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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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So many questions!

Will StephaNo! learn to love again?

Will StephaNo! ever have a recognizable facial expression?

Will StephaNo! stop putting me into a coma state with his imitation of a corpse?

Will anyone ever give a rat's ass about StephaNo!??

Will Marlena ever get her glasses back?

Will Abigail ever wonder whose underwear she's wearing?

Will someone, anyone, drag that blue sofa and chair out of the Dimera living room out into the garden and torch those monstrosities?

Will Hope take what she's learned from killing Stefano and use that knowledge for good by doing the same to Rafe?

Edited by boes
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7 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

But to your point, Abby doesn't know about Stefan raping her yet, right?  Because either she finds out and she splits back into Gabby or she's knocked up and it'll be a WTD.

Exactly. Because, unlike Dena who never had a "then what" planned, I do suspect Ron knows what's next, and there was no point of the rape, if no future storyline would result from it.

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I can't imagine the alters leaving altogether. Especially so if Abigail ends up pregnant. I can see the rest of the year being spent with Abigail and Gabby fighting for control, with neither knowing who the daddy is. If this happens, it's going to be very tiresome come June.

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I'm already tired. How depressing to see a new character, Stefan, fall so far so fast...he's already a rapist (so sick of that happening over and over) in addition to being dull and awkward.

Now Abby gets to carry a maybe rape baby?

And Chad can be shredded in the meanwhile?

:( Real life is depressing enough. How is this entertainment?


Will Hope take what she's learned from killing Stefano and use that knowledge for good by doing the same to Rafe?

Now THAT would be a dark twist with entertainment value.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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18 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

Why would Chad even stand there and let Stefan talk to Abigail?

I think Dr. Laura recommended Chad stand back and let it all play out, almost like a "wait and see if Gabby comes out" which is kind of twisted.

At least Hope now knows who actually killed Andre and she's going to work to get Gabi released--thankfully someone in authority remembered the person who's been wrongfully convicted.  I can't wait to see Trask's face :):)

While it was good to see Roger again--I like how happy he was for Will's making a new life for himself in Salem and that he didn't blink an eye at Will and Paul's being together--how freakin' random is it that Susan would have Dr. Rolf's diary?  And Paul's worry that Rolf's diary will disturb Will is rather cute but Will's got to investigate and expose the truth--or at least uncover the secret life restoring serum :)

Kate's reaction to shooting Vivian was very well done--LK is such a wonderful actress, her crying was making me cry.

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Stefan O.'s vow to avenge Vivian's death was beyond pathetic.  Isn't this the dude who locked Viv in a secret room ahead of his plans to abandon her forever?  Just shut up.

It's ridiculous that Abigail is not being remanded to some kind of custody.

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If I were Gabi, in real life, I would sue Hope, the Salem PD in general, the DA's office, Chad, Abigail, and Stefan (and Vivian if she were alive), and the DiMera estate and corporation.

Even so, Abigail should have had a lawyer when talking to Hope.

Aw, Roger's comments were sweet.

Why didn't Kate tell Rafe what they were arguing about?

OF course Rolf's handwriting is horrible.  He was a doctor.

Kayla's a surgeon?

I was thinking the same thing as Kate, why does Sam feel so close to Vivian, whom he barely knows?

I was thinking that it was more than just a coincidence that they're reading Rolf's diary about how he revived dead people, and Vivian died in the same episode. And then, there's somebody fiddling with Vivian's body.  Who could it be? Kristin?

Come on, guys, every other page of the diary is blank.  You don't think that's just for no reason? Never heard of invisible ink?

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Unless Will finds out about what happened to EJ in Rolf's diary, so that he could tell his mother and let his younger siblings know that their father is alive, I don't care much.

I guess Will is looking to find his missing memories, I don't see how interesting this article will be to the readers of the Spectator. Is this the only thing that he is working? Why isn t he reporting on any of the daily going ons in Salem.

e.g. Gabi sentenced to prison,  three women found imprisoned in the Dimera mansion,  Brady hospitalized, Abby running around in a dark wig, Vivian found shot.

Will could be following up on all these stories and interact with the people involved. Especially since he is related to them or knew them before he was "killed."

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so gabby confesses to killing andre and she just gets to go home? and she was a suspect before that, right, but hope lets her go be with chad because marlena suggested it. what . the. hell. kind of nonsensical law and order is going on in salem?! and poor gabby has to rot in jail when someone else confesses. how does this work in real life? 

who was bringing vivian back to life? stephan O? is dr . rolf back now? 

i really dislike hope. 

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19 minutes ago, nilyank said:

I guess Will is looking to find his missing memories, I don't see how interesting this article will be to the readers of the Spectator. Is this the only thing that he is working? Why isn t he reporting on any of the daily going ons in Salem.

In all fairness to Will, Adrienne specifically assigned this article to him. It would be up to Adrienne or Jennifer to assign him other articles.

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2 minutes ago, buffynut said:

In all fairness to Will, Adrienne specifically assigned this article to him. It would be up to Adrienne or Jennifer to assign him other articles

Oh I agree. I just wish Ron would have used this "job" so Will could reconnect to the people in Salem and be more involved in what is going on. He could have offered snarky commentary on all the strange things happening in Salem.

Howeverr, he is as isolated as when he was unemployed. The majority of his scenes are with Paul, then Sonny and might see an occassional relative of his.

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The trinity - Abigail, Gabby, and Laura, should be spending the night in a mental hospital - under observation. Not just walk out the door of the police station - because one psychiatrist said so without a full workup on her. And then Abigail being given a psychiatric assessment - and not by Dr. Marlena. Fragile Abigail? Really?  She'll most likely get away with murder. Gabi should insist that Abigail spend a week or so in prison  - to see what it is like. Hope as the Commissioner should be dialing up Trask about the confession and getting the charges dropped for Gabi. Yeah, it may take a business day or so to file the paperwork and get signatures, etc.

Vivian is dead, but not really dead? Who else may not be really dead?

Will probably shouldn't be reading Dr. Rolf's 'diary' or whatever it is. Not many Salemites would care about him and his story - there is the Andre DiMera murder to cover.

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Kudos to CB in her "ripping Eli a new one" scene. Great intensity and commitment to the character.

Chad and Stefan trying to talk their way through Abby's psychosis was...horribly lame. "Pick me!" "No, pick me!" Pathetic. Billy even looked over it.

Why did the show tease the idea of Vivian and Kate teaming up to take down Victor if they were never going to follow through? That's a pretty juicy idea. I don't care if it's a rehash of Kate and Sami. I loved that storyline and thought they were great together and I'm happy to have  to settle for a knockoff version of that. But we won't get it.

I'm annoyed/unimpressed with the way they chose to add all those lame filters and zooms to the murder flashback footage. Why not just show it plainly? The acting looked okay...those stupid effects just made the whole thing feel like some summer camp Intro to iMovie final project.

I'd be really interested to see the crew behind this show and understand how they managed to get and keep these jobs. So many problems could be caught and fixed with editing. And scenes as important as these could have been recut or tweaked over time. This was embarrassing post production.

Weird how Wednesday's show featured just a bunch of people coming clean....Viv/Leo, Abby, etc.

I will say this - they finally gave us a soap style gay love scene in Will and Paul's towel embrace bit. That felt like the kind of thing we could have seen with a straight couple and it would have worked as well. I'm not a fan of Horita necessarily, but that was well done. Finally - the show is slowly moving beyond awkward gay characters and encounters.

I live for Hope and Rafe arguing and realizing how little they respect one another.


I just wish Ron would have used this "job" so Will could reconnect to the people in Salem and be more involved in what is going on. He could have offered snarky commentary on all the strange things happening in Salem.

That would have made sense, especially with all the build up to him coming back from the dead. Everyone acted like "OMG - you're alive! Welcome home! Let me hold you!!" and then *crickets*

Having him be the new Anne Milbauer in that respect would have also been a good way to (finally) establish his career and style as a writer.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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There is no effing way they'd let Abby out of police custody if she confessed, right? I mean, maybe if she was some crackpot off the street that they knew couldn't possibly be responsible for the crime, but they know she is guilty. Now, obviously Gabi wouldn't get out of prison in real life immediately, but she could on the show and it would be far more believable than letting Abby go home. Boy, Chad wasn't even all that concerned about getting Gabi out, he was like, eh, we'll deal with it tomorrow. 

Those scenes in the park yesterday were embarrassing. The writing is so, so bad. This story has been horrible from the get go. 

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3 hours ago, Rowan said:

There is no effing way they'd let Abby out of police custody if she confessed, right?

You do know that Abigail killed Andre in self-defense, right?  That typically gets someone off instantly.

3 hours ago, Rowan said:

Boy, Chad wasn't even all that concerned about getting Gabi out, he was like, eh, we'll deal with it tomorrow.

I'm actually surprised (and actually a bit sickened) that more of you aren't coming down on him.  Seriously!  Abigail wanted to do the right thing.  She wanted to confess so that Gabi wouldn't stay in prison for something she didn't do.  Yet Chad gets a total pass for his rather lackadaisical attitude about that?

For Pete's sake!  It's like Abigail is damned if she does and damned if she doesn't with you people!  Nothing she does can ever be enough!

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2 hours ago, Prin Holmes said:

You do know that Abigail killed Andre in self-defense, right?  That typically gets someone off instantly.

I'm actually surprised (and actually a bit sickened) that more of you aren't coming down on him.  Seriously!  Abigail wanted to do the right thing.  She wanted to confess so that Gabi wouldn't stay in prison for something she didn't do.  Yet Chad gets a total pass for his rather lackadaisical attitude about that?

For Pete's sake!  It's like Abigail is damned if she does and damned if she doesn't with you people!  Nothing she does can ever be enough!

I'll state for the record that I'm  one of the posters that doesn't hate or dislike Abby. My post was mainly about pointing out the arbitrary way they handle the law and order aspect of the storylines. Sure, she said it was self defense, and we were shown in her flashbacks that it was, but they can't know that. I mean she's been going around town cracking people, who were no physical threat to her, on the head as Gabby. Who's to say  that wasn't the case with Andre? I would think they would at least keep her in custody even if it's in a mental health institution until they were satisfied it was truly self defense. Instead, she's been released into the custody of her wealthy husband who has the resources to flee and never look back. It's just ridiculous to me. 

I knew Abby would want to clear Gabi's name as quickly as possible. I was kind of surprised that Chad was so blasé about taking care of that. If he had taken a little less time babysitting Gabi this whole time, then he may have figured out his wife was sick sooner. 

I'm not sure how they plan to wrap this Andre's murder/Abby's DID up totally, but that whole Chad and Abby's love made her DID go poof just felt stupid to me and unearned at that. The only saving grace for me is that I enjoy Billy and Marci's work. They do their best with the crap that's written.

Edited by Rowan
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14 hours ago, msrachelj said:

so gabby confesses to killing andre and she just gets to go home? and she was a suspect before that, right, but hope lets her go be with chad because marlena suggested it. what . the. hell. kind of nonsensical law and order is going on in salem?! and poor gabby has to rot in jail when someone else confesses. how does this work in real life? 

who was bringing vivian back to life? stephan O? is dr . rolf back now? 

i really dislike hope. 

Abigail has a solid self defense argument, in most state's she wouldn't even be charged. She belongs in the mental hospital though. She has DID and is a potential threat to herself and others as evidenced by Laura's attempt to murder Marlena, Kate and Vivian and Gabby's attempt to murder Marlena with a fire poker.

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I don't know if Abby has a solid case of self-defense as it look like Andre was trying to prevent her from leaving but I don't think she felt afraid for her life. She accidentally killed him because it odd that Andre died from the lid of Tony''s urn. She has been hitting people over the head with a poker and they didn't seem to suffer from any lasting effects. 


My problem was that they released her without being examined by a doctor. Chad saying the alters are gone and Marlena agreeing with his diagnosis via a phone call is stupid.

Edited by nilyank
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7 hours ago, Prin Holmes said:

I'm actually surprised (and actually a bit sickened) that more of you aren't coming down on him.  Seriously!  Abigail wanted to do the right thing.  She wanted to confess so that Gabi wouldn't stay in prison for something she didn't do.  Yet Chad gets a total pass for his rather lackadaisical attitude about that?

For Pete's sake!  It's like Abigail is damned if she does and damned if she doesn't with you people!  Nothing she does can ever be enough!

I don't have a problem with Chad  being focused on Abby and wanting to protect her--he's learned in a matter days that not only does his wife have alternate personalities, but she's also killed his brother and she was also raped by his other brother.  Chad is rightly concerned for his wife and what her mental illness means for them and their child.  It would be inappropriate for him to be thinking of Gabi.

It's Hope and Justin and Trask who need to be working on getting Gabi's conviction over-turned and getting her the hell out of that prison--Chad and Abby have zero power to get anything done.  Righting this wrong is entirely a police and DA issue.

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14 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Vivian is dead, but not really dead? Who else may not be really dead?

Potentially everyone ever, if Dr. Rolf's anti-death serum is now canon. Certainly anyone connected to the Dimera clan could receive a Get Out of Death Free card.  

13 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

That would have made sense, especially with all the build up to him coming back from the dead. Everyone acted like "OMG - you're alive! Welcome home! Let me hold you!!" and then *crickets*

The "coming back from the dead" aspect of Will's return seems only to be used for advancing other plots, like the Dr. Rolf plot, above, rather than as a way of reintegrating him into his own family in any emotionally resonant way.

ETA: I agree that Billy Flynn and Marci Miller are doing the best they can -- maybe the best anyone could do -- with the dross they're given to play.

Edited by Sandman
Dross, I say!
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Holy crapasarious but I hate Brady and I'm starting to dislike Eve, especially when she starts fawning all over him about how much she and Theresa have hurt him.  Brady was going on today about how all he ever gave Theresa was love and understanding and how she kicked him in the teeth.  I guess he forgot all of those times he was mentally and emotionally abusive to her or the time he and Melanie were trying to stop Theresa from getting to help raise Tate.  Apparently, in his mind at least, Brady's always been a great guy trying to love a horrible woman--I can't wait for Brady to learn the truth about why she left him and Tate.  Bonus points for Victor still admiring Theresa's sacrifice.

JL continues to elevate the storyline--I love how she instantly turned on the sass when Miguel came into the room and Chloe, god bless her, tried to keep up with the insults but at least Jeannie T got the key our of Miguel's pocket.  And then her look of fear when Miguel insinuated she wasn't long for this world because Mateo had a new favorite--YIKES!!

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I wish soap actors would just try to pretend that their coffee cups have something in them.

Oh, Brady is such an upright character (in his own mind). Maybe Eve and Brady deserve each other. Though I like Eve.

Have they ever figured out who drugged Brady and why?

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On 5/10/2018 at 4:58 PM, Silver Raven said:

Come on, guys, every other page of the diary is blank.  You don't think that's just for no reason? Never heard of invisible ink?

Yea, as soon as Will wondered about why there were blank pages I was like it's obviously invisible ink. I mean COME ON!

41 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

I wish soap actors would just try to pretend that their coffee cups have something in them.


I love Roger. I just think the actor has such a warm presence that is lovely to watch. I felt like Paul was being real sus about the diary at first. Weird.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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42 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

Have they ever figured out who drugged Brady and why?

Didn't it come out in Jeannie T.'s conversation-slash-expository-info-dump with Chloe that Miguel (?) was trying to drug Lucas, but their drinks got mixed up? Or did you mean whether that information has gotten through to anyone else?

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1 hour ago, Sandman said:

Didn't it come out in Jeannie T.'s conversation-slash-expository-info-dump with Chloe that Miguel (?) was trying to drug Lucas, but their drinks got mixed up? Or did you mean whether that information has gotten through to anyone else?

Well, yeah, I know that Theresa knows, but does anybody in Salem (in particular) realize that the drugging involved Chloe's disappearance?

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8 hours ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

I don't have a problem with Chad  being focused on Abby and wanting to protect her--he's learned in a matter days that not only does his wife have alternate personalities, but she's also killed his brother and she was also raped by his other brother.  Chad is rightly concerned for his wife and what her mental illness means for them and their child.  It would be inappropriate for him to be thinking of Gabi.

It's Hope and Justin and Trask who need to be working on getting Gabi's conviction over-turned and getting her the hell out of that prison--Chad and Abby have zero power to get anything done.  Righting this wrong is entirely a police and DA issue.

But no work could be done for Gabi unless a reason was given to get started, and Abigail knew that.  That's why she wanted to confess immediately.

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3 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

Well, yeah, I know that Theresa knows, but does anybody in Salem (in particular) realize that the drugging involved Chloe's disappearance?

Well, this is Salem, where you can get across town in the space of heartbeats, but information moves at the speed of glaciation.

Edited by Sandman
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Show is boring the hell out of me right now.  Even Vivian's murder is just so ......  If there's this "Death Be Gone!" serum, what's even the point anymore?

And Show seems to be unclear on the concept that the Mateo storyline is basically about a guy who kidnaps women for long term rape.  First Theresa, now Chloe.  And yet both of the women seem to be shrugging it off, and Theresa's father is about her sticking it out till she finds proof of Mateo's misdeeds.  Victor admiring Theresa for giving in to this long term torture, while nicer than his usual slut/whore salutations is ...... weird ......

It's really a disgusting storyline even for a show that uses rape without a second thought.

I'm ff'ding Show far more than I'm watching and even JL's return and KdP being front and center in a storyline isn't enough.  

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Brady wants to re-propose to Eve from his hospital bed? Seriously? What is it about him that he needs to marry every woman?

Vivian's murder is setting up a good Death Becomes Them storyline. Salem rocked the walking not so dead.

Did like Theresa's jumpsuit. In all the time she has been there, she couldn't have found the magic key or whatever it was? Nice to see Xander again. Mateo can easily just take a woman out on a date and not simply be a dude who is making an offer they can't refuse.

Victor must have had some good oatmeal to make him so chipper. Wonder if he will be telling Brady about Theresa's whereabouts and what she has been doing for all these months.

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10 hours ago, boes said:

Show is boring the hell out of me right now.  Even Vivian's murder is just so ......  If there's this "Death Be Gone!" serum, what's even the point anymore?

And Show seems to be unclear on the concept that the Mateo storyline is basically about a guy who kidnaps women for long term rape.  First Theresa, now Chloe.  And yet both of the women seem to be shrugging it off, and Theresa's father is about her sticking it out till she finds proof of Mateo's misdeeds.  Victor admiring Theresa for giving in to this long term torture, while nicer than his usual slut/whore salutations is ...... weird ......

It's really a disgusting storyline even for a show that uses rape without a second thought.

I'm ff'ding Show far more than I'm watching and even JL's return and KdP being front and center in a storyline isn't enough.  

agreed. and the shane of old would not stand for this crap. all the power and resources victor has, shane, john etc all teamed together couldn't bring down this thug? not buying it.

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12 minutes ago, msrachelj said:

agreed. and the shane of old would not stand for this crap. all the power and resources victor has, shane, john etc all teamed together couldn't bring down this thug? not buying it.

It was a stupid story written by Dena.  

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13 hours ago, boes said:

And Show seems to be unclear on the concept that the Mateo storyline is basically about a guy who kidnaps women for long term rape.  First Theresa, now Chloe.  And yet both of the women seem to be shrugging it off, and Theresa's father is about her sticking it out till she finds proof of Mateo's misdeeds.  Victor admiring Theresa for giving in to this long term torture, while nicer than his usual slut/whore salutations is ...... weird ......

It's really a disgusting storyline even for a show that uses rape without a second thought.

I'm ff'ding Show far more than I'm watching and even JL's return and KdP being front and center in a storyline isn't enough.  

Maybe I'm mis-remembering but Chloe asked Theresa if she was Mateo's slave and Theresa said she wasn't because she managed to "put him off" or words to that effect.  I think that's the show's way of telling us that Theresa isn't a rape victim or that Chloe isn't a potential one.  I think we're supposed to see this Mateo person as someone who likes to keep women prisoner but that he's not a rapist--as if that's any better and it's also pretty unrealistic--and I agree that there is no way that Shane would allow his daughter to be kept prisoner by a drug lord--the entire storyline was stupid and Theresa could have been written off a much better way.

Right now, I'm just trying to look on the positive that JL is back on my screen :)

Edited by kitmerlot1213
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how freakin' random is it that Susan would have Dr. Rolf's diary?

Less random than Rolfe "loving" Susan. WTF is that about??

Really surprised by how sudden and shitty an exit that was for Louise. Ron really seemed to be giving her the gold star treatment. Then poof! In two episodes she's in a lame gun fight and dead but then possibly resuscitated? Why? Did she piss him off? He can't think that was a good exit...if anything it just cheapened the EJ injection scene.

Why is Ron drawing attention to the fact that no one on this show stays dead? This serum of life nonsense reminds me of the anti Alzheimer's/precognition serum Dena whipped up for Caroline. These drugs (aka conceits on the part of the writers to undo story mistakes) shouldn't be driving the narrative. It just kills all dramatic tension.

Thank goodness Isabella and Paige have stayed dead. Seems so few deaths have stuck.


I think we're supposed to see this Mateo person as someone who likes to keep women prisoner but that he's not a rapist--as if that's any better and it's also pretty unrealistic--and I agree that there is no way that Shane would allow his daughter to be kept prisoner by a drug lord--the entire storyline was stupid and Theresa could have been written off a much better way.

I didn't mind it, but they should have justified it more - shown Matao to really be that dangerous instead of just saying it. They could have featured him even while Theresa was locked away. Maybe he could have had a deal in Hong Kong and cameo-ed there. Or the head of the ISA could have been stressed about nailing Matao, leading into her mental break and decision to off Steve. If they had built him up a bit more, it wouldn't be so laughable that Victor of all people won't cross him.

I don't buy that he didn't rape Theresa though. He's crazy and does drugs - come on now.


Right now, I'm just trying to look on the positive that JL is back on my screen :)

Definitely nice to have her back.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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11 hours ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

as if that's any better and it's also pretty unrealistic

Especially after Mateo's thug told Teresa that she needs to be friendly with him now since he's going to inherit her.

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23 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

Especially after Mateo's thug told Teresa that she needs to be friendly with him now since he's going to inherit her.

That is gross, why is Ron writing this shit. It is supposed to be love in the afternoon..

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On 5/11/2018 at 11:24 PM, boes said:

If there's this "Death Be Gone!" serum, what's even the point anymore?

Did I misunderstand what Will found in the (visible) pages of Rolf's diary? Did it not say that Susan and Rolf found him when he was barely alive and then injected him? So does Rolf's serum cure death, or simulate death in a person close to death (but still living) so that they can be later fully revived?

Maybe it's not Death Be Gone after all.

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2 hours ago, Sandman said:

Did I misunderstand what Will found in the (visible) pages of Rolf's diary? Did it not say that Susan and Rolf found him when he was barely alive and then injected him? So does Rolf's serum cure death, or simulate death in a person close to death (but still living) so that they can be later fully revived?

Maybe it's not Death Be Gone after all.

You're probably right.  I am having a lot of trouble paying attention to Show lately.

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3 hours ago, Sandman said:

Did I misunderstand what Will found in the (visible) pages of Rolf's diary? Did it not say that Susan and Rolf found him when he was barely alive and then injected him? So does Rolf's serum cure death, or simulate death in a person close to death (but still living) so that they can be later fully revived?

Maybe it's not Death Be Gone after all.

That's how I interpreted those scenes too.  Plus way back when they first explained Will's "un-death", it seemed as though he was never totally dead. So it's all very confusing.


58 minutes ago, boes said:

You're probably right.  I am having a lot of trouble paying attention to Show lately.

I am too.  I only watched live twice last week. Then FF'd through the shows I missed.  And today I just checked this week's daily spoilers.  And I am so close to peeking at the "casting" and "behind the scenes" threads to see what is coming up. 

I'm not a big JL fan, so not excited about her return.  And I still don't know if Thao is gone for good. Though after all this time, maybe he is.  And, surely, that's not all for Vivian!

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6 minutes ago, buffynut said:

Plus way back when they first explained Will's "un-death", it seemed as though he was never totally dead. So it's all very confusing.

I'm not totally caught up yet (alternating between watching current and older episodes) -- I don't suppose anyone has been so obliging as to use the phrase "mostly dead"? Then again, Doctor Rolf is no Miracle Max.

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5 hours ago, Sandman said:

Did I misunderstand what Will found in the (visible) pages of Rolf's diary? Did it not say that Susan and Rolf found him when he was barely alive and then injected him? So does Rolf's serum cure death, or simulate death in a person close to death (but still living) so that they can be later fully revived?

Maybe it's not Death Be Gone after all.

It's Almost Mostly Dead Be Gone.

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11 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Ron loves rape plots. It's really disturbing. More disturbing is that he usually loves writing rape plots and then writing how they totally aren't rape.

Um . . . except he pretty much called it what it was this time.

Like I said back when it happened, he knows what's what this time.  I don't think he wants to risk an uproar like he got with Ford and Tess.

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1 hour ago, Prin Holmes said:

Um . . . except he pretty much called it what it was this time.

Like I said back when it happened, he knows what's what this time.  I don't think he wants to risk an uproar like he got with Ford and Tess.

I wouldn't put it past him.  He did Ford and Tess AFTER the Todd and Marty rapemance and the uproar that caused.  

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