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Small Talk: The Hourglass Sandbox

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I’ve read this forum for ages but finally joined cause I was so touched by how you are supporting each other in these awful times. I’m in Australia and we have it pretty good here at the moment. We have to stay home but the rate of cases is comparatively low at this stage and isolation it is small price to pay to protect community. People are scared but mainly doing right thing and trying to be kind to each other. Thinking of you all in US and other countries more impacted. 

  • Love 8
21 minutes ago, Confused Fan said:

I’ve read this forum for ages but finally joined cause I was so touched by how you are supporting each other in these awful times. I’m in Australia and we have it pretty good here at the moment. We have to stay home but the rate of cases is comparatively low at this stage and isolation it is small price to pay to protect community. People are scared but mainly doing right thing and trying to be kind to each other. Thinking of you all in US and other countries more impacted. 

That's really sweet of you to say.  And Welcome!  I hope the impact of this virus isn't too bad for you and everyone you love.  Stay safe.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Confused Fan said:

I’ve read this forum for ages but finally joined cause I was so touched by how you are supporting each other in these awful times. I’m in Australia and we have it pretty good here at the moment. We have to stay home but the rate of cases is comparatively low at this stage and isolation it is small price to pay to protect community. People are scared but mainly doing right thing and trying to be kind to each other. Thinking of you all in US and other countries more impacted. 

Welcome.  Where in Australia are you located?  My brother-in-law lives in Sydney.

  • Love 3

Thanks so much for welcome. I’m also in Sydney. Have a love/hate relationship with show.  Find it truely awful in many ways but I’ve watched for so long and it’s familiar. At times like this it is comforting to have something familiar. The comments you guys make on the show and the humour are a big part of what has kept me watching. 

  • Love 9

Love/hate sounds about right 🙂


So, a friend was talking to me about how at one point she watched Passions for about six months and during that time, the character of Theresa had a super tiny square bandage stuck to her hair because of some kind of head injury that led to amnesia. My friend found this hilarious because of course if the woman had an actual head injury why would they stick a bandage to her hair? Anyway, she was saying how much fun it would be to actually see an image of that again but she didn't know what year in the show's run that happened. I'm trying to find out more information about it so I can find her a photo because it'll totally crack her up and I think she could use the distraction. Have of you Passions fans got a photographic memory? If someone could tell me roughly when in Theresa's storyline she got amnesia and the world's tiniest bandage on her hair, it would really help me out as I quest for an image or clip. Thanks!

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@Confused Fan -- glad to have you here! I, too, enjoy the folks here probably more than I enjoy the show itself most of the time, lol. I have to say I'm envious of the way your country has responded to this crisis -- may you and all your loved ones be safe and healthy. 

As for me and my little fam, we're managing. Some days better than others. No illnesses -- just the isolation that gets to us. Not holding my granddaughter (Mackenzie!) is killing me, but I know it won't last forever. Just hoping now for a nice summer with some small gatherings and time spent outside. (Forget the three concerts I had tickets to, aaargh.)

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Lastwaltz said:

@Confused Fan -- glad to have you here! I, too, enjoy the folks here probably more than I enjoy the show itself most of the time, lol. I have to say I'm envious of the way your country has responded to this crisis -- may you and all your loved ones be safe and healthy. 

As for me and my little fam, we're managing. Some days better than others. No illnesses -- just the isolation that gets to us. Not holding my granddaughter (Mackenzie!) is killing me, but I know it won't last forever. Just hoping now for a nice summer with some small gatherings and time spent outside. (Forget the three concerts I had tickets to, aaargh.)

I know about missing a grand-daughter....we were supposed to be in Denver this week for our Grand-daughters's 3rd Birthday party...hoping we can fly out in the Fall.  Concerts sound nice, right now I just need a hair-cut! 🙂

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I have NOTHING to complain about.  Mr. Cat is working from home so we still have income coming in.  We've worked it out so we're not getting in each other's way during the day.  We live far from both our families so we're used to only seeing them occasionally.  So WHY was I so irritated that I couldn't find the right thread?  Yes, that's right, thread!  It was completely unimportant and yet irritated me FAR more than it should have.  

I actually managed to find some today and there was only a 5 person line outside of the Trader Joe's.  Blueberry covered goat cheese!  Apparently, I'm easily pacified🙂

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Things have gotten better.  My best and oldest friend has been ill with Covid - very touch and go for the past few weeks, but she seems to be recovering now.  Pretty miraculous, but there's been many miraculous things in the past several weeks.  The hardest thing for me by far is that due to the virus and us being out of the city and she being in it, I couldn't do one single thing to help.  Our doctor, god bless him, made home visits to her, brought her what she needed, otherwise.....  That part has been bad.

We're lucky.  We have neighbors who shop for us, have a big yard to give us some outdoor time and plenty of books.  

  • Love 9
11 hours ago, boes said:

Things have gotten better.  My best and oldest friend has been ill with Covid - very touch and go for the past few weeks, but she seems to be recovering now.  Pretty miraculous, but there's been many miraculous things in the past several weeks.  The hardest thing for me by far is that due to the virus and us being out of the city and she being in it, I couldn't do one single thing to help.  Our doctor, god bless him, made home visits to her, brought her what she needed, otherwise.....  That part has been bad.

We're lucky.  We have neighbors who shop for us, have a big yard to give us some outdoor time and plenty of books.  

That has to be scary to know someone who has this awful Virus, so glad she is recovering.  Wow, you know a doctor who still makes Home visits?!  That is wonderful.  

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I continue to struggle with my noisy neighbors on the other side of the duplex. Their home has been for sale since the fall and I have no idea if it has sold or will be re-listed. I don't know what exactly quiet enjoyment is any more. Most days, I struggle to cope with what I feel is excessive noise from their unit - up to 14 hours or so per day of stomping, slamming, banging, pounding on the walls, dog howling, etc.  Am mulling a condo complaint which will most likely result in juvenile retaliation from them. It is intolerable at this point and has been going on for quite some time. I am frustrated at being home and only going out for a few hours per week and having to deal with non-stop noise. And they had visitors this evening. So much for social distancing. Guess at being 25-30 years old, they don't care.

13 hours ago, BuckeyeLou said:

That has to be scary to know someone who has this awful Virus, so glad she is recovering.  Wow, you know a doctor who still makes Home visits?!  That is wonderful.  

I've always valued and liked our doctor but now, as far as I'm concerned, he's a saint.  A few years ago my friend who is sick needed a new doctor and she switched to the one I see and have seen for over 25 years.  When she first got sick she refused to contact him or any other health care provider - nurses can be the worst patients sometimes - and I violated all my ethics by talking to our mutual doctor about how sick she was and how scared I was for her.  He called her up to "check" on her and after she told him how sick she was, he went over and visited her that afternoon.  She was very ill at that point and he pulled no punches about what she was facing.  He also went out to the store and bought her back what she needed.  Later that day I fessed up and told her what I'd done because she was grateful for the doctor's call and visit and help.  He's gone to see her every other day until just the other day when she was 4 days out with no fever, then he cut back his visits.  As she continues to improve and some neighbors have stepped up to help her with her shopping he's mostly sticking to phone call visits.  So long story short, he doesn't make house calls regularly, but he's doing it now, for her and also for several other patients - and he's of the age and medical condition that has been told to stay home.

Man is a saint in my book and I'm forever grateful.

  • Love 8
11 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

I continue to struggle with my noisy neighbors on the other side of the duplex. Their home has been for sale since the fall and I have no idea if it has sold or will be re-listed. I don't know what exactly quiet enjoyment is any more. Most days, I struggle to cope with what I feel is excessive noise from their unit - up to 14 hours or so per day of stomping, slamming, banging, pounding on the walls, dog howling, etc.  Am mulling a condo complaint which will most likely result in juvenile retaliation from them. It is intolerable at this point and has been going on for quite some time. I am frustrated at being home and only going out for a few hours per week and having to deal with non-stop noise. And they had visitors this evening. So much for social distancing. Guess at being 25-30 years old, they don't care.

Goodness, what a terrible situation!  Sounds like you should be able to file a noise complaint with HOA or even the police?  Altho, I know what you mean about retaliation...if you are lucky they will move out.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, boes said:

I've always valued and liked our doctor but now, as far as I'm concerned, he's a saint.  A few years ago my friend who is sick needed a new doctor and she switched to the one I see and have seen for over 25 years.  When she first got sick she refused to contact him or any other health care provider - nurses can be the worst patients sometimes - and I violated all my ethics by talking to our mutual doctor about how sick she was and how scared I was for her.  He called her up to "check" on her and after she told him how sick she was, he went over and visited her that afternoon.  She was very ill at that point and he pulled no punches about what she was facing.  He also went out to the store and bought her back what she needed.  Later that day I fessed up and told her what I'd done because she was grateful for the doctor's call and visit and help.  He's gone to see her every other day until just the other day when she was 4 days out with no fever, then he cut back his visits.  As she continues to improve and some neighbors have stepped up to help her with her shopping he's mostly sticking to phone call visits.  So long story short, he doesn't make house calls regularly, but he's doing it now, for her and also for several other patients - and he's of the age and medical condition that has been told to stay home.

Man is a saint in my book and I'm forever grateful.

Wow, he sounds like an Amazing Doctor!  I continue to be impressed with stories of Doctors & Nurses & others in Health Care who are going above & beyond in their care for sick patients.  And you are a good neighbor for caring enough to intervene for your friend. 

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@Frozendiva -- that's just intolerable, especially under these conditions. From what you said at first, I pictured little ones -- but you're saying they're young adults (25?)? Crazy and unacceptable. I hope you get out from under somehow!

@boes - a fine network you have there, and I'm not surprised. Karma and all. My mother's doctor was our down-the-street neighbor long ago, and I remember him sprinting up to the house on more than one occasion. She was devastated when he retired. Now that my doctor for 30 years has also retired, I know how she feels! 

  • Love 7
9 hours ago, Lastwaltz said:

@Frozendiva -- that's just intolerable, especially under these conditions. From what you said at first, I pictured little ones -- but you're saying they're young adults (25?)? Crazy and unacceptable. I hope you get out from under somehow!

@boes - a fine network you have there, and I'm not surprised. Karma and all. My mother's doctor was our down-the-street neighbor long ago, and I remember him sprinting up to the house on more than one occasion. She was devastated when he retired. Now that my doctor for 30 years has also retired, I know how she feels! 

It was better today. I think the dude of the house was working at home today and she went out. Just normal, regular noise of an occasional footstep and closing a door. Not the usual slam, bam, bang all day long.

They were okay when they moved in about 4 years ago. After they hooked up their surround sound system (no longer allowed), they pumped the full volume and bass stereo in to my home every day. Talked to them politely about it, offered to work with them to find a place where the speakers would not vibrate my home. No effort made. It was also compounded by sessions of repeated body slams in to the shared wall. They were informed that if this sort of behaviour continued, they'd be getting a violation. No respect for others and a massive entitlement. They got another couple of violations - stomping, slamming, banging for hours, loud stereo - in fact, over a period of about a year, several pieces of crystal left on the counter mysteriously shattered. Cupboards slamming thousands of times per month, door slamming so hard the house shook. They had a baby last spring sometime so the stereo noise was over. They don't like it when someone makes noise on them. The for sale sign went up last September and the sign and lock box are still there, but no listing. I thought that with the pandemic and everyone being home that behavior would improve. Not. They may get another fine and more retaliation for me but one of us has to move. They seem to have no idea how to live next to others without inflicting themselves on folks. I have tried to take the high road and am done. I don't want to go to their level, but maybe that is what they will understand.

I don't consider myself 100% the victim and I have retaliated a couple of times from the noise/slamming. I live alone so I am an easy-ish target for them.

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Neighbor in my apartment complex is kind of driving me a little nutty.  I feel like I am being watched and i find that creepy.   Whenever I go out to get mail, go for a walk or just to move car he sees me walking in building and comes out and stands in hallway.  He lives right across from me  so no way I can avoid him.  One morning I went out early to store.  Tried sneaking quietly inside and fell down the stairs.  Hit both knees on the steps and thinking to myself if I broke anything can’t go to hospital and I don’t know last time I shaved legs. Luckily just sore and bruised for a few days.   Friend says maybe his just trying to be nice but it’s just a little much feeling like someone is watching  you.  

Edited by tribeca
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@tribeca -- that's also not a healthy way to live! We can't be afraid in our homes, especially now. Not sure what to advise, but if it seems possible, maybe let him know? Lay it on thick, tell him you have an anxiety/panic disorder or something. It's okay to lie a little under these circumstances 🙂 And I hear you about your legs, lol!

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Document every time he does this. If you are able to visit your nearest police station, do so and chat with the desk officer there. Even call the non-emergency line.

Also talk to your building manager. Other folks may also be complaining about him.

My other side neighbor used to watch me coming and going. I was creeped out. However, my home has an attached garage, so that helped. My previous neighbor also watched and stalked half the neighbors. You do need to be mindful if they have any known mental health issues. I was told that if they were on any medication, you can’t do much.


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I hope everyone is coping as well as is possible in these awful times. We are still in lock down here in Australia but they are talking of easing restrictions as things are going pretty well infection wise. It still sounds so challenging in US and am thinking of you all.  Enjoying the show daily as a distraction no matter how awful the show is. 

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Restrictions in my neck of the woods in Canada are slowly lifting. The US-Canadian border is now expected to remain closed except for essential travel til June 21.

A few shops are opening, with limited number of customers, hair salons are starting to open - again, with restrictions, some restaurants at half capacity, golf courses with restrictions. It's mainly dependent on the number of cases.

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The store I work full time in is scheduled to open June first.   They sanitize the store this weekend and had the fire marshal come in to approve the back room.  There are a lot of things that have to be put in place first before you can open.   We were told June 1 but it is not definite.  I told them I don’t want to be the one upfront enforcing the mask rule.  My friend works at big y and they have been physical threatened and now the employees don’t have to do it anymore. Only the managers do,

  My part time restaurant job called and left message Friday about an emergency.  I called back as soon as I got the message.  She needed someone to work register Monday (which I totally forgot was a holiday ). Said yes as it keeps me on payroll.   Have not worked there since shut down so hope I remember how to run it 😂 

also managers idea of emergencies and mine are way different.   

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Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!  It's a little early but I wanted to wish you all the best before everyone who's cooking gets started on prep.  However you're celebrating I hope you all have as good a day as you can.

I'm not watching these days, though I do drop by to read your posts.  Good for all of you who are hanging in with Show.  


My best to you all.

Edited by boes
  • Love 9
55 minutes ago, boes said:

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!  It's a little early but I wanted to wish you all the best before everyone who's cooking gets started on prep.  However you're celebrating I hope you all have as good a day as you can.

I'm not watching these days, though I do drop by to read your posts.  Good for all of you who are hanging in with Show.  


My best to you all.

Same to you, @boes🙂 Have a great day!

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On 12/24/2020 at 8:24 PM, boes said:

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all!  This has been such a tough year and this holiday season is so strange, I know, but I hope everyone finds a little not and pleasure nonetheless!

The show may stink but you folks are the best.

Same to you.  Hope everyone had a nice, quiet pleasant day.

  • Love 3
On 12/24/2020 at 8:24 PM, boes said:

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all!  This has been such a tough year and this holiday season is so strange, I know, but I hope everyone finds a little not and pleasure nonetheless!

The show may stink but you folks are the best.

Hope you had a great Christmas, 2020 strangeness notwithstanding, @boes! As you say, I realize this shitpile show has seen much better days (pardon the unintentional pun!), but don't be a stranger here. Your humor makes the dreck semi-tolerable!  🙂

And may 2021 treat us all much, much better than this awful year has.

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So this is about Ron destroying AJ Quartermaine.  He didn't do that.  AJ Quartermaine was destroyed under Guza the minute they decided to go with Jason pretending to be Michael's father and that we were supposed to root for Jason and Carly (and later Sonny) in that story even though AJ was thoroughly done dirty by Carly.

It actually started out as an incredible story but we never fully got the payoff where Carly's choices (and Jason's but mostly Carly's) truly blew back on them.  Instead, they were the "victims" of Robin telling AJ the truth and AJ wanting to be a parent to his son.  

When Sonny knocked Carly up, they took AJ down a more villainous path to keep Sonny & Carly as the "good" guys because the show decided they were the heroes.  When Patrick Mulcahey was writing episodes, he managed to do some great stuff at balancing things out and Billy Warlock did everything he could to give AJ depth but by the time Mulcahey left, it was a lost cause.  And then they killed him.  

So yeah, they brought him back from the dead but really, the character didn't really exist any longer.


On 6/29/2021 at 1:19 AM, Frozendiva said:

Just around the Pacific Northwest area in western Canada and being in the heatwave. 34C today with 40C humidity. Canadian temperature records are being rewritten. Highest temp here was 37.2C back in maybe 1937. Highs of 39 or 40 are possible the next couple of days. Anyone else out west, how is the struggle?

I'm not out west, and it's been hot here, but not nearly that hot.  Today is finally much better.  I hope that you've been able to find some relief too!!

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My portable air conditioner and fans. We didn’t break our all time record of 37.2 but came close at 37. 35 today and then cooling off to the mid to high 20s. Lytton, BC set a Canadian record three days in a row and capped off at 49.5 or 49.6. Unfortunately and sadly, most of the village burned down because of a wildfire overnight. I think there were over 700,000 lightning strikes in BC. And currently at least 78 wildfires. The Pacific NW area does not get this type of weather. Our heat is 5-10 days per summer.



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