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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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47 minutes ago, Braniac Woman said:

I'm pretty sure they're not related. Chad's a DiMera and Theresa is a Brady/Donovan. Also I don't think they're going to get together at all. The fact that they presented together means absolutely nothing. Camila Banus was originally going to present with them but she got switched out with Teresa Castillo at the last minute...

And besides, even if they were to get paired up, I doubt the relationship will last long since I doubt Chad would be able to tolerate Theresa's issues with her insecurity and jealousy. Unless Theresa gets therapy for her problems and learns how to deal with them I don't think she'll ever find a lasting, happy and loving relationship with anybody, never mind Brady. I think if her relationship with Brady doesn't ultimately work out, she needs to be alone for a very, very long time. And if she still wants a child she can easily adopt. 

I guess the obvious pairing of Gina Tognoni and Jason Thompson as presenters led me to believe that the Shows are broadcasting upcoming couples.  But maybe not.  Wishful thinking on my part.

  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

I didn't appreciate Papa H bringing groceries to his wife/ex-wife's home. Uh, unless I asked you to bring groceries, you make the meal!

Nothing much will happen with Ciara until she stops her own personal pity party. And stops the mental spin cycle. People undergo worse than her. Maybe Aunt Kayla can take her to a cancer or terminal illness ward at Salem Hospital.  Maybe a family member can take her to volunteer at a homeless shelter. Her mother has lots of contacts and can easily set her up with a counsellor to help her deal with her pain. But she seems to want to re-live it and validate herself through it. Like some sort of weird mourning competition. Yes, sexual assault and rape happen to far too many women and many take a long time to process that it is a crime of power. Many sexual assaults still remain unreported and the perpetrator never faces any charges. Getting involved with Chad is not a very good idea. Yes, he is a semi port in the storm, but he also has his own problems to deal with and ones that may take a long time to heal. No magic wand for his wife's mental health issues.

Theresa can call out Brady, but she does need to deal with her insecurities and jealousy. Brady really isn't all that much in terms of the Big Picture. Theresa needs to value herself. Maybe spend some time on her own. Both she and Brady need to meet their demons and deal with them.  Absolutely co-parent Tate with Brady, but both are not in any way near anything approaching a healthy, loving relationship.

Kinda convenient that Paul just.... dropped.

It's also far too easy for folks to hit their head and die at the Salem Inn. Maybe it needs nerf furniture. I hope Summer (or whatever her nom du jour is) is just playing a long con, will eventually be found out and ran out of town with the Salem pitchfork collection. Now Dario is one of her partners in crime?

Yes, people undergo worse all over the world.  At a very young age.  Still, Ciara has gone through incredible trauma, losing her father, finding out her step father was a serial killer and attempted to kill her mother, and being raped by her step brother.  So I don't think she needs to get over herself just yet.

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I admit that circumstances near where I live are not great. Close to 100,000 people in a small city 5 hours' drive away have lost almost everything due to wildfires destroying their homes and lives. The Ciara character has massive amounts of love and support but will continue her self-destructive behavior until she hits bottom.

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, Frozendiva said:

I admit that circumstances near where I live are not great. Close to 100,000 people in a small city 5 hours' drive away have lost almost everything due to wildfires destroying their homes and lives. The Ciara character has massive amounts of love and support but will continue her self-destructive behavior until she hits bottom.

I am in your Province and understand.  But I still think back to when I was a teen and suffered loss, and then you add to that abuse.  Ciara is not spiralling out of control, but she is trying to deal with all that has happened to her.  I think the portrayal (except for the wooden acting) of how she has been impacted is realistic.

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I hate to admit it, but I enjoyed the Hernandez family too.  Even Rafe.  Dario, not so much.  Maybe once he helps Summer cover up Clark's accidental murder, he'll calm down and be more relaxed around his hired-for-murder father, like his murder-coverup-ing brother and murderer sister.

I also have liked the way the show has been featuring the family connections the last few episodes. That's what drew me to Days in the very beginning - the closeness between families. I hope it continues.

  • Love 4
14 hours ago, boes said:

I sorta loved the whole Hernandez scene - JJ and Gabi, always, and today, even Rafe.

I loved the Hernandez scenes- reminded me of the Lopez-Fitzgerald clan from Passions, which I adored. I also was very happy with the new set,-- I have a thing for kitchens on soaps. This one was homey and realistic looking.

  • Love 4

JL and EM have such natural and believable chemistry as Theresa and Brady and I'd love it if they were allowed to be happy for an actual day without any weirdass issues popping up.  And by weirdass, I mean Summer who is eerily calm at helping to get rid of a dead body, as is Dario.  And who else laughed at Summer's trying to clean a blood stain with a little cup of water?  Break out the heavy duty rug cleaner, you stupid con artist.

What the heck is this lame show going to do with Ari?

And a quick point about KM's Abby--I can't say that she's doing this great job in the story line because she's acting as unpleasantly as she always does, very entitled and demanding that everyone agree with her except this time she wants everyone to agree to seeing Ben when he's not there.

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Kristian Alfonso,  bish,  you know give some awesome cliffhanger shocked face.   LOL. 

But yall Adriana is the best person.   I can't wait to see more of her scenes with Hope.   She is so shady when.  "2 dead husbands,  I read about that in the paper"  and "If she don't like the food she dont have to come back."   Hahaha she's a mess.   Wait til she finds out Hope can't cook.   Oh my god... 

I know I'm the only one but I'm liking Rafe and Hope together more especially now since Aiden is back.   I want to see how these writers will handle all these people. Speaking of Aiden is a freak.   He just broke up in Hope's house like he still stayed there.   

Poor Ari and Paul.   Seems like whatever DingALing had in store will now be happening in the fever.   

What can you say about Brady that hasn't been said.   Even with Daniel's heart it's only increased his idiot nature.  Just more of a dumbass than usual.   I can't wait til Victor finds out about this.   Victor is going to read him for filth and it will be much deserved.  

Lastly I can careless about this coverup.   One person didn't last long to care about and Summer/Cindi blah.   

  • Love 2
16 minutes ago, Jeremiad said:

Covering up murders is a cottage industry in Salem.

Exactly! who are the heroes, who are the villains and who are the anti-heroes..Days need to go back to the basics..It is like bizarro world now, everybody is amoral...I am truly holding on by a thread..It is truly disheartening..I truly need a break from Hope..She has been on nonstop, I need a break from her..She is so unrecognizable and her dependence on Rafe grates..This is not the same woman who went to through the rigors of the police academy just to prove to her naysayers and herself that she could do it.. Her stubbornness has  always been both a curse and a blessing...Plus, Hope is an alpha female and she sparkles with alpha males; it is why her romance with Bo was epic..Rope is dead on arrival....Mama Hernandez agrees with me...lol...That actress Alma Delfina who plays her, is a great actress and I have watched her for years on Spanish Telenovelas and I am so happy that she is doing well on the show.. She is also an awesome cryer...

Edited by Apprentice79
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You'll all probably think I should be commited for my own and the safety of others, but I liked today's show, quite a lot.  But then again I'm finding Mama Hernandez makes every day she's on a better day.  

I enjoyed her with Rafe, helping him the meal, giving him what for about his date, and I loved the stink eye she shot him when she left.  I liked her at the Square with Gabi and JJ - JJ pulling out her chair, our boy knows how to treat Momma - and I liked her at the hospital.  It's not like Days has ever been short on maternal characters, but something about Momma Hernandez seems both fresh and refreshingly familiar.

I always enjoy JJ and Gabi but we get to see so little of them.  How about Show giving us some actual scenes of just the two of them that last longer than 30 seconds?  

I didn't mind Rafe and Hope either  - an opinion I know I'm in a tiny minority with.  There was a playfulness, a lightness, that both characters benefited from.  I expect Rafe to move back into smug mode but until he does, I intend to enjoy it.  Besides, right now, Dario is sucking all the smug out of the room so maybe Rafe won't default to that.  Faint hope but I'm holding to.

BTW, I liked Dario not taking any crap from Summer - or Cindy, or whoever the hell she is.  Yeah, he helped her, but he didn't do the damsel in distress thing.  He made her carry her own load - literally - and he's not buying the 'poor me' she's still selling.

Brady is a lunkhead, always was a lunkhead and apparently always will be a lunkhead.  Theresa used the poker on the wrong person.  No matter who he's with, he's always looking for the next woman to rescue.  

But even if Show had been dreadful, seeing Ann would have made it all better.  I'm so happy that TIIC haven't ditched that character or actress - I think both are terrific.

So begins the plague....so far, so good.

Oh yeah, Aiden is back.  I'm one of the fans who hated seeing him leave, hated seeing what happened to the character.  And I would have taken him back no matter what, no matter how, UNTIL Chase raped Ciara.  Now I don't see how that character can ever be viable again.  Show messed that one up royally, and I don't see how on earth it can be repaired now.

Edited by boes
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Me, either.  This show stupidly and short-sightedly ruined Aiden and Chase, but then so much of what's been done since last October has been stupid and short-sighted.  Thankfully there's been some good stuff, too, which is why I'm still (for the most part) watching.  All the family interactions of late have been wonderful, and I continue to love AZ and VI together.

Momma Hernandez is indeed a wonderful addition and I'm hoping that Dario will get a story outside of crabbing about Eduardo and conning and body-hiding with Summer.  I really like JV and am sad to see him being wasted.

Hope and Rafe as a romantic couple aren't doing anything for me yet.  Maybe it's because of her two dead husbands in such a short amount of time, heh.  But also, I enjoyed them as friends and partners and really liked him with Kate.  It will take some time to adjust.

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Mama Hernandez seems oddly normal and unlike the average soap character. She's not rich or fabulous, except for her ability to tell the truth as it is.

Summer couldn't have called the hotel's front desk and reported someone dead in her suite? Nope, water will not make blood go away. It's not even like red wine, that can be semi-cleaned by using white wine to do so.

Anne, please stay.

Lunkhead Brady needs to figure out why he wants to rescue the next woman who comes along - unless it's part of the addictive personality. Find a new addiction to replace the current one. Unless the Princess has put a 'help me' sign from her tower, back off. You have your own life to think about Brady. People can make their own choices; please just offer your support and let them make their own mistakes. A sparkling, vivacious woman like Theresa puts up with your crap far too much and can do far better. Co-parent the child as respectful adults. Until both deal with their 'stuff', their relationship will not work.

What sort of virus or whatever that will be the May sweeps takes so long to become active? Ding-a-long died a while ago. Viruses seem rather opportunistic when they find a host.

Hope does do shock well. Yes, Hope, you are turning in to Rafe's lapdog. You were once a spunky, plucky young woman. You will be wearing Sami's plaid and PJs, but probably with matching sparkly jewelry. No real purpose for Aiden's return unless it is to write him and Chase off.

No one seems to really and truly and genuinely die in Salem. Maybe Salem U needs to have some continuing education courses on murder cover-ups and how to get away with hiding whilst presumed dead.

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So, is Aiden not dead? Who tried to kill Hope and was killed by Bo? Is this why we didn't see a funeral? Is Hope doing the Abby 'seeing the man who tried to kill me' thing?

For me, the show lately has been pretty entertaining. I FFd the Hernandez family earlier in the week because I was in a hurry and I hate Dario, but I will not do that in the future, because I liked Mami Hernandez today and I appreciate that Show is trying to give A's character some reason for being. Just please let him shave off that thing on his chin!!

Theresa has been great all week, Summer is still the worst, and I actually kind of like Hope and Rafe, though the 'I love you's seemed a little fast. They have been friends and work partners and know each other well, so whatever.

Edited by annabel
never mind
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I returned to Days today. The reason was Aiden. I love the character and quit watching before he died because I hated the storyline so much. I understand feelings about the rape, but I still want Hope and Aiden back together. We like what we like. I've seen many soap couples battle all kinds reasons they shouldn't be together but are.Chase seems to have been written into a corner so I wouldn't be surprised if he goes to prison or dies. I saw a little bit of Rope while surfing channels, and they are horrid. Hope seems to be some kind of weak, brainless dimwit with him.





Sorry I messed up on the previous post. Still trying to navigate my way around. There aren't any spoilers above.

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16 hours ago, AManfred said:

I loved the Hernandez scenes- reminded me of the Lopez-Fitzgerald clan from Passions, which I adored. I also was very happy with the new set,-- I have a thing for kitchens on soaps. This one was homey and realistic looking.

Yes! That is exactly what I thought of. I remember the Lopez-Fitzgeralds had a very memorable breakfast followed by a foodfight once, which immediately came to mind when I saw the scene with the Hernandez family.

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Other thoughts:

-- I also used to fastforward during the Hernandez scenes, but will not do so in the future. Mama Hernandez is terrific. If only they'd bring back Arianna Hernandez (played by Lindsay Hartley, who I adore...)

-- I also enjoy VI. I understand some earlier criticisms of how he's playing Deimos, but in my opinion, his style reflects someone who was in jail for thirty years and doesn't care what anyone else thinks.

-- We haven't heard about/from or seen Anne for a while, so I was getting nervous MSL had been let go or something. So I was very relieved to see her back today, and was I impressed or what: not even five minutes and she had Summer all figured out. Nice going, Anne!

-- I'm happy Aiden is back, since I always enjoyed Cosgrove's acting, but I'm unsure about how the writers will write both him and Chase out of the corner they've written the characters in. I guess we'll see.

Edited by amish40
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I don't know what to do with this show these days. It feels like a different program. The Hernandez family is a good move, with the exception of Dario -- who was a pretty sweet kid when he was last in Salem. I liked the interaction between Mami and Papi H a lot and expect her to give in to his sway any day now. But I wish I saw more of Gabi and JJ's early romance so I could care a bit more -- I love 'em both, but I haven't invested in them as a pair.

Anyway, the Rafe and Hope thing is okay, I guess, although she seemed very odd during their date. I wondered if she'd been drugged or something -- I think I like Hope best when she's being badass or a sweet mom. I'm also conflicted about Aiden -- I like DC very much but this is a stupid plot twist we didn't need at all. And he ought not to be smiling at Hope; he ought to be riddled with guilt over his own actions, not to mention Chase's abuse of Ciara.

Ugh. See? It's just not hitting the right notes with me this week. Or maybe the fact that I quit smoking 8 long days ago is affecting my mood : ).

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If “I hate Jennifer Horton” got 16,000 hits on Google I wonder how may “I hate Abby Horton” would get. 

This drama with Brady/Theresa/Summer’s Eve is so contrived. Brady may be an idiot but he’s also been lied to and manipulated by women enough times to not be this naive, Even he shouldn’t be this trusting of an admitted con. 

I don’t know what the purpose of bringing Aiden back is. Even if a doppelganger is the one who tried to kill Hope there’s no way Hope will choose him over pet Rafe. Even if they go for broke and say a doppelganger Chase is the one who raped Ciara there’s no way Aiden would win over pet Rafe. Aiden will end up dead again, in prison, or leaving town in shame. I also don’t know why they think it’s a good idea to have Hope involved with three men within six months.  This whole thing is just an ugly mess. 

  • Love 3
18 hours ago, BlackMamba said:

 Just letting you all know The Hernandez house is really Rafe's house.   Everyone is living there except Ed.   How Mexican of Days lol.  

Interesting he would have a two story house and not an single apartment, as we've seen so many other characters have. Daniel, a doctor, has a small apartment, but Rafe is rocking a house? Whatever! At least I got more kitchen scenes in Friday's episode.

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Salem's Welcome sign should say: If you don't know how to cover up murder, don't move here! So Summer and Dario are added to the cover up crew. Lovely. I know online fandom is a minority of Days watchers but does Summer have ANY fans? I just find it hard to believe anyone is enjoying her. 

Brady is an idiot. Being around Summer just magnifies it. How many arguments are he and Theresa going to have before he actually listens to her? He has a Hero complex. You know she's right. 

JJ and Gabi. I wish you could have more scenes alone. He is cute with Mama Hernandez, pulling out her chair. I guess they might be in the hospital together with Ari? I'll  take it. 

So Aiden is alive and just roaming around Hope's house? You are lucky she didn't shoot you. Also what happened to the big statement of "anyone who dies from October and after is really dead?" 

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Boes, Marlena does know about the EJ stuff. She was there trying to talk some sense into Sami about it when Sami came back from Europe all high on having found the safety deposit box.

I'm going to assume the reason Sami is still on the run is because she's afraid of Andre. All we needed was one scene of Belle replying to a Sami text after Stefano's death came out and saying "Still not safe to come home yet sis - Andre!!" or somesuch to justify Sami's continued absence. But did we get one? Nope.

...once Andre is gone, what possible excuse will there be for Sami's absence?

Anne needs to be heavily featured throughout the wedding planning. I am so, so glad she wasn't let go by the new writers...

I deeply hate Passions, and GG by association, so the comparisons are making me angry. Mama H is great, absolutely, but the more y'all talk about her reminding you of Passions, the more I'm inclined to hate her.

Another World forever!!

  • Love 3
13 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

Boes, Marlena does know about the EJ stuff. She was there trying to talk some sense into Sami about it when Sami came back from Europe all high on having found the safety deposit box.

I'm going to assume the reason Sami is still on the run is because she's afraid of Andre. All we needed was one scene of Belle replying to a Sami text after Stefano's death came out and saying "Still not safe to come home yet sis - Andre!!" or somesuch to justify Sami's continued absence. But did we get one? Nope.

...once Andre is gone, what possible excuse will there be for Sami's absence?

Anne needs to be heavily featured throughout the wedding planning. I am so, so glad she wasn't let go by the new writers...

I deeply hate Passions, and GG by association, so the comparisons are making me angry. Mama H is great, absolutely, but the more y'all talk about her reminding you of Passions, the more I'm inclined to hate her.

Another World forever!!

Anne is so funny, she reminds me of calliope and Eugene, when it comes to her quirkiness..I wish that the show would give us a valid reason , as to why she hated the Hortons so much..It would be easy to say that Bill who was such a horndog had an affair with her mom and broke up her parents' marriage...

This Sami chasing after dead EJ pisses me off, there is no way that Sami would have abandoned Ari, her last link to her beloved Will. Not to mention, Kate and Lucas not plotting to kill Ben in prison for killing Will...It shows that Will's murder was just a shocking plot point that has gone nowhere..I remember when BJ was killed off on General Hospital and I remember how her shocking death had reverberations years later..Her parents and family were never the same after her passing. Her death shattered her dad Tony..That is how Will's death should have been.

I am with you on the Passions hatred Disneyboy..I loved my Another World and I was saddened with it's cancellation..I never watched an episode of that show, out of loyalty to Another World..Jill Pharen Phelps killed that show and I hear that she is doing the same thing to the Young&The Restless...

Edited by Apprentice79
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Joining in on the love for Mama Hernandez--wow, she is a natural, and like others here, I'm enjoying every episode she's in. The woman has amazing chops as an actress--she projects emotions with no extra added soapitude, and is completely there in her scenes. What a find!

And I like the house set; there's a big lack of kitchens in soaps for the last few years, and I've missed them. And they're using real food, and not just poking at lettuce leaves...there's even a garden set.

And yes, I chortled as Summer/Cindy/Whatever dabbed at bloodstains with a cup of water. Not so much with the cleaning smarts, huh? Now, please go away and take Bluto AKA Dario with you. He's giving me a bad headache, and to me, pretty much one-note as an actor. Unless you like duelling beard-growth.

I came back in to the show when Aiden bought it the first time, so, even though GG can't act, except to moon those shiny ripe-olive eyes at Hope, I was kinda getting used to them.

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22 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

Boes, Marlena does know about the EJ stuff. She was there trying to talk some sense into Sami about it when Sami came back from Europe all high on having found the safety deposit box.


Anne needs to be heavily featured throughout the wedding planning. I am so, so glad she wasn't let go by the new writers...


Thanks, DisneyBoy, I'd forgotten about that conversation Marlena had with Sami.

And I fully agree about Ann.  Funny how well Days can do with recurring characters and make such major miscalculations with some major roles.

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3 minutes ago, boes said:

Thanks, DisneyBoy, I'd forgotten about that conversation Marlena had with Sami.

And I fully agree about Ann.  Funny how well Days can do with recurring characters and make such major miscalculations with some major roles.

That is so true about the recurring characters like T and Rory..I also loved Bev and the actress was so good..I know alot of people like JJ/Gabi on here, but I would have preferred him with Bev..She challenged him and did not let him walk all over her..Her last scenes with him  were gold...I loved their dynamic and  it reminded me of Jack/Jennifer. I also liked him with that Black girl that was friends with Paige..They had a spark as well...

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So Theresa made this passing reference to Eve, that she probably wouldn't come back for the wedding. Come back from where?  Where'd she go?  Last we saw, she just wandered out of the Square, presumably back to her apartment.  I assumed she was just going to be permanently off screen, like Stephanie was for the longest time til we heard she was living somewhere else.

I hate it when Show can't even be bothered to at least tell us that stuff if they won't show us.

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1 hour ago, boes said:

So Theresa made this passing reference to Eve, that she probably wouldn't come back for the wedding. Come back from where?  Where'd she go?  Last we saw, she just wandered out of the Square, presumably back to her apartment.  I assumed she was just going to be permanently off screen, like Stephanie was for the longest time til we heard she was living somewhere else.

I hate it when Show can't even be bothered to at least tell us that stuff if they won't show us.

That is because of Ken Corday, he says that they don't write for characters that are off the show..Fans are still waiting for Don to come back from mailing that letter and for Neil Curtis from making his rounds at the hospital.....lol...If Drake had remained Roman, I always wanted to see a Don/Marlena/Roman/Isabella quadrangle....I saw a few scenes of Don/Marlena on youtube a few weeks ago, they were an awesome couple and the whole storyline with the death of their son DJ, Don's affair and Marlena's rape all played a part in their breakup....It was so nuanced and written so well...All of that flowed so seamlessly into her pairing with Roman....

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, boes said:

So Theresa made this passing reference to Eve, that she probably wouldn't come back for the wedding. Come back from where?  Where'd she go?  Last we saw, she just wandered out of the Square, presumably back to her apartment.  I assumed she was just going to be permanently off screen, like Stephanie was for the longest time til we heard she was living somewhere else.

I hate it when Show can't even be bothered to at least tell us that stuff if they won't show us.

My recollection is that Eve went to NYC with Claire for her audition and never returned!  One would have thought that she would pick up her belongings and say her goodbyes.

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1 hour ago, bannana said:

My recollection is that Eve went to NYC with Claire for her audition and never returned!  One would have thought that she would pick up her belongings and say her goodbyes.

Eve's last scene was either at the park or the square with Eduardo. They were sitting on a bench reflecting on mistakes each of them had made in their lives. There was no mention of her leaving town.

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On 5/7/2016 at 8:29 AM, Lastwaltz said:

Ugh. See? It's just not hitting the right notes with me this week. Or maybe the fact that I quit smoking 8 long days ago is affecting my mood : ).

Congratulations!  If you've gone 8 days without a cigarette, you can go the distance.  I was a very dedicated smoker but quit in 2007 in solidarity with my father.  It is one of the best decisions I have EVER made.  You'll feel better, smell better, and have more money.  :-)

I'm also feeling a bit disconnected from the show the past two or three weeks, probably because it's in flux right now with writer changes and their whims.  Also, I've not adjusted to the new board update.  It's just not as visually appealing as before.  /whine

Edited by Kitty Redstone
Edited because 2007 is not 2009.
  • Love 5

Keep at it, Waltz! You CAN beat it. I have a friend who is now two months smoke free after almost twenty years and is amazed by how much easier breathing and running are. Just get to the end of each day. Don't let those damn cigarette companies win.

I missed Theresa's passing reference to Eve, but her not coming to the wedding is BS. Who was Eve closer to in her family? With Paige gone, no one. If they didn't want Kassie back, a last-minute "Eve got the flu!" excuse would work better. But again, writing her an actual ending would have been the best way to go. Having her permanently leave Salem to avoid the memories of her mistakes would have been poignant.

I wonder if the producers will even spring for Shane and Kim to return. If they were smart they'd bring Andrew in as a new character, but I doubt that'll even occur to them...

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 3

So many of the current stories seem to have been dropped/forgotten about (Sparkle being brainwashed, Andre in jail), altered (Basic Black, DJ Wear), or left on the cutting room floor (Shawn/Lani/Belle/Phillip). Then there's the

upcoming cast changes and spoilers about this flu virus thing

. And I don't know what to make of the Sami on the run/stolen Dimeria money situation. The behind the scenes shenanigans is making it hard to care about anything on screen.

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I just rewatched Aiden's Attempted Murder of Hope scene...and Aiden cries as Hope collapses after being choked. Then Bo rushes in...

...and later Andre says to Stefano, "Jennings was supposed to kill Hope Brady, so why were shots heard?"

...how are they going go explain THAT away tomorrow?

Edited by DisneyBoy
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On April 28, 2016 at 4:58 PM, Rick Kitchen said:

Once again, Show seems to have forgotten that Claire is Hope's granddaughter.

That's the unfortunate downside to SORASING, when characters get aged 10 years in one weekend. To acknowledge Hope as the grandmother of a teenager would make her WAAY older than the show is wanting to play her right now, so they just ignore it and hope we don't really notice. Claire's "grandma" scenes are primarily with Marlena- the few times that Claire and Hope share a scene, they don't even interact all that much. If you didn't already know their relationship, you could easily miss it.

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, TVForever said:

That's the unfortunate downside to SORASING, when characters get aged 10 years in one weekend. To acknowledge Hope as the grandmother of a teenager would make her WAAY older than the show is wanting to play her right now, so they just ignore it and hope we don't really notice. Claire's "grandma" scenes are primarily with Marlena- the few times that Claire and Hope share a scene, they don't even interact all that much. If you didn't already know their relationship, you could easily miss it.

It makes no damn sense to Hope's history. Her beloved Grandparents Tom and Alice raised her and had a powerful influence in her life. Hope would have paid it forward, by being a great Grandmother to Claire..I wished that the show had left the kids as kids..It pisses me off that little Ciara did not have any scenes with Peter's Bo...The kids could have aged naturally..I think the last kid that actually grew up in real time on the show was Will and looked at what happened to him...

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

I just rewatched Aiden's Attempted Murder of Hope scene...and Aiden cries as Hope collapses after being choked. Then Bo rushes in...

...and later Andre says to Stefano, "Jennings was supposed to kill Hope Brady, so why were shots heard?"

...how are they going go explain THAT away tomorrow?


They won't. It will be ignored.

  • Love 3

....then please forgive me when I return here to rant after seeing the episode.


Edit: Aaaaaand there it is.

Reality check, writers: Andre was at home with Stefano when Hope was being choked out. He was playing chess with Stefano, awaiting word of Hope's murder. And he referred to the one trying to kill her as Aiden. Why wouldn't he use the name of the doppelganger when chatting privately with Stefano, who was in on the entire plot with Aiden?!?


And why is there a big spotlight on the cage and a smoke machine, separate from the gas coming in from the vent? Hey, why not show us the boom mike operator too while you're at it?

...and isn't it super gratifying to see another of Hope's great loves being imprisoned and tortured?

Cute video footage by the way. Guess there was an f*****g videographer there filming Hope getting choked? Nice of Bo not to beat him up too...

And now we've got titles too! Is this the first time in 51 years they felt the need to use titles to explain WTH is going on? The Embarrasingly Stupid - Part 46.

This is incredible. Supremely incredible.

A dead bird doesn't decompose in SIX MONTHS?!

This shit is embarrassing...I don't know what to say...

I feel bad for Cosgrove getting stuck doing this all himself. Damn.

And Chase was arrested for breaking in and stealing from Jenn...NOT RAPE, because there was no evidence. Jesus H Christ!!!

Is THIS how they make up for trashing Aiden? There was more dignity in leaving him dead.

He apparently never thought to use the fork to try and pry the fence open? No, better to sit tight and scribble in your journal.

The parrot (why a parrot, exactly?) is a metaphor for this show. And Aiden, the prisoner, represents the fans desperate to escape.

KA did a good job, though.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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