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Small Talk: 7th Floor Nurses Station

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Nothing shockingly new, but I went to my oncologist today to pick up a signed form for unrelated reasons, but bumped into my breast surgeon.


Now I never realized until today, how wee she is. I mean, like Robin/Kimberly McCullough wee. I actually had to bend down to hug her when I saw her in her scrubs today!


I just wanted to say hi and she asked to make sure I still was getting the recontstruction/mastectomy for other breast in the Spring. I said yes, but probably not until Late March/Early April.


I mean, I'm average height, but she has to be five feet, five feet, one inch, tops! I don't know why I didn't realize this before. Probably beause I've always been sitting or lying down when I've seen her!


Just thought I'd share.


What? I's bored!!!!!

I'm 4'11'' and consider myself "efficiently sized". Actually I have always felt being petite is a big advantage - I can wear girls and boys size clothing (which saves money) and sleep pretty comfortably in the back seat of almost any car. And there is always someone around to be "tall" for me like reaching stuff on the top shelf at the supermarket :)

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I'm 4'11'' and consider myself "efficiently sized". Actually I have always felt being petite is a big advantage - I can wear girls and boys size clothing (which saves money) and sleep pretty comfortably in the back seat of almost any car. And there is always someone around to be "tall" for me like reaching stuff on the top shelf at the supermarket :)

Being short (I'm pretty small for a guy at 5'8" and 175 lbs) is a huge advantage when it comes to travel. I'm always comfortable on planes, in the backseat of a car, and my clothes don't take up as much room in my suitcase!

I'm a six-foot woman; stop torturing me with your "I can be comfortable anywhere" and "My clothes always fit!" stories!

On the upside, I can reach just about anything anywhere.

Okay sure, but its also extremely embarrassing to not be able to reach a high shelf at a store. I mean, da wimmins are expected to need help with stuff like that, but its embarrassing for da menz. And I'm 5'8"; imagine how Mo & Dom feel : ) Edited by Tiger
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Add me to the tiny club - 5 feet 0 inches. My mom is the same height I am and my dad is 5 feet 4 inches so I really did not have a snowball's chance in hell of being tall.


My daughter, her fiancee and three of my grandchildren moved in a couple of months ago so they could save up money to buy a house. It has been great and my grandchildren are loving being around Grandma all the time. In addition, my daughter's fiancee is a great guy and is always helping out around the house. He is also around 6 feet tall so he has been doing the things I hadn't gotten around to including change the batteries in the smoke detectors and all the light bulbs on some of the ceiling fixtures.

Edited by cmahorror
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Re: Michael Muhney



The guy spoke up on twitter about everything under the sun. imo if he didn't do it there is no way he wouldn't just defend himself directly.

What would he defend himself against?  No one made allegations.  It is all surmised.  If he did it, then I am wrong, and wrong to defend him.  And I will judge him then.  But no one has charged him, no one has said anything.  Two main female co-leads continue to be his friends and supporters.  


It is not that I don't want to believe it, because I believe it of many actors, etc.  In this case, I think it is murky.  I don't know what happened but to suggest that because he didn't hold a press conference or post on twitter that he didn't do something that he never was accused of, doesn't make sense.

Going to vent a little here...


Tomorrow is a hard day for me - it's the 10th anniversary of my husband's death and I get a little crankier and sadder as the day approaches. Everyone I work with knows this and all I ask is that they just let me have my mood and understand it's not them - it's me and once I get past tomorrow I will be fine. This year is a little harder because I am the same age he was when he died and, for some reason, it is really getting to me.


Anyway, one of the women I work with who knows all about this started preaching to me today about how I need to just let it go and understand he is in a better place. I don't go to church but I do have faith - not the point. The point is that I miss the man I married and the father of my children. I hate that he never got to meet any of our beautiful grandchildren or that we didn't get to do all the things we were going to do. I hate that my entire life was torn apart and I had to rebuild it without the man I love there to help me get through it. Tomorrow isn't just about his death - it's about all the pain my children and I went through after his death.


I was so angry but I kept it in check and just sat back down at my desk. Why isn't it alright that I get angry and sad about this? What right did she have to tell me how I should be feeling today or any other day for that matter?


I know she meant well but it really upset me.


Vent over - I feel a little better now that I got that off my chest.

Edited by cmahorror
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HUGS!!! to you, cmahorror and you have EVERY RIGHT to feel what you feel! Preacher Lady can shut up, because she wasn't married to your husband, doesn't have or didn't share the life you had with him, and that he was taken away from you.


So vent away. You've come to the right place! And if  you weren't sure, just read all of MY venting, bitching and and moaning I've done.

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Cmahorror, your coworker is an ass. She should have never brought it up or simply listened and supported you while you talked.

There is nothing wrong with missing loved ones around the time they passed. It is normal. Being the age a loved ine passed is difficult. I'm nurse and a christian, I know my loved ones are at peace and in a better place but dammit I still miss them. There are things I wis they could see, times I wished they were still here to talk to me and offer advice.

You have talked about your sadness at having the time with your children and grandchildren, while your husband didnt before and I totally get it.

She was being self righteous, generalizing and trying to force you to do something that isn't any of her damn business. She can sit down somewhere and STFU.

Hugs and prayers to you, cmahorror

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So, talking about racism and the Oscars isn't politics, right?

Cause no one is loving life more right now than Nancy Lee Grahn, who can now point to Charlotte Rampling as the most entitled, clueless white actress in Hollywood (well, technically Charlotte is European, but still).

Don't know who Charlotte Ramping is, but I find this whole 'no black nominees = racist' thing ridiculous and honestly insulting to all that of the white actors who were nominated. What Jada, Spike, and others are essentially saying is they want quotas and that the persons who are nominees didn't really deserve it. I also have seen no discussion of Asian or Latinos actors. As a Latino, I find it ridiculous!

Anyway, it seems a lot of people think Will Smith and Idris Elba should have nominated. I saw "Concussion" and "Beasts of No Nation" and thought both were mediocre at best, and frankly found Smith's accent in the former laughable.

Edited by Tiger
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Tiger, I agree that there is just a lack of diversity with the Oscars and Hollywood period. The Will Smith thing pisses me of because he's simply but hurt that he wasn't nominated. I bet you dollars to donuts that he took the role thinking he could be nominated and win. This is the same dumbass who is quoted talking about how he hasn't felt any racism in Hollywood. He and his wife can have a stadium full of seats and STFU.

He has been building his and his family's brand while racist events have been occurring towards all minorites including religious reasons in increasing numbers. Has he taken a stand on any of thise, that affect the majority of thE minority. No!

He wasn't concerned about us poor people of color and I'm not worried about his rich pathetic non acting ass. He is rightfully being called out for his hypocrisy.

NLG, has become a non-MF'n factor to me after her Emmy stunt.

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And now Julie Delpy is joining in: ‘I Sometimes Wish I Were African American’

Can white people please just STFU already? I mean honestly.

Why should they? Everyone is entitled to their opinion. And frankly I think there's a lot of truth in what she said. If women collectively voice concern about something, its largely ignored. Same with Latinos, Asians, and every other minority group, except Blacks. If something happens to them its a national crisis. So have yet to hear any of those talking about a boycott and criticizing the Oscars say a word about other minority groups. Will Smith and these other entitled whiners need to take Michael Chain's advice: continue to do great work and your time will come.

I also think Viola Davis' comment about casting differently was insulting, as if straight white is so sort of default without its own identity. Straight White is no more a "default" than Bi Latino.

If the Black "community" (whatever that means) is so concerned about the availability of roles and noms for roles, then its power players including Davis and The Smiths need to develop those projects instead of just demanding others cast black people, 'just because'.

The role and any nom or award should go to the most talented person. No one is entitled to a role or nom or award just because you their skin color.

I get what your saying, Tiger. Some parts I agree with, others I don't.

Bad, mediocre acting shouldn't be rewarded or the Oscars will go the way of the Daytime Emmy's. As stated above, Will Smith can have all the seats and STFU with his hurt ego ass.

To me as AA woman, the lack of diversity in Oscars and the movies isn't just about AA. It's about all races. All races need to be given the chance to show their talents and shine. Shallow Alert: I'd love to see John Cho as a lead in a romantic film. He is a talented nuisanced actor, who happens to be sssooo yummy to me.

PoC are creating/developing their own projects daily. Many have production companies, write, produce, etc. They are utilizing other avenues to showcase their talent. The problem is cash and getting movie theaters to show their work. Can't win an Oscar, if you go straight to DVD or Netflix.

IMO, as an AA female, I'm on the bottom of every fucking totem poll known to man. It doesn't matter than I have a graduate degree, own a home or put my only child through college. I. Am. At. The. Bottom. Of. Everthing. Unless, it's racist, prejudicial or a sterotype. As a fellow, PoC, you understand the stereotypes, prejudices and racism, so I won't go into that (wrong place and thread). So, I do mentally tell people to sit down and STFU when they think "we" have a voice or have an easier route. Ha, like Hell!

I hate all of this mess right now, because I like Leo and think he deserves this Oscar yet we are talking about the lack of diversity in Hollywood in 2016.

We can 100% agree, that the Scorpios are awesomsauce and that Mac (and Flea) need to be on screen alot more .

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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I get what your saying, Tiger. Some parts I agree with, others I don't.

Bad, mediocre acting shouldn't be rewarded or the Oscars will go the way of the Daytime Emmy's. As stated above, Will Smith can have all the seats and STFU with his hurt ego ass.

Exactly. Someone should get a role, a nom, an award based on their talent and performance, not their skin color. What I find troubling is that The Smiths, Spike Lee, Michael Moore are essentially calling for quotas, which I think is extremely dangerous in any situation. If let's say there are 10 'Best Actor' slots, are we going to have quotas for different races: 4 white, 2 Hispanic, 2 black, 1 Asian, 1 middle eastern? Are we going to require that at least one nominee be gay? Trans? Bi? For the 'Asian' slot, do we rotate where one year it must be Chinese nominee, then the next Japanese, then the next Korean? Its such a slippery sloap.

That's why it should he based exclusively on talent and performance. If it ends up 10 white nominees like this year, that's what it should be.

To me as AA woman, the lack of diversity in Oscars and the movies isn't just about AA. It's about all races. All races need to be given the chance to show their talents and shine. Shallow Alert: I'd love to see John Cho as a lead in a romantic film. He is a talented nuisanced actor, who happens to be sssooo yummy to me.

PoC are creating/developing their own projects daily. Many have production companies, write, produce, etc. They are utilizing other avenues to showcase their talent. The problem is cash and getting movie theaters to show their work. Can't win an Oscar, if you go straight to DVD or Netflix.

My question then would what are The Smiths, Spike Lee, Viola Davis, Denzel Washington, Tyler Perry, and Oprah Winfrey doing for fellow members of their "community"? These people have the resources to develop vehicles for themselves and others; what are they doing?

As for projects going to straight to DVD or Netflix, a lot of white actors have their projects go to these platforms too. There was a recent Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt movie that was distributed through one of those alternative means. And even a movie goes the traditional theatre route, there have many nominees and many winners in numerous categories whose movies were seen by very limited audiences.

MO, as an AA female, I'm on the bottom of every fucking totem poll known to man. It doesn't matter than I have a graduate degree, own a home or put my only child through college. I. Am. At. The. Bottom. Of. Everthing. Unless, it's racist, prejudicial or a sterotype. As a fellow, PoC, you understand the stereotypes, prejudices and racism, so I won't go into that (wrong place and thread). So, I do mentally tell people to sit down and STFU when they think "we" have a voice or have an easier route. Ha, like Hell!

Something else very related to this is that it seems the last few years many people define themselves first or even exclusively by their race and/or sexuality, as if its their only perspective and all black women, for example, share the same perspective. I think race and sexuality are the least interesting, and ill defining characteristics about anyone. At least personally, my race and sexuality wouldn't even make a top 20 list of things that define me and my life experiences.

I hate all of this mess right now, because I like Leo and think he deserves this Oscar yet we are talking about the lack of diversity in Hollywood in 2016.

I haven't seen Revenant, but a few years ago he did a movie Shutter Island that I thought he was brilliant in.

We can 100% agree, that the Scorpios are awesomsauce and that Mac (and Flea) need to be on screen alot more .

Mac & Felicia should be the matriarch & patriarch of the show instead of those stupid delusional motherfuckers Sonny & Carry . . . :grumbles:

ITA, there shouldn't be quotas. People would be offended they were left off the list. My first thought after seeing your list was, "Hey, what about Native Americans, too". You could also have the where from question, for the Hispanic population.

Oprah, has her network and she has several shows written, produced by and for PoC. I know Ava D., is working on developing shows for her network. Magic Johnson has a network, as well. There are a number of Spanish speaking television stations

Within my community of family and friends I'm not defined a an A A female first. I'm a G.R.I.T.S., Girt raised in the south, who happens to be an introverted Capricorn, I'm a granddaughter, daughter, mother, niece, sister, aunt, cousin, friend, masters prepared nurse, Christian, that loves to read, loves sci-fi, loves music of all kinds, loves plays, adores old movies, likes to four wheel, occasionally goes muddin, likes to bass fish with my family, loves wild game, loves my pistols and old bold action rifles (on a couple of both), loves to shoot, with a mild case of perfectionism and occasional OCD.

However, outside my network, many see WoC first. Their perception of me can be skewed by sterotypes or racism.

ITA, that that all PoC and WoC do not have the same perspective and/or perceptions because of our history and backgrounds.

Yep, Mac and Flea should definitely be the patriarch and matriarch of this FAKATA show.

It's time to sit by the fire with a book and a cup of hot tea. Enjoy your day.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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Something else very related to this is that it seems the last few years many people define themselves first or even exclusively by their race and/or sexuality, as if its their only perspective and all black women, for example, share the same perspective. I think race and sexuality are the least interesting, and ill defining characteristics about anyone. At least personally, my race and sexuality wouldn't even make a top 20 list of things that define me and my life experiences.


I think this is a lovely way to think but unfortunately our society doesn't think this way. And for many people their race (or gender or sexuality) sadly do negatively define their life experiences.


Honestly I think ultimately the biggest problem in our society is a lack of empathy.


But I'm gonna bow out now since, as a white person, I should take my own advice and STFU!


And on another note, we have 22 inches of snow here so that's dandy!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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...but unfortunately our society doesn't think this way.

I think this is a key point here. An idealistic society versus the one we currently inhabit.


Honestly I think ultimately the biggest problem in our society is a lack of empathy.

I agree about empathy, but I would also say that the other big problem is an overwhelming degree of ignorance and lack of knowledge. Particularly in regards to history and social science in general.


But I'm gonna bow out now since, as a white person, I should take my own advice and STFU!

I appreciate your self-awareness, and have always appreciated your sense of humor. However, I do think that it is important that more White people speak up about society and its injustices, and not just the oppressed. These issues ultimately affect all of us. That's why it would be so great if more White voices in Hollywood and elsewhere would speak out against this issue within the film industry, and not just a handful of Black celebs.


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I do think Straight Outta Compton should have been nominated for something. Hustle and Flow won for best song, giving marginally talented Three Six Mafia an Oscar. NWA,especially Dr. Dre deserve at least that. I'm shocked as well because true to form biopics usually do very well. Again, it couldn't have been content. Hustle and Flow. However, maybe lack of acting star power hurt the nomination chances. The acting was great though.

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Hustle and Flow won for best song, giving marginally talented Three Six Mafia an Oscar.



Although this led to one of my favorite lines ever from an Oscar ceremony:


Jon Stewart: For those of you who are keeping score at home, I just want to make something very clear: Martin Scorsese, zero Oscars; Three 6 Mafia, one.

Edited by cmahorror
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Weighing in on the Oscars controversy, I agree that casting directors need to just focus on talent rather than color. This is 2016, not 1976. Hell, I actually think they did a better job in 1976 than they do today! That said, I think the whole 'boycott the Oscars because there are no blacks nominated' is ludicrous. As others have pointed out, the Oscars are not an affirmative action program. They are awarded based on performance, not skin color. These same judges who didnt' nominate any people of color this year, also awarded the Oscar to Lupita N'Yongo and 12 Years a Slave. They're the same ones who gave Halle Berry, Denzel Washington, Whoopi Goldberg, Viola Davis and Cuba Gooding Jr., among others, their Oscars. So how is that they're now racist because they didn't nominate any blacks this year? There are only so many nominations up for grabs, and I highly doubt anyone sat down and said 'gee, let's NOT nominate any blacks this year.'


The nominations are subjective and highly political. Studios put on massive marketing campaigns to entice the judges to vote for their stars/director/movie. They spend a small (sometimes large) fortune to woo the judges. Pay to play I believe is the term most often used. Isn't it even remotely possible that the judges simply thought there were other, more worthy performances?  Whoopi has already gone on record as saying she doesn't believe the awards are racist . I haven't seen any other major black stars talk about boycotting. Just Jada, Will and Michael Moore. And Samuel L. Jackson's wife lol! And I don't give them much credibility.


And really, it's not as though winning or not winning an Oscar is the be all, end all of someone's career. There are many white people who have never won an Oscar, but it didn't hurt their careers any. Just as winning one didn't necessarily help. It's entertainment, nothing more, nothing less. I wish people would stop trying to make more out of it. No one ever changed the world because he or she won an Oscar. No one brought about World Peace or solved poverty and hunger because they won an Oscar. Just let it go already!

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That said, I think the whole 'boycott the Oscars because there are no blacks nominated' is ludicrous.

As I understand it, the reasoning behind the Oscars boycott is not to criticize the award nominations specifically, but instead to make a broader statement on the Hollywood film industry itself.


I highly doubt anyone sat down and said 'gee, let's NOT nominate any blacks this year.'

I think most everyone would doubt that.


The nominations are subjective and highly political.

Yes, which is part of the problem. An Academy that is subjective and political naturally leads the way towards racial biases and dominance.


Isn't it even remotely possible that the judges simply thought there were other, more worthy performances?

That's certainly possible. I don't think that anyone is questioning the possibilities, but are questioning the realities of a "subjective and highly political" Academy/industry.


Whoopi has already gone on record as saying she doesn't believe the awards are racist . I haven't seen any other major black stars talk about boycotting. Just Jada, Will and Michael Moore. And Samuel L. Jackson's wife lol! And I don't give them much credibility.

I personally can't see Whoopi Goldberg having much credibility on anything these days. Certainly no more than any other celebrity.


It's entertainment, nothing more, nothing less. I wish people would stop trying to make more out of it. No one ever changed the world because he or she won an Oscar. No one brought about World Peace or solved poverty and hunger because they won an Oscar. Just let it go already!

Yes, films are entertainment. However, films also have a huge influence on culture and consciousness, and ultimately upon society itself. Additionally, the film business itself is a major industry, and naturally impacts society economically, politically, and beyond. It may seem trivial or even privileged to be so concerned about something like the Oscars or Hollywood, but that doesn't mean that those issues don't exist or have deeper implications. Making comparisons to unrelated topics such as World Peace or the food crisis only works to deny or minimize the issues at hand, instead of solving them.  YMMV.

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I think what really bothered me was when a large percentage of acting awards at the SAG's went to blacks, folks like Idris Elba were going on about how "diverse" it was.

Um, no. 80% of the acting awards going to blacks and 20% going to whites is not "diverse". What about Asians, Latinos, middle eastern, etc? So one minority group gets a percentage of awards that far and away exceeds their percentage of the overall population and suddenly "diversity" has been achieved?

And then see someone with true talent like Viola Davis openly advocating for affirmative action hiring was just sad.

I think what really bothered me was when a large percentage of acting awards at the SAG's went to blacks, folks like Idris Elba were going on about how "diverse" it was.

Um, no. 80% of the acting awards going to blacks and 20% going to whites is not "diverse". What about Asians, Latinos, middle eastern, etc? So one minority group gets a percentage of awards that far and away exceeds their percentage of the overall population and suddenly "diversity" has been achieved?


It's my understanding that diversity just for the sake of diversity doesn't amount to much.  I think that the true purpose of diversity is to challenge dominance.  In this case, White dominance.  So if, as you suggest, 80% of awards went to Blacks and 20% went to Whites, then that appears to be a "win" for diversity in my opinion.  Maybe not completely and thoroughly diverse, but still. 


As far as Asians, Latinos, and other minority groups, well, this situation with the Oscars seems to have arisen from Blacks criticizing marginalization and racial bias in Hollywood.  So I don't think it's unusual that the primary narrative would be centered upon Black people.  I understand the sentiment of "What about us?" that exists among other groups of non-Whites, and think it's a natural concern.  However, I think it is important not to allow those concerns to detract from or minimize the concerns of Black people.  Blacks, Asians, Latinos, Women, etc., are all different groups, each with different and unique social histories.  What goes for one group may not necessarily go for the other.  I'm not exactly sure *what* the solution might be for those groups whose visibility is often overshadowed or ignored comparative to others.  But I *do* think that it starts with a broader understanding of how history and society have evolved to this point in the present, and what the consequences look like for all racial/ethnic/social groups.

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I found this article on Twitter and thought that it kind of goes along with the discussion we've been having. Certainly, Janet was branded a pariah for Nipplegate unfairly IMO. It was good of Justin to admit that he completely skated practically scot-free due to WMP.


However, I didn't know this much less important part at the time since I was on the barge from all soaps -


"All nine American network soap operas eliminated sexual storylines". SERIOUSLY? How grossly puritanical. All of it just sends me into a rage blackout.

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"All nine American network soap operas eliminated sexual storylines". SERIOUSLY? How grossly puritanical. All of it just sends me into a rage blackout.



I remember that, but in fairness to the networks, they were absolutely terrified of running afoul of the FCC. The whole situation was just ridiculous but I don't blame the networks for running scared.

Hopefully somewhat less depressing news: https://www.thewrap.com/jessica-chastain-queen-latifah-help-launch-female-driven-production-company/


Additionally, this recent article discusses the all-too-familiar White savior narrative in Hollywood and its effects on non-Whites, particularly in relation to a group that is often overlooked: American Indians.

Edited by Tenshinhan
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Who was the first? (feel free to reply in OT so we don't get in trouble :) )


When I said secondary couple, I meant that for most dramas or even comedies where the show likes to promote their one big couple and then the rest are just kind of in the background. I like the secondary couples better. So for this instance Buffy/Angel at the time were not really that big a deal to me.

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