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Wonder if that means KC will end up getting that role that she was rumored to be in consideration for a year ago. Especially now that she's dating one of the producers.


ETA: Or maybe that's just my persistent wishful thinking that KC will find something else to do that would take her away from Arrow. :(

Edited by Starfish35
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Have any you read these hilarious and honest recaps of Fifty Shades on Snark Squad? I read the first book through their snark. Even with it, I could not bring myself to read the other two books. I wanted to throw the Twilight books out the window, 50 Shades filled with me so much rage, I found it unhealthy for me to subject myself to reading anymore of it. 



Here is their shortened take on the books.


Anastasia Steele is seriously mentally unwell, proven by the fact that there are multiple people speaking to her in her head, and some times she sees projections of them, their facial expressions, their dance moves and their wardrobe. Ana suffers from crippling low self esteem issues and though we are told she reads A LOT, she may be the dumbest person to ever graduate from college, ever.


Christian Grey is a mother fucking creep, but one with a lot of money. He stalks Ana, manipulates her, hits her (oh, but it’s BDSM! LOL!) threatens her and also takes out her tampon for shits and giggles. Why anyone in the world finds him attractive is beyond us.


Ana and Grey don’t really speak to each other that much, so we aren’t sure they have anything in common other than their penchant for unhealthy relationships based on unrealistic depictions of sex and emails that would annoy any person living in the 21st century.


E.L. James’ writing makes us want to destroy innocent things. Her characters are constantly murmuring, whispering, muttering and sputtering, and we have a feeling it’s some reflection of what happens in her head. Some of the least erotic things we’ve ever read in our lives are featured in this erotic novel. We like to account for all tastes though, so if constant mentions of children near or around sex, sharing toothbrushes, vomit, and period blood are your thing, Fifty Shades of Grey is for you.

Edited by Sakura12
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What was Ben and Leslie relationship like. Don't watch Park and Rec.



Ben was introduced in season 2 of Parks and Rec.  He was there to cut the budget in the Parks Department where Leslie worked.  The two didn't necessarily get along so well initially, but they grew to respect each other.  Their mutual respect eventually grew into romantic feelings for each other, and they entered into a relationship (which they tried to hide because apparently it was against the rules).  They broke up for a bit, but then they got back together and confessed to their superior that they were in a relationship.  The fallout was a trial that resulted in Leslie only receiving a temporary suspension because Ben resigned from his job to save hers.  After that, they were able to continue dating, and they ended up getting married and having triplets.  Really, they are just an awesome couple and they both support each other in everything that they do.  You should watch this show!!! 

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Ben was introduced in season 2 of Parks and Rec.  He was there to cut the budget in the Parks Department where Leslie worked.  The two didn't necessarily get along so well initially, but they grew to respect each other.  Their mutual respect eventually grew into romantic feelings for each other, and they entered into a relationship (which they tried to hide because apparently it was against the rules).  They broke up for a bit, but then they got back together and confessed to their superior that they were in a relationship.  The fallout was a trial that resulted in Leslie only receiving a temporary suspension because Ben resigned from his job to save hers.  After that, they were able to continue dating, and they ended up getting married and having triplets.  Really, they are just an awesome couple and they both support each other in everything that they do.  You should watch this show!!! 

Thanks! I was just curious since you said you would prefer Olicity's relationship this season to be done kinda like their's. Sooo many people have recommended this show to me. I'll definitely try it out eventually. 

Edited by ban1o
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What was Ben and Leslie relationship like. Don't watch Park and Rec. 

Parks and Rec is LITERALLY the greatest show on earth. You'll fall in love with every character... Except for Jamm. But yeah. You should definitely give it a shot. I'd recommend you start with season 2 because 1 wasn't that great. But season 3 is when it gets REALLY good.

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I just couldn't get into Parks and Rec. I tried multiple times including when Tatiana Maslany was on. It's not a bad show by any means, it just doesn't interest me. Not many sitcoms do nowadays. 


Now, Episodes is the greatest show on Earth. 4 Seasons later it's still laugh out loud funny with great characters and a female friendship that I can enjoy. 

Edited by Sakura12
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Parks and Rec is LITERALLY the greatest show on earth. You'll fall in love with every character... Except for Jamm. But yeah. You should definitely give it a shot. I'd recommend you start with season 2 because 1 wasn't that great. But season 3 is when it gets REALLY good.


People told me that. I made it about ten minutes into the first episode of the season before I was bored and irritated. That show just isn't for me, because I found nothing at all funny about any of it.


Now, Episodes is the greatest show on Earth. 4 Seasons later it's still laugh out loud funny with great characters and a female friendship that I can enjoy.



Episodes is gloriously funny. I laugh my arse off several times in every episode, and it bears plenty of re-watching as well. Every character is incredibly funny, even if some of them could stand to appear only very occasionally.


Brooklyn Nine-Nine is the best sitcom on network TV at the moment, though. Great ensemble show, with plenty of diversity and actors who bring so much to each role. Except for Chelsea Perretti, who is terrible,

People told me that. I made it about ten minutes into the first episode of the season before I was bored and irritated. That show just isn't for me, because I found nothing at all funny about any of it.



Episodes is gloriously funny. I laugh my arse off several times in every episode, and it bears plenty of re-watching as well. Every character is incredibly funny, even if some of them could stand to appear only very occasionally.


Brooklyn Nine-Nine is the best sitcom on network TV at the moment, though. Great ensemble show, with plenty of diversity and actors who bring so much to each role. Except for Chelsea Perretti, who is terrible,


I had the same issues with Parks and Rec.  I have tried like 3 times to get into it.

The Arrow writers think that their villains are all badass when they really aren't because their motivations are stupid and meaningless. Then everyone changes their mind on whether or not they are good guys. Plus they all have the magic penis that keeps them from dying.


On Elementary they had the villain take out another threat of the hero without showing us what happened, all we got was a voice over reading a letter that said "No one takes you out of the game until I want you out of the way." That's a way to make your villain scary.


We also have the knowledge that she is keeping track of Sherlock and Watson and was able to take out someone in prison while in a different prison. 


It helps that she doesn't show up that often (because ND is super busy) but it makes her much more of a looming threat. We never know when she's going to show up and are surprised when she does. Sometimes less is more, the Arrow writers should take note. It also helps that heroes did defeat her once and no one had become stupid to make that happen, the egotistical genius just underestimated Joan. 

Edited by Sakura12
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Oh my gosh you guys! One of my best friends from Korea can do Nyssa and Sara's aerial silk trick! I knew she was studying at the Circus Center in San Francisco a couple of months ago - we talked about the videos of her on the trapeze, the hoop, pole dancing, etc but I didn't see the silk trick. So a couple of days ago she filmed on the set of a Korean drama - I think episode 7 of Jekyll, Hyde and I. I knew she was filming, but she just posted a video from the episode and it's one of the aerial silk tricks! If I can figure out a way to post a link to the video, I will. I just don't want to link to her FB page lol. And to think when I met her 7 years ago, we were both newbie teachers lol. :)

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The Arrow writers think that their villains are all badass when they really aren't because their motivations are stupid and meaningless. Then everyone changes their mind on whether or not they are good guys. Plus they all have the magic penis that keeps them from dying.


On Elementary they had the villain take out another threat of the hero without showing us what happened, all we got was a voice over reading a letter that said "No one takes you out of the game until I want you out of the way." That's a way to make your villain scary.


We also have the knowledge that she is keeping track of Sherlock and Watson and was able to take out someone in prison while in a different prison. 


It helps that she doesn't show up that often (because ND is super busy) but it makes her much more of a looming threat. We never know when she's going to show up and are surprised when she does. Sometimes less is more, the Arrow writers should take note. It also helps that heroes did defeat her once and no one had become stupid to make that happen, the egotistical genius just underestimated Joan. 


See, that's how I wanted/imagined Slade would be in Season 2. but Arrow botched that.


To keep this on topic, I think I need to start watching "Elementary." Been hearing really good things about it, not just from this board.

Elementary is good show, lots of character building. If you're a Sherlock purist, just note that they threw canon way out the window to take a different and imo more interesting take on characters that have been around forever. Especially making Watson and Moriarty women and while Sherlock is still an ass, he tries to be nicer for people he considers friends. I like that change most of all, because most of the time I wonder why anyone would bother being friends with people that act like assholes all the time. 

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I'm posting a link to my friend Vivi's blog if any of you want to take a look. On the right side are video clips she's posted. The first one in the top right corner is a clip of her aerial silk trick on the Korean drama (click on it and scroll down past the photos until you see the video clip.) There are some other clips - aerial silk, aerial hoop, dance, etc - some are from training and some are from performances. Sorry, I just got so excited when I saw this today lol, so I wanted to share it. I am so inspired by her right now because she didn't give up on this.

I love Elementary. That show is proof that you don't have to have nonsense or manufactured relationship drama or over-the-top villains. It's just good entertainment.

Lmao at that video review of 50 Shades. I've been reading reviews of the movie today and pretty much everyone agrees it's bad. The New Yorker said that the dialogue was as bad as the book lol - the reviewer said that no reader could pick up 50 Shades and reasonably assume the author was writing in her first (or even her fourth) language, but the movie just compounds it because the characters are so boring. He did suggest it would have been more entertaining if they'd gotten Sarah Silverman to voice the inner goddess and inner psyche bits haha. The crazy part is everyone also seems to agree that the actors lack chemistry. How the hell do you pick leads with no chemistry for a movie like this?

Edited by poetgirl925
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Beauty and the Beast got renewed for a fourth season! How? What? How? I like Kristin K though, despite Lana Lang, so I'm glad she's still employed, even if I've never seen the show. Season three hasn't even aired yet! Crazy.



Beauty and the Beast was on a syllabus for a class I took last summer on writing for serialized dramas. It was one of the shows I could choose from in the SciFi/Fantasy genre. I ended up choosing it as one of my shows to analyze female protagonists just because I'd never seen it. Also, I admit I thought it would be bad. Like REALLY BAD. I thought it would be weekly DiD for Catherine. I laughed that it was even on the syllabus.

Honestly, I have to admit it's not as bad as I thought it would be. S1 had some unnecessary characters like that irritating police captain and too much of the little sister. They got rid of both in S2, though the little sister made a couple of appearances. They have some convoluted plots and speeches at inappropriate moments, and there is most definitely too much manufactured relationship drama that hit mid-season in both seasons. I only watched certain episodes and clips from both seasons, but I could see the pattern.

What they did do right was make a fairly believable female protagonist. I was surprised she wasn't a DiD since her bf is a super powered vigilante. I thought I was going to be watching Lana 2.0 and that's not the case. They had believable backstory as to why she learned to fight, defend herself, etc. They didn't forget she knew how when it was convenient for plot. They showed her (brace yourselves) training! She trained, y'all. She had some good fights. Season 2 seemed to have a running theme about everyone trying to protect Catherine in their own way - seriously if I'd taken a shot every time someone said the word 'protect' in one of the episodes I watched, I'd have been wasted in less than ten minutes lol. But that episode was hilarious because she was fighting bad guys and, just as she was about to take out the last one, Vincent popped up and knocked the guy out. Was she happy to be saved? Nope. She was pissed, rightfully told him she had that joker, and stomped off muttering "I am not some damsel in distress. I don't need to be saved!" Bless the writers for giving Kristin that line because she had a thankless job on Smallville. It's definitely not a perfect show, but I'll admit I enjoyed the S2 episodes I watched. They stopped taking themselves so seriously, and there were legitimately cute character moments and relationship moments. And they actually had Catherine question the morality of being judge, jury and executioner and her role in aiding vigilantism since she's a cop. There was actual dialogue about this! Color me shocked. Overall I'm not sure it's my kind of show, and I don't have time to go back and watch every episode, but I might watch it again this summer if I decide to take my 3 months off as vacation time.

Frankly, I'd rather see Catherine be Black Canary than Laurel. It's more believable. I find it hilarious that Beauty and the Beast managed to create a better female protagonist than Arrow.

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Yeah, the scar on the cheek inexplicably disappeared in S2. He was taken by the government and - I'm not totally clear on this - reprogrammed? The scar was gone and he seemed to have more skills and better control over his emotions. His memory was wiped to turn him back into a super soldier who could be used to hunt down specific targets or other beasts. I only watched specific episodes and clips, so it's possible they explained it and I missed it, but it felt like they skimmed over the "How?" - kind of like how we never got an explanation for how Malcolm survived in S1.

I really thought that show would be redefining silly, and it did at times, but it's got some good points. I understood why my instructor included it on the syllabus. Catherine is, IMO anyway, a far better female protagonist than Laurel. Another student chose Arrow and absolutely ripped Laurel to shreds in one of the most hilarious rants I've ever listened to. She had never watched Arrow before, didn't give a damn about comics, and was absolutely, mortally offended by Laurel's existence on the show and what she called the worst writing for a female character ever. I don't think you could pay her to watch Arrow again lol.

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BaTB was only renewed for 13 episodes for S3 so that's kind shocking that it got a season 4. Happy for the fans they are very passionate about it.


I was completely in love with that show and how they portrayed Catherine until S2E2 when they had Vincent pick her up by the neck and throw her 30 feet across a roof top for questioning him (he was still being mind controlled at the time) and while I was horrified that had the male romantic lead commit domestic violence against the female protagonist, I tuned in for the next episode to see if what he did would be addressed. It was, we saw Catherine putting makeup on the bruise he left on her throat and that was the last that story was brought up. And that was the last episode of that I watched.

I didn't watch that whole episode, but I did see a clip of that scene and watched the following episode. Based on overall analysis, that landed in the MRD category and, as far as I could tell, didn't fit characterization for either of them unless Vincent was supposed to have PTSD, which AFAIK wasn't addressed. It seemed like a misstep on the part of the writers.

Whoops, I'm wrong. I looked for my notes and I did watch that whole episode, and the one that followed. What I concluded was that after their reunion in episode 1, the end scene of which I thought was very well written and included a great character moment in which Catherine finally allows herself to grieve what she's lost - her mother, her father, Vincent, and maybe her sister - that episode 2 was establishing their relationship dynamic again. She was desperate for him to remember, it (weirdly) led to sexy times, and (ouch) he still didn't remember. Going back wasn't possible because he wasn't the same person and Catherine was in denial. It was understandable but still denial. So that moment where he pushed her away when she grabbed him was the MRD designed to shake her out of her denial and make her realize this wasn't "her" Vincent - he was the government's Vincent. The problem is that they employed a triggering event to get there, and you have to be careful with triggering events. Without careful handling the audience can be turned off.

PTSD would have fit very well with how they seemed to be exploring his humanity, but I don't think they went there based on the episodes I watched. Since it was clearly CW type MRD, and most likely designed to shock their viewers rather than be explored, I ended up dismissing it from my overall character analysis. Poor Catherine and Vincent were victims of the Plot Bunny Bodysnatchers lol. I still felt like Catherine had some pretty solid characterization overall.

S3 hasn't aired? Are they turning it into a summer show? That might be a good thing for the CW to consider

Edited by poetgirl925
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I couldn't get past the CW's version of the beast- a hot guy with some scars. I hear he got rid of the scars.


Really? That's hilarious. The CW is such a cliché of itself. No wonder I never watched a show on it before Arrow. Kind of wish I'd never bothered, because it seems like they're trying to appeal to an audience that really is not me.


Meanwhile, I just watched the first four episodes of 12 Monkeys, and it's bloody good! I really liked Aaron Stanford back in X-Men 2, and thought he was the most interesting part of the rather dull Nikita, so it's good to see him with a nice leading role. And I loved Amanda Schull in Suits, so again I'm pleased that I get to see so much more of her in this. They have great chemistry, and the story is barking mad (just like the movie) but engaging.


New Girl went SERIOUSLY downhill after Nick and Jess got together that I had to give up on it.



I gave up on it when it just became painful to watch. When all the characters except Winston were dicks and nothing was fun. So... about midway through season 3. Not going to give it a second chance, either. I got so tired of all the casual sex plotlines and the constant inability of the writers to ever write relationships that felt real.

New Girl went SERIOUSLY downhill after Nick and Jess got together that I had to give up on it.

I'm still watching.  I loved Nick and Jess as they were written before they got together but they almost immediately started writing Nick like a lunatic.  They still haven't returned him to normal.  He had his quirks and issues but he seemed like a real person before and now...sigh.  That said, I do feel like the writing is improving and I've found a way to still enjoy Glee so my standards in comedy isn't very strict, once I like the show I'm probably not going anywhere and the I do enjoy each character.   Coach has been a fun addition to the show and Winston has fleshed out nicely. 


One complaint, what is with the ratio of women to men on the show?  Four regulars are guys and only two are girls? Weird.   


I really started liking the Mindy Project last year and they are doing a great job IMO of writing her in a relationship.  There hasn't been any difficulty finding conflicts without it being angst ridden or ridiculous. 

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I had to push through the first season of Parks and Rec and part of season 2 to get to the fabulousness that's season 3. I feel like it's worth it.


Funny..on retrospect s1 isn't so bad.

S2 remains superior to s3...that season actually used all characters instead of s3 which only seemed to have one purpose: getting Leslie and Ben together while everyone else was mostly sidelined. 

I'm really enjoying 12 Monkeys as well.  I was a bit worried about Amanda Schull since I wasn't fond of her on Suits, but she's great here.  Love Aaron Stanford from his time on Nikita and Kirk Acevedo from Oz (does anyone else think that Acevedo would have made a good Ted Grant?  Just me?).  In last night's episode of 12 Monkeys, there was this hilarious scene involving

bat-shit crazy Jennifer throwing a bit of shade at Cassie.

.  Amanda Schull's face was too funny...looked like she was genuinely amused by that.

  • Love 4


does anyone else think that Acevedo would have made a good Ted Grant?  Just me?

Well, now that you mention it, yes, Kirk Acevedo would have been a awesome Ted Grant.  Damn, I wished that happened.  But, I'm guessing that the show was looking for a "hotter" guy, and Kirk is probably considered an "old guy" ,for the CW network.  But, it all worked out, since I'm enjoying him on 12 Monkeys.  I agree that the show is better then I expected.  Him, Aaron Stanford, and Amanda Schull have really been impressing me, which is a pleasant surprise.


On the flip side, I have exactly no idea what to make of SyFy's Helix.  It has managed to be even more incoherent and batshit crazy.  I still don't know any of the new characters names (I still just call them "Matt Long" and "Steven Weber"), character's motivations are all over the place, and, really, nothing makes sense.  And, yet, I keep watching, because the ridiculousness is so entertaining.  Plus, Kyra Zagorsky is hot.

Beauty and the Beast got renewed for a fourth season! How? What? How?


Three excellent questions.

A third season pretty much assured them a fourth season, and giant returns in syndication money.

Truth is, these days, any show that reaches 3 seasons [of 20 or more episodes] gets a fourth season renewal almost automatically. The last show that didn't was Veronica Mars.

Yeah, we didn't get a 4th season of Veronica Mars unfortunately.  It also robbed everyone of the possible chance to see Logan meet the business end of a Louisville Slugger.

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For Veronica Mars fans...


Since the 2014 kickstarter-funded movie, Rob Thomas has been writing sequel books on Veronica's continuing adventures.  The second book, Mr. Kiss and Tell, was just released last month.  Here's one person's review of that book:


What’s New in Neptune? ‘Veronica Mars’ Does It Again

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So I was watching an old episode of Hart to Hart circa 1979 and the cold opening is a prostitute making a deal.  Asked how much, she says...and wait for it...$20.


Talk about reverse sticker shock. 


Edit:  Reread what I wrote and it sounds like I actually know the going rate of hookers, lol. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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Another student chose Arrow and absolutely ripped Laurel to shreds in one of the most hilarious rants I've ever listened to. She had never watched Arrow before, didn't give a damn about comics, and was absolutely, mortally offended by Laurel's existence on the show and what she called the worst writing for a female character ever. I don't think you could pay her to watch Arrow again lol.

I would love to see how TIIC would react too someone not watching Arrow not liking Laurel especially since those who are not fans of Laurel are simply upset Olicity supporters. The other student doesn't have va horse in this race. An unbiased opinion would be fascinating.

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Getting too caught up in the thrill of freaking fans out with random deaths is one of the biggest issues I have with GRRM's writing, and I think the showrunners have bought into it far too much. At some point, people will just stop reacting to the deaths, especially if there are even more in the show than in the books.

Edited by Danny Franks
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