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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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Is it just me, or is the entire show exceptionally dark lately? Not in content but actually physically dark? It seems like it's always night with people creeping around Murder Park and Horton Square.  The "high school" has really weird dark lighting.  The one-guest-fits-all hotel room and wherever it is Theresa and Brady live seems very dim. Even Hope's house pre-fire seemed dark.


Maybe the budget doesn't allow for adequate lighting.

I watched this episode based on the comments you guys made. I guess I'm back in because if I tape, I can ff through the things I have no interest in, as opposed to being forced to watch the scenes on line.

I loved Doug and Julie and the pictures of the couples -- could have done without the continued prop of the Tan Diety -- I loved the inclusion of Pete and Melissa and Mickey and Maggie.

I want SWMNBN real-life dead, not soap dead. TB as this character brings absolutely nothing to the show, rather, she ruins everything. I would like Kayla to be able to beat the living crap out of SWMNBN and then for her to be killed by someone else. Believing Kayla is guilty, Steve should take the blame to protect her, this might cause me to soften towards his character, because right now, I'm just not feeling the love anymore.

So Ciara thinks the bland nothing that is Chase is a dangerous choice? I bet she'd think the cops would be out to get her if she ate a sandwich with a condiment other than mayo.

The end of the episode actually encapsulates all that is currently wrong with the show. You have Doug, Julie, Ciara, Theo, Abby, Chad, Steve, Kayla, Theresa, Brady (and slightly off to the side you have Hope and Rafe) all in the same place, some less than ten feet from one another and no one is acknowledged. If I were a new viewer, I would not see people who are actually related, or who have known and been close to one another for decades, and in some instances lifetimes; I would see a group,of strangers occupying the same space. Days was always about families, friendships and connections yet all of that was ignored in the final moment in the town square.

Edited by Happytobehere
  • Love 5

Concept episodes can be fun, but what was that mess?  Just when I was starting to get back into the Steve/Kayla/Ava mess this week -- Steve's rejection of Ava on Monday was classic, and the scenes on Thursday when he got back to town actually started to give a little depth back to this shabby plot -- that weird dream episode pulled me out again.  I think as a Steve and Kayla fan I was supposed to enjoy them getting the upper hand, but it's really time for the tables to turn in the actual story.  Wasted ep.


And I couldn't put my finger on why the last scene in the square seemed off to me, but I agree with Happytobehere.  It was artificial to see everyone in the same space and not interacting.  It reminded me of one of the mimed opening ceremony numbers at the Sochi Olympics.

But I thought the last scene was staged that way on purpose, as a followup to Ciara's dream sequence where the 4th wall was broken to include us. It reminded me of Our Town or any play that stages little vignettes across the stage. It was kind of a throwaway episode in terms of furthering the plots, but it exposed some inner anxieties and fears and added some satisfying winks to the audience (Ciara's "it seems like yesterday, when we were 10" and Kayla's doing away with Ava once and for all). 

  • Love 11

Oh, right, I forgot about the fire. And since it just happened like two days ago that kind of says a lot about the state of the current storytelling. A house fire should be a big fucking deal, not something that barely registers.

Had it not been for the concept episode on Friday the house fire episode would had been on yesterday.

They wanted to do an episode of "romance" but it was corny. Again they done better if they wanted to do a romantic episode they should had just had the actual couples. Doug/Julie, Jawn/Marlena, Steve/Kayla, JJ/Gabi, Brady/Theresa and Chad/Abifail. I don't like some of these couples but the show could had focused on them and ignored the current storylines for one day. Then to play little devil's advocate that's probably why they had a weird episode with Daniel, Ava, Andre and dark Chad. Soap fans today have short term memory alot of times when it comes to storylines so if you take a break and do a Vday episode fans might come back on Monday and be like "Ok whats going on again" So I see why they did the episode the way they did but the execution was poor.

But I thought the last scene was staged that way on purpose, as a followup to Ciara's dream sequence where the 4th wall was broken to include us. It reminded me of Our Town or any play that stages little vignettes across the stage. It was kind of a throwaway episode in terms of furthering the plots, but it exposed some inner anxieties and fears and added some satisfying winks to the audience (Ciara's "it seems like yesterday, when we were 10" and Kayla's doing away with Ava once and for all).

See your explanation is better than mine Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 3

But I thought the last scene was staged that way on purpose, as a followup to Ciara's dream sequence where the 4th wall was broken to include us. It reminded me of Our Town or any play that stages little vignettes across the stage. It was kind of a throwaway episode in terms of furthering the plots, but it exposed some inner anxieties and fears and added some satisfying winks to the audience (Ciara's "it seems like yesterday, when we were 10" and Kayla's doing away with Ava once and for all).

I think you are giving the creative minds behind this show way more credit than they deserve and their displayed talent warrants.

  • Love 3

It's way too soon for Jenn to be a pill-popper. Given her car accident, she should be having physiotherapy sessions right now. And most likely wearing some sort of back support device.


Hope's home probably needs a few days of an ozone machine to remove the smoke smell and some minor renovations to fix and paint the walls.

  • Love 2

It's way too soon for Jenn to be a pill-popper. Given her car accident, she should be having physiotherapy sessions right now. And most likely wearing some sort of back support device.


Hope's home probably needs a few days of an ozone machine to remove the smoke smell and some minor renovations to fix and paint the walls.


All those years with Abigail have made her ripe for some sort of mind altering substance.  Just imagine having to stare at that puss day in, day out, watch her pouch out her kangaroo face while announcing how she's the prettiest at the ball.


One pill makes you larger

And one pill makes you small

And the ones that mother gives you

Don't do anything at all

Go ask Alice

When she's ten feet tall


I'm liking Jenn a lot right now.  Who knew?

  • Love 9

I was hoping their valentine's day episode didn't just focus on romance. Why not do family vignettes or even vignettes with friends. It's a shame the show hasent had ava and Nicole really interact. With daniel gone, I could have seen nicole Re embrace her dark side with ava there to help/support her. Given Ava something else to do then be a thorn in Steve and Kaylas side (which didn't ava kind of move on from them and briefly date John and befriend nicole before leaving?)


  • Love 2

Today's episode did the unthinkable--other characters were brought into existing storylines in a realistic was.  Let me explain:  Maggie went to Brady and explained that she's worried about Victor, worried about Phillip's betrayal and worried about Deimos, so now we have Brady knowing the details and he'll be getting involved soon--nice :)


I also like that Nicole/Theresa friendship and I appreciate that Theresa is trying to be supportive even if she's coming off a little heavy handed.  


Belle's kind of unpleasant and Abby-esque--that being said, I kind of want her to fall of a cliff and while I can understand her anger at Lani's sticking her nose into her and Shawn's business, Belle just compounded it by asking Lani to pass on an extremely bitchy and passive aggressive message to Shawn and of course the person she is focusing on now will be Phillip because God forbid it should be her own daughter.

Edited by kitmerlot1213
  • Love 4

Belle truly is a piece of work. There has been literally nothing about her that is likable since her return. She and Philip are perfect for each other because they are both bottom feeders. Hopefully Claire can flee Belle and go live with her father. That's her only chance of developing into a human being.

I want someone to question Marlena because she has two daughters and both have proven to be delights. Since they have different fathers, the common denominator is Marlena and I say this as someone who loves Marlena.

The Taniel prop never ends. Do we need to be subjected to the world grieving over him for the rest of the year. Bo, Will, Paige, Alice Horton and Shawn Brady combined weren't as mourned as Saint Taniel.

  • Love 5

I am really disliking Lani today.  It's none of her business telling Belle to resolve her marital problems with Shawn.  It's none of her damn business, pure and simple.  Lani is not Shawn's relative or his boss, Shawn's love life is none of her business.  I liked how Belle told off Lani, but I didn't like that Belle told Lani to tell Shawn that Belle and Shawn are totally over.  Like I said, it's none of Lani's damn business.  Lani didn't seem too disturbed after Belle walked out of the room, which leads me to think that Lani may have provoked Belle deliberately.  I think Lani wants Shawn for herself and this argument is the perfect way to drive Belle and Shawn further apart.


How does Eduardo know John?  They were awfully chummy today.  Could someone tell me how Ed met up with John again in Salem?


Philip's shitty last week seems to be continuing to this week.  He gets yelled at by Belle's overprotective father, John, sees his mom having a cozy lunch with wicked Deimos at the restaurant and even shittier, Belle just dumped him right in the town center of Salem.  I don't want to feel sorry for Philip.  I never really liked Philip, the spoiled rich son of arrogant Victor Kiriakis who keeps on making bad decisions, like trying to possess Belle and Claire years ago.  But damn, I do feel sorry for him now!  Philip seems to be falling in love with Belle, but like the old days, Belle dumps him again.  Poor little rich boy!


I like the scenes with Nicole and Teresa.  Nicole is still grieving over Dan and Teresa tries to make things better but makes things worse instead.  The scenes felt very real.  I like the hug Teresa gave to Nicole.  I hope they will continue on with their friendship and their business partnership.  I think they both need good friends because it seems that these women don't have any other friendships.


I like the scenes of Maggie talking to Brady about Deimos and Philip talking to Ed.  I think it's because I so rarely see them have scenes together.  But then, I only shortly started watching DOOL again so I may have missed other scenes in the past.

  • Love 5

I am really disliking Lani today. It's none of her business telling Belle to resolve her marital problems with Shawn. It's none of her damn business, pure and simple. Lani is not Shawn's relative or his boss, Shawn's love life is none of her business. I liked how Belle told off Lani, but I didn't like that Belle told Lani to tell Shawn that Belle and Shawn are totally over. Like I said, it's none of Lani's damn business. Lani didn't seem too disturbed after Belle walked out of the room, which leads me to think that Lani may have provoked Belle deliberately. I think Lani wants Shawn for herself and this argument is the perfect way to drive Belle and Shawn further apart.

I need a good ole soapy death with Lani or send her back to her mom's in Florida. Please Josh Griffith toss me a bone and eliminate this character. I want her gone soooo bad. She's like the leech you can't get rid of.

  • Love 2


How does Eduardo know John?  They were awfully chummy today.  Could someone tell me how Ed met up with John again in Salem?


Eduardo worked for the same agency John did.  He, too, like John, is trying to get out.  Somebody in the agency ordered him to kill John because they didn't want John poking into his past, but Eduardo said no, and told John what was up.



I need a good ole soapy death with Lani or send her back to her mom's in Florida. Please Josh Griffith toss me a bone and eliminate this character. I want her gone soooo bad. She's like the leech you can't get rid of.


I like Lani.


They named their new fashion line after Daniel?  Hurl.


Daniel has a wife and it's not the dream girl?


John needs Philip to check who called Malcolm?  John has no connections in the spy community?

  • Love 2

JPL looks a 100% better with his haircut. Of course, this took 5 months to fix due the taping schedule. Hopefully, the taping schedule will be one the changes made since DOOL was renewed. Are the writers trying to make Belle unlikable? They certainly are doing a bang up job in doing so. I was actually impressed that Brady had a scar. I'm sure it will be gone in a few months but at least they were a little realistic.

I agree that the show had a different tone & feel about it. There were a lot of pair ups of characters that never really interacted before. At least, it was something new. Finally, does Suzanne Rogers have an awesome body or what? She was wearing the skinniest jeans (slacks) today and looked awesomely coordinated with her gray jacket. Simply smashing!

Edited by ByaNose
  • Love 4

I missed the first bit of today's show, but what I did see felt "different".  Kind of like how the late August / early September shows had a different feel to them. That was the feeling I had today.

I noticed that too. More interesting camera angles was part of it.

Yay for Philip getting a haircut!

  • Love 2

Today's episode did the unthinkable--other characters were brought into existing storylines in a realistic was.  Let me explain:  Maggie went to Brady and explained that she's worried about Victor, worried about Phillip's betrayal and worried about Deimos, so now we have Brady knowing the details and he'll be getting involved soon--nice :)


I also like that Nicole/Theresa friendship and I appreciate that Theresa is trying to be supportive even if she's coming off a little heavy handed.  


Belle's kind of unpleasant and Abby-esque--that being said, I kind of want her to fall of a cliff and while I can understand her anger at Lani's sticking her nose into her and Shawn's business, Belle just compounded it by asking Lani to pass on an extremely bitchy and passive aggressive message to Shawn and of course the person she is focusing on now will be Phillip because God forbid it should be her own daughter.


All of the above!  Great post.


Today was a good start to the week, all the way through.  Show has several strong storylines right now, so if I'm not fond of the Rafe/Hope or the Chad/Teletubbie one, then we have the Deimos, Nicole/Brady/Theresa/DeadGuyWhoWon'tGoAway one.  Oh, and Belle and her hand puppet.


Deimos came in strong and is just getting stronger.  And in the process, refanging Victor and illuminating his dark side.  I love it all.   I've enjoyed Victor the Grump these past few years when he was mostly tellihg Brady what an idiot he was, grew less enamored with the way he went after Theresa and pretty much any woman he didn't like, so having Bad Victor back, at least on some level is good news to me.  

Vincent Irrizary is making Deimos must-see tv for me.  Whatever his plan is, whoever he's going after, I can't get enough.  Great pickup in this guy.  Show is playing fast and loose with the Kiriakis family tree but in this case I'm fine with it.  BTW, it looks to me like trouble coming between Maggie and Victor, not because of Caroline, but because of Victor's machinations.  I like that better.


My apologies to those of you who like him, but John Paul Lumpaleer is getting more tickish, more dickish, more "Gee, Oy Lyke It Too!" Irish Spring demented leprecaun every single day.  I'm glad he's gotten rid of the Veronica Lake hair do but he still twitches, gives the open mouthed gasp, flutters those eyelashes everytime he speaks and then speaks rapidly, his voice rising to Mickey Mouse levels.  And that's on one of his good days.  

Belle is repellent, but she seems at least a generation older than him.  He seems pre-adolescent, with all the sex appeal of a Nickelodeon fan.  I was waiting for Jawn to pat him on the head and send him home to bed.


I'm cautiously enjoying, or prepared to enjoy, Jawn working with Eduardo.  I'll probably regret what I just wrote by the end of the week.


Count me in the Lani corner.  She was butting in, no doubt, but finally somebody told Belle off.  Too bad she didn't give her a swirly while doing so.  The whole "we need a forensics guy who is at the top of his game" dialogue was pretty lame, though.  


BEST for me, hands down, were Theresa and Nicole.  A female friendship again, finally, between equals of sorts.  And between two "bad" girls, reformed or not, instead of one bad girl being the acolyte of Jenn or some saint.  Theresa got too bossy but at least she did so because she cares.  I wonder if Ann will be around at all, with the new company?  I hope so, love me some Ann.


Show needs to stop with the "You saved me" crap to Brady from Theresa, though.  He didn't do any such thing.  I think I can enjoy Brady as long as Show doesn't try and make him into some sort of damn hero and savior of the little wimmins nonsense.  Because, seriously, Show, Brady???  He's got all the intelligence of 20 watt bulb.

  • Love 9

I need a good ole soapy death with Lani or send her back to her mom's in Florida. Please Josh Griffith toss me a bone and eliminate this character. I want her gone soooo bad. She's like the leech you can't get rid of.


Yes! I really enjoyed today's episode but Lani is Days' own personal Gladys Kravitz and she needs to go - NOW! 


I enjoyed the teen-free scenes as well as the lack of paranoid Hope and demented Winnie the Pooh Andre.  Rafe doesn't bother me much, but Hope is getting really irritating.  Same with Belle, but I appreciated her telling off Lani today.


I see that the nightclub has made a return, but for breakfast? That was a little weird, but Deimos is wonderful.  Finally we have a real villain who is not a DiMera! I am forever burnt out on DiMeras.

Edited by Polaris
  • Love 5

I enjoyed the teen-free scenes as well as the lack of paranoid Hope and demented Winnie the Pooh Andre. Rafe doesn't bother me much, but Hope is getting really irritating. Same with Belle, but I appreciated her telling off Lani today.

Really? Considering Rafe has covered up two murders and Hope told him not to be involved he's way more bothersome because hes clingy and doesn't give Hope enough space to breathe. That's the good thing about his family being soon implemented into the show, he have more interaction with them instead of always at Hope’s every scene.

But I'm hollin Glady Kravitz about Lani. Lani just needs to watch her place. Belle might be an ass to Shawn but until Shelle sign divorce papers she has no business being in Belle's grill telling her about her marriage. I hate when non married wo/men got the nerve to give martial advice. And considering Lani has been in Salem like 2 weeks because of the shitty timeline, who is she again, shes still irrelevant. Like bitch get you some business and have a sit!

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 1

Okay, I was off the show for like two weeks, so the Lani and Belle scene made no sense to me. Have Lani and Shawn been shown to have a relationship of some sort, not meaning sexual, and has Lani interacted with Belle in such a way that would warrant/justify her being up in Belle's business. If the answers to these questions is no, Lani needs to mind her own business. Why doesn't she go back to throwing herself at Rafe even though he clearly couldn't care less about her if he tried. Speaking of Lani, given this show's racial tendencies, who will she date? She is related to both Abe and Theo. Will they make her the show's asexual buttinsky/busybody?

  • Love 1

I actually wouldn't mind if Eduardo and Deimos were fighting over Jennifer instead of Kate. Too bad Jennifer got a bad back and pill popping. MR has a Santa Barbara connection with AM and she very well have a connection with VI. If Jennifer could save Jack from from complete ruins than she could do it for Deimos.

  • Love 2

Seg 1

Abifail is scared to death.

Jennifer is working. That set though has been used by everyone, lol. The drugs makimg her grouchy.

Hope doesn't regret killing Stefano today. She's disappointed she didn't do it 10 yrs ago.

Flashback scenes of Ciara and Chase.

Andre and Chase in park, Andre is still feeding him. Lort kid is stupid.

Hope has a bright idea.

Seg 3

Gabi and JJ are at the THS. JJ and Abifail have thw same argument. Abifail has the 4th wall breaking from the Vday episode she worried Dark Chad will happen. Abifail informs JJ about the eloping. JJ believes Jenn won't approve.

Ciara is home early from school. She tells Hope she might have chased Chase away from home.

Ms Andre is dropping the Aiden bombs again to rain Chase in again.

Seg 5

Hope bust in with Chase situation. She wants to file missing person's. Hope is telling Roman she wants to file another report on Andre.

Ciara is at THS with Theo. Theo doesn't understand why she cares about Chase. Ciara tries to explain and Theo gets loud again.

Andre is going to get Chase a hotel or something to crash. Chase, are you really this stupid?

Seg 6

Abigail brings in the press release to Jennifer. Jennifer tells her it's her choice if she wants to keep working or not. Abigail isn't telling her fear of marrying Chad.

Hope is talking to Roman about her life is a mess and she doesn't know wherr to start.

Abigail calls Chad about it not being a good idea to elope. Rafe brings a search warrant. Chad is cool with them searching the house. Chad though drops it om him that Andre believes he and Hope are why Stefano is dead.

Final Segment

Chase is eating at the hotel. Lmfao.

Ciara and Theo are talking. They having a cute moment.

Hope is breakdown about losing Bo (ABOUT FUCKING TIME I THINK BETH MILSTEIN IS WRITING). Roman believes the only why to make her feel better is get her job back on the force.

Rafe finds Bo's gun.


Ok is it just me or is the dialogue getting better the last two episodes. I don't want to toot my horn. But these episodes aren't feeling like Higleyvision.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 1

Rafe will never let Andre shoot Hope.  Is he going to bodyguard her 24/7?


For a new mother who's about to get married, Abigail is certainly miserable.


I guess those Valentine's Day fantasies were not just one-offs, if Abigail is still remembering her dream.


Hope is so self-involved, she didn't even know Chase was gone.  How long ago was the fire in Salem time?


I wonder what rock Andre is sleeping under now that he's banned from the DiMera mansion.

  • Love 3

postpartum? She is acting strange even for her JMHO.

thinking about it everything she went through with Ben she should be acting I don't know ... not happy????

She seems to be afraid about Chad and the house. She thinks the house will turn him into a "True Dimera" and that he might turn into control freak. It goes back to the VDay episode, the 4th wall is breaking down.

Plus it's funny she's worried about Chad possibly wanting her to sign a prenup too. Hmm.

  • Love 2
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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