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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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21 hours ago, JBC344 said:

To be fair, a running storyline with Kate and Chad is that she thinks of him as one of her children.  So it is very much in character for her to treat him the same way she did Lucas, Billie, Austin, Phillip, and Rex. Cassie is the only one who was excluded form this, disappearance nonetheless.

I know that. I still don't buy it. I'm not sure I would buy a mother (as opposed to a one-time step-mother with a connection) meddling to this extent. 

1 hour ago, General Days said:

I know that. I still don't buy it. I'm not sure I would buy a mother (as opposed to a one-time step-mother with a connection) meddling to this extent. 

Really?  In regard to Kate though? Her one defining characteristic is her meddling in her children's love lives.  I think of all the "kids" Chad has gotten it the least compared to the outrageous things Kate has done in the past in the name of love/guidance/mother knows best. 

I'm not saying that she should be meddling just that it has always been a touchstone of her character and the show. 

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I wish I had put money down on a random Vitale henchman from 2008 coming back to give his hagiography of Ava, before anybody asked Kayla how it felt to have Ava and Steve's son in her life.  (Not sure anyone would have taken that bet, but still.)

Dena's dedication to her little Steve/Ava wet dream is really something else.  Not sure my favorites are going to survive this in any state that I'll recognize.

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Only caught the last 15 minutes or so yesterday, so I didn't know the neighbours were even in the house when Nicole decided to change her top. So I was expecting Brady to walk in and see her, not the creepy porn addict husband.  Seriously, would any woman really change her top in the middle of a common room when creepy, nosy neighbours she barely knows are in another room. Just a stupid, writer's plot-point.

Have no idea who the guy was telling Tripp about his mother. But making Tripp rich. That can only go well. [/sarcasm]

Still don't understand why Ciara can't just date guys she meets at college.

Poor Theo.  It's obvious he's not at the same place in the relationship as Claire. She, too, should find a guy to date at college. And Theo should find a nice girl who cares for him, and isn't just trying to make her aunt/niece jealous.  

And that family relationship between Ciara and Claire annoys me too. It would be better if "the other woman" was an outsider and not family. You know, maybe another college student. Maybe that's what they should have done with the Jade character.

I missed Monday's show, so quickly watched it online. It was good seeing John. Hope he's back for real, soon.

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I see they've expanded the DiMera Mansion set, adding the foyer and the stairs that go up to the bedrooms.

Jeez, Hillary and Scooter don't get hints that it's time to go home, do they?

Who does Nicole want to keep this secret from?

I'm surprised Abigail called JJ, I thought she was calling Dario.

It's kind of creepy that the actor playing Wyatt played Ciara's brother Zack in that dream episode of Hope's.

It's funny that Roman told Wyatt to "google it", when they always use "Ewe Search" when they're actually doing internet searches.

Brady saying he doesn't give a damn how Nicole feels or doesn't feel is a little rapey.

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Scooter was sharing waaaay too much personal information with Nicole. Hello, boundaries r us. Granted, I am not much of a neighbour person and keep my distance. Familiarity breeds contempt very quickly for me. Enough bad neighbours, including my current ones. I'd be having the Danger, Will Robinson robot arms flailing at me at this point. Scooter and Hillary, go home!

Gabi and Eli are playing some sort of Salem Pokémon?

Surprised that Wyatt had a great time with Ciara. She's just soooo.... bland.

Theo, just continue to be a decent guy. And maybe get a clue about Claire and she only has her own interests at heart, and getting back at Ciara. I doubt she really wants you.

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On 4/5/2017 at 0:51 PM, bantering said:

The actress playing Abigail now is so much less detestable than the last one, I actually found myself feeling a bit sorry for her when she overhead Chad's conversation. I was like, "What is wrong with me??"

If KM were still in the role, I'd be laughing my head off with glee.

I feel the same-today, when Abby was telling off Kate, I kind of cheered her on because it is massively rude for Kate to encourage Chad to dump Abby, especially in Abby and Chad's home.  But if it had been KM delivering the tell off, I would have been cheering for Kate to ripe Abby a new one.  Although, I am enjoying Abby's self-doubt and her realization that she's not the most special woman in the world and that Chad genuinely cares for and likes Gabi and that she is a viable threat--MM brings a believable vulnerability that KM never could.

Dario's entire persona just screams desperate to me--first he was all over Summer, defending her and acting like she was so wonderful, then he was overly invested in Nicole and constantly making passes at her and now he's declaring his love for Abby?  And in between all that he had those "moments" with Blanca--the man needs to slow down and figure himself out.

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I think you mean the writers need to slow down and figure him out.

I really enjoyed seeing MM finally take a swing at playing self-righteous snotty Abigail. I think if she can continue to keep a little bit of that smug superior condescending attitude about her, it'll be easier to believe her as the "real" Abigail. Some of the time she kind of comes off like Abigail's older sister - related but different. Never the less I really enjoyed seeing her get blunt with Kate. It was hardly the mature way to handle things but it was certainly direct and kind of funny - there's no way anybody would be worse off being in Abigail's bad books than in Kate's!

And now that I think about it, maybe Kate dislikes Abigail for the way she screwed up Sami's life (literally).

MM really did bring some levels to that confrontation today though didn't she? You could tell she felt vulnerable and attacked and self-pitying and was perhaps on the verge of tears or needing to run off and put on that oversized black hat and get some more coddling from Laura and Jennifer...yet at the same time she was trying to stand her ground and stake her claim as Mrs. Dimera. It was a bit sad and desperate though. She knows she's outmatched, especially with Chad standing there saying nothing almost as though he's humoring her and Kate staring her down like "....really?"

I know the show isn't self-aware enough to realize how awful the old Abigail was, but I would kind of like MM more in the role if we got to see her do a little bit of what the old Abigail used to. If she were to have some tempestuous affair and blame it entirely on Chad, or go off and slap someone or just ooze smug superiority, I think I would love her all the more. She's doing a really really good job but the writing doesn't seem to acknowledge what an entitled tramp Abigail used to be. I can't picture this version of the character having had an affair with EJ or drugging Austin at all.

But today was a step in the right direction. 

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I actually liked today's episode especially Kate vs Abby scenes. 

Kate was speaking facts to Abby about business.  But because she's sanctimonious she thinks it shouldn't be cut throat. 


You married a man whose family in organized crime!  If you wanted a different life you shouldn't had married him. 


But she left the room... Kate kept talking crap about her to Chad and Abby busted her. 


I like Abigail in this soapy scene:

1. She's Laura's granddaughter.  Kate hates Laura for obvi reasons.  Kate has gotten into it with Laura, Jenn and now Abby.  But the fact Abby read her and told her not to but into her relationship and she would kick her out.  Money!   SOAPY


2. Lastly I like Marci Miller did that scene!  I can only imagine KM in that scene.  She would had flopped and been a jittery mess.  So KM never return! 


Yet Kate being Kate she won't take this lightly. The minute she saw Abby/Dario together she just had to make a snarky comment and start plotting against Abigail.  She getting in someone's business, like her children's, and finna get Gabi to make another play for Chad.  Kate wouldn't take being disrespected for long. 

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I'm surprised they didn't have Thomas gurgle out "Gabi!", when Abigail was telling him she was not going to let anything get in the way of her family. They are beginning to get heavy handed with the Gabi/Chad should be the couple we root for. 

I do have to say that I enjoyed Abi reading Kate today. Everything she said was true. It's amazing what a new actress can do for a character's rehab.

Gabi is beautiful and the actress is decent, I just wish I felt some chemistry in any of her romantic pairings. I just never do. 

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I agree with everyone who has said that if it was KM's Abigail vs Kate, I would have been rooting for Kate. But MM has made Abigail rootable for me, as she should be, considering she's Jennifer's daughter.

Can't believe I'm on Rafe's side, well kind of, but he's right, Hope putting the bug in Deimos's living room is illegal. You'd think after just getting out of prison and back to work, she'd have tried to stay on the straight and narrow for a few months. And how can they both be hanging out in the alley listening to Deimos all day long. Don't they have other police duties.

Speaking of the alley, I know cost restraints limits the usable sets, but I'm getting tired of the alley set and the park set. 

Today wasn't really bad, just boring. 

I missed most of yesterday, so missed Ciara's date, and Uncle Roman keeping an eye on things.  I have to say, though I miss Caroline, I like the idea of Roman running the pub.

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2 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:


And now that I think about it, maybe Kate dislikes Abigail for the way she screwed up Sami's life (literally).


This actress is so different from KM I forgot why Kate would find Abigail preferable over...Gabi. Maybe if the dialogue brought up the fact that Abigail likes cheating with attached men and people related to Chad, Kate nosing into Chad's business would make more sense to me, but I can't tell if the writers want me to remember any of Abigail's past history. Also, Kate liking Gabi doesn't really make sense because of the Nick mess,  so that doesn't help matters either. Although I suppose anybody is more likable than what KM's version of Abigail was like. 

This version of Abigail seems even less snooty and stuck-up than...Jennifer. Something about her seems actually humble? 

And I can't remotely imagine this version of Abigail actively going out of her way to  sex up EJ in a shower. I mean, yeah, most women, in theory, might want to sleep with EJ as a hypothetical fantasy or whatever ...that I know...but this one seems like she does have actual self-restraint and wouldn't act on her imaginary temptation. She doesn't seem like a dog in heat like KM's version of Abigail  was.  

Edited by bantering
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Damn, Deimos putting the gay guy in charge of fashion isn't homophobic at all.

I liked the scene between Kate and Abigail.  Marci Miller is killing it.  And I also liked that Chad backed her up.

Y'know, if Abigail were at all self aware, she would have reflected on talking about building a statue for Dario.

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I think Kate's "indifference" to Abby maybe a little of the Austin mess, the Sami mess, the fact that Abagail faked her death, and just the fact that she truly believes that Chad (who she considers a child of hers) is really just better off with Gabi.

Kate has always had a fondness for Gabi.  The Nick "mess" notwithstanding.

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, JBC344 said:

I think Kate's "indifference" to Abby maybe a little of the Austin mess, the Sami mess, the fact that Abagail faked her death, and just the fact that she truly believes that Chad (who she considers a child of hers) is really just better off with Gabi.

Kate has always had a fondness for Gabi.  The Nick "mess" notwithstanding.

The thing is I get Kate’s intentions.  She loves Chad and Gabi together because they are the last thing she can hold onto when it comes to  Will.  Gabi has the baby by Will and Wills best friend was Chad.   Even though the writing sucks ass trying to put that together, they should explain it better from Kate’s side.  When Kate use to mess with Bo/Hope's rship when Billie was the interloper and how she wanted Austin to always choose Carrie over Sami, you always got her contrived reasoning.  Kate is messy and she always has her reasons why she wants to be a spoiler in people's relationships.  Plus the history she has with Laura and that Abby is a 3rd generation from her makes it all the more complex. 

Edited by BlackMamba
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6 hours ago, buffynut said:

Can't believe I'm on Rafe's side, well kind of, but he's right, Hope putting the bug in Deimos's living room is illegal. You'd think after just getting out of prison and back to work, she'd have tried to stay on the straight and narrow for a few months. And how can they both be hanging out in the alley listening to Deimos all day long. Don't they have other police duties.


I agree.  Hope can be sporadic if she's not careful.  But here's the thing where I'm like WTF with Rafe.  Deimos almost killed your flesh and blood not once but twice.  He put Gabi in a heat locker to die with Chad.  Then the unforgivable part was him putting poison up her and Abigail's arms.  I get he's trying to remain calm and together.   But that's over - Deimos is dangerous.  As an ex FBI agent Rafe should try and work every intell he has and work with Hope to bring Deimos not.  Not try to shoot down every thing she's doing because let's face it Deimos is partly to blame why Bo is dead anyways and Hope won't rest til Deimos gets what's coming to him.  It's personal now!  

Edited by BlackMamba
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7 hours ago, buffynut said:

Can't believe I'm on Rafe's side, well kind of, but he's right, Hope putting the bug in Deimos's living room is illegal. You'd think after just getting out of prison and back to work, she'd have tried to stay on the straight and narrow for a few months.

And didn't we just have a bugging storyline with Theo and Claire doing the same to Valerie?  You'd think they'd give that a rest for longer than just a couple of months.

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51 minutes ago, Vyk said:

And didn't we just have a bugging storyline with Theo and Claire doing the same to Valerie?  You'd think they'd give that a rest for longer than just a couple of months.

Maybe they got a good deal on bug rental! Buy one month's rent and get a second free!

Meh ep and I agree with everyone else's comments.

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And didn't we just have a bugging storyline with Theo and Claire doing the same to Valerie?  You'd think they'd give that a rest for longer than just a couple of months.

Thinking back, it was Hope that encouraged Marlena to wear a wire and secretly record Kristen confessing her plans about seducing Brady. I think Hope just has a thing for recording devices.

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"We've forgiven you for stealing the business, our home, putting me in a wheelchair."  Er, killing Bo?  Did you happen to forget that, Maggie?

I don't understand why Sonny is being so nasty to Paul, right after they reconnected.

Is this the first scene between Eduardo and Arianna?  And btw, Eddie, that "lady you like a lot" is Arianna's great grandmother.

I sure hope they don't go through with Scooter and Nicole having sex.

Why did Eduardo ask Kate to come to his club if he wasn't planning on actually meeting her?

Interesting turn of events.

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3 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

"We've forgiven you for stealing the business, our home, putting me in a wheelchair."  Er, killing Bo?  Did you happen to forget that, Maggie?

Is this the first scene between Eduardo and Arianna?

That one doesn't bother me much because Deimos didn't even know Bo was as sick as he was.  Or even sick at all.  He had no way of knowing that, and I think the family knows that.

And no, not the first time.  Eduardo's been around Arianna before.  He's even held her a number of times.

6 hours ago, QuelleC said:

Turned the show off. Nicole rapist isn't entertaining for one second and not saying anything to dumb ass makes her even more stupid.

I don't know why Nicole didn't tell Brady about Scooter.  She really should've.  Made no sense why she wouldn't have.

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Nicole, do tell Brady about Scooter and that he knows who you both are and that he wants to blackmail you. And then go somewhere else. Finding some cabin or whatever in a small town does little for anonymity. Surely with Brady's money, there were all sorts of fabulous AirB'nBs around. Big city = somewhat invisible.

Seriously Scooter, 20 minutes with Nicole/Misty Circle is what you want?

Wasn't hugely interested in Eduardo.

Sonny, nothing wrong with running a fashion company, except it is not your interest. Winning your way in to Victor's good graces? You've never wanted to be a 'Kiriakis' before, so why now?

Have noticed that Hope isn't wearing as much jewelry any more.

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Nicole needs to tell Brady and they need to leave right now. though this is probably how they will get caught and have to go back to Salem.

Scooter is just gross, how did he get into the house? though I never get out of the shower/bath in my own house and wonder where are my flip-flops.

are Eduardo and Deimos in some kind of cahoots now or something? or is one of them playing the other? do I even care at all?  way to go Show, for making me mostly pretty uninterested in both Vincent Irizarry and A Martinez. though I can tolerate Deimos a little more than Eduardo, mostly due to that thing on A's chin. I wish he would shave.

Oh, and I just remembered that they were on Santa Barbara together. VI was only on for a short time I think, he was playing a good guy type of doctor and it really wasn't a good role for him. But I'm sure he interacted with Cruz at some point, most people did.        

Edited by annabel
added something
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Took a break from the show for a bit.  Starting watching again this week.   Abby still looks crazy.  Deimos saying betrayal from his family hurts the most is laughable for many reasons but especially since it seems like he has known these people for a minute.   A part of me thought Deimos was going to kill Sonny.  

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6 hours ago, Vyk said:

Brady had left the front door open when he'd left with Tate.

I lock my doors. Always. Although, I am not a huge 'neighbor' person. Just because their homes are near mine, doesn't mean our lives are attached. I get that Nicole couldn't call the police/in a small town, RCMP because of her real identity, but a simple 'get out of my house' should work. Along with a baseball bat.

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Ugh, that whole thing with Scooter and Nicole is just gross.  First of all, Scooter is beyond creepy and I fear he will try and rape Nicole or she will submit herself to him out of blackmail which I consider to be rape as well.  Why did she stand there and even engage him when she got out of the shower?  Maybe she felt threatened and didn't know what else to do.  I dunno, everything Nicole does lately makes her look weak or stupid.  

Speaking of stupid...knowing how afraid Nicole is of her creeper neighbor, why the hell would Brady leave her there by herself and leave the door unlocked??  Remember pervert neighbor?  Remember Nicole's fear of him?  Remember she is alone and naked in a bathtub?  Dumbass...

I guess Nicole didn't tell Brady about Scooter for the same reason Theresa didn't tell him about her dangerous ex:  Brady is a big Neanderthal who rages in to a situation in full-on temper tantrum mode, swinging punches, and creating even more problems for everyone involved.  If they could ever count of him to count to ten and handle a situation like an adult instead of with swinging fists, perhaps these poor women wouldn't feel they had to go to extremes to solve problems without rattling dumbass Brady.

In other news...I feel for MM's Abigail, but can't help but remember KM's Abigail and when i do, it feels like karma to Abby to fear she might be cheated on by people she loves.  Abigail (under KM) tried to seduce Austin, despite him being with Carrie.  She slept with EJ more than once and played victim, despite the fact that he was engaged to Sami.  She cheated on unstable Ben with Chad and didn't even know who Thomas's father was for a long time and acted a victim despite pushing crazy Ben over the edge.  She has been a serial cheater.  She has tried to be with unavailable men and cheated on one she claimed to be devoted to for another.  If KM were still in the role, playing smug Abby, I would gladly sit back and watch her best friend and husband get it on to see how it feels to be on the other side of a cheating situation.  See how she made Sami feel instead of treating her like the Big Bad for being upset about her affair with EJ.  

But with MM, I can't see this girl being that cheating floozy like I could with KM.  She seems so sweet and organic.  She makes Abby seem like a nice person, even a little too vanilla bland at times.  But she is nice, she is what people claimed Abby was when she wasn't seeming it with KM.  But if Abby got cheated on, it would still seem like karma, because the other stuff did happen with this character.  Sadly, i think her reaction would be just to sleep with Dario.

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Love your entire post. I can only take solace in knowing KM wouldn't be able to play a humbled Abigail in this storyline, no matter how much fun it would be to see her get cheated on for a change. There would still be smug in there.

And just wait - Jennifer will hang Chad out to dry and try again to steal custody of Thomas if the opportunity presents itself.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 1

I agree with all the MM vs KM stuff...but the characterization of this:


M were still in the role, playing smug Abby, I would gladly sit back and watch her best friend and husband get it on to see how it feels to be on the other side of a cheating situation.


Gabby and Chad haven't cheated. They thought Abby was dead. They cut it off when they knew she was alive. Emotional cheating? Yeah, I'll give you that. However, they're both trying to stay away from each other. We'll see. I'm Team Chad/Gabby b/c Mansi ruined Abby (and writers but a lot Mansi).

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Skimmed through Friday's episode and was really aghast at that scene of Brady feeding Tate fries in a diner with his baseball cap pulled down. Dude - what kind of life are you making for your son?!? If Brady really wanted to help Nicole he could have set her up with money and a place to escape to. Deciding he loves her and dragging his poor son along for the ride is stupid to a degree I can not fathom.

Sonny can leave the show anytime he wants. No appeal anymore.

I can't with Nicole's storyline. Too gross.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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4 hours ago, swtrgrl said:


I agree with all the MM vs KM stuff...but the characterization of this:


M were still in the role, playing smug Abby, I would gladly sit back and watch her best friend and husband get it on to see how it feels to be on the other side of a cheating situation.


Gabby and Chad haven't cheated. They thought Abby was dead. They cut it off when they knew she was alive. Emotional cheating? Yeah, I'll give you that. However, they're both trying to stay away from each other. We'll see. I'm Team Chad/Gabby b/c Mansi ruined Abby (and writers but a lot Mansi).


Oh, I know they haven't cheated yet.  What happened when they thought Abby was dead and even having feelings is not an affair (like you said, maybe an emotional one, but that's it).  What I meant was if (and it looks like there is always that possibility)...if Gabi and Chad decide to give in to their feelings and sleep together, I would have had no pity for KM's version of Abby.  She was the one in the role for all the cheating incidents with EJ and with Chad when she was with Ben, not to mention trying to get Austin when he was with Carrie.  She never really saw her fault in it either, like she was entitled or something.  Very smug.  

MM's Abby I tend to feel a little more empathy for.  She is nice and it's hard to see her as the cheating floozy Abby was portrayed as before.  I would feel a little bad for her if they do cheat, and I wouldn't if KM were playing this part still.  But that being said, technically Abby still did that stuff so if it were to happen...

Today's show, ugh.  

So Rafe finally decides to do his job the right way...when it was somthing that will send his dad away to federal prison for a long time.  I know he was struggling with it because he knows he has turned the other cheek before, but I still think he is an ass.  He not only covered up for Hope when she shot Stefano, but he aided in getting rid of the body and all evidence.  How far he would go to get in her pants.  But he didn't think twice about cuffing his dad and hauling him off.  I'm guessing that's the last we are seeing of A Martinez/Eduardo.  Too bad, he kind of grew on me.  I could think of others I'd rather see go before him...

Is Joey going to spill about killing Ava?  Ha, if he does, I don't think Tripp would hesitate to notify the authorities.  I'm kind of sick of anything having to do with Ava.  She was a gross being.  But I do actually like Trip and think the actor is decent, not to mention gorgeous (Mrs Robinson here).  Joey can go off to jail to pay for his crime and I'm OK with it...

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1 hour ago, LadyJaney said:

So Rafe finally decides to do his job the right way...when it was somthing that will send his dad away to federal prison for a long time.  I know he was struggling with it because he knows he has turned the other cheek before, but I still think he is an ass.

At least he did his job at all.  I don't see how he was an ass for doing it.

That wasn't Tamara Braun's voice at all, was it?  Some other woman had to have recorded Ava's message to Tripp.

What was Eduardo going to do with $100 million in bearer bonds?  And was he planning on leaving the country while Kate was waiting for him at the bar, where he was trying to make up with her?  That dangling thread is just weird.

God, Raines is a dick.

That tape sure sounded like Tamara Braun.  I wonder if it was.

1 hour ago, Vyk said:

At least he did his job at all.  I don't see how he was an ass for doing it.

I don't so much as see him as an ass for doing his job this time, more that he didn't feel the need to do it all those other times and just decides now.  I'm still super annoyed with his involvement in Hope's cover-up of Stefano.  

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I can dislike the thug violence and the way Stefano kept getting away with things.  I may not like them, but I can handle them.  But I just can't with the Scooter storyline.  It's just too creepy. And the kids would not go into the system.  They have families.

Hillary says she wants to strangle Scooter.  I wonder if he's going to wind up dead?  And why, Hillary, would "Bridget" possibly know if Scooter is cheating on you?

Didn't Tripp say Jade is under age?  Why did the bar serve her?

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I think Tripp deserves to know what happened to Ava, and who made it happen to her, and Joey was right to try telling him.  Jade really should've minded her own business.

I do like Victor, but Marlena reading him for filth today after he dared to denigrate Eric for a far lesser offense than any of his own?  My everything.

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5 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

I didn't understand why Kayla stood there gasping like a fish instead of telling Tripp that she was giving Jade orders because she's her doctor.

Because Dena has turned her into wallpaper.  Tripp, Steve, Joey, Jade, the voice actress playing Ava, even Angelo are more important to this story than Kayla is.  I can't believe Tripp bitched her out and she didn't even get to respond.  Total garbage.

Edited by lska
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Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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