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First Looks: Upcoming Episodes

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That's what a lifetime of emotional abuse from your mother gets you. That is one seriously screwed up relationship. I'm sure Joyce told Kandi over and over how she sacrificed everything to raise her. Also, I think she made Kandi feel like she's not pretty enough..."short people with big heads". She has done such a number on poor Kandi's head, I don't think it's even possible for Kandi to realize the truth about her. And there's no way Joyce can pay for those repairs unless it's with money she gets from Kandi in the first place.

I see it as "insecure attachment." Of course, I could be wrong, but I do think the descriptions of adults who developed insecure attachments as babies matches Kandi.

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I wonder if we will hear Gregg spout off against Cynthia, after Nene tells him about their talk, like we heard Peter going off about Nene to Cynthia. Peter is the reason Cynthia is no longer friends with Nene, Peter will not allow it

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I wonder if we will hear Gregg spout off against Cynthia, after Nene tells him about their talk, like we heard Peter going off about Nene to Cynthia. Peter is the reason Cynthia is no longer friends with Nene, Peter will not allow it!

True, but just based on the little snippet they showed - I agree with him, and what's wrong with a husband looking out for his wife? Nene has said some pretty horrible things to Cynthia, and about Cynthia, and then she railroads right over her at their sit-down, and Cynthia comes back and tells Peter, in her characteristically passive way: "I guess we made up." What? I can understand Peter telling her to stand up for herself.

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True, but just based on the little snippet they showed - I agree with him, and what's wrong with a husband looking out for his wife? Nene has said some pretty horrible things to Cynthia, and about Cynthia, and then she railroads right over her at their sit-down, and Cynthia comes back and tells Peter, in her characteristically passive way: "I guess we made up." What? I can understand Peter telling her to stand up for herself.

Peter got mad at Nene only after he and Cynthia read viewer comments last season, not before and Peter is the one controlling who, what, when and why for Cynthia. That bugs the hell out of me, they did not mind Nene's mouth before so why now?  Because the viewer tide turned against Nene, had she still been as popular as a few years ago, I guarantee you that all would be fine with Peter/Cynthia and Nene/Gregg. Peter is switching teams, dumping Nene for Kenya based on who the fans favorite of the season is, his paycheck depends on it, not Cynthia's paycheck, his!  I do agree that Nene was wrong and she has been to full of herself for far to long but Cynthia handled the "acting like a bitch" badly from the get go.  

Edited by WireWrap
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Peter got mad at Nene only after he and Cynthia read viewer comments last season, not before and Peter is the one controlling who, what, when and why for Cynthia. That bugs the hell out of me, they did not mind Nene's mouth before so why now?  Because the viewer tide turned against Nene, had she still been as popular as a few years ago, I guarantee you that all would be fine with Peter/Cynthia and Nene/Gregg. Peter is switching teams, dumping Nene for Kenya based on who the fans favorite of the season is, his paycheck depends on it, not Cynthia's paycheck, his!  I do agree that Nene was wrong and she has been to full of herself for far to long but Cynthia handled the "acting like a bitch" badly from the get go.

Well, that's a theory, and I probably agree with you. But I'll never forget how vicious Nene was about Cynthia last season during an appearance on WWHL. She was so nasty and insulting, and basically said that Cynthia shouldn't be asked back because she was too boring. And over what? Because Cynthia no longer kissed her ring? Had the nerve to be friendly with HW's Nene doesn't like? I don't usually defend Peter, and you're probably right about his motive, but I do think he's right in questioning why Cynthia is so willing to roll over for Nene so quickly. Maybe it'll force her to have an "aha" moment, and then apply it to Peter!

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Well, that's a theory, and I probably agree with you. But I'll never forget how vicious Nene was about Cynthia last season during an appearance on WWHL. She was so nasty and insulting, and basically said that Cynthia shouldn't be asked back because she was too boring. And over what? Because Cynthia no longer kissed her ring? Had the nerve to be friendly with HW's Nene doesn't like? I don't usually defend Peter, and you're probably right about his motive, but I do think he's right in questioning why Cynthia is so willing to roll over for Nene so quickly. Maybe it'll force her to have an "aha" moment, and then apply it to Peter!

The problem I have with that WWHL interview was that even though it was shown before the reunion, it actually happened after the reunion was filmed. Nene was taken off balance by Cynthia's declaration their friendship was over, she was furious and very hurt by that IMO. She really had no clue that Cynthia was upset/angry with her because for 6 months all was well between the women and them as couples. She never mentioned she was still upset, nor did Peter until the reunion was filmed. For Nene, this came out of left field and made no sense because she had already apologized, it was accepted and they continued as always. Then WHAM and Nene did as she does, fired back with all she had, but she revealed no secrets told her though, during that interview with Andy!


I would rather she be friends or friendly with Nene and kick Peter/aka the "Leach" to the curb than what we see now. Peter will continue to isolate her from any strong female influence and drain her checking account. When this Bravo job is over and her  Modeling Agency fades into the Atlanta background, Peter will trade her in on someone with deeper pockets and no backbone while putting all the blame on Cynthia. What we saw in the preview is just the tip of his controlling behavior IMO.

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Well you get no arguments with me over Peter. But as for Nene, there's no justification for her boorish behavior. It's just who she is. She's not the first HW to get blindsided at a reunion, if that's what really happened. If she was confused, or her ego was bruised that badly, I understand feeling hurt or angry. But then what do you do when that happens? Nene showed us.

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No comments on Nene's new hairdo?  She looks like one of the fucking Monkees!


Loved Todd's observation that when Mama Joyce is being called out on her shit, she's tired and in danger of having an "amarism", but when she's stirring shit up, she's all good.  He's so right about MJ knowing exactly how to play Kandi; notice how quickly Kandi dropped her confrontation when MJ started with her "I don't feel well" bit.

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The aunt who hollered for them to say grace,Nora, sounded like the wise old lady on The Stand. Could not believe how big Riley is....she has ballooned up overnight. And what's with the headphones all the time? My kid would be smacked for being so rude at a family gathering.

Cannot wait to see what "hot" model men Cynthia comes up with.

"Amarism".... good Lord. MJ will have every deadly disease under the sun in order to get Kandi to back off her ass. Todd was right on the money. Because a few minutes later, MJ was dancing. No longer tired.

That's all my DVR picked up, another show started running right after the scene that showed Cynthia and Kenya with another woman talking about Roger Bobb.

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No comments on Nene's new hairdo?  She looks like one of the fucking Monkees!


Loved Todd's observation that when Mama Joyce is being called out on her shit, she's tired and in danger of having an "amarism", but when she's stirring shit up, she's all good.  He's so right about MJ knowing exactly how to play Kandi; notice how quickly Kandi dropped her confrontation when MJ started with her "I don't feel well" bit.




I heart Todd for not hesitating to say this to his wife.   "so mama got the sick and shut in voice out huh?"  Kandi's a damn simp.   Joyce didn't have not one problem arrgh-grin over the phone but when being called on her shit, it's time to talk about blood pressure and carrying on.  To which Kandi says I just want her to drop it and move on.  I want HER to drop it and move on. I had to say that again because I don't know why I keep being shocked by this chick.  She officially deserves every bit of manipulation Joyce brings her way so I'll be sitting right here with my caramel pop secret.   By the way, how exactly does one prevent the explosion of a blood vessel? 


Next shot is of her smiling and giggling (voice completely back to normal) as she does a double dutch entry rock or the dougie or some non-amarism approved aerobics with the OLG.   Cameraman, I heart you too boo. 

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No comments on Nene's new hairdo?  She looks like one of the fucking Monkees!


Nene must have said or done something to piss off her glam squad because that mess looks like revenge for something!


MJ really has found an easy mark. Did I see Kandi's eyes well up with tears when that crazy hosebeast said all the fussing and fighting would set off her "amarism" (™luckyroll3)?? Are we sure she's not just popping baby aspirin and googling WebMD? I don't believe a word from this old crone's mouth, especially when she can't even pronounce her potentially fatal medical condition?

Edited by Lakewood27
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As much as I can't stand that old crow Joyce, it cracks me up how she butchers the English language. It reminds me of my southern Grandmother who used to add an "r" to coach and an extra syllable to pattern.

Kandi is an easy mark. She's insistent on being manipulated. Todd gets a high five for consistently calling Joyce on her shit.

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I'm with all of y'all regarding MJ and her "amarism" or whatever she called it. What an old fart.  Kandi deserves everything she gets from this old beyotch and then some.  Whatever happened to going to counseling? Guess that fell by the wayside in Kandi's attempts to "move on".


NeNe's HAIR??? WTF???

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Yes, that wig is hideous! Who says that to a host? Joyce is over-the-top!!! Kandi sees what everyone is talking about I think. Her comment about spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on a house and not knowing which Joyce she is getting, is telling.

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This first look was the first time that I really noticed how Kandi plays up the drama with her Mamma to sell tickets to her play and to have a storyline on RH. Kandi wants the OLG to come to the play and say a few words? I think Kandi is delusional as to how people feel about her mother. Kandi seems to think that her mamma's antics are endearing. They aren't.

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Looking forward to seeing the story about the play. Since it flopped. The person they hired to promote it didn't do the job and they had to cancel all of the shows before they ever got started. I am sure Joyce will find a way to blame Todd for Kandi's failure.

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This first look was the first time that I really noticed how Kandi plays up the drama with her Mamma to sell tickets to her play and to have a storyline on RH. Kandi wants the OLG to come to the play and say a few words? I think Kandi is delusional as to how people feel about her mother. Kandi seems to think that her mamma's antics are endearing. They aren't.

I've said this before in relation to her mother, and now it's true of her aunts as well. She seems to think that the lot of them are endearing or funny, or at least entertaining. So much so that she not only features them on the show ("look at my crazy mother," "I call my aunts The Old Lady Gang - aren't they a hoot?!"), but actually thinks they'd be a draw to her show! What crack is she smoking? She really has her head screwed on crooked over her family.

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Just watched the First Look. Here's a gem from pre-prison Apollo: "No one respects me...for some reason." (Phaedra wants to install an electronic fence in front of her house and is talking to contractors, who all ignore Apollo). Yes, Apollo. Maybe it's because you were just convicted of massive fraud, for the second time, and are headed to prison for 8+ years, for the second time! What have you done to earn anyone's respect?

And then there's Cynthia. Poor Cynthia. Peter's going to bleed her dry. Only this time, he outright asks her to write a check for the new Bar One space on camera! She says that her money is his money, and she doesn't care what the "haters" think. Like I said, poor Cynthia. Cuz the haters are right on this one.

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Ugh. Cynthia's outfit going to look at new locations for Bar 1 was too big and ill-fitted. Did Cynthia really say that she was a visual person and that was why she could "see the light at the end of the tunnel?" And on that note, did Cynthia really compare Peter's dream of owning a nightclub to the dreams of Dr. Martin Luther King???


Claudia gets more and more gorgeous each episode! She looked stunning in her beautiful black dress. I want to own that dress! I also like her personality and THs. Loving her so far.


Did anyone notice Phaedra's "Fix it Jesus" T-shirt?

Edited by Granimal
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And on that note, did Cynthia really compare Peter's dream of owning a nightclub to the dreams of Dr. Martin Luther King???

Oh yes she did! Because "this place feels right." And right after she said this, a siren blared in the background. Uh oh, Cynthia. Conned by Peter, again.


Claudia gets more and more gorgeous each episode! She looked stunning in her beautiful black dress. I want to own that dress! I also like her personality and THs. Loving her so far.


I like her, too. And yes, she's beautiful. But I have to question her taste when she complimented Kandi's furniture and decor!

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I changed this thread to a spoiler thread, so clips can be discussed and if you need to refer back to an earlier clip, it will be easier. Please stay on topic of First Look clips only, anything that happened afterward and not in the clip, you can use the episode thread.

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Darn! My hotel doesn't carry Bravo, so I am SOoL until I get home Sunday! It sounds like Cynthia's getting "zonked" again!

I changed this thread to a spoiler thread, so clips can be discussed and if you need to refer back to an earlier clip, it will be easier. Please stay on topic of First Look clips only, anything that happened afterward and not in the clip, you can use the episode thread.

Will you still be moving postings to their thread after it airs?
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I started to, but then noticed that a lot of the posts in the episode threads were repeating things here. I figured this would be a good place for people to talk about the episode before it airs, so that those people who don't want to know can avoid it.

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Well, at least now we know why Phaedra utters "Fix it, Jesus" every two seconds this season. #fixitjesus tees sold by Parks, Inc. no doubt. I'm Pagan, so it makes me no never mind, but it does seem kind of religi-tacky. I could be wrong, tho ...

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Nene: "I don't even understand how the fight started. I just asked her if she had a brain. What? I seriously wanted to know!" That one has a solute no self awareness.

At least Cynthia looked good in her new talking heads.

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Gregg didn't pick NeNe up at the curb or get a limo? Made her walk out into the hourly lot, up or down the escalator.... LOL!! That surprised me.

Good on Gregg for calling her NayNay "I thought you left her at home!" I kept looking at the highway scenes to figure out which road they were on.

And what did I tell y'all??? Masterbatorium!

This was the first time I remember hearing that Kandi has been taking some type of fertility drug. That ain't Todd's fault, honey, you're just older than when you had Riley and it's a lot harder for the eggs to "stick."

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Gregg didn't pick NeNe up at the curb or get a limo? Made her walk out into the hourly lot, up or down the escalator.... LOL!! That surprised me.

Good on Gregg for calling her NayNay "I thought you left her at home!" I kept looking at the highway scenes to figure out which road they were on.

And what did I tell y'all??? Masterbatorium!

This was the first time I remember hearing that Kandi has been taking some type of fertility drug. That ain't Todd's fault, honey, you're just older than when you had Riley and it's a lot harder for the eggs to "stick."

Actually, I'm very certain Todd's sperm spontaneously combust at the thought of attaching to anything related to Mama Joyce.

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Kenya just keeps getting more and more ridiculous.  Good on Roger Bobb for shutting her down at the end and telling her he isn't going to be there for her stupid antics.  If she thinks she's even remotely funny, she's very mistaken.  Grow up stupid!  You make an ass of yourself daily.


I see we have more cross pollination with the Married To Medicine group with Phaedra visiting Quad's husband for advice on telling the kids about their daddy going to prison.  Bravo really likes to keep it in the family don't they. 


Apollo's visit to the only other lawyer in Atlanta besides Phaedra was not very revealing.  It was basically the same thing they talked about before.  Snore...just go to jail already Apollo.  Damn!

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Sorry, but that just had to be one of the most give-me-a-break moments ever -- Phaedra so concerned about how to tell her kids their dad is getting locked up for 8 years, and she asks: "Who would ever think a man with a sordid past would ever get in trouble again? I would have never married him if I thought this would happen." Gotta love the editors - they intercut this scene with one with Apollo's lawyer saying Phaedra married a man who a) had a record, and b) was fresh out of prison, and then she had two children with him! "She had to at least thought about this happening!" he said....

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Giving Phaedra the benefit of the doubt (and that's a stretch, believe me) maybe she thought that if she provided him with career opportunities, handed to him on a silver platter, he'd not want to go back to a life of crime. What she didn't figure out was that Apollo doesn't want to work. For anything. He feels like the world owes him. So he takes.

The kids just kill me, their innocence at all that's going on. When they grow up, they can go one of two ways. Be smart and tell their Dad what a fool he was to throw his life away with crime, or follow his lead once he gets out in 8 years and starts his next scam. It may sound heartless, but it's why I hope the kids don't see much of him in prison. They might get the idea it's not such a bad place.

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