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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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Gah, Ciara is such a vile, callous person.  Did she honestly think Chad would fall into her arms and declare his love to her?!  He just found out his wife died and (like her or not) Chad really did love Abby.  He isn't going to forget her and screw her cousin just a few short days later.  Gross.  And way to show loyalty to your own cousin. Abby was her family and she claimed to love her.  Gross, just gross.  And then to act all annoyed that Theo showed his attention to another.  She truly is disgusting and cares only about herself and her own needs.

Also, Jen was pretty bitchy to Belle despite the fact that Belle put her own job aside and helped Jen instead of using her info to help Chad out.  Belle is becoming more likable lately.  Jen...not so much.  Nice to see Kayla today.

A brief observation from yesterday's episode.  The Salem PD:  what a whiny bunch of corrupt bitches.  Shut up Rafe, Roman, Abe, Aidan, and Justin (and shut up Hope if she had been there).  You are all hacks who don't follow the rules or the law unless it's someone you don't like.  Pretty much all of them have committed crimes, those who haven't hid them and then they squawk at Aidan like he's the only criminal there.  Yeah, he sucks too and I don't like them, but pot meet kettle in that department!

Sending my prayers and well-wishes to Kassie DePaiva.

  • Love 8

After her OD, Jenn sure was able to get to an AA meeting quick. Cousin Kayla or not, she should have been in the hospital getting her stomach pumped and probably on IV to clear out her system. And being offered the opportunity/luxury to go to a rehab facility for 30 days instead of a maybe much needed 30 days in jail. I wanted to throw my takeout dinner (I had close to an 11 hour workday today) at the television at her meeting 'speech' from the pulpit. I get that soap acting is a paycheque, but I am tired of the brittle holier than thou Jennifer.

Belle, family or not, your cousin has an addiction. Your actions allowed for semi-enablement. Yes, you had a phone. Take the pictures, grab the vodka bottle, bottle of pills. Your responsibility is to your *client*, who is paying the big bucks to you.

I get it, Ciara, you have had some tough times. We all do. It's part of life. You are free to love Chad or really anyone you like. Love does NOT equal relationship. Ya think he's gonna jump your bones and tell you 2 hours after his wife 'died' that he loves you too and now that he is free, wants to be with you? Really? Chad stepped up an acted as an adult. Yes, it hurts that he doesn't love you or want you. Vile little girl. And yes, Theo is entitled to move on since you dumped him. He deserves better than you (at least at this point in time). Ciara, dear, you are turning into a nastier version of your mother. Duchess Gina. Life will teach you a major lesson in that you don't always get what you want. Maybe go to school out of state for a year or two.

  • Love 5

No arguments from me about what ya'll have said about Ciara.  The character needs a reset and we need a recast, STAT.  VJ can't carry the material, not at all.  I thought BF did a good job, though, making it clear in how he explained things what a child, and a selfish one at at that - she really is.  

I like Claire, I love Theo, and I'm eternally grateful that Claire didnt' sing today.  They had a nice couple of scenes together.  I'm hoping that Show doesn't think we're going to be interested in a storyline about Ciara being mad at Claire because Claire wants Theo.  That storyline was already done - badly - when Abigail dumped Chad and Melanie took him up.  

And this is where my affection for Kayla becomes strained.  Belle called her about Jenn, kept things quiet so Kayla could rescue her worthless behind.  Belle acted against her client's best interests for Jenn so the last thing Belle needed was to hear Kayla try and guilt her into staying quiet about Jenn's relapse.  Kayla's whole "They're your family too", line to Belle was manipulative.  Belle had already said she was going to keep it quiet.  And Kayla might want to remember that the Horton's AREN'T her family, and that while Jenn and her kids are connected because of Steve and Jack, they shouldn't always be Kayla's primary concern.  I only wish Kayla had given Theresa or Sami just a smidgen of the same consideration she's always giving to Jenn and to Abigail.  It smells, badly.

Wouldn't it be nice if FOR ONCE the Horton Harpies looked at their own behavior and took ownership of it?  Jenn is clearly unfit to care for Thomas - not to mention she has not right to him - but instead of telling Jenn that, they cosset her, back her up, hustle her off to a meeting, ready to cover up her backsliding so she can take Thomas away from Chad supposedly because HE is the one who is unfit.  

Too bad they can't choke on their own sense of entitlement.

  • Love 12

Did Ciara really just make Chad's grief and self-distrust all about HER? Good gravy! I don't even think Jovanni's acting is the problem, or not the biggest problem, at any rate. 

And Jennifer, no matter what Delusion Jack just told you, custody of Thomas is not a healthy way to make yourself feel better about your parenting choices.

Do the writers even understand how blindingly (and blindly) selfish these supposedly admirable, "good" people are being? Doesn't look like it to me.

Oh, and I think "A Whiny Bunch of Corrupt Bitches" should be on the SPD softball team jerseys.

Edited by Sandman
  • Love 7
44 minutes ago, boes said:

No arguments from me about what ya'll have said about Ciara.  The character needs a reset and we need a recast, STAT.  VJ can't carry the material, not at all.  I thought BF did a good job, though, making it clear in how he explained things what a child, and a selfish one at at that - she really is.  

I like Claire, I love Theo, and I'm eternally grateful that Claire didnt' sing today.  They had a nice couple of scenes together.  I'm hoping that Show doesn't think we're going to be interested in a storyline about Ciara being mad at Claire because Claire wants Theo.  That storyline was already done - badly - when Abigail dumped Chad and Melanie took him up.  

And this is where my affection for Kayla becomes strained.  Belle called her about Jenn, kept things quiet so Kayla could rescue her worthless behind.  Belle acted against her client's best interests for Jenn so the last thing Belle needed was to hear Kayla try and guilt her into staying quiet about Jenn's relapse.  Kayla's whole "They're your family too", line to Belle was manipulative.  Belle had already said she was going to keep it quiet.  And Kayla might want to remember that the Horton's AREN'T her family, and that while Jenn and her kids are connected because of Steve and Jack, they shouldn't always be Kayla's primary concern.  I only wish Kayla had given Theresa or Sami just a smidgen of the same consideration she's always giving to Jenn and to Abigail.  It smells, badly.

Wouldn't it be nice if FOR ONCE the Horton Harpies looked at their own behavior and took ownership of it?  Jenn is clearly unfit to care for Thomas - not to mention she has not right to him - but instead of telling Jenn that, they cosset her, back her up, hustle her off to a meeting, ready to cover up her backsliding so she can take Thomas away from Chad supposedly because HE is the one who is unfit.  

Too bad they can't choke on their own sense of entitlement.

Like this post. I love me some Kayla, but all I could think as she was used once again to proper the nightmares she's connected to via her rapist and her husband's insistence that she suck up her pain so he could have a relationship with the long lost brother he met two minutes ago is, "Do you even know where your daughter or your skank loving, murdering, drunken dolt of a son are?" Once again, we see the show propping vile characters via likable characters who would never do the things they do in support of the awful characters they are made o prop.  

Can't speak on why the writers don't have her interact with Theresa, by the time I came back, they never acknowledged each other.  However, Sami reaped what she sowed. I haven't forgotten how she moved Ava next door to Kayla during th initial go round, the same Ava who kidnapped and attempted to kill Hope, Stephanie, Steve, tortured her aunt and murdered her grandfather, all in her quest for EJ peen.  Being disavowed was not even a punishment for just the things she did to Kayla, forget anyone else.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, BlackMamba said:

Since Days doesn't want to fire this damn Vivian Jovanni and the chick who plays Claire - can Ken Corday stop being sucha cheap skate and get a fucking acting coach on set!   Fuck!  These girls are not remotely believeable playing these characters let alone handling simple material appears to be difficult.   Did you all hear how Ciara said,  "I been through stuff too!"  She sounded like 5 year old craving for attention.   It's 9 months in and still so painful to watch.   The chick who plays Claire,  I just want her to stop singing already,  someone find the character a boyfriend and give her something to do that has nothing to do with her singing the same song over and over again. 

I hate to tell you this, but they have an acting coach on set. Her name is Maria O'Brien.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Happytobehere said:

Like this post. I love me some Kayla, but all I could think as she was used once again to proper the nightmares she's connected to via her rapist and her husband's insistence that she suck up her pain so he could have a relationship with the long lost brother he met two minutes ago is, "Do you even know where your daughter or your skank loving, murdering, drunken dolt of a son are?" Once again, we see the show propping vile characters via likable characters who would never do the things they do in support of the awful characters they are made o prop.  

Can't speak on why the writers don't have her interact with Theresa, by the time I came back, they never acknowledged each other.  However, Sami reaped what she sowed. I haven't forgotten how she moved Ava next door to Kayla during th initial go round, the same Ava who kidnapped and attempted to kill Hope, Stephanie, Steve, tortured her aunt and murdered her grandfather, all in her quest for EJ peen.  Being disavowed was not even a punishment for just the things she did to Kayla, forget anyone else.

I love this part about Sami, it is why I have never liked her, she has always betrayed her family over and over again....She brought the Brady family down in my opinion.. I love the Brady family and the complex dynamic between the Brady siblings  was always their biggest appeal to me...No matter what happened between Kay, Kimmie, Bo, Roman and even Rojohn, they always loved each other and had each other's back...Kayla should have been super close to Theresa, due to Kim..This show refuses to acknowledge the connections and history between the characters....It is truly disheartening...Theresa has been too isolated from the Brady family and it has weakened her...I feel that Theresa needed Stefanie in town to give her more layers, since they grew up together in LA with their moms..They could have been best friends or friendly rivals like Ciara and Allie were as kids....Theresa, Stefanie,Philip, Abigail, Brady, Belle, Alex kiriakis and his three brothers were all born around the same time and it is a shame that we never saw the relationships developed as adults that Sherry Anderson was hinting at by subsequent writers...

I like Jennifer Lilley as an actress, but, I am indifferent to Theresa because as a diehard Kim and Shane fan, I did not like how they were thrown under the bus, to whitewash her horrible actions...I also hate the name Theresa, I never understood the reasoning behind her changing it from Jeannie to Theresa..It just feel that the show was changing the Kim/Shane history to fit their vision...If they wanted to give Jeannie a middle name, then they should have given her the name Peach after Shane's ISA partner, who was  vital in the Kim/Shane romance....Ms.Peach was such an original character and I loved her...The show used to be good with recurring characters and they were so good at adding more layers to a story...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 2

The horrible writing and acting is annoying, and I hate what the writers have done to the recently sorased characters (Lauren Boles should still be Ciara).  However, the thing I hate even more is the idea that Chad is a bad guy who shouldn't have custody of his son.  Why?  Because his last name is Dimera?  The only thing Chad has done that was remotely shady was when Cameron believed Chad had a brain tumor, Chad let him.  Chad did the right thing (something most of these other people can't manage to do), and turned down Ciara.  Jennifer is an addict, who everyone is covering for, including Chad's attorney Belle, who should be brought before the bar for ethics violations.  The entire Salem PD and members of the DA's office commit and cover up crimes, but Chad shouldn't have custody of his son all because his last name is Dimera.  {face palm}

  • Love 11
11 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

.No matter what happened between Kay, Kimmie, Bo, Roman and even Rojohn, they always loved each other and had each other's back...Kayla should have been super close to Theresa, due to Kim..This show refuses to acknowledge the connections and history between the characters....It is truly disheartening...Theresa has been too isolated from the Brady family and it has weakened her...I feel that Theresa needed Stefanie in town to give her more layers, since they grew up together in LA with their moms..They could have been best friends or friendly rivals like Ciara and Allie were as kids....Theresa, Stefanie,Philip, Abigail, Brady, Belle, Alex kiriakis and his three brothers were all born around the same time and it is a shame that we never saw the relationships developed as adults that Sherry Anderson was hinting at by subsequent writers...

I'm still a little bitter that they ignored all of that history with Theresa.  I think they isolated her from her family to give her motivation for being the bad girl, when it would have been so much more compelling if they had actually used what was there.  Shane was absent from her life for periods, she had a stepfather who could have been a not-so-great figure in her life, Kim as a mother had to be a piece of work at times, and it would have been natural for her to have a contentious relationship with Kayla if she blamed her for her family problems.

I don't understand what Belle is doing in this story at all, to be honest.  The connections with Chad and Jennifer are tenuous and... I just don't care.  But if the show wants a real custody battle, they have to show a compelling reason that Chad shouldn't have his son and they haven't done that.  (Or at least as far as I can tell... I only watched yesterday because Kayla was on.)

And Belle has no patience for self-pity?  Loooool.

Edited by lska
  • Love 5

I think Theo may be one of the only characters left (Anne?) whose motivations make sense to me. There's plenty of delusional to go around in Salem.

JPL really is as OOT as you've all been saying, isn't he? I'm only seeing it now.

Who do you guys think is actually behind the Tatenapping? Shane and Kim?

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, DisneyBoy said:

I think Theo may be one of the only characters left (Anne?) whose motivations make sense to me. There's plenty of delusional to go around in Salem.

JPL really is as OOT as you've all been saying, isn't he? I'm only seeing it now.

Who do you guys think is actually behind the Tatenapping? Shane and Kim?

If they were to make Kim and Shane kidnappers, I would never watch the show ever again....The Tatenapping has been such a letdown, His uncle Andrew's kidnapping was so compelling and drove stories for Kim, Shane and Victor...Even after he was found, it continued to reverberate for the Brady clan...Not to Mention Emma who orchestrated the whole thing, and relished Kim's pain.. She used to call Andrew that little bastard....lol...Emma was not supposed to be a villainess in the Kim/Shane story, she was sympathetic at first, she was going to be paired up with Neil Curtis, but, Sherry Anderson saw the actress in a scene with a glint in her eye and she decided to change course and  wrote her as a villainess and it took off...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 1

I like how after Brady explains the evidence implicating Prictor, Sonny says they have no facts, just opinions...and then proceeds to proclaim that he was set up by Deimos, as if that's a 100% certified fact. It's annoying how he's so pro-Prictor and acting like it's completely out of the realm of possibility that he's actually guilty. 

Kate is acting like an obnoxious child. 

  • Love 6

Hate to say it, but I'm rapidly losing any interest whatsoever in this show.

How was Anne - Theresa's best and only friend and business colleague - completely absent from the entire four week kidnapping arc??

Why isn't Theresa on the phone immediately asking her parents to get her and Tate out of Victor's realm before something else happens?

...when I'm not even all that interested in Theresa's scenes, it's bad. I'm out after the wedding.

  • Love 2
On August 25, 2016 at 0:38 PM, mariah23 said:

I don't know where to put this.  Maybe in the backstage forum.  Kassie De Pavia has been diagnosed with leukemia and is getting treatment.

That sucks. She's such a nice person. I watched the tv show One Day on Soapnet, which followed a different soap actor for an entire day each episode and she came across so sweet and laid back and quirky. Not in a fake way like many actors do, but in the show up on camera without makeup and cook food for the entire crew while goofing around way.  Also I never mentioned this before I did speech and debate in college and a number of people I competed against from another university Kassie DeP gave scholarships to, she doesn't advertise it but I knew them personally. They've  gone on to be professors and one is a professional writer now, he also worked on a show on Netflix this year. 

  • Love 11

Kate, did you really have to pluck the plastic petals from the rose? Nice manicure, though.

Maggie, Victor is in jail, and not holed up in some fancy hotel. No phone service there except maybe when you visit him. Nor any concierge type service. Maybe call up Roman to get a special favour.

Chloe, why do you always need a man? And one pretending to be the father of a kid you don't really want. You do have options.

Sonny is right. There is no real evidence that Victor is guilty. And there is also no evidence that Deimos is guilty. Just blame it on someone who is new to town and someone you don't like. Perhaps there is more to the story than meets the eye. Your dad is a lawyer, and a former DA. He needs 'evidence'. Not hearsay and conjecture and guilty til proven innocent.

  • Love 6

Also I never mentioned this before I did speech and debate in college and a number of people I competed against from another university Kassie DeP gave scholarships to, she doesn't advertise it but I knew them personally. They've  gone on to be professors and one is a professional writer now, he also worked on a show on Netflix this year. 


That is so awesome. What a lady!

  • Love 6
On 8/26/2016 at 1:42 AM, Apprentice79 said:

I like Jennifer Lilley as an actress, but, I am indifferent to Theresa because as a diehard Kim and Shane fan, I did not like how they were thrown under the bus, to whitewash her horrible actions...I also hate the name Theresa, I never understood the reasoning behind her changing it from Jeannie to Theresa..It just feel that the show was changing the Kim/Shane history to fit their vision...

Kim and Shane were a superb couple but I could see how the constant turmoil in their relationship and their own back and forth romantic life would disrupt a child's life.  I like the explanation Theresa had to why her dreams of fashion design were dismissed--Kim was so consumed with helping people that she thought her kids should have been the same.  The show also explained that Shane's absence was detrimental to Theresa's view of herself--JL excels in the scenes where she's allowed to show vulnerability.  And I think the show had Theresa explaining her name change because Jeannie seemed childish to her?

Back to Friday's episode:  I really enjoyed the scenes between Maggie and Theresa--Theresa looked genuinely distressed when she was talking about Victor being involved in the kidnapping and that she knew Maggie was upset by it.  I really like the bond that exists between them and it cracks me up that Theresa was brought on the show as this sexy hellion and her three biggest supporters--besides Brady--are Maggie, Marlena and Caroline.  She's not trying to wrap the men around her finger, she's just winning over the women :)  I also miss Theresa's great relationship with Anne and Nicole--the girl needs more friends and so does Nicole :):)

I also liked the scenes between Justin and Brady--they both know what Victor is capable of and how it wouldn't be beneath him to kidnap a child to punish someone he doesn't like.  Sonny's blind loyalty to his Uncle Vic's is massively annoying and makes him look rather immature--he isn't even listening to the evidence Brady's compiled.  I hate to say it, but maybe he should have stayed in Paris.

Man oh man, but are we actually supposed to be charmed by JPL's weird facial expressions?  He was so over the top in his scenes with Kate and Chloe it was actually cringe=worthy.  Does the actor rewatch his scenes and think he's brilliant?

  • Love 6
12 minutes ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

Kim and Shane were a superb couple but I could see how the constant turmoil in their relationship and their own back and forth romantic life would disrupt a child's life.  I like the explanation Theresa had to why her dreams of fashion design were dismissed--Kim was so consumed with helping people that she thought her kids should have been the same.  The show also explained that Shane's absence was detrimental to Theresa's view of herself--JL excels in the scenes where she's allowed to show vulnerability.  And I think the show had Theresa explaining her name change because Jeannie seemed childish to her?

Back to Friday's episode:  I really enjoyed the scenes between Maggie and Theresa--Theresa looked genuinely distressed when she was talking about Victor being involved in the kidnapping and that she knew Maggie was upset by it.  I really like the bond that exists between them and it cracks me up that Theresa was brought on the show as this sexy hellion and her three biggest supporters--besides Brady--are Maggie, Marlena and Caroline.  She's not trying to wrap the men around her finger, she's just winning over the women :)  I also miss Theresa's great relationship with Anne and Nicole--the girl needs more friends and so does Nicole :):)

I also liked the scenes between Justin and Brady--they both know what Victor is capable of and how it wouldn't be beneath him to kidnap a child to punish someone he doesn't like.  Sonny's blind loyalty to his Uncle Vic's is massively annoying and makes him look rather immature--he isn't even listening to the evidence Brady's compiled.  I hate to say it, but maybe he should have stayed in Paris.

Man oh man, but are we actually supposed to be charmed by JPL's weird facial expressions?  He was so over the top in his scenes with Kate and Chloe it was actually cringe=worthy.  Does the actor rewatch his scenes and think he's brilliant?

However, kim and Shane were broken up when Theresa was born.. Theresa was believed to be Cal's and not Shane's..Shane began to date Kayla..She was a baby at the time..I doubt that the Shayla romance scarred her the way that it did the viewers...Theresa never grew up with her parents.. She grew up with Kim and her husband Philip at the time..Not to mention, that she had Kayla, Andrew and Stefanie out in LA..When Kim had her mental breakdown, she sent the kids to live with Shane in England..That retcon by both Tomsell and Josh Griffin/Higley about Theresa's homelife being filled with turmoil and unhappiness pissed me off..There is no way Kim would have allowed her kids to suffer the way that she did at the hands of her uncle Eric... I will never buy it...Plus, kim was a photographer and that is how Shane noticed her in the first place..She had taken pictures of a Dimera Island that he needed in his investigations for the ISA. She would never discourage Theresa from pursuing her dreams as a fashion designer....She bonded with Eric over their love for Photography, when she came back in 1997...I wish that these writers would stop changing history to fit their agendas when writing for the show...

  • Love 3

JPL would be just fine as another character. The problem is that Phillip was always so stern and serious.

While I do agree they could have done a better job of explaining and justifying Theresa's self-destructive behavior, I can buy that a kid with artistic ambitions could still feel dismissed by a parent with artistic ambitions as well. Sometimes even people who are alike and have lots in common won't connect as easily as they should if they are in the same family. I certainly believe Theresa's emotional issues were more her own than the direct results of Kim and Shane's parenting. She may act like she has herself all figured out but I've always felt that Theresa was deeply insecure and self-sabotaging even beyond hitting John or accusing Xander of rape. She has been painfully needy with Brady and even dismissive towards Eve and Anne. She just doesn't seem to like getting close with people. That may have had something to do with feeling isolated as a child, but at a certain point she should have had the self-awareness to deal with it in a healthier way.

Besides, how many times have we seen kids with rich, connected, likeable parents go off the rails? It is all too common. Doesn't mean the parents were awful, doesn't mean the kids we're awful either. Sometimes it's a blend of various circumstances.

It's certainly more fulfilling for us as audience members if we can connect the dots, but Jennifer's performance has been so good that I just don't need explanations. It's a common trope for young female actresses to come on a series and play the bad girl and then eventually get redeemed if the audience happens to enjoy their acting skills. I'm glad that happened for Jennifer.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, DisneyBoy said:

JPL would be just fine as another character. The problem is that Phillip was always so stern and serious.

While I do agree they could have done a better job of explaining and justifying Theresa's self-destructive behavior, I can buy that a kid with artistic ambitions could still feel dismissed by a parent with artistic ambitions as well. Sometimes even people who are alike and have lots in common won't connect as easily as they should if they are in the same family. I certainly believe Theresa's emotional issues were more her own than the direct results of Kim and Shane's parenting. She may act like she has herself all figured out but I've always felt that Theresa was deeply insecure and self-sabotaging even beyond hitting John or accusing Xander of rape. She has been painfully needy with Brady and even dismissive towards Eve and Anne. She just doesn't seem to like getting close with people. That may have had something to do with feeling isolated as a child, but at a certain point she should have had the self-awareness to deal with it in a healthier way.

Besides, how many times have we seen kids with rich, connected, likeable parents go off the rails? It is all too common. Doesn't mean the parents were awful, doesn't mean the kids we're awful either. Sometimes it's a blend of various circumstances.

It's certainly more fulfilling for us as audience members if we can connect the dots, but Jennifer's performance has been so good that I just don't need explanations. It's a common trope for young female actresses to come on a series and play the bad girl and then eventually get redeemed if the audience happens to enjoy their acting skills. I'm glad that happened for Jennifer.

I understand what you are trying to say, when it comes to Theresa, but, Kim and Shane suffered alot of trauma when it came to their children.. Andrew was kidnapped for close to a year...Their first daughter died, she was stillborn after Kim was attacked by a john trying to defend Eve who was forced back into prostitution.  Theresa was practically kidnapped by Cal in utero, who ruined Kim's life with Shane...Kim and Shane would have given their kids lots of love, attention and support...Theresa being a bad girl has never made any sense...Sami made more sense as a bad girl, it was a series of things that led her to the dark side...We saw it on screen.....Ken Corday said that Theresa was supposed to be the new Sami...Theresa should have been a spoiled, entitled princess with a chip on her shoulder who lacked direction...She could have been a party girl that got cut off by her parents for her bad behavior that had nothing to do with committing felonies..

  • Love 2

I don't understand how Ken or any of the writers could possibly think what they're doing is good. Most of the characters are varying degrees of annoying or awful. So many things happen for the sake of plot instead of being character driven. Worse, the show is extremely boring. IMO there was a noticeable shift once Sami left and they've done a terrible job of filling the hole that she (and I guess EJ, to an extent) left behind.

  • Love 4

I just watched Friday's show.

I'll keep it simple.  Sonny, STFU and get the next flight back to Paris.  You don't know shit and it's a sad, sad day when Brady - BRADY - makes more sense than you.

Maggie, put a cork in it, enough with the tears.  You've watched Victor be a total asshole for months, even to you, so kidnapping isn't even a stretch.

Oh, John Paul Lumpaleer, please seek treatment, and soon.  Your Philip is one twitching mass of tics and self-absorbed mannerisms, and Kate would have drowned you in your bath if she'd known you'd grow up to be this annoying.

Again - Sonny, go away.  Now.

Edited by boes
  • Love 6

LOL at Sparkle complaining about people constantly coming up to him while he's trying to work. That's the exact reason why you becoming a PI was a stupid idea in the first place.

I wanted Sonny to go darker before but now it just feels like contrived bullshit to cause angst for him and Sparkle. 

I don't remember Eduardo saying he was going to leave town before the Olympics. Either way, this whole thing feels rushed. Whatever. This character has always been worthless so I won't miss him. 

I don't believe Steve would be that resistant to go to therapy if it meant saving his relationship with Kalya. More contrived bullshit. 

  • Love 8
46 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:


I don't remember Eduardo saying he was going to leave town before the Olympics. Either way, this whole thing feels rushed. Whatever. This character has always been worthless so I won't miss him. 

I don't believe Steve would be that resistant to go to therapy if it meant saving his relationship with Kalya. More contrived bullshit. 

 Love A. Martinez, but Eduardo has been like a lead weight.  Is the character actually going, or is this Days' idea of setting up a "huge storyline." 

At this point, the only purpose being served by the pathetic storyline they have going for Steve and Kayla is to justify the break up, because at this point, why would she ever take him back.  Kayla, I say go find Fynn and get your life. You deserve happiness and hopefully a break from the dullard of a son the show has saddled you with.

Good going Steve, back door your way out of a promise to go to therapy and sit in the bar talking to a woman who looks like at hooker on the troll.  I'm too through with your lunkheadedness.  You tell Kayla all you have done on her behalf (you seem to have conveniently forgotten that Kayla told you not to take the bar tending job and that you would inevitably blame her for doing something you don't like and low and behold, less than a month in, you're miserable and it is somehow the fault of the person who told you not to do it), but feign ignorance when she tries to point out that the grand gestures are always easy for you, it is sticking with things over the long haul that have proven difficult for you.  Can someone please find a viable and suitable love interest for Kayla, of course not, but I'm sure we'll get tons of women on the make for Steve -- so typically disgusting and sexist of Days.

Edited by Happytobehere
  • Love 8
55 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

LOL at Sparkle complaining about people constantly coming up to him while he's trying to work. That's the exact reason why you becoming a PI was a stupid idea in the first place.

I wanted Sonny to go darker before but now it just feels like contrived bullshit to cause angst for him and Sparkle. 

I don't remember Eduardo saying he was going to leave town before the Olympics. Either way, this whole thing feels rushed. Whatever. This character has always been worthless so I won't miss him. 

I don't believe Steve would be that resistant to go to therapy if it meant saving his relationship with Kalya. More contrived bullshit. 

This is to set up Sonny as the jaded black, cold heart that only Sparkle can melt with his amazing and effervescent presence...Paulson have no chemistry whatsoever..

Since Dena is now writing for Stayla, I am expecting Ava to make a miraculous recovery from her supposed death and for Kayla to get thrown under the bus...We will never be free of that POS named Ava Vitalli..Dena will never let go of her obsession of that vile character...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Happytobehere said:

You tell Kayla all you have done on her behalf (you seem to have conveniently forgotten that Kayla told you not to take the bar tending job and that you would inevitably blame her for doing something you don't like and low and behold, less than a month in, you're miserable and it is somehow the fault of the person who told you not to do it), but feign ignorance when she tries to point out that the grand gestures are always easy for you, it is sticking with things over the long haul that have proven difficult for you.  Can someone please find a viable and suitable love interest for Kayla, of course not, but I'm sure we'll get tons of women on the make for Steve -- so typically disgusting and sexist of Days.

100% this.  They didn't seem to know what to do with Fynn and Kayla, but with playboy Fynn, I'd rather have seen it play out with Steve encouraging Kayla to sleep with Fynn, to get over her lingering issues with him sleeping with Ava.  That would have been soapier than Fynn developing real feelings for Kayla that went nowhere, and then disappearing.

I do like that they spelled out these issues for Steve and Kayla a little more... this theme about Steve making grand gestures instead of listening to what Kayla actually needs has been present for a while, but not directly.  I'm fine with this story, but I wish they would mix it up with some other kinds of scenes.

Edited by lska
  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

Since Dena is now writing for Stayla, I am expecting Ava to make a miraculous recovery from her supposed death and for Kayla to get thrown under the bus...We will never be free of that POS named Ava Vitalli..Dena will never let go of her obsession of that vile character...

I just finished today's show and I cannot figure out the whole Steve/Kayla storyline (maybe it would help if they were on more than once every two weeks).  I returned last year when SN returned.  However, now that Dena is back to writing and it seems that she hates Kayla/MBE, I just don't think I can continue.   In case Dena needs to be reminded, MBE is an Emmy award winner and one of the best actresses on the show.  I'll continue to read this board to see if she show is worth watching online, but for now, I just can't and that makes this Stayla fan very sad.  I'll be watching the 1980's version - Steve was a jerk during the Jack storyline, but at least there was a believable reason for his actions.  I don't understand the 2016 version of Stayla.

Edited by Lisa418722
  • Love 3

Twice today, Joey snuffled out through his clogged nasal passages that Marlena was trying to "fill my head" with various things.  And twice this is what I saw when I thought of Joey's brain....


Completely empty, ready to be rehabbed and filled.  Marlena could use it for storage, maybe Kayla needs a crafts room, or Steve could use it as a Man Cave.  For sure, Joey's not using it.  

Too bad Show made Jade such an unappetizing character because the actress playing her is one of the best of the younger set.  She's got talent.

Poor Steve, being asked to go to couple's counseling because of his piss-poor life choices and eyewear.  Seems that Mr. Tough Guy is scared to death of talking about his feelings.  He should give it a try while he still has some, before his major preoccupation is how many times a night he has to get up to pee, and why his pants don't fit even though his weight has stayed the same.  Not to mention being grateful he's got a woman like Kayla who's still willing to go the distance with him.  No doubt at all whose Joey's father is.  I do have a certain amount of sympathy for him, though, in regard to seeing Marlena for therapy.  Getting therapy from RoboMar must feel a little bit like telling your troubles to your Roomba.

I know Eduardo isn't popular on this board, but I like him.  Even more, I want to see Dario's smug mug get wiped clean, and sooner than later.  Dario is a little long in the tooth to be still so upset about Daddy not being around.  Rafe was the same and it was even less attractive on him.  Frankly, I could easily live without either Hernandez brother as long as we got to keep Gabi and - as long as she finds something to do other than interfere - Momma Hernandez.  

I've always liked Sonny - not loved, but liked.  But I'm not too thrilled by his return so far.  His cheerleader status for Uncle Vic is bad enough, but his newfound cynicism seems pretty lightweight.  I know it's a set up for Sparkle Pretty to....

Who can take a sunrise (who can take a sunrise)
Sprinkle it with dew (sprinkle it with dew)
Cover it with choc'late and a miracle or two
The Sparkle Man (the Sparkle Man)
Oh, the Sparkle Man can (the Sparkle Man can)
The Sparkle Man can
'Cause he mixes it with love
And makes the world taste good
(Makes the world taste good)
Who can take a rainbow (who can take a rainbow)
Wrap it in a sigh (wrap it in a sigh)
Soak it in the sun and make a groovy lemon pie
The Sparkle Man (the Sparkle Man)
The Sparkle Man can (the Sparkle Man can)

The Sparkle Pretty and Sonny train is leaving the station and I don't have my ticket.

  • Love 9

I hated Kayla's nun/priest-like outfit. Steve, maybe be truly honest with your wife/ex-wife/hoping to be wife again.  Most women are really not interested in X bartender unless it's for a one-night fling. Kayla deserves a bit better than a guy who makes a grand gesture, but does little else.

I never was hugely invested in Eduardo.

Nice to see Dario's buddy around.

Joey, you are a young kid who really knows little about love. Lust, yes.  Jade/Ava Jr. is bad news. Run.

  • Love 4

Just popping in to let y'all know I'm still around, just not watching these days. I'm somewhat interested in the spoilers for next week, so I will likely tune in on Tuesday. Hopefully I'll like what I see enough to keep watching. It's the first day of Dena & Ryan's written shows, so I'm hesitantly optimistic and a bit scared. LOL.

  • Love 4

Who could blame you? I don't want to be negative but I suspect by mid-October we'll be ripping our hair out and cursing her name. It only took what...a month...last year before it went south?

But she's good at course corrections so lets enjoy the next four weeks.

So now Kate he's moving into the Martin house? I wonder if we'll ever see it again or if they'll just strike the set to make room for another one. I know we had 30,000 storylines going on with not enough time to develop any of them since last November, but I kind of wish we had seen some shenanigans with Julie and Doug looking after guests at their bed and breakfast.

Edited by DisneyBoy

Kate is just so nasty and unlikable. I wanted Chloe to throw a pot of hot coffee in her face and remind her she donated the bone marrow that saved her hateful ass. And I don't buy for a second that Kate would ever be interested in owning a bed and breakfast or living in one. Also, if she can buy a business why can't she buy a house?

Hope and Rafe make me sick.

  • Love 8

I haven't watched this show in a while-so behind. If we still don't know Victor is guilty of the kidnapping, and they are making it look like he might be, he probably isn't. Perhaps Victor and Deimos would have to team up to find the real culprit? Nah. I am a sucker for brotherly love, but the few moments with VI and JA that I've seen, I didn't feel even a flicker of affection between the characters. I would like to think it's one of those stories where little brother just really  underneath it all, wants the approval and admiration of big brother, but....the story would need an overhaul to go that way. Too bad, because warring but loving siblings are one of my weaknesses. And the show doesn't really have that right now, do they? Unless you count Chad and Andre, I get more underlying potential affection there than I do with Vic and Deimos. It makes me miss Lucas and Austin, Carrie and Sami, old school Steve and Jack. Those relationships got me in the heart, even when I hated what they were saying and doing to each other. When did soaps forget how great those kind of relationships can be?

Oh, well.  *shrug*

  • Love 5
47 minutes ago, IWantCandy71 said:

I haven't watched this show in a while-so behind. If we still don't know Victor is guilty of the kidnapping, and they are making it look like he might be, he probably isn't. Perhaps Victor and Deimos would have to team up to find the real culprit? Nah. I am a sucker for brotherly love, but the few moments with VI and JA that I've seen, I didn't feel even a flicker of affection between the characters. I would like to think it's one of those stories where little brother just really  underneath it all, wants the approval and admiration of big brother, but....the story would need an overhaul to go that way. Too bad, because warring but loving siblings are one of my weaknesses. And the show doesn't really have that right now, do they? Unless you count Chad and Andre, I get more underlying potential affection there than I do with Vic and Deimos. It makes me miss Lucas and Austin, Carrie and Sami, old school Steve and Jack. Those relationships got me in the heart, even when I hated what they were saying and doing to each other. When did soaps forget how great those kind of relationships can be?

Oh, well.  *shrug*

Victor and Deimos don't work as brothers because they should have been father/son or Justin's long lost brother....I like Vincent, but Deimos as a character is a dud..I have no interest in his romance with Nicole or Chloe being pregnant for him..As a Phloe fan, it is disappointing that we are going to be denied a baby once again..Plus, Chloe should have been mixing it up with Brady, Shawn, Belle and of course Philip....People that she has a long history with....The show does not care about those things...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 4

I like VI as Deimos. The character is bad but is redeeming himself. Today with Chloe he was back to the old Deimos and when with Nicole he is in love and is good. Just like Victor with Maggie. The contrast in their characters and the wonderful charisma that both JA and VI have make it interesting for me. Also, finally Nicole has someone to love her. If it can't be Eric (my choice) then Deimos it is. Loads of chemistry with those two.

  • Love 7
15 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

I'm counting down the days until Deimos is gone. 

I think that he is here for the long haul.....I dislike him because he ruins Victor's backstory.....Instead of creating a retcon Kiriakis, how about the show bringing back Alexander Kiriakis who is the biological son of Anjelica Devereaux who was Jack's stepmother....She can come back and cause trouble for Justin and Adrienne. Victor Kiriakis jr and Joseph Kiriakis are also needed to continue with the Kiriakis line...Theresa could have been in a triangle with them, instead of that idiot Brady...Brady should be fighting Philip for Chloe..I would love to see Justin and Adrienne with their four sons...We saw that years ago with Sonny in utero..The show loves to take a dump on their own history..It is perplexing to me...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 4

I just see this Nicole/Deimos/Chloe/Philip/Kate thing as another way to kick Chloe around and demean her.  Seriously, what did NB ever do to get so many crap storylines when she started out so well back in the day.  The reformed "ghoul girl" that dated the handsome Philip then had a fairy-tale romance with the lesser dumb-Brady was fantastic.

Then they had her jump from husband to husband, bed to bed, baby-daddy to baby-daddy.  Then the Kate crap with her and then she was a prostitute which just seemed so out of character for her.  Not to mention all the Daniel crap.  Now this.  So much wrong, girl can't catch a break.

I can see Kate doing everything she can to ruin her (again).  And Deimos will suddenly become so desperate to be a father (as every soap portrays them.  There are no deadbeat dads in soap world.  Only guys who would sue a woman to have rights to what's in her womb before she even gives birth).  He will try to do anything and everything to have rights to Chloe's baby and try to shut her out of it all.  Nicole sadly will probably side with Deimos and join in.  I hate these kinds of plots.  Just hate them!

Chloe should have just left Salem and Deimos wouldn't have ever known a thing.  Heck, even move to the town next door.  Why live in Salem it'self?  Why not stay at the cabin she was at with Parker?  Why listen to dummy Philip?

  • Love 6

The good thing about Deimos and Nicole is that he is honest with her. It's been a long time since anyone has shown any real respect toward her - Maggie has been a start. Yep, you are facing parenthood or co-parenting with a woman you don't really want and one who doesn't want you. Suck it up, work out some sort of mutual custody/visitations. Chloe (and any woman) deserves better than garbage treatment.  Yes, it's an oopsie baby. Be adults.  No one is obligated or guilted in to marrying anyone these days. Women do not need a marriage certificate. Chloe, you just should have returned to wherever in Chicago or its outskirts. Even LA. No one had to know. Too bad that Deimos wasn't a relative of Victor's - am having a hard time buying that they are brothers.

Kate, surely the town of Salem employs a few realtors and you can ask one of them to find you a decent home. Perhaps life at the Salem Inn is tiring or maybe it's under renovations. No need to buy a B&B or short term rental place for folks to live. Yes, doing so saves a bit of money for a set. And do you really need all those bedrooms?

Hope and Rafe? Fast-forward.

  • Love 3

Chloe should have just left Salem and Deimos wouldn't have ever known a thing.  Heck, even move to the town next door.  Why live in Salem it'self?  Why not stay at the cabin she was at with Parker?  Why listen to dummy Philip?


Ding ding ding! These writers gave her an entrance story that works better as an exit! * slaps forehead*

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 1

So what's with the pill Brady found on the floor at Maggie's?  And anyone EVER see a "mint" that looked like that?  

I think it's possible, or Show is making it seem possible, that Theresa planted the pill for Brady to find to solidify the case against Victor and have Brady be even more sure of his guilt.  I hope, very much, that Show isn't going to try and tweak the story so as to have Theresa be part of a plot to have kidnapped her own son in an effort to nullify Victor's threat to her and Brady.  I just got this feeling today and I'm hoping it's just that, a feeling.  Because throwing Theresa under the bus in that way would finish me with Show once and for all.   

I'm sure it's not Deimos, unfortunately, it's probably not Victor because we have to believe the horrible old wretch would never do it even though we've seen him do and threaten worse.  It damn well better NOT be Theresa, which, of course, would make Victor "right" about her.....

Better not.

  • Love 4

I think Theresa was too genuinely scared when finding Tate missing to be a part of it. As far as Deimos and Nicole, I don't see a great amount of chemistry with AZ and VI. Also, I think the fact that Deimos IS softer around Nicole, is one reason I don't want them. I don't think he's his true self-or at least, not who he is now. I think with Nicole, Deimos is maybe the man he was before going to prison-but I also think that outside of Nicole, that man is essentially dead. The thing is, we never saw him as a character beforehand-only in flashbacks. Therefore, the change between how he is with Nicole and how he may be with others like Kate, is jarring. It doesn't make him look complex-it makes him look like he has a split personality, or that he is totally faking one side of himself. Had the audience seen him as a young man as a kind and gentle soul-it would be much more believable that Nicole could bring that side back out. But because I as a viewer only know him as the man who tried to poison Maggie(show went too far with him there), I can't buy that him being in love with Nicole is enough to "redeem" him. Not for me. And I am one who doesn't necessarily need every character to be 100% rootable or "good". This is fiction-the most interesting characters to me are the ones who play outside the lines from time to time. But I do need a reason to care about the character, and show isn't giving me that with Deimos.

Whatever happened to the mystery person Deimos worked for, who was calling Hope? Any movement on that front? IF we were to find out Deimos poisioned Maggie not for revenge, but on orders from someone threatening someone Deimos loved, that might be a step towards making me care about him. Yes it's a clichéd way to make him more sympathetic, but when you have him guilty of paralyzing a beloved character, there's not much else to be done to make him likeable. Having him love Nicole alone, doesn't do it.

  • Love 7
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