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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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It was an OK episode, but I just don't care much for the teens anymore.  I think the whole Chase/Ciara rape storyline, Ciara's unlike-ability, and don't even get me started on Joey...well, i gave up caring about them.  Certain scenes were cure though...


Found it funny that Claire was asking Belle about growing up in the 80's or 80's style because Belle wasn't born until sometime in the 90's... Oh soap timelines...


But then again, Brady and Summer look to be about the same age which means that Maggie was 17 when Isabella and John had Brady...OK sure...


I think Joey is the worst and I hate when kids yell at their parents about stuff they know nothing about and the parents let them.  Kayla is by far the smartest in that Johnson family trio, yet gets shit on all the time by them.  I will always adore Patch, but he's kind of an idiot sometimes.


Ciara/Vivian Jovanni has the same awkward, monotone acting ticks that Kristen Stewart has...that's who she reminds me of acting-wise.

  • Love 3

I wonder what that stupid Mark kid is going to do to ruin the prom.

I actually like Mark. Since Chase is pretty much ruined and they couldn't make him Todd Manning to Ciara's Marty, Mark a good addition, and he actually can somewhat act!


Well shit both she and Belle's parenting is trash.

I know I'm going to catch shit but dare I say I'm warming to Rafe/Hope. Who's writing this... I didn't feel this way a few months ago... hmm.

  • Love 2

Isn't Claire's date gay? I thought we saw Paul counseling him awhile ago. Does she know that?

Theo is the best. I didn't like that he kept beating on that kid who will certainly turn out to do something terrible, but he was defending Ciara so I will cut him a bit of slack. I did love Abe and Hope being all happy and proud of their kids. And they have known each other forever, so talking frankly about the kids' relationship without any sort of antagonism was great. Also, Hope hugged Theo both times he showed up.

This is my show that I love!!!

  • Love 5

Am surprised that the attic gold/bronze dress fit Ciara so well. Hope was a curvy, voluptuous woman back in the 80s and most of her old clothes would not work for her daughter. I did like Claire's dress. Otherwise, a bit dull. Maybe Mark will set up Theo.

Prom here has become a red carpet event with families spending hundreds, If not thousands of dollars for a gown, shoes, hair, limo, dinner, etc. The more average or not wealthy girl can visit a shop with donated gowns and such, making the overrated experience (for some) their dream.

I hate to be a killjoy, but today's episode stunk.  The boy playing Theo is good, but everyone else can go.  I don't understand how the producers of Degrassi High found such great teen actors on a budget and this is the best Days can do.  I know the Days budget is small, but come on! Degrassi had far less money and was ten times better.  It's still entertaining to this day.


Abe and Hope smiling and half-hugging was a touching and bittersweet scene, however.


I like Dee Hall as an actress and Marlena, but she makes me laugh sometimes when Marlena slides into therapist mode.  If I were Claire, I'd be looking at her like, "Really? Are you even alive in there?" 

Edited by Polaris
  • Love 2

Marlena calling Ciarra Claire's friend made sense to me.  Referring to her as her aunt, while correct is less important than that they're friends.  With the age range, their blood relationship isn't what defines them, at least not anywhere near as much as their friendship.


But the whole Belle as good mom was a whole lot of bs to be expected to eat in one episode.

I hate to be a killjoy, but today's episode stunk.  The boy playing Theo is good, but everyone else can go.  I don't understand how the producers of Degrassi High found such great teen actors on a budget and this is the best Days can do.  I know the Days budget is small, but come on! Degrassi had far less money and was ten times better.  It's still entertaining to this day.


Abe and Hope smiling and half-hugging was a touching and bittersweet scene, however.


I like Dee Hall as an actress and Marlena, but she makes me laugh sometimes when Marlena slides into therapist mode.  If I were Claire, I'd be looking at her like, "Really? Are you even alive in there?" 


I pretty much agree.  Theo is good, and I like Claire, but being stuck in those scenes with Belle did her no favors.  I can always take RoboMar - she's sort of like a kindly Twilight Zone robot - but trying to make Belle the Good Mother was odd as hell and it did not work.

  • Love 3

It's disturbing how Steve and Kayla (and Roman and Hope) don't seem worried that Joey murdered someone and is now acting like nothing happened. I feel like if I murdered someone my friends and family would be concerned. 

Not to mention ,that if he could kill Ava in a moment of stress,  a woman he once claimed to love;who is to say that he will not do it to another person that pisses him off..He is a dangerous individual and I am surprised that Kayla is not very concern about that....

  • Love 5

Goodie!!!  We're back.  ? Who enjoyed their forum detox?   I'm sure many of you watched but I still wrote a play-by-play/observation while yesterday's show was on just in case.   Enjoy. 


Rafe/Hope having a date night. 

Joey and Jade are texting.   Still want to run away. (Please leave) Joey has some nice arms on him I must. 

Abifail laying up in the psychward,  curled into a ball.   She's hearing those voices.  Chad left her at the hospital but he's recounting to Jennifer and JJ what happened. 

Hope and Rafe still in the yearbook.   It's a cute scene imo. 

Abifail is one manipulative little thing when she mentality cuckoo or not. 

Jade invites Joey into her window.  It's obvious what they are about to do. 

Abifail think she sees Ben but it some look alike.   She still wishes and begging to go home.  The doc is here.   She's explaining Abigail's condition.  Chad is trying to get Ab to sign the papers.  She signs.   Jennifer is crying hearing the details. 

Abifail trying to call Chad.   The overnight nurse tells her she can't because it's past hours.   Abifail's entitlement issue coming to play.   The nurse is going to give her a sedative.   Abifail trying to say sorry. 

Apparently Jade has never had sex before and now Joey is going further with her.  (Soapgods, make Joey aka Austin #2 aka Austin Peak's version ?). 

Chad is having flashbacks again with Abifail.   Chad has the ugly cry going as they haul Abifail off to the Asylum.   Back to the present,  he's sitting in the dark with baby Thomas.   Back at the asylum,  Ben is in Abifail's room.   Ben is saying he loves her and she doesn't believe he's there.   He pulls out a tie (Choke the bitch!!!)   She's awake.   It was only a dream. 

Romance sequence in the last 5 mins between Rafe/Hope and Joey/Jade.   Jade looks like Ava. Joey says he has no condom and she has one.  ?  Everyone is about to bionk,  Chad is with the baby being emotional wreck.   Abigail is screaming through the window.   She's freakin because she thinks Ben will get her and I'm giggling.   She's a mess. 

For the most part I thought this was a good,  light episode.   Again someone's scenes were cut and today it was Stayla/Fynn.  Days,  please,  if you know you can't fit everything into one hour put your deleted scenes on the official website so your fans can find them and not wonder why you keep cutting scenes.   

  • Love 1

The Failure/Chad scenes were supposed to be heartfelt but all I did was roll my eyes. The mental institution is exactly where she belongs (or six feet under) and if she had been forcibly committed (or killed) years ago so many people would be better off. The only person I feel sorry for here is Chad, even though he was stupid enough to have sex with her and then marry her, and Ben’s victims. Too bad the nurse didn’t give her an overdose of sedatives.

So I guess Joey and Jade having sex means they aren’t related. Hopefully these writers wouldn’t stoop that low.

  • Love 2
54 minutes ago, BlackMamba said:

1) Jade looks like Ava. Joey says he has no condom and she has one.  ?  Everyone is about to bionk,  

2) For the most part I thought this was a good,  light episode.   Again someone's scenes were cut and today it was Stayla/Fynn.  Days,  please,  if you know you can't fit everything into one hour put your deleted scenes on the official website so your fans can find them and not wonder why you keep cutting scenes.   

1) We know that someone or something with interrupt the dimwit and the unbalanced one from doing the deed because everybody can see the Ava and Steve's daughter twist coming.  We also know that Days will conveniently ignore the fact that the only way Steve can be Jade's father would be if he were cheating in Kayla at the time.

2) this habit is really an insult to the fans and at this point, I wonder how accidental it is.  Notice most of the cut scenes involve characters with a committed fan base.  Including these scenes they know will not air gives them a temporary boost, the long term detriment of turning people off completely  isn't being considered. I for one would not have watched were it not for the Steve and Kayla promise as I have zero interest in the rest of the stuff that aired today.

P.S. Thank you Blackmamba for your summary of the show.  I find myself using it more and more to determine whether I view the episode of the day or delete it.  Sadly, the cite was off-line yesterday and I got suckered into watching.


54 minutes ago, BlackMamba said:



I had a longer reply typed out but it didn't post. The point was this:


Why is DAYS making Joey's lovemaking with his sister so hot? Why do they show us this stuff?! Is this Nip/Tuck 2.0 now??? 

And if you don't wanna see that, then enjoy the murderers getting it on, or the rape victim getting repeatedly traumatized by various boys...!

This forum feels like a support group lately because I seriously can't believe what they're airing these days...

  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

I had a longer reply typed out but it didn't post. The point was this:

Why is DAYS making Joey's lovemaking with his sister so hot? Why do they show us this stuff?! Is this Nip/Tuck 2.0 now??? 

And if you don't wanna see that, then enjoy the murderers getting it on, or the rape victim getting repeatedly traumatized by various boys...!

This forum feels like a support group lately because I seriously can't believe what they're airing these days...

The show has yet to say that Joey's latest crazy is Ava's daughter..I am actually holding out hope that the show will not go down the incest route. Daytime used to be good at tackling taboo topics, but, not no more....Plus, Josh Griffith has a weird rape fetish, I hope that he does not have an incest one as well..

  • Love 3
9 minutes ago, Kitty Redstone said:

Nice to have everyone back!  I have the last several days sitting on the DVR but probably won't watch to catch up.  I'll just try to get the gist of things here with everyone's comments and BlackMamba's synopses.  But someone please tell me, is

  Reveal hidden contents

the show finally free of KM


Not yet....

  • Love 1

Claire's song is for prom and her fellow classmates...but the lyrics are "now our dreams are fears.." ? They sure do pick weird songs for her to sing at the wrong moment. Unless she's singing about Joey/Jade...who have apparently consumated their incestuous relationship.


I really feel for the actress playing Jade. Her wardrobe is skimpy, she's sleeping with her brother who murdered her Mom...the audience is going to hate her...and yet she's the most interesting of the teens next to Theo. And there's no way they can backpedal her being Ava's lost child. I would prefer she wasn't, but it's been there from day one.

Claire's schtick is getting old so I'm bumping her off my list.

Deimos/Kate and Hope/Rafe make me sick.

Why is Prom at a bar/nightclub anyhow...?

Dude who is EVOL really had no build-up. Did we even see him before he came on to Ciarra?

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 3

I've missed big chunks of the show the past week or so, so please tell me that Joey/Jade as siblings is still just a theory. They haven't confirmed it  on the show, have they?
There is a bright side to sloppy, inconsistent writing: because of the history of misdirection and dropped storylines, I can still be in denial about this, in spite of the huge, flashing neon sign that says "SPAWN OF STEVE AND AVA!" that appears right above Jade's head every time she's onscreen.

  • Love 1
Just now, shesajar said:

I've missed big chunks of the show the past week or so, so please tell me that Joey/Jade as siblings is still just a theory. They haven't confirmed it  on the show, have they?
There is a bright side to sloppy, inconsistent writing: because of the history of misdirection and dropped storylines, I can still be in denial about this, in spite of the huge, flashing neon sign that says "SPAWN OF STEVE AND AVA!" that appears right above Jade's head every time she's onscreen.

It's just a theory, not confirmed.

  • Love 2

I cannot believe that Hope was about to do the nasty with Rafe...My eyes, my eyes. I need Bart to remove that from brain. Stat! I am sick of Hope and I need her to go away..Hope would never go for a bland guy like Rafe..Rope is just as revolting as Dannifer... Hope needs lots of therapy alongside most of the citizens of Salem..It is truly sad that I want Andre to destroy Hope and her bitch Rafe..It is truly a shame!

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 3

Good to have these forums back. It was only one day, but I missed them. :)

So there weren't many kids at the prom, considering it wasn't even just the graduating class.  And aren't there usually adults/teachers at a prom?  Was Claire's song the same one she always sings? It sounded the same, but the lyrics seemed different.  What's up with the bully/trouble-maker. It might have made more sense if we'd seem him causing trouble all along. He should have been the one bullying Theo, not Chase. 

Still don't like Rafe/Hope. This Nicole/Deimos/Kate/Victor thing is just weird.  And, Summer... Is she supposed to be a good character or not?

Per yesterday's show... I actually enjoyed the Abby scenes, especially the way they had Chad telling Jennifer and JJ what happened, but I would have preferred that episode last week to have been the last we saw of Abby.

  • Love 3

Mark is looking at Ciara/Theo dance. 

Kate signing off on papers.   Stupid ass.   Giving away Basic Black to Deimos.   Dumb hoe

Nicole and Victor are working together.  She's telling him everything about Deimos and him not being sorry what he did to Maggie.   Nicole wants to bury Deimos.   (Mhmm sure Nicole). 

Hope/Rafe are having a makeout session on the couch and now onto the bedroom. 

Ew.  Jade/Joey did the nasty.   Now they talking about the last night in Salem crap.  Shut up just leave. 

Slow dance over.   Claire's song is going on YouTube and I guess it's going to make her a star.   Pfft whatever.  Henry just called Ciara  "Sierra".   LOL.  No one caught that in directing. 

Hope stopped the bionkin session.

Summer is rubbing out Maggie's legs for her.   (Who in hair finally combed MW's hair -  thank you). 

Victor and Nicole are exchanging quips.   Victor says it won't be hard for her to seduce Deimos.   He promises her 40% of his money once the deed is done.   She agrees.   See,  Kate,  this is a smart hoe.  Victor is talking about how he had nothing when Helena was with him..  But when Deimos came to town,  he ruined it.   Victor is coaching Nicole how to be Helena.  

Hope tells Rafe she can't have sex with him because it's weird in that bedroom.   She mentions having relations with Aiden and Bo and her almost being killed.  So she's not ready. 

Claire is singing again.   I wish I could ffwd. 

The 80s music actually sounds 80s.  Joey/Jade exchanged the music.   It's loud grudge music.   Morons.  Mark is on the phone telling someone they will get the signal.   

Summer/Maggie having a mother-dinner moment. 

Deimos is telling Kate that she will be co-Ceo of Basic black and she needs to teach him how to run a business.   Good grief. 

Justin is standing outside the door and now he's inside trying to figure out what Victor and Nicole are up too.   Ah Nicole is getting her humor and scheming back.   I'm happy.   Victor tells Justin to stay out of it that's including Brady.   Justin gives him a warning. 

??? Deimos and this Helena dream.   Even Helena called Kate a whore.  Kate is wondering if he made a mistake getting with her.   He believes hes kissing Helena.   It's another dream.   A dream with a dream. 

Ciara and Theo are king and queen.  Mark rigged the ballots to humiliate them.   Heres the slideshow.   Mark is proud of his handy work.   Ciara isn't happy and want to teach him a lesson.   Why couldn't they do Carrie  and dump a thing of pig's blood on Ciara's head.   That been so much better and so last blast of them. 

Maggie is talking to Summer about Mickey.   Summer says she wants to see Maggie dance again.   Me: I hope to see Summer get ran over. 

At the pub,  Rafe is going to take Hope out of town on a getaway soon.   Ciara calls her at the station tells her that she/the others been arrested.  Judge Mcnair comes in being disrespectful to Ciara.   Ciara spray painted Mark's car.   

Nicole is about to become Helena.   LMFAOOOOO.   I'm giggling,  this is really happening. Ughh Daniel picture.   Deimos thinking about Helena again but Kate breaks it and now he's on her again.   

To me,  good episode.  Scheming Nicole is back, Smart hoe again.   The bad,  Kate is forever a stupid hoe.   

  • Love 3

That prom was rather lame.

I don't understand why Teen Bully randomly appeared one day and is now going after Theo and Ciara. Did she reject him or something?

The writing for Summer's Eve is so bipolar. 

Victor and Nicole's plan sounds so stupid.

Kate is so stupid. It's bad enough the writers throw her at every man over 40 who comes to town, but now they've turned her into a complete idiot as well. 

  • Love 4
28 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

That prom was rather lame.

I don't understand why Teen Bully randomly appeared one day and is now going after Theo and Ciara. Did she reject him or something?

The writing for Summer's Eve is so bipolar. 

Victor and Nicole's plan sounds so stupid.

Kate is so stupid. It's bad enough the writers throw her at every man over 40 who comes to town, but now they've turned her into a complete idiot as well. 

Word to this, Kate needs Sami back to get her bitch back on.....I have never been a big Sami fan, but, if it will get Kate her dignity back. So be it!

  • Love 4

It was days ago, but I call BS on Ciara and Theo watching "Working Girl" instead of the millions of John Hughes that would be both more appealing and more appropriate for teen prom season. I'm also cranky that they didn't show any flashbacks when both Marlena and Hope were talking about their 80s lives. At the very least, I would have liked to have seen Hope's picture in the yearbook. 

Still, as I've said many times, I'm easy to please in Soap-iverse, and I sort of liked the prom stuff. It was a call back to both the 80s teen movies and Ghoul Girl era teen scene. (call back/rip off, you decide!) Sure, it was badly acted, but plot-wise, I enjoyed it. The scene where Joey pointed out Mark and the camera cut back to Ciara and crew made me laugh, but I liked them all coming together. And I loved Theo saying he was at the police station to ensure that they were all being treated fairly!

Hope and Ciara continue to give me the warm and fuzzies with their relationship. My Theo love grows stronger with each episode, and I've finally warmed up to Claire (if she'd only stop singing). I even like Henry all of the sudden. Jade can still go away, but other than that, I'm interested in them all.

  • Love 3

Ugh, Joey and Jade running off together like a couple of fucking morons is going to be the reason Steve and Kayla reunite, isn't it? LAME. I've seen this sort of thing before but either the runaway is, like, ten so it's important that they be retrieved or it's a much bigger mess that's being dealt with. This is stupid. First of all, they've known each other for like... two weeks. (Whatever Time in Salem. I don't understand you and you follow no set rules.) But even if they've known each other for two months, it doesn't feel like that. So, I didn't care that they had sex (I'm still watching Steve/Kayla vids and they've had story for what feels like a year and they're just at the heavy makeout session part of the relationship... but I'm infinitely more invested in them than I am in Joey and Jade.)

Basically what we've got is Joey who is a murderer, self-medicates with alcohol (which is what helped him along the way to being a murderer), and is so completely stupid it's astonishing that his brain remembers to pump air into his lungs. He meets a weird girl and tells her that he's a murderer what, the second or third time they hung out? And I'm supposed to give a rat's ass about this kid? The only reason I want him to stay alive is because his grisly death (brought about by his own stupidity... like walking in front of a train, probably) would decimate Steve and Kayla and they've already got a hard time of it.

Now, Theo and Ciara? Those two I actually buy as a young couple worth investing in. It helps that actual time has been spent on showing their friendship and how it has developed. It's not perfect but it's infinitely better than the alternative.

Claire singing? Fine. The theme song for my prom was 'Da Roof is on Fire' so, basically, she can sing whatever she wants and it's probably better suited to the setting than that.

Still don't care about Summer. Still don't care about Abigail (but at least she's gone for now.) Trying to give a damn about this whole Kiriakis thing but it's hard to know who to root for because everyone seems to suck on some level.


Edited by Dandesun
  • Love 11
4 minutes ago, Dandesun said:

Ugh, Joey and Jade running off together like a couple of fucking morons is going to be the reason Steve and Kayla reunite, isn't it? LAME. I've seen this sort of thing before but either the runaway is, like, ten so it's important that they be retrieved or it's a much bigger mess that's being dealt with. This is stupid. First of all, they've known each other for like... two weeks. (Whatever Time in Salem. I don't understand you and you follow no set rules.) But even if they've known each other for two months, it doesn't feel like that. So, I didn't care that they had sex (I'm still watching Steve/Kayla vids and they've had story for what feels like a year and they're just at the heavy makeout session part of the relationship... but I'm infinitely more invested in them than I am in Joey and Jade.)

Basically what we've got is Joey who is a murderer, self-medicates with alcohol (which is what helped him along the way to being a murderer), and is so completely stupid it's astonishing that his brain remembers to pump air into his lungs. He meets a weird girl and tells her that he's a murderer what, the second or third time they hung out? And I'm supposed to give a rat's ass about this kid? The only reason I want him to stay alive is because his grisly death (brought about by his own stupidity... like walking in front of a train, probably) would decimate Steve and Kayla and they've already got a hard time of it.

Now, Theo and Ciara? Those two I actually buy as a young couple worth investing in. It helps that actual time has been spent on showing their friendship and how it has developed. It's not perfect but it's infinitely better than the alternative.

Claire singing? Fine. The theme song for my prom was 'Da Roof is on Fire' so, basically, she can sing whatever she wants and it's probably better suited to the setting than that.

Still don't care about Summer. Still don't care about Abigail (but at least she's gone for now.) Trying to give a damn about this whole Kiriakis thing but it's hard to know who to root for because everyone seems to suck on some level.


Your post is on point and I would marry it...I am only watching the show because of you guys..I like our community on here....

  • Love 3

Victor is going into cardiac arrest.   Philip is there when it's happening.   This is a  random way to start the show.   Wasn't Victor ok yesterday.  

Why do I feel Abe is saying everything that the writers are too scared to say about Theo and Ciara and him possibly getting into trouble.. If you minority you get what I mean. 

Oh look they found the kids a cell to be in.   I haven't seen a cell in so long on this show.

Belle admit it,  you are a bad parent.   Belle calls Philip.   Must be time for some de-stress sex.

Parents??  Hope is Ciara's only parent,  Claire.

Eww sex noise at the steak out.   
Lani wants to make out and now Phelle is making out.

Deimos is now in Victor's room.

(Ok this episode is edited weird and scattering).

Hope tells Ciara the kids and she has to spend the night.   She let's her know that revenge isn't a good thing (she talking about herself and Stefano again).  

Phelle has distress or de-stress sex.   Great parenting Belle,  you just proving Shawn right.

Huuh random murder at the dump motel.   Lani/Shawn bust in.   Some red head woman killed her husband and his mistress.   Ok why should we care about this?


Deimos says he forgives Victor.

Lauren Boles picture.   Goddamn I miss that little girl considering the Ciara I'm watching.

Lord,  Claire is singing a "prison song".   Joey/Jade are dreaming about their first time, blah.   Henry tells Claire that she will be Youtube famous soon.

Phelle shit again.

Lani is so turned on by Shawn.  ?  Shawn is giving that dumb look like she's crazy.   Shawn must really gave Lani some good pickle.   She can't stop. 

Belle ask Philip to marry her.   Again random.

Jade is asking Ciara what she wants to do with the rest of her life.   Whatever these two are ?

Hope gets that phone call again to stop Deimos.

Victor says Deimos might have not killed Helena but he's quite responsible.   Deimos is pissed and he wants to smother him.

This episode was not great.   Very bouncy and random in alot of places.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 1

Why doesn't Deimos look like Lujack in flashbacks?  Hehehe. I wish they had done a different story for Vincent Irizarry; he is magical.  Although he is interesting with Nicole, I don't like the story (but I guess that's just a general statement about the show, though).

Joey and Jade are super gross, whether they are related or not.  Terrible storyline for Steve and Kayla and her brain.  I just don't like anything these days.  What ever happened to John and Paul?  Has that storyline been dropped?  I enjoyed the old folks running around together.  I can't get into the younger crowd because the writing is so horrible and the acting, oy, it's pretty bad.  

Glad to have the board back though.  I probably wouldn't be watching if not for it.  

Anyone remember when Jennifer thought she was going crazy...1987?  It was better, and not stupid.  I like Billy Flynn, but I need that Kate Mansi gone.  She is too smug; her self satisfaction comes through far too much. 

And because it must be repeated often, JPL is simply a hoot.  I want him to use some facial exfoliant.  It would go a long way. 

  • Love 2

Why weren't Henry's and Jade's parents at the police station?

What gives the judge the right to say "Every one of you will be booked and charged"?  It's the DA's choice, not the judge's. "I see kids like this in my courtroom more often than not."  He knows who these kids are, right?  Does he think he's going to be the judge in the case?

Nobody even bothered to ask what they were accusing Mark of doing.

Once again, Show seems to have forgotten that Claire is Hope's granddaughter.

Damn, Lani, way to be manipulative. But, isn't Shawn a forensics guy, not a beat cop/detective?

I wonder how much you get paid for being a dead body in a soap opera.

I wonder why it's okay for Show to actually use the brand name "YouTube", but they have a fake search engine, "Ewe Search".

How does Phillip know that Belle is a wonderful mother?  When has he ever seen her doing anything with Claire?

Why didn't Hope just hang up on the caller?

Uh, why is Victor still talking about Helena falling off a cliff?

  • Love 2

Oh my God... this has got to be one of the absolute worst episodes I've seen on Days in a long time. Just so bad. There's nothing good I can say about it. But the worst part has to be Lani coming on to Shawn the way she did. Seriously, what the hell are the writers thinking with her?! Now she's just a deviant highly promiscuous creep! She just creeps me out big time! I hope the sooner she leaves the show, the better. I never want to see her or hear her name ever again after this. 

  • Love 1

Joey continues to be the poster boy for why birth control was invented.  Clearly the show hates Kayla because there is no other explanation for why she has been saddled with this moronic Neanderthal as her son.  See writers, this is what happens when you SOARAS a character for no good reason and with no actual gameplan.  Joey's brain cells clearly stopped developing when he was ten years old, and that's where his aging should have stopped.  At least then, his behavior would be understandable.

At least we got to see Hope and Kayla interact.  The rest, pure waste of time.

  • Love 3

In this social media age, where were the high school kids' cellphones/smartphones?  No one has a Twitter account and didn't LiveTweet the event? Surely with all the prom selfies, *someone* would have recorded the impromptu slideshow. Evidence! Where were the teachers? The Principal? Usually a bunch of people from the school attend the prom. Also parents. At least the ones here. But they are much more formal that *that* which was shown. What we got seemed to be some sort of fancier school dance. The judge is in no position to press any charges. The DA does. He probably knows his son is guilty.

I kept expecting the jail cell girls to break out in to something from either 'Grease' or 'West Side Story'.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, QuelleC said:

How am I doing?  Where is the Content I Follow page.  When I manually come here why do I have to put in the page number and why doesn't it just go to unread.  Between this and the video site pulling Days vids..... 

I can (maybe) help you with one of your questions, @QuelleC: The "Content" is now that little Bookmark icon on top of the page. Alas, (assuming you used "A to Z" before), it no longer seems to be in any discernible order, but your shows should be visible.

As for the unread deal, I believe it is a new board quirk.

2 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

In this social media age, where were the high school kids' cellphones/smartphones?  No one has a Twitter account and didn't LiveTweet the event? Surely with all the prom selfies, *someone* would have recorded the impromptu slideshow. Evidence! Where were the teachers? The Principal? Usually a bunch of people from the school attend the prom. Also parents. At least the ones here. But they are much more formal that *that* which was shown. What we got seemed to be some sort of fancier school dance. The judge is in no position to press any charges. The DA does. He probably knows his son is guilty.

I kept expecting the jail cell girls to break out in to something from either 'Grease' or 'West Side Story'.

Like this cheap-ass show would ever get rights to songs from Grease or West Side Story.

3 hours ago, Happytobehere said:

Joey continues to be the poster boy for why birth control was invented.  Clearly the show hates Kayla because there is no other explanation for why she has been saddled with this moronic Neanderthal as her son. 

I dunno.  Neanderthals were way smarter than Joey.  He's much farther back in the evolutionary chain of brutal bipeds. 

It's inconceivable to me that none of the adults in his life are worried that he's a straight-up murderer.  It takes one ice-cold mofo to smother someone, especially a helpless someone. 

I don't understand why they aged up legacy kids and introduced new ones only to make so many of them horrible, awful people.  Can Joey, Jade and the judge's son turn into train-hopping hobos and go away?  It'd be a start.

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, Kitty Redstone said:

I dunno.  Neanderthals were way smarter than Joey.  He's much farther back in the evolutionary chain of brutal bipeds. 

It's inconceivable to me that none of the adults in his life are worried that he's a straight-up murderer.  It takes one ice-cold mofo to smother someone, especially a helpless someone. 

I don't understand why they aged up legacy kids and introduced new ones only to make so many of them horrible, awful people.  Can Joey, Jade and the judge's son turn into train-hopping hobos and go away?  It'd be a start.

Not just a murderer, a cold-blooded, pre-planning murderer.  Never forget, he intentionally went to the hospital, pulled the alarm to get rid of the guard and the proceeded to smother Ava as she begged for her life.  Not saying she didn't deserve to be killed, but for it to be such a deliberate act and to see Joey clearly has decided that Kayla is the latest woman who is upsetting what he thinks he is entitled to, I'd be scared if I was Kayla, and I'd sleep with one eye open with that monster in my house. Something is seriously wrong with Joey and just like Chase, he is irredeemable in my eyes ad the character and the show seems to be enjoying his deviance.  Add to that the clear limits of the actor, and you have a character who I would happily see removed from the canvass never to be seen or heard from again.  The same goes for Jade, Chase, Ciara -- they're just not working.  Theo and Claire can stay.

I also agree with the poster who says that the show is clearly going to use Joey running away as the catalyst to bring Steve and Kayla together.  I mean really the fact that your overgrown, "I'm an adult," dimwitted, murdering, Neanderthal of a son runs off with his emotionally unstable bimbette draws you together proves that the Higlemonster remains incapable of coming up with a story that isn't stupid, pointless, beyond unbelievable and surely to be boring.  The only thing it should cause Steve and Kayla to do is meet at a bar and have a drink to toast being freed form the genetic albatross around their necks that is Joey.  

Clearly I am not a fan of this new teen set and Joey (along with Chase) are the bottom of the barrels. 

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5 hours ago, Happytobehere said:

Not just a murderer, a cold-blooded, pre-planning murderer.  Never forget, he intentionally went to the hospital, pulled the alarm to get rid of the guard and the proceeded to smother Ava as she begged for her life.  Not saying she didn't deserve to be killed, but for it to be such a deliberate act and to see Joey clearly has decided that Kayla is the latest woman who is upsetting what he thinks he is entitled to, I'd be scared if I was Kayla, and I'd sleep with one eye open with that monster in my house.

So. Much. This.  This would be a really interesting reason for Steve to insist on sticking closer to Kayla while she is pushing him away, because he is scared of what their son has become.  The description of the S&K scenes that were cut from Tuesday's episode had Steve saying that they shouldn't be placing limits on Joey.  Never in a million Salem-days do I believe that with all of his Duke issues, Steve would be so blase about what his son is turning into.  He would be running around, grabbing at Joey's collar, and yelling about all the ways he failed him.

Re: today, Joey, you're a self-professed adult with thumbs and a phone plan that Kayla is presumably paying for.  Call Steve yourself.

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