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Small Talk: The Quiver


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I have fairly long hair, straight as a board but constantly prone to massive snarls.  I use oodles of conditioner but in the winter it's still ridiculously dry.  I've taken to using a smoothing serum that essentially feels like oil.  I have to wonder if we'd all be just as successful using a dab of olive oil rather than the fancy (and expensive) concoction created by the beauty companies.  Never dared find out though. 

Somewhere in another thread, it was mentioned that people in this forum are not so kind to those with a difference of opinion.  My two cents is that there are people with differing opinions, and then there are people who live to antagonize.  These antagonizers, however, are fairly easy to spot.  They'll say something obnoxious, and then walk away, waiting for other posters to respond to their comments.  A while later, they'll return to say something else obnoxious.  This goes on for a time, sometimes there are contradictions involved, but if you engage them long enough, they'll eventually say something that shows that they really had no idea what they were talking about, they were just trying to piss you off.  I've found that it's best to just ignore these people because even if logic prevails and you make your point, they'll just be back in a month to start the same cycle all over again.  My advice?  DON'T ENGAGE.  It'll keep your blood pressure from skyrocketing.


The "ignore users" feature on this forum is awesome. I make full use of it.

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He already kicked ass in one iconic Harrison Ford role.  Star-Lord in Guardians was pretty much a take on Han Solo, as was Rocket.

And I loved him in Guardians but while a Han Solo take off can have that boyish charm, I don't want it in Indiana Jones.  Yeah, yeah, the same actor but can Pratt hide his sweet side?  I've never seen him do it yet. 

Anyone here watch Banshee on Cinemax? It's show that's pretty much pure action, yet still manages to have interesting characters. The last episode had an epic fight with a Native American Assassin with a tomahawk against a Geeky looking Assassin with surgical knifes while also being inside a car. Their fight scenes are a lot more brutal and bloody than Arrow's because they can be. 

Edited by Sakura12
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Wait so Disney is wanting to reboot Indiana Jones with Chris Pratt as Indy?


Awesome move Disney if it happens, you can not find anyone better to take the fedora from Harrison Ford.


I'm so bummed. I was so hoping Jensen Ackles was going to get it.

Anyone here watch Banshee on Cinemax? It's show that's pretty much pure action, yet still manages to have interesting characters. The last episode had an epic fight with a Native American Assassin with a tomahawk against a Geeky looking Assassin with surgical knifes while also being inside a car. Their fight scenes are a lot more brutal and bloody than Arrow's because they can be. 


I love Banshee. It's just straight up crazy ass nonsense that I love.

Man, I used to love Dany, but IMO Emilia Clarke has lost whatever subtlety she once had in her performance. It's all imperious looks and solemn words, and it comes across very showy. Eh. I'm over her performance, but still like the character from the books (although she, like pretty much every character, has taken some turns I wish she hadn't in the later books).


Sansa and Arya are my true loves, with Jon Snow in third. I'm a Stark girl, I guess.

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Really? I started the show late and had to marathon to catch up and she was the one I kept hearing about. 


With Dany, I feel like they kept repeating some beats with her and I wanted them to more on. I haven't read the books but it does look like her story is going to be moving towards the others at a faster rate this season. I hope so.


Arya is my favorite. Sansa is intriguing to me. I wasn't a fan at the beginning, but I'm really impressed with how much she has grown on me. Same with Jon Snow.


And I find Cersei crazy fun. Lena is awesome.

Edited by 10Eleven12

I get why people don't like Dany or Emila, but I still like her for some reason. It could be my love of BookDany washing over into the show. That's how it is for Arya, BookArya is my favorite character. However TVSansa is way better than BookSansa. 


Favorite show character right now is Margaery and the Jon Snow's parentage theories are my favorite theories. 


The video game for Game of Thrones is also tons of fun, they only have one ep so far but it's great to hear the actual actors voices with the characters. You have the option to piss off Cersei or placate her, that was probably the most intense part of the game. 

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I finally succumbed and have watched the first three seasons of Game of Thrones in the last three weeks. I've been postponing season four, since that's it until season five, and then there's a wait...


I'm loving it! I like Dany and Sansa, but I adore Arya. Also, I've turned around on Jaime completely, although he'll never take Jon Stark's place in my heart. If that happens, it will be Gendry.

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I finally got my friend to watch the show, I told her she'd like it but she didn't think she would. She watched all 4 seasons in 2 weeks. 


When I started, I was only a season behind. I watched S1 in 3 days right before season 2 started. Then I read all the books in about a week (it helped that I read them on a flight to Japan). The wait for the next season is not near as long as the over 2 years I've been waiting for the next book. 

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I remember reading the first four A Song of Ice and Fire books during the summer after I finished my A-Levels but before starting university. I was obsessed and for a while all I thought about was those damn books. I love the show, too, but I've been a little underwhelmed by what they've done with A Storm of Swords. Still a great show but I've been pretty let down in places because of some of the changes they've made, like the whole Theon mess since they've basically given him a variation on the same scene ever since he got captured.


Being tortured sucks, but I only need to see it once. The book handled that storyline a lot more effectively, but I understand why the show needed to tackle it in a different way, even if I didn't like it. I don't even necessarily mind changes to the original material; I love how much the show has fleshed out Margery when she was basically an ambiguous non-entity in the books, and there's been a bunch of great scenes like Cersei and Robert's discussion of their marriage in season one that are exclusive to the show. There are whole storylines on the show that I've lost interest in, like anything involving Jon, Dany, or Bran, and almost all of the characters that populate their stories.


I do still love Game of Thrones though, and it's still one of the very best shows on television. I am very interested in seeing what they do with season five because we're getting closer to uncharted territory, and as much as I would have preferred to see everything unfold on the page first, I'm still dying to see what bits and pieces we'll see on screen that haven't been in the books yet.

Edited by manbearpig
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I finally got my friend to watch the show, I told her she'd like it but she didn't think she would. She watched all 4 seasons in 2 weeks. 


When I started, I was only a season behind. I watched S1 in 3 days right before season 2 started. Then I read all the books in about a week (it helped that I read them on a flight to Japan). The wait for the next season is not near as long as the over 2 years I've been waiting for the next book. 


You'll have to wait a little longer :( Saw this headline earlier: George RR Martin won't release a new 'Game of Thrones' book this year, publisher says

I'm not going to start reading the books until they're all out ... at least that's what I keep telling myself.

You'll have to wait a little longer :( Saw this headline earlier: George RR Martin won't release a new 'Game of Thrones' book this year, publisher says

I'm not going to start reading the books until they're all out ... at least that's what I keep telling myself.


I'm not surprised I started reading Game of Thrones in 1995/96, but it took so damn long between books that I have no faith in GRRM actually finishing them.

Wonder how JP will work a love triangle into this one...


'Tales From the Darkside' Anthology, Julie Plec Drama Nab CW Pilot Pickups
The 'Vampire Diaries' and 'Originals' producer will remake Belgian series 'Cordon.'
5:00 PM PST 2/2/2015 by Lesley Goldberg

Plec's Cordon, meanwhile, examines what happens when a deadly epidemic breaks out in Atlanta and a large city quarantine is quickly enforced, leaving those stuck on the inside to fight for their lives. Based on the original Belgian series created by Carl Joos for Eyeworks, Cordon tells the story of loved ones tragically torn apart, and how the society that grows inside the cordon reveals both the devolution of humanity and the birth of unlikely heroes. Plec will write and exec produce, with David Nutter (Game of Thrones, The Flash, Arrow) on board to direct the pilot and exec produce.

I've never seen the original Tales from the Darkside show but I think a new version could be fun. If they're telling a new story every episode they could populate the show with CW actors who have time off as a way to get fans of existing shows to check it out. I think it would be cool to see some CW people like EBR or Willa Holland or whoever in a different role, even if it's only for an episode!

Lori Grimes returns to TV - this time as Sawyer's wife...


Josh Holloway-Sarah Wayne Callies Vehicle Colony Ordered to Series at USA
By Michael Slezak / February 3 2015, 7:00 AM PST

Cuse and Ryan Condal (2014’s big-screen version of Hercules) will serve as writers and EPs for the series, which the network describes as follows: “Colony centers on a family torn by opposing forces and making difficult decisions as they balance staying together with surviving the struggle of the human race. Set in the near future, the story takes place in Los Angeles, which exists in a state of occupation by a force of outside intruders. Some people choose to collaborate with the authorities and benefit from the new order, while others rebel and suffer the consequences.”

Holloway will play former FBI agent Will Bowman, who will be forced to fall in line with the new order to thwart a growing resistance movement; Callies will play his wife Katie.

Edited by tv echo

They must be rolling up a Brinks truck to get David Nutter to do that pilot.


Nah. I learned from a podcast with Will Arnett if a show goes to series, the director of the pilot gets residuals for the life of the show regardless if they never direct another episode. No wonder Nutter's always a pilot director; it's a sweet gig.

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This is an interesting list of "6 Insulting Movie Adaptations of Strong Female Characters" especially in light of what I've seen the comic readers on this site say about the Black Canary's origin story. Lots of similar mistakes are made for the characters on this list.



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They did have a good while different take on the Black Canary's origin story, that showed her inner strength and her desire to help others because she wanted too, they even made her Bi which many comics did,  whether it was intentional or not, then they threw her at a garbage dumpster and stuck her in a refrigerator. 

Edited by Sakura12
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Interesting read. I kind of want to read the comments to see if anyone mentioned Arrow, but reading a comments section on Cracked? Sometimes you get the good, sometimes you get the bad. Real bad.


To me, Katara from Last Air Bender is the worst. I mean, that movie is one of the worst adaptations ever in general, but they took a likable, flawed, and morally and physically strong main female character, and made her a wet funoodle. And I have yet to find an Irene Adler that they don't make oversexed, or a damsel (a dominatrix? Really Sherlock?) except for Elementary. Shes...certainly more interesting. 


You know what show I cant believe I like as much as I do? The 100. Yes there are plot holes, and sometimes characters do dumb things, but the acting is good, the stories are interesting, and I appreciate how many creative risks the show has taken this year. Plus, the most recent episode had the main character and the head warrior queen of the Earth tribes fighting a gorilla. How can you not like that?  

Edited by tennisgurl
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Kind of a random question, but: is there an alternative site to SpoilerTV for promo photos/videos, etc.? I can never get that site to load properly, and I hate the navigation of it. But I don't know if any other sites post all the photos the way that one does.


They are on greenarrowtv.com right now, but I know some people hate that site, and it's a pain because you have to go through the pictures one at a time.  They're also on comicbook.com and I'll post the link in the spoilers only thread.

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
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I get why people don't like Dany or Emila, but I still like her for some reason. It could be my love of BookDany washing over into the show. That's how it is for Arya, BookArya is my favorite character. However TVSansa is way better than BookSansa. 


I've got to say, I absolutely cannot stand Dany in the books. I find her character just so tedious and unlikeable, and the plot she's stuck in so pointless and meandering, with very little of note happening. That feeling has crossed over into the show as well. In the first season, I really enjoyed the Dothraki stuff, and liked Irri and Rakharo as supporting characters. Well, we know what happened there. I just find her scenes, in both book and show, to be completely detached from anything that I feel like I should care about. 


But I really like Emilia Clarke and her enthusiasm for the show. I think she's given a lot of crap in terms of her scenes, but she manages to make enough of them work that I don't automatically skip any Dany scenes, as I started to do with the last book. I hope that Terminator movie is good (though I don't really imagine it will be), because I really want to see her in roles other than the thankless task of playing Daenerys Targaryen.


ASOIAF as a whole is a real love/hate thing for me. It started off so well, and earned my devotion, but delays, seemingly pointless storylines, endless pages of world-building and awful characters like the Greyjoys have really sapped my enthusiasm. I no longer believe the series will ever be finished in book form, so the show is probably the only sort of conclusion all the poor people who picked up A Game of Thrones in 1996 will ever get. If he does somehow finish it, I sense an absolutely huge anti-climax, because he's spent just too long building things up that I don't think he can every pay it all off satisfactorily.

Edited by Danny Franks
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Haha, I just read this article about the 50 Shades of Grey movie and their disastrous press tour. Apparently the leads hate each other (even admitted as much in an interview), they don't really have chemistry, and they both seem disgusted that they even made the movie.  I've never read the book, don't ever want to, and will not be seeing the movie, but I am curious to see if this will be an epic disaster.  

Edited by SonofaBiscuit

Do you have a link? I'm curious.


Here you go :)



My personal favorite quote about the movie from Jamie Dornan: "Mass appreciation doesn't always equate to something good. Think of Hitler! But I think, in this case, it must. It simply must."


And from Dakota Johnson, his co-star: "But I don't want my family to see [the movie], because it's inappropriate. Or my brothers' friends, who I grew up with. I think they'd be like, 'Blegh.' Also there's part of me that's like, I don't want anyone to see this movie. Just kidding."

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
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