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House Of DVF - General Discussion

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. Even though Diane is strangely fond of Cat and I don't know why. If it comes out that she's been a family friend for years I wouldn't be surprised. No one else likes Cat but Diane keeps sticking up for her.

Hmmm, if you connect the dots...

Hillary Clinton called Diane a "dear friend" - or something close. Cat mentioned her dad worked for "the president."

Suppose "the president" was Clinton. Or "the president" was Obama, during the first term when Clinton was in the Cabinet. Or even "the president" Bush, when Hillary Clinton was a senator. It might not take a whole six degrees to find some level of acquaintance. Maybe not actual relationship, but something that at least put Diane and her parents in similar social orbits.

Or Cat could have been stretching the truth about her father.

I know we'd all be shocked.


The alternative explanation, especially after that display in front of Diane: Diane's lost her marbles.

Or maybe her folks called on their friend, Diane, to take the self-absorbed little twit off their hands for a year.


Edited by RealityCowgirl
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Dear Jessica,


Thank you for giving Cat a reality check.... I love you....


Sincerely Yours,



Yeah, even Cat's parents weren't buying her BS! Heh! They were all like "yeah, but you know.. you don't really listen well, so, umm".  And Cat's a bit of an embellish-er  (to put it lightly). But, Jessica did not grab her by the arm and lead her away. She does know this stuff is being recorded, right?? In any case, anybody but her for the win!! Which of course, means she's totally winning this thing. Lol!


I would almost feeling like screaming in anguish + pulling my hair out if Cat won.... I feel like if no one mention anything about her winning then one can dream that she doesn't....I had to LOL when Cat was telling Alli that she was being too "aggressive"....I think Cat mistaken Alli for a "mirror" + didn't see she wasn't talking to herself....


Um who is that mummy with Hanna Beth? Oh wait, it's her mom....;-x

Edited by OrientalAmish
  • Love 2

I never noticed it before, but Hanna Beth spent a lot of time stroking and playing with her hair. Has she been doing that all along or just this episode?


It really didn't seem to me like Cat was doing anything wrong during the fitting. It always seemed like she was good in those situations. Jessica's feelings about Cat seem out of proportion for the amount of time she's spent with Cat. Jessica seems to have that irrational "I hate you because you remind me of someone I loathe" thing going on, that's more about her than about Cat. Kind of like my intense, somewhat unreasonable dislike for Kate Hudson.


Gee another challenge where the girls show up to prep for something without enough time or guidance. I have to think if the fitting was such a big deal, Jessica would've gotten off her butt and helped set up.


This week Hanna with the blouse cut to her navel. I never see Jessica, Stefani, or Diane in sheer, low cut out fits in the office. Jessica was wearing a freaking turtle neck! Apparently it does occur to anyone except Alli, who has received personal guidance, to be a little bit more reserved/less sexy at work.

Oh, Cat, your complete lack of awareness and hypocrisy is astounding. So it was okay for Cat to quote things that the other girls have said but when Jessica does it, she's mocking her! I laughed MY ASS off when Cat said that if this is how she is being treated by a DVF employee then it's not a company she wants to work for. I really hope that they sit her down in Diane's office and make her watch the footage of herself saying that and then try to weasel her way out of the situation with Diane. A normal employer would say, "Sorry if you don't like being corrected when you're doing something wrong, but we are not going to let you run roughshod over our clients. You said you don't want to work for this company, so SEE YA!"


I have no issue with Jessica telling Cat to knock it off either. She has been told multiple times that she bulldozes people and she keeps saying she won't do it anymore and then she turns around and does it again. And these aren't random girls at a sample sale she's bulldozing now - these are celebrity clients so it actually matters to DVF if they're assholes.


And it's hard for Cat not to take it personally when she is reprimanded at work but it's okay for her to accuse Leigh of being OBSESSED with Hanna Beth and then tell her to calm down.


Hey, guys, remember when Hanna Beth cried at work because her ex-fiancé dumped her and then announced on Twitter that she was a lying cheating bitch? And how Cat said it was SO unprofessional to cry at work and she would NEVER cry at work? I guess being told for the millionth time to stop bulldozing people is much more traumatizing than being called a whore on social media since that was enough to prompt her to run away and cry while she was still at work.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 7

Hilarious that Cat was painting herself as the innocent victim (conveniently leaving out WHY Jessica asked to speak with her in the first place) and Jessica as the evil villain who had her in a Vulcan death grip, but even without knowing the real version of the story her parents were like, "Oh, Cat. We know you never listen. Maybe you should try being nice to Jessica."


Cat is clearly delusional. She takes Jessica telling her not to be so aggressive with the clients and then projects it onto Alli and claims that "we" thought Alli was being bossy with the VIPs. Hanna Beth is still not assertive enough to speak up and say that Cat's "we" didn't include her. Man, this makes me wish Chantal hadn't been eliminated because she would have said, "Who's 'we,' Cat? I never said that. The only person who I thought was being bossy yesterday was YOU." And then I would have died laughing once again. Ha, or maybe Cat was using the royal we.


For the record, I didn't see Alli being aggressive with the clients. She was listening to the VIPs, waiting for them to answer, and then responding. Cat, on the other hand, was mostly getting in their faces and then vomiting a barrage of questions at them.


Ha, I totally got the Amy Poehler in Mean Girls vibe from Hanna Beth's mom too. From her "raise the roof" arm gestures and her "let's go party!" suggestion to hitting on the guys at the tattoo parlor and "cute boy alert!" yeah. Hopefully Hanna Beth uses her mom's face as a good example why not to go overboard with fillers. What was that tiny ass tattoo that her mom got? It reminded me of that Friends episode when Phoebe and Rachel went to get tattoos and then Phoebe thought it hurt so much that she made him stop and ended up with a tiny dot (which she later claimed was the earth).


Another hilarious example of Cat's delusion:

Hanna Beth: This is such a big night for Diane and her brand.

Cat: And for me.


I seriously had to pause and laugh for a good two minutes at that. The WTF look on Hanna Beth's face reflected my thoughts too.


I don't know why Jessica made such a big deal about Hanna Beth interviewing the DVF award winners. She asked everyone the same questions ("Tell me about your organization," "What's your proudest moment as a woman?", and then "You look beautiful!"). It wasn't rocket science. Then again, none of the tasks that the girls have been given have been rocket science. I couldn't believe that Alli managed to screw up announcing people's names in the press room. Poor Hanna Beth had to sit on the floor to take pictures with her phone during the ceremony. They couldn't even give her a chair or a real camera.


When Alli said that it was amazing to see your dreams start to unfold in front of your eyes, OF COURSE Cat had to turn it around and make Alli feel like shit by asking how long she has wanted to do this. When she tried to make Alli feel bad because she's "only" wanted to be the DVF ambassador for a whole year, I just rolled my eyes. First of all, this position has only existed for a year so there is nothing wrong with the fact that Alli didn't invent this position in her head a decade ago and then pray every night that Diane would create it for her. Cat claiming that she's wanted this position for a decade is ridiculous. Isn't she like 26? So she's been dreaming about this since high school? That's not much more impressive. One of my pet peeves on competitive reality shows is when people think that wanting something means that they deserve it. Who cares how much you want it if you're terrible at it or if you're an asshole? I liked Alli's response though. She seems like a positive person, even in the face of Cat's repeated jerkiness.


I was CRACKING UP when Cat said in her talking head that she didn't want to say anything during the meeting with Diane, Stefani, and Jessica. Excuse me? This is Cat who never seems to shut up and suddenly she's developed the ability to hold her tongue? Ha, don't worry, that only lasted about two minutes! I also found it hilarious when she said that she is professional and that's innate. No, it's not. Do you see babies being professional? People learn how to be polite and professional from their parents, their teachers, their peers, their coworkers. That's the opposite of being innate.


I loved when Cat said she's always been sewing and Hanna Beth said, "This isn't about sewing." Hahahaha!  I also loved when Cat then tried to say that she has loved fashion since she was born and she's wanted this job since she was born and then Jessica called her on it and said, "You've wanted to be a DVF brand ambassador since you were born?" Seriously, stop with all the exaggerating, Cat. And why does it matter how long you've wanted to do something? Most ballet dancer begin their training when they are only two or three years old, but Misty Copeland didn't start until she was 13. Does that mean she shouldn't have been promoted to principal dancer at ABT because there were other dancers who dreamt about that job when they were younger than 13? No, of course not. That would be ludicrous. And it would be equally ludicrous to give the job to Cat just because she CLAIMS that she has wanted it for longer.


For the record Alli's House of DVF profile says:

She studied PR at Pepperdine before leaving to pursue career opportunities as a celebrity stylist and blogger.


So was that in the last year?


I'm glad that Alli, Jessica, and Stefani called Cat on it when she started talking about who you are inside has to do with where you come from and being professional and interested in fashion is innate. Where you came from is just luck of the draw. It is not to your credit if your parents had more money or chose to raise you in one city versus another because those are circumstances beyond your control. What is to your credit is how you choose to act and what kind of person you choose to be. The only real effect I see from Cat's privileged upbringing is the fact that she likes to tell people who privileged she is. But I would never have guessed that Alli was raised rich or poor based on her conversations with the other girls because she doesn't try to act superior to them or whine about not having certain things (the only time I remember her bringing it up at all was when Jessica came to her hotel room and even then it was not a whining pity thing). I'm glad that Stefani said that the common thread among who makes it at DVF is that they're good listeners and they're kind, two things that Cat has shown herself NOT to be.


I also loved when Stefani said that she would take a good person over a smart asshole. That gives me high hopes that Cat won't win. But I haaaaaaaate that Diane keeps defending Cat no matter what a jerk she is. It blows my mind that Cat had the nerve to say that she has listened to Jessica and changed. Case in point, she was told by Jessica to stop overtalking, interrupting, and generally bulldozing people in one of the very first episodes. And what do we see in this episode? Cat interrupting and overtalking when Alli is trying to explain to her why everyone was getting upset with her.


One good thing that came from that stupid conversation is that for the most part, Alli was very calm and well spoken when she responded to what Cat said to her, which is what the brand ambassador needs to do. It's too bad that Alli did so terribly at the beginning of the awards. But I would guess that Diane choosing Alli to be onstage handing the awards to people means that Diane thinks she looks polished, professional, and looks like a good representation of her brand already.


If I didn't already dislike Cat, seeing her use air quotes in this episode would have been enough to do it.


I never noticed it before, but Hanna Beth spent a lot of time stroking and playing with her hair. Has she been doing that all along or just this episode?

I actually noticed Cat playing with her hair a lot in this episode.


Cat mentioned her dad worked for "the president."

According to her House of DVF bio, her dad worked for Gerald Ford.

  • Love 4

But I haaaaaaaate that Diane keeps defending Cat no matter what a jerk she is. 


But look who she picked last year.


DVF wasn't born a billionaire princess with a clothing line and a spot at the top of the fashion establishment pyramid, and she wasn't, at least publicly, much of a wilting flower when she went about becoming one. 

Edited by Julia

Since Cat's bio on the DVF website included her last name, I was able to find this info (including her dad explaining his duties during the six years that he worked for Gerald Ford):

Richard Wennekamp was a Special Assistant to President Gerald R. Ford, as well as Executive Director of the Ford Transition Office. Wennekamp held a number of senior executive positions at Community Bank and Bank of America. He serves on the board of CytRx Corporation.

So, let me understand this....when Cat is criticizing someone she is just keeping it real and no one should be at all offended.  But when Cat is criticized for the same behavior she exhibits week after week after week, she is being accosted and humiliated?  LOL.


I have never liked Jessica more than when she was reading Cat the riot act.


I'm not through the episode, but I'm really impressed by Alli.  The way she dressed at the start of the program was so different than the way she dresses now.


I think Cat is just intimidated by Alli and I'm glad Alli isn't falling for her head games.  At this point I really don't think HB should be competition.  I get that she was freaked out by the elevator experience.  I would be too, but as a brand ambassador HB would have to travel the world and there are going to be times when something weird and scary happens, is she going to constantly be breaking down and not able to recover?  I think HB is a nice girl, but she just reminds me of those women from the Victorian Era that constantly needed smelling salts or to sit down because they were always "overcome" by something.


HB's mom is a mess.  Yeah, you keep selling that as you have the "funniest mom ever" But from where I sit, no one above the age of.....say 20 needs to be wearing a tee-shirt that says "Hangovers Suck"  And especially not when you're going out with your twenty year old daughter.  her mother strikes me as an absolute attention junkie and she is probably exhausting as a person.


Cat's dad sounds very impressive, but both her parents amazingly sound down to earth.  I just wish that Cat could say that she respects her dad's advice because he is her dad and he gave her good advice.  Not try to again throw in that he worked for the POTUS.  Because that was over 30 years ago....its time for everyone to move on.

  • Love 3

I never noticed it before, but Hanna Beth spent a lot of time stroking and playing with her hair. Has she been doing that all along or just this episode?


It really didn't seem to me like Cat was doing anything wrong during the fitting. It always seemed like she was good in those situations. Jessica's feelings about Cat seem out of proportion for the amount of time she's spent with Cat. Jessica seems to have that irrational "I hate you because you remind me of someone I loathe" thing going on, that's more about her than about Cat. Kind of like my intense, somewhat unreasonable dislike for Kate Hudson.


Gee another challenge where the girls show up to prep for something without enough time or guidance. I have to think if the fitting was such a big deal, Jessica would've gotten off her butt and helped set up.


This week Hanna with the blouse cut to her navel. I never see Jessica, Stefani, or Diane in sheer, low cut out fits in the office. Jessica was wearing a freaking turtle neck! Apparently it does occur to anyone except Alli, who has received personal guidance, to be a little bit more reserved/less sexy at work.

Ultimately I think that Jessica is extra sensitive to Cat's bulldozing, because she has seen it so often from her.


I think if it was the very first week and she saw Cat's behavior at the fitting, she wouldn't have had a problem with it.  But its been weeks of Cat being a pushy ass and now Jessica is extra sensitive to it.  So Cat may have been just a little pushy, but Jessica saw it.  And I think anytime you are working with person A, and they suggest something and person B jumps in and says "no, thats awful, let me find you something better" and starts making faces and shaking her head its going to be awkward for the client, and its going to start to feel like a bit much.  These women probably face  work based squabbles in their daily lives and they don't want to hear it when they are getting fitted.  Not to add that unless these women work in fashion, they may not know much about style/fashion and they are relying on "experts" both of whom are saying different things.


Now normally, I would have some sympathy for the girls and not being prepped for the task.  But come on...you didn't know that you had to have some clothes for a fitting??

I think anytime you are working with person A, and they suggest something and person B jumps in and says "no, thats awful, let me find you something better" and starts making faces and shaking her head its going to be awkward for the client, and its going to start to feel like a bit much.

ITA but I think that even if you remove person A from the situation completely, when you are dressing someone you don't know, you shouldn't be making faces and saying that ANYTHING that your employer provided looks awful. Plus the way she was saying no to some of these outfits really negatively would have made me feel like she was criticizing me as well as the dress. I don't work in fashion but even I know to be gentler than that with people you don't know. It's one thing for me to bluntly tell my sister, "That looks terrible on you," but if it were a stranger I would say something gentler like "I don't think that's the best cut/length/color/silhouette for you." If she were a client I would be even nicer and say, "That's a nice color [or any generic compliment about your employer's clothes you could realistically be truthful about] but I think we have something that would look even better on you. Let me go get it for you." When you are trying on clothes, you want to feel beautiful and powerful, not insulted or insecure - especially if you think you look great in something and someone else is scowling and telling you that the combination of you and this outfit is awful. For someone who claims to be so good with people, Cat has no tact which I find to be unprofessional (contrary to her claim of being innately professional).

Now normally, I would have some sympathy for the girls and not being prepped for the task. But come on...you didn't know that you had to have some clothes for a fitting??

In their slight defense, I think after the pop up shop, they assumed there would be boxes of clothes or a pile of dresses for them to set up. When Stefani sent them to get racks of clothes from the showroom, I thought that if I had been one of the girls my instinct would not have been to go downstairs and start raiding the showroom. Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 1

ITA but I think that even if you remove person A from the situation completely, when you are dressing someone you don't know, you shouldn't be making faces and saying that ANYTHING that your employer provided looks awful. Plus the way she was saying no to some of these outfits really negatively would have made me feel like she was criticizing me as well as the dress. I don't work in fashion but even I know to be gentler than that with people you don't know. It's one thing for me to bluntly tell my sister, "That looks terrible on you," but if it were a stranger I would say something gentler like "I don't think that's the best cut/length/color/silhouette for you." If she were a client I would be even nicer and say, "That's a nice color [or any generic compliment about your employer's clothes you could realistically be truthful about] but I think we have something that would look even better on you. Let me go get it for you." When you are trying on clothes, you want to feel beautiful and powerful, not insulted or insecure - especially if you think you look great in something and someone else is scowling and telling you that the combination of you and this outfit is awful. For someone who claims to be so good with people, Cat has no tact which I find to be unprofessional (contrary to her claim of being innately professional).

In their slight defense, I think after the pop up shop, they assumed there would be boxes of clothes or a pile of dresses for them to set up. When Stefani sent them to get racks of clothes from the showroom, I thought that if I had been one of the girls my instinct would not have been to go downstairs and start raiding the showroom.

True, I guess I was surprised they didn't really ask anyone where the clothes were.  I mean, I get you don't want to be like the season 1 girls who raided the showroom like their personal store.


And the person that most surprised me was Alli.  For all the talk around her I think she is probably the one that I think is most savvy in the workplace.


ITA about how to talk to clients about clothes.  I mean, listen, they aren't all going to be Naomi Campbell and most women have body parts they worry about or aren't completely confident about.  So having some 20 something Cat tell you that you look awful is just no bueno.

  • Love 3

For someone who claims to be so good with people, Cat has no tact which I find to be unprofessional (contrary to her claim of being innately professional).

Not to defend Cat, because if anything this is evidence that she shouldn't get this job, but it could just be that growing up with high-powered parents she believes professional behavior is telling people what to do and having them do it.

Actually, she reminds me eerily of a completely secular Jessa Duggar.

I checked out Hanna Beth's website, just to see what it was about. I think my expectations were too high. Since blogging is her profession, I expected something more...er... professional. I expected more fashion. I expected a polished writing style. I expected the photography to be better. (The only other fashion blogger's site I've seen is Kier's, so that's my basis for comparison. Kier's photography is definitely on point.) HB's blog is not awful, it's just kind of meh for a 27 year old, especially considering how much it's been talked about on the show. This is her thing. This is what she's great at. Except, well...I'm underwhelmed.


Things that perplexed me:

1. The website is called "BarbieBeth." Is that supposed to be ironic? Do I just not get it?  Nothing about her seems Barbie-ish. Other than being pretty, she's pretty much the opposite of Barbie.


2. She's so much prettier when she's not putting on one of her two go-to facial expressions: the wan/looking off into the distance face, and the pouty blank-eyed face. She doesn't smile in photos except by accident. I'm wondering which school she falls into. Is it the Victoria Beckham "I don't like my smile" thing? Or is it the Kardashian "I'm avoiding wrinkles" thing? In either case she could benefit for a lesson or two on effective smizing.


3. Her recaps of the show episodes are oversimplified and disappointing. She faithfully retells exactly what happened exactly the way we saw it on tv. We went here. I said this. Cat did that. There is no additional insight or behind-the-scenes information. Not much in the way of descriptive detail.  Her posts read as if they are written by a viewer and not by someone who was there and lived it.


4. Excessive use of '&' instead of "and" and completely inappropriate use of apostrophes. Examples:

--"We were given 2 Fiat's covered in DVF print"

--"Check out some photo's from the shoot"

--"Halloween is one of my favorite holiday's"


5. She quotes her boyfriend, ModSun, as if his thoughts are extraordinary and/or profound. This is what good 'ol ModSun had to say about Andy Warhol: "He laughed at the critics but never under minded them." That actually is quite extraordinary, but not in a good way. (I mentioned the guy is called ModSun, right? Which, according to wikipedia, stands for "Movement On Dreams, Stand Under None." Whatever that means.)


6. She goes into a few rants about how wrong it is to judge people and how she hated being judged by Cat and that people should respect other people's feelings.  And in my mind I go back to that moment when she snarked at Cree about being able to draw well, but having no style. If she could read this, she'd probably say it is judgmental of me to imply that she's judgmental.


and lastly...

7. It blows my mind that anyone who calls herself a journalist (especially one currently writing a book she'll eventually want people to buy) would ever write any of the following:

--"I have never wore tape extensions before"

--"after Chantal had got her photo"

--"There was literally a million boxes"

--"Cat confronted me about tabloid & I freak out"


My hope is that she just can't be bothered to proofread. Although I find it difficult to believe that she posts things and never looks at them again, not if blogging is her main gig.

Edited by sleepyjean
  • Love 3

As much as I love the internet, it has created the idea that anyone can be a blogger no matter how terrible their grammar, spelling, or writing skills are. To quote Tara on Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "I go online sometimes, but everyone's spelling is really bad. It's... depressing."

Further reinforcing that idea is the fact that many bloggers and fan fiction writers get book deals and even then their editors can barely be bothered to correct their spelling and grammar before publication, let alone actually edit the content. It makes me so sad to see that people actually believe that things like "between you and I" or "the Smith's" are correct. There are way too many people who defend their mistakes by saying the most important thing is getting their thoughts and ideas out there so grammar and spelling don't really matter. But to me, that's like saying the important thing is to exercise, not doing it with proper technique.

Ahem, but back to Hanna Beth - I hadn't bothered seeking out her blog but thanks to sleepyjean, now I know to avoid it! Seeing all those grammar mistakes would make my brain hurt. And since her recaps don't provide any information beyond what we see on the show, I have no motivation to wade through her apostrophe strewn blog. Her verbs are killing me too.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 2

Clearly the Editors hated Cat just as much as everyone else did (excluding DVF) because the look on her face....

I guffawed.

BWAH. I was expecting to be disappointed by Cat winning.

As soon as I saw Alli wearing those heels and putting herself in charge of the décor, I knew she was toast. She is a nice young woman, however, and I wish her the best of luck.

I think Hanna Beth is the most naturally stunning looking. Not that that should be the most important criterion. I think that her popularity on social media and pseudo-celebrity aura gave her the ultimate edge. I think HB was the most naturally creative out of the remaining contestants, even though I'm not sure how well it meshes with DVF's aesthetic.

I thought it was interesting that Diane pulled HB aside about whether she uses collagen in her lips. Something I had wondered about, but didn't think that was the most important concern. She seems kind of shy to be a brand ambassador. That would concern me the most.

Edited by Surrealist

I just started watching this episode and was alternating between cracking up and being absolutely horrified by Cat flipping out. On the one hand, I'm glad that her true colors are being documented on tape so that she can't deny that she said and did these things. On the other hand, she is so delusional that I would bet if she were confronted with this footage, she would say her words were being twisted again. She really thinks she is perfect and persecuted.


It's mind boggling how she has absolutely no self awareness. When she said, "I get along with everyone!" I just burst out laughing. You mean besides the two girls you are screaming at? And everyone else who was already eliminated? And everyone on the DVF staff except Diane? But yes, she gets along with EVERYONE.


And she was "confused" by why Alli contacted another singer? Uhhh, because you FAILED at booking the person you promised.


That whole scene was just ridiculous. I hope that Diane saw that footage and realized what a bullet she dodged.


Jessica cracks me up. "Tell me what you're each up to and I'll sit here and silently judge you." HA!


LOVED that Stefani told the girls not to use well, like, that, or "I think" during their presentations. FINALLY someone tries to eliminate the verbal static and get the girls to be impeccable in their speaking which is so important during professional presentations. Now if only Stefani had told them to ban the word "literally" from their vocabulary.


Cat wants to kick herself in the foot?


Alli's platform stripper shoes with a pantsuit? Guuuuuuurrrl.


Based on how Diane rearranged the entire store a few weeks ago, I'm not surprised that she didn't like the table setting but I was so annoyed that Cat criticized Alli for crying. This coming from the girl who just cried at work in the previous episode. Glass houses, Cat.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 2

BWAH. I was expecting to be disappointed by Cat winning.

As soon as I saw Alli wearing those heels and putting herself in charge of the décor, I knew she was toast. She is a nice young woman, however, and I wish her the best of luck.

I think Hanna Beth is the most naturally stunning looking. Not that that should be the most important criterion. I think that her popularity on social media and pseudo-celebrity aura gave her the ultimate edge. I think HB was the most naturally creative out of the remaining contestants, even though I'm not sure how well it meshes with DVF's aesthetic.

I thought it was interesting that Diane pulled HB aside about whether she uses collagen in her lips. Something I had wondered about, but didn't think that was the most important concern. She seems kind of shy to be a brand ambassador. That would concern me the most.

I'll watch the finale now that I know that I have some idea of the outcome.  I don't think HB has the natural strength to be a very good brand ambassador.  And I don't think strength has to be bitchiness, but rather I shouldn't have to wonder if you'll need to travel with a Victorian fainting couch or smelling salts.

  • Love 4

I don't even know where to start! What an unexpected twist. I thought for sure Cat was going to win because beyond all reason Diane just loved her. When Diane had her people go over each girl, he guy (who's name I can't remember) has the positive stuff to say about HB, Stefani talks up Alli and just when they get to Jessica... You think it's going to be the classic reality show redemption moment where Jessica declares Cat completely changed and instead she doubles down on her Cat hatred. I laughed so hard. Almost as hard as when Diane says "Cat, you're my favorite but HB is the winner." Damn! I had to rewind it was so funny.


Good for Diane for realizing just because she personally likes Cat doesn't mean she's a good fit for her company since everyone else hates her. I also think Diane realized that Cat wasn't bringing anything new to the table. She wasn't edgy. She'd just try to fit in with the "classic" DVF model look while HB was doing something different.


Also good for Cat for staying oblivious to everything and getting into that screaming argument (well she was the only one yelling) with the other girls and showing that she hasn't learned anything. She still has far to go and I don't think she'll ever understand it.


I felt really bad for Alli when she got completely reamed out of over the table set up but at least it wasn't like HB's social media faux pas. I was really rooting Alli to get the job but I'm ok with HB getting it. At least it wasn't Cat!


Was anyone else a little bothered by Diane's questions about HB's lips? I was a little offended on her behalf. Whether she missed with her lips or not what does that have to do with being Brand Ambassdor and why wait this long in the competition to bring it up? Even if Diane doesn't do plastic surgery doesn't mean the majority of the old rich ladies who buy DVF aren't getting work done every year.


I had to laugh when the girls were sharing their big moments during the show. HB's was interviewing Naomi Campbell. Alli's was being onstage with Hillary Clinton and Cat's was visiting Paris. A place she'd been before. And supposedly grew up in!

  • Love 2

I like HB, but unless Diane and Co can get her to do a 180 with her personality, then I'm not sure how this will work out long-term.


Also, I didn't mention this in the previous week's episode thread, but Hanna Beth's mom . . .  :-|


I don't think Cat's ever going to find self-awareness, but I did like her parents. Lol.

Edited by Surrealist
  • Love 1

I was so glad that Hanna Beth won. Alli is sweet but too young, unexposed and way too Valli.



I'm cool with HB winning despite being on the shyer side. DVF acknowledged that when she chose her and thinks that in exchange for her social media skills and edgy appeal to the millenials, they will help bring her out of her shell. And even though the instagram thing was a big no, it showed initiative. Also liked how she showed how she'd model her DVF design. Her mother was a trip with that bleached hair and that terrible hangover top she was wearing. Eww.


Cat really needs to seek therapy. Even her parents told her about herself during their dinner in NYC. And as someone else here noted, she brings nothing different or exceptional to the table. 

I'll watch the finale now that I know that I have some idea of the outcome.  I don't think HB has the natural strength to be a very good brand ambassador.

I was really surprised that Diane chose Hanna Beth. (And I hope that at some point she stops calling her Annabeth.) HB seems the least prepared and the least natural fit in terms of personality. Why choose the one who is least outgoing, the least comfortable with strangers, speaking in public, and selling, and the one who least embodies the brand? (Or has done the least to pretend to embody the brand, LOL.) Aren't those the most important aspects of the job? HB seems like the girl most likely to embarrass the brand. What with her messy break up, the faux pas with trotting around town to get photographed in the pseudo-DFV outfits, and the topless photo on her own blog. (That was art, of course.)


But then I had to think about what this really is. It's not about finding the person who is most fit for the job right now. It's about Diane getting a charge out of "mentoring young girls." I thought the mentoring stopped when the competition was over, but no. DVF is clearly looking forward to molding and polishing someone on a longer term basis, and out of the three, HB is certainly the one most open to that. She's the 2.0 version of the girl from last seasons that DVF really liked (Tiffany something? The one with all of the tattoos.)


I didn't watch the end, I just fast forwarded to see who was chosen. Did Diane offer anyone a job in the DVF warehouse? Did she pass out her personal contact info to anyone? Did Alli and Cat get the special DVF bags?

Edited by sleepyjean
  • Love 2

I thought Alli was much more a fit for DVF ;she was good at sales, good at dealing with DVF's staff and eager to learn. You can learn to pick out pretty dinner plates, you can't change from being an introvert. I believe Hanna Beth's goal is to get PR for her blog and that she has zero interest in the actual brand.

  • Love 4

I was on "Team Anyone But Cat," but none of them blew me away as great "ambassador" material.

Still, the winner wasn't Cat, so I can enjoy watching when I get home tonight.

Here's a hilarious clip of the final three reacting to the final decision. Cat remains delusional (and a little Charlie Sheenish in her final comments) while HB says the word "like" so many times I lost count. How DVF could have chosen any of them is beyond me!

Hi-larious! Oh, Cat. Rock on in that delusional bubble of yours, girlfriend.

And, yes. Before she steps out anywhere for them, someone needs to beat the "like" out of Miss Hanna Beth. Good grief.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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I was ok with DVF saying something about HB's lips for the same reason I was glad Stephanie tried to get them to drop the likes (which drives me nuts) or telling Alli to change her shoes. I personally think part of being a good mentor is being willing and able to have those awkward conversations. If something like that bothers a potential employer, I'd rather know than lose a job or promotion over it. HB's lips look as ridiculous as Alli's shoes. Good on someone for telling these kinds of girls that the faux Kardashian look is tacky and not on brand. If she is in fact getting injections, and I personally think she is- he lips look like they hurt!- It's a personal choice as much as the jet black hair and kabuki makeup. And HB was a shitty liar in that moment. Imagine someone coming in with DDD implants- great at Hef's mansion, not so much in a DVF wrap.

On re watching- I loved that Cat looked like she was about to argue with DVF when she announced the winner.

Edited by Shibori
  • Love 2

I thought Alli was much more a fit for DVF ;she was good at sales, good at dealing with DVF's staff and eager to learn. You can learn to pick out pretty dinner plates, you can't change from being an introvert. I believe Hanna Beth's goal is to get PR for her blog and that she has zero interest in the actual brand.


I couldn't agree more, especially the bolded part. I like Hanna Beth, but I'd be concerned about her introversion because being a brand ambassador involves being outgoing. Not just on social media, but in person. For this reason, I think Alli has the edge on both fronts, as where I think HB's strength is social media. Plenty of introverts love social media because I think it makes them feel as though they can pass for extroverts.

Edited by Surrealist
  • Love 1
And HB was a shitty liar in that moment.


That was such a weird moment, when Diane asked if she'd done anything to her lips and HB said "....what?" As if she hadn't been paying attention. Either that that was incredibly bad editing, and the "what?" was totally out of context, or Hanna is a real dim bulb.

Edited by sleepyjean

And a lot of introverts like social media because it allows them to very carefully stage situations and present a very controlled and edited image, rather than having to interact with people in person and in real time. Anyone can seem fabulous if designers send them free clothes (which is how most fashion bloggers get their great outfits) and then spend hours getting the perfect shot, photoshopping the picture, and crafting a cute/witty blurb for their blog (although obviously Hanna Beth skips the latter step). Then they sit back and get compliments, money, and more free clothes. It's a world apart from interacting with others in person.

But then I had to think about what this really is. It's not about finding the person who is most fit for the job right now. It's about Diane getting a charge out of "mentoring young girls." I thought the mentoring stopped when the competition was over, but no. DVF is clearly looking forward to molding and polishing someone on a longer term basis, and out of the three, HB is certainly the one most open to that. She's the 2.0 version of the girl from last seasons that DVF really liked (Tiffany something? The one with all of the tattoos.)

I think HB is also similar to Lenore in that she's very unpolished and unrefined but willing to learn. I hope the first thing that the DVF team does is work on the way HB communicates. It's not just the uptalking and using "like" five times in a sentence. It's also basic things like how to respond to a question. When Diane asked about her lips, HB's response was, "Huh?" Girl, no.

I think that Alli was the best choice of the three remaining candidates. She is pretty in a natural way (she doesn't look like she's had plastic surgery or fillers and her makeup is natural instead of heavy and obvious). She knows how to talk to people without being overly aggressive (CAT). Yes, her style isn't 100% DVF but that's fixable. You just have Jessica go through her wardrobe and separate the stripper shoes and other silly pieces and then give her a bunch of DVF stuff and have her practice putting together outfits. That's a lot easier to teach than "stop being shy" or "STFU, Cat!"

Here's a hilarious clip of the final three reacting to the final decision. Cat remains delusional (and a little Charlie Sheenish in her final comments) while HB says the word "like" so many times I lost count. How DVF could have chosen any of them is beyond me!

I noticed that they are wearing the outfits from the opening credits which means they shot all the pictures for the bios on the website and the footage for the credits after the winner was chosen. Is it wrong that it made me cackle thinking about how Cat was probably raging inside the entire time? Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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You know that moment at the end of Roger Rabbit where Judge Doom's eyeballs pop out and you can see the red crazy eyes of whatever was inside the Christopher Lloyd suit? That's what that clip of Cat trying to be gracious reminds me of. She would disembowel a kitten with her teeth to get that job, and I don't think she particularly wanted it. I think she just didn't want to lose.

  • Love 1

I was just so thrilled that Cat didn't win! I love how the camera lingered on her for a few seconds longer than normal after DVF announced the winner. That was awesome.


I think they should have gone with Alli. She has that natural extrovert personality, and its clear that she doesn't seem to have any major emotional hang-ups either. She seems like a mature, grounded person for someone her age.


I would think DVF would be concerned about HB's mom ending up in any way associated with the brand- she seems like a major hot mess to me from the little we saw of her on this show.

  • Love 2

And a lot of introverts like social media because it allows them to very carefully stage situations and present a very controlled and edited image, rather than having to interact with people in person and in real time. Anyone can seem fabulous if designers send them free clothes (which is how most fashion bloggers get their great outfits) and then spend hours getting the perfect shot, photoshopping the picture, and crafting a cute/witty blurb for their blog (although obviously Hanna Beth skips the latter step). Then they sit back and get compliments, money, and more free clothes. It's a world apart from interacting with others in person.

In a weird coincidence, I just saw this story about a fashion blogger who is quitting for essentially the things I mentioned in my earlier post.

While I'm thrilled Cat didn't win, HB is not the best choice, IMHO. Who at DVF has the time to deal with the fragile mess that is HB? Are Stephanie and Jessica going to be put in charge of holding her hand through everything a BA has to do now? Best case scenario for everyone is if they stick HB in cubicle and let her do social media so she isn't havong constant breakdowns from the stress of public speaking. Also, even if her lips are natural, there is nothing effortless about her look.

I think Hanna Beth was telling the truth when she said that she had toned down her makeup. She had much darker lipstick and way more eye makeup in the first few episodes. I feel like she could still tone it down even more but at least she is making an effort to look more like a DVF girl. The funny thing is that she keeps talking about how edgy she is but I never really saw her wardrobe as edgy. A motorcycle jacket with studs (which she put on the model wearing her jumpsuit) is not edgy. If anything, it's a bit cliche. Her dark eye makeup isn't edgy either. Any sixth grader with a black Wet and Wild eyeliner can do the same thing. Hanna Beth has seemed very carefully constructed which is the opposite of effortless. I agree that someone at DVF is going to have their hands full constantly holding her hand unless they reduce her role as brand ambassador to mute model.

I thought Alli was much more a fit for DVF ;she was good at sales, good at dealing with DVF's staff and eager to learn. You can learn to pick out pretty dinner plates, you can't change from being an introvert. I believe Hanna Beth's goal is to get PR for her blog and that she has zero interest in the actual brand.



I couldn't agree more, especially the bolded part. I like Hanna Beth, but I'd be concerned about her introversion because being a brand ambassador involves being outgoing. Not just on social media, but in person. For this reason, I think Alli has the edge on both fronts, as where I think HB's strength is social media. Plenty of introverts love social media because I think it makes them feel as though they can pass for extroverts.



I think that Alli was the best choice of the three remaining candidates. She is pretty in a natural way (she doesn't look like she's had plastic surgery or fillers and her makeup is natural instead of heavy and obvious). She knows how to talk to people without being overly aggressive (CAT). Yes, her style isn't 100% DVF but that's fixable. You just have Jessica go through her wardrobe and separate the stripper shoes and other silly pieces and then give her a bunch of DVF stuff and have her practice putting together outfits. That's a lot easier to teach than "stop being shy" or "STFU, Cat!"


Agree with you all.  


And I was really impressed by how much Alli took Jessica's feedback to heart.  The way she dressed after she and Jessica had their talk in her room was so different than the way she dressed before.  I've heard rumbles about a platform shoe moment, but I can forgive a relapse.  More than anyone I think Alli has taken any and all criticism to heart.  And she had a lot of it turned her way.  She has never gotten super defensive, she has never looked like she is ready to cry, she always takes it on the chin and learns from it.


I was also impressed with how she has handled Cat's....cattiness.  She has stood up for herself, but never really got dirty.  Some of her answers were so very polished and thats what I would want in a Brand Ambassador. 


HB nearly had a heart attack 30 minutes after she was off that malfunctioning elevator.  Do you really think that that stuff isn't going to happen in other countries?  Heck, that it won't even happen in another state?  Or that it won't happen somewhere in New York?  Is she going to be able to function if it does?  


I don't fault her for being that Victorian fragile flower.....the world needs all types.  But everyone else at DVF seems so strong that I don't see how she will be able to fit in.  

  • Love 3

At the 00:50 point of the video featuring the finalists' reactions to the decision, Cat declares that she "is happy with the result" while vigorously shaking her head to left and to right. Her mouth says "happy", but her body language clearly indicates, "NO. Definitely NOT happy." At 1:16, Cat indicates "NO" with a vigorous side-to-side head shake as she wishes "the best of luck" to Hanna Beth.

Edited by grayson

Wrong choice! HB is not cut out for this job at all. Her voice alone made me want to stab myself in the eyeballs. That was a strange question DVF asked about her lips...it was seemingly out of the blue. I almost wonder if it was some sort of test?? I knew from the get go that her lips were injected. In some close-ups, you could see a bit of lumpiness in the top lip. Also, all you have to do is Google older pics of her to see the difference.

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