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This is an interesting poll (I voted for Buffy and Veronica Mars, but there are several decent shows in that list)...


USD POLL : Which are the best cancelled teenage primetime dramas to binge-watch?
Posted by DarkUFO at Sunday, January 11, 2015

Edited by tv echo

I didn't realize I put the hashtag in one of my posts. I deleted it there, in case it was against this site's policy. But I'd like to put it here again, today out of all days. Mods, feel free to delete this post in case you deem it necessary -and my apologies if you have to.




Edited by Happy Harpy
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As if Jane the Virgin being renewed today wasn't enough, I literally screamed when Gina Rodriguez won the Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Comedy. That award is so well-deserved, and her speech was beautiful. Woo-hoo!


ETA: And Matt Bomer just won for The Normal Heart, and now I love everybody.

Edited by KenyaJ
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Is anybody watching Person of Interest? The latest episode was mind-blowing! 44+ minutes of brilliant and compelling story-telling. While Arrow has that Je ne sais quoi factor with Team Arrow and O/F, POI takes story, relationships and execution to whole new levels.


Ooh, ooh! I am, I am! Are you talking about the If-Then-Else episode of POI? Because that seriously was perfection in its execution. The creativity in the writer's room of that show just blows my mind, most times. Such an entertaining episode (I was on the edge of my seat, I laughed, I cried, I shouted obscenities--with fondness not annoyance--at my tv) where I have absolutely zero qualms about anything that happened. And that's including the final minute where something unmentionable happened to my favorite (after Bear, of course) character. I think I'm actually annoyed at myself that I'm not mad or indignant at all about that final cliffhanger-y minute.


Can you imagine if the Arrow writers were as creatively brilliant in how they execute their "game-changers" the same way that the POI writing team crafts theirs? If only.

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Ooh, ooh! I am, I am! Are you talking about the If-Then-Else episode of POI? Because that seriously was perfection in its execution. The creativity in the writer's room of that show just blows my mind, most times. Such an entertaining episode (I was on the edge of my seat, I laughed, I cried, I shouted obscenities--with fondness not annoyance--at my tv) where I have absolutely zero qualms about anything that happened. And that's including the final minute where something unmentionable happened to my favorite (after Bear, of course) character. I think I'm actually annoyed at myself that I'm not mad or indignant at all about that final cliffhanger-y minute.


Can you imagine if the Arrow writers were as creatively brilliant in how they execute their "game-changers" the same way that the POI writing team crafts theirs? If only.


I cannot imagine the Arrow writers being this creative and intelligent. If-Then-Else had so many OMG!! moments, I was both breathless and grinning like a fool. I did not know the reason for the ending, but it did not make me mad or sad.

Is anybody watching Person of Interest? The latest episode was mind-blowing! 44+ minutes of brilliant and compelling story-telling. While Arrow has that Je ne sais quoi factor with Team Arrow and O/F, POI takes story, relationships and execution to whole new levels.

I've watched POI from the beginning - that last episode was the best one of the series.  It was just amazing all-around - acting, writing, execution.

Pretty sure Caity Lotz could kick Stephen Amell's butt.


Ha! Bet Katie Cassidy is just as capable and badass as Caity Lotz..... 


Dingbats killed the wrong sister. They kept the more expensive, less talented (at everything except dressing herself, if Cassidy's real passion is fashion), less attractive one. For reasons I will never, ever be able to fathom.

I just started watching Person of Interest actually. I like it so far but mostly I'm waiting for Amy Acker to appear. I want more Carter, too...although, I know what happens there eventually, but Henson looks like she's having a ball on Empire anyway and I'm interested in that show solely for her so I'll be checking that out when it hits the UK.

Watching Hindsight.  I'm enjoying it so far though yeah, I'm more enamored with the clothes and music than the relationships yet (Except for her and Lollie, love that one)  Never saw Being Erica though someone once tried to explain it to me when we were talking about Quantum Leap. 


The other one I'm looking forward to is Younger that's coming out on TVLand.  Instead of time travel it's just a divorced almost 40 something woman that is passing herself off as someone in their twenties so she can get back in the workforce.    It doesn't start til the end of March but I loved Sutton Foster on Bunheads even if the show never really found it's footing. 

Yeah, I think that the music might be the best part of Hindsight so far.  Another show that brought back some fond 90's memories was My Mad Fat Diary (series 2, specifically - Weezer, Beck, Radiohead, Oasis, No Doubt).


I'll have to remember to check out that Sutton Foster show.  I haven't seen any promos for it, but I usually try anything that looks remotely good.  A new one that I watched this week was Eye Candy on MTV.  I didn't make it all the way through yet, so I'm not sure if I like it or not.  I was excited when Daniel Lissing showed up but he's only a guest star, so he might have died before the end of the episode. Hope not!

Edited by SonofaBiscuit

Watching Hindsight.  I'm enjoying it so far though yeah, I'm more enamored with the clothes and music than the relationships yet (Except for her and Lollie, love that one)  Never saw Being Erica though someone once tried to explain it to me when we were talking about Quantum Leap. 



You're missing out! it is one of the best (and underrated) shows of the past 10 years.

I'm watching Hindsight and I'm loving it! I think Laura Ramsey is excellent, not to mention totally gorgeous. Love the soundtrack.

The first fiancée is not a great actor but I'm really enjoying the rest.

I'm digging Hindsight as well. Laura Ramsey is awesome, not to mention this guy appericates her having scenes in both eps so far of her in her underwear lol she's gorgeous. Love the soundtrack!

Have you guys seen previews for the new CSI spinoff with Dawson Leery, Allison DuBois, and Bow Wow??  It looks ridiculous and I predict that shit is cancelled quickly. 


I've also been seeing previews for Backstrom, featuring Rainn Wilson.  Hart Hanson is an EP on that project, so that's already one strike against it.  Even Dennis Haysbert can't save this one for me.

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Taking the discussion from @Orion's post about hated character who overcame it/became loved.


For me, Addison from Grey's Anatomy is one example of a character who managed to turn the tables with a good part of the audience. She was the obstacle to the supercouple of the it-show at the time, and yet she managed to get popular enough to lead her own show -which I didn't watch because it killed Alex/Addison and I'll be forever bitter about it. She still had a good pool of haters, though.

Jaime Lannister is a special case for me since his character development was written in the books and doesn't belong exclusively to TV. From the TV Guide list, I agree with Callie from GA and Carl from TWD, I don't watch the other shows quoted either.


But I think that most characters who managed to turn the tables 1) weren't a lead character 2) had their direction changed pretty early in their run (half a season/a season max) 3) were children/teenagers at first.

I know there's an exception somewhere, it just doesn't come back to me right now.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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For me, Addison from Grey's Anatomy is one example of a character who managed to turn the tables with a good part of the audience. She was the obstacle to the supercouple of the it-show at the time, and yet she managed to get popular enough to lead her own show -which I didn't watch because it killed Alex/Addison and I'll be forever bitter about it. She still had a good pool of haters, though.

I liked Addison from the moment she arrived, ta! da!, but then I never shipped Mer/Der (he was way too passive aggressive for me to like him).  I think she got her own show because she was so popular in spite of being the person the stall the lead couple.


So that's another thing a turn-around needs -- to have the character himself or herself be liked despite his role on the show itself, whether it be villain or ship-staller.  That's the opposite of Laurel, who was written to be a popular character but then turned out to be disliked by a fair portion of the audience.

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Addison had the entrance and the presence that made her stand out. Those are the actors I notice, the ones that create a character despite only being there to interrupt the main ship or be a one off character. Kate Walsh did that and so did EBR.  

And so did Caity Lotz as Canary ;)


I liked Addison from the moment she arrived, ta! da!, but then I never shipped Mer/Der (he was way too passive aggressive for me to like him).

I wasn't a shipper per se, but I liked them and above all, the show has always worked better for me when they were together. I enjoyed them very much when I returned to watching GA in S9. Their artificial teenage-like drama plagued the show, imo, whereas even their current conflict is way more realistic and therefore more interesting to me.


I thought about another character who started as hated and became loved, IIRC: Archie Morris on ER. If I had been told when he first appeared that by the last season, he'd become my favorite character, I wouldn't have believed it. Of course, he evolved from a lazy, almost criminally good-for-nothing comic relief, to an involved and responsible doctor. But it was also allowed by the acting, and it didn't happen overnight either.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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My memory is a bit hazy since I stopped getting involved with the fandom and was more of a casual viewer by the last two/three seasons of The X Files but there was Doggett and, later, Reyes who were supposed to co-lead with Scully in S8 and S9 (or eventually replace Mulder/Scully but, well, there's no X-Files without the FBI's most unwanted). Though I think it was more the fans and not the media who were adamant about not wanting them on the show (or the 2nd movie). Some fans grew to like, even love, them, but I think most just became indifferent instead of having outright hostility and anger toward the characters.


Also, does Wesley Wyndam-Pryce count? IIRC, he didn't really have a great start with some people since he was kind of a dick/incompetent/useless watcher to Faith (and Buffy) but grew to be a really well-liked/loved character when he moved to L.A. and teamed with Angel. But none of them are really the same case as Laurel who has to contend with having both the media questioning her relevance/advocating her removal from the show (hi, John Campea!) and a significant portion of viewers being incredibly averse to her character.

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My memory is a bit hazy since I stopped getting involved with the fandom and was more of a casual viewer by the last two/three seasons of The X Files but there was Doggett and, later, Reyes who were supposed to co-lead with Scully in S8 and S9 (or eventually replace Mulder/Scully but, well, there's no X-Files without the FBI's most unwanted). Though I think it was more the fans and not the media who were adamant about not wanting them on the show (or the 2nd movie). Some fans grew to like, even love, them, but I think most just became indifferent instead of having outright hostility and anger toward the characters.

I didn't think of them because I loved them, LOL. But indeed, and I'm pretty sur it was the case for Doggett at least.

I think that he was more in a Ray-like situation at first, since he was set as Mulder's rival/replacement and he quickly seemed to develop romantic feelings for Scully; I personally liked the concept of the character (resolutely different from Mulder) and the way he was played -plus D.Duchovny had decided to leave- but not the role he was given in the beginning. Yet as soon as he became Scully's ally and he stopped being a potential love interest, I began to like him and I think that people stopped hating on him as much. Moreover Robert Patrick won over quite a number of fans, both by his acting and his attitude, IIRC.

And yes, I'm one of the three (?) Monica Reyes fans and I loved her from the start (and S9 is my third favorite! UO!). But she was still widely despised on TWOP at least, when I began to post there; and I think it was in 2006, so well after the end of the show already. I feel that Mulder's comeback, and many viewers getting what they truly wanted from the show i.e the Original Dynamic Duo (*wink, nudge*) might have mollified the feelings toward the second X-files team in the end, indeed.

Edited by Happy Harpy

I always think that Logan from Veronica Mars is a good example of a character that was not supposed to be the OTP but became that on acting ability of the actor and his character interpretation and chemistry with the lead Kristin Bell - as well as lack of acting ability and chemistry with the originally intended OTP. If fact, it's a little similar to Olicity - in that it organically grew into one of the main focuses of the show - it didn't have the comic book canons to worry, however, and the creator Rob Thomas could do what he wanted and make changes organically and more quickly. But it was a happy accident too - and us fans were so crazy for it, we got a MOVIE!

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it didn't have the comic book canons to worry, however, and the creator Rob Thomas could do what he wanted and make changes organically and more quickly. But it was a happy accident too - and us fans were so crazy for it, we got a MOVIE!


It was actually a nightmare for Rob Thomas. S2 was his hell. He really really REALLY wanted Veronica/Duncan, but he was ordered by Warner Bros to fire Teddy Dunn and write Veronica/Logan.


This is actually my very favorite case of network notes being A GOOD THING when you have an arrogant showrunner who thinks he knows better, but he it turns out he doesn't. And 10 years later he's still cashing on the best network note he ever got in his life.

  • Love 4

Huh, I've never read anything that indicated that RT was THAT adamant about V/D. If you know of interviews where he (or others) talked about that, can you send them my way? My impression was that he had certain plans for how V/D would play out, but because of TD's performance problems, and the chemistry between KB/JD, he started writing toward LoVe from episode 4 (I think?). And that didn't mean he was ready to let go of his plans for Duncan, and it kind of took awhile to switch tracks, but I think RT was well aware that it was the best choice for the show to go in that direction. I mean, when they were working on the movie and he was rewatching the series, he broke into tears

at the first kiss in 118 because it was so "earned" and he was so proud of how they built up to it and how it played out


Yeah, the Duncan stuff was poorly-conceived from the beginning--even if they'd had a really magnetic performer, that relationship would have been a really hard-sell, for me. But you know, the Veronica/Logan relationship should have been a hard-sell for me too, and it ultimately wasn't because of the performances. So I can see how in RT's head, Duncan and Veronica have this really complicated dynamic, but one that means good drama. But then he got this Lumpy Cake Donut (love it, @apinknightmare), and it ended up feeling gross and boring instead of compelling.


Also, that plus Piz really show off a lot of RT's less-savory gender relation views. I mean, he still talks about these guys in such black & white terms. I think he recognizes the complexity and overall goodness of Logan, but he really doesn't see the negatives about Piz or Duncan. Which...man, those two are just composites of every Nice Guy cliche there is. And he just doesn't acknowledge that at all.

Edited by Carrie Ann
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