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Small Talk: The Quiver


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I read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, after Sandy, freezing in my house with no power, great book, really fun. Best part was it made me want to read P&P again, haven't read it since college.

It's funny you say that about rereading P&P, that is exactly what happened with me.  I reread it and then I rewatched the Colin Firth mini series and then I introduced the mini series to a friend and turned her into an obsessed P&P person.  Apparently there is A LOT of P&P "fan fiction" out there for sale. 

There is a TON of P&P fan fiction online and plenty of 'follow up' novels.  It's like its own cottage industry, seriously.  And then there's Lost in Austen and Austenland.  I loved the Austenland book - a friend and I unintentionally gave each other a copy because we thought the other was a bit obsessed with Firth's Darcy. Ha. I re-read all of Austen and the Bronte sisters when I was on bedrest during my last pregnancy.  Not sure I was in the mood for zombie versions then or even now, though.

Sorkin had long left TWW when John Wells promised Josh/Donna shippers would be happy, and then completely screwed them over by spending the last season concentrating on the new president, with lots of time dealing with his relationship with his wife, and giving Josh and Donna a brief moment in the second last episode where they finally got together.

I can't say i agree with your sentiments on J/D, I was very satisfied with the resolution. I did not feel screwed over in the least.

We got to watch J/D rebuild their relationship with Josh realizing how much Donna had grown and learned both with and without him (good part of S7). We got the accidental kiss when they tied in the poll, the awkward looks/feels all episode long when the relationship started changing to romantic/sexual.

Then the follow up on the night before the election, plus the distraction during the day. Later we have J/D emotional support while Josh is dealing with Leo's death. The romantic mis-management during the funeral with Amy trying to hook Josh up with someone and J/D and CJ/Danny trying to figure a way to get out of CJ/Donna being roomies.

Josh being a total dork dealing with Donna while recruiting Sam to be his Deputy Chief of Staff, J/D dealing with their emotions in an adult way (where Donna was thankfully in charge), them going to Hawaii, solidifying their relationship as more then an itch or satisfying a "what-if". Finally, we have one of my favorite scenes, Josh/Donna/Sam walking back into the West Wing as part of the new administration and all the joy/excitement of starting over again.

I really liked S7 (S5b and all of S6 pretty much sucked) but I really enjoyed the season as a whole and J/D in particular in S7.

Consider me one very satisfied J/D shipper. If ever there was a ship with a last minute unsatisfying shipper resolution it would be Harm/Mac and Mulder/Scully (which I didn't even ship) but those were a totally screw over, IMO.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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If ever there was a ship with a last minute unsatisfying shipper resolution it would be Harm/Mac and Mulder/Scully (which I didn't even ship) but those were a totally screw over, IMO.

As someone who did ship Harm and Mac.....yeah. :(. I guess it was better than them never getting together at all, but....yeah.

Edited by Starfish35

As someone who did ship Harm and Mac.....yeah. :(. I guess it was better than them never getting together at all, but....yeah.

I was very unsatisfied, I wanted them together for most of the show and, then it just went on too long and I started getting annoyed that they dragged it out. I also didn't like the final season, I tuned into the finale hoping for payoff and just hated it. I don't know if it was the whole coin flip, their relationship in the last couple of seasons or just too little too late but I was so disappointed in the resolution.

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The last season was just kind of a mess, partially I think because they didn't know where they were going. I don't remember why, but for some reason DJE's contract was not renewed, so they were flailing around trying to set up going on without him, and that's why that new guy was brought in. And if they had ended up continuing the show without DJE, I don't think Harm and Mac would have gotten together at all, but then they decided to just end it (or were cancelled - can't remember for sure) and so they just threw them together at the last minute.

I agree that the show started to go downhill in maybe about season eight. I loved that show, but the last two-three seasons were not the best. :/

Edited by Starfish35
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Josh being a total dork dealing with Donna while recruiting Sam to be his Deputy Chief of Staff, J/D dealing with their emotions in an adult way (where Donna was thankfully in charge), them going to Hawaii, solidifying their relationship as more then an itch or satisfying a "what-if". Finally, we have one of my favorite scenes, Josh/Donna/Sam walking back into the West Wing as part of the new administration and all the joy/excitement of starting over again.

I really liked S7 (S5b and all of S6 pretty much sucked) but I really enjoyed the season as a whole and J/D in particular in S7.

Consider me one very satisfied J/D shipper. If ever there was a ship with a last minute unsatisfying shipper resolution it would be Harm/Mac and Mulder/Scully (which I didn't even ship) but those were a totally screw over, IMO.


Donna was going to the East Wing.. as the Chief of Staff to the first lady.

but yes, i enjoyed J/D relationship. and while the later seasons were a bit of a drag logically they were needed when you take into account how their entire relationship started. like Felicity Donna needed to step away from Josh's shadow and establish herself, which se sooo did!, as an independent successful woman in the career sense. when you consider her history: deadbeat ex boyfriend she ran away from, college drop-out. Donna Needed! those two and so years away from Josh to grow and evolve; and in all honesty so did Josh, he needed that time to be understand how much he learned from Donna, how much he relied on her in more than just the professional sense, but that in the professional sense he can survive and thrive without her.

They ended the show as total equals! which rocked as hell.


as for Harm and Mac.. yea count me in too. stupid moonlight curse!


That's why Doug and Carol are my #1 OTP, have been for 15 years now. they were just well written, the drama was kept within the realm of what is logical for their characters and their shared history, and it was grounded in reality.. no excess drama. they were 100% mature adult relationship with some bumpy roads. they were brought together and were together no "will they, won't they" shit. no keeping them apart for fear it will ruin the show. and really them together made ER that much better, they gave a foundation/homy feel. not sure if you know what i mean... not sure if i know what i mean.

Loved Josh/Donna and was happy with their resolution got me through the whole Jimmy Smits thing.


So far my favourite resolutions in the category of Lead romantic couplings are John/Aeryn and Nikita /Michael.


Farscape *sigh* I just love that you knew they were it for each other. And the miniseries with their happy ending…so good


I really liked how Nikita handled the main relationship, the show was at times cheesy but had all spectrum of strong female characters including the 2 leads and villain. Fun supporting characters and no real love triangle. They also grew the relationships each season. and ditched things that wren't working.


As for Pride and Prejudice versions the Lizzie Bennet Diaries on youtube is great. Modern retelling in a video diary format. (Darcy Casting was questionable, but was so clever and well done)


Same peoples have also done other things including Emma which they call Emma Approved.


Emma is my Favourite Jane Austin, I remember I watched a bunch of Emma Approved Videos, then a BBC version then Clueless all in on weekend last year. I have no regrets!!


ETA Olivia and Peter on Fringe.

Edited by Genki
Donna was going to the East Wing.. as the Chief of Staff to the first lady.

but yes, i enjoyed J/D relationship. and while the later seasons were a bit of a drag logically they were needed when you take into account how their entire relationship started. like Felicity Donna needed to step away from Josh's shadow and establish herself, which se sooo did!, as an independent successful woman in the career sense. when you consider her history: deadbeat ex boyfriend she ran away from, college drop-out. Donna Needed! those two and so years away from Josh to grow and evolve; and in all honesty so did Josh, he needed that time to be understand how much he learned from Donna, how much he relied on her in more than just the professional sense, but that in the professional sense he can survive and thrive without her.

They ended the show as total equals! which rocked as hell.


You're right she was off to the East Wing as CoS to The First Lady.  I absolutely loved how they handled J/D in S7.  I highlighted the parts that made the J/D resolution so perfect for me.  I hated that Josh turned Donna down when she wanted to work for him again (and I think only part of that was business) but I loved that Lou was the one that hired Donna and recognized what an asset she'd be for the Santos campaign.  S5-S6 were pretty rough (even with the not stopping for Red Lights when the car blew up) but for me S7 paid off in a great way....I should start a TWW rewatch haven't seen an episode in years but it was such a good series.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I thought the time to put Josh and Donna together was when she was blown up and he rushed to Germany to be with her.  At that point, he knew he cared about her and we knew she had cared about him for years. There was no good reason for them not to be together at that point, especially since Wells promised that we would love what we got with them.  Instead, they spent seasons still apart for no reason that I could think of 


And it was so deliberate to keep them apart.  In the last season, Josh spent more time with Amy Gardner, his ex,  than he spent in scenes with Donna.  I kept waiting for Josh/Donna scenes, but no, more Amy, more Santos. One thing that really bugged me the last season is that we got so many scenes of Santos (a character I had zero interest in) and his wife supporting each other and having a great relationship while Josh and Donna kept missing each other.  It felt like Wells was using that fact that people cared about Josh and Donna and deliberately keeping them apart so that we would watch his "Santos becomes president" show. 


As for Harm and Mac, it's one of the worst endings ever. I think Donald Bellisario has something against couples being together -- the love of Magnum's life blew up, Sam Beckett never got back to his wife in Quantum Leap, Harm and Mac had the "if neither of us are married in 5  years we'll get married" (something I did when I was 14 with Russell V but fortunately he went through 3 marriages on his own), and no one on NCIS was allowed to be in a happy relationship.


In terms of couples on a show, I don't want to wait 7 or 10 years to see them get together in the last frame.  (If Emily Deschanel hadn't got pregnant in real life, would
Booth and Bones be together even now?)   I want them to be together when it's logically the right now, not kept apart by plot contrivances that make both characters looks stupid, and I want to see them in a relationship and see how they manage that. That's one thing that The West Wing did well, the relationship the Bartlett's had.  I have my qualms about Death Comes to Permberly but I do like that we see how Elizabeth and Darcy navigate their life.

I think Donald Bellisario has something against couples being together

Don't know about the rest, but I do remember reading that he did NOT want Harm and Mac put together. For whatever reason. So instead we got nine seasons of will-they-won't-they. I think season eight was where I started getting frustrated with it. My tolerance for will-they-won't-they is a lot higher than most people I know, but there comes a point when the plot devices to push a couple together and then pull them apart just end up getting ridiculous.

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As for Pride and Prejudice versions the Lizzie Bennet Diaries on youtube is great. Modern retelling in a video diary format. (Darcy Casting was questionable, but was so clever and well done)


Same peoples have also done other things including Emma which they call Emma Approved.


I got hooked on the webseries as well - turned my daughter onto them and quite a few friends.  They were so well written though I was not always impressed with the casting choices.  BUT the effort and creativity were outstanding!

If you want to see Felicity's mom kick ass, she was NYPD Blue's Connie McDowell. Like Felicity, she was IIRC a favorite of Alan Spinewall's (and I think he began his career commenting this show).

NYPD Blue is the best cop show that ever was for me. It's mostly 90's, but not that 90's, and sustained the test of time the last time I marathoned the whole 12 years, a couple of years ago.


I'm quite weary of anything claiming inspiration from Austen, since 90% of bad fanfiction authors claim they're inspired by her work -the poor woman must be spinning in her grave- but I watched part of the Lizzie Bennet Diaries and found it fresh, charming and way more faithful than even many non-modern retellings.



My tolerance for will-they-won't-they is a lot higher than most people I know, but there comes a point when the plot devices to push a couple together and then pull them apart just end up getting ridiculous

Exactly! The worst in the will-they-won't-they is  imo that when the writers are finally done baiting and playing with the audience, thinking they're oh-so-clever, a sizable chunk of said audience is gone, tired of losing their time and enjoyment, never to return. Moreover, it creates "sides" in the relationship (I remember Castle/Beckett going very ugly) which damages it irremediably.

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PBS is airing "Death Comes to Pemberly" in two parts, it concludes Sunday.  They probably just smooshed 3-1 hour parts together, if that's how it was shown in the UK.

I watched "Death Comes to Pemberly" and found it extremely disappointing.  Lizzie and Darcy had zero chemistry.  Lizzie wasn't Lizzie at all.  The Liz Bennett I remembered from Pride and Prejudice was lively and engaging and attractive.  The Lizzie on this PBS series was not that attractive, seemed sad and beaten down, and had hunched shoulders.  The murder mystery was so-so with a predictable ending.  


Regarding Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, a movie is being made of that book for 2015 release:



Edited by tv echo
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Anyone watching Jane the Virgin?  It's totally soapy and over the top, but Jane and her family are very sweet, and her father is hilarious.  I'm also really enjoying Scorpion, even though it is sort of ridiculous.  It makes me laugh and keeps me entertained, which is a lot more than Arrow is doing these days. 


I'm in love with Jane the Virgin! It's currently my most anticipated hour of television (Sorry, Arrow). I was talking with a friend the other day about how much we love that the storyline is moving along at such a quick pace. I'm so conditioned to shows dragging these out unnecessarily, but Jane is revealing and resolving things that would take half a season, if not longer, on a lesser show. And even though the premise and storylines are OTT ridiculous, the show is grounded in very real emotions and relationships. It makes me so, so happy. I can't wait to watch tonight!

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Interesting article: Why a Great Second Season is Often Too Late to Save a Struggling Show.


From the article: Very few TV series emerge fully formed. Most shows take at least a season to figure themselves and their characters out, or to course-correct after a rocky beginning. Often by Season 2, a series—like FX's The Bridge or ABC's Marvel's Agents of SHIELD—can finally complete its necessary adjustments and become the outstanding show it was always meant to be. Except that audiences no longer have the patience to stick around for such extended fine-tuning.


I didn't realize AoS was not doing well. I liked the changes it made during the first season and came back for the second. But yeah, there are too many choices these days and viewers are more impatient. If they don't like what they're seeing, there are a ton of other choices out there. This goes even for established shows.

Edited by SmallScreenDiva

audience have become impatient because shows are repeating themselves. Honestly half the shows today have either a similar based show on another network, or used to, so why bother tuning in to the new cop drama when there are like 10 established ones on TV?

seriously how many SUV, Law & Order, NCIS based shows do we need?!


we're in a saturation period. you can only take so much from the same formula and make it unique.

right now it's cop shows and music based reality; superhero are the next wave. in three-five years we'll be saying the same thing about them (just as they are saying it about the movies).

FYI that's why the streaming companies shows are gaining attention, they're focusing on things that are interesting and unique.

Edited by foreverevolving

A few years ago (okay, 20 years when ER started), medical shows were all the rage. Now a medical show can only survive if it's a soap opera (Grey's Anatomy) or a cop show in disguise (House, Body of Proof, Forever).


It's too bad though because some really good shows take a while to build and figure out what they are.  (e.g. Arrow, which got a lot better when it took the emphasis off Oliver/Laurel/Tommy and put it on Team Arrow).  It used to be that networks gave shows almost a season to build audience, now they yank them after a couple of episodes.


It's made worse by the amount of time it takes to turn the ocean liner around; Agents of S.H.I,E.L.D. got a lot better when it stopped being about Skye and Coulson and spread the adventure around. But it takes a long time -- scripts are planned and written in May, shot in July and it's October before the audience finally sees the finished product.  They're writing for February and shooting for January right now so if something is not working, it's going to be April before it gets fixed.



An interesting read:  The CIA reveals what's real and what's reel about ARGO


(When ARGO premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival, it got booed because of how it incorrectly portrayed Canadians.  Ben Afleck had to add a disclaimer at the end of the film.)

I was reading Mo Ryan's review of what's gone wrong with Season 2 of Sleepy Hollow. I don't watch SH, but I know Mo loves it as much or maybe even more than she loves Arrow, and I've been eagerly awaiting her thoughts on Arrow S3. When she gets around to writing that review, she can take this paragraph about SH, replace the names and it will be equally applicable:


Why is Frank Irving mostly gone? Where is Jenny Mills? Two key Season 1 character I'd been hoping see more of have been frequently sidelined so that we can have a lot of screen time for the show's most problematic character (Katrina) and a new guy who hasn't added much (Hawley). 
Edited by KenyaJ
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I'm so annoyed with Sleepy Hollow, at the moment.


I've gushed about the amount of really cool, fun, intelligent and sexy women that have popped up in TV shows over the last couple of years, played by actresses who seem every bit as fun, intelligent and sexy as their characters. And one by one, the shows they're in are driving me away through shoddy writing and, worryingly, at least one character in each one who I really do not want to ever see on screen.


In Sleepy Hollow, there is Abbie, the awesome woman. But they have Katrina, who is as dull as watching paint dry, and now they've added that lanky streak of nothing, Hawley, while marginalising all of the interesting characters from season 1. They've neutered their bad guys, they've shoved the pretty white folks front and centre, and it all just feels so much less than it was in its first season. I'm convinced that Fox asked them to include more characters that "audiences can identify with" (meaning more white people).


Agents of SHIELD has Simmons, who is fucking great. But it also has Coulson, who I refuse to endure because he is quite possibly the worst character and actor I have ever seen be put front and centre on a TV show. Skye is boring, even though Chloe Bennet seems fun, the main 'ships on the show are horrible, and Simmons being forever connected to that irritant, Fitz, certainly didn't help my tolerance of the show's negatives.


Arrow, as we're well aware, has Felicity. But it also has, as we're also well aware, Laurel. 'Nuff said.


So now I'm left with Amy Santiago, of Brooklyn Nine-Nine. And at the moment, I'm actually still pretty confident that they won't mess that show up. Sure, Gina is terrible, but the writers seem to be aware that she rubs some people up the wrong way, so they've limited her role. But the main thing is, this silly little half hour sitcom about a bunch of goofy cops has handled the prospect of romance between two of its leading characters with more maturity and grace than nearly any supposedly serious drama I can think of. And it handles the friendships of all the characters so much better than those other shows too.


But it's immensely frustrating that I like all these characters so much, yet am still being driven away from their shows by the shitty writing and the shitty decisions made by those in charge.

Edited by Danny Franks
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I talked to 2 different people about Sleepy Hollow today, separately, and they made the exact same comment: it's like they're watching Arrow and copying the wrong parts of it.


Lol! So true. Aren't the Sleepy Hollow writers buddy-buddy with the Arrow writers, too?


Like, I adore Abigail Mills and I'm not that concerned yet with the Crane family drama/way things are going on SH (I'm one of the ones not bothered much by Katrina, though). What I am worried about, however, is the potential sister-swapping that the SH writers are really teasing at with Abbie, Jenny, and Hawley. I mean, Jenny and Hawley are FWB but Hawley very clearly has feelings for Abbie. Right now, however, Abigail seems oblivious to any of it and is just keeping on with being her badass self. But, still, it worries me that SH will do an Arrow and actually go over the sister-swapping line, instead of just lightly treading it (but never actually going there).

I was reading Mo Ryan's review of what's gone wrong with Season 2 of Sleepy Hollow. I don't watch SH, but I know Mo loves it as much or maybe even more than she loves Arrow, and I've been eagerly awaiting her thoughts on Arrow S3. When she gets around to writing that review, she can take this paragraph about SH, replace the names and it will be equally applicable:

Entertainment Weekly wrote an article, 6 Ways to Fix Sleepy Hollow.


It's funny I've seen a lot of Katrina/Laurel, SH/Arrow comparisons on the SH board, most from posters who don't really comment here. It's an interesting study in fandom.

  • Love 1

What I am worried about, however, is the potential sister-swapping that the SH writers are really teasing at with Abbie, Jenny, and Hawley. I mean, Jenny and Hawley are FWB but Hawley very clearly has feelings for Abbie. Right now, however, Abigail seems oblivious to any of it and is just keeping on with being her badass self. But, still, it worries me that SH will do an Arrow and actually go over the sister-swapping line, instead of just lightly treading it (but never actually going there).


Yes, the potential sister-swapping is currently my main worry too. WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING TO US.

Did anyone catch the Supernatural 200th last night? I haven't watched regularly since the creator left after the 5th season, but I tuned in for that one. I got a little choked up at Carry On Wayward Son esp. because the 'Mom' started it off and the looks on Jensen and Jared's faces.  Another highlight: Jensen was cracking me up with the direct stare of 1000% done at the camera

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Did anyone catch the Supernatural 200th last night? I haven't watched regularly since the creator left after the 5th season, but I tuned in for that one. I got a little choked up at Carry On Wayward Son esp. because the 'Mom' started it off and the looks on Jensen and Jared's faces.  Another highlight: Jensen was cracking me up with the direct stare of 1000% done at the camera


Loved it! I posted about it in the Bitter thread, but I just turned it on to rewatch again. I had the presence of mind to start recording halfway through. Made me nostalgic even though i feel like they are Nascar racing (going round and round in a been there done that kind of way) with their story lines which is why I haven't watched recently.

Did anyone catch the Supernatural 200th last night? I haven't watched regularly since the creator left after the 5th season, but I tuned in for that one. I got a little choked up at Carry On Wayward Son esp. because the 'Mom' started it off and the looks on Jensen and Jared's faces.  Another highlight: Jensen was cracking me up with the direct stare of 1000% done at the camera

I also watched Supernatural 200th and loved it.  I had stopped watching that show for a while because it was getting pretty depressing and repetitive.  But I ended up watching it live this week over Agents of SHIELD, its time-slot competitor.  It turned out to be a good choice, given how Coulson-centric the AOS episode was this week.

Edited by tv echo


I followed many shows in my younger days, and honestly, Besides Ugly Betty, this is the first time i have encountered something like this and on this magnitude; than again i hopped on the UB train literally less than a year before it got canceled so, maybe stuff went down before i became obsessed with it.


May I ask what are you referring to? I loved Ugly Betty, now you have piqued my curiosity :)

Did anyone catch the Supernatural 200th last night? I haven't watched regularly since the creator left after the 5th season, but I tuned in for that one. I got a little choked up at Carry On Wayward Son esp. because the 'Mom' started it off and the looks on Jensen and Jared's faces.  Another highlight: Jensen was cracking me up with the direct stare of 1000% done at the camera

I still watch SPN mostly because I just love my boys and the Angel/Demon on their shoulders.  "Fan Fiction" was a great episode and it really reminded me of why I love/loved Supernatural so much.  They had me from the opening title card where they ran though ever title sequence including the new one for "Supernatural the Musical".


I'm not a huge fan of the Meta Episodes, I refuse to watch "The French Connection" no matter how many people tell me it's a great episode, but the 200th episode was perfect.

May I ask what are you referring to? I loved Ugly Betty, now you have piqued my curiosity :)

Oh, god! it's been 4 years now.. let's see if i remember correctly:

there was a good portion of fans who hated Betty- like seriously hated her (which made me wonder "why you even watching the show than?"). Another who hated Daniel. Than there were the shipping wars of who Betty should end up with (those still went on after the show ended- I know since i stuck around); there was a good size of people who thought Daniel falling for Betty, and realizing it at the end of the show, came out of left field.

I think Alexis was hated by most fans (personally I liked her).

and like on Arrow everyone loved Claire and Wilhelmina.


can't think of anything else right now, it's been a long night studying my brain is dead.

Edited by foreverevolving

Noo, really?? How could they hate Betty? Or Daniel? The only one I hated was Henry lol. Wilhelmina and Claire were awesome, but Mark was the best :)

Yes Daniel falling for Betty was rushed, but I think it was because the show was cancelled, wasn't it? If they had another season it would have been much better. God, I miss Ugly Betty :( Thank you for answering, I didn't know any of this!

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I'm feeling so proud of myself right now. (which considering the day I had is an achievement- I may need more wine.

But i was reading through twitter and came across this:




I love how the "fakanary" nickname is spreading its wings. i'm taking credit, even if there is someone else out there who may have thought of it. it's mine! :-P

I feel like a proud mama.


ETA: ugh.. of course it won't let me add the actual tweet properly.

Edited by foreverevolving
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I was a casual viewer of Ugly Betty catching a few episodes each year until the final season (I must have got the DVR that year since I know I had a conflict the other years). The Daniel/Betty thing was rushed but the seeds were all there and in the end I think it worked because they made it all about Daniel finally waking up to who she was in his life but since Betty wasn't there yet, they let the final details play out in the viewers head. Given the alternative I was happy with how it ended but yeah, just a little more time would have made a big difference.

I'm watching Jane the Virgin and while it's very different from UB, it gives me some of the same over the top vibes...in a good way.

  • Love 1

I was a casual viewer of Ugly Betty catching a few episodes each year until the final season (I must have got the DVR that year since I know I had a conflict the other years). The Daniel/Betty thing was rushed but the seeds were all there and in the end I think it worked because they made it all about Daniel finally waking up to who she was in his life but since Betty wasn't there yet, they let the final details play out in the viewers head. Given the alternative I was happy with how it ended but yeah, just a little more time would have made a big difference.


When Ugly Betty was good, it was REALLY good and I loved it. But when it was bad, it was just awful. I think there were a few seasons in there where they made Betty really unlikeable, and they kept having her appear incompetent yet we were supposed to still be on her side and believe she was in the right and just 'being true to herself.' When in reality, she was being unprofessional and judgmental. It's the dichotomy of what's happening on screen isn't actually what we're being told and the viewers end up feeling like the writers are treating us like idiots.


I liked the Daniel/Betty ending. Throughout the season, there was never any hints of romance but I agreed Daniel finally realizing how important Betty was to him and acknowledging that his feelings might be changing was well done. It was part of Daniel's overall growth at the end. There was no last minute dash to the airport, declarations of I Love You or dramatic kissing, just a very realistic acknowledgment that he needed to make some changes in his life.


It's interesting how on the surface Daniel/Betty, Oliver/Felicity and Donna/Harvey in Suits have very similar dynamics. While I'm all about O/F and grew to like where D/B was headed, I really disliked they added in the romantic angle with Donna and Harvey on Suits.

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