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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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You're kidding me, right? How could Fynn believe Abby just had a panic attack?! Dumbass, she had a freakin' mental breakdown! She should be in the loony bin! I'm half-expecting something serious to happen where everyone will have no choice but to commit Abby. Maybe something may happen to Thomas or something. 


Deimos is a real bastard playing with Maggie like that. I've now lost any sympathy I may have had for him for being framed for a death that he had no involvement in. This is definitely beyond the pale. I'm now worried for Maggie. 


And about John I think he's actually more accommodating than Victor and he just wants to make peace with his future daughter-in-law and allow his son to be happy. That's all he wants. He may not have actually forgiven Theresa or completely trust her yet but I don't think he wants to make Brady's life anymore miserable than he has to. I'm actually glad that Theresa seems determined to break away from her scheming ways completely and start a new life with Brady & Tate and maybe any future children she might have. 


But I actually find Belle & Philip dull though. And Belle still sucks. 


All in all a pretty decent episode. 

Edited by Braniac Woman
  • Love 4

I forgot to mention how menacing Paul looked as he sipped his drink behind the bar. Did anyone else notice? Guess the brainwashing took to some degree....hope it'll be fun to watch.

I never thought of the brainwashing causing his spaced out look! I just thought it was his normal acting....

Has Deimos just been lurking outside the manor, waiting for Maggie to fall? He should've been out looking for a job.

  • Love 5

Well, that baby seems to like Kate Mansi.


Dr. Fynn makes house calls? Not a very good doctor, if he thinks panic attacks can cause hallucinations.


Philip: "He's the one taking the high moral road."

Belle: "Well, no one will ever accuse you of that."


I wonder how Rory was able to come up with those pills on the street.


Here comes Old Testament Victor.

  • Love 3

Brady had a couple of scenes where he looked at Jeannie T from afar and got it that she was good and loving and competent.  That's enough for me.  He must have been listening since I've been calling her that almost since she arrived.  Another Jeannie here.  Gosh what a pretty party dress she had on.  She shouldn't have been on the floor the whole episode but JL can do anything and be great.  Although I wanted Brady to help his blinking deflection to his relatives worked. It was silly and fun.  And we got to see JL's big doe eyes tear up over the ring she loved.  SO HAPPY summer's eve didn't nick it.



Loved how Chad and JJ just turned away and didn't answer Jar Jar's shrieking for several minutes. 

Edited by QuelleC
  • Love 6

I hope the show brings back her parents for the wedding....


Me too.  As I'd posted before, I'd LOVE to see Shane.  Hopefully if Kimberley comes back she won't be as hyper as she was when Theresa had the baby.  She just seemed "off" during those scenes.


Thank heavens for this little hidden gem of a forum.


I agree.  I love this forum.  And though we don't always agree on everything, we can all post our opinions without fear of attack or banishment.


I forgot to mention how menacing Paul looked as he sipped his drink behind the bar. Did anyone else notice? Guess the brainwashing took to some degree....hope it'll be fun to watch. 


Yes, I noticed.  He had that "evil" look. 


Uncle! Theresa and Brady sucked me in yesterday. I still wish we'd seen Brady actually falling for her, but I'll hand wave that all day long if we get more of them being adorable. But not too adorable, because. well, that's just boring. And so help me Elvis, I enjoyed Marlena and John, too. I like how John is willing to put his issues with Theresa aside if she makes Brady happy, and I especially like that he acknowledged that she's changed, but he's still a little wary. Look at John Black, being nuanced!


I'm starting to like Theresa & Brady too.  And I loved the looks/comments between Marlena & John regarding the significant others of their kids.


...and I have a sinking feeling John Aniston will be leaving soon. Theresa promising to trade barbs with him "every day" and now him losing his company? Plus Philip sticking around long term and Deimos wanting revenge. Reeks of Exit Storyline.


I know John Aniston is getting up there in years, and will likely want to retire eventually, but I hope the plan isn't to completely defang him before he leaves.  


I'm all for Deimos getting revenge on bastard Victor but did he have to go after Maggie? Why not go after Abifail? Victor wouldn't care about her, but still. I'm not into this at all. With all of the murder and misery going on I'm not interested in seeing a relatively decent old woman being drugged, fall down the stairs, and then become paralyzed. And seeing Phillip and Abifail Lite going at it in the same episode just made things worse. 


Yeah, there's something about harming cute animals and old people that doesn't sit right with me.  First they murdered Stefano in cold blood. And now they've poisoned, nearly killed and now paralyzed Maggie.


I think it is pathetic how Victor has been defanged....Victor back in the day would have taken care of Deimos with no problem..


I know.  Pathetic. 



Victor had both Petrov and Britta killed..Deimos should be dead....The same for Clyde...


I hated that Clyde won over Victor.  At the very least Victor and Stefano should have joined forces and rid Salem of Clyde.


I enjoy it because I enjoy seeing her miserable.


Well at least you're enjoying it. LOL

  • Love 4

If I admit that I'm enjoying the "Is Abigail going crazy" show, will you guys make me leave and find a Chabby board to post on?  :)


Oh no, please stay, we need the snark :):)  I'm enjoying the "Abby goes crazy" story as well---Chad is being wonderfully supportive and BF is playing the crap out of it but I'm also enjoying watching KM try and "act" and anything that makes Abs unhappy is a wonderful thing :):)



Edited by kitmerlot1213
  • Love 6

Oh God... I cannot believe how drop-dead gorgeous Theresa looked today. Her hair & makeup was on point! Also for some reason I can't help but stare at her and think of how sexy she is. And those eyes... I can get lost in them forever. Jeez... I feel so stupid for thinking like such a pervert. LOL! Oh boy... And the other day when she was lying on the couch with Brady the day after the engagement, (I think), and she was practically naked? Holy crap! 


I think Gabi is another woman on this show who's also very beautiful and Chloe also appears to fit into that category, but nothing compares to her!

Edited by Braniac Woman
  • Love 12

Oh God... I cannot believe how drop-dead gorgeous Theresa looked today. Her hair & makeup was on point! Also for some reason I can't help but stare at her and think of how sexy she is. And those eyes... I can get lost in them forever. Jeez... I feel so stupid for thinking like such a pervert. LOL! Oh boy... And the other day when she was lying on the couch with Brady the day after the engagement, (I think), and she was practically naked? Holy crap! 


I think Gabi is another woman on this show who's also very beautiful and Chloe also appears to fit into that category, but nothing compares to her!

I agree with your post..Jenn Lilley is so beautiful and she can wear any hairstyle and hair color.. I love her the best as a blonde...

  • Love 6

buffynut, don't you dare relocate to Abby-friendlier climes.  We will HUNT YOU DOWN, you're one of us.  I'm enjoying it too.  Watching Abby get all shrieky and realize she's bat shit crazy, well, it's like Christmas and my birthday all rolled into one.  And damn, isn't RSW doing a good job looking dead-eyed and psychotic?  

He really was the perfect guy for Abs.....they should have run off together and opened up a Bates Motel franchise together somewhere, kept the magic alive....sigh.....


What Deimos did is cold!  If he'd done it to Victor I wouldn't have liked it but I could sort of seen that he'd think of it as justice.  Doing it to Maggie, though......nope, not cool.  If Kate sticks with him after this, AND with him jerking her son in the bargain then we're back to Kate and the resident psycho and Kate is too damn entertaining - and scary in her own way - for that.


While I will NEVER say I love Brady - too dumb as a doorknob and mean as a snake for me - I am loving him and Theresa right now.  Brady's dialed back the dumb and the mean lately and he's actually not been a jerk to Theresa in quite some time.  I hope Show can keep him from going backwards.  

Jawn did good with putting Brady's happiness before a little hammer to the head action, much better than Victor's continual sour grapes.  And over what, exactly?  He blames her for Brady's drug use which, while she helped, he's been just fine on doing on his own before.  And he gives her no credit whatsoever since Tate was born.  

I'm thinking now that Deimos has taken over the mansion, he'll be moving in with Brady and Theresa.  That should be fun.....

I wonder if eventually they'll be back at Maggie and Mickey's place.  Maggie had been holding on to the place.


Belle can stick her head in a pickle jar and suck it dry for all I care, what a lying user she is.  I dislike Philip pretty intensely, but he laid it on the line for her and what does she do?  She cherrypicks the bits she wants, then chastises him for wanting more, even though she's been leading him by the....let's say, nose.....in exactly that direction.  

She's not confused, she's not "finding herself", she's a rather dim, very foolish, extremely selfish and narcissitic person intent on getting exactly what she wants when she wants it and to hell with everyone else.  

All she has in her favor is that she's hurting Philip, which is, when all is said and done, a pretty good thing to do.  

But seriously, and I never thought I'd say it, he's TOO GOOD for her.  And he's not too good for an over the hill mollusk.

  • Love 12

Belle doesn't owe a marriage to Philip does she? She said her piece honestly - she likes him but isn't in the right place to commit. If he feels that's unfair, he can break things off with her.

I can't argue that she seems to want everything her way all the time, but still she feels like a believable human being and that's enough for me.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 2

Belle doesn't owe a marriage to Philip does she? She said her piece honestly - she likes him but isn't in the right place to commit. If he feels that's unfair, he can break things off with her.

I can't argue that she seems to want everything her way all the time, but still she feels like a believable human being and that's enough for me.

You're right, of course. She doesn't owe Philip anything other than simple human kindness, something she should have on offer no matter how unworthy the recipient. Even that reptile, Philip.

But for me she's an insufferable, self-centered, manipulative, unpleasant, juvenile, selfish, lying sack of ... over-processed bag of hair masquerading as a human being. For me, she's the embodiment of a grating, self-absorbed, cruel manipulator.

Other than that I find her charming.

  • Love 9

It doesn't even seem like Belle cares that much about Phillip. I get the impression that she just wants sex and enjoys the fact that someone other than her awful and worthless ex husband is interested in her. And while she doesn't owe Phillip anything, she knows he wants a relationship with her and she's playing into that even though she doesn't appear to be interested in more than just a good time. Very Failure-like behavior.

  • Love 6

You're right, of course. She doesn't owe Philip anything other than simple human kindness, something she should have on offer no matter how unworthy the recipient. Even that reptile, Philip.

But for me she's an insufferable, self-centered, manipulative, unpleasant, juvenile, selfish, lying sack of ... over-processed bag of hair masquerading as a human being. For me, she's the embodiment of a grating, self-absorbed, cruel manipulator.

Other than that I find her charming.

You make me giggle. Always.

  • Love 3

Oh no, please stay, we need the snark :):)  I'm enjoying the "Abby goes crazy" story as well---Chad is being wonderfully supportive and BF is playing the crap out of it but I'm also enjoying watching KM try and "act" and anything that makes Abs unhappy is a wonderful thing :):)


Thanks. :)  


Is Chad running Dimeria Industries? You know, when he isn't taking care of plot point baby and babysitting Failure.


I assume Andre escaped off screen like Sami.


I haven't seen Chad do work of any kind since that board meeting when Stefano came back and kicked Kate out.  And, yes, Andre just dropped off screen like Sami and Eve.


buffynut, don't you dare relocate to Abby-friendlier climes.  We will HUNT YOU DOWN, you're one of us.  I'm enjoying it too.  Watching Abby get all shrieky and realize she's bat shit crazy, well, it's like Christmas and my birthday all rolled into one.  And damn, isn't RSW doing a good job looking dead-eyed and psychotic?  



Thanks. :)   I'm loving have RSW back too.


But for me she's an insufferable, self-centered, manipulative, unpleasant, juvenile, selfish, lying sack of ... over-processed bag of hair masquerading as a human being. For me, she's the embodiment of a grating, self-absorbed, cruel manipulator.

Other than that I find her charming.


I really am not liking Belle at all. She has moments that I think she's almost likable, then I go back to disliking her even more. Not sure if it's the writing or actor, but sometimes I feel like I dislike her more than Abigail, and that CANNOT be a good thing!

  • Love 3

I haven't seen Chad do work of any kind since that board meeting when Stefano came back and kicked Kate out. And, yes, Andre just dropped off screen like Sami and Eve.

Eve, we knew was leaving. Sami disappeared but AS only signed for a 2 months. Andre is in jail. I'm hoping something interesting happens in May Sweeps where he could get out of lock up.

  • Love 1

But why wasn't Maggie holding on to the railing on her way up the stairs?  And was Deimos hiding outside in the bushes with a baby monitor just waiting for something to happen?  Is there a lot of giggling and snickering in the writer's room?  


I love a good old-fashioned tale of someone losing their mind.  If only it was in the hand's of a capable actress.  It's just not as fun when I have to make myself get goosebumps at all the right moments.  

  • Love 2

I really liked KM's work yesterday (dodging tomatoes) -- maybe some of Billy's charisma is helping her out, but I believed her fear and self-doubt. I've never had a hallucination during a panic attack, but the essence of them for me is skewed reality, so I bought it. Maybe I just empathize with her plight. (Thankfully my panic attack days are well over...)


Brady and Theresa were lovely together yesterday. I covet the robe she wore in front of the fireplace. Of course it won't last long, but their affair is fun to watch, with all the lightness and humor. And that girl does have the prettiest doe eyes. 


Belle -- blech, again. 

  • Love 4

Today's observation..

Ed has left the hospital. Seems like hes skipping town.

Abifail hears a knock on the door. She goes to foyer and opens door, it's Ben. It's a dream. A real knock on the door, Chase has been captured by security. Chad wants to know why he isn't in lock up.

Hope and Rafe are at the office. Apparently Chase was bailed out by a high powered attorney. (You all should see my face). Chase's bail hearing was pushed up so Ciara and Hope wouldn't be there. Rafe has no idea how Chase got the money, Hope tries texts Ciara but it's too late. Ciara comes in and pissed. Ciara doing that growling acting *rolleyes* this acting is driving me crazy.

Chad and Chase are outside. Chad is questioning him. Apparently Chase thought Andre would be bailed out too. Mhmm. Chad removes Chase from the premises.

Abifail just asked a good question is everything bad happening to us at the same time? Chad asks if she has slept much? she says not since she was pregnant.

This CiEra is gonna make me throw up. Why haven't they recasted this girl yet? I'm sorry to those that like this Vivian Jovanni, but grr, her acting still is painful to watch. She needs to be Drew Garrett'd.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 6

Man, how long are these Abigail hallucinations going to happen?


"I know you're back on the police force."  Uh, yeah, mami, you went there and saw him.


Camila has been such a better actress since she came back.


Dario is a bit of a hypocrite considering he's a con man.


Abigail is yelling and the guards don't come running?

  • Love 7

No more Ciara, please!! I can't take it anymore.  Why did they have to destroy Chase like that? These writers have some strange ideas as to what's entertaining.  He was a cute little kid a year ago and now he's a rapist turned thief.


This show will never be good again.  Maybe that's negative thinking, but I just can't see how anything will turn around.  We now have the Hernandez family speaking a little Spanish to each other without any subtitles.  A little help here for the non-bilingual, please!!


My reaction to all of this is the same as Auntie Viv Alamain's:



  • Love 4

I turned the TV off after a few minutes...did Deimos totally tell Kate that he poisoned Maggie? And did she stay in a relationship with him afterwards? I'd like to think Kate would have kicked him in the nuts...

Wow! at times, the writers take Kate too far..She was so much warmer  and sympathetic during the Deborah Adair days..She made me like Victor for a brief time...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 2

I turned the TV off after a few minutes...did Deimos totally tell Kate that he poisoned Maggie? And did she stay in a relationship with him afterwards? I'd like to think Kate would have kicked him in the nuts...


Yup.  And then Kate told him about once poisoning a woman who had her claws into Lucas, and how Stefano backmailed her into marrying him and that Victor laughed at her, so she was fine with everything Deimos did to Victor.  Granted she doesn't know Maggie is paralyzed, but not sure at this point if she'd care.

  • Love 1

I turned the TV off after a few minutes...did Deimos totally tell Kate that he poisoned Maggie? And did she stay in a relationship with him afterwards? I'd like to think Kate would have kicked him in the nuts...


Kate was pretty nonchalant about Deimos poisoning Maggie, which I found surprising. She mentioned poisoning Chloe and then being forced to marry Stefano and how Victor found the situation to be funny. She's enjoying the fact that Victor is suffering. I guess somewhat to her credit is the fact that she thinks Maggie will be ok after receiving the antidote. Still, I know she can be a sociopath but she generally only goes after people who she feels has wronged her or her kids. I expected her to be at least a little appalled that he poisoned an innocent woman. Deimos invited her to pick out a bedroom (I guess to move into) and he followed her up the stairs, presumably to have sex. She was initially worried that Victor would eventually retaliate but Deimos told her Victor had been de-fanged and she apparently is stupid enough to believe that. I'm starting to hate her again.

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 7

Kate was pretty nonchalant about Deimos poisoning Maggie, which I found surprising. She mentioned poisoning Chloe and then being forced to marry Stefano and how Victor found the situation to be funny. She's enjoying the fact that Victor is suffering. I guess somewhat to her credit is the fact that she thinks Maggie will be ok after receiving the antidote. Still, I know she can be a sociopath but she generally only goes after people who she feels has wronged her or her kids. I expected her to be at least a little appalled that he poisoned an innocent woman. Deimos invited her to pick out a bedroom (I guess to move into) and he followed her up the stairs, presumably to have sex. She was initially worried that Victor would eventually retaliate but Deimos told her Victor had been de-fanged and she apparently is stupid enough to believe that. I'm starting to hate her again.

The show was pretty good at showing Kate's fierce protection of her family came from being a victim of domestic violence and not protecting Austin and Billie from their father Curtis...Now she is just evil for no reason....

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 3

Kate was pretty nonchalant about Deimos poisoning Maggie, which I found surprising. She mentioned poisoning Chloe and then being forced to marry Stefano and how Victor found the situation to be funny. She's enjoying the fact that Victor is suffering. I guess somewhat to her credit is the fact that she thinks Maggie will be ok after receiving the antidote. Still, I know she can be a sociopath but she generally only goes after people who she feels has wronged her or her kids. I expected her to be at least a little appalled that he poisoned an innocent woman. Deimos invited her to pick out a bedroom (I guess to move into) and he followed her up the stairs, presumably to have sex. She was initially worried that Victor would eventually retaliate but Deimos told her Victor had been de-fanged and she apparently is stupid enough to believe that. I'm starting to hate her again.

...if I was feeling generous I might say that this ties nicely into Kate's frustration with Victor back during the Stefano Memorial episode... But yeah, this seems exceptionally evil of her. I didn't think the show could make her seem dumber then she was during her relationship with Clyde, but apparently they are trying. Kate knows Victor well enough that there will be hell to pay for this...why wouldn't she stay out of it? Moving into the mansion like she has nowhere to live before the dust has settled, and with a guy this unstable??! Come ON, show - Kate ain't that lovesick OR stupid. And isn't Caroline supposedly living there?

What were Kate's reasons for poisoning Chloe? How did that plotline wrap up? did Chloe ever get revenge on Kate?

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 3

...if I was feeling generous I might say that this ties nicely into Kate's frustration with Victor back during the Stefano Memorial episode... But yeah, this seems exceptionally evil of her. I didn't think the show could make her seem dumber then she was during her relationship with Clyde, but apparently they are trying. Kate knows Victor well enough that there will be hell to pay for this...why wouldn't she stay out of it? Moving into the mansion like she has nowhere to live before the dust has settled, and with a guy this unstable??! Come ON, show - Kate ain't that lovesick OR stupid. And isn't Caroline supposedly living there?

What were Kate's reasons for poisoning Chloe? How did that plotline wrap up? did Chloe ever get revenge on Kate?

Chloe cheated on Lucas with the Tan man.....Chloe never made sense with Lucas..Lumi should have stayed together and defeated EJ. A Philip/Chloe/Brady love triangle was the way to go, it is rooted in history..Chloe is the only woman that Brady had scorching chemistry with..That brief scene between them when Eric Marstolf took over the role was hot...The writers changed gears and we had Lucas/Chloe...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 2

I do wonder what sort of street pills  are something that small time dealer Rory got a hold of AND that only Deimos has the antidote to?


Victor wants a scotch and soda so Brady says he'll go get him one at TBD.  They have alcoholic drinks to go?


I do hope Victor gets his revenge.


It's kinda creepy that Kate gets turned on by Deimos's talk of poisoning innocent people.

  • Love 4


What were Kate's reasons for poisoning Chloe? How did that plotline wrap up? did Chloe ever get revenge on Kate?


Chloe cheated on Lucas with Dan. Kate found out and poisoned her. I think she actually poisoned her slowly over a period of time. She planned to frame Dan for the murder. I don't remember how it became known that Kate tried to kill Chloe but it's common knowledge. Somehow Stefano acquired evidence and said he wouldn't give it to the cops if she married him. No, no one ever tried to get revenge. And it should be noted that Kate trying to kill Chloe was especially cold since Chloe had donated bone marrow to her when she had lung cancer. 

  • Love 4

Chloe cheated on Lucas with Dan. Kate found out and poisoned her. I think she actually poisoned her slowly over a period of time. She planned to frame Dan for the murder. I don't remember how it became known that Kate tried to kill Chloe but it's common knowledge. Somehow Stefano acquired evidence and said he wouldn't give it to the cops if she married him. No, no one ever tried to get revenge. And it should be noted that Kate trying to kill Chloe was especially cold since Chloe had donated bone marrow to her when she had lung cancer. 

She also kidnapped the Tan man to keep him quiet,  when he discovered that she poisoned Chloe....

Chloe and Dan made no sense to me! Chloe and Lucas were a bit of a mismatch too. They at least looked good together : )

Lucas on paper is a good enough catch he's a caring father, has a good sense of humor, a hard worker, and can be romantic. It is crazy the network gets tons of tweets and emails (see it with my own eyes) about Lucas and yet they refuse to give him story.

  • Love 5

Victor can't sit in a hospital room without a drink?  Wrong for a number of reasons.  I've always been bothered the alcohol flows so freely in front of Maggie, who will never stop hauling people off to meetings.


Steve and Kayla.  That's the way a loving, mature couple deals with a difficult situation.  Chili, cornbread, beer and dancing like there's no tomorrow.  Then you have Crabs who think the best way to handle a young woman who is hallucinating and generally losing her crackers is to have garden sex.  Yuk.  For a number of reasons. Not the least of which it makes Chad look like he's having sex with the psycho he's babysitting.  And who parks a baby outside on a chilly spring night while having said garden sex? 


I'm liking the Hernandi as a group and I'm enjoying every bit of Spanish we get.  I've always liked Gabi separately however. She was damned funny freaking out over dumping Nick in the river so I feel like her acting chops were always there.  

Edited by QuelleC
  • Love 9
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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