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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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I also don't understand the point of the mask now.  They had the perfect opportunity to use that as a way to explain Abby's new appearance and they don't? Even a chimp could figure out that the mask was the way to go as far as KM leaving and the new Abby eventually coming in.

I truly enjoyed Deimos and Chloe together and am disappointed they're going back to the stupid Helena/Nicole storyline.  He was great with Parker and he and Nadja seemed to have some natural chemistry.  These writers are asleep at the wheel.

Edited by Polaris
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1 hour ago, Polaris said:

I also don't understand the point of the mask now.  They had the perfect opportunity to use that as a way to explain Abby's new appearance and they don't? Even a chimp could figure out that the mask was the way to go as far as KM leaving and the new Abby eventually coming in.

I truly enjoyed Deimos and Chloe together and am disappointed they're going back to the stupid Helena/Nicole storyline.  He was great with Parker and he and Nadja seemed to have some natural chemistry.  These writers are asleep at the wheel.

I agree.  I've never been a Chloe fan, until now.  There is a chemistry there, and I think VI also has it with Nicole.

Today I even enjoyed Dario, with Nicole.  

What a difference from Tan the Dan man.

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I was not surprised that Kate took a moment before Abby climbed out the window at the end to look back at the camera and smile, regardless of that fact that her character would have been probably more concerned with what was happening outside on the grounds. Nope, Kate just had to take a bow. Like she's frickin Victoria Wyndham or something....

The more I think about this, the more I'm starting to believe the show wanted nothing to do with her anymore and the adulation from her co-stars was sarcasm. Why else would they purposefully write Kate out of the part with this mask business? I will never believe for a second that the original script called for her to only have an "allergic reaction" under there.


On another note, I am so lost with Chad and Andre. Hate each other or love each other...but please PICK ONE. Its annoying how you both flip flop, sometimes in the span of one episode. Now, are you still trying to get your stolen money back from Belle to save DiMera Enterprises or....no? IS there still an DE to run? Cause Chad sure doesn't seem to work, and I remember him forsaking the company and spending the Club TBD cash on the mansion's mortgage...so...? And Chad, would you really let the man who brainwashed you live in the same house as your infant son?!

I totally don't care but now that Abby is a DiMera, wouldn't they have gotten her inheritance from that made-up Aunt from overseas in that 2015 plotline I'm embarrassed Stefano was forced to partake in?

Paul as a secret agent is so stupid. I hope Marlena knocks John upside the head for suggesting both he and his son endanger themselves in that way instead of doing their baseball stadium bonding tour and calling it a day. I'd rather Sparkle go all commando because of Yo Ling, but that seems increasingly unlikely.

Anyone else have a hard time swallowing that Marlena would pick now as a great time to marry, while Sami is (presumably) still on the run and Eric is behind bars?

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Anyone else have a hard time swallowing that Marlena would pick now as a great time to marry, while Sami is (presumably) still on the run and Eric is behind bars?

I think this is very in character for Marlena. Sami is the child she cares about the least and her relationship with John always comes first. This is the same woman who guilted Eric into giving up the chance to get justice for his rape so John could be saved. 

5 hours ago, Rick Kitchen said:

Paul is a private detective, not a secret agent.

It's laughable that a supposed world famous athlete is going to become a PI. 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

I think this is very in character for Marlena. Sami is the child she cares about the least and her relationship with John always comes first. This is the same woman who guilted Eric into giving up the chance to get justice for his rape so John could be saved. 

It's laughable that a supposed world famous athlete is going to become a PI. 

Didn't Paul get kidnapped and tortured recently? Yeah, he be the first person I would call for a PI. Not!!!! LOL!!!!

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Summer's Eve is ridiculous. Brady and Theresa were together and engaged the entire time she's known them. She KNEW the wedding was coming so I don't understand why she needed to make a dramatic exit when she found out she set a date. I also don't understand why the writers expect anyone to care about her or her feelings. And now they're bringing on some fucking sister of the random dude Summer's Eve killed. Great. 

I'm glad Maggie FINALLY told Prictor to get lost, though she was much nicer about it than I would have been. I bet the writers actually expect the audience to feel sorry for this asshole.

As much as I have no use for Andre, it would kinda amuse me if Kate were blackmailed into marrying another Dimeria because she botched another one of her murder attempts. 

Oh how nice of Caroline to finally call Prictor out for talking trash about one of her family members. . 

I'm here for the Deimos/Chole/Dario/Nicole thing until it gets to be too much for me to handle. Everything else can go.

  • Love 6
30 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

And now they're bringing on some fucking sister of the random dude Summer's Eve killed. Great. 

Yeah, but I'm thinking (and hoping) that the sister will help to usher her out the door.

31 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

I'm here for the Deimos/Chole/Dario/Nicole thing until it gets to be too much for me to handle. Everything else can go.

What will be your reaction if Chloe winds up with Philip?

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I'm sure Maggie will have a few things to say about Victor not attending the wedding.

Oh, shut up, Victor.

Yay, Maggie.

LOL, Theresa.

Ha, Victor forgot that Theresa is Caroline's granddaughter.  This was not a good day for him.  :D

What is the most important thing in Kate's life, that Stefano kicked to the curb?

I wonder how Nicole will feel when she finds out that Chloe is hanging out with Deimos and didn't tell her he's alive.

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46 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

Maybe Abby will become Salem's own version of Phantom of the Opera. 

She'll always be a flying monkey to me!  Snif....to think we won't see her a hop-hop-hoppin' around Salem, distributing slaps like the Easter Bunny does eggs.  Such a loss.

Today was GOOD.  Okay, that's a comparative word, I grant you, but overall I enjoyed it.  Mostly, I guess, because the episode was populated by good actors, more or less.   I'm amazed each and every time by Nadia Bjorlin.  I always thought she was pretty but frankly I never thought she was very good.  She's gotten so much better IMO, just like - and this was a bigger shock - Brandon Beemer did.

Nicole and Chloe, just with their phone conversation, reminded me of how good their friendship was.  I hope it's not ruined by competing for Deimos.  And as usual, VI was convincing as Deimos.  I don't know if his desire to put aside revenge is going to last - I doubt it - but I didn't feel like he was playing Chloe at all today.

Horrible Victor was especially horrible and FINALLY Maggie really gave it to him, both barrels.  That was satisfying to watch.  And it was even more satisfying to hear Caroline threaten him, call him out, and defend Theresa.  I love Caroline, love the actress, but far too often they have exist in some sort of limbo with Victor, saying nothing while he viciously attacks her family.   It was good to see her put him in his place.  Of course it won't last, but I'll take what I can get.

Theresa was brilliant today.  First in her scenes with Victor and Maggie, letting Victor's awfulness not rattle her and then she had me rewinding to watch her imitate Summer when Summer stormed off, the eternal victim, in Horton Square.  It was also nice to see her not cower when Brady chastized her, and I didn't even mind Blockhead doing that, at least not too much.  He didn't insult her, didn't demean her, in other words, didn't act like Brady usually does when he's in a snit.

I'll be sitting alone in this corner, I suspect, but I also enjoyed Kate and Andre, a lot.  I wouldn't say I like Andre, but I do enjoy him onscreen.  The guy is nuttier than a fruitcake and meaner than a constipated Victor, but I like the cat and mouse game he and Kate were playing.  I love Lauren Koslow, the ice she portrays running through Kate's veins along with her messed up neediness, and for at least a day, I liked the two of them together.  NOT romantically, not EVER.  Andre is far too nuts for even Kate, I pray pray pray.  

Good day, at least for me.

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I have never cared for either Lauren Koslow or the character of Kate, but I do love me some Thaao, though I don't much care for Andre either.

Why didn't Chloe just say, hey Deimos is right here in my living room? Forgot to mention this the other day, but her cleavage on Friday was a bit much for just hanging out at home.

Please, let John quickly find out that Summer killed Random Dude and she is immediately imprisoned and offscreen forever. Oh, Dario's role can also be discovered and he can leave as well.

Edited by annabel
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I enjoyed Caroline telling Victor to grow up. She may also need to smack Brady upside his head and tell him the same thing.

Summer, you knew perfectly well that Brady and Theresa are engaged. Except for rescuing you from the sea, he really hasn't exactly been boyfriend material. You do have a few little details to attend to - like the sister of your ex-whatever Clark.

Chloe, do tell Nicole that not exactly dearly departed Deimos is in your living room. Technically, you didn't really find out who he truly was til a few hours ago. Sad that you both compete for the same men or take each other's leftovers. Both of you are beautiful, talented women - the 'will he choose me' is juvenile.

At least Deimos was surprised to learn that he was married.

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I also really enjoyed today's show, sans Deimos silliness. Glad Summer's plot is moving along finally (to hopefully wrap up soon), the Thrady stuff was good and the multiple Victor smackdowns were long overdue. I just feel so bad for Maggie though. What a crap year she's had...

I also didn't mind Kandre but couldn't fathom why Kate would put him up in the mansion.


I decided to watch the episode to see Andre and Kate form their unholy alliance but I thought Maggie stole the show.  It was nice to see her lay into Victor, even though I tend to enjoy the cranky, old man.  


I kinda like the actress playing Clark's sister.  She's like a poor man's Carrie Ann Moss.  

Edited by enchantingmonkey
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Hmmm. I'm heading into unpopular opinion territory, but I found yesterday's show dumb and boring. I don't mind Deimos and it was nice to see Chloe again, but that part of the story is dragging. Or I just don't care. I ff'd through Kate and Andre even though I normally love Kate - this time I'm just unmoved by all of that. I think I'm becoming cold and bitter!

I'm also less enchanted by Mami Hernandez and her interfering ways. She can only tilt her head and purse her lips at me so many times, I guess : ) 

What else was there? Oh god, Summer -- please just go away already. I was glad that Maggie called Victor out and it hit me like a ton of bricks how debilitating it is to be so angry that all you want to do is leave and slam the door but YOU CAN'T. Yikes.

Hope there's more for me to like today. I was at a conference and crammed last week's episodes -- maybe that's why I feel so disconnected from anything going on in Salem these days.....

  • Love 3
19 minutes ago, Lastwaltz said:

Hmmm. I'm heading into unpopular opinion territory, but I found yesterday's show dumb and boring. I don't mind Deimos and it was nice to see Chloe again, but that part of the story is dragging. Or I just don't care. I ff'd through Kate and Andre even though I normally love Kate - this time I'm just unmoved by all of that. I think I'm becoming cold and bitter!

I'm also less enchanted by Mami Hernandez and her interfering ways. She can only tilt her head and purse her lips at me so many times, I guess : ) 

What else was there? Oh god, Summer -- please just go away already. I was glad that Maggie called Victor out and it hit me like a ton of bricks how debilitating it is to be so angry that all you want to do is leave and slam the door but YOU CAN'T. Yikes.

Hope there's more for me to like today. I was at a conference and crammed last week's episodes -- maybe that's why I feel so disconnected from anything going on in Salem these days.....

I love your post....The show is a mess..I hate the fact that the show refuses to write Jeannie as a Brady..I hate the name Theresa...I remember when Kim introduced Jeannie as a baby to Shane and how Shane was touched that she had given her his mother's name..At the time, Theresa was believed to not be Shane's..I remember how Shane commented that she looked like his mother..Theresa should be having scenes with Caroline, Joey, Shawn-Douglas, Roman, Marlena, Steve, Hope, Ciara, and Kayla..I loved the Brady family and it saddens me that the show forgets these connections..Instead she is constantly having the same scenes with Maggie, Summer, Brady and Victor...I remember when Bo came on the show, he had  explosive scenes with Roman, his dad Shawn, it was a complicated dynamic, but filled with lots of love under all that anger and resentment. His loving relationship with his sisters Kayla and Kimberly, his friendship with Eugene and Theo all gave us insight on who he was....He wasn't all about Hope..He had relationships outside of her...The same goes for Hope..We saw her have a contentious relationship  with Julie, her close relationship with her cousin Melissa, her dad and her  beloved grandparents Tom and Alice..I know that the show will never be that good again, but, it would be nice to see Jeannie/Theresa with her family and not just be with that idiot Brady..I have never heard her even mention her big brother Andrew....

Edited by Apprentice79
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12 minutes ago, Lastwaltz said:

Apprentice, it sure is sad to know that the show won't be as good as it once was. Just the mention of Eugene in your post made me smile : ) I'd forgotten that he and Bo were once friends. At least give me Patch and Kayla more than once every other week -- I beg of you, show.

I miss Eugene and Calliope, in my mind they had  fraternal twins out there and one of them is named  Evan after his best friend Marlena who served as his best woman at his wedding...She gave Sami the middle Gene after him...It would have been a hoot for Eugene to meet his namesake in Sami..I think he would have gotten along with her, since he had a dark side like her before his redemption with Marlena's help..Those were the days....Calliope was also close to Kim....I loved the connections on the show, it was a community back then.. I actually wanted Wilson to name their future son Evan after Marlena, since she was super close to Will and she married Wilson in that beautiful ceremony 2 years ago...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 1

I like the actor who play Deimos, but I have no interest in watching Chloe and Nicole fight over him.

I liked TP as Tony and Andre, but I thought Andre got a great death back in 2007.

I still think Sami and Kate should have said to hell with men, and hooked up with each other.  There isn't one pairing Kate has had that was as hilarious and interesting as her and Sami's scheming was.  If it couldn't be Sami/Lucas, it should have been Sami/Kate.

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I swear between Hope and Alexis over on GH,  I don't know  which one will win "Pathetic/Dumbass Woman of the Year"  but it's pretty damn close! 

This Hope/Aiden stuff is cringing-worthy tv.  Hope isn't into it him... but she wants to be into him... then she sees she almost got  killed on her wedding night... so she thinks by taking a trip with a con man who planned kill her will solve everything... How about this writers - Let Hope go see Marlena and talk about her problems instead and stop trying to act like she can fix it on her own or thinking by reuniting  with a con man/stalker will fix all her problems!   Then digus Aiden is no better.   One minute he's take all the time you need to Hope then the next here comes the pressure to be with him!   Hes so creepy and obsessed.   All of this is just wrong,  wrong,  WRONG,  I'll tell ya.  ???

Brady,  I don't feel sorry for his ass.   He should let Summer drown with the sharks where he found her.   Too late for him to show what little balls he has in this waste of canvas storyline.   Boy I wished I was writer when he and John were talking,  John should had reached over smacked him upside the head for him bringing Summer to Salem and giving her 50Gs.  Just an idiot. 

Edited by BlackMamba
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I missed yesterday's show and only saw the last 30 minutes of today. And the 30 minutes today was a struggle to get through. In some ways it feels like the show is worse this year than it was last year with the elephant shenanigans.   But it might be just that as much as a lot of people here didn't like the SK story-line, I found it was almost "must see" tv, and now there's nothing going on big enough to make me come inside on a nice summer day to watch live, or even wait and watch online later.

Apprentice79: I wish I could remember even 1/4 of the stuff you remember from years ago. I watched from the mid 80's till early 90's and though I remember most of the characters from that time, I have a hard time remembering story-lines, let alone specific scenes. 

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Really?  They're playing tropical music in a scene with Rafe and Blanca? Ah, well, they were playing it behind Aiden and Hope, too, so I guess it's their attempt at romance.

It's kind of stupid for Dario and Summer to keep trying to claim that Summer never saw Clark, since Brady knows that isn't true.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, buffynut said:

I missed yesterday's show and only saw the last 30 minutes of today. And the 30 minutes today was a struggle to get through. In some ways it feels like the show is worse this year than it was last year with the elephant shenanigans.   But it might be just that as much as a lot of people here didn't like the SK story-line, I found it was almost "must see" tv, and now there's nothing going on big enough to make me come inside on a nice summer day to watch live, or even wait and watch online later.

Apprentice79: I wish I could remember even 1/4 of the stuff you remember from years ago. I watched from the mid 80's till early 90's and though I remember most of the characters from that time, I have a hard time remembering story-lines, let alone specific scenes. 

Youtube is a good way to learn about past storylines....I learned so much about Marlena and her crazy ass sister Samantha, her relationship with her first husband Don..Deidre is an awesome actress..She had some powerful stuff during her rape storyline...Marlena was so damn awesome back in the day..I can see why she became a fan favorite back in the day..Sami Brady  would make her namesake proud..lol  Jennifer Lilley who plays Theresa watched the whole Kim/Shane storyline and fell in love with her TV parents..The same goes for the young man that plays Joey, he became a fan of Steve/Kayla through youtube...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 2
4 hours ago, BlackMamba said:

Brady,  I don't feel sorry for his ass.   He should let Summer drown with the sharks where he found her.   Too late for him to show what little balls he has in this waste of canvas storyline.   Boy I wished I was writer when he and John were talking,  John should had reached over smacked him upside the head for him bringing Summer to Salem and giving her 50Gs.  Just an idiot. 

I knew it couldn't last.  Brady wasn't half bad a couple of times last week but here he is, back to the usual empty-headed, spoiled brat pretend badass bully routine.  This Summer storyline makes Serena and elephant seem like gripping drama.  Also, you think maybe the writers could come up with a different last name for the latest random dead guy?  It doesn't seem that long ago that Sami shot Joe Bernardi for attempting to help Rafe sing soprano and now we've got dead guy Clark Bernard.  There ARE other last name combos they could try.

I get that Brady is right in everything he said to Summer today, and I have NO sympathy for her whatsoever.  BUT, this loudmouth bully Brady just sets my teeth on edge.  This spoiled, entitled manchild, absolutely RUINED by the way Victor has treated him like the little Prince, immediately goes into manhandle mode the second he feels threatened.  I'd so enjoy someone just beating him - not senseless, he's already that - but enough to muss his perfect do.  

Theresa is too good for him.

Oh - Summer must have been the worst con ever.  All she does is whimper and toss her hair and then whimper some more. 

4 hours ago, buffynut said:

I missed yesterday's show and only saw the last 30 minutes of today. And the 30 minutes today was a struggle to get through. In some ways it feels like the show is worse this year than it was last year with the elephant shenanigans.   But it might be just that as much as a lot of people here didn't like the SK story-line, I found it was almost "must see" tv, and now there's nothing going on big enough to make me come inside on a nice summer day to watch live, or even wait and watch online later.

I really enjoyed yesterday's show, especially considering most of what we've been given, but then we get this mess today.  Hope and Aiden are a lost cause and I can't invest in them at all.  Blanca, apparently, came to Salem with only a pair of white shorts, that's it.  And when she was rubbing that cold beer on her body I started to laugh.  Really, Show?

Rafe in his pouty poopy pants is not exactly an alluring figure, sitting there checking his phone, sticking out his lower lip.  Awww, poor guy.  Maybe he should take the hint - Hope would rather be with a guy who entertained the idea of KILLING HER than spend any time with him.  And I can't say I blame her.  Maybe he should try and put the moves on Julie?  That's a Rafe storyline I could get behind.  Or Doug, I don't care.  Either coupling works for me.

Ummmm, so Brady thinks he can order Summer to stay away from Maggie?  Is he going to tell Maggie?  Or is he going to imitate his grandfather and decide what's best for her?  That poor woman, surrounded by bullies.

  • Love 8

I'm not through today's episode yet (It is playing in the background as I read this forum - that's how riveting it is :-p ) but 1. John drinking milk made me lol, 2. I seriously am done done done with Hope and even more done with Hope and Aiden. The ONLY thing that might save this story is if Hope knows something and is somehow setting Aiden up. 

Overall today's show has been a snoozefest of people that I care very very little about. Ugh.

edited to add that Rafe's attempts at Spanish makes me legit cringe. He is the least convincing Latino raised in a Spanish speaking family ever. 

Edited by hippydoo
  • Love 5

Maybe this isn't fair to Kristian Alfonso (since Bo did have successful romances in Hope's absence, but better writing and acting was around then!), but unless Peter Reckell wants to return as Bo or, if Bo is really dead (on this show, that's a coin toss), a lookalike, then I think Hope is doomed.

Aiden. Well, I covered my feelings about the whole thing.

Rafe just sucks and has zero chemistry with her.

And I don't think this show cares enough or has the budget to cast another possible love interest for Hope. Even if the budget is there, the writing most definitely is not. Hope has fallen into the same predicament that Jenn has without Jack. Maybe it is about being stuck in the past, but I think those classic couples are/were so identified with these characters that, at this stage, any romance will just feel like treading water. Same thing happened to Kayla when Steve "died". Remember the fiasco with Shane? (Sorry to remind anyone of that mess.)

Again, it may not be fair to Hope/KA and/or Jennifer/MR (or Kayla/MBE back in the day), but that's what I believe as of now.

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, WendyCR72 said:

And I don't think this show cares enough or has the budget to cast another possible love interest for Hope


There *is* a new 45-50 year old actor coming who's going to be on contract, and they're asking for an "established" actor.  I don't know who else he might be coming on board for. Of course, considering their taping schedule, that will be months down the line.

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Who is this Bianca/Blanca person supposed to be? White short shorts and wedge sandals for a back yard? What about flip-flops? I'd be more concerned with being eaten by mosquitoes than doing a bad tango or salsa or whatever it was. Has mother H hired her to seduce her son? Rafe ain't in to you girl.

Summer should really chat with Theresa about her bully fiancé and that she is far too good for him at this time. I'm amazed that all these folks live in a hotel room. Gets expensive after a few days.  Surely Salem has some Air BnBs or short term apartments.

Kristian Alfonso's neck area looked painfully thin today.

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, boes said:

I get that Brady is right in everything he said to Summer today, and I have NO sympathy for her whatsoever.  BUT, this loudmouth bully Brady just sets my teeth on edge.  This spoiled, entitled manchild, absolutely RUINED by the way Victor has treated him like the little Prince, immediately goes into manhandle mode the second he feels threatened.  I'd so enjoy someone just beating him - not senseless, he's already that - but enough to muss his perfect do.  

Brady could have thrown Summer's Eve into oncoming traffic and then dumped her remains in a vat of acid and I would have cheered him on. That useless scumbag deserves nothing but pain and misery.

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, MsTree said:

Rick, do you recall what role Alla played on AW? It's been so long...I forgot.

Jenna Norris, according to her Wikipedia page.  I never watched AW, so don't know anything about the character.


So she left the show with Dean Frame - http://anotherworldhomepage.com/1jenna.html

Edited by Rick Kitchen
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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