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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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Oh, ShadowSixx, thank you for these, thank you SO MUCH.   It does a body good to see side piece slapped around.    Of course she looks horrified and shocked, since in her world it's only her and Jenn who get to be slap happy in Salem. 


I never liked Carrie more.


I just watched these again.  WHAT a great pick-me-up after a long Friday!

Carrie was always good at throwing punches..I always wanted Sami and Carrie to band together against the sidepiece.....

  • Love 6


I think I may be over Xander. He is still fine but the show has so killed my boner. And it was the littlest thing that did it too. When he started talking about skulking around and keeping it a secret so no one would know, love was dead. I wanted Nicole to have a MAN. Someone who gave no fucks. Hell, rub Daniel's nose in it. It is one thing to crave Victor's approval, it is another to be cowardly and I can't countenance cowardice, especially when the object of it is frigging Daniel. No Sir. Hiding out in a hotel so Daniel will never know. There is just nothing attractive about that.


To be honest islandgal, I don't think it has anything to do with that. I think Xander knows his hold on Nicole is tenuous and he wouldn't want to risk the idea of making his play for her common knowledge to Sainted Dan or Eric (the worst priest ever) or he'd run the risk of those sanctimonious busybodies talking Nicole out of it. Dan seems to think he's too good for Nicole and Eric that same but that wouldn't stop either of them from thinking that Xander isn't up to par for her. They don't want her but they don't want anyone else to have her and they both still have a tremendous amount of sway with her.


So from Xander's perspective (since it's clear he has no hidden love for Daniel) it wouldn't make any sense to lay his cards out on the table for everyone to see. He's playing them close to the vest until he has developed a closer relationship with Nicole and can actually compete with her. At least that's what's happening in my head. For all intents and purposes the sneaking around on his part has nothing to do with shame or anything like that, he's the one that has hinted at a future and pictures of each other on phones and such. She's the one playing him here as far as I can see.

Edited by slayer2

I don't understand why Serena felt she had to sit in Daniel's office and answer questions like he was the parent or teacher and she was an unruly child. She should have said none of your damn business! and walked out.

She did, thank goodness.  I read Shadow Sixx's recap to try to figure out why he was interrogating her like that. I've said it before but as a real life couple what a dud they are.  And I was glad to see Bollie Whatever get up and walk away from Failure too.  Granted, he did spy but if he goes dark there might be a storyline. 


I had to laugh over Melanie meaning black or dark.  I knew that but the last name is already Black!  Melanie Black might be a good villianess name.  But Hell I'd prefer Melvin over Tater.  Poor JL she has to call him Baby Tate but she sold it. I'd rather see that conversation than having stupid Mel in the room hearing it second hand.  How about Victor Brady Donovan Black?   Remember on Sex in the City when Carrie's bf - the one who bought the next door apartment and tried to tear down the wall - ended up married and calling his baby Tate.  "We call him Tater because he looks like a tater."  Either that or Larry Tate.  Or Black, Tate. 

With all that chatter about naming him after Melanie I was afraid they were going to name him Jonas. Jonas Black.

I am SO glad that they didnt. I believe that I would have vomited.

Carrie was always good at throwing punches..I always wanted Sami and Carrie to band together against the sidepiece.....

That would be a dream come true for me!

I know I won't get the SL I want for Sami when she returns, but this is what I would love to see.  Sami returns to Salem with a new man she met in California.  The pathetic side piece gets all judgmental about it because she is a raging hypocrite.  Sami reminds the boring twit about how she chased after Sami's fiancée begging for sex, and Sami's plays a video of the conference room scene for everyone to see.  Chad tells Jar Jar he doesn't want to have anything to do with anyone who doesn't care if his nephew and nieces (Johnny, Sydney, and Allie) get hurt.


I wish Theresa and Nicole would band together to tell Dirty Dan to back off, or drop dead.  I'm fine with either.

That would make my year! I would love to see this happen.

Oh, ShadowSixx, thank you for these, thank you SO MUCH.   It does a body good to see side piece slapped around.    Of course she looks horrified and shocked, since in her world it's only her and Jenn who get to be slap happy in Salem. 


I never liked Carrie more.


I just watched these again.  WHAT a great pick-me-up after a long Friday!


That WTF face Abigail makes after being slapped by Carrie is rather funny. She doesn't get why she got slapped....idiot.

  • Love 5

The conversation between Marlena and Stefano is symbolic of what is so wrong with this show.  The Dimeras are despicable criminals, but the writers always want to try and blame other characters for what they do.  They did it with Kristen/Eric and Sami/EJ.  Kristen drugged and raped Eric.  They want to try and call it seduction and imply Eric was the aggressor.  EJ lies to Sami, and cheats on her, and it's Sami's fault for daring to be angry that Kristen drugged and raped Eric.


I wish when Stefano returns to Salem, it would be revealed that Kate/Sami were still working together.  They have found evidence of all Stefano's crimes and turned it over to the police.  Stefano is arrested.  Sami/Kate show up at the police station, and Sami tells Stefano she never forgave EJ, she was just buying time.  Stefano was so focused on getting his company back he didn't realize what Kate/Sami were really up to.  However, that will never happen because Stefano always wins.

  • Love 4

I'm kinda interested in seeing what happens with Eric/Nicole/Dan once Serena leaves. I thought for sure that Dan and Jen would have gotten back together by now and that Nicole and Eric would have worked their way back to each other, but now it appears that Dan and Nicole have become the new Dannifer. If Nicole and Dan are going to continue their back and forth crap indefinitely then what happens with Jen and Eric? Unpopular opinion I guess, but I still think Eric has potential, they just need to liven him up and stop writing him like he's a priest. Sticking him with that racoon is not the answer.

  • Love 3

The writers completely missed the boat with Eric and Nicole.  Nicole should have turned the evidence she got from Dr. Chyka over to the police, clearing Eric's name.  Then Nicole should have joined Sami/Kate in their revenge plans against the Dimeras.  Eric should have realized on his own he didn't want to be a priest, and been the one to pursue Nicole.  I have no interest in watching Nicole apologize daily to Dan and Eric for existing.  Ironically the one person Nicole owes an apology to, Sami for stealing Sydney from her, will never get one because both Sami and Nicole are women and bad, therefore, they don't matter.  {face palm}


I would love love love it if the Network and Sony has neutralized Ken Corday so he can't ruin anymore characters and SLs, but I don't know if that is possible.  If Ken Corday mucks up the SLs with all the vets returning, I am going to be so disappointed.

  • Love 6

I agree it was maddenning watching Marlena dance around the obvious simple explanation of " she was trying to shoot me, for the third time, and I wrestled the gun away but she  tripped and fell" when speaking to Chad, John, Eric and Stefano.  It seems all the dialogue is written to be intentionally murky to support multiple interpretations.

  • Love 2

Tigerlynx, I think that he has been neutralized, if he wants the show to continue beyond 2016. Ken Corday has to give the audience what we want.....The vets are coming back in full force...Look at what he did to Bo and Steve..There is no way in hell those guys would have left their families willingly...Yet he gave us that story..Look at what he has done to Will, Sonny, Nicole, Jennifer, Jack, Sami, Kate,Carly,Stefanie, Lucas, Kayla, Hope, the real Hope would never have accepted a dear John letter from Bo..She would have been out there looking for him..The man is a hack with an ego the size of the Grand Canyon...He needs to stay away from the writers' room and let them do their magic..


Previous writing teams have said that he likes to micromanage and curtail their stories to his liking and not necessarily to the benefit of the characters' history..For example: Higley wanted Tony and EJ to develop a close bond as brothers, eventually they would have gone head to head..Mardar wanted Nicole to have her second child with EJ....Ken Corday overruled those stories....It was cruel to give Nicole a second miscarriage.....Fans want Nicole to become a mother but they give a baby to Theresa and Brady. Two people who are unfit to take care of a goldfish...It shows you how out of touch they are with us the viewing public...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 1

 Abigail continues to be a fine human being. She pushed Ben to reconcile with Clyde and now she's hesitant that Ben wants to change his name? It wasn't until Abigail told him to give Clyde a chance that Ben reluctantly got to know him. On top of that, one of the main reasons Abigail wanted Ben to buddy up to Clyde was for money.  

I don't think that Abigail is being seduced or manipulated by Chad. She's seeking him out any chance she gets.  If anything, she manipulates him to tell her whats going on.

I think the writers are trying to torpedo her at this point. I don't think she has any redeemable qualities. The only person she doesn't annoy me with is Sonny and even then I feel like she needs to mind her own. 


That's what I'd like to know. Do the writers (and possibly the directors) secretly hate the character of Abigail? Because of both the hyper-conceitedness and judgementalness of the character, it comes across as if none of the writing really flatters her.  Then KM plays Abigail as if she has no self-awareness either which makes the dialogue come across as if Abigail is secretly plotting some kind of manipulation of men (I assume someone like AZ could take the same dialogue and add some nuance and possibly humour to the unflattering writing to make Nicole somewhat sympathetic whereas Abigail has to be one of the most unsympathetic characters I've ever seen on a soap). I don't know if this portrayal is because of KM's own interpretation or because of the acting direction, but Abigail comes across even worse once the characterization comes to life on screen. 


Although I love making fun of Abigail, and probably KM by extension since she's playing her, I don't think KM is completely talentless (okay, maybe somewhat on the untalented scale but not COMPLETELY devoid of talent either). She can walk and talk at the same time (unlike, say, Charity Rammer, where the bar is set really low, and  maybe even someone like Austin Peck, who seemed to need to look at cue cards at the side), but the writing and acting direction combined has created someone I hope gets pelted with crushed, gooey Big Macs. 


Nonetheless,  I've also realized that I've become acclimated to this version of Abigail now that if she suddenly turned authentically "nice" (in terms of actual sincerity rather than the fake-niceness she puts on) like a Horton is expected to be, it would probably seem ultra-weird to me, and I'd most likely never really believe she was being authentically nice anyway. With Abigail, my default assumption is that she always has some kind of agenda despite pretending otherwise (unless an actress change were to take place). 

Edited by radishcake
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Oh, ShadowSixx, thank you for these, thank you SO MUCH.   It does a body good to see side piece slapped around.    Of course she looks horrified and shocked, since in her world it's only her and Jenn who get to be slap happy in Salem. 


I never liked Carrie more.


I just watched these again.  WHAT a great pick-me-up after a long Friday!

The side piece is all I have not done anything wrong.

  • Love 1

I want Dan to leave the show...Does anybody know if Higley was Pro-Dan when she was writing the show the last time....

Daniel was, I think, Higley's creation, so yes.  She was pro-Daniel.  And even if he wasn't her creation (there's a chance that he might've been the last character created by Hogan Sheffer on his way out), she still had such a great time writing for him.

  • Love 2

Xander manhandled Serena.  And now he keeps pulling the rug under Nicole, every day telling her to leave and then not to.  Corday really hates Nicole.  He doesn't have a cute face either.  Good riddance but what a waste of a storyline.  Is it true there's a coup on Corday? 


Cute is subjective. I have a feeling the men you find attractive just wouldn't do it for me. You can say good riddance with a smile but as a Nicole fan, an Ari Zucker fan and a Paul Telfer fan I don't have that luxury. Xander manhandling Serena could be seen as writing him into a corner as a romantic lead but then again this is the soap opera that paired a couple, who blackmailed a woman into sex and the same woman who shot him in the head and hoped he died, together in relatively happy matrimony.


I'd also argue that I find Eric's misogynist leanings towards Nicole and blaming her for his sexual feelings for her more disturbing than the manhandling of Serena, especially since Eric is positioned as being a good guy, with good morals and values. DOOL has always been an embarrassment of riches when it comes to abuse against women, verbal and otherwise.



I think the idiot writers and Ken Corday are really to stupid to see how unlikeable their good characters are.  The more they bash characters like Sami, Theresa, and Nicole, and try to insist that Dan, Jenn, or Slappy are good, the more annoyed I get.


This is exactly my problem.

Edited by slayer2
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Bantering I don't think the writers hate Abigail by any means based on the fact the actress is in a relationship with one and the writing in general of her being praised often and (cough) the voice of reason.

Speaking of Failure typical of her displaying control freak tendencies knocking Mannequin for changing his name. She encouraged his relationship with Hillbilly Rapist and FYI she isn't engaged to Mannequin so why does he have I to defer to her about that name shit anyhow?

She just wants an excuse to justify bopping on Chads dick and being a participant of an affair, and of course criticize and judge a person since those 2 things are her everything.... besides slapping people. Those 3 hobbies.

Edited by Petunia13
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And I'll never understand the Daniel hate. Sure he's a surgeon, an ob/gyn, an ER doc, a cardiologist and all around miracle worker, but so was Mike Horton (among other leading docs on the show), but viewers didn't seem to hate him.  Ah, the curse of the internet. Brings out the best and worst, you know?

Mike was flawed, made mistakes, was called on those mistakes, and he admitted to them himself.  He never acted like he was perfect.  Daniel is flawed and makes mistakes, but is rarely called on them except by the people we're supposed to "hate."  Others treat him like he's perfect and never makes mistakes, which annoys many people.  If Daniel had more self-awareness and admitted to his mistakes a lot more often and less people kissed his ass, there'd be less of a problem with him.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
  • Love 13

I noticed about a week ago that Dr Dan has gotten rid of the necklace thingy that he's been wearing since forever. Maybe it happened when Nicole gave him that 'sensuous' shave? He's been wearing better clothes. Tucking in his shirt a lot more than ever. All because Nicole gave him that little lecture about looking clean for that little old lady on the hospital board.

  • Love 1

Wilson's babysitter needs to be fired..Who leaves a baby with a stranger..Ari has too many family members in town for her to be in the care of Paul...This is just another way for Paul and Will to have another argument over Sonny....This triangle is stupid because it is the same scenes over and over again between Wilson, Paulson and Will and Paul...There is no movement  at all in the storyline....These writers really suck....Ken Corday sucks period....Sparkle should never have agreed to  watch her, he knows how Will feels about him..It makes no sense that he would agree to watch her...This story has not made any sense, since it's inception and it has made everybody in the triangle look bad and stupid...There are no winners in this story....


It would have been better for Arianna to become suddenly sick and for Paul to rush her to the emergency room. He contacts Sonny and they are together with her in the hospital. While being there for Sonny, they could have shared a kiss reigniting Sonny's suppressed  feelings for him. Meanwhile Will comes back to town and rushes to the hospital only to find Paulson and Arianna together as a family making things worst for Wilson...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 2

I'm sick of so many people on this show.


STFU Serena. Go away and take those stupid fake flea market diamonds and the elephant with you. 




STFU Nicole and mind your own damn business and then find some self respect and tell Dan to fuck off. 


STFU Cole.


STFU Eve. You're pathetic, gross, and shitty for trying to set JJ up with drugs.


STFU JJ. Man up and tell Paige that you had nasty sex with her mother repeatedly. The truth will set you free. Or whatever. 


STFU Justin. You JUST CHEATED on Sonny's mother and now she's having gross sex with Lucas. You're in NO POSITION to judge ANYONE for cheating or offer up your worthless commentary on Sonny and Will's marriage.

  • Love 8

Mike was flawed, made mistakes, was called on those mistakes, and he admitted to them himself. He never acted like he was perfect. Daniel is flawed and makes mistakes, but is rarely called on them except by the people we're supposed to "hate." Others treat him like he's perfect and never makes mistakes, which annoys many people. If Daniel had more self-awareness and admitted to his mistakes a lot more often and less people kissed his ass, there'd be less of a problem with him.

I would also like to add an addendum to this which is, Daniel is an asshole, additional to what Ketchum said, not only does he not admit to mistakes or the fact that he is a loose as a canon, but he goes around judging everyone else for things that he has done and would do. Breaking up Lucas and Chloe's marriage is one of those things, trying to get with all the Roberts women is another and in between all his sexual exploits (and I do mean exploits) he still finds time to shame Nicole for her feelings about Eric (I'm sure she feels enough shame having feelings about that dolt) sanctimoniously glare at Theresa for having the gall to give her baby a different name than the kidnapper did, and overall judge her for things that Abigail has already done twice over! But Abigail never gets any scorn or disdain. He has put Salem in boxes exactly like his asshole godfather Victor, the only difference is Daniel never gets called out on his hypocritical behaviour. There is no character on this show I could dislike more. That is to say I cannot stand him.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 5

Bravo Slayer2....Your post is brilliant..Don't forget that he groped Chloe on the examination table..Plus, so many beloved characters were trashed to make him a saint; Philip, Lucas, Maggie, Abigail, Jennifer, Chloe, Nicole,Carly, JJ, and of course my beloved Jack....Who was killed to further Ken Corday's wet dream that is Dannifer..Yuck....The real Jennifer Rose Horton would never look at that slimy perverted doctor....Jennifer's despicable behavior towards Jack left a bad taste in my mouth..She failed Jack as a woman,a wife,a friend, the mother of his children and as a decent human being..She was a real bitch to Jack and I have hated her ever since then...

Edited by radishcake
  • Love 4


STFU Nicole and mind your own damn business and then find some self respect and tell Dan to fuck off


This is true. #FML for watching this show, and now that they dumped Paul Telfer she'll go snivelling back to Dan's pathetic judgemental ass and I'll have to hear about it, or just as bad she'll be crawling back to Eric the Grey and I will die of the boredom. Rafe isn't doing anything, why can't I get my Rafe/Nicole, I've been waiting YEARS!!! Their chemistry is actually organic and he accepts her for who she is and loves her anyway. They need to stop pairing him with people that nobody cares about and put him with Nicole! Until then I guess I hope off this stupid train in August.

  • Love 1

5/18/2015 Recap :) A little hard to recap because of the phone calls, texts, and characters flopping to and fro from one location to the next lol. It was kinda hard to keep up and put which character was where when I'm bolding the headers lol. This recap is wonky so hope you guys are able to follow it for those that are unable to watch the show.



Dan wants to know what Nicole is doing with Xander. Serena says forget she said anything and asks the question again and Serena says she saw Nicole there. Serena says Nicole is there for work and interviewing people for Italy story. Dan doesn't know why she would pick Xander as he barely knows Brady and Serena says that Nicole is doing a side story which Dan doesn't buy. Serena says it's the impression she got from Nicole and says she has to leave. Before leaving Serena tells Dan that if she tells him, it has to stay between them.


Serena says it's about Xander and Dan asks her if she's afraid of Xander which she denies. She says it's difficult and how it might cause trouble. Dan shuts the office door and wants her to tell him whatever she can about Xander and how it will never leave the room. Serena says Xander is not what he appears to be. Serena says that he loves challenges when it comes to women and he's persuasive. Dan asks if that's her experience with Xander which Serena confirms and how she would have told Dan and Eric but they're guys and she sees what Nicole is about to go through with Xander. Dan says Nicole knows how to handle herself with men, all kinds of men. Serena says she won't worry then and that she's not trying to trash Nicole. Dan assures her that what they discuss is private and has to see a patient. Serena leaves. 


Serena says she doesn't believe Dan for one second and she gets on her phone and calls Xander and tells him that she needs to see him.


Nicole arrives at Dan's apartment which Dan is surprised to see her there because wasn't she at Xander's place. Nicole says she was interviewing Xander about Italy and Dan says that she doesn't want to interview Dan, Eric, Brady, or Mel about it. Nicole says it's from a unique perspective which Nicole tries to explain which Dan isn't interested and slams the door in her face.



Nicole is looking at the elephant on Xander's phone and flashes back to catching Serena with both elephants. Nicole hears Xander and quickly puts down the phone and hops back on the bed. Xander enters the room and thinks there is something wrong with Nicole. Xander says he caught Nicole sitting back down on the bed which Nicole says she was trying to walk and Xander picks his cell off the floor. Xander tells her not to worry and takes off her shoe and massages her foot and tells her to tell him where it hurts.


Xander says there's no swelling and Nicole says she doesn't swell then says ow and Xander says he'll be careful. Nicole says Xander must be thinking something and Xander asks if it's bad and Nicole says it's not. Xander caresses up to her leg which Nicole says that it's fixed and Xander says she's sure and she says yes. Nicole stands up and falls in Xander's arms as they're face to face. Xander gets a call from Serena who needs to see him and Xander says not a good time but Serena tells him now and hangs up. Xander tells Nicole that it's business which Nicole leaves and takes a sigh of relief as she's out the door. Xander says to himself that it better be important what Serena wants.


Nicole is back at her office and wonders why JJ has a pic of that elephant and flashes back again to her catching Serena with them, Dan confirming that there's only one and Eric saying that they're two of them. Back in real time Nicole says she can't tell Dan until she has something solid and wonders how to do it as she leaves her office.


Serena arrives at Xander's and he wants to know what she wants until his phone rings. Xander notices that when he hung up his phone the phone went straight to his photo gallery and the elephant which he says isn't the first pic in the gallery and shows Serena.



Paige is sitting at the student lounge and flashes back to JJ throwing away the marijuana. Cole snaps her out of it and talks about the final where Cole says he bombed the test and Paige tells he that he doesn't think that he would figure it out. Paige calls Cole fake and Cole says it's not fake on how he feels about her and Paige asks him is it why he's setting JJ up. Cole tries to deny it but Paige tells him how she knows and same thing Cole tried to do when they first met and she tells Cole to try and deny it. Cole tries to deny again and goes to leave but Paige says if he walks out her next call is to the police.


Paige's phone rings and it's Eve and Eve notices that she's upset and Paige says they'll talk later as she's busy. Cole says that Paige watches too many crime scenes and Paige knew that Cole was in JJ's house when her and JJ was suppose to go to the movies and the knocked over plant. Cole tries to deny it until he mentions Paige and JJ going upstairs and Paige asks him how did he know about her and JJ going upstairs and how the Horton house has stairs. Paige calls him a lunatic and asks why he did it which Cole says he'll tell her as the students look on.


Cole tells her that she's with the worst guy ever and trying to help her and Paige tells him to shut up as he's the worst guy she can around and Paige tells Cole to stay away from her and leaves.



Eve arrives home to find a note that says 'Text me, it's important.' Eve thinks it's Cole and says to herself that she told Cole not to contact her again and bawls up the paper and throws it on the floor. Eve gets another text from JJ (pretending to be Cole) saying to text at this number which Eve ignores but she gets another text immediately that says "Text me now or we are screwed". She continues to ignore the text as she gets another text and she thinks it's Cole again. (JJ isn't saying in the texts that it's him)


Eve calls Paige and while Eve is on the phone with her there's a knock at the door, she goes to answer it and it's Jen. While at the door Eve receives another text from JJ. Jen says she can answer the phone if she must and Eve tells her to forget about the phone and Jen says it could be Paige but Eve says she just got off the phone with Paige. Eve gets another text and wants to know what Jen wants. Jen wants to know about Eve attending the party and while these two are talking Eve's phone is vibrating like 5x all with texts from JJ. She finally texts back. She has to keep texting and tells Jen it's not a good time and tells Jen that she'll be at the party and closes the door on Jen.


She gets another text from JJ about needing money and Eve says who doesn't. Continued back and forth text with threatening to tell Paige if Eve doesn't help him and Eve finally texts back something to the effect of what Cole needs which JJ is shown with a satisfied look on his face. Eve gets another text to meet at the park and needing $1000. She texts that she can't be seen with him and JJ texts to leave the money in an envelope and they won't see each other again and basically confirm to meet as Eve is about to leave and then says what is she doing as it's just Cole.


Eve arrives at the park wearing sunglasses and gets a call from Cole which she answers and tells him that she left the money where he told her to. Cole is confused and JJ arrives and tells Eve to smile as he takes a photo of her on his phone and tells her that he got her.



JJ has a disposable phone that he brought waiting on Eve to text him. He hears Jen and he hides the phone but the pamphlet for the phone drops under the table. Jen has party supplies for JJ passing the finals and JJ asks is the party the right time to tell people that he and Paige are going to Cali which Jen thinks it's a good time to tell. JJ has to go and turn some paper in about a book and then asks Jen for help on something. JJ thinks that they should invite Eve and how they're really trying to fix things and make Eve feel welcomed and that an e-mail invite wouldn't be enough. Jen says that she'll personally invite Eve while she's out running her errands and leaves which JJ thanks her.


JJ pulls out the disposable phone and texts Eve again. He texts her again wanting Eve to take the bait. Eve finally texts back after he texted her numerous times and when she does JJ says gotcha. 


Jen is at home and she sees the pamphlet on the floor about the disposable phone. Knock on the door and it's Paige and they discuss JJ until Paige leaves which Jen says that Paige is gonna be surprised.



Sonny wants to know about what happened between Justin and Adrienne but Justin doesn't want him in the middle but Sonny says it's too late. They talk about Justin and Adrienne's marriage before Sonny offers him some coffee. Justin asks about his marriage with Will and Paul being in town. Sonny tells Justin that Will doesn't know that Paul is back in town. Justin asks why Sonny didn't tell Will and Sonny says there's nothing to tell and Will is out of town. Justin thought Will dropped the story to work on their marriage which Sonny doesn't want to talk about it. Justin thinks Sonny is uneasy because he seen Paul. Sonny confirms that he seen Paul and asks Justin why he wants him to end his marriage. Justin says he wants Sonny to be happy and Sonny says that as long as it's with someone else and Sonny calls him a hypocrite on getting onto Will about leaving for work and cheating when he's doing the same thing and tells Justin not to push him hard about Will and Sonny leaves.



Paul and John are at The Square with coffee and Paul also has a shopping bag. Paul apologizes for what happened at the hospital with Theresa and Brady which John says that Paul was provoked. Paul and John sit on the bench which Paul drops his shopping bag with the shirt that Sonny gave him almost falling out which Paul tells John that he's gonna return the shirt. Paul tells John that he was at Sonny's house and the spilled milk incident with Ari. John asks how Will handled it and Paul tells him that Will wasn't there as he was there to straighten things out. John asked if he worked things out with Sonny which Paul says that Sonny told him where he stood. John asked if he misses Sonny and Paul says that he and Sonny have rhythm and still do. Paul wants to know when he's going to meet his nephew and John says he'll set it up and Paul says to tell Brady that he wants to apologize to both Brady and Theresa. John leaves.


Paul knocks on Sonny and Will's door and the babysitter Natalie opens the door and tells Paul that nobody is here and that she has to go to the hospital. Paul wants to know what's wrong with Ari and the babysitter says nothing as it's her sister who broke her arm and the hospital won't accept insurance information over the phone. Paul volunteers to stay with Ari and will tell Sonny. Paul calls Sonny and tells him which Sonny is fine with and will be there but he's stuck in traffic. Sonny talks to Natalie and Natalie leaves.


Paul is playing with Ari until Paul hears someone outside which he thinks is Sonny arriving home but it's Will. 



They talk about their children and how things with Paul/Sonny/Will is gonna be a minefield.




Dark Roast continues to be an asshole to Nicole with the whole, why didn't you come to me, Mel, Brady or Eric to talk about Italy. Dark Roast you don't know that much about what happened in Italy either. He's always harping on her about her job anyway when she's trying to write a story or something so I see why Nicole's first instinct isn't to go running to Dark Roast. I'm so sick of his damn attitude. I don't know who needs to be killed first, Dark Roast or Jar Jar.


JJ just came off like a psycho loon with as many times as he was texting Eve. Really JJ?? (someone please come up with a nickname for this jackass he seriously needs one) He's getting all indignant over Cole and Eve working together yet he's keeping a secret from his precious Lima Bean. Ugh. 


IDK why people keeping pushing Sonny on what to do. Justin has no right to tell Sonny to be happy with someone else besides Sneasel and basically run off with Sparkles. Justin is one of the last few people that need to be talking. Sonny is loyal and he's not gonna quickly dump someone and go bed hopping with someone else. There's no guarantee that Sonny would be happy with Sparkles because Sparkles didn't care that Sneasel was with someone else when they slept together. 


First episode in a long time where Jacosta isn't annoying. 

Edited by ShadowSixx
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Sonny was right in what he said to Justin, however, Sonny now needs to suit action to words.  If Sonny wants to save his marriage to Will, he needs to tell Sparkle to take a hike.  If Sneasel isn't putting the kind of effort into saving the marriage that Sonny wants or needs, Sonny should firmly tell Will that, and if Will won't listen, Sonny should cut his losses.  Running off with Sparkle is not the answer to Sonny's problems with Will.


Everyone else on this show annoys me or bores me.  Why any of the women in Salem put up with the abusive men, I do not know.  It's gotten beyond offensive.

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Sonny does not know what he wants..He is not giving Sparkles any boundaries...He is too comfortable with going over to Wilson's apartment and playing with their daughter....That is unacceptable...Sonny is feeding Will's paranoia that he wants to get back with Sparkle and that it is only a matter of time before he does that..Sonny should have called Lucas, his mom, even his dad to go over there and watch Ari, until he gets there...Giving Sparkle access to Ari is wrong on so many levels....Sonny who is so smart and level headed is acting foolish, passive and naive....

Edited by Apprentice79
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I would also like to add an addendum to this which is, Daniel is an asshole, additional to what Ketchum said, not only does he not admit to mistakes or the fact that he is a gigantic whore, but he goes around judging everyone else for things that he has done and would do. Breaking up Lucas and Chloe's marriage is one of those things, trying to get with all the Roberts women is another and in between all his sexual exploits (and I do mean exploits) he still finds time to shame Nicole for her feelings about Eric (I'm sure she feels enough shame having feelings about that dolt) sanctimoniously glare at Theresa for having the gall to give her baby a different name than the kidnapper did, and overall judge her for things that Abigail has already done twice over! But Abigail never gets any scorn or disdain. He has put Salem in boxes exactly like his asshole godfather Victor, the only difference is Daniel never gets called out on his hypocritical behaviour. There is no character on this show I could dislike more. That is to say I cannot stand him.

Imo Daniel and the side piece are birds of a feather who should be together. Neither or ever judged and never will be.
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Sonny who is so smart and level headed is acting foolish, passive and naive.



Sonny is yet another character who is being written completely OOC for a really dumb SL.  Sonny has never been foolish, passive or naive.


Bobcat, if that happened, they would both be on 24/7 while everyone in Salem talked about how great and good they are, and the ratings would nosedive.


Any chance when Sami returns she'll team up with Kate and Nicole to kill Dan, Clyde, Stefano, and Jar Jar?  I don't even care what the reason would be so long as it happened.

  • Love 2

Wait, Daniel's a man? I thought he was the Cowardly lion from Wizard of Oz. Why doesn't anybody tell me these things!

Now who could possibly blame you for thinking that, when he's always singing this...


Life is sad, cuz I'm so pissy,

When every day I throw a hissy

Since the ladies will not serve.

But I could change my habit,

Just stop being such a maggot

If I only had the nerve.

I'm afraid there's no denyin'

I'm just a dandylion


But there is no Wizard out there with any help for this DoucheLord.

Edited by boes
  • Love 5

The conversation between Marlena and Stefano is symbolic of what is so wrong with this show.  The Dimeras are despicable criminals, but the writers always want to try and blame other characters for what they do.  They did it with Kristen/Eric and Sami/EJ.  Kristen drugged and raped Eric.  They want to try and call it seduction and imply Eric was the aggressor.  EJ lies to Sami, and cheats on her, and it's Sami's fault for daring to be angry that Kristen drugged and raped Eric.


I wish when Stefano returns to Salem, it would be revealed that Kate/Sami were still working together.  They have found evidence of all Stefano's crimes and turned it over to the police.  Stefano is arrested.  Sami/Kate show up at the police station, and Sami tells Stefano she never forgave EJ, she was just buying time.  Stefano was so focused on getting his company back he didn't realize what Kate/Sami were really up to.  However, that will never happen because Stefano always wins.


I never saw the show saying it was Sami's fault that EJ cheated. EJ was more open to temptation, because he and Sami were in a bad place due to his own fault, and he was chasing after Abigail, originally, because of the whole Nick "drowning" (I think, right?), but it was his fault he cheated. To me, the show never presented it otherwise.

Your wish for Sami's return is mine too, except for the part about Sami not forgiving EJ, and I don't say that in an EJAMI way. Alison's most powerful (to me) scenes in so long, came in the wake of EJ's death. Her Sami was absolutely devastated. I remember her down in the morgue, climbing up onto the gurney and lying with EJ's corpse. She broke my heart. I wouldn't want any retcon to reverse that. 


I agree it was maddenning watching Marlena dance around the obvious simple explanation of " she was trying to shoot me, for the third time, and I wrestled the gun away but she  tripped and fell" when speaking to Chad, John, Eric and Stefano.  It seems all the dialogue is written to be intentionally murky to support multiple interpretations.


Sometimes when crap like that happens, I wonder if it's a case of one writer or group of writers, not knowing how the previous writer(s) wrote the scenes in a prior episode. Like maybe A & B wrote Kristen's death scene, and C & D wrote Marlena's scenes with Stefano, and didn't get a chance to read A & B's script, and only know how the episode was broken. Regardless of the reason, it's frustrating and I don't know why it keeps happening. 


Interestingly, the first time I remember seeing Daniel was when he and Jennifer were at the Horton cabin and Jennifer had appendicitis.  They were stranded on the island and Daniel was worried about during the surgery because of a shakiness in his hand.   I think they were just falling in love at that point. And I have no idea what had happened to his hand.  But my first impression of Daniel were good.  That was back when I just watched DOOL on the odd occasion, so maybe I just caught Daniel on a "good day".


I think that was Daniel and Jennifer's second go-round. If I recall correctly, the first time he saved her life after some evil prison doctor had removed her heart. Daniel put it back in. Jennifer didn't die. No typos. I had just started watching, again (I take sanity breaks). They had good chemistry, then, but neither Jennifer nor Daniel were being written as jerks during that time. 

Edited by General Days
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I watched the scenes between Sonny and his father. I always like the rapport Kurth and Smith have. Fast-forwarded through most of everything else.


Ari G. did not look impressed with Mr. Sparkle. I thought her "Dude, seriously?" face spoke volumes in response to Paul's (hackneyed) line "Well, it looks like it's just you and me, kid." 

Does this show have to be so contrived and yet so predictable at the same time? Yeesh.

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I watched the scenes between Sonny and his father. I always like the rapport Kurth and Smith have. Fast-forwarded through most of everything else.


Too bad Justin has become an annoying hypocrite who refuses to back off and let Sonny handle his marriage. He's now a toned down version of Sonny's mother.

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Dingy Dan and Failure would take on qualities of theatre of the absurd.  They could constantly judge each other until it circles around and around.  I would tune in.  Since Dirty Dan wants to argue all the time and Failure likes to gape (mouth or legs, your pick)  at any confrontation it would be perfect.  Add in the ick factor with a girl 25 years younger and Days has it made.  If they were really smart they'd take it to a Passions level of satire.


ETA I work with a big clomping bug eyed Serena who has been here one month and thinks she's a manger.  But she was wrong before that.  Every single import has been wrong except for maybe Original Ariana.


As for the overacting and twitching with Melly someone needs to sit KDP down too.

Edited by QuelleC
  • Love 4

Too bad Justin has become an annoying hypocrite who refuses to back off and let Sonny handle his marriage.


Maybe it's just that I'm taking the show in small doses now, but, while I see Justin's hypocrisy (and Sonny called him on it), I thought their conversation was more honest, and consequently less annoying, than it might have been. I still don't buy that Justin has anything good to say about Sparkle Paul -- because, please -- but I found it refreshing to see father and son acting like family. I don't think Justin's quite at Adrienne levels of sanctimony or blindness to his own behaviour; at least not with Sonny.

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I enjoy sonny with both his parents and think they both (adrienne in the past and justin a few days ago- his team paulsoness is weird as hell (but again, if no one in town is rooting for paulson, how will i buy it as a real option, so ill go with it DOOL) but I agree Sonny deserves better than Will) have been right about Will. i was team adrienne when she was anti will.... and, well, we see how this all worked out. true love is fine and cute and all but, frankly, in real life, if my golden boy adventurer good catch sonny brought home the self-hating train wreck that is will horton while passing on the soon to be doctor, Brian, and then i find out he's an attempted murderer (and not even in self defense- does Adrienne know that Will's an attempted murderer? I'm not sure if her opinion of Will could drop) with a secret baby and a psycho blackmailing cousin and my dolt of an honorable son decided to get involved in that circus- i'd have a heart attack. i would never ever approve of that marriage, sorry not sorry, though i probably wouldnt lay it all out there to him, adrienne style.

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I like Paul, but a lot of that is because I think he's cute and I'm so gung-ho that there's a non-white character getting a storyline. To be fair I really haven't watched any of his scenes and most of that has to do with my immense dislike of Will, ever since he wrote that article on Sami he's been super-duper dead to me.

Edited by slayer2
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