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Small Talk: 7th Floor Nurses Station

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My theory? Because he had an annoying lawyer who went off into tangents, there was an accessory to murder who had a lawyer hired by prosecution, a prejudice (against Muslim males) jury, a police force who wanted to solve the case so they pinned it on the boyfriend despite no evidence beyond heresay and Jay's finger pointing.

Uhhhh we went to McDonald's. ....we went to Security Square Mall. Uhhh he called me at Best Buy. He told me he was gonna kill her days before, no um that day, no a week ago. Then Jay mentioned Allah on the stand. Ugh.

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Too lazy to make plans and brave the cold tonight so I'm watching The Wizard of Oz and drinking on my couch.

Maybe it's the wine talking, but this movie is seriously fucked up.

Try watching it on mute while playing Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" album. Start the CD on the lion's second roar; the way the movie and music line up is uncanny.

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Happy Holidays to everyone who celebrates them!   Hope everyone has safe travels over this hectic holiday season, as well!


And for my New Years resolution, I will try to be good and confine myself to the history forum, instead of continuing to subject you all to my rantings about the current state of this show.  ;)

Happy Holidays. Hope you all have a safe and happy time. I am just happy it's now over for a while. All this work and boom its over. . I guess I should be happy I had the funds to celebrate and now that my family went home the peace is great. Anyway hope you are all safe ,full and warm.

I know what you mean. I know I'm very lucky I could cook (well okay I did half) and have family to shop for... But boy do I feel like I need a vacation from the holiday, I'm exhaust from it all.

Edited by Gigi43

Dude, I think Ron blocked me on twitter. All I did was ask him why Sonny only got 30 years for murdering AJ. I said worse when Sonny murdered AJ. I said worse just on like random days. I've been trying to get blocked for a year.

Join the club. Ron blocked me about two months into his tenure at GH. I didn't even tweet him directly, just used the #GH hashtag…I guess he didn't like what I had to say. :D

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Anyone a fan of Edge of Night?  I vaguely remember it from my childhood.  Googled it and it doesn't seem like anything I can recall.   My grandmother would put the TV on ABC around noon until 5pm and then turn to NBC for the news.  If it was a rainy day, we'd be inside watching Ryan's Hope, All My Children, One Life to Live, General Hospital and I guess, Edge of Night.  I remember it being a weird show that was kinda dark. 

I thought Edge of Night was a CBS soap.  Isn't that the show that had Adam Drake, the great Scotsman as he was referred to by the male lead of the show?  I remember watching at it, but that is all.  I watched As the World Turns for years, then got pulled into GH when it began.  I also remember Love of Life and Search for Tomorrow.  I was in grade school when these two were on, so I only have a child's memory of them.  I do remember Bert Baurer's husband coming back from the dead -- the precedent for GH's current love affair with resurrection.

Anyone a fan of Edge of Night? I vaguely remember it from my childhood. Googled it and it doesn't seem like anything I can recall. My grandmother would put the TV on ABC around noon until 5pm and then turn to NBC for the news. If it was a rainy day, we'd be inside watching Ryan's Hope, All My Children, One Life to Live, General Hospital and I guess, Edge of Night. I remember it being a weird show that was kinda dark.

Edge of Night was before my time, but once I got into watching vintage GH on line, suggested videos would pop up sometimes for Edge of Night.

One was called "the clown puppet murders", so of course one night I clicked on it and watched about 20 of the clips. There was seriously a crazy dude (whose identity was hidden from the audience) going around with a clown puppet and stabbing people using the little clown puppet hands around a knife. It was insane.

See, it's totally a thing, I didn't make it up n my crazy head:

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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Has anyone been...... unblocked by Ron? He unblocked me on twitter today. I went on twitter and like a sap tweeted an aww good luck tweet to Kristen Alderson. Then..... I'm unblocked.

Haha. It might be the follows I have from wild about trial etc. You know, actual court reporters, real writers, and real lawyers.

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