the 7x01 sneak peek for no good reason. After listening to the dialogue a bit more thoroughly, I finally understand @Camera One's joke about the "Italian Snow White" or "French Cinderella". Henry complained about not being in any of the stories, but wasn't it a rule that the Author wasn't allowed to write his own story? And even if he meant to metaphorically, he's already been very involved in the fairy tale shenanigans. He's been a "hero" on more than one occasion. I never got the impression that he didn't fit in, much less to the extent I did with Emma in S3. "Finding your own story" is a nice sentiment for going off to college or whatever, but it really wasn't executed well here. Sure, there's plenty going on to document in Storybrooke, but we need to go out and find the German Rapunzel!

The dialogue is awful and stilted. No one talks like they do. It's about as pretentious as a monologue from Jacob of Lost. The acting is pretty bad too. But, to give Lana credit, she's working with bottom-of-the-barrel scripting here. I see Henry has picked up on August's arrogant smirking.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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It feels like a straight-to-DVD extra epilogue.  It's interesting that one scene encapsulates a lot of their writing problems.  It was a very clunky attempt to explain why Henry left, adding to and complicating ill-defined mythology that already made very little sense to begin with.  On top of that, Jared got very heavy exposition and dialogue and motivation which is more appropriate for a naive 10 year old with the heart of the truest believer.  The purpose of the entire conversation is forcing the plot where they want it to go.  So none of it feels organic or honest.   

Then, they make it worse with that "cool" motorcycle racing sequence which makes Adult Henry seem like a total jerk.  

Edited by Camera One
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11 hours ago, MadyGirl1987 said:

God, I hope not. If everyone and their cousin is a savior it really lessens the specialness and uniqueness  of Emma being one. We already have Aladdin and Rumple born as saviors. To add yet another one would dilute its meaning.

As @daxx said, "Too late for that!".  Rumple being a savior (with his mother and father???) pretty much destroyed any vestige of "specialness" the word might have had.

8 hours ago, Shanna Marie said:

So, are they rare, or not?

Just like "magic has consequences", they're only rare when the heroes need them.

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It appears the writers have gutted the "1920s New Orleans" origin for Tiana altogether in favor of painting her as every other "independent medieval princess" on the show. Greaaat. Her backstory sounds very generic.

The bigger question is - what's Hook doing in Alternate Enchanted Forest?

Edited by KingOfHearts
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"She’s a princess with a mission — to restore freedom to her people.  Tiana’s most defining characteristic is her strength,” say the Once creators. “She’s been through a lot when we meet her, but she never wavers even when doubting oneself would seem to be the most logical, and safe, course of action.

Is anyone else getting Merida vibes? 

I had expected to meet the Cursed version of Tiana first.  That might make such an abrasively sounding character more palatable.  

From the photo at least, it seems like they're hostile towards Regina and Hook.

Speaking of which, I'm also surprised Regina and Hook are going to meet Tiana and Cinders in flashbacks before they all get Cursed.  Is this the Enchanted Forest we know, or is it some other Enchanted Forest - that looks exactly the same?  

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8 minutes ago, Camera One said:

Speaking of which, I'm also surprised Regina and Hook are going to meet Tiana and Cinders in flashbacks before they all get Cursed.  Is this the Enchanted Forest we know, or is it some other Enchanted Forest - that looks exactly the same?  

It's getting to the point where you can recognise individual trees and rocks in that forest.

8 minutes ago, Camera One said:

Is anyone else getting Merida vibes? 

I had expected to meet the Cursed version of Tiana first.  That might make such an abrasively sounding character more palatable.  

I hope not like Merida, that was such a disappointing version of her character, even though I didn't like Brave as much as I'd hoped. This version of Tiana is being described pretty generically which is a shame considering in her film she was strong and brave in her own right, though I guess that's easier for them to write for, just switch out early Snow scripts a bit of Merida and Mulan and jiggle things around a bit.

Edited by Featherhat
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Yeah, this has absolutely nothing to do with Tiana's backstory, unless she's going to take back her kingdom by opening another restaurant?  Speaking of which, we never actually got a coherent story for how Snowing got their kingdom back, so I'm really glad we will get to go on that journey with Tiana.

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That Matt Mitovich‏ is playing with fire over his "clever cropping job" on this image: 

Matt Mitovich  @MattMitovich  3h3 hours ago

To be clear, what I cropped out from the full image, only for now, was some whole other thing going on that was pulling focus.


Edited by Camera One
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Meh. I'm so bored with this "tease". It's probably someone else that Hook betrayed in his past. Though it's confusing if Tiana is from another Realm. I seriously doubt this is a past or present romantic interest for  Hook.

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8 minutes ago, scenicbyway said:

I'm confused about the whole thing. The rest of the picture has Regina with short hair and adult Henry?  Why is Hook in his pre-Emma vest?

Perhaps this is the hint that it is a 'copy' of pre SB Killian  but with present day Killian's memories/personality...??

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The Blue Fairy started a cloning factory, and since Adult Henry needed help, she agreed to clone Hook, to go along with Regina and Rumple.  The cloning procedure doesn't work well on pregnant women, so no Emma clone was made.  

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7 minutes ago, PixiePaws1 said:

Perhaps this is the hint that it is a 'copy' of pre SB Killian  but with present day Killian's memories/personality...??

It's sad that S7 is breeding confusing speculation like this.


The Blue Fairy started a cloning factory, and since Adult Henry needed help, she agreed to clone Hook, to go along with Regina and Rumple.  The cloning procedure doesn't work well on pregnant women, so no Emma clone was made.  

Still a better solution than the Realms of Story nonsense. Clones would actually be much more sensible. 

Edited by KingOfHearts
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So this is what we know so far.

HENRY: "I want to find my own story.  See ya."

Many years later.

ADULT HENRY: "Help.  In trouble.  I'm in Fairytale World #815."

REGINA: "Emma, you can't go because this world already has a Savior.  If you go and there are two Saviors, the world will implode."

HOOK: "Emma, you stay here. I'll go."

RUMPLE: "I'll go because I secretly want the magical jackpot that exists in World #815 but outwardly I'll say I want to make it up to my grandson for letting him down by trying to kill him multiple times."

Regina, Hook and Rumple use the Last Magic Bean to enter a portal.

TIANA: "Stop there, intruders.  I'll kill you if it's the last thing I do!"

ADULT HENRY: "Cool it, Tianna.  They're my family.  I'm so glad you are here.  This Enchanted Forest is in turmoil.  A Dark Curse has been enacted."

RUMPLE: "Sorry dearie, there's nothing we can do but be swept up in it and get new Curse identities.  Except for me.  I'll make a deal so I'll know exactly what's going on."

ADULT HENRY: "Mom, Killian, this is my wife Cinderella."

REGINA: "Grrrr.  Drama."

LADY TREMAINE: "Muahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahaha."

Edited by Camera One
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1 hour ago, Rumsy4 said:

Meh. I'm so bored with this "tease". It's probably someone else that Hook betrayed in his past. Though it's confusing if Tiana is from another Realm. I seriously doubt this is a past or present romantic interest for  Hook.

Naveen, Tiana's True Love from the movie is a person of colour. With all the criticism this show already gets for ignoring other serious issues like consent (Graham and Regina, Zelena and Robin) would Adam and Eddy really want to add White Washing to that list too? 

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1 hour ago, RhyleeS said:

Naveen, Tiana's True Love from the movie is a person of colour. With all the criticism this show already gets for ignoring other serious issues like consent (Graham and Regina, Zelena and Robin) would Adam and Eddy really want to add White Washing to that list too? 

It happened with Lily, so it's not impossible.

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Tiana could also be shown without her love interest, like Mulan.  Or Naveen could be killed off like Maid Marian.  They could also say they're melding the Disney movie with the Grimm version of "The Frog Prince".  Both Hook and Tiana had a thing for ectothermic vertebrates, so that's a starting point.  Maybe Naveen is Rumple's brother.  

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1 hour ago, KingOfHearts said:

It happened with Lily, so it's not impossible.

I had nearly forgotten about this.  Though Lily was not a Disney character.  I was thinking Disney might take issue with them doing something as drastic as killing off --or eliminating from the story -- their only black Disney Prince.


1 hour ago, Camera One said:

Tiana could also be shown without her love interest, like Mulan.  Or Naveen could be killed off like Maid Marian.  They could also say they're melding the Disney movie with the Grimm version of "The Frog Prince".  Both Hook and Tiana had a thing for ectothermic vertebrates, so that's a starting point.  Maybe Naveen is Rumple's brother.  

With this show? You never, ever know. :)

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10 hours ago, scenicbyway said:

Why is Hook in his pre-Emma vest?

My guess is because they don't care about a new costume for Hook - they always go back to the red vest for him. This ensures they have plenty of budget left for Regina's outfits.

What I don't understand is what they're doing to Tiana's story. I haven't seen that movie in several years, but wasn't her dream to own a restaurant? A&E said the movie was a "jumping off point", so why is she now fighting for her people? The movie ended with her and Naveen opening up a restaurant. It feels like they've just made her into "generic EF princess #85". Similar to Jasmine and Mulan, they call her by a Disney Princess name, but then give her a completely different personality and story.

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1 hour ago, Kktjones said:

It feels like they've just made her into "generic EF princess #85". Similar to Jasmine and Mulan, they call her by a Disney Princess name, but then give her a completely different personality and story.

Yeah, I'm irked about making Tiana a generic princess fighting for her people when the whole point of Tiana was that she wasn't a princess to start with. The climax of the story is that she and Naveen marry as frogs, accepting that they can't be human again but wanting to be together anyway, and the wedding makes her a princess, which means their wedding kiss breaks the curse. But she still doesn't have the "princess" attributes he was looking for before his experience as a frog changed him. He was looking to marry for money, but he changed. If Tiana's already a princess, that doesn't work. Unless maybe this is a post-Naveen Tiana, and Naveen got Marianed. But even there, they were running a restaurant, not being royalty. If they mess up Tiana, I'll be irked because she and Merida were the princesses I most identify with, and they already destroyed Merida.

I also don't see how apparently Past Hook (in the Red Vest of Sex and Evil) could have interacted with Tiana and Cinderella when they were adults, but then they're also the same age as Henry when Henry's an adult, and Hook is still the same age. Ugh, Evil Hook will have done something awful that froze them in time, right? They got in the way of his revenge, and he's the reason that they're now the same age as adult Henry. Meeting them again will cause drama, he'll feel guilty and apologize and probably attempt to do something sacrificial to make up for it.

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2 hours ago, Kktjones said:

My guess is because they don't care about a new costume for Hook - they always go back to the red vest for him. This ensures they have plenty of budget left for Regina's outfits.

What I don't understand is what they're doing to Tiana's story. I haven't seen that movie in several years, but wasn't her dream to own a restaurant? A&E said the movie was a "jumping off point", so why is she now fighting for her people? The movie ended with her and Naveen opening up a restaurant. It feels like they've just made her into "generic EF princess #85". Similar to Jasmine and Mulan, they call her by a Disney Princess name, but then give her a completely different personality and story.

I think Tiana works at a restaurant in Hyperion Heights, but I'm not entirely sure.

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55 minutes ago, oncebluethrone said:

I think Tiana works at a restaurant in Hyperion Heights, but I'm not entirely sure.

Yes, there was also a scene filmed of what looked like her catering some event. The characters who originated in fairy tale land got a new modern story and it appears they are doing the opposite with Tiana. The OUAT spin on her original story will play out in HH with a made-up fairy tale back story so the character can also appear in flashbacks. In that case the modern Seattle version of Naveen the frog prince would be a socially awkward, nondescript, nerdy guy who is eventually revealed to be a high-tech millionaire. After all, that scenario has played out many times in real life in Seattle.

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"She’s a princess with a mission — to restore freedom to her people."

Because every story involving Blacks has to include slavery!

14 hours ago, RhyleeS said:

[W]ould Adam and Eddy really want to add White Washing to that list too? 

Have you been paying any attention? (answer: in a heartbeat)

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The lack of 1920s New Orleans might have to do with budget cuts. Scenes in a random forest are probably cheaper than recreating a different time period, such as Cruella's. I'm sure the modern day stuff will echo the movie just fine, but if you're going to make them former residents of EF, why make them like everything we've already seen?

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I wouldn't be surprised if they never had any real interest in exploring 1920's New Orleans to begin with.  A lot of times, these characters are only well-known characters in name only.  They never explored Kansas.... they just had Dorothy refer to it, completely changing her backstory.  They parachuted Mulan into Faux-Scotland.  They never actually explained how Cruella got from her original realm into the Enchanted Forest with her car.  

I assumed Hook and Regina are meeting Tiana, Cinders, etc. for the first time when they visit Adult Henry.  I can't figure out how they could possibly have a past with these people.  Then again, we still don't know if this is the same "realm of story" as the Enchanted Forest, or if they will even answer that question.

At least with Merida, they kept her goal pretty much the same, since the movie was about her keeping the kingdom together.  What we know about Tiana has literally nothing to do with her story, and even her character traits and talents are completely different.  How will flashbacks of a warrior princess trying to get her kingdom back match with a present-day story where her Cursed self is trying to open a restaurant?  Why are we supposed to care about her opening a restaurant, when it was never her life-long dream as in the movie?  Her new restaurant hires so many people that they can now pay rent and won't be evicted by Lady Tremaine?  

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With the latest article from EW, it's sounding more and more like they will wrap up Emma's story in 7x02 and really won't need her again for the series finale. I'm starting to lean a little bit more towards them showing a flash forward of Hook returning to her after the events in HH. (The other option is a split-Hook situation where the real Hook is happy in Storybrooke with Emma while the other version goes off to help Henry). I just think it needs to be the "real" Hook in HH or it takes away all of the emotional connection. However, showing the resolution in the second episode would really remove all the stakes for his character, so I just don't know if they would do that...

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20 minutes ago, Kktjones said:

With the latest article from EW, it's sounding more and more like they will wrap up Emma's story in 7x02 and really won't need her again for the series finale. I'm starting to lean a little bit more towards them showing a flash forward of Hook returning to her after the events in HH. (The other option is a split-Hook situation where the real Hook is happy in Storybrooke with Emma while the other version goes off to help Henry). I just think it needs to be the "real" Hook in HH or it takes away all of the emotional connection. However, showing the resolution in the second episode would really remove all the stakes for his character, so I just don't know if they would do that...

Since when has this show ever cared about emotional connection?

The split-Hook theory is the best one to preserve Emma and Hook's happy ending. But I still think killing her is a very distinct possibility; it's 100% clear they are utterly done with Emma and Jen and will never write anything for her again. They're bitter, nasty trolls. I sincerely doubt they'll do a flash-forward to show Hook coming back to her, because they wouldn't want to limit a new love story for him. After all, they think the show is going to run for years and years. I'm sure they think Emma sacrificing herself for Henry would be super-satisfying. Or maybe she sends Hook off to help Henry but removes all his memories of her so he won't miss her. In any case, I think the one thing we can be sure it's not going to be is "satisfying."

Edited by Souris
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35 minutes ago, Souris said:

In any case, I think the one thing we can be sure it's not going to be is "satisfying."

I agree. I'm torn on whether I want to watch it live because JMo is back and it's a Hook episode, or wait for the viewer opinions to roll out and then decide. 

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43 minutes ago, Souris said:

I still think killing her is a very distinct possibility; it's 100% clear they are utterly done with Emma and Jen and will never write anything for her again. They're bitter, nasty trolls. 

I agree 100% that this is the last we will see of Emma and Jen. I think they are using these articles to really drive that point home. Which means they are somehow wrapping up her story while her husband and son continue on the show. I can see how people would conclude that she must get killed off - that seems like the most definite way to end her story. However, I just don't see how they can kill off the main character from the first 6 seasons and expect people to continue watching. It would ruin the re-watch value and hurt things like DVD sales and Netflix viewing. I can't stand A&E, but I have to think that someone at the network would have taken that option off the table.

47 minutes ago, Souris said:

In any case, I think the one thing we can be sure it's not going to be is "satisfying."

Oh yeah - with these writers, this is a given. 

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3 minutes ago, Kktjones said:

However, I just don't see how they can kill off the main character from the first 6 seasons and expect people to continue watching. It would ruin the re-watch value and hurt things like DVD sales and Netflix viewing. I can't stand A&E, but I have to think that someone at the network would have taken that option off the table.

I'm not altogether sure how much attention ABC is paying to Once. My guess is not a lot, since they have SO much else to worry about. And they've been perfectly fine with killing off main characters on other shows.

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26 minutes ago, Kktjones said:

However, I just don't see how they can kill off the main character from the first 6 seasons and expect people to continue watching. It would ruin the re-watch value and hurt things like DVD sales and Netflix viewing. I can't stand A&E, but I have to think that someone at the network would have taken that option off the table.

The thing is, Emma's role has been so iffy and diminished for a long time now. The Evil Queen has been the public/promotional face of the Show for a long time now. In Season 6 especially, Regina/EQ was the lead for all intents and purposes. She had the most screentime, and most storylines. After that came Rumple, then Hook (A&E were getting ready for the reboot seems like). And abc was fine to continue ONCE without JMo/Emma. And even with viewers, while Emma is a fav with some, there are many that dislike Emma, or just don't like her enough. I'm talking about general once podcasters and in other forums. I hate to say it, but Emma is really not that critical to the hodgepodge fairytale nonsense that ONCE has dwindled down to. So, that's not reason enough to not kill her off. I still don't think Emma will be killed off, but I'm not 100% confident.

Edited by Rumsy4
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1 hour ago, Souris said:

Since when has this show ever cared about emotional connection?

The split-Hook theory is the best one to preserve Emma and Hook's happy ending. But I still think killing her is a very distinct possibility; it's 100% clear they are utterly done with Emma and Jen and will never write anything for her again. They're bitter, nasty trolls. I sincerely doubt they'll do a flash-forward to show Hook coming back to her, because they wouldn't want to limit a new love story for him. After all, they think the show is going to run for years and years. I'm sure they think Emma sacrificing herself for Henry would be super-satisfying. Or maybe she sends Hook off to help Henry but removes all his memories of her so he won't miss her. In any case, I think the one thing we can be sure it's not going to be is "satisfying."

Yeah, Emma not appearing after 1 episode, which is a reunion between Henry and Hook is going to be awkward no matter what because of how they set themselves up for this.  Everything about her character is answered conclusively unlike their other vague nonsense replies they've done for their other interviews.

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