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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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I just caught up on some of the Jail/Prague stuff and have to say I'm starting to enjoy Deidre's take on Hattie. Maybe it just took her a while to find her rhythm again.

This so-called Stefano look-alike looks absolutely nothing like him. He has no gut, his cheeks and facial stubble are not at all the same shape or color and he seems taller than Stefano was to boot. If they were trying to make Marlena look like a complete idiot with no eyesight, they did a good job.

The more sure these heroes are that Stefano is really alive, the more I want it to be revealed that they've been led on a wild goose chase.

The only way I'd find this storyline compelling is if they ran into Sami and they tied all this back into the EJ sightings from last year. But they don't have Allison Sweeney back, so I'm not expecting anything that interesting. It would have been the perfect opportunity though, since two of the most famous DiMeras are supposedly back from the dead and in Europe.

I used to hate Kate Mansi's Abigail with a passion, but now I just feel nothing towards Marci Miller's take. She's doing a good job of acting but this character is in such desperate need of a strong direction that watching her try to gradually transition back into sanity and her old marriage is proving very unfulfilling.

I'm already wishing we could catch up with Theresa in Mexico instead of most of the rest of this stuff. Her life is in danger!! And she doesn't have sixteen people trying to help her out...

Why did they drastically redo half of club TBD and leave the rest looking as it did? The designs are clashing...

I assumed (incorrectly?) that Anna was a normal person. Has she always been looney?

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 1

Was Dario seriously getting mad over Kate stealing the microchips that he originally stole from her? STFU. And great job screaming about your illegal activities in a public place so anybody can hear you. Also, if you're going to pull a gun on Andre at Murder Park you should go ahead and kill him and his goon so they can't come after you. 

This microchip crap is becoming increasingly convoluted. 

I'm somewhat disappointed that Kate and Ed appear to be done. He humanized her a little. 

Edited by LeftPhalange

Ok will they stop horsing around about these microchips!   What the hell is on these things already??  It better be something juicy (ie like drug trafficking and connections) for Dario,  Eddie,  The Dimeras and Kiriakis' to be losing their damn minds over.  I'm trying with this story but it's like some slow build that isn't engaging my interest at the moment. 

And,  oh, hell naw.  Daniel's heart isn't happy Nicole is engaged via Bradys chest.   I won't say anymore.   I can't with this part.  

  • Love 2

The microchip is the elephant is the blue flash drive.  Same old same old.

Speaking of which, the Stefano is dead not dead rehashed SL is somewhat tasteless since JM has passed on.

Brady wasn't dumb enough on his own?  Now he has Daniel's stupidity via his heart to?  Maybe Eric or Austin can donate a kidney to Brady, thereby making Brady officially the dumbest guy in Salem (and that's a title with a lot of competition).

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, DisneyBoy said:

I just caught up on some of the Jail/Prague stuff and have to say I'm starting to enjoy Deidre's take on Hattie. Maybe it just took her a while to find her rhythm again.

This so-called Stefano look-alike looks absolutely nothing like him. He has no gut, his cheeks and facial stubble are not at all the same shape or color and he seems taller than Stefano was to boot. If they were trying to make Marlena look like a complete idiot with no eyesight, they did a good job.

The more sure these heroes are that Stefano is really alive, the more I want it to be revealed that they've been led on a wild goose chase.

The only way I'd find this storyline compelling is if they ran into Sami and they tied all this back into the EJ sightings from last year. But they don't have Allison Sweeney back, so I'm not expecting anything that interesting. It would have been the perfect opportunity though, since two of the most famous DiMeras are supposedly back from the dead and in Europe.

I used to hate Kate Mansi's Abigail with a passion, but now I just feel nothing towards Marci Miller's take. She's doing a good job of acting but this character is in such desperate need of a strong direction that watching her try to gradually transition back into sanity and her old marriage is proving very unfulfilling.

I'm already wishing we could catch up with Theresa in Mexico instead of most of the rest of this stuff. Her life is in danger!! And she doesn't have sixteen people trying to help her out...

Why did they drastically redo half of club TBD and leave the rest looking as it did? The designs are clashing...

I assumed (incorrectly?) that Anna was a normal person. Has she always been looney?

Anna was never looney.  I don't like the way that they are writing her.  Anna was always spirited, and incredibly smart but never crazy.  Leann Hunley is a good actress so it's disappointing they chose to go this route with bringing the character back.  It would of made more sense to play it more dramatic.  You could totally understand Anna going off the deep end when Tony was killed considering they had been separated for so long, they reunited and it ended in tragedy again.  Anna totally has a valid reason to want Stefano dead. 

Anna was always the fun character that mostly everyone liked, she never took herself so seriously and is one of the only characters to fluctuate between the Brady and Dimera families without getting a superiority complex. I always felt like they missed an opportunity with not having Anna and Sami explore a relationship.  I've always like the juxtaposition that while Carrie is similar to Marlena, Sami was always very much like Anna. 

I wasn't crazy about Anna helping EJ with taking Sydney, but more for the reason that it created a rift with her and Sami.  I would of much rather seen Sami develop a mother/daughter relationship with Anna, not so much as revenge against Marlena, but more so because they are very similar.

  • Love 3
55 minutes ago, JBC344 said:

Anna was never looney.  I don't like the way that they are writing her.  Anna was always spirited, and incredibly smart but never crazy.  Leann Hunley is a good actress so it's disappointing they chose to go this route with bringing the character back.  It would of made more sense to play it more dramatic.  You could totally understand Anna going off the deep end when Tony was killed considering they had been separated for so long, they reunited and it ended in tragedy again.  Anna totally has a valid reason to want Stefano dead. 

Anna was always the fun character that mostly everyone liked, she never took herself so seriously and is one of the only characters to fluctuate between the Brady and Dimera families without getting a superiority complex. I always felt like they missed an opportunity with not having Anna and Sami explore a relationship.  I've always like the juxtaposition that while Carrie is similar to Marlena, Sami was always very much like Anna. 

I wasn't crazy about Anna helping EJ with taking Sydney, but more for the reason that it created a rift with her and Sami.  I would of much rather seen Sami develop a mother/daughter relationship with Anna, not so much as revenge against Marlena, but more so because they are very similar.

That was the biggest missed opportunity, in not creating, a relationship between Sami/Anna.  I don't like how they have written Anna. This is Dena, we should not be surprise by the bad writing. Typical Dena.. Anna was always selfish, lively, fun, manipulative and self-serving.  However, she had a great capacity to love. Her love for Tony and Carrie proved that..I loved her dynamic with Marlena.  After Roman "died", on that beach, she had the legal right, to take Carrie away, from Marlena, but, she realized that Marlena was the better mother for Carrie.  Her rivalry with Renee over Tony was divine. Both ladies were trying to give Stefano an heir.. It was a good story that resulted in the death of Tony and Anna's son.  Renee became very Kristen like and tried to kill Anna.   I so wanted EJ, to have been, the son of Tony and Anna.  Carrie's long lost brother EJ, terrorizing her sister Sami, could have been  a good story, for the sisters, to develop, a true sister relationship...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 2
53 minutes ago, JBC344 said:

I always felt like they missed an opportunity with not having Anna and Sami explore a relationship.  I've always like the juxtaposition that while Carrie is similar to Marlena, Sami was always very much like Anna. 

I wasn't crazy about Anna helping EJ with taking Sydney, but more for the reason that it created a rift with her and Sami.  I would of much rather seen Sami develop a mother/daughter relationship with Anna, not so much as revenge against Marlena, but more so because they are very similar.

Yes! Sami and Anna developing a bond could've been great. I never liked that Carrie got Marlena while Sami never really had a mother figure until the end of her run when she and Kate started scheming. 

  • Love 1

How dare Kate steal the microchips from them after they stole them from her?

I don't like this cop that JJ is working for, but one wonders, does any cop in the Salem PD have the power to promote a uniform cop to detective on his own?

I have never liked Dario.

So what's going on with Brady's heart?  And uh, if you've just had a heart transplant, shouldn't you be concerned if your heart is starting to act up?

Ha, it was Deimos who stole the microchips from Eduardo?

Can't Deimos and Brady just check the DNA results that were used initially to prove that Deimos was not the father of Chloe's baby (and neither was Philip) to see if Daniel is the father?  Or that Nicole is the mother?

  • Love 1

Sure, Jump St JJ, talk to your ex about some shady business with her family members. It is none of your business, you don't need to be Dudley Do-Right, and Gabi is a big girl who can take care of herself.

Nancy, I know you are trying to be protective, but keeping the truth to yourself really isn't right. Nicole has every right to know that the baby is hers. It's not yours or Chloe's business who Nicole is involved with romantically. Not all relationships last. Nicole should probably opt for a slightly longer engagement, really.

Why did the Kiriakis household get new living room furniture?

Eduardo is not going to be happy that Deimos stole the hard drive from him.

  • Love 1
On 2017-01-12 at 3:28 PM, TigerLynx said:

The microchip is the elephant is the blue flash drive.  Same old same old.

I feel a little nostalgic for the blue flash drive, actually. Remember when the plots had at least a tenuous relationship to sense?

Yeah, good times.

On 2017-01-12 at 11:01 PM, Frozendiva said:

... Gabi is a big girl who can take care of herself.

I can hear Julie muttering "Can she EVER!" in a stage whisper that's shaking dust from the rafters.

Edited by Sandman
  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Eduardo is not going to be happy that Deimos stole the hard drive from him.

I thought Ed and Deimos were working together? I'm so confused. I blame the writers.


1 hour ago, Sandman said:

I can hear Julie muttering "Can she EVER!" in a stage whisper that's shaking dust from the rafters.

Julie needs to have her larynx  ripped out. 

  • Love 2

If it hasn't been said before, Shut up Rafe. Who are you to be yelling at Hope's son?! Of course you probably think you care about innocent Hope more than her children do. Shawn should have hung up the phone after that. I am just not here for this " redeeming " of Hope after she shot someone even if it was Stefano. 

Victor continuing a relationship with the man who kidnapped and drugged his son is wonderful. 

This microchip business is  not really all that interesting. Kate and Andre took back what the Hernandez's stole from them? Ok.....

  • Love 1
18 hours ago, BlackMamba said:

And,  oh, hell naw.  Daniel's heart isn't happy Nicole is engaged via Bradys chest.   I won't say anymore.   I can't with this part.  

I bet that if Brady would only buy and wear a plastic shark tooth necklace that the Daniel's Holy Heart would settle right down, especially if he also started watching Bay Watch reruns and pretended he was David Hasselhof.

Hold on, Brady's already got that second part down pat.  Just get then necklace.

It was bad enough that it took Theresa months and months to even remember she HAD a baby and now we've got Nicole in essentially the same position.  End this, and fast.

Edited by boes
  • Love 2

I don't appreciate them bringing Maggie out just ot have her say Daniel would approve of her moving on with Deimos because he's changed. One, Dan absolutely wouldn't approve of Nicole being with a violent goon, and two, just because Deimos hasn't drugged anyone and caused them to fall down some stairs and become paralyzed doesn't mean he's changed. I also don't appreciate them having mean old man Victor sit back and do nothing to Deimos after he's repeatedly attacked members of his family. 

17 minutes ago, boes said:

It was bad enough that it took Theresa months and months to even remember she HAD a baby and now we've got Nicole in essentially the same position.  End this, and fast.

The writers never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.  Kristen should have stolen Nicole's fetus, and the timing should have coincided with Sami and Kate's revenge scheme.  Then Sami, Kate and Nicole all work together to destroy the Dimeras all while reminding each other of their past misdeeds.  The snark would have been great.

  • Love 3

I was annoyed with the microchip storyline but now not so much. Someone must paid close attention to this past election and hacking.  They smartly decided to weave that into the story between the Kiriakis vs Dimeras.  That is clever.   Very Days... The ol Days.   It can only get more interesting from here,  IF,  they don't do anything stupid. 

I liked the Andre vs Deimos scenes.   They are both ruthless and devilish characters so to see them butting heads was cool.   Andre's shade at Sonny was funny,  "He's a boy stout but great cheek bones."  

I'm just glad this part of the story is revealed now I don't have to deal with a guessing game. 

  • Love 2

Why is Gabi trying to pretend to JJ that there's nothing going with Eduardo and Dario, when she KNOWS they are? And Gabi needs to go to jail for revealing to her criminal brother about police investigations. And no, Gabi, you have no way of knowing if JJ is a good detective since he's never been a detective before.

Jeez, Nicole, how can you tell that a baby is good natured from a two second viewing?

Ooh, Deimos and Andre rutting.  I'd love to see them actually butt heads. This might turn out to be a good storyline.

Whoops, did Nicole just realize that Chloe's baby might be hers?

They actually used the brand name Q Tip.

I knew as soon as Chloe said that she had something to tell Nicole, that she wasn't going to tell her.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Silver Raven said:

Why is Gabi trying to pretend to JJ that there's nothing going with Eduardo and Dario, when she KNOWS they are? And Gabi needs to go to jail for revealing to her criminal brother about police investigations. And no, Gabi, you have no way of knowing if JJ is a good detective since he's never been a detective before..

 I don't know if you are joking or not but we are talking about Salem right?

The place where all sorts of criminals are thriving under the guise of being good people. Gabi telling her brother about police investigation is such a minor thing. Hell, anyone in her position would have talked to their siblings like she did. 

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

Why is Gabi trying to pretend to JJ that there's nothing going with Eduardo and Dario, when she KNOWS they are? And Gabi needs to go to jail for revealing to her criminal brother about police investigations. And no, Gabi, you have no way of knowing if JJ is a good detective since he's never been a detective before.

So now she's lying to JJ and keeping other people's secrets. Wonder how she'll feel when he finds out and calls her out on it?

On 1/12/2017 at 2:49 PM, JBC344 said:

Anna was never looney.  I don't like the way that they are writing her.  Anna was always spirited, and incredibly smart but never crazy.  Leann Hunley is a good actress so it's disappointing they chose to go this route with bringing the character back.  It would of made more sense to play it more dramatic.  You could totally understand Anna going off the deep end when Tony was killed considering they had been separated for so long, they reunited and it ended in tragedy again.  Anna totally has a valid reason to want Stefano dead. 

Anna was always the fun character that mostly everyone liked, she never took herself so seriously and is one of the only characters to fluctuate between the Brady and Dimera families without getting a superiority complex. I always felt like they missed an opportunity with not having Anna and Sami explore a relationship.  I've always like the juxtaposition that while Carrie is similar to Marlena, Sami was always very much like Anna. 

I wasn't crazy about Anna helping EJ with taking Sydney, but more for the reason that it created a rift with her and Sami.  I would of much rather seen Sami develop a mother/daughter relationship with Anna, not so much as revenge against Marlena, but more so because they are very similar.

Maybe they were trying to go for some comic relief to make the others look smarter and more serious... :)

48 minutes ago, YupItsMe said:

Maybe they were trying to go for some comic relief to make the others look smarter and more serious... :)

At this point, that's not possible.  Even the person who has possession of the lone Salem brain for a day, will do beyond stupid stuff to move the plot along.  If any of the characters did something halfway intelligent, the writers idiotic SLs would come to a screeching halt.

  • Love 3

The coma did Chloe good. No greasy hair, no crusty skin and lips, etc.

Too many people are getting suspicious and whether you like it or not, or who they are connected to or not, the baby's true identity needs to come out. Deimos may be a jerk. An engagement ring does not always mean a marriage. Nicole can easily see with her own eyes that Deimos is not good for her - too volatile, has anger issues, is tied to the Kiriakis mob, etc. The baby is hers and she has every right to know and then make life choices/decisions on that information. Nancy means well.

Gabi, you know your family is crooked/has illegal ties. No, Jump St. JJ should not have mentioned any investigation.

The microchip idea is interesting. Doubt the show has the writers to actually craft a good story about it and surveillance and privacy.

Sonny's hair looked good.

Abs and Chad, ugh. Since when did Abs have any cooking skills/ability? Except for cupcakes, she seemed useless in the kitchen.

  • Love 1
14 hours ago, Silver Raven said:


Why is Gabi trying to pretend to JJ that there's nothing going with Eduardo and Dario, when she KNOWS they are? And Gabi needs to go to jail for revealing to her criminal brother about police investigations. And no, Gabi, you have no way of knowing if JJ is a good detective since he's never been a detective before.


If Gabi should go to jail then all of these characters should also be sitting in the cell next to her. All of them have aided and abetted a friend or family member before, during, or after they've committed a crime. Every single one of them. And if Gabi is going to jail JJ needs to lose his badge and face charges because I'm pretty sure he shouldn't have disclosed information about an active investigation to the sister of two of the suspects. And don't even get me started on all of the characters who helped Hope cover up a murder or knew what she did but didn't turn her in. Salem law enforcement is corrupt and all of its residents are criminals. 

  • Love 9
12 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

If Gabi should go to jail then all of these characters should also be sitting in the cell next to her. All of them have aided and abetted a friend or family member before, during, or after they've committed a crime. Every single one of them. And if Gabi is going to jail JJ needs to lose his badge and face charges because I'm pretty sure he shouldn't have disclosed information about an active investigation to the sister of two of the suspects. And don't even get me started on all of the characters who helped Hope cover up a murder or knew what she did but didn't turn her in. Salem law enforcement is corrupt and all of its residents are criminals. 



  • Love 3
3 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

I also feel lousy for the gal playing Jade. She's great.

Was.  I really hope they give us an explanation as to why Jade, with a black father, is suddenly a generic white blonde.

BTW, if you look up the new Jade, Gabrielle Haugh, you'll find lots of pics of her in her underwear.

  • Love 2

I missed several weeks so was trying to get a bit caught up.  I have questions:

  • If the great anti hacking device was developed by the Dimeras, and it was stolen from them, why wouldn't they go to the FBI or someone?
  • If Deimos knows the reason Chloe and/or Nancy are hiding the fact that Holly is Nicole's because of their fear and loathing of Deimos, why would he propose and put a ring on it--for Nancy and/or Chloe to see?
  • WHYTF won't Brady tell Nicole the truth, that Holly is hers?  Seriously?  Now Chloe will take off with the baby.  I guess there is an interesting court case here, so why not make it about that?
3 hours ago, bannana said:

If the great anti hacking device was developed by the Dimeras, and it was stolen from them, why wouldn't they go to the FBI or someone?

Because he wants the profits, he doesn't want it turned over to the US Government, and it's probably all illegal, anyway.


3 hours ago, bannana said:

If Deimos knows the reason Chloe and/or Nancy are hiding the fact that Holly is Nicole's because of their fear and loathing of Deimos, why would he propose and put a ring on it--for Nancy and/or Chloe to see?

Deimos doesn't give a shit what anybody else thinks.


3 hours ago, bannana said:

WHYTF won't Brady tell Nicole the truth, that Holly is hers?  Seriously?  Now Chloe will take off with the baby.  I guess there is an interesting court case here, so why not make it about that?

He doesn't know, he just suspects, and he doesn't want Nicole to get false hope up in case it turns out not to really be hers, she has had too many baby disasters in her past.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, bannana said:

I missed several weeks so was trying to get a bit caught up.  I have questions:

  • If the great anti hacking device was developed by the Dimeras, and it was stolen from them, why wouldn't they go to the FBI or someone?
  • If Deimos knows the reason Chloe and/or Nancy are hiding the fact that Holly is Nicole's because of their fear and loathing of Deimos, why would he propose and put a ring on it--for Nancy and/or Chloe to see?
  • WHYTF won't Brady tell Nicole the truth, that Holly is hers?  Seriously?  Now Chloe will take off with the baby.  I guess there is an interesting court case here, so why not make it about that?

Exactly, even though I don't agree with Chloe it is really hard to root for Deimos in any way.  At least with Chloe we do know that she cares for Nicole.  You would think Deimos would really be trying to smooth things out with Chloe and reassure her of his "noble" intentions with/for Nicole.  Instead he has been incredibly defensive, won't take any responsibility for his actions and then proceeds to do horrible things (drugging Phillip) to prove Chloe/Nancy/Phillip right. 

I also don't really like this Brady/Deimos pairing.  I'm all for Brady wanting Nicole to know the truth but I hate that he is on Deimos team.  He should be showing more loyalty to Chloe than Deimos.  Yes, Deimos is his uncle/boss but Chloe is more family than he is. I would prefer he be more neutral and try to understand Chloe's position than immediately jump to Deimos side. But then again Brady has never been the sharpest tool in the shed.  Unfortunate because Chloe and Nicole have always had Brady's back.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, JBC344 said:

I also don't really like this Brady/Deimos pairing.  I'm all for Brady wanting Nicole to know the truth but I hate that he is on Deimos team.  He should be showing more loyalty to Chloe than Deimos.  Yes, Deimos is his uncle/boss but Chloe is more family than he is. I would prefer he be more neutral and try to understand Chloe's position than immediately jump to Deimos side. But then again Brady has never been the sharpest tool in the shed.  Unfortunate because Chloe and Nicole have always had Brady's back.

I don't necessarily think that Brady is loyal to Deimos.  He's loyal to Nicole, and that's what this is about.  He's trying to get to the bottom of this to help Nicole.  Working with Deimos just happens to be a part of that, since he wants to help her, too.  Their interests just happen to align in this case.  I'm pretty sure that when this wraps up, Brady will go right back to disliking and distrusting Deimos once more.  I definitely don't think he has any real loyalty or fealty to him in the slightest.

  • Love 5
50 minutes ago, Michel said:

I don't necessarily think that Brady is loyal to Deimos.  He's loyal to Nicole, and that's what this is about.  He's trying to get to the bottom of this to help Nicole.  Working with Deimos just happens to be a part of that, since he wants to help her, too.  Their interests just happen to align in this case.  I'm pretty sure that when this wraps up, Brady will go right back to disliking and distrusting Deimos once more.  I definitely don't think he has any real loyalty or fealty to him in the slightest.

I wouldn't mind if Brady was doing this on his own, I just think he should be more conflicted with exposing Chloe.  Considering the history Deimos and Chloe have I would think that would be something that Brady would recognize.  If this were someone else besides Chloe it probably wouldn't bother me, but I think the Brady/Chloe or Brady/Chloe/Nicole bond should be stronger than Brady "teaming" with Deimos.

The fact that Brady and Diemos aren't close is all the more reason I would rather have Brady go at it alone.  The fact that Brady is doing the right thing by Nicole is noble but "working/teaming" with Deimos is a separate "betrayel" to Chloe that I wish just wasn't part of the equation. 

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, JBC344 said:

The fact that Brady and Diemos aren't close is all the more reason I would rather have Brady go at it alone.  The fact that Brady is doing the right thing by Nicole is noble but "working/teaming" with Deimos is a separate "betrayel" to Chloe that I wish just wasn't part of the equation. 

I do kind of agree with this.  But at the same time, it must be taken into account that Chloe started the betraying first with what this Holly lie is doing to Nicole.  It's sort of for that reason that I don't mind what Brady is doing, nor do I mind that he's working with Deimos to do it.

  • Love 6

Judy looks great with minimal makeup.  So does Nadia and I hope she keeps giving up the tight dresses.  I love Nicole but her baby talk. ..  more patrika please.  Jeez I just remembered sonny sporting that Bob's big boy look years ago and while I don't like a forward comb at least he was recognizable. Judy did a great job today. 

1 hour ago, LeftPhalange said:

I wish Deimos were dead.

Me to, and I wish Andre would join him.  It's amazing that time and time again, the idiot writers have a good actor/actress to work with, give them lousy SLs and ruin the character, and leave me wishing yet another Salem criminal/moron would go away.

  • Love 2

Jeez, Claire, way to stake your territory.

I'm sorry, I can't root for Justin over Lucas after he cheated on Adrienne.

Adrienne's all puking from chemo and she's going to have hot sauce?

Jebus, Deimos, shut your trap.

"Is that all you care about?  Likes and comments from strangers?"  Uh, Theo doesn't know what it's like to be a teenager, hm?  LOL

Do Sonny and Chloe know each other?

Eh?  Where did Kayla come from?

1 hour ago, Silver Raven said:

Jeez, Claire, way to stake your territory.

I'm sorry, I can't root for Justin over Lucas after he cheated on Adrienne.

Adrienne's all puking from chemo and she's going to have hot sauce?

Jebus, Deimos, shut your trap.

"Is that all you care about?  Likes and comments from strangers?"  Uh, Theo doesn't know what it's like to be a teenager, hm?  LOL

Do Sonny and Chloe know each other?

Eh?  Where did Kayla come from?

I don't think Sonny and Chloe have ever had any scenes together.  They probably know of each other but have not been in Salem at the same time or had any connecting storylines. Sonny may just know her as Will's former step-mother, or her marriages to Daniel and Brady. Chloe may just know him as Will's husband and Justin's son, since Justin helped Chloe with Parker's custody years ago.

3 hours ago, JBC344 said:

I don't think Sonny and Chloe have ever had any scenes together.  They probably know of each other but have not been in Salem at the same time or had any connecting storylines. Sonny may just know her as Will's former step-mother, or her marriages to Daniel and Brady. Chloe may just know him as Will's husband and Justin's son, since Justin helped Chloe with Parker's custody years ago.

Sonny and Chloe did meet and have a conversation about Parker and Philip. It was when Philip and Chloe were having a friends with benefits relationship.  Sonny introduced himself as Philip's cousin and Justin's son.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Mama No Life said:

We're supposed to hate Claire, right? Because if not, um, we have a problem.

I certainly don't hate her yet, but her shallowness (on which Theo rightly, IMO, called her out) and materialistic behavior are pushing me awfully close to it.

However, I did feel for her when she got that bigoted comment to her picture with Theo.  It's amazing that there are still people like that, even in the twenty-first century.

But on the upside, I think Valerie and Theo have turned a corner with today's scenes.  Or at least I hope they finally have.  Valerie advising Theo and Claire about ignoring the bigoted haters using her own experiences from her past interracial relationship with David was a great way to finally break the ice between them.  So I hope that Theo finally sees that Valerie is in no way a threat to Abe.

  • Love 6
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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