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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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Okay I get it it was a bit confusing how you explained it at first. But how do we know that this guy isn't Alex who is maybe rough around but the edges? Because why would they trump up a random nephew AND use the same name for no reason?

Something is going on here I'll bet. It is true there are a lot of Alexandros in Greece and it's a popular name for Greek families but in Salem in particular and with the adding of Justin and Adrienne on contract I'm betting there's a damn good reason for this.

Edited by slayer2
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Xander was introduced by the old writers whose material is currently on air..The new writers put Wally and Judy on contract....This xander is not Justin's son....He has yet to have scenes with Sonny, Justin and Adrienne...Plus, the new writers love the Kiriakis family and they will be getting alot of focus..I will not be surprise that Sonny's brothers do come into the scene at some point...

Edited by Apprentice79

According to this he's Anjelica's kid.http://soaps.sheknows.com/daysofourlives/cast/1297/Xander_Cook_Alexandros_Kiriakis/

But that's what I'm saying, the new writer is Higley and she loves the Kiriakis family, even if TomSell were too stupid to make him Justin's son. Damned if she might not try. Though I still think TomSell have/had something in mind.

I don't care at all about Sonny's brothers I care about this guy. They found a goldmine in him and he has way more chemistry with Nicole than Dan does (hardly surprising) IMO. I only watch the show for Nicole and (it used to be) Kate and any time Nicole lands a Dimera or Kiriakis I get very happy. I'd like her as far away from the Bradys and Hortons as humanly possible. They're a disgrace and a bore and they're ruining her character IMO.

Edited by slayer2
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Did anyone notice after Justin confronted Lucas and Sonny's mother, she said she would have one of the maids prepare a room for him? First of all, Victor is Justin's uncle so if anyone should be moving out of their bedroom it should be her. Second why is she even still living in Victor's house? She doesn't want to be with Justin anymore? She wants to keep having nasty sex with Lucas? OK, well pack up your crap and get the fuck out of the Kiriakis home. She makes me so sick.

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Adrienne was so awesome back in the day...She was never this shrill and annoying..The show just had to turn her into an unnecessary obstacle for Wilson. Adrienne written in character would never have been so oppose to Will because of his parents..Her parents were not exactly blue blood and Victor despised her and pulled lots of stunts to keep her away from Justin. He used to treat her like dirt....

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The actor is good and he should be with Nicole, but, Ken Corday wants everybody to worship Dan....


I'm trying to remember how Dena Higley felt about Dan. I know she loved writing for Nicole and when Higley and MarDar wrote for her it was the only time 2 men or more were circling her orbit. I really wish I could have seen MarDar's Nicole come to fruition, a strong independent woman who made her own choices, had a career and was good at it and wasn't simpering at the hands of a man. I didn't pay attention to much else during MarDar's run but their writing for Nicole was incredible and I was truly looking forward to her finally having the baby she had so long craved. I maintain that Nicole Walker has been and will always be the BEST mother on this show and AZ is incredible with children it's such a shame. It was just magical to watch her with baby Sydney (remember magical baby Sydney?) and the Johnny twins.


I do remember being particularly impressed that Brady was hounding after her while she was married to EJ and that she really is where the EJ vs Brady feud began and I thought that was a good bit of writing, especially the scene where he shows up at the cabin before her wedding day and tries to convince her to leave. I also loved the writing for Melanie during that time before the push pull of Nathan/Philip. Conniving Orphan Melanie was always my favourite and I'm so sad that they gave her a family besides Max, I thought she was wonderful on her own and now I cannot stand her. But I digress, I don't remember Nicole being anywhere near Dan's orbit when DH was writing because she was firmly lodged between the DiMera vs Kiriakis war and lining up to be a DiMera matriarch so if I know Dena I expect that the minute we see her hands on the reins Nicole will be far away from Dan the Tan Man and back fulltime in the Kiriakis orbit. I think it's telling that she let go of the actress playing Serena but kept Paul Telfer's character. It's a good sign for Nicole, at least I'm taking it that way.

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so if I know Dena I expect that the minute we see her hands on the reins Nicole will be far away from Dan the Tan Man and back fulltime in the Kiriakis orbit. I think it's telling that she let go of the actress playing Serena but kept Paul Telfer's character. It's a good sign for Nicole, at least I'm taking it that way.


I sure hope you're right.  Nicole is one my favorite characters, but currently that is strictly because I think the AZ is such a good actress.  Ever since EJ they've made her this desperate, foolish woman, most of the time, and I just can't buy her as that.  It seems so false to who she was before and certainly doesn't fit with AZ's strengths as an actor.   

So FAR AWAY from Dirty Dan and adios to those endless apology tours Show has made her take.  She's one of Days stronger performers and Show should use that talent.

Edited by boes
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I sure hope you're right.  Nicole is one my favorite characters, but currently that is strictly because I think the AZ is such a good actress.  Ever since EJ they've made her this desperate, foolish woman, most of the time, and I just can't buy her as that.  It seems so false to who she was before and certainly doesn't fit with AZ's strengths as an actor.   

So FAR AWAY from Dirty Dand and adios to those endless apology tours Show has made her take.  She's one of Days stronger performers and Show should use that talent.


I agree. What I liked about Dena Higley's Nicole was internal strength, she seemed to have the same fighter in her that Sami did and no matter how far down she sunk she was not out and she held Sydney above everything else and even when she was locked up in jail she was still thinking in Sydney's best interests.


She was madly in love with EJ and you could tell that she did love Brady but she never strayed or cheated on EJ she had a lot of resolve which I don't see with this Nicole and she knew exactly what she wanted and set about getting it. With DH's Nicole I saw a woman who knew exactly who she was and wasn't trying to fit into this Brady/Horton cookie cutter life. She was the Dimera matriarch and she wore it with pride. I hope we can get back to that bold and strong Nicole soon. Hopefully DH will see how Eric and Dan stifle Nicole's natural effervescence and realize how much better she is when she's accepted for who she is warts and all.

Edited by slayer2
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He really is, almost threw up in my mouth a little when I remembered he slept his way through 3 generations of Roberts women. Disgusting.

Just two generations, thankfully -- Kate and Chelsea.  There was a brief flirtation with Billie, but she shut him right down and put the brakes on things before it went anywhere beyond flirting.  Still, the "three generations of Roberts women" line was eventually uttered -- by an equally disgusted Kate, no less!

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Man, but I hate Daniel!  How dare he give Theresa his constipated annoyed face at her wanting to change HER OWN BABY's NAME?!!  The same baby who WAS KIDNAPPED OUT OF HER WOMB!!  Does no one get just how violated she's been?


I will never understand the writers' obsession with this character.  There is nothing honorable or likable about him, and he's fucking boring!  I wasn't watching the last time Higley wrote this show and am very curious how she handled him.  Did she have everyone put him on the as-close-to-virgin-birth-as-possible pedestal, or was he just a pompous guy who everyone generally ignored, like Eric?

  • Love 1

Just two generations, thankfully -- Kate and Chelsea.  There was a brief flirtation with Billie, but she shut him right down and put the brakes on things before it went anywhere beyond flirting.  Still, the "three generations of Roberts women" line was eventually uttered -- by an equally disgusted Kate, no less!


Thanks for the clarification and YUCK! Now that you mention it I do think I remember Billie putting it on immediate ice when she made him aware of his dastardly deeds. Super duper gross and he just never gets caught and it's not like he looks like Xander or James Scott or Matt Cedeno. What am I missing?



I will never understand the writers' obsession with this character.  There is nothing honorable or likable about him, and he's fucking boring!  I wasn't watching the last time Higley wrote this show and am very curious how she handled him.  Did she have everyone put him on the as-close-to-virgin-birth-as-possible pedestal, or was he just a pompous guy who everyone generally ignored, like Eric?


Hey Kitty! From what I remember (which isn't much because I was uber-focused on Phelanie and Ejole) Dan was running around chasing after Chloe due to Kate constant attempts at murdering her. The writing did Lucas no favours at all and it was written as though Chloe was with Lucas out of obligation but at the same time Dan wasn't the hot guy everyone wanted to hook up with, Melanie barely knew him but helped because of Brady's relationship with Chloe and Dan was running around like a lovesick fool saying things like "If she dies, I might." So I think yes, he was basically a sanctimonious git that everyone ignored. I don't remember when Higley was fired so I'm not sure if she is responsible for his retcon as Melanie's father and/or if she's responsible for his retcon as Maggie's son but I do know she had the good sense to get rid of dead-eyed Mia and write her off the show after Babygate happened.


From memory Higley's writing for various characters was thusly

Sami's entanglements were with : Rafe/EJ maternity leave then frontburner

Nicole's: EJ/Brady frontburner

Kate: Stefano (and Higley might have been responsible for that pairing since she married him to get out of jail free after Chloe) frontburner/backburner alternating

Melanie: Philip/Nathan: frontburner

Stephanie: Philip/Nathan : frontburner/backburner alternating

Stefano: frontburner supporting EJ

Victor: frontburner supporting Philip

Philip: frontburner

Hope: frontburner

Bo: frontburner

EJ: frontburner supporting Nicole

Rafe: frontburner supporting Sami

Roman: around more than he is now (don't really know what that says)

Lucas: backburner

Jenn: I don't think she was on canvas and then when she was there was that silly heart massage story but she was backburner IIRC

Brady: frontburner for Kiriakis vs Dimera feud and EJ/Nicole/Brady triangle

Justin: frontburner pushed to backburner (but Higley really likes writing for him and it was at her behest that he was invited back to the show the last time)

Marlena: written off (I believe)

John: written off (I believe)


This is all I can remember right now, feel free to correct me if I'm remembering wrong. :)

Edited by slayer2
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Thanks for the clarification and YUCK! Now that you mention it I do think I remember Billie putting it on immediate ice when she made him aware of his dastardly deeds. Super duper gross and he just never gets caught and it's not like he looks like Xander or James Scott or Matt Cedeno. What am I missing?


I don't remember when Higley was fired so I'm not sure if she is responsible for his retcon as Melanie's father and/or if she's responsible for his retcon as Maggie's son but I do know she had the good sense to get rid of dead-eyed Mia and write her off the show after Babygate happened.

Actually, to further what I said, it was really only one generation -- Kate only.  Chelsea he had many kisses with, but he never got to sleeping with her.  He was about to, but she found out about him cheating on her with her own grandmother and broke up with him immediately.


And yes, Higley did write the retcon that made Daniel Melanie's father (and Carly her mother), but it was Marlene MacPherson and Darrell Ray Thomas, Jr., who retconned Daniel as Maggie's son.



And yes, Higley did write the retcon that made Daniel Melanie's father (and Carly her mother), but it was Marlene MacPherson and Darrell Ray Thomas, Jr., who retconned Daniel as Maggie's son.



Oh phew! Thanks, Ketchum, I can forgive her for that easy peasy, although I preferred Mel as an orphan but the Dan as Maggie's son and the making of Melanie as a Horton is where I get stabby and crazy eyed. If only Nathan's Mom wasn't adopted or if only Melanie had gotten it on with Lucas or someone then MarDar never could have gone that route. Dammit! Shoulda Coulda Woulda I guess.

Edited by slayer2
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Oh phew! Thanks, Ketchum, I can forgive her for that easy peasy, although I preferred Mel as an orphan but the Dan as Maggie's son and the making of Melanie as a Horton is where I get stabby and crazy eyed. If only Nathan's Mom wasn't adopted or if only Melanie had gotten it on with Lucas or someone then MarDar never could have gone that route. Dammit! Shoulda Coulda Woulda I guess.

The good news is that neither is a Horton, anyway.  They're both Simmonses, but not Hortons.

  • Love 1

Thanks for the rundown, slayer2!  I'm optimistic that the writing will be better.  It will never be as good as it could be, because among other reasons they don't give the writers enough time anymore, but I like your list of frontburners far better than what we have today.  Hopefully more Kiriaki will show up, Clyde will be killed off, and Abigail and her mannequin will be written off or backburnered.


I started watching when EJ was running for mayor and I loved-loved-loved him and Nicole.  When I was reading into the history of the characters and whatnot, I almost couldn't believe that EJ and Sami had so much history.  It was nothing against Sami or AS (because I love both the character and the actress), but that JS and AZ were just smokin' together.  I was sad when EJ and Nicole broke up and became enemies.


Actually the first scene I can remember was an evening confrontation between Nicole and Jennifer in the square.  My dislike for Jennifer was almost instantaneous. Heh.


I also really love Nicole and Rafe's friendship. Those two haven't had a conversation in months, though.  Such a damn waste to have so many characters in separate bubbles, which is another thing I hope will change.


Also, the Brady Pub set hasn't really been reduced to just a booth, has it?

Edited by Kitty Redstone
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Thanks for the rundown, slayer2!  I'm optimistic that the writing will be better.  It will never be as good as it could be, because among other reasons they don't give the writers enough time anymore, but I like your list of frontburners far better than what we have today.  Hopefully more Kiriaki will show up, Clyde will be killed off, and Abigail and her mannequin will be written off or backburnered.


I started watching when EJ was running for mayor and I loved-loved-loved him and Nicole.  When I was reading into the history of the characters and whatnot, I almost couldn't believe that EJ and Sami had so much history.  It was nothing against Sami or AS (because I love both the character and the actress), but that JS and AZ were just smokin' together.  I was sad when EJ and Nicole broke up and became enemies.


Actually the first scene I can remember was an evening confrontation between Nicole and Jennifer in the square.  My dislike for Jennifer was almost instantaneous. Heh.


I also really love Nicole and Rafe's friendship. Those two haven't had a conversation in months, though.  Such a damn waste to have so many characters in separate bubbles, which is another thing I hope will change.


Also, the Brady Pub set hasn't really been reduced to just a booth, has it?


One of the only things of note about MarDar (and it was a great thing IMO) is how well they serviced Nicole. They are the ones who gave her the indepedent strong woman that EJ came running back to after the Taylor disaster and they are the ones who wrote her as self-aware enough to want that time to herself before she agreed to take him back. They are also responsible for the wonderful friendship of Rafe and Nicole which TomSell have sort of preserved but kept waaaay on the backburner. I miss that friendship so much too.


I adored MarDar's writing only because of their focus on Nicole as the centre. At one time EJ was chasing her trying to get her back while Rafe was by her side looking out for her and protecting her and Dan was sniffing at her heels as well. It may seem excessive but to me as a Nicole fan first I was simply overjoyed to have my favourite character and actress finally get her due. It was MarDar who also wrote the second pregnancy for Nicole making it possible for her to remain in EJ's life in some capacity. I absolutely believe that they were huge fans of the character and had every intention of letting her carry the child to term.


It was TomSell's insensitivity and complete lack of understanding towards their target market that gave Nicole her second tragic miscarriage at well after 3months and the ridiculous staircase story all to prop Dannifer. I stopped watching for months after that, it was just too hard to see Nicole go through that again, and I was tortured with the notion that if they simply waited a few more months to fire MarDar that Nicole would finally have a baby of her very own that she has always always wanted. It's been my biggest goals for her as she makes such a lovely mother and I am still so bitter over that, especially with this whole Theresa baby storyline now. So easily given to everyone else, everyone but Nicole.

Edited by slayer2
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Mardar always intended for Nicole to have her second baby with EJ, thereby ensuring that they would always have a bond...They came out and said that when the Ejole fans decried that decision thinking that it was them and not Tomsell..I think Nicole would be a good mother and Ari would knock it out of the park when Nicole looks at her baby for the first time...It makes no sense that Theresa would have a baby, it ties her down needlessly to Brady...

Edited by Apprentice79

Mardar always intended for Nicole to have her second baby with EJ, thereby ensuring that they would always have a bond...They came out and said that when the Ejole fans decried that decision thinking that it was them and not Tomsell..I think Nicole would be a good mother and Ari would knock it out of the park when Nicole looks at her baby for the first time...It makes no sense that Theresa would have a baby, it ties her down needlessly to Brady...

Yep, that's what I said. I remember that time very clearly I had a lot of trust in Nicole's future in the hands of MarDar. I was so excited for her and EJ to always have a connection. Only two men would think to give a women a second miscarriage in 3 years on a show whose target audience was single women and mothers. Ludicrous.

I agree that Theresa's baby with Brady hasn't been earned, even Nicole having a baby with Brady would make more sense story and continuity wise.

Edited by slayer2
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Yep, that's what I said. I remember that time very clearly I had a lot of trust in Nicole's future in the hands of MarDar. I was so excited for her and EJ to always have a connection. Only two men would think to give a women a second miscarriage in 3 years on a show whose target audience was single women and mothers. Ludicrous.

I agree that Theresa's baby with Brady hasn't been earned, even Nicole having a baby with Brady would make more sense story and continuity wise.

Exactly...Imagine Victor's reaction to Nicole having his great-grandchild..I notice that Days of our lives always give their popular couples children....The exception being Bo and Carly...Even Wilson got a child....Nicole and EJ having a child would have kept her and Sami in each other's orbit because their children would be siblings...Theresa needed more development before giving her a child...Her child should have been with the love of her life, whoever that will be..I just know that it is not Brady....Brady needs to retooled as well as a character....I liked him with Chloe and I also liked her with Philip...Chloe being the mother of Philip's son Parker, while being with Brady would have been a good nod to their respective fans and very soapy....I remember the fanbase wars between the Philip/Chloe fans and the Brady/ Chloe fans, it used to get heated and nasty on some boards...lol...

Edited by Apprentice79
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Wilson/Paulson is not working at all..It has destroyed all of the characters...Will is a douchebag, Sonny is weak and foolish, Sparkle is  propped too much like Daniel for me to like him..Wilson needs to divorce and co-parent their daughter....They are slowly becoming toxic like Ej and Samie..What a shame! Paul should be a Dimera and join forces with Chad to cause mayhem...


Brady and Theresa are boring...Their baby storyline is unnecessary and dumb..Theresa should be free causing mayhem preferably with either Philip, Chad or Alex Kiriakis...Why can't she date all three..She can play the field without being a skank...Men do it all the time...Theresa is gorgeous.....Brady needs to get with Chloe....


Lucas/Adrienne/Justin..We all know that Justin and Adrienne will get together again..Lucas will get hurt and played once again.....Lucas and Adrienne have no chemistry whatsoever..Lucas deserves a woman that only has eyes for him...


Daniel/Melanie need to leave and never be heard from again. Philip should reclaim his son Parker..Victor and Maggie need to divorce..


Kate needs to kill Clyde for daring to threaten her Great-granddaughter and remarry Victor...They belong together..


Xander and Nicole need to get together and go after the sanctimonious people of Salem while plotting to take down the Kiriakis family....Xander should be the father of Nicole's miracle baby..She should have twins...Eric needs to develop brain cells and figure out Serena on his own..Eric needs to get his mojo back and date different women..


Aiden and Hope are boring..Hope likes her bad boys..I don't see her being with a guy like him for long..Unless he goes dark...


Chad needs to destroy Abigail for fucking his brother....She is horrible....Ben needs to go away as well...


Eve needs to get therapy she is disgusting lusting after JJ...Jennifer needs to  get him some therapy and she needs to discover that Jack is alive somewhere..Paige needs to leave Salem and go to Stanford....

Edited by Apprentice79
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I don't remember Stefano speaking Italian before...I was surprised at how much Italian dialogue (OK 4 exchanges it a lot for a soap!)  there was. Did Stefano always speak Italian on the show?  Does anyone know it his accent was good? 


I remember some medium-bad Spanish with the Hernandez family and now we are treated to some Japanese with the Norita family. 


Man, but I hate Daniel! How dare he give Theresa his constipated annoyed face at her wanting to change HER OWN BABY's NAME?!! The same baby who WAS KIDNAPPED OUT OF HER WOMB!! Does no one get just how violated she's been?

As annoying as Dan's merely standing there breathing is to me, in all honesty, I don't think anyone gets how violative this was, not even Theresa because the writers suck at this. I've thrown my hands up with this story. I've seen hints of where this story was going and last weeks show confirmed it and I want no parts of it. It probably is a natural progression that Theresa would use her baby as a wedge to get between Mel and Brady, but damn did she have to do it as soon as the airplane wheels touched down in Salem? Bad enough that we didn't at least get to see Theresa mourn or regret the loss of so many first as a mom, especially so close to Mother's Day. She didn't get to feel her baby kick in her belly, to bond with it in utero, to feel anticipation, fear, give birth, breast feed, etc., all those emotions tied to birthing a human. We get none of these laments and go straight into scheming to get bam bam lunkhead? Is that what insta-motherhood is to her?

Both her and Brady are sucking as insta-parents. Dan wanted to go and check in on the baby for a moment and Theresa stopped him so she could stand there and grandstand about some old BS about Mel that she didn't really mean. Theresa than asks Brady to go in to see the baby with her but he says no because he wants to take Mel into some waiting room and Dyson vacuum kiss her. That baby was better off with crazy. At least than he came first.

This is just not a story I want to watch. Brady never loved Theresa. He says he loves Mel and to this day can admit to a part of him still loving Kristen. At most Theresa seemed liked warm body to lose himself in so why manacle them together with a child? I just don't get it.

Edited by islandgal140
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Monday's Recap



Chad is at his desk when he accidentally knocks over a photo of Kristen. Marlena shows up behind him and asks Chad would he like to know what happened. Chad says what happened is that his sister died and Marlena knows that Chad cared about Kristen and Chad wants to know why she's here as he doesn't need a shrink. Marlena tells him that Johnny is worried about him and how he's lost so much in Lexie, EJ, and Kristen and Mar says she was with Kristen when she died. Marlena calls Kristen a complicated person and Chad asks if complicated is code word for crazy which Marlena says no. Marlena says she'll get the correct version of the story from her and not Stefano. Mar says she'll tell him the unbiased truth and he can decide for himself. Marlena tells Chad the story about Theresa & Brady and tells him that Kristen had the inability to have children and made her do what she did. Chad says that Kristen loved Brady and asked if the baby is alright which Mar says he is and that Chad had a right to hear the story from her. 


Chad looks at Kristen's photo and calls his family screwed up, Mar says Chad's mother was beautiful and Chad says his mother is a whore. He wants to know what are the odds that he wouldn't turn out any differently. Mar says no matter what his parents have done he's in charge of his own destiny and that he has a right to live a life of which he can be proud of. Chad wants to know why she's really there and she says she wants to make sure he's alright and to tell the truth and that it was self-defense and if anyone was responsible it's her and nobody else and apologizes for his loss. She leaves. 


Chad is at his desk and looks at Kristen's photo and says she never had a chance



Marlena is walking through the park and bumps into a man who won't let her past. Mar turns around to leave but she's greeted by another man, she walks diagonally to be met by another man as all three of them surround her.



Kate walks in TBD and sees Lucas sitting at a table with a woman and asks what the hell is going on. Lucas excuses Audrey as he needs a couple of minutes with Miss Roberts. Kate doesn't like that Lucas referred to her as Miss Roberts and Kate says that Audrey is her stylist and works for her at Mad World. Lucas tells her that Audrey doesn't work for Kate anymore and works for him and he tells her that he's taken over Countess W. Kate says she's happy for Lucas for getting a job but too bad it's for Stefano. Lucas says it wasn't Stefano but it's Chad that came to him. Lucas tells Kate that she doesn't believe in family but Kate wishes him luck even though they work for competing companies. Kate says Audrey belongs to her but Lucas said she quit and Kate said if she quit she would have known about it. 


Kate says Aundra has an iron clad contract but Lucas says that Aundrey's resignation is on Kate's desk and wishes Miss Roberts good day. Kate doesn't want Lucas to leave and grabs his arm and Lucas tells her to let go of him. Kate says they have differences between them and Lucas says there's nothing between them. Kate knows what she did was wrong but Lucas doesn't want to talk about it anymore and Kate is out of his life.


[quite frankly I didn't know if the girl's name is Audrey, Aundrea, or Aundra, like they said it all today lol]



Eve & Theresa still at The Pub and Eve wants to know if Theresa is up to something. Eve knows that Theresa wants Brady back. Theresa says she's not worried about Brady as she's more upset about Kristen stealing her baby and missed having the baby grow in her and how she never got the chance to prepare to be a mother and fears she might screw up as she doesn't know how to take care of a child. Eve tells her to get it out of her head as it will come natural to her which Eve thinks being a mother is the one thing she got right in her life. Theresa thinks that her son might hate her as much as she dislikes her mother. Eve tells her not to make bad choices. Eve wants Theresa to forget the future and focus on the present.  Eve tells her to call her parents and Theresa doesn't want them over as they'll hover and last thing she needs. Eve tells her to try to reach out but Theresa wants to do it on her own and she doesn't want people sticking their nose in her business. Theresa does want Eve's support and help but not takeover as she wants little people involved. Theresa wants some space while Eve thinks that it's all about Brady.


Theresa denies it and says it's about Brady which Theresa gets upset. Part of Theresa wonders if she carried the baby her and Brady might have gotten back together and how Mel wouldn't have given Brady a second look being pregnant with his baby. Theresa knows that her and Brady aren't best friends but are civil and that Kristen took a lot from her. Eve tells her to look past it. Theresa says she can decide things and Eve says decide things with Brady which Theresa agrees and she leaves.



Brady is holding the baby at the hospital and introduces John to him. Brady doesn't want to explain right now as it would take a long time. A doctor and nurse enter the room and Brady wants to know if the baby is okay. Doc tells him that there isn't anything wrong with the baby as Brady hands the baby to the doctor. Brady and John leave the room so the doctor and nurse can evaluate him.


Out in the reception area, Brady tells him that the baby has a T-Cell deficiency and John tells Brady he came because Mar told him that Brady had something to tell him and Brady also tells John that Theresa is the mother of the baby and also how Theresa doesn't like the name Kristopher. Brady says he feels shocked and numb which John understands. John thinks it's not fun to have Theresa in the picture but Brady isn't worried about that. They know they have common ground in knowing about a son that never existed. Paul steps out of the elevator and is behind John.


Paul asks a nurse who John is talking to and she tells him that Brady is John's son and the nurse walks away. John says Theresa is gonna be a lot to handle and John says that he has something to tell Brady and to focus on his baby right. Paul comes up behind John and Brady, Brady tells Paul that it's a private conversation and Paul wants to know why Brady is giving him attitude and Brady tells him because they don't have time for him and because of the affair with Will and hurting Sonny. John tries to soothe things over but Brady keeps interrupting him and Theresa shows up and takes Brady's side and tells Paul to beat it.


Theresa tells Paul to get in the elevator as it's like a closet and Paul wants to know why Theresa is giving him attitude and Theresa calls Paul a liar because of their past and Paul using her. John wants to get a word in but Theresa keeps yammering on until John tells Theresa that Paul is his son. John says that's what he wanted to tell Brady and Paul sarcastically says it was nice to meet his brother and walks off. Brady wants to know how Paul is his brother but John says will talk later and leaves. Theresa and Brady both didn't see that coming on Paul being John's son. 


Paul walks into the waiting room and has a clear picture of his family and walks out of the waiting room which John doesn't want him to go. Theresa says she messed up and calls Paul a piece of work. They go in the room where the doctor tells them the test results will come soon. Theresa wants to know why nobody told her about the doctor looking at the baby and Brady tells her the doc just wants a second opinion. Theresa apologizes and hugs Brady. 



Cole is at the park, he takes a seat on the bench and flashes back to stashing the drugs in JJ's backpack and his phone call on him ratting JJ out all while sipping a drink completely satisfied with himself.


Eve arrives home and there's a knock at the door, she opens it and it's Cole and she wants to know why he's at her house. Eve drags him in the house and upset that he came over and tells him that they would communicate by disposable phone which she brought for him and hands it to him. She wants to know why Cole is smiling and he says that what needed to be done is already done which Eve doesn't like as they had to plan carefully and that it doesn't get traced back to them. Cole tells Eve what he did and that JJ is probably arrested and Eve calls him an idiot and that calling the cops doesn't mean anything. She says Cole ruined everything and doesn't listen and how nobody should have known and Cole went around acting like he knew everything. She tells Cole what he did is a serious crime and he could go to jail and Cole snidely says that both he and Eve could go to jail. 


Eve doesn't like being threatened and about to push Cole out of the house, she opens the door to see Paige standing there.



Roman wants to know if JJ is during drugs which both Jen and JJ deny. Abby walks in and wants to know what's going on. Roman wants to speak to JJ alone but JJ wants Roman to say it in front of everyone as he has nothing to hide. Roman asks if he's sure and JJ says yes and Jen wants to know where Roman got the information and Roman said it's anonymous. Jen thinks the tip was a lie as JJ was in class and JJ said he over slept and missed class. JJ says he was home, Roman asks if anyone can verify that and JJ says no all Roman has is his word. JJ is sick of Roman and others lying on him. JJ says Roman can search his room and the whole damn house and hands over his backpack and tells Roman to search it first. 

Roman tells JJ to put the bag down and doesn't have probable cause and Abby tells Roman that she doesn't understand why Roman came over anyway since there's no cause. Roman discusses JJ's past which Paige & Jen think Roman is being unfair. Jen appreciates that Roman came to deal with it personally and she tells him that she and Roman needs to get something straight. Jen says that JJ made it his mission to steer clear of drugs and Abby says that Jen is right and Jen says the tipster is a liar and Roman says he wants to believe. Jen is grateful that he came to give them a heads up and that JJ turned his life around which Roman says is good to hear. Roman says when people call in tips, JJ should take it seriously and Jen is fed up and tells Roman she's gonna walk him out. Roman says he's sorry to be the bad guy and Jen says it's understandable and Jen tells him to call his niece as she has something to tell him. Roman leaves.


JJ thanks Jen for standing up for him and Paige doesn't understand why someone would call about JJ during drugs while Abby says that someone is out to cause trouble for JJ. Paige says whoever did it is evil and JJ says it could be just a hoax and so happy that Abby and Jen had his back. Abby says she knows that drugs is out of JJ's life. Jen tells Abby that they need to get to the square and she tells JJ to text her if he needs anything. Jen and Abby leave. JJ can't believe someone called police on him and he looks at Paige and wants to know what she's thinking and she asks he doesn't think that Eve had anything to do with it. JJ doesn't think it was Eve. Paige has something to check out and JJ escorts her out. JJ asks if Eve could have done and what's going on. JJ opens his bag to write a paper and pulls out the drugs.



They're done shopping, walking out in Horton Square and talk about JJ. Jen says she has to head home and talk to JJ but something else she needs to tell Abby and Abby thinks it's about JJ but Jen says no. Abby comes back with drinks and wants to know what Jen has to tell her. Jen says it's serious and that Kristen is dead and Abby says 'Oh my god, Chad.'



Jar Jar is a real piece of shit, questioning Roman as to why he's there when he said there's no probable cause to arrest JJ. Damn bitch shouldn't you be grateful that Roman came to give your brother a heads up. STFU, you fucking skid mark. Then when Jacosta tells her that Kristen died, her first thought is Chad. She's ready to comfort him by going over there and getting him in the broom closet or the shower, whichever spot where she can spread her pig like legs. 


Jacosta can't take it when people don't think her breed of cockroaches aren't perfect. Trying to act all tough telling Roman she's gonna tell him something and she's gonna walk him out of the house. No no dear, don't walk Roman out, you have to give your cockroach daughter her daily walk around the park or you could be arrested for cruelty to animals or a new law cruelty to species. 


Theresa girl, tone it down some, cause her attack on Sparkles was completely unnecessary given the fact that Sparkles ended things between them before they truly kicked off, it's not like he strung her alone for a long time and then dropped her. 


Poor Sparkles being given attitude by Dumbass Brady, but Paul shouldn't really care what that dumbass has to say anyway. If I was Sparkles I would stay in San Francisco with Grandpa Narita, he's far better than Yawn & Dumbass Brady. 


Second opinion?? I thought the baby had Dr. Miracle a.k.a. Dark Roast look at the baby for a second opinion, so this is more of a third opinion, are these doctors that damn incompetent? Why couldn't Kayla look at the baby?? I guess Dr. Miracle isn't so great after all.


Suddenly Southern is such a pleasure to watch when she's in scenes with Theresa and other adults. She just draws back when she's in the kiddie pool and this story needs to end and writers need to move her on into another story and get away from JJ and Lima Bean.

  • Love 2

Yes, she is her mother...The show has never given us a real reason for Theresa's  apathy towards her parents..I do not care what lie Tomsell  will try to sell. Kimberly  and Shane would move heaven and earth to give her and Andrew  a good life..She almost lost them as babies and lost one child because of Eve....Andrew was even kidnapped as a baby, they could have used that piece of history to tie it in with Theresa's baby theft....Another missed opportunity by these stupid writers and Ken Corday...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 3

So instead of being grateful and overjoyed that she got her damn baby back, Theresa is ALREADY planning to use the kid to get Brady back. I don't even think its been a full 24 hours yet. Wow. 

Haven't watched today yet but this is so disappointing, especially for everyone who likes the character of Theresa. Why can't she have a revelation about life now that she has a new baby instead of reverting or holding on to sketchy behavior. Ugh. 

  • Love 3

I don't think I would have enjoyed her suddenly becoming Mrs. Mom.  It probably would have translated into her becoming smugger than Saint Marlena (as Kristin calls her).


But yeah - this "I gotta get my man!1111!" story is stuck on repeat with this show.  And the man is a freaking loser.  Sorry Brady, I wanted to like you, I really really did.  But are awful.  Better than Dan, but barely.

  • Love 3

Everybody is so unlikable on the show..I think TomSell should be taking Prozac. All SL are so depressing. Happiness is very short lived in Salem. They effectively destroyed nearly every character on this show... I guess this must be how they live their lives....

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 1

I know right, Brady isn't worth fighting for. The only people worthy of fighting for is Sonny and possibly T (don't know how T is in a relationship but we knew on the 4th of July, he couldn't the girl he had a date with name right) and maybe Aiden. Hell even Damon, Victor's former henchman, still prefer Damon over Xander and still prefer longer hair on the actor.


JJ - shitty boyfriend

Dark Roast - is a judgmental arrogant ass who think women should be 100% perfect otherwise he'll throw a bitch fit

Sneasel - LMAO 

Brady - all around dumbass

Xander - puts his hands on women

Lucas - no qualms about having an affair

Justin - he cheats

Victor - too damn grouchy

Stefano - ugh

Chad - he loves alien star wars type women

Mr. Rapey - molesting pedophile

Yawn - next

Sparkles - nope, self-centered and won't mind snatching someone from someone else

Mannequin - a hot head who has domestic abuse tendencies

Roman & Abe - no thank you


This list is just depressing

Edited by ShadowSixx
  • Love 3
I see we got a nice dose of Maggie on Friday's episode, her high-pitched whine/cry because Mel is safe, and of course she had to fully cover her face with her hands because she's so overcome that Mel was actually able to survive flying coach home from Italy.  And then we got to see her with her nose in the air because Theresa had a baby.  I wish I could find something about Maggie I could like, but all I see is a snide gossip who loves to feel better than other people.  I wish she's trip and fall on her hair.



LOL!!  I actually think the charm of the actress outshines the idiocy of the scripts, but yeah, sure I can see why she would grate given all she's allowed to do is kiss Daniel's bum and overreact to things.  But I feel like she's a great member of the supporting cast and see her as a Celeste equivalent in that both were OOT characters.  Like her.  And the big hair.  You go girl!


Thanks for the recap of today's show!  I missed it.  Strange that Marlena would invite herself over to Chad's for a condescending "I know how you feel about your sister who I just killed" conversation.  How freaking awkward is THAT Marlena??  And really?  You want to just walk up to the DiMerras and have a touchy feely talk after offing one of theirs?  You should have showed up with a T-shirt that read "Abduct Me Please".  Is Brady's stupid rubbing off on her?


I find it bizarre that John's storyline has nothing to do with Marlena/Stefano/Kristin/Brady's.  It was like they had to TRY to find two minutes last week so Marlena could bring John up to speed on killing his ex-fiancee/stalker.  And now he's what?  Back to bonding with Paul?  Bonding with Brady?


John of yore would have realized Marlena's ass is danger and put her on lockdown with the whole Salem PD there for backup.


...was John a cop in the past?  Was that how he was always telling Abe and the other cops what to do back during the Kristin Rampage of the mid-90s?  Was that his trajectory?  Priest to cop?


Roman & Abe - no thank you

Awww, I always thought Abe deserved another romance.  Why couldn't he get with that wonderful Nurse from the hospital?  She's cool.


But I'm with you on Roman.  He isn't looking so great these days and seems really out of place.  They need to resolve his arc in some way.  I don't see Mar running off to be with him, and Sami's gone...he doesn't even have scenes with Eric, so...yeah.  Why is he still around?

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 2

I would add Sonny to that list..He is weak and passive now. He is falling for Sneasel's lies and schemes...Before this stupid infidelity storyline, Sonny could read Will like a book and he never took his shit....Never....He always knew how to check him and out him in his place....

I know right, Brady isn't worth fighting for. The only people worthy of fighting for is Sonny and possibly T (don't know how T is in a relationship but we knew on the 4th of July, he couldn't the girl he had a date with name right) and maybe Aiden. Hell even Damon, Victor's former henchman, still prefer Damon over Xander and still prefer longer hair on the actor.


JJ - shitty boyfriend

Dark Roast - is a judgmental arrogant ass who think women should be 100% perfect otherwise he'll throw a bitch fit

Sneasel - LMAO 

Brady - all around dumbass

Xander - puts his hands on women

Lucas - no qualms about having an affair

Justin - he cheats

Victor - too damn grouchy

Stefano - ugh

Chad - he loves alien star wars type women

Mr. Rapey - molesting pedophile

Yawn - next

Sparkles - nope, self-centered and won't mind snatching someone from someone else

Mannequin - a hot head who has domestic abuse tendencies

Roman & Abe - no thank you


This list is just depressing

I would add Sonny to that list..He is weak and passive now. He is falling for Sneasel's lies and schemes...Before this stupid infidelity storyline, Sonny could read Will like a book and he never took his shit....Never....He always knew how to check him and out him in his place....Sonny has been dumb down to make Will manipulative and cunning....

The baby SL with Theresa just seems like it's a set up for Theresa to do something wrong so caveman to stupid to live Brady and everyone else in Salem can bash Theresa and say how terrible she is.


Nicole was not a good mother to Sydney.  She stole Sydney from Sami twice.  Nicole had a chance to be strong with Eric.  Nicole could have given Eric the evidence to clear his name, and then Eric could have been the one to realize he was in love with Nicole and pursue her.


So many missed opportunities.  Nicole could have continued to investigate the Dimeras after she got proof Kristen drugged and raped Eric, and that could have dovetailed into her working with Sami and Kate against the Dimeras.


None of the men on this show, except Sonny, are worth pursuing.

  • Love 4

ShadowSixx you forgot Rafe and Eric and Rory on your list of male romantic leads.

Damn Jar Jar always trying to take charge of every situation.

What the hell was Mar talking about with Chad that "Kristen always wanted a baby and couldn't have one so that made her do odd things? " I would say she's understating the matter and the fact Kristen was psychotic plain and simple and that wasn't caused by being barren and a baby wouldn't cure it. She's a terrible shrink.

Cole's got a seedy look to him just like Kristen's henchmen/Teresa's fuck buddy had. Like he could play Drug Dealer #2 on Law & Order or skulking thief in security alarm commercial.

Everyone's hair looked bad today even Kate's and she always looks fabulous. Jenn's hair almost always looks awful but a few x I loved it when it's pulled back and has loose bouncy waves.

What makes Brady SO great that every thought and goal of Teresa's is about winning his attention and affection? I don't get it.

Edited by Petunia13
  • Love 4


I would add Sonny to that list..He is weak and passive now. He is falling for Sneasel's lies and schemes

I think it's just a matter of remembering the man he fell in love with.


Uh, Brady, why are you so worried that there might be something wrong with the baby when that doctor walked in?  You knew that there was something wrong with the baby, that's why Kristen wanted Theresa's bone marrow. You even told John that.


I love how Marlena wanders into people's houses and psychoanalyzes them without their asking for it.


Loving the Kate/Lucas dynamic.


Are there no security people at Salem University Hospital?  There sure is a lot of drama that happens in the public areas.

  • Love 3

It's to bad Lucas didn't stand up to Kate like this years ago when he still had a chance to be with Sami.


I wonder if the Johnny mention means Johnny, Allie, and Sydney will be with Sami when she returns to Salem.


I took Marlena's comments to be more of Ken Corday and the writers trying to lead the audience.  "Kristen drugging and raping Eric, and stealing Theresa's baby isn't that bad.  She just wanted a child." {face palm}  Kristen and EJ were sadistic psychos and Stefano needs to join them burning in hell.

  • Love 6

Awww, I always thought Abe deserved another romance.  Why couldn't he get with that wonderful Nurse from the hospital?  She's cool.


Show actually DID put Abe and Maxine together for about 2 seconds, and it was nice to see Abe in  a storyline all his own, and Maxine doing something other than worshiping at the Shrine of Jonas.  But I swear it didn't even last two weeks until we heard Abe say that he and Maxine had decided to stay "just friends".  And he was back to wearing the big coat and being the Gladys Kravitz of Salem, and Maxine was back to being Dirty Dan's acolyte. 

Such a waste!  Abe deserves so much better.  Maxine I'm not so sure about - but I wish Show had actually given it a chance.

Edited by boes
  • Love 4

I thought Lucas was attractive today when he stood up to his mom.


I think I'm only watching this show at this point for JJ and Chad, but that's only because they're both hot. How long can the shallowness (and the anticipation of making fun of Abigail) keep me going?


You have to keep watching until Abifail is finally killed off. Shhh. Let me dream.

  • Love 7
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