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Small Talk: Cup O' Joe


Please remember that the Small Talk thread does not allow for the conversations that violate the Primetimer Politics Rule.

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56 minutes ago, Kemper said:

But yes, a 55-and-older community does have appeal.  I do not golf or play bridge. 

I do not golf or play bridge, either.  Until two months ago, I lived in a house on the golf course and the golfers held no more meaning for me than little green men from Mars. 

I have, however, now signed up, through the recreation center, for a clay class that starts in July.  Being that this is AZ, most everything is buttoned up in the summer so I'm lucky to have found something.  It will be good to take my frustrations out on a poor innocent piece of mud.

I know you have been through a major life change but don't let your kids drive you into something you're not asking for or not ready for.

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i don't wanna butt in or presume or anything but sometimes I think maybe people notice things about themselves like physically that other people don't actually notice at all because it's more the general presence and energy that makes an impression.

and you guys are all smart and weird and interesting, and yes a lil bit mean, but ALWAYS ALWAYS funny and sharp as hell. and just from knowing you guys on here the idea that people are trying to tell your baddass selves what to do or where to live or what sports to play is pretty hilarious

for meowmommy, a lil bit of clay art history https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venus_of_Dolní_Věstonice 

women been taking their feelings out on poor innocent pieces of mud for.........  20 000 plus years, just saying

Edited by neona
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I would like to think none of us is mean, other than speaking of The Twins. 🥰

Getting back to The Wrinkle Discussion: I was watching Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and noticed Sutton (one of the wives) using a cylindrical rolling device to roll over her face - repetitively.  Is this a thing? Any Housewives viewers here? Could it be that easy to cure the wrinkle problem?


Edited by Kemper
Added paragraph
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11 hours ago, Kemper said:

I would like to think none of us is mean, other than speaking of The Twins. 🥰


noooooo i was trying to be nice but I always f it up, .gaaaah the main point was you are all pretty mean buuuut also HILARIOUS and smart, like Joan Collins. I literally  meant this as compliment, just an honest one lmao i love you guys 😂 And don't let anyone tell you who you are or what to say or where to live or whatever. that's all. checking out of this discussion now, carry on 😂

  • Love 1
13 hours ago, Kemper said:

I was watching Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and noticed Sutton (one of the wives) using a cylindrical rolling device to roll over her face - repetitively.  Is this a thing?

My wife does this.  I don't ask questions.  One must pick one's opportunities to snark.

  • LOL 2
1 hour ago, Lowcountry snark said:

My wife does this.  I don't ask questions.  One must pick one's opportunities to snark.

Wow. Impressed, Lowcountry Snark...went right to Goop to find it! Well trained...and glad that you adhere to the No Comment rule when it comes to our beauty rituals...better than "what the hell are you peeling your face off with that stuff for?" I hear when I end up looking like a boiled lobster after using Retinol. Girl gotta do whatta girl gotta do. (I personally don't buy into the roller craze BTW.)

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19 hours ago, Kemper said:

My thing is more "let's get together for drinks and snacks"

Don't rule out retirement places altogether, Kemper. I (followed orders) and kept my mother well stocked with Canadian Club and cheese and crackers well into her 90's...first at her Independent Living apartment and then in Assisted Living...this was on top of the facility- provided wine with dinner and frequent evening soirees. She was able to make a few friends and they'd get together before dinner (like well before: 2pm!) for cocktails. I was envious.

I just read a review of a new movie out: Queen Bees. Older women in a retirement "home"...the film got panned by the "critic" but it stars all the oldies but goodies...Ellen Burstyn, James Caan, Jane Curtain, Ann Margret(!?), etc. We all may be able to relate.

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15 minutes ago, Kemper said:

Oakville… I visited family this weekend (this group are huge hockey fans).  The sight of all those Montreal fans outside the arena, cheering their Habs on, was one of the best sights I have seen in ages. People out and about, cheering their team, celebrating…we drank a toast. This from Caps and Canes fan. Oakville…soak it all in!

Thanks!. Sadly, the local health authorities will only let 3,500 fans into the arena which sits 21,273. The rookie head coach for the Canadiens got Covid despite being fully vaccinated , so he can't  coach until the series is over. The series is tied 2-2, so they are flying back to Vegas.

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On 6/24/2021 at 11:44 PM, oakville said:

Thanks! It's so exciting to celebrate the team making it to the finals.

Our two kids who are young adults weren't even born the last time Montreal was in the finals.

Too bad about last night...Tampa Bay is a really really really good team; hope for at least one win for you guys. The Alternate Captain for the Habs....number 11, is quite the unwitting entertainer.  During the anthem at the last home Tampa Bay game, he was bopping along to the music.  He was not on the ice, he was standing at the bench; his face had what seemed to be 5-6 cuts.  He was jazzed.  The camera panned to him a couple of times - I think the crew was enjoying it, too.

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Didn't want to go off topic on the MJ boards: What has happened to Way Too Early now that Kasie is gone? I'm rarely home during that time (daily run time) and haven't heard any talk of if it is continuing or who's on it. The whole premise of WTE is kind of passe now. It was cheeky and fun with Willie but having more "commentary" mixed with old news for an hour before the same thing with MJ is redundant and tiring. Maybe they should put on a compilation of bits from the late night shows MJ runs so often. I wonder how Kasie will do on CNN's streaming platform. Her rating weren't exactly stellar as a host on her 2 MSNBC shows.


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13 hours ago, plumbago blues said:

Didn't want to go off topic on the MJ boards: What has happened to Way Too Early now that Kasie is gone? I'm rarely home during that time (daily run time) and haven't heard any talk of if it is continuing or who's on it. The whole premise of WTE is kind of passe now. It was cheeky and fun with Willie but having more "commentary" mixed with old news for an hour before the same thing with MJ is redundant and tiring. Maybe they should put on a compilation of bits from the late night shows MJ runs so often. 

Lemire hosted a pretty low-key version of WTE this morning (the MSNBC site still has Kasie as host). Changing the format a bit might be a good idea.

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1 hour ago, chick binewski said:

Lemire hosted a pretty low-key version of WTE this morning (the MSNBC site still has Kasie as host). Changing the format a bit might be a good idea.

The network could decide to do counter programming to KYV by hiring Donnie Deutsch, Mike Barnicle & Roger Bennet to host a show called `The Old Boys Club``. They could focus on men's issues & sports.

  • LOL 2
6 hours ago, oakville said:

Lemire gets criticized by a right wing website. Will he join MSNBC full time ?

Well, he'd fit right in. This is what happens when "reporters" become too comfy on these shows...their true biases come out and credibility as an impartial fact finder is lost. He actually has been full time this last week or two...perhaps even more than full time now that he's doing the WTE gig. He's certainly putting in more time than the MJ hosts. He's not a fave of mine...though a few times I've been taken by surprise when I see him sitting there because he looks similar to Damian Lewis, my current Billions boyfriend! I could see him taking Willie's place, for sure. Willie seems kind of checked out to me.

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39 minutes ago, plumbago blues said:

Well, he'd fit right in. This is what happens when "reporters" become too comfy on these shows...their true biases come out and credibility as an impartial fact finder is lost. He actually has been full time this last week or two...perhaps even more than full time now that he's doing the WTE gig. He's certainly putting in more time than the MJ hosts. He's not a fave of mine...though a few times I've been taken by surprise when I see him sitting there because he looks similar to Damian Lewis, my current Billions boyfriend! I could see him taking Willie's place, for sure. Willie seems kind of checked out to me.

Lemire must be excited at the chance to take Kasie's spot. It would be less stressful than being a White Houe reporter for the AP.

He agrees with Joe on all issues, so hopefully Joe will recommend him for the job.

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I just watched some clips on YouTube of Snoop Dogg and Kevin Hart doing commentary on Olympic events; one was Dressage.  So here is an idea...

Let Meeka go to Peacock; cut Joe's show to two hours with a new partner; and give the other hour to Snoop D and Kevin H.  They could riff on the stories of the day/night before.  Could be politics; sports; entertainment...anything that could be topical.  The language could be a problem.  Just "spit-balling" here.    

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I like the British mysteries, the dark Aussie/Swedish mysteries on Netflix and Acorn.  And The Heart Guy on Netflix - dramady dysfunctional family set in Australia. But I do love the vampire comedy - What We Do In the Shadows .. and it is having a new season starting in September; but I can't remember what network.  And I have been binging on Chicago PD, have never watched it before - soapy detectives, implausible stories.  They marathon it on USA.  Don't judge.

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2 hours ago, Kemper said:

Don't judge.

Judgement free zone here! I wish we got Netflix...seems indulgent when I already have Amazon and my husband doesn't watch much at all; just CNBC and baseball. I am sporadically binging on Scrubs, of all things. How did I miss that the first time around? I never watched tv  when I working so there's a lot out there for me to catch up on. (And I'm easily amused, I guess.) I do watch some of the PBS English mysteries and enjoy them.

44 minutes ago, meowmommy said:

I just looked it up on Netflix and it isn't there.  Google tells me it's only available on Acorn, which I do not have.  :( 

Sorry, I meant to put Acorn and not Netflix.  I think the series was called "Doctor Doctor" in Australia.  I've been watching a lot of Acorn lately; Netflix, too; been trying to get away from having news on so much.  Even my coffee group (what is left of it) has been not talking politics so much; and that is the reason we started it!  We is all worn down!😁 A lot of our conversation lately revolves around a fellow member's experiences on a senior dating site. We may publish. 

  • LOL 1
On 8/3/2021 at 10:51 AM, Kemper said:

I just watched some clips on YouTube of Snoop Dogg and Kevin Hart doing commentary on Olympic events; one was Dressage.  So here is an idea...

Let Meeka go to Peacock; cut Joe's show to two hours with a new partner; and give the other hour to Snoop D and Kevin H.  They could riff on the stories of the day/night before.  Could be politics; sports; entertainment...anything that could be topical.  The language could be a problem.  Just "spit-balling" here.    

I saw that clip of Snoop Dogg and Kevin Hart talking about that horse doing the "crip walk."  Snoop had me cracking up!  I'd love to see the two of them doing an hour on MSNBC.

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Last week I went out for a Girl’s Night; haven’t done that in maybe 2 years. The gathering was at the house of a friend. We got takeout, laughed, cried, toasted, and lamented our scandalous pasts. All present were long-time MJ viewers until maybe the last 6-7 months.  Now to my point….

The state of the world right now is terrible. We do not need hysteria and lecturing from the media, we don’t need tears and emoting. We simply need the facts…we can deal. What we don’t need is pompous pontificating (oxymoron?) from the entitled hosts and guests. Maybe we are just exhausted by life right now; but the thrill of tuning in is gone. We deserve better, the network needs to do better. Because if it is losing a segment of viewers early in the morning, the cracks could spread throughout the rest of the day. (A poster in the MJ discussion thread mentioned this..thanks, you nailed it)

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off topic but maybe a fun diversion, does anyone have any ideas for roadtrips starting from NYC? My best friend is coming & we have about 9 days off first week of September, yay

we are are both terrible drivers, but we manage. we like strange places, and art, and weird lil museums! but also we can't light fires or anything and also would never survive in the wild so giant national parks etc out of the question 

also we might also consider flying somewhere and renting a car

come on, guys, I know your badass selves have done stuff and seen things. Advice please!!


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We have been speculating a bit in the “Discussion” thread about what happens if Rachel leaves. Here is a thought…

Give Brian Williams the 7:00 slot; move Joy Reid to the 11:00 slot. Bring in someone new to fill the other slot…someone seasoned but not one of the usual “old hands” - but not someone who wants to make waves, scold or rant. Someone who can do a variety of genres…would it be that difficult? Or maybe I am old and that sort of programming would get lackluster ratings.

Neona…what direction are you heading on your trip?

Edited by Kemper
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6 hours ago, Kemper said:

We have been speculating a bit in the “Discussion” thread about what happens if Rachel leaves. Here is a thought…

Here's my 2 cents: I think Shepard Smith would be a good choice for an evening newsy chat show. He is being wasted at CNBC. I watched him years ago on Fox and he can be quite personable and "with it" and can snark with the best of them yet stay professional. He is comfortable in front of the camera (duh) and can give in depth analysis of national/world affairs from his long news career. I don't watch him anymore nor any of MSNBC so I can't say who is there now that could fill Rachel's void. He's already part of the Comcast family so it would be an easy move.

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Rachel won't leave.

i'm guessing she's playing hardball, and if she is, good for her. i can never find any reliable reports about what the msnbc ppl are actually making, every article has different figures, but if Rachel is at 7 mill that's definitely not enough and if they can't pay up she should just tell them to f off and go fishing.

On 8/20/2021 at 2:02 PM, Kemper said:

Neona…what direction are you heading on your trip?

well, it turns out my friend really really wants to go to the Grand Canyon so the current plan has been changed to actually flying to vegas and then driving from there, which google says should be fairly straightforward. And then possibly afterwards driving somewhere else, my friend wants to drive to LA but I really wanna go to Utah, because it looks beautiful and and unusual and I wanna see the spiral jetty. But i am a bit worried if the driving there is thru really remote areas it might be dangerous?

on the plus side we've booked the tickets to vegas and I've been standing in front of the mirror rehearsing the correct pronunciation of Nevada, so EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE 😂


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3 minutes ago, neona said:

well, it turns out my friend really really wants to go to the Grand Canyon so the current plan has been changed to actually flying to vegas and then driving from there, which google says should be fairly straightforward. And then possibly afterwards driving somewhere else, my friend wants to drive to LA but I really wanna go to Utah, because it looks beautiful and and unusual and I wanna see the spiral jetty. But i am a bit worried if the driving there is thru really remote areas it might be dangerous?

on the plus side we've booked the tickets to vegas and I've been standing in front of the mirror rehearsing the correct pronunciation of Nevada, so EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE 😂

Hope you have a great trip.  I was trying to figure where to suggest you drive around NY and the first thing I thought of was Cooperstown...since I know everyone here loves baseball so much 😄

I hope you've also booked your rental car already because I hear they're in short supply and can be expensive.  

Good luck and have fun!

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3 hours ago, Lowcountry snark said:

NevADDuh.  Like "ADvertising" or "ADD up"

yassss!! thank you Lowcountry Snark, I appreciate this primer. Now all I gotta do is 1) not accidentally drive off any cliffs 2) not die from dehydration in the desert etc.  🥴

On 8/22/2021 at 12:25 AM, ebk57 said:

Hope you have a great trip.  I was trying to figure where to suggest you drive around NY and the first thing I thought of was Cooperstown...since I know everyone here loves baseball so much 😄

I hope you've also booked your rental car already because I hear they're in short supply and can be expensive.  

Good luck and have fun!

I wanna say thank you thank you a thousand times to ebk57 for this advice bc we had to try several different companies to book a rental car and it was actually really really hard, but we managed in the end yay. But unless I had read this it would never have occurred to me it might've been a problem and I would definitely have left it to the last minute! I guess a lot of ppl are going on roadtrips rn because of covid etc? 

Also hilariously, I have actually been to Cooperstown a couple of times because the Fenimore museum is amazing and they have a really great research library. I haven't been to the Baseball hall of fame but it's on the list, I just have to learn more about baseball first!! But the village is adorable and everyone should go there

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On 8/25/2021 at 4:13 PM, neona said:

I wanna say thank you thank you a thousand times to ebk57 for this advice bc we had to try several different companies to book a rental car and it was actually really really hard, but we managed in the end yay. But unless I had read this it would never have occurred to me it might've been a problem and I would definitely have left it to the last minute! I guess a lot of ppl are going on roadtrips rn because of covid etc? 

The primary reason for the rental car shortage is that last year, when people weren’t traveling, rental car companies sold off a lot of their fleet because 1) people weren’t renting cars, so fewer cars were needed, and 2) Selling the cars provided cash flow for the companies to stay in business. 

However, now that people are traveling again there is a shortage of cars  


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On 8/25/2021 at 7:13 PM, neona said:

I wanna say thank you thank you a thousand times to ebk57 for this advice bc we had to try several different companies to book a rental car and it was actually really really hard, but we managed in the end yay. But unless I had read this it would never have occurred to me it might've been a problem and I would definitely have left it to the last minute! I guess a lot of ppl are going on roadtrips rn because of covid etc? 

Also hilariously, I have actually been to Cooperstown a couple of times because the Fenimore museum is amazing and they have a really great research library. I haven't been to the Baseball hall of fame but it's on the list, I just have to learn more about baseball first!! But the village is adorable and everyone should go there

So glad to have helped a little bit!  And as @casedsaid, the rental car companies sold a lot of their fleets last year.  I realize they needed cash, but I feel like it was kinda short-sighted.  That's what bank loans are for, dammit! 

I've been to Cooperstown twice and love the place.  It does help that I'm a huge baseball fan, but the village is charming and the Fennimore Museum was really interesting.  And there's the Glimmerglass Opera and the Otsego Hotel - the whole place is great for a visit.  And I'm sure there must be other places in Upstate NY... I just haven't been to any of them 😄


The only thing I'd recommend in/near Vegas is the Hoover Dam.  It was a great tour!  I'd send you to the Liberace Museum, too, but it's closed since I've been there.  Ah well - it was fun!  

Have a great trip!

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I don’t know if it was getting away for a real vacation (first time in about 2 years)… spending time with family, relaxing around the water, whatever. But I am burned out on the news because it is all seemingly terrible.  As soon as the talk turns to Afghanistan or COVID I grab the remote and watch Law and Order marathons, HGTV, Netflix or Acorn.

I have switched to digital newspapers and now don’t even bother.  I do watch the local news for half an hour; and I have always been a news/political junkie! As terrible as this sounds, the mid-east news is what finally broke me…because I just wish the coverage had been as urgent and hysterical these last 20 years.  My friends feel the same way (all over 70)…is it our age or is everyone feeling it? We is all old? 😼

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4 hours ago, Kemper said:

But I am burned out on the news because it is all seemingly terrible.  As soon as the talk turns to Afghanistan or COVID I grab the remote

Same here. I will continue with the Afghanistan news since we were both military and my husband served in Iraq and worked here with training medics after he retired (RIP Corpsman Soviak, et al.), but the Covid coverage at this point is OTT. I'm just not interested in the hand wringing and crying over unvaxxed people. (And don't get me started on these programs to PAY people to get the shots...a school district here is giving $200 to staff to get vaxxed...and $200 to those already vaxxed...while the rest of us willingly got it, and probably lost some of our sanity desperately trying to search and sign up for the opportunity...never even imaging there would be a monetary reward for it...that we, the general public, are now paying for.) Sorry. End of rant.

Edited by plumbago blues
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Plumbago...I am an Army Brat.  My dad survived the Bataan Death March and four years as a prisoner of war; my older brother did two tours in Vietnam; and my son did two Mideast tours.  I won't rant about how we have abused an all volunteer Army. And ignore the vets when they get home.  Maybe that is why I can't watch the over-the-top tv reporters and analysts; grabbing ratings on the backs of service members.  But there are ways to follow this without tuning in to the 24/7 news cycle.  And then you have Joe and Meeka and their ilk....arm chair soldiers who revel in the drama.

Mods...hope this is not political because it is not intended to be.  It is a commentary on the state of MJ and all the rest that have given us burnout.  

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Has anyone figured out how long Joe stays with his various affair partners turned wives, morphing into exes?      I wonder if Mika's time is about up.  

My guess is Mika would leave to take care of her mother, or write books or something similar, and fade away.   

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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I knew a guy once who was divorcing his third wife; every marriage had lasted three years! So he was running true to form.

I don't know about Joe.  He and Meeka are so publicly attached, business attached, work attached.  For him, divorcing this one would have an impact on his career.  It would have a bigger impact on hers, though.   He could probably survive another divorce, depending on the reasons.  Meeka's entire career, at this point, is joined at the hip to his.  On her own I am sure the KYV, Women Over 50, etc., would dry up.  And she is not ... I hate to say this, truly ... likeable enough or smart enough to continue with a very public media career.  Maybe on a much smaller scale.  

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3 hours ago, Kemper said:

And she is not ... I hate to say this, truly ... likeable enough or smart enough to continue with a very public media career.

ITA. There's a reason CBS or whoever fired her. She likes to play the age/gender game and play the victim but the real reason is what viewers can plainly see every day. She is incompetent. Both in spontaneous interactions and simple scripted pieces. She was obviously elevated to CBS-status via her last name, and apparently that decision was regretted by the network. If not for Joe and his lustful wandering eye, watching overnight news breaks, she'd have been the home room mom at her girls' school. And then just lived the life of an entitled housewife. Darn him! Her "media career" is just a series of connections/called-in favors courtesy of Joe. She's propped up and coddled along by all. As we've said for years, there's no "there" there. I don't get why she continues to stay in the role Joe created for her when she struggles so much. She is obviously not comfortable in the public eye (the one where she has to think and talk...not the arm candy one she relishes) and it shows. I don't watch any other tv personalities with the expectation that I will encounter flubs and squirminess (new word?) but I know it's a given with her. Perhaps she's just desperate to keep Joe interested. If I'd been in the position of falling for my boss and causing such turmoil in two families, I hope I'd have sense enough to step away from the situation. (Ugh. And her choice to face the public? I would die of humiliation.) Also, I think she puts on the smart-woman front as a way to please her mother. There's the long winded (sorry) analysis from where I sit.

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1 hour ago, plumbago blues said:

ITA. There's a reason CBS or whoever fired her. She likes to play the age/gender game and play the victim but the real reason is what viewers can plainly see every day. She is incompetent. Both in spontaneous interactions and simple scripted pieces. She was obviously elevated to CBS-status via her last name, and apparently that decision was regretted by the network. If not for Joe and his lustful wandering eye, watching overnight news breaks, she'd have been the home room mom at her girls' school. And then just lived the life of an entitled housewife. Darn him! Her "media career" is just a series of connections/called-in favors courtesy of Joe. She's propped up and coddled along by all. As we've said for years, there's no "there" there. I don't get why she continues to stay in the role Joe created for her when she struggles so much. She is obviously not comfortable in the public eye (the one where she has to think and talk...not the arm candy one she relishes) and it shows. I don't watch any other tv personalities with the expectation that I will encounter flubs and squirminess (new word?) but I know it's a given with her. Perhaps she's just desperate to keep Joe interested. If I'd been in the position of falling for my boss and causing such turmoil in two families, I hope I'd have sense enough to step away from the situation. (Ugh. And her choice to face the public? I would die of humiliation.) Also, I think she puts on the smart-woman front as a way to please her mother. There's the long winded (sorry) analysis from where I sit.

I also think there are parts of being in the public eye that she enjoys...her social media seems to be full of windows into her fabulous lifestyle, summer homes, socializing with important people (rich, influential, well known) "mentoring" other women, etc.  She seems to always need validation and the show gives her that. The mother sounds like a harridan.  Her family life sounds like a super serious upbringing with high expectations. I do think she and Joe are in this for keeps.  He needs the validation of being married to someone from a kind-of political dynasty.  Each of them is getting what they want. 

I spend more time analyzing these two (especially Meeka) than I do actually watching the show.      

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, plumbago blues said:

ITA. There's a reason CBS or whoever fired her. She likes to play the age/gender game and play the victim but the real reason is what viewers can plainly see every day. She is incompetent. Both in spontaneous interactions and simple scripted pieces. She was obviously elevated to CBS-status via her last name, and apparently that decision was regretted by the network. If not for Joe and his lustful wandering eye, watching overnight news breaks, she'd have been the home room mom at her girls' school. And then just lived the life of an entitled housewife. Darn him! Her "media career" is just a series of connections/called-in favors courtesy of Joe. She's propped up and coddled along by all. As we've said for years, there's no "there" there. I don't get why she continues to stay in the role Joe created for her when she struggles so much. She is obviously not comfortable in the public eye (the one where she has to think and talk...not the arm candy one she relishes) and it shows. I don't watch any other tv personalities with the expectation that I will encounter flubs and squirminess (new word?) but I know it's a given with her. Perhaps she's just desperate to keep Joe interested. If I'd been in the position of falling for my boss and causing such turmoil in two families, I hope I'd have sense enough to step away from the situation. (Ugh. And her choice to face the public? I would die of humiliation.) Also, I think she puts on the smart-woman front as a way to please her mother. There's the long winded (sorry) analysis from where I sit.

Mika's performance on the show has deteriorated over the past few years. I have been recapping the show for over 10 years, & I have noted that her trouble reading the TelePrompter has accelerated since they moved the show to Florida.

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20 hours ago, plumbago blues said:

There's a reason CBS or whoever fired her. She likes to play the age/gender game and play the victim but the real reason is what viewers can plainly see every day. She is incompetent.

There's a reason that every other personality on MSNBC has at some point been drafted as a substitute host or a guest on each other's shows or to anchor live breaking coverage, and JoMika is/are not, and it's not just because they have the first shift.  (Showing up as a guest to plug your own books doesn't count.)  They, and she in particular, have nothing to offer. 

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The substitute this morning for Ali Velshi was the guy that Joe cannot stand - he is not overtly obvious about it...but he cannot stand him.  Hannan/Hanan something?  He had the wild gray hair that he wore brushed straight up; it is shorter and a bit more subdued now.  I really enjoyed his hosting!  But here is the thing...he has the most wonderful voice - melodious and soft.  I would love to hear him to on a rant like Joe; it would sound like melted butta.  I have never seen him host before and was really surprised at how good he was.

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The company that Katty Kay joined this year, Ozy Media may be in trouble for grossly exaggerating the number of viewers of its media content. It is using the fake numbers to attract financing. It will be interesting to see if Mika or Joe brings up this information the next time Katty Kay appears on Morning Joe. Katty is a friend of the show, so I doubt it.


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Please remember that the Small Talk thread does not allow for the conversations that violate the Primetimer Politics Rule.

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