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Small Talk: The Quiver

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2 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

@Mellowyellow You should trade with me for a few days, because it is FREEZING here! We’re due for our second snow storm in a week tonight, and by Sunday, we should hit highs of 8 degrees Fahrenheit! Brrrrrr! 

Oh you poor thing! I always curse winter until I remember how horrible a Sydney heat wave can be.

That is freaking cold though! I rather the heatwave I think...Can always go sit in a shopping centre if I'm desperate and don't want to upset polar bears. 

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23 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

It's so hot. So so hot! Above 86 degrees F all week. Since the old doggy has passed away (we kept aircon on for him in his old age) we are now sweltering until 5.00pm so we don't kill the polar bears (yes I know they are doomed anyway but I'd like to think I'm not dooming them faster).

Have you seen the new flexitarian diet to feed the planet?  It is what scientists say we have to go to in order to feed all 10 billion people.


Nuts - 50g a day

Beans, chickpeas, lentils and other legumes - 75g a day

Fish - 28g a day

Eggs - 13g a day (so one and a bit a week)

Meat - 14g a day of red meat and 29g a day of chicken

Carbs - whole grains like bread and rice 232g a day and 50g a day of starchy vegetables

Dairy - 250g - the equivalent of one glass of milk

Vegetables -(300g) and fruit (200g)

The diet has room for 31g of sugar and about 50g worth of oils like olive oil.

That translates into two portions of fish and two of chicken each week. I can deal with the lack of red meat and I guess two or three days are completely vegetarian but only one egg a week? Dairy is one glass of milk a day?  I am sooo depressed. Apparently my slice of cheese is going to hurt the planet.  (The page has an interactive bit that will tell you how much a type of food will affect the planet.)

I want to be a good person but this is going to be hard. I'm not a big legumes fan.

Edited by statsgirl
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I saw that article and freaked out at the 20c size beef pic they posted.

I'm going to go to hell cuz I loooooove meat and dairy. 

I should try to make up for it in other aspects.

I've taken a liking to cabbages as part of my 5:2 eating plan (approx 15 pounds lost since Jan last year!). I saute a tonne of cabbage and eat it when I run out of calories on a fasting day. Purple, sugar loaf, nappa, savoy, I love them all 😂

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19 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

@Mellowyellow You should trade with me for a few days, because it is FREEZING here! We’re due for our second snow storm in a week tonight, and by Sunday, we should hit highs of 8 degrees Fahrenheit! Brrrrrr! 

It is currently 4 degrees F outside right now.  The low is expected to be -5.  And it was so nice last week (daily highs around 24F)

15 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Have you seen the new flexitarian diet to feed the planet?  It is what scientists say we have to go to in order to feed all 10 billion people.

That translates into two portions of fish and two of chicken each week. I can deal with the lack of red meat and I guess two or three days are completely vegetarian but only one egg a week? Dairy is one glass of milk a day?  I am sooo depressed. Apparently my slice of cheese is going to hurt the planet.  (The page has an interactive bit that will tell you how much a type of food will affect the planet.)

I want to be a good person but this is going to be hard. I'm not a big legumes fan.

Well right now the US has a HUGE surplus of milk and cheese so go to town.  :D

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16 hours ago, lemotomato said:

My one-coffee-a-day habit is contributing 0.4 Kg of greenhouse gases per serving :( Tea is apparently much more earth-friendly.

 Maybe because coffee needs to be roasted and tea doesn't.  They both need boiled water though, unless you're making tea in the sun.

3 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Well right now the US has a HUGE surplus of milk and cheese so go to town.  :D

This was a huge area of contention in the NAFTA talks. I'd explain, but we're not supposed to talk politics.. 

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I don't think prices have gone up much. Or I haven't paid close attention if they did.   I paid recently $1.69 for a gallon of milk.  I get butter in bulk at Sam's Club (and keep the rest in the freezer until needed ).  At 4 for 11 dollars that's $2.75 per pound.  I think that might be on the cheap side

Edited by BkWurm1
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5 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:



Ok this is incredibly childish of me but I was browsing my jewellers and saw this. 

Bahahaha I wonder if they know what it means or is some poor person going to wear it as a pedant 😂




It's beautiful!


I pay that much for 1/4 pound!!!!

I live in dairy country.  That might help with the prices.  But your butter is Yikes!

Edited by BkWurm1
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Watching the Fyre Festival Netflix documentary is like watching a train wreck you can't look away from, except the people on the train are all preppy fratish captalist wolf of Wall Street wannabe douche bags. 

The only people I feel sorry for are the Bahamian people who got taken advantage of and were basically unpaid workforce. 

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10 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Saints were robbed.

Let's go Chiefs! I hate the Pats 😁

Hey, I'm actually cheering for the Chiefs since I wanted Saints vs. Chiefs, but since this seems to be NFL ruins everything day, I'm expecting the helpful calls for Brady/Patriots as well.

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5 minutes ago, way2interested said:

Hey, I'm actually cheering for the Chiefs since I wanted Saints vs. Chiefs, but since this seems to be NFL ruins everything day, I'm expecting the helpful calls for Brady/Patriots as well.

Isnt that just a normal Sunday? 😛 

Thar guy looked at Brady funny, flag him! 😃

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The Patriots spend more time bribing officials than actually practicing football!!! My team is the Colts, but my second favorite team is whoever is playing the Patriots :)

8 hours ago, Mary0360 said:

Watching the Fyre Festival Netflix documentary is like watching a train wreck you can't look away from, except the people on the train are all preppy fratish captalist wolf of Wall Street wannabe douche bags. 


I watched the Hulu one, the story is so WILD! I remember the story breaking all over my Twitter feed while it was still going on, and I've been grotesquely fascinated by it ever since. It really is the perfect storm of FOMO, social media marketing gone mad, online scams, and these young scenesters and entrepreneurs flying too close to the sun. Although, as a millennial, I do watch a lot of those scenes in the documentary of the party people at Fyre Fest with my head on my forehead. Come on guys, we should know better than to fall for crap like this by now! Stop making the rest of us look bad by association!

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10 hours ago, tennisgurl said:


I watched the Hulu one, the story is so WILD! I remember the story breaking all over my Twitter feed while it was still going on, and I've been grotesquely fascinated by it ever since. It really is the perfect storm of FOMO, social media marketing gone mad, online scams, and these young scenesters and entrepreneurs flying too close to the sun. Although, as a millennial, I do watch a lot of those scenes in the documentary of the party people at Fyre Fest with my head on my forehead. Come on guys, we should know better than to fall for crap like this by now! Stop making the rest of us look bad by association!

Unfortunately we don't have Hulu where I'm from. But I read a comparison article and they seem to suggest the Netflix was the more in depth doco so I highly recommend it. They really lay out the time line of events in detail innand engaging way, and as much as I don't have huge amounts of sympathy for the employees I will give them credit that they gave engaging interviews where they were honest, self aware of their failings and their own culpability that was refereashing to see in a documentary like this. 

I've also read that the Hulu doco over exaggerates or falsely exaggerates Jerry Medias role in the fiasco because of their own rivalry and hostility with Netflix who produced the documentary with Jerry Media. Apparently they rushed to get their doco produced and out a couple days before Netflix's simply to screw them.

Still I'd have liked to seen Hulus cause they interview Billy don't they? That's the only thing that's missing from the Netflix one is that you don't really get much of his side in the doco. Although considering he seems to be a compulsive liar maybe it's not needed lol

I still am undecided in whether they were honest in their desire to live up to their promises and were just grossly inexperienced, overwhelmed and ultimately incompetent or whether elements of the organisation intentionally set out to defraud people and just lead their other employees on. I also 100% believe Ja Rule is more culpable then he is letting on. And he and some of the other higher ups should be facing equal legal action.

And I didn't have huge amounts of respect for Instagram models and social influencers like Kendall Jenner or Emily Ratajowski- mainly because I feel they are narcistic, greedy, and have shallow concerns- but this doco hasn't helped lift them in my esteem. I know that they were just paid to promote the event and we're doing their jobs but the fact that all of them have deleted their posts and haven't acknowledged any of the drama of an event they were a significant reason for why people brought tickets in the first place, I find kind of shitty. I mean some of them were getting paid $250,000 for one post on the event. I hope the class action against all the models leads to celebrities reevaluating the ethics of using their social media platforms to push products on their followers without acknowledging that they've been paid to do so. 

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Having now watched the Hulu Fyre doco I still prefer the Netflix one, despite offering a couple of new angles. But I will say it did offer two awesome moments to me. First being Billy's mothers letter defending her son with such brilliant defence arguments like how her son could walk and talk before other children. Second being that I kept getting distracted by the Instagram model Alyssa Lynch who was interviewed in the doco, who looked so much like Cassandra Amell to me. She spoke  about how she recieved a luxury villa while the rest of the attendees went through hell. Her insincere "I felt bad for everyone else" followed by her giggling had me convinced she would be the perfect person to play Stephens wife in the movie of his life. 

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Those of you who live in the states, are your banking systems advanced? Like can you transfer money or pay anyone in the world at the tip of your fingers (if you do not use Paypal)?

I am trying to help a friend complete a transaction with china. She is from the States. No Paypal so we are sending RMB. OMG! Apparently she has to go line up at the actual bank and pay like a $60 transfer fee! This is not helpful in securing goods!

In Aus we can transfer almost any currency to anyone for like a fee of $10 for overseas transfers! On our phones! 


On another note I am thinking of getting this kind of jade pendant when I am off my ban. Is it too Asian looking? I am Asian so I do not want to look like I came from the mainland. Hubs reckons it will look like I just came from the mainland.

I like the pretty scenery......


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Does anyone watch Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt? I just watched the last six episodes and Busy Phillips is in one of them. I've never seen it before, but in some instances it looks like she and EBR are twins. Except one of them is 4 or so inches taller. It was bordering on freaky. I think it was the facial expressions.

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14 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Can I make buffalo wings with sriracha or do I need to buy that American buffalo sauce brand?

I have to order it online or wait until I go to Costco which is a pain.

You can't make traditional buffalo wings with sriracha, but you could just make the wings and put sriracha on them.

Edited by apinknightmare
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15 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

I’ll always choose cold over hot, but that’s a tad frigid even for me. ❄️😬😄

I always choose hot over cold but almost 4 weeks of temperatures over 86 have pushed me a bit 😅

Took me 1 hour to get savoury muffins in the oven. I'm moving like a snail in this heat. We're getting warnings that we may have a power outtage due to over usage. 

ETA: I'm craving hot Viet noodle soup and can't eat it in this weather! I miss Pho 😣

I dunno how the viets in Vietnam eat so much hot noodle soup but I maintain their heat and humidity is less bad than the Aussie sun.

Edited by Mellowyellow
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I Googled


A snowsquall is a sudden moderately heavy snow fall with blowing snow and strong, gusty surface winds. It is often referred to as a whiteout and is similar to a blizzard but is localized in time or in location and snow accumulations may or may not be significant.

it basically lasted maybe 30-45 minutes and then it was over, not a lot of snow but, the White Out was trippy

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2 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

I always choose hot over cold but almost 4 weeks of temperatures over 86 have pushed me a bit 😅

Took me 1 hour to get savoury muffins in the oven. I'm moving like a snail in this heat. We're getting warnings that we may have a power outtage due to over usage. 

ETA: I'm craving hot Viet noodle soup and can't eat it in this weather! I miss Pho 😣

I dunno how the viets in Vietnam eat so much hot noodle soup but I maintain their heat and humidity is less bad than the Aussie sun.


Lol and we actually got a request from the Natural Gas Company for people in certain areas to please turn down the thermostat some due to a strain on meeting demand.    Same but different.  :D

Edited by BkWurm1
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We get snow squalls fairly often here. It's rough while they are going on especially if you are on the road, but the amount of snow is fairly limited.

I prefer it to what we got Monday and Tuesday, which is over 12 inches (31 cm) of snow.  The main streets are plowed now but in many places the outside line is where the snow is deposited and along the side, the snow banks are sometimes higher than the cars coming out of their driveways. I got caught in a snow bank coming out of my driveway and wouldn't have been able to get out except my neighbour helped to dig me out. (I owe him cookies.)

With this cold, I worry about the animals.

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16 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Lol and we actually got a request from the Natural Gas Company for people in certain areas to please turn down the thermostat some due to a strain on meeting demand.    Same but different.  :D

Fellow Michigander?

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2 hours ago, shantown said:

Fellow Michigander?

Minnesota.  Around the Twin Cities area.  I think you guys had more areas at risk if I've heard right.  But still, I've NEVER heard of such requests in the winter. 

The good news is by Sat and Sun we will be hitting above freezing temps!  I'm expecting everyone to go out in shorts and t-shirts.  Also, will see if the battery in my car still works.  Knock on wood.   

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We are a lovely 72 degrees today!

All the children went back to school this week. Poor 6yo wasn't very excited for school but not for typical reasons. When asked why he wasn't keen on returning he said to me "I've worn nothing but undies at home all holidays mummy. I can't cope all day in clothes and shoes."

Their summer uniform is very thick and those damn school shoes are not breathable!!! 


You guys made the Aussie news with your frozen snap!

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3 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

With the renewals that came down from the CW I noticed that Roswell was left off the list.  Significant or too new in it's run to now yet?  

Too new.

For what I've gathered, it's performing well by CW standards.

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