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Zack Snyder: "Also I spoke to Frank Miller and he says it needs to be even darker, with less Superman, and more Batman.  He suggested Batman solves everything while Superman cries in a corner."


Oh Marvel, you are killing it with the Star Wars books.

Are they good?  I wasn't sure if I'd be interested since most are during the original trilogy.  I was looking at the Kanan book, I like Star Wars Rebels so it has some appeal but I wasn't sure about that one either.

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Are they good?  I wasn't sure if I'd be interested since most are during the original trilogy.  I was looking at the Kanan book, I like Star Wars Rebels so it has some appeal but I wasn't sure about that one either.

Haven't read Kanan, but Star Wars, Vader, Lando, and the 5 issue Leia series are fantastic.  Star Wars and Vader are their 2 main ones, with Lando being a 5 issue series like Leia (they're on issue 2 of Lando).

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So i finally finished all the Daredevil episodes my notes:

love Fisk, despite him being the bad guy. there's just something compelling about him, almost child like in nature. I grew to love his relationship with Vanessa.. the more I saw it the more i loved it (wonder how long before she becomes her full comic self- if she's coming back).
it did end up being the most interesting romantic relationship on the show. besides Foggy and Marci.


Couldn't believe they killed Wesley. he was a bastard, but a wonderful one.


I still firmly believe Matt and Claire work better than Matt and Karen. I found Karen kind of okay, there was nothing overly special about her 

but I was shocked when she killed wesley. that was a "WOW" okay.


I will miss Ben. and I may miss Leland too.


overall I really don't get the hype from the show, it wasn't bad, but it didn't wow me either.

the stunts were good.

Edited by foreverevolving
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She's getting hammered on Twitter.


At the risk of making a bad comparison - we've talked a lot here about how much so many of the articles about Arrow don't seem to go through basic fact-checking.  And now we see why - apparently even the Chicago Tribune doesn't have enough editorial staff around to have even one person say, er, just maybe wishing for another Katrina is a bit tone deaf? Can you take another look at this?  If they can't check that, no wonder they aren't - and minor publications aren't - fact checking Arrow. 

Edited by quarks
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That's really scary that something like this article would go out without someone raising a red flag. Or maybe someone did and got shot down. That happens, a lot more often than people think. Columnists have a little bit more leeway on what they write because what they produce is considered opinion, a totally different department from news. It doesn't necessarily represent the views of the newspaper (some publications actually have that disclaimer). I see McQueary is on the editorial board of the Tribune. Depends how big a name she is at the paper, her stuff might be "untouchable." Yeah, sacred cows still exist in newsrooms.

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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So I got distracted from my Justice League marathon because Netflix finally put up the 8th season of Doctor Who, and I've been very impatiently waiting to see that.

I'm now six episodes in (through 806 "The Caretaker") and I am.....struggling. :( I am really really missing Eleven right now. I've never had this hard of a time adjusting to a new Doctor before. I loved Nine, and then Ten, and then Eleven.....but even though Capaldi is a great actor, I'm having a really hard time liking Twelve. And I'm not really feeling the Clara/Danny relationship. To those of you who have seen it, does it get better?

The thing about DW before was that it was generally always fun, even with the darker turns it took sometimes. You just hung on for the ride. This just kind of feels.....dreary, I guess. I can't think of a better word.

I don't know - maybe it's just me. Any thoughts?

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RE DW. I dislike Clara greatly. I don't like her relationship with either 11 or 12.  I like Twelve but he's IMO diminished by Clara.  It's not awful but not nearly as much fun as IMO the Davies era. But that's just me

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I like Clara. But I think I liked her better with Eleven. I'm not really enjoying her relationship with Twelve very much. But that's more because I'm not really into the dour old man portrayal. :/ Nine could be mean and cutting, but he had that manic energy and excitement that offset it. Twelve....I haven't figured out how to like Twelve yet. But yeah, maybe a different type of companion would work better with Twelve.

Edited by Starfish35
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So I got distracted from my Justice League marathon because Netflix finally put up the 8th season of Doctor Who, and I've been very impatiently waiting to see that.

I'm now six episodes in (through 806 "The Caretaker") and I am.....struggling. :( I am really really missing Eleven right now. I've never had this hard of a time adjusting to a new Doctor before. I loved Nine, and then Ten, and then Eleven.....but even though Capaldi is a great actor, I'm having a really hard time liking Twelve. And I'm not really feeling the Clara/Danny relationship. To those of you who have seen it, does it get better?

The thing about DW before was that it was generally always fun, even with the darker turns it took sometimes. You just hung on for the ride. This just kind of feels.....dreary, I guess. I can't think of a better word.

I don't know - maybe it's just me. Any thoughts?


Not just you. Eleven is my favourite, with Amy and Rory and River Song, and I liked Nine and Ten, but Capaldi is just not clicking for me as the Doctor, and that is mainly because of Clara's attitude and the very odd relationship between the two. IMO, Clara is the most boring, entitled and 'special snowflake' companion ever. It was a tragedy that she did not remain old at the end of the last season.


I struggled through the first few episodes and then just gave up. The eighth episode, Mummy on the Orient Express, is not bad. The title was the pull for me. I think the PTB are running out of interesting ideas,

Edited by Pothunter
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RE DW. I dislike Clara greatly. I don't like her relationship with either 11 or 12.  I like Twelve but he's IMO diminished by Clara.  It's not awful but not nearly as much fun as IMO the Davies era. But that's just me

I quit Doctor Who because of Clara.  I didn't really like her with Eleven but she's horrible with Twelve.  I held out hope that the Most Specialist of Special Snowflakes would be done at the end of last season but they went and renewed her contract.  As soon as that was announced I quit, I'll give it another shot when they change up companions because she's the worst of the lot.


My favorite companions (from nuWho) Donna and Amy/Rory/River.  Rose was good with Nine but I hated Ten/Rose with a passion...the smug self entitled jackass pair.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I stopped watching DW after one season of 11. Not because I didn't like 11, I did not as much as 9 and 10 but I just couldn't stand Moffat's writing of female characters. I tried to watch with again with Clara and it was the exact same. And 12 is just not the Doctor for me, he's a grumpy old man and that doesn't have fun. 


As for favorite companions I know I'm in the minority on there boards but it's Rose, Donna, Martha. Amy didn't feel like a character to me and I couldn't stand River. She was okay in first episode then go worse the more I saw her. I've got nothing against the actresses, having seen them in other things and they are all great. That's why I blame Moffat for Amy and River. I liked Davies run better. Yes, he had some stupid episodes but most of Moffat's episodes are like Look something shiny and cool let me run into the ground until it's no longer shiny or cool. For me Davies just wrote better characters, even the one off ones. And if I like the characters I don't care as much if the story is stupid. 

Edited by Sakura12
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Yea.. the 8th season of DW was.. a bit boring. Clara did worked better with 11, but i'm hoping maybe this upcoming season (9th) will expose a new level to their relationship, I think the 8th season was different because we had Clara getting used to having to deal with a brand new doctor who was very different than 11.


Nine was awesome, and he did worked well with Rose (most of the time), Ten was his best with Donna and than Marthaa and Jack too of course (ten too, would have loved to see eleven, lol), I can't stand Rose around ten, i was blah on her in season two, and than she kept coming back.. like them stupid house flies in my apartment that just won't freaking die in the summer.

eleven run was really good once you got used to him.


I think 12 is good- I don't mind that he's older (in fact I kind of like it cause it kills all the shipping wars), but yea he may need a different companion.

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It's not that 12 is older, I don't care about that. He's just not any fun. 9 while grumpy still smiled and had fun once in awhile. 12 is just mean sometimes. 


10/Rose for me was like those people that once they get in a relationship they forget the rest of the world exists. I knew and accepted that about them and I liked watching their joy at being together and going on adventures. I guess I joined them in their relationship and didn't pay attention to how they treated others. I don't ship anymore and I dropped a lot of my previous ones, they are one of the few remaining ships that I kept. I do wish Martha was treated better and didn't fall for the Doctor, she was an awesome character in her own right, they didn't need to add the Doctor pining. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I stopped after Ten. I tried to get into the eleventh doctor but I just couldn't. I get too attached to actors and the like. I don't mind Rose but my favorite companions would have to be Martha or Donna. And as foreverevolving said Jack too. Always Jack.

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I loved Rose/Nine/Ten. They were the ones that hooked me. I don't remember Ten/Martha enough. Donna was awesome sauce and her and Ten were great. I enjoyed 11. Didn't care much for 11/Amy but loved 11/Amy/Rory. I loved Rory. I liked River at the start but IMO she became more of a special snowflake than Clara. Hated the whole marriage thing with 11. It's one of the reasons as much as I loved Rose, I thought she needed to leave because her and The Doctor were totally getting there.

I'm having a hard time with 12. I had just warmed up to 11/Clara when they switched and Clara and 12 don't work. 12 is so different, they need a clean slate.

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10 is my least favorite new who doctor. He's the one that was mean imo. 9 is my favorite. 12 is blunt and does need to have fun more but he and Clara just clashed all season. She wasn't having fun as a companion. It's her part time companionship that needs to go. Even with Rose returning home often, she didn't feel like a substitute teacher type companion like Clara did.

I really liked 12 better as the season moved along and he was great in scenes with little to no Clara. He had fun with Missy.

12 and Clara did work better in the Christmas episode but they also had great guest actors chemistry with the doctor to help out.

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Well, it sounds like it's not bound to get much better then. Too bad. I'll still finish out the season. I'm not actually hating it. I'm just not really enjoying it like I have previous seasons. But I was hoping things would eventually smooth out. :(

I don't know that I've actually disliked any of the companions, but some have definitely been more favorites than others. Eleven/Amy/Rory + River, and Ten/Donna are my favorite combos, and I really enjoyed the Nine/Rose/Jack combo we had for far too short of a time in season one. Ten/Rose was not my favorite thing, and Ten/Martha was just painfully uncomfortable because of her unrequited crush. But Martha and Rose by themselves I like. And I liked Clara with Eleven quite a bit. I still like Clara....just, maybe, not quite as much. :( It's just frustrating the way they're writing everyone this season.

The only ships I've had have been Eleven/River and Amy/Rory. Eleven/River is.....messed up, I'll be the first to admit. I'm still so frustrated about what Moffat did in season six. But there is still something about those two that just gets me. I loved that final goodbye ghost kiss.

Edited by Starfish35
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Another promo for the Star Trek charity, this time just Idris Elba and Chris Pine and it's utterly hilarious 



Looks like each actor picked their own charity to support.  I guess there will be more vids from each actor/pair of actors mentioning their charities. 

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Decent list, most of my fav couples are on there! Some shows I don't watch, but even I know they are good couples from friends that watch those show. Good couples & the buzz they generate transcend whether you watch the show or not. Of course, Fitz & Olivia are on the list - which I don't absolutely agree with, but that's because I'm on the loser end of that show's triangle ship, Team Jake 4ever. But hopefully they find him someone else soon.

I'm Team Jake 4ever too, but I've hated Olivia and Fitz together basically from the beginning of the show. They're just such an awful, destructive couple, and I find no redeeming qualities in their relationship whatsoever. Oddly, though, at this point, I'd rather see them together than have either of them inflict their individual awfulness upon anyone else. So, I guess I ship them for the wrong reasons.


Also, ever since Jake first showed up, I've wanted him to be with Mellie, because I'm Team Mellie 4ever too. I think they'd be so much fun together. Make it happen, Shonda!

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Okay so I watched Scandal for the first two seasons, but Olivia and Fitz just made me want to set them both on fire. I hate Olivia when she's around Fitz, she turns weak. And I hate how Fitz is around Olivia. Seriously, does the show really want me to believe that, THAT wimp is the POTUS?! Ugh Olivia and Fitz give all couples a bad name. 


That being said, Mellie is the best. After the second season I just skipped every other part and just watched Mellie's part. But that wasn't enough for me so I quit. What a terrible show. 

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I don't like Jake because I hate Noel from "Felicity", and I hold fictional grudges against actors forever.

[but I hate Fitz too.]

Gotta say its weird. ... I was team ben during felicity. Couldn't stand Noel at all even as a bf. But Scott Foley completely hooked me in scandal. Never thought I'd be on his side. Edited by kismet
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Here's an interesting article on Funko's POP! line...


From Batman to Vader: How Funko Pop! became your new favorite collectible
BY NATALIE ABRAMS, MARC SNETIKER  Posted August 12 2015 — 4:01 PM EDT


Did you know they even have POP figures for Vikings?  Here's Lagertha...




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Never again watching anything that has Millar & Gough involved in anyway, y/y?



I can't say never but I can say nope to that.  I saw nothing in that trailer aimed at me and I was getting strong waves of Lana-fu wish fulfillment coming off the screen. 

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They're also doing the Shannara Chronicles, Manu Bennett's new gig.


For 3/4s of that trailer, I wondered if the significant thing about their new world was that there weren't any women in itl.  Then I saw some but they seem to be plot contrivances.  I think I'll give it a miss unless I hear otherwise..

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So...getting back to my Netflix Justice League marathon....I am now finished with both seasons of Justice League and have crossed into Justice League Unlimited. And I have some thoughts.

- I loved Hereafter (the episode where they thought Superman was dead).

- Superman and Lex have a strange relationship. Shades of Smallville (or is it the other way around?)

- Poor Hawkgirl. I cried.

- I'm afraid I'm very much shipping Bruce and Diana.

- This version of Green Arrow....ahahahahahaha! Does not even remotely resemble the one on the show. At least in the one episode I've seen him in so far. He wears green and he shoots arrows. That seems to be the extent of it.

- I've only seen a glimpse of Black Canary so far.

- the last episode I watched - the one where they get turned into kids. :) Shades of so many fan fics I've read over the years. :)

- I now get why Wally West is so popular, at least if this version is like the comics version.

Long story short....I'm kind of addicted. :)

Edited by Starfish35
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I loved, loved, loved Justice League. I was actually bummed when they announced they were expanding the universe to Justice League Unlimited, but I ended up liking it okay (especially Huntress and Question.) Wally West Flash is my favorite mostly because of JL but also because he was The Flash when I read that comic. Might need to do a rewatch of my own.

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AMC's new show, Into the Badlands, looks intriguing...

SDCC: AMC Journeys ‘Into the Badlands’ with Millar & Gough

Wednesday, August 12th, 2015 at 3:28pm PST - by George A. Tramountanas



I knew Daniel Wu (Sunny) when he was a little kid (I went to college with one of his sisters and we used to go to their house to hang out and do laundry). It's nice to see him finding some success in the U.S. He's been a huge star in Asia for years but he moved back to California last year when his mom passed away.

Into the Badlands wouldn't ordinarily be of interest to me but I've never seen any of Daniel Wu's work so I'll at least give the pilot a try.

Edited by dcinmb
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I thought Into the Badlands was notable for having its lead hero being an Asian male - very unusual for American TV. Granted, it's an Asian male doing martial arts, which is the stereotypical depiction of Asian men in Hollywood, but still, they're usually bad guys, henchmen or supporting roles.  

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Yeah I think I like Justice League better, at least so far. I liked the smaller cast of characters and the longer episodes (almost all of them were two and three parts). But I haven't seen much of JLU yet.


The entire arc of JLU s2 (or s4 of the show in general) was fantastic. The last 2 eps of the main arc (aka not Epilogue which was good but not that great) were some of the best tv ever IMO. 

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I'm just starting to get the feel of a larger arc underneath - the last episode I watched was the one with Supergirl's clone (who looks remarkably like Power Girl). But the crack...oh my! :) Turning Wonder Woman into a pig? And making Batman sing to get her back? Hahahahaha wow.

ETA: how much of this should I be putting behind spoiler tags? I know the show's been around for a while, but I didn't know if there were still some people who would prefer to remain unspoiled.

Edited by Starfish35
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I think you're probably safe in regards to spoilers, it's been so many years.

I like the time dedicated to the nonfamous heroes in Unlimited. Getting to see the Question question things is so much fun.

Plus I really enjoy watching The Once and Future thing every single time.

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Is this a new trend - making TV shows about doomed queens as teenagers?  First, we have the CW's Reign (about Mary, Queen of Scots), and now Cleopatra...


‘Cleopatra’ Series In The Works At Slingshot Global Media
by Denise Petski  August 18, 2015 10:00am

The series will be a new take on the life story of Cleopatra. Instead of focusing on the arch seductress made famous by her affairs with men like Julius Caesar and Marc Antony, the show will highlight the opposite – that these men were famous because of her. It will follow the narrative of an 18-year-old girl who came to be a pharaoh and a queen – a woman who was brighter, more intelligent, richer and a better administrator and ruler than the men of her time. The series will reimagine Cleopatra’s history, reinventing her as the modern woman, a woman that understood the power of myth and turned herself into a myth, constantly reinventing herself. It will highlight her great loves and her survival in the face of repeated assassination attempts, which made her one of the most dangerous, yet most powerful, thrones of all time.
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CCH Pounder was The Wall.  C A-R is good in the role on Arrow, but she's nothing like the old Amanda Waller.


that these men were famous because of her.

Seriously?  I can't stop laughing.  The conqueror of most of Europe and 31 years older is famous because of a 21 year old girl?    I bet BGS is rolling in his grave at that.  After her death Egypt became a province of the Roman Empire.


I guess focusing on her intelligence and power is better than the usual teen dramas.

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CCH Pounder was The Wall.  C A-R is good in the role on Arrow, but she's nothing like the old Amanda Waller.


Seriously?  I can't stop laughing.  The conqueror of most of Europe and 31 years older is famous because of a 21 year old girl?    I bet BGS is rolling in his grave at that.  After her death Egypt became a province of the Roman Empire.


I guess focusing on her intelligence and power is better than the usual teen dramas.



Oh god, that sounds so, so bad.  I'm fine with ignoring the seductress aspects and focusing on how Cleopatra played the "game of thrones" with her sibling.  Her bid to be sole ruler and how she lost and was forced into exile.  There's quite a bit they could do with Cleopatra early on while saving Caesar and Marc Antony for much later seasons....assuming this POS actually makes it past season 1

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Oh god, that sounds so, so bad.  I'm fine with ignoring the seductress aspects and focusing on how Cleopatra played the "game of thrones" with her sibling.  Her bid to be sole ruler and how she lost and was forced into exile.  There's quite a bit they could do with Cleopatra early on while saving Caesar and Marc Antony for much later seasons....assuming this POS actually makes it past season 1


Reign is heading into its third season! Have hope!  Though I doubt this show will provide anything close to Reign's ongoing costume hilarity.

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I am dyslectic today.  Sorry.  I meant GBS, George Bernard Shaw who wrote Caesar and Cleopatra.


Much Ado About Nothing just got mentioned over in the Spoiler thread, and it reminded me that I'm still annoyed that Benedick didn't kill Claudio. 


 One of my favourite scenes is Beatrice's "Kill Claudio...--O God, that I were a man! I would eat his heart in the market-place."  And then Benedick agrees to challenge him, proving his love for her is deeper than any other bond.  sigh


Claudio really is the worst.  He made sure Hero was going to inherit lots of money before he asked for her hand, he believed she was no longer a virgin because he trusted Don John's word, who everyone knew to be the worst villain, and then he agreed to marry Hero's cousin because she had the money now. Poor Hero really didn't deserve someone like that.

Edited by statsgirl
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