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Lisa Rinna: These are the Lips of her Life

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Great points. There is something about Rinna that makes me think she'd be exhausting to be around too long -- very jolly hockey sticks ( not scholastically but by way of BH's self-ordained elite) but with a rough edge that could turn ugly suddenly. "Brandi-lite" is a perfect description.

I still hold out hope for Rinna. I think that she is more impulsive than crazy - which yes could totally be exhausting depending upon circumstance. But, I also think that she definitely earned her second season and quite possibly gave Bravo an excuse to get rid of Brandi. And that has me all in. More importantly, she has done the reality show dance before. Unlike Brandi, she actually has something to lose so, we will actually see her being aware of how she treats others. 


I don't think that she is going to out any personal business that the women have tried to keep off camera for the sake of their families. I think we will see drama that is only generated by them interacting on the show. And that is a HUGE difference for me. I want to like or dislike these women based on their on show actions - not based on some nebulous accusation that may or may not be proven. 


I want to see the fabulous life of house and clothes porn and a little catty drama that comes from the women being tired of interacting with each other. Rinna certainly isn't going to pay 9.99 to get dirt on her fellow cast members because she is there to do the job of being entertaining ON SCREEN - not send us in a billion different directions trying to prove or disprove something that was thrown out there to deflect. 


Rinna can refocus our conversation and bring us back to the actual show. Plus, with all of the gigs this is going to get her and her giving us access to her best and worst gigs, will make for some fun, rather than disturbing and PTSD flashback inducing drama that we currently have with Kim and Brandi. So, I am all in for Rinna.

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I brought this over from The Season in Review forum:

My first post about Lisar this season said that I didn't trust gushingly sweet people. My last talked about her being a player and developing her character. I'm looking forward to her next season to see where she goes from here.


Yeah I gave Lisa R the side-eye when she claimed (repeatedly) that she was a nice / good person.  She also got the side-eye for her hyperbolic gushing / sucking up to the existing cast, e.g., referring to Yolanda as an "It Girl."  I remember someone early on making what I consider an "aha" comment when he/she stated that Lisa R is your friend until she isn't.

Having said that, I don't have a problem with Lisa R being on the show, it's more like, "I see you girl!"



From the S05.E22: Reunion Part 3 2015.04.14 thread:


The difference between LisaR's "If you don't stop, I'm going to f you over" and Brandi's threats? For Lisa, this is an was aberration under provocation which she deeply regrets. For Brandi, it's something she fantasizes about repeatedly, makes no apology for, and wants to do simply because Kyle exists.


It's not an aberration, when Lisa R was on Celebrity Apprentice, she got an early boot and blamed Star Jones and mean tweeted about her and also sent nasty emails that Star forwarded to NBC's legal team, see link below.


I don't think (I hope) that this is not SOP for Lisa R, but it seems like when she's in a pressure cooker situation she can become mean, threatening and an asshole.  Yep Lisa is better in comparison to Brandi (I hope), but that's not a high hurdle to clear.






Star Jones accuses 'Celebrity Apprentice' co-star Lisa Rinna of harassment, threatens legal action

BY Joe Gracely


Wednesday, March 16, 2011, 12:57 PM


Jones claims the former soap star has been harassing her so much behind the scenes, she has taken her case to the NBC legal team, according to E! News.

"Lisa was so furious she was kicked off so early and blamed it all on Star. Lisa went home and started sending nasty e-mails," an insider told the site.

Though the tweets have since been deleted from Rinna's Twitter account, they remain accessible through online archives.


One features a snapshot of Rinna posing next to a horned monster with the caption: "Great shot of me and Star Jones!!!!!"




Rinna posed in a Twitter photo that was posted online last week. (Twitter)

Jones has saved the "foul" tweets and e-mails, which allegedly date back to the show's taping last fall, in an effort to bolster her claims against Rinna.


Edited by quinn
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Lisa posted an picture on Instagram of Harry from one of his early movies where he's holding a head and said something about it being Kim's head. Kyle commented that it wasn't cool and asked her to delete it. On my phone, so can't screen shot.

I follow LisaR on Instagram and I did not see that. If true I hope someone took a screenshot. Now I do remember seeing her posting a picture of Harry from the Titans movie and it referred to something regarding Kim, but wasn't anything about Kim's head.

My Understanding Is That Lisa Rinna & Kyle Richards Have Run In The Same Social Circles For The Last 10 Years Or So...Have Studied Kabalah @ The Kabalah Center Together & With Their Daughters ...But Are Not Necessarily Pretty Good Friends

Madonna, Demi Moore & Ashton Kusher Were In The Same Class


>>> http://www.zimbio.com/watch/7NoFVzfifJg/Kyle+On+Kabbalah/Kyle+Richards

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Do you think she knew of Kim's arrest when she posted this? I can't see the timestamp

Lisa posted an picture on Instagram of Harry from one of his early movies where he's holding a head and said something about it being Kim's head. Kyle commented that it wasn't cool and asked her to delete it. On my phone, so can't screen shot.

Usually you can screenshot by holding down the power and volume buttons at the same time. (sorry-off topic)





I see no problem with Lisa's tweet.  Kim has been this season and still is a bitch both when "playing at being sober" and being drunk/stoned. Kim reaped what she had sewn...ill will. Part 3 aired Monday, Lisa was most likely responding to the shitty way Kim treated her and everyone else at the reunion.  I'm sure she still has residual anger about how Kim acted toward her that day and all season. I would.

Edited by Giselle
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Do you think she knew of Kim's arrest when she posted this? I can't see the timestamp

Usually you can screenshot by holding down the power and volume buttons at the same time. (sorry-off topic)

I know that. I just can't post the screen shots from my phone to the mobile version of the forum. I had to email them to myself and post them from my computer!

I see no problem with Lisa's tweet.  Kim has been this season and still is a bitch both when "playing at being sober" and being drunk/stoned. Kim reaped what she had sewn...ill will. Part 3 aired Monday, Lisa was most likely responding to the shitty way Kim treated her and everyone else at the reunion.  I'm sure she still has residual anger about how Kim acted toward her that day and all season. I would.



Yeah, pretty mild. IMO, nothing to get outraged over.



Wasn't a similar caption to that photo suggested about a month or two back in one of these boards, with the suggestion that someone tweet it to Lisa R?   Not that it makes Lisa R's timing any less bad, but IIRC when it was posted here, it got pretty good feedback.  Timing is everything.  (Speaking of which, by my calculations, Lisa R would have posted that at about 9pm her time last night, a few hours before the Kim situation even happened.)

Edited by harrie
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Wasn't a similar caption to that photo suggested about a month or two back in one of these boards, with the suggestion that someone tweet it to Lisa R?   Not that it makes Lisa R's timing any less bad, but IIRC when it was posted here, it got pretty good feedback.  Timing is everything.  (Speaking of which, by my calculations, Lisa R would have posted that at about 9pm her time last night, a few hours before the Kim situation even happened.)



Thought I saw it here too some time back. I wasn't sure.

It doesn't bother me. I found more interesting that Kyle asked her to take it down. Which was about 2pm my time. She did.

Yep. But since that lil' bit has been retweeted and reposted innumerable times --hell, 3 times in this thread -- Kyle's kind of out of luck. It seems Rinna's cattiness/cleverness/cruelty/your choice here/ will live on. And on and on.

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According to Kim, she wasn't down.

Lisa R herself used Kim as her storyline.

Come on now, we all knew that Kim was on something.

While she is insane, IMO. Rina knows better.

She said herself that she has dealt with addicted people.

I still think that she needed to stfu.

She is not yet on Brandi level but she is close, imo

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Lisa R herself used Kim as her storyline.

Come on now, we all knew that Kim was on something.

While she is insane, IMO. Rina knows better.

She said herself that she has dealt with addicted people.

I still think that she needed to stfu.

She is not yet on Brandi level but she is close, imo

Lol @ Lisa using Kim as her story line. Had Kim not been high as a kite in front of Lisa this wouldn't have been a topic of discussion. Kim needs to own her shit.

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It doesn't matter if Rinna put that up before, during or after Kim's arrest.  She's a miserable excuse for a human being.


Yeah, yeah, I know...Kim is, too.  And people think Kim deserves whatever comes her way and that Rinna has every right to strike back.  But that doesn't negate the fact that Rinna, for all her kumbaya crap on Instagram, is a phony.  Something is wrong in her life that she projects as near perfect.


If she were a secure and happy person she would have no need to sink to the petty levels she's gone to.  None of them would.  Happy people with good hearts don't kick people when they're down.  Especially so publicly. So unnecessary and wrong.  I don't have to be reminded that Kim doesn't have a good heart either and she's done worse.  Kim and Lisa are both messed up.


I hope Eileen, Kyle, VDP and Yo take a step back and recognize this nasty show-off for what she is. 

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Yes, but I was under the impression that she and Kyle were pretty good friends, so not sure what Lisa is thinking!


She wasn't thinking.  She's just like Brandi in that regard. 


I'm sure Kyle has vented to Rinna about Kim.  But who hasn't heard the old stand-by:   "I can rake my family over the coals as much as I want but don't YOU do it."  She's a stupid, unfiltered woman.  Brandi level of stupid and unfiltered.

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I really enjoyed her this season but she lost me at the reunion. She talks too much, she blamed her father for her behavoir, and lastly she can't be left alone for 6 hours without sending hate texts? I don't like people with so little self control. I really wish she would have said " yes I sent those texts and stand behind every word". I could respect that.

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I don't like people with so little self control. I really wish she would have said " yes I sent those texts and stand behind every word". I could respect that.

I agree.  I would have respected that act but she lost me way back when she said she'd drop bringing up Kim's 'sobriety' but kept at it. 


And after telling us that she'd lost 2 BILs and a sister to alcohol, we see her sucking the bottom out of jello shots in Andy's mom's basement.  Nice role model for her girls. 


She needs to get some duct tape and mittens to help her kick her addiction to social media.  Today she's offering her condolences to Kim and her family.  And of course it stirs up the jackal followers who're getting vicious again about Kim yet telling Lisa what a classy person she is for offering condolences. Like they'd know class.  She isn't it, jackals.  That's not class, that's ass.



Edited by ryebread

I agree. I would have respected that act but she lost me way back when she said she'd drop bringing up Kim's 'sobriety' but kept at it.

And after telling us that she'd lost 2 BILs and a sister to alcohol, we see her sucking the bottom out of jello shots in Andy's mom's basement. Nice role model for her girls.

She needs to get some duct tape and mittens to help her kick her addiction to social media. Today she's offering her condolences to Kim and her family. And of course it stirs up the jackal followers who're getting vicious again yet telling Lisa was a classy person she is for offering condolences. LOL.


I'm in the minoriy here, but I don't like her. Her fist appearance was sucking up to everyone. I think she even made Eileen uncomfortable when she acted like a fan girl. It just rang as a role she was playing. And she did play for the cameras all season, especially at the reunion. This doesn't mean I like the others, though. If the whole cast comes back I'm out. If Lisar comes back, I'll watch. She's the lesser of evils.

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So Lisa was concerned for Kim after she witnessed her high out of her mind and instead of Kim attacking Rinna's character she goes after her husband. Although I wouldn't be handling the situation like Rinna I feel like Kim gets whatever comes from her. I haven't seen Lisa attack any of Kim's family members. Nope don't feel sorry for Kim not one bit.

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From radaronline.com


Casting A Monster: Lisa Rinna Reportedly Will Play Kris Jenner In O.J. Simpson Murder Trial Miniseries

Posted on Apr 23, 2015 @ 4:16AM

The trial of the century is being turned into the TV event of the year! O.J. Simpson’s murder trial will provide the inspiration for the American Crime Story miniseries, and a frontrunner for the role of Keeping up with the Kardashians matriarch Kris Jenner is Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Lisa Rinna!

“Producers believe that Lisa is perfect to play the part of Kris in the cable production,” an insider reveals in the new issue of The National ENQUIRER, on newsstands now.


“Lisa will only appear in two or three episodes, but the producers want the publicity that will come from hiring Lisa to camp up Kris’ role in the O.J. saga!”

As far as who they want to play the other roles of the characters involved in the high-profile trial, the insider reveals to the magazine, “Cuba Gooding Jr. is O.J. Simpson, John Travolta is Robert Shapiro, Sarah Paulson is Marcia Clark and David Schwimmer is Robert Kardashian, Sr.”

Edited by quinn
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It was petty and stupid but it was put up before the news of Kim's arrest so I wouldn't call it malicious.

If she had never done anything like this before, I would tend to agree. She has. She sent those other tweets out about Kim that are referenced above a month or so ago. Kyle said on WWHL that she wasn't happy about it and that Lisar had apologized for them. That was after Kyle found out at the reunion that she had sent those texts to Kim. Not that the texts were that horrible, but she said she was embarrassed and wished she hadn't sent them. Then she sends the first group of texts that piss Kyle off, and now she is sending another text that pisses Kyle off. I'm telling you, Kyle's body language at the reunion was that of someone who is seeing something that looks foul. She defended her at times and said all the right things, but she didn't laugh at some of Lisar's jokes or even look her way as Lisa V was doing. light of the fact that she is getting more acting gigs like the mini-series mentioned above. I wonder if she will want to come back next year. If she does, I see big problems ahead for Lisar and Kyle.

If she had never done anything like this before, I would tend to agree. She has. She sent those other tweets out about Kim that are referenced above a month or so ago. Kyle said on WWHL that she wasn't happy about it and that Lisar had apologized for them. That was after Kyle found out at the reunion that she had sent those texts to Kim. Not that the texts were that horrible, but she said she was embarrassed and wished she hadn't sent them. Then she sends the first group of texts that piss Kyle off, and now she is sending another text that pisses Kyle off. I'm telling you, Kyle's body language at the reunion was that of someone who is seeing something that looks foul. She defended her at times and said all the right things, but she didn't laugh at some of Lisar's jokes or even look her way as Lisa V was doing. light of the fact that she is getting more acting gigs like the mini-series mentioned above. I wonder if she will want to come back next year. If she does, I see big problems ahead for Lisar and Kyle.


I do remember on Twitter when Lisa R was first going off on the deep end on the "What did Harry do" hastag she started saying something about Kim and the twieeters told Kyle about it.  I get why Lisa R is and was pissed I do.  Don't attack or come after my family they are off limits.  But at some point Lisa has to bring it down a few and leave it alone.  We know Kim is a nutjob and her credibility is in the shitter.  But Lisa R going to sit around and lose a long time friend if she keeps wanting to goat and adding more fuel to the fire.



Casting A Monster: Lisa Rinna Reportedly Will Play Kris Jenner In O.J. Simpson Murder Trial Miniseries


Well she doesn't have to do much especially in the hair department.  A good wig or a nice trim like Kris will do the trick.  Ugh these Hiltons and Karadians back at sucking up good valuable TV space.

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