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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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Justin's reasoning was complete bullshit but I still love that Sonny's mother tried to act so aghast when he handed her divorce papers. What the hell did she think was going to happen? She could keep fucking Lucas while staying at the Kiriakis mansion and not have to bother herself with a divorce? Get out of here with that crap. You want to hump Lucas? Fine. Sign the divorce papers and them remove you and your belongings from the Kiriakis mansion. She's so stupid and ridiculous. Victor should have already had her crap thrown out on the lawn in plastic bags.


It's amazing how thoroughly the writers have destroyed Wilson and Will in particular.


What was with the Sparkle and Sonny convo? Is Sparkle finally starting to get over his obsession with Sonny?  


I'm so sick of people's obsession with Abifail. Now Clyde is bugging Stefano's home, not because he wants to get the goods on his rival, but because he wants to figure out what Stefano and Chad are up to regarding Abifail. Ridiculous. 

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 7

7/2/2015 Recap :)



Justin enters Vic's living room when the door slams and Adrienne storms in and doesn't like Justin dropping the bomb of a divorce and Justin says she's having an affair and rubbing his face in it so she shouldn't be shocked that he filed for divorce. Adrienne says there's no discussion or anything and says that Justin doesn't get to set it off in motion because he started the whole thing. Justin says he was miles away and intended on it being just an affair unlike what Adrienne is doing. They argue some more with Adrienne saying that Sonny was stabbed and she couldn't get Justin out of Elsa's bed which Justin says he took the first flight out but Adrienne counters that Justin came back when he found out not immediately. Adrienne also says that he wasn't around for Sonny which Justin says that Sonny went to Arizona and Adrienne says that she was here in Salem and Justin says that Lucas was around and Adrienne says that she wasn't with him yet. Just says that he sensed something was going on with them and he also says that he's in Salem now for good and that Adrienne can only humiliate him for so long and walks out.


Hope is at Vic's and telling Justin that Clyde is with Stefano and wants him to tell Victor. Justin says he'll pass the message on. Hope asks about his marriage and Justin says that he and Adrienne are heading down the same road as her and Bo and Hope asks if Adrienne wants the divorce. Justin says he filed for divorce and that Lucas is making her happy. Hope apologizes and thought that those two could work their way through anything. Hope tells him not to do anything out of anger as it never helps and Justin says it's too late.



Kate has a proposition for Lucas which Lucas wonders why would he accept and Kate says she knows that Lucas loves his son. Lucas thought that Kate wanted to discuss business which Kate does and says talking about it could risk her job cause it's about Paul. Lucas says Kate is giving him Paul and what does that mean and Kate talks about Paul being spokesperson for them but feels he be a better fit for Countess W. Lucas wants to know why and Kate says that Paul will be in San Francisco for Countess W and will stay in Salem if he stays with Mad World and he won't interfere in Sonny & Will's marriage. Lucas declines the offer and was thinking about accepting Paul for one second but says he's now thinking like Kate.


Lucas says that Kate almost got him and Kate says it's about Will and Lucas says they'll be interfering. Lucas says Will needs to work on his marriage by himself. Kate says Justin is pushing this job and inserting himself in their marriage and Lucas says he's not fighting with Justin and not wasting his time on it. Kate says that Lucas is wasting his time on Adrienne and Lucas knew Kate would go there and tells her that he hopes Justin doesn't find out what she's doing and walks off. Kate grabs her purse and angrily storms off.



Marlena enters Sonny & Will's apartment and ask how he's doing and Will thinks Marlena was sent by someone which Marlena denies and Will says he screwed up and may lose Sonny. Marlena says she's heard that for the past few months and that Will acknowledged what he did. Will says Sonny found out about the Dr. Myers article. Mar wants to know if Dr. Myers set that up as she will turn him over to the board which Will says he didn't and that he offered it.  Mar says Sonny couldn't be this upset about an article which Will confesses to having an affair with another man.


Will says it was one guy and slipped to the guy that Sonny was the only man he slept with and how the guy just kept going after him and wouldn't leave him alone because he was hot and talented. Mar asks if it was once and Will says yes and avoided him after that and the studio fired him after that. Will is relieved that it's over and buried. Mar asks if he would have told Sonny and Will says yes but it just happened once and wouldn't happen again. Mar says it did because he came back to Salem and slept with Paul. Will thinks Mar is calling him a slut and Mar says she's stating a fact. Mar says that Will needs to talk to someone and Will says he is but Mar is talking about a professional. Will knows it's a mistake and Will receives a text from Kate that Sonny is on his way home and isn't happy. Mar tells Will to stay calm and listen to Sonny on everything that he has to say before reacting. They say their goodbyes and Marlena leaves.


Sonny arrives home and Sonny says he wants to talk and Will says about Paul as he knows that Sonny was with him. Sonny asks if Will is having him followed and Will says a friend told him and Sonny doesn't want to talk about Paul. Will goes to declare his love for Sonny. Sonny says that Will could have handled things better and says that he could have handled things better himself. Will says Sonny hasn't done anything and that he's perfect. Sonny says Paul said something he's known for quite a while and things that are going on between them is his fault and not Will's (last scene of the day).



Sonny and Rafe are at TBD making small talk when Paul enters but then leaves and hangs out in front of TBD until he sees Rafe leaving and enters TBD and tells Sonny that he has to talk to him. Sonny says he's not going to talk about his marriage but Paul thinks it's more about him and could help his marriage. Paul brings up his conversation with Derrick and he wants Sonny to hear him out.


They walk outside to the front of TBD and Paul talks about his conversation with Derrick about settling down with children. Paul says he loves and wants to be with Sonny and if Sonny was free he couldn't get married yet and how focused he was on getting Sonny because of something with coming out and whatnot and Sonny says he thinks that's what's wrong with Will, he missed a step. 


Kate is now at TBD needing a double and she looks out the window to see Sonny & Paul talking. Outside Paul says that he gets Will about what happened between them and Sonny says he doesn't need to explain and gets it and says he has to get back to work. Sonny goes back in and tells his worker that he's headed home and to call if there's an emergency, co-worker asks if everything is ok and Sonny says not really and leaves with Kate overhearing. Kate gets a phone call from Will and Kate asks if Sonny is home which Will says he's not and Kate mentions Sonny and Paul talking outside of TBD. Kate has to go and hangs up when she's approached by Paul as she's the person he wants to see which Kate says that she thought he was looking for Sonny.


Paul tells Kate that he's taking the job and wants the money split between three charities. Paul wants to negotiate a deal and Kate says it's not open but Paul says it is and that they're working together and Kate says they don't have to like each other. Paul says they need to respect each other and Kate says that if Paul wants respect from her he will have to stay out of Sonny and Will's marriage which Paul tells her to stick to business and that he'll be waiting on her contract and leaves.



Hope is walking through the Square when she receives a phone call from Sanchez on Clyde surveillance, but Hope says it's dropped but Sanchez tells her where he is. Rafe comes up and Hope tells him that he won't believe where Clyde is now. Hope and Rafe talk about Clyde and possibly working for Stefano but Rafe says it doesn't sound right and that it may not have to do with business because Clyde is dating Kate and it could get personal. Rafe says if Clyde and Stefano take each other out they would be doing the world a favor.


They talk some more and mention how Chad and Abby could get hurt and Rafe says that Abby is moving in with Ben. They continue to talk and mentioning some things to Victor. Rafe tells Hope to text him if she needs help which Hope says she will and walks off.



Stefano asks what the hell do yo want and Clyde enters and Clyde introduces himself. Stefano already knows who he is. Clyde tells Stefano to ask Victor about what happens if you mess with Clyde. Clyde says that he, Victor and Stefano need to come to an arrangement so that nobody's toes is stepped on. Clyde talks about expanding his business and if there's a problem he'll resolve it and Clyde says he's seeing Kate and shouldn't be any feelings and that Stefano has moved on. A henchman enters the room and Stefano wants him escorted out. Clyde wants to hear Stefano but Stefano says he heard everything he needed to hear and wants Clyde out which Clyde leaves.


Stefano is on the phone with someone talking about a recipe which Clyde is able to hear now at the park as he planted a bug in DiMera mansion. Clyde says for Stefano to enjoy his food.



Chad and Theo hug and Theo is happy to see Abby and hugs her and wants Abby to come with him and Chad to do something. Abby doesn't give a yes but Theo whines that Abby has to come. Chad tells Theo that Abby has a job but Theo says that Chad has a job and about to go into hysterics that Abby has to come with them. Abby calms him down by promising him she'll be there and a teacher/sitter comes and takes Theo. Chad says that Abby shouldn't have lied to Theo. Abby says she didn't lie as she's going and Abby says Ben can join as Theo and Ben gets along. Chad says it will be a happy quartet and Abby goes to leave but turns around says that Chad is sweet to Theo but is cruel. Abby says Chad has been using her and trying to get to her. 


Chad says he got what he wanted and how he can actually finish sentences and accomplish things unlike Ben and since she wants to go and play house with Ben he can move on with other women. Abby says women and that it's plural and Chad says it's more singular now and Abby says Zoe which Chad says she's hot and does things which Abby calls Chad disgusting and walks out.



Adrienne knocks on Lucas' hotel door and she says it's Justin and how blindsided her with the divorce. Adrienne says it was a sucker punch and Lucas tells her he's surprised by her reaction to it. Lucas says she sounds devastated and that she doesn't want to be with him and Adrienne thinks it was a mistake coming here and bursts into tears as she doesn't know what she wants. Lucas hugs her.



Clyde runs into Abby at the Square and Abby calls him Mr. Weston and Clyde says she doesn't have to tell her that as he heard that she made a man happy. Abby says Ben told him about moving in which Clyde confirms. Clyde has a house warming gift which is a gift certificate for a furniture place which Abby says is sweet. Clyde says nothing is more important to him than Ben's happiness and Abby does that and walks off. Abby opens the gift and smiles while Chad says she better stay away from Chad and everything will be fine.



Chad and Marlena run into each other at the hospital and chat about Italy and Marlena says it's over and Chad tells her that Stefano is back in Salem for good this time. Chad tells her paid the tax bill and Mar asks how he's doing and Chad is fine and Mar says if Chad ever wants to talk confidentially and for him she'll make some time and walks off.




Oh my god, Abby just completed the 1st grade, she's learned about plurals and singular nouns. Let's give her a sticker, here's my sticker for her: youre_a_special_kind_of_stupid_sticker-r


I think Kate vs Sparkles could be a lot of fun. Be fun to see those two banter back and forth with each other.


Oh Adrienne, think she's upset that Justin pulled the divorce trigger first. IDK what's wrong with people in Salem but did she really think Justin is gonna sit around and wait while she opens her tuna can to Justin. Girl get out of here while you're boo hooing it up to Lucas. She just wants her cake and eating it too.


As far as Theo goes, he needs to sit his ass down somewhere with his annoying Chad & Jar Jar propping self. Shame this is what writers reduce their African-American characters to, being pimps and pimptresses for other couples, you have Maxine being a pimptress for Dannifer and now Theo is used to prop Chad and Jar Jar but of course they'll says it's because the issue that he's got but whatever, he's a fictional character so I'm gonna rag on him. Sit your ass down and go play hop scotch. Since he's pro Jar Jar he's automatically on my shit list. Kids get no mercy from me, kids want my sympathy they better look in the dictionary between shit and syphilis.


Sneasel just everyone is against you, you have your own grandma basically calling you a slut. While Mar is telling people to talk to professionals with Eve, Chad, & Sneasel she might wanna extend that to Jar Jar and tell that bitch to get some couch time so she can explain why she opens her legs so much and having unprotected sex with men.


I really wasn't paying attention to Hope & Rafe today, I'm just over Mr. Rapey & Stephono. I mean there is not one single wise, good, senior citizen male character on the show. They're all bastards. Only female character we got is Caroline and she's rarely shown, writers think it's Naggie, but boy are they mistaking.

  • Love 8

I wonder, will this guy that Will had his fling with come to Salem..It would be very interesting to see Sonny's reaction to the guy that touched his husband..Sparkle does not count, since he has strong feelings for him, and  that has clouded his  interactions with him...I do believe that Sonny will go  dark under the new writers...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 1

I don't think Sonny is going to be as charitable to this guy as he was with Paul....Plus, Paul did not know Will was married, this other guy did, and pursued Will anyway..Will no longer has any  credibility for me..He has changed too much, too fast...I would not be surprised that we are seeing Higley tinker with Tomsell's material to lead into hers....Higley likes grittiness and I hope that Josh is able to balance that...If not, we are going to be in a lot of trouble..Higley can go off the rails real quick...They are already downplaying Rafe's burgeoning  feelings for Hope..Under Tomsell, Rafe was supposed to fall for Hope...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 2

That kid playing Renee's son was trying way too hard. And it sure looked like Guy Wilson was wearing some sort of slimming belt.


Have you seen Guy Wilson with his shirt off?  He doesn't need a slimming belt.


And who is Renee's son?


Ugh, Sonny, really?  Please.

Edited by Rick Kitchen
  • Love 2

Do we know who is stalking JJ? For one euphoric, irrational minute I hoped against hope that it might be Jack, but then I remembered that the Show hates me,.

Not U.  TPTB hate all men who have the unfortunate luck of being much better looking than him. They are all either fired or being written as A holes.

  • Love 1

Have you seen Guy Wilson with his shirt off?  He doesn't need a slimming belt.


So true.

Guy isn't a bad-looking guy at all.  If you see the wedding pictures, he looks pretty good.  And when Show doesn't have him in that Bieber hairdo, and dressed like Mr. Peepers, he looks good.  And bodwise, he's in fine shape.  

Also - and this is probably down to his acting style, he puts on the pout when he's mad and that's nearly all the time lately, and that's not a good look.  

Sneasel's looks aren't his problem at all.  It's the way they write the character.

Edited by boes
  • Love 3

So true.

Guy isn't a bad-looking guy at all.  If you see the wedding pictures, he looks pretty good.  And when Show doesn't have him in that Bieber hairdo, and dressed like Mr. Peepers, he looks good.  And bodwise, he's in fine shape.  

Also - and this is probably down to his acting style, he puts on the pout when he's mad and that's nearly all the time lately, and that's not a good look.  

Sneasel's looks aren't his problem at all.  It's the way they write the character.

OHGOD....it took me a while to realize which Mr. Peepers you were talking about. All I could think of was Will spitting apples everywhere and dry humping everyone he sees. And it will take ages to get *that* out of my memory.

  • Love 3

Today was a very good Marlena day IMO.  She was her usual wonderful self with Sneasel, didn't coddle him, didn't deny the truth of what he did,  The trouble is, while Sneasel lets her talk, he doesn't seem to understand anything she says.   

Then, at the hospital, I loved her exchange with Chad.  She was really warm with him and he dropped his guard in a way I haven't seen him do in quite a while.


And Chad was great today too.  He didn't let Abigail get away with a thing and seemed far more disgusted with her than interested in her.  Of course that won't last, but it was nice to see.


Sneasel.....Sonny did him no favors by coming home and saying that he was as much to blame for what Sneasel has done as Sneasel himself.  WRONG, Sonny.  Oh so wrong.  It was bad enough listening to Sneasel go on and and on about how that evil Svengali seduced him in L.A., which is par for the course with a guy who never owns up to his mistakes.   The L.A. guy seduced him, Sparkle took advantage of him, and he sings his "Poor Me" song to everyone who will listen.  Sonny coming home and telling him he's not responsible for his own crap is a HUGE mistake.  


Justin can take a seat too.  Adrienne may be annoying but him telling her that it was okay for him to mess around because he was 5000 miles away was pure bullshit.  Then she goes running in tears to Lucas.  Justin and Adrienne deserve each other.   Lucas doesn't deserve any of it.  I sure hope Show does something decent with Lucas with the new writers.


I liked Stephono's unconcealed irritation that Clodhopper Clyde weaseled his way into the Mansion.  Clyde is heading for a fall and I'm going to cheer Stephono and Victor on when they grind him under their orthopedic oxfords.  What a dirtbag.  It looks like he was sort of threatening Abigail there at the end of the episode.  In which case, he's at least doing ONE thing right.


Instead of giving them a gift certificate for furniture, he really should have gotten them one from Pet Express.  I'm sure they can always use more hamster bedding, chew toys and spot remover.  Oh, and a clawing post!  Yeah, that would work.

  • Love 6

Have you guys read the interview with Ken Corday in Soap opera Digest, where he threw Tomsell under the bus for ruining the show...lol He said that the cast was very unhappy and there was negativity on set due to the bad writing. People were coming into his offices to voice their concerns about the show...It was that a very interesting read. He said that he watched the show one day and was shocked about how everybody was unrecognizable. Welcome to the club Ken Corday! We have been bitching about the quality of writing since 2014...

"Disingenuous" is EXACTLY the word I would use. Also "full of crap." The writers were and are clearly working at his direction. To blame someone else for his own failures makes him sound like one of the "heroes" on his show. Which may in fact be the root of the characterization problem: maybe Corday actually thinks this is how functioning adults behave.

  • Love 6


Corday is looking forward to the show's 50th anniversary in November.

"I wanted to see Doug and Julie active. I wanted to see Victor, Maggie, Caroline and Stefano active again, running things, doing things, not just in the background," he says.

"Storywise, it started with, what can we do that is a special event for the 50th?" Corday teases. "And I came up with the idea that it would be Salem's bicentennial celebration."

Sorry Ken.  I wish Days would be around 200 years but I think the word you're looking for is semicentennial.

Edited by QuelleC
  • Love 2

Today was a very good Marlena day IMO.  She was her usual wonderful self with Sneasel, didn't coddle him, didn't deny the truth of what he did,  The trouble is, while Sneasel lets her talk, he doesn't seem to understand anything she says.   

Then, at the hospital, I loved her exchange with Chad.  She was really warm with him and he dropped his guard in a way I haven't seen him do in quite a while.


And Chad was great today too.  He didn't let Abigail get away with a thing and seemed far more disgusted with her than interested in her.  Of course that won't last, but it was nice to see.


Sneasel.....Sonny did him no favors by coming home and saying that he was as much to blame for what Sneasel has done as Sneasel himself.  WRONG, Sonny.  Oh so wrong.  It was bad enough listening to Sneasel go on and and on about how that evil Svengali seduced him in L.A., which is par for the course with a guy who never owns up to his mistakes.   The L.A. guy seduced him, Sparkle took advantage of him, and he sings his "Poor Me" song to everyone who will listen.  Sonny coming home and telling him he's not responsible for his own crap is a HUGE mistake.  


Justin can take a seat too.  Adrienne may be annoying but him telling her that it was okay for him to mess around because he was 5000 miles away was pure bullshit.  Then she goes running in tears to Lucas.  Justin and Adrienne deserve each other.   Lucas doesn't deserve any of it.  I sure hope Show does something decent with Lucas with the new writers.


I liked Stephono's unconcealed irritation that Clodhopper Clyde weaseled his way into the Mansion.  Clyde is heading for a fall and I'm going to cheer Stephono and Victor on when they grind him under their orthopedic oxfords.  What a dirtbag.  It looks like he was sort of threatening Abigail there at the end of the episode.  In which case, he's at least doing ONE thing right.


Instead of giving them a gift certificate for furniture, he really should have gotten them one from Pet Express.  I'm sure they can always use more hamster bedding, chew toys and spot remover.  Oh, and a clawing post!  Yeah, that would work.


We're completely on the same page today, I agree Mar did a great job and they gave her some great lines.  You tell me your marriage is ending every week (while chuckling).  And I know you want to say something, just say it.  That was great.  I enjoyed it even though he never remembers what she says  and sure enough when Jackson came home did he LISTEN?  No, he interrupted, assumed it was about Paul and then assumed it was about something else.  Idiot.

She and Chad were great together too.  He honestly looked a little stunned she got through to him.  Nice and unexpected acting moment for both.  Also, as others have said, his criticism of Jabs comes across as way too realistic to make us believe he's just trying to hide his feelings. 


And of course, the Jar Jar.  I had to hand it to Clyde when he said I hear you're making some young man happy and a second of guilt flashed over her face.  He said something else intentionally ambiguous then started praising her the way everyone else does and she beamed that Jabby smile she gets.  Then he hands her a gift card and with that she is easily bought off.  Completely controlled.  Judging from her outfit isn't this pretty much right after Chad reiterated he had used her?  And she steps right back into it.  Mar, have that "pattern" conversation with Jar Jar please. 


Clyde is infinitely patient, I think he's taking his time sucking Ben into the business like he wanted to do in the first place by being so supportive of him and Jabs.  Loved, loved, loved Stephono wanting no part in discussing an agreement.  Jump forward and someday he'll drawl well Mr Dimera I tried to work out a gentlemanly deal with ya...while a goon holds a gun to someone's head.  We can hope.


Lucas, I'll date you and I won't put you through all of that drama!

  • Love 5

"Disingenuous" is EXACTLY the word I would use. Also "full of crap." The writers were and are clearly working at his direction. To blame someone else for his own failures makes him sound like one of the "heroes" on his show. Which may in fact be the root of the characterization problem: maybe Corday actually thinks this is how functioning adults behave.


When I read this, all I could think was that Ken Corday is living in the past.  As much as some of the storylines have been tedious of late, I'm not so much in favor of abandoning them and half the current cast for Old Home Week. I don't really care so much what Belle has been up to, etc.


I also sensed the possible death knell of any further gay storylines in that interview with Corday.  Le sigh.

  • Love 4

I always had a feeling that Ken Corday never really invested in the Gay storylines. He was just biding his time. He may even say that they are the reasons that the ratings went down. That would be a lie, the ratings were super high in 2013 because of them...The ratings went down because Daniel Jonas became the king of Salem and you turned everybody into cheaters....

  • Love 2

And of course, the Jar Jar.  I had to hand it to Clyde when he said I hear you're making some young man happy and a second of guilt flashed over her face.  He said something else intentionally ambiguous then started praising her the way everyone else does and she beamed that Jabby smile she gets.  Then he hands her a gift card and with that she is easily bought off.  Completely controlled.


It's so funny how easily Abifail can be controlled and manipulated. She's so stupid.


I also sensed the possible death knell of any further gay storylines in that interview with Corday.  Le sigh.


What did he say?


I do think the writers could have done a better job with the Will and Sonny storyline.  They didn't have to have Will cheat to give them conflict in their marriage. Guy was already getting a lot of flak because of Chandler leaving and people blaming him like he had something to do with it. I think that's where they went wrong by making Will unlikable and acting out of character. Will adored Sonny and never gave another guy a second look from the time they had their first real kiss. But watch today and see Sonny tell Will he should not have gotten in a relationship with him and  should have let him go out and hook up and have meaningless sex because it's what Sonny probably did when he came out and it's what gay guys do.  This is why Queer as Folk was often criticized.  All gay men don't have sex with every gay man they meet.  If that's what a guy wants to do, that is  fine but every guy doesn't want that.  Some want to meet that special someone and fall in love.  And the thing that hurts the most with Will is that his coming out story was inspiring to so many young men.  It showed them they could overcome their fears and be who they were and that  they could find love and their  own Sonny.  Well Tomsell fucked that up all to hell. Daytime just does not know how to write for minorities, whether it is for people of color or for people of different sexual orientation.  


Will's motivation to cheat twice on Sonny makes no sense, Did Will cheat because he was too young for marriage and should have played the field before settling down or did Will cheat because he was always feeling like crap because he felt he wasn't good enough for Sonny and these 2 other guys made him feel good about himself and made him feel desirable. Which is it? Because it's not the same thing. Will we ever be given a clear answer? Doubtful


Look at Theresa, who at times acts like she was born on the wrong side of the track when Shane and Kim are both very wealthy and now it seems like Kim is an overbearing mother and that's why she is the way she is. Theresa is written as a sociopath and that is very disturbing to me. Shane and Kim having a daughter like Theresa is an insult to who they were as a couple and individuals on the show. Now she is about to use her innocent baby in her schemes to land Brady. 

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 4

This is what Corday said that gave me pause about the future of any gay storylines:


When asked why Days switched head writers in February, Corday explains it was "because the show I was looking at was no longer recognizable as Days of our Lives to me."


"With all due respect to the writers who are no longer there, and who did win us an Emmy award, and GLAAD awards and many other kudos, there comes a time when they're just burned out, and they were not getting it done. It was time to make a switch. I felt like the car was headed for the edge of the cliff."



Throwing the mention of the GLAAD award in there sounded a bit ominous to me.

  • Love 1

I think this Will/Sonny/Paul story is a mess.  But I also think it's unrealistic to expect that Will and Sonny were going to be together forever.  Why, because Will only had eyes for Sonny when they got together?  That's how every couple on soaps acts when they first get together, doesn't mean it lasts forever.  That's not this genre, that's not soaps.


The real problem, I think, was marrying Will and Sonny so quick and so young.  But Days wanted to plant a flag and that was pretty much the only one left.

  • Love 2

Daytime does not know how to write for minorities period...They do the same thing to Black people. There are soap writers who have said that they don't know how to write for them and it shows...Victoria Rowell had valid points, yes she is batshit crazy and needs to stop having meltdowns on tweeter. She offered to write for the Black characters on the Young&the Restless and they refused...She could have brought a Black perspective on life, that these writers could never know or really understand....

  • Love 3

Sonny knows now that Will cheated twice on him before their 1 year anniversary and he still isn't packing his bags and getting out of there?



Victoria Rowell had valid points, yes she is batshit crazy and needs to stop having meltdowns on tweeter. She offered to write for the Black characters on the Young&the Restless and they refused...She could have brought a Black perspective on life, that these writers could never know or really understand....

Nobody in Daytime or even Primetime at this point will hire her because she's insane. If they want input they can get it from the actors they have.

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 7

They could have given Will and Sonny different problems besides cheating, and the cheating SL definitely could have been better written.  It doesn't help that Ken Corday and the writers went for having cheating SLs over and over and over again in less than a year.  Couples have other problems besides cheating that can break them up, or that they can work to overcome.  Besides I don't believe for one single moment that Ken Corday didn't have a hand in these SLs.  In the past, he has constantly said how involved he is in what is going on at Days.  He was also foolish enough and arrogant enough to taunt certain fanbases on social media about what HE personally had planned for their favorite character or couple.


Justin and Adrienne are both idiots.  Cheating destroys marriages.  It doesn't matter if it is done discreetly or not.  What was Adrienne's plan?  To stay married to Justin and have sex with Lucas.  Real Lucas would not be okay with that.  One thing Lucas and Sami never were, before Ken Corday and the writers threw character continuity out the window, was cheaters.


Just when I think Theresa's SL couldn't get worse, it does.  The same thing happened with JJ.


While I am looking forward to some characters returns, that won't fix all the problems the show has.

  • Love 6

I think this Will/Sonny/Paul story is a mess.  But I also think it's unrealistic to expect that Will and Sonny were going to be together forever.  Why, because Will only had eyes for Sonny when they got together?  That's how every couple on soaps acts when they first get together, doesn't mean it lasts forever.  That's not this genre, that's not soaps.


I don't think anyone was expecting Will and Sonny to live in paradise with no problems, but they weren't expecting, or at least I wasn't expecting, them to be on the outs after less than a year of marriage. They never really got a chance to be happy for any significant amount of time. Most of their relationship was spent dealing with Sonny's mother, then Gabi getting pregnant, then Nick, then Nick and Gabi, then Will cheating and obsessive stalker Sparkle. If the writers can't make a couple compelling and relevant without having them embroiled in back-to-back-to-back-to-back drama for three years then that's a failure on their parts. What's the point of investing in any couple if they'll only allowed to be happy for a month? And I don't know why these people think cheating stories are the only problems they can give couples. Will deciding he wants his own career and to find some independence away from Sonny could have been good. Sonny taking all of their money and putting it into his sinking ship of a club could have been good as well. But as usual, the writers fucked it up.

  • Love 7

It felt like Will and Sonny were standing around, blandly smiling and folding baby clothes, forever so I was happy when the Paul drama started, though it's of course all gone to hell now.


They should have done way more with Sonny's business problems and their money woes.  Will forgiving his bankrupting them like a day later was stupid, though now I guess it makes a little more sense since we know Will was feeling guilty about the LA cheating.

  • Love 1

random thoughts about today's episode:


-damn that statue was hard to destroy!!


- Sneasel, your husband just basically gave you a "get out of jail free" card today. Take the lifeline and advice he gave you and go see a damn shrink that your grandma recommends and be grateful you still have your marriage somewhat intact. Don't fuck it up (but we all know he will, *sigh*).


- rest of the day was kinda "meh" to me


- OH!! a thought about yesterday: Is it just me or has Clyde finally made a huge mistake in taking on Stefano? The Phoenix is going to eat him for breakfast. Either that or he'll team up with Victor (temporarily) and destroy his whole organization.


What have these writers done to Sonny? now I understand why Freddie chose not to renew his contract with them....Tomsell are truly the worst, but I also think Ken Corday played a role in the destruction of first Will, then Wilson and now it is Sonny's turn....Sonny would never take Will back after being betrayed not once, but twice..Will's betrayals and manipulations should have sent Sonny to the dark side...Sonny is now a passive, dumbass, foolish, doormat..Why can't Sonny be more than just be a prop for Will.  Sonny can drive Story outside of Will and we know that Freddie can do it..So what is the problem? Why are they so afraid to pursue Paulson? what was the point of bringing in Paul, if they were not going to explore their relationship...This show just gets worst and worst....I don't know how long I can take watching this garbage..Unbelievable!

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 2

Wow Sonny is such a doormat.  He should get his own private therapist too and figure out why he lets this cheating sleaze walk all over him.


And even if he gives Will a pass on the cheating because he was a newbie or whatever, what about the lying, the manipulating, the blackmailing?

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 5

This story was just dumb from the get go..They should have had Paul come in to try to steal Sonny from Will...Paul wanting to find some dirt on Will finds out that Will had had an affair in LA. At  Wilson's one year anniversary party at Chez rouge, he brings the guy who exposes Will's affair and all hell breaks loose..Sonny turns to Paul for comfort....These writers lack imagination...I just hope this a long con, and Sonny is planning on exacting a delicious  revenge on Will, I highly doubt it...Just 35 more episodes to go until the new era begins! Thank you Tomsell for ruining our show, I can say this on behalf of all the fans everywhere, that you will not be miss. Bye Felicia!

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 2

I don't understand what's happening. Is Sonny setting Will up? That would be out of character for him but it might make more sense than this. Everything Sonny said about them getting married too soon, before Will had a chance to live life was valid, but that entire conversation should have happened before they got married, and they're both at fault for rushing into things. And Sonny saying he thinks he took advantage of and liked Will's inexperience is creepy and now I don't know how to feel about him. Reminds me of when he vowed to *make* Will fall in love with him. Is this the bizarre "twist" FS was talking about? Yuck.


Nicole never ever learns. Just tell Dan about the kiss and be done with it. This is so stupid.


I'm ready for Xander to be murdered.

  • Love 4

7/3/2015 Recap :)



Aiden is on his phone sitting in front of TBD when Hope arrives and apologizes for being late. Hope thinks Aiden has a problem and Aiden says he's gonna sound like a hypocrite but he needs information and Hope asks if it's about Clyde. Aiden wants to know why she said Clyde as he thought that she stopped investigating and why is Clyde the first person she thought of. Hope says sorry for reacting the wrong way as something fell in her lap and she tells Aiden that Clyde met with Stefano. Aiden doesn't want to know anymore and Hope says she has no more information. Aiden asks if she's having Clyde followed which Hope denies. Aiden thinks it's a bad idea and goes to leave but Hope stops him and wants to know what's going on.


Aiden says he has a case with evidence stacked up against his client and wants Hope in getting info to discredit the source. Hope is on her tablet looking at things for Aiden and says she'll text him. Hope calls Aiden a hypocrite and they kiss. Hope says Aiden made a difference in Ciara's life and they kiss some more. Aiden is about ask about Clyde but Hope shush him and says to forget all about it. Aiden says she came to his office and told him to represent him and Aiden turns around to see someone standing behind him.



Sonny says it's his fault which Will doesn't think is true and Sonny says he needs to take responsibility on the things he's done to Will in the beginning. Sonny says that they have things in common but they're different as well and he knows who he is and that he's traveled the world and had relationships and Will says Paul. Sonny says it was hard for Will to come out and Will says Sonny was there for him. Sonny says everytime Will needed help he came to him and always been there for him and took advantage of him. Will wants to know where this is coming from and Sonny says it didn't come out right about taking advantage of him and says what he did wrong was that he should have been more responsible and he thinks it's incredible that he was the first. Will says that he loves Sonny and Sonny talks about Will sleeping with Paul and the guy in LAX and that it means that Will wasn't ready to get married.


Will says it's bogus and for Sonny not to say things like that cause it's not true. Sonny says he didn't take into account what he needed and Will says he doesn't need this. Sonny says can't sweep it under the rug and need to solve the problem. Will says Sonny can select the therapist. Sonny says the first thing he wanted to do after finding out about Will and the LAX guy was find Paul and sleep with him. Will says Sonny wants an excuse to sleep with Paul and Sonny says he was hurt and wanted to hurt Will back. Will thinks Sonny slept with Paul and Sonny says he didn't as it would be unfair to both Will and Paul. Sonny says they were in love because he wanted to get married as it was his agenda as he was ready to get married but everything was new to Will. Will says he knew what he wanted, Sonny says that as soon as he came out he latched onto a committed relationship.

Will had enough but Sonny wants to talk about California as the job was easy for him to take off and it opened the door to freedom and to explore himself. Will says it was a job and it paid like crazy. Sonny says that before he left Will said that their life was boring. Sonny said if he didn't travel he would have thought their life was boring and Sonny says they can travel the world and they can do anything and Sonny says it's not the answer. Sonny thinks it's a good idea to start a new therapist and for Will to talk to a therapist alone without worrying about what he's saying. Will says that's huge and Sonny says he wouldn't trade what they had for anything but these last 6 months have been hard and they can get through it no matter what. Will hugs Sonny.



Serena is on the phone with Roman in her hotel room telling him she's not skipping town which Roman is glad and he hangs up on her while she's in the middle of talking. Serena gets up from the bed and breaks the elephant statue. There's a knock on her door and it's Xander. Xander says his alibi is solid but doesn't mean he doesn't have a problem. Xander says he seen the statement Serena gave and Serena asks how he read it. Xander tells Serena to stick to the facts and they'll be fine. Serena asks if that's a promise as she's suppose to forget that he almost killed Eric the man that she loved. Xander says he has to make some things clear about Eric.


Xander basically yells at Serena and tells her to shut up as it's his word against her lies. All that's left is the stack of cash in her account and everything was covered except Serena's mouth. Serena says she won't say anything and Xander says that if his business dealings escapes her mouth he will be going after Eric and not her. Xander hopes that he wasn't vague and leaves.



They enter Vic's living room and Dan wants answers about Xander. Vic says it's unforgivable what Xander did and Vic is relieved that Xander is in jail. Dan says Vic is the one that freed Xander from prison. Vic admits that he did and says he thought Xander needed a break but if he known what he did he would let him rot. Dan says it would have been good to know that he was charged with murder. Vic says that Xander was good at following orders and that he told him to leave Salem and he's in custody now. Brady says to not let his lawyers help Xander this time.

Vic is on the phone wanting no paper trail between him and Xander, he hangs up. His phone rings and it's Xander who's on a burner cell at the park. Xander says he's no longer in custody and no case and Vic tells him to stay away from him and that he'll call him and for Xander not to call him. He doesn't give a damn about Xander and doesn't want Dan, Brady, or Maggie to know they're connected or else and hangs up.



Abe and Xander enter Roman's office and Xander wants to know what's next and continues talking until Roman tells him to shut up and that he's not going to get away with it. Xander says he's going to be released then. Abe and Roman checked his alibi which is airtight and D.A. will not go forward with the case as of yet. Abe tells him not to leave town and not to push his luck. Xander leaves the office.



Nicole is in her hospital room getting ready to leave the hospital putting on her earrings when there's a knock which she thinks is Dan until she turns around and sees Eric. Eric wants to talk about the kiss which Nicole kind of evades but Eric says they almost made love. Nicole says it's complicated because when they were fighting for their lives it was overwhelming and says they can put it behind them and don't have to think about it. Eric wants to know what she's trying to say and can't pretend what almost never happened as he won't do that.


Eric says he punished Nicole for too long and meant every word he said to her when they were about to die. Nicole is happy that Eric is pushing it as she gets to tell Eric how she feels about him even though she loves Dan more than ever and asks Eric if he understands. Eric says they have a chance to be open and honest with each other. Eric asks how she's going to tell Dan about what happened and Nicole says she almost told him but wasn't thinking straight but now that she sees clearly why would they hurt Dan as it's not what they both want. Nicole wants to keep it between them and Eric says it's lying and Eric isn't going to do that and can't. Eric says old feelings came rushing back to him and know it did for Nicole but Nicole says they didn't do anything and they shouldn't tell Dan on something that they didn't do. Eric asks if she can live with that and put it away like it was meaningless. Dan and Brady enter the room and Dan asks how are things.

Dan says that Nicole is good to go and Nicole says her and Eric were talking about what happened and lucky to be alive. Eric thanks them and has to leave for fresh air and leaves the room. Brady asks if Eric is ok and Nicole says it's just hard for him to deal with things. Brady goes to find Eric to talk to him and leaves. Dan says Nicole still cares about Eric as he can see it in her eyes. Nicole confirms this but wants to leave. Dan wants Nicole to come to his place and Nicole asks for the night and Dan was thinking on the lines of a permanent thing. Dan's been thinking about it for quite some time and it hit him last night. Dan doesn't want her anywhere but by his side which Nicole calls sweet. Dan says life is short and they have to live and says Parker loves Nicole to death and asks Nicole to say yes and she hugs him and says she loves him.


They walk to the reception area and Nicole forgot her discharge papers and goes back to get them. Roman comes off the elevator looking for Eric and warns Dan that Xander is free. Roman says his alibi is solid and Dan says that Nicole and Eric's words mean nothing and Roman says they're working on it when his phone rings and he has to get back to the station and Roman leaves. Nicole re-emerges and asks if there's something wrong. Dan wants to talk in private and about to leave until a nurse comes and needs him to look at a patient. Dan tells Nicole to stay and he and the nurse head off. Xander gets off the elevator and he and Nicole make eye contact. (last scene of the day)



Brady catches up with Eric at the park and knows Xander put him through hell and he's fine and asks if Eric wants to talk about anything. Brady says does he want to talk about what happened in the room when he and Nicole were locked up together. They talk about Xander for a bit but Eric wants to be alone so he can think. Brady says he has a son he wants to show Eric and wants him to swing by the hosue as he's a reminder that life is good and Brady leaves.

Eric flashes back to the kiss and Serena walks up to Eric and Eric doesn't want to hear anything from her about her loving him and Serena says it's about Xander.



I almost stopped recapping today's eppy at the 30 minute mark. Just boring.


Dark Roast looks even more horrendous with that haircut. IDK what hairstyle he can get where he actually can look like a normal human being. How can a short haircut look messy and make you look worse? His hair is still all over the place and flips out even more (if that's even possible).


Dammit Sonny, I was hoping he would says he wants a divorce. Just tell Sneasel that you're opening his gerbil cage so he can run free and straight into a cat's mouth or Jar Jar's hoo haw, take your pick, they're both dreadful.

  • Love 3

Agreed, today was pretty tiresome. Will doesn't deserve the understanding he just received from Sonny, nor do I ever think Will would be as generous with Sonny if the roles were reversed. Yeesh.


I miss the old timey 4th of July family bbqs and fireworks. I love when a major holiday is woven in to the show. Maybe next week. 


For me, the show's in a bit of stasis between regimes. I'm looking for some stories to wrap up quickly so we can get on with the new stuff, and I guess my expectations are kind of low at this point until the transition is visible. 

  • Love 4

Will and Sonny, and Eric/Nicole/Dan are great examples of what is wrong with this show.  They have the same conversations over and over again, and nothing changes.  It's boring.  I'm also tired of the cheaters blaming someone else for what they did.  There is no payoff to any of these SLs.


Unfortunately, the Sonny and Will conversation changed today, and all of Will's cheating is all Sonny's fault.  smdh.


Why was Xander at the hospital?

Just me if everyone else is going to have a cheating storyline Sonny and Will should too.  They should be treated like everyone else. 


Which means Sonny should be filing for divorce or plotting revenge or at least mildly miffed, like most other soap characters react to their husbands or wives cheating on them.

  • Love 5
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