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Bethenny Frankel: Skinny Girl

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1 hour ago, walnutqueen said:

Ooh, how I wish I'd had any man SOOO in lurve with me that he was fucking someone else while I was fucking someone else.  And how our undying lurve was only put front and center After He Died.

Now bring me my fainting couch, so I can swoon over the lurve that transponds the ages.

Oh, and bring me my Victorian mourning brooch.

Hhehehe nicely put, WalnutQueen.

Nothing makes me think two people love each other like how they fuck other people. I mean seriously, Dennis was a shitheel when he was alive and a married man fucking Bethenny but now that he's dead, he and Jill loved each other deeply even as he banged other whores and thats a great marriage! Seriously, the flip flop from shitstain loan shark betraying his wife openly for two years by dating Bethenny, to loving husband *married and in life long love* with Jill (who also has her own little side piece) is amazing.

I think as far as Bethenny went, Dennis was a close friend with benefits and they maybe flirted with more but I rather doubt the proposal stories that went around.

  • Love 7
12 minutes ago, SCS said:

There's definitely a 50% chance this is true -- or she may genuinely not feel this.

Sure -- Jill Shields may be a monster and not feel any empathy for her four children grieving their father  -- but I doubt it's a fifty-fifty chance that's true.  (If nothing else,  a complete inability to feel for your kids when they're in deep pain isn't prevalent among half of all mothers -- despite certain housewife moms on different franchises :)

Edited by film noire
  • Love 12
3 minutes ago, film noire said:

Sure -- Jill Shields may be a monster and not feel any empathy for her four children grieving their father 

Well, she was in love with a loan sharking monster.... I mean when Bethenny was dating Dennis, Dennis was a shitstain of humanity taking advantage of the downtrodden. That's the monster Jill considers the love of her life, apparently, the loan shark scumbag.... It's not a real stretch that if thats what she considers the love of her life, then she might not be the nicest person ever.

I mean, when Bethenny dated Dennis, she was cited for dating an awful monster... but Jill *married* that monster and is not cited?

Edited by Rap541
  • Love 11
Just now, SCS said:

We can't read her thoughts, hence 50% either way.

By that standard, there's a fifty percent chance Bethenny Frankel  feels absolutely no empathy at all for Bryn missing a family friend of two years, or Cookie --I don't agree (I think Frankel loves Bryn, however bizarre and screwed up her behavior often is as parent) -- but if that's your standard, we'll just have to agree to disagree.

  • Love 7
58 minutes ago, film noire said:

By that standard, there's a fifty percent chance Bethenny Frankel  feels absolutely no empathy at all for Bryn missing a family friend of two years, or Cookie --I don't agree (I think Frankel loves Bryn, however bizarre and screwed up her behavior often is as parent) -- but if that's your standard, we'll just have to agree to disagree.


I don't see the correlation between Bethenny's well-documented (in video, audio,  print, smoke signals and glottal clicks) feelings about her child and canine vs the mindset of a women who didn't exist in the HWs universe until very recently. Mileage....

  • Love 5
On 9/23/2018 at 8:07 PM, SCS said:

I don't see the correlation between Bethenny's well-documented (in video, audio,  print, smoke signals and glottal clicks) feelings about her child and canine vs the mindset of a women who didn't exist in the HWs universe until very recently. 

Those are actions, not inner thoughts; as you said, someone could be easily thinking something else altogether. 

But if it's actions being judged not inner thoughts, then imo, Jill Shield's words and actions -- especially her attempts to shield (no pun intended! :) her kids from media "ratings" during this period -- seems pretty loving/protective towards her children. I see no reason to presume she is incapable of feeling empathy for her grieving kids. 

Edited by film noire
  • Love 6

There's no doubt that everyone who loved Dennis is grieving.   We can't possibly judge whose pain is greater nor should we try.   We also can't begin to comprehend the complicated situation they all found themselves in.    It's not impossible that Jill grieved his loss when Dennis left her (if that's what happened and if she loved him at the time).     His children surely feel the loss of their father but it is also possible that they were angry at him for leaving their mother (if that's what happened).   That could make his sudden death more difficult for them as they'd feel some guilt.   There's also the possibility that they mourn his loss but are somewhat relieved that they don't have to choose where to go on holidays or how to have both parents and their significant others at their weddings.    It's complicated.  I know this sounds harsh but so is life, death, guilt and regret.

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 7
59 minutes ago, film noire said:

Those are actions, not inner thoughts; as you said, someone could be easily thinking something else altogether. 


I believe Bethenny's actions are an extension of her inner thoughts: she lives her life on SM, something I don't agree with and would never do but it works for her and it has given her a very comfortable life. She's pretty much an open book with, no doubt, a few private things unshared. None of this applies to the widow . We only know what has very recently been posted and can believe it to be valid or not (back to that 50% chance of being genuine.)

Anyhoos, gotta run, have fun!

  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, SCS said:

 she lives her life on SM

I don't believe social media is a truth serum  -- if anything, I think it's the opposite -- presentation of self, marketing/curating images (and Frankel is a genius at that, it's true -- although her neediness and narc tendencies do break through at times).


have fun!

You too!

Edited by film noire
  • Love 11
2 hours ago, SCS said:


I don't see the correlation between Bethenny's well-documented (in video, audio,  print, smoke signals and glottal clicks) feelings about her child and canine vs the mindset of a women who didn't exist in the HWs universe until very recently. Mileage....

I will lurve you forever for including "glottal clicks".  I lurved an Englishman, long ago, who knew glottal clicks.  He was my man in Africa, without the sexy hair-washing in the Serengeti.  Nothing like a glottal click in an English accent - ROWR!

Oh, and by "Africa", I most definitely don't mean deluuuuusional Nigeria and some football team.  ;-)

Edited by walnutqueen
  • Love 7
2 hours ago, smores said:

For argument's sake, let's say that B and Dennis were just casual and off rather than on when he died.  They had dated, they had been close at times, so couldn't she still be sad and miss her friend?  Couldn't she mourn the times they HAD been close?  Couldn't she have thought that perhaps this was one of the off periods prior to another on period, where perhaps things would have worked out and then they'd have stayed together, but, now he's dead, so, that can never happen?  That would make me sad, because I'd wonder what would have happened if he'd lived, were I in her shoes and the above was the case.  

That said, I do think they were more than casual, and I do think that things were done with his wife and they had both moved on.  Why the divorce wasn't finalized, I don't know.  People have their reasons.  I had a great aunt who got married (like, in the 1930s), after about 6 months, she realized she couldn't live with her husband, so she moved back home with her mother.  And, she stayed married, for the rest of her life.  Or his, I don't know who died first.  I never met him, but she died in like 2005, so that was a long ass non-marriage.  People are strange sometimes and while it's not what I would do, I figure they have their own reasons and if it works for them, fine.  I'd want the divorce if I were the wife in the situation, and I don't know that if I were involved with the guy, I could be with someone who was still married, but separated with no imminent divorce plans, but, that's the choice I get to make for my own life.  Plus, I'm married and fine with my husband, so it's really a non-issue all around.

I agree that everyone has their reasons why they do or do not divorce. And it is no one else's business. Heck, two of my siblings have not been with their exs for years, and have not divorced. My sister's husband left her in 1999 for another woman. He and the other woman are still together, and he and my sister have never divorced. They are legally separated, and neither plans to ever remarry so have not bothered to divorce.  Does she considered her ex her husband? Hardly. Lol. My bro and sis in law haven't been together since 1990. They are legally separated but never divorced. They are not together, but are great friends and are currently vacationing together to visit a daughter and her family. As friends only. Works for them. A friend hasn't been with her husband since he left her 3 years ago for another woman. He is still with that woman, and he and my friend still don't even have a separation agreement as they can't agree on the terms of it. Does she consider the guy her husband? Not on your life. Does she think the guy is cheating on her? Nope, not since he left her, and their marriage. 

We have no idea where Beth and Dennis were in their relationship when he died. He accompanied her to the taping of the reunion, which was in the middle of July. His wife had moved on, and had a boyfriend. Certainly Beth and Dennis had a long relationship, both as friends and significant others. The thought that Dennis was two timing either Beth or Jill because he was not divorced from Jill is laughable. 

  • Love 11
4 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

The thought that Dennis was two timing either Beth or Jill because he was not divorced from Jill is laughable. 


It's also a bit silly though to act as though a couple that was separated, for over two years with both partners actively dating other partners, was happily married, 

Now is Bethenny and Bethenny's grief getting more attention? Yes. Of the three in this triangle, she's the most famous. I haven't seen any articles of Bethenny making mean remarks about Dennis's wife and children, or unkind remarks, or even any direct comment towards the family

The argument seems to be that Bethenny as the girlfriend needs to be silent (even though it has been public for several years that Dennis was dating her) because even though Jill was dating someone else, and Dennis was dating someone else, they were still legally married so Jill should be treated as though she was happily married, will wear black for the rest of her life, and spends every waking moment succoring her weeping young children to her breast.

This view - "they were married so they loved best and most" ignores the reality that they were separated for years and actively with new partners. That they were publically separated for years, and publically dating others, complete with Dennis on tv with Bethenny for a holiday party, was well known, so when he dies, people in the media are going to go to Bethenny for comment because she was his most recent partner. 

I haven't found the coverage excessive and frankly, Dennis wouldn't be in the news if he hadn't been dating Bethenny so if Jill is upset by the media, she only has the love of her life to blame.

  • Love 15
54 minutes ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

The last information we have is his statement in an interview 5 days (I think?) before he died that they were not together.

True. That is what Dennis said of Bethenny. They weren't together. She said that they were on a 90 day break. 

I think that he did enjoy being associated with a RHNY. Did seem casual to him. He could not commit according to Bethenny. Likely she wanted more than he was willing to give.

Could be that they were no more serious than Sonja and her Frenchie boyfriend, Edgar.

Sad about Dennis, though. What a sad ending. Sad for his family too.

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

Ooh, how I wish I'd had any man SOOO in lurve with me that he was fucking someone else while I was fucking someone else.  And how our undying lurve was only put front and center After He Died.

Now bring me my fainting couch, so I can swoon over the lurve that transponds the ages.

Oh, and bring me my Victorian mourning brooch.

No doubt that this is what Bethenny is trying to put out there. Not buying it.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Happy Camper said:

No doubt that this is what Bethenny is trying to put out there. Not buying it.

But it's a well known fact so Bethenny doesn't have to put anything out there.  The fact is, both Jill and Dennis have been seeing others for quite sometime.  There are pictures of Jill and her bf vacationing.  THAT is not TRUE love.  That is a "we aren't getting divorced due to money issues or a just because".

  • Love 14
32 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

I like how you worked the word "titilated" into your post, @walnutqueen. Very smooth!

Nice of you to notice, @Celia Rubenstein.  I'm smoof!  :-)


P.S.  Expect a cyst & decease order any day now, for using my (slightly) age progressed face as your avatar.  :-)

Edited by walnutqueen
  • Love 11
15 hours ago, Rap541 said:

Hhehehe nicely put, WalnutQueen.

Nothing makes me think two people love each other like how they fuck other people. I mean seriously, Dennis was a shitheel when he was alive and a married man fucking Bethenny but now that he's dead, he and Jill loved each other deeply even as he banged other whores and thats a great marriage! Seriously, the flip flop from shitstain loan shark betraying his wife openly for two years by dating Bethenny, to loving husband *married and in life long love* with Jill (who also has her own little side piece) is amazing.

I think as far as Bethenny went, Dennis was a close friend with benefits and they maybe flirted with more but I rather doubt the proposal stories that went around.

What I got from this post: Beth’s a whore. Does LuAnn know?

  • Love 1

No need to mock Shanna :)

I mean, I am pretty sure if we look back thru this thread, there was actually someone asking if posters who were close by could go see whether Skinny Jeans were really being sold etc etc etc. Now we know.

3 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

What I got from this post: Beth’s a whore. Does LuAnn know?

 I'm sure she does :) I've always been shocked that Luann didn't make much effort to point out Bethenny was dating a married man.

A married man who expressed his love for the love of his life by publically cuckholding his love of his life and openly stated he was separated from the love of his life. For years. 

If anyone was painting a story that Dennis wasn't happily married to Jill, the love of his life, I think it was Dennis. 

  • Love 11
15 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

I don't understand why there is some kind of competition to prove who is more sad about Dennis dying. Jill and Bethenny each had a relationship with him and they are both likely in great pain over his death.  Why the need to crown one of them Most Hurt By The Loss of Dennis Shields?  Does designating one of them the saddest negate the sadness of the other? Does the one who shed the most tears win some kind of prize?

For me, it was Jill Shields posting something loving about Dennis on their anniversary. 

Beth posted on the same day, after Jill’s post, that because her relationship with Dennis was current, Beth’s grief or pain was more raw. 

So, in my opinion, because of the word “current,” Beth made the choice to turn it into a competition.  

  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

No need to mock Shanna :)

I mean, I am pretty sure if we look back thru this thread, there was actually someone asking if posters who were close by could go see whether Skinny Jeans were really being sold etc etc etc. Now we know.

I’m sure she does :) I've always been shocked that Luann didn't make much effort to point out Bethenny was dating a married man.

A married man who expressed his love for the love of his life by publically cuckholding his love of his life and openly stated he was separated from the love of his life. For years. 

If anyone was painting a story that Dennis wasn't happily married to Jill, the love of his life, I think it was Dennis. 

So it must have been Dennis’s, not Tom’s, penis that shot diamonds.  

  • Love 2
23 minutes ago, AnnA said:

I have to admit that there's often something I don't understand in many posts.   For example, I have no idea what Dennis  "shooting diamonds" means.   I also don't understand why Bethenny's boobs are "bolt-ons" but Ramona's giant flotation devices are not.   I think Bethenny looks really good.



OMFG .... WHO pulls over on the side of the road (double yellow lines no passing zone so probably with not great traffic sightlines) this close to an intersection to pose for THIS SHIT. Jesus. 

As far as Bethenny's hurt versus Jill's- I don't care a whit about their love affairs with him, either one. Jill is 100% left with 4 children to grieve the loss of their father at a very precipitous time in their lives in young adulthood- as their independence unfolds, the drug OD aspect of it, the press etc. It sucks. Losing your parent at that age is a trauma. The children have lost their father, who earned for their college and current lifestyle. Poof. Gone in the blink of an eye. Life has changed for them forever. Jill is holding the bag on their support and well being. 4 of them! This should ONLY be about those children. Don't drag press to an open grave Bethenny! Don't make it a competition. Think of those kids. 

  • Love 13

I'm puzzled to the references about there being trenches between her boobs.  I mean, I can assure you I don't have implants, but regardless of the size of my boobs, they do not touch.  (And mine have varied in size over the years)  Mine just have never, ever met, no matter what kind of push up bra I wear, they sit in a weird way, and there is always a flat spot between them.  But, it's 100% natural.

  • Love 10
On September 15, 2018 at 5:13 PM, SuprSuprElevated said:

Warning:  NSFA (not safe for anybody)

Screenshot (204).png


32 minutes ago, smores said:

I'm puzzled to the references about there being trenches between her boobs.  I mean, I can assure you I don't have implants, but regardless of the size of my boobs, they do not touch.  (And mine have varied in size over the years)  Mine just have never, ever met, no matter what kind of push up bra I wear, they sit in a weird way, and there is always a flat spot between them.  But, it's 100% natural.

Good post Smores!

check out Ramona's "trenches" aka "caverns."  LOL

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 3
16 minutes ago, AnnA said:

Bethenny has been busy with her relief efforts, SG jeans launch and filming S11 of RHONY.   I checked her Twitter feed and she has NOT said anything about Dennis and neither has Jill.   IMO the only "competition" is fan fiction.  

AnnA, yes, you are correct. Beth has not posted anything within the past couple of days. 

But there was this:


  • Love 3
23 minutes ago, AnnA said:

Bethenny has been busy with her relief efforts, SG jeans launch and filming S11 of RHONY.   I checked her Twitter feed and she has NOT said anything about Dennis and neither has Jill.   IMO the only "competition" is fan fiction.  

“It’s hard to breathe and I appreciate you giving me the space and support to try to do so. It’s excruciating-sudden death is no closure and constant questions and memories.

Our relationship is current so it’s painfully raw. Trying to stay healthy and move through it with tears and close friends,” Frankel tweeted on August 26.

  • Love 6
15 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

“It’s hard to breathe and I appreciate you giving me the space and support to try to do so. It’s excruciating-sudden death is no closure and constant questions and memories.

Our relationship is current so it’s painfully raw. Trying to stay healthy and move through it with tears and close friends,” Frankel tweeted on August 26.


19 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

AnnA, yes, you are correct. Beth has not posted anything within the past couple of days. 

But there was this:


So what?

That's not a challenge for a contest or competition.   It merely states a fact.

If you keep reading, Jill tweeted (on their anniversary) that she misses "ONE of her best friends."    

Obviously she has others. 

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 9
43 minutes ago, AnnA said:

  I checked her Twitter feed and she has NOT said anything about Dennis and neither has Jill.  


9 minutes ago, AnnA said:


So what?

That's not a challenge for a contest or competition.   It merely states a fact.

If you keep reading, Jill tweeted (on their anniversary) that she misses "ONE of her best friends."    

Obviously she has others. 

Sorry I was just responding to your post that she has NOT said anything about Dennis. She actually did say something on Twitter about Dennis on Aug 26 which I quoted. 

I am making no case for that being a challenge for a contest of competition.  

  • Love 6
15 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:


Sorry I was just responding to your post that she has NOT said anything about Dennis. She actually did say something on Twitter about Dennis on Aug 26 which I quoted. 

I am making no case for that being a challenge for a contest of competition. 

I'm sorry too.  Someone said her tweet made it a competition. That tweet was a month ago and just weeks after his death.  If she remained silent some would call her cold.

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 7
9 hours ago, AnnA said:

If Jill was the love of his life, he wouldn't have left her. 

People married to addicts often separate until the addict gets clean ("love the addict, hate the addiction").

Whatever the ins and outs of their marriage, Jill has four kids by the man,  and Frankel has none. Dennis was a fixture in Jill's life since they got together in the eighties, but Dennis was not in Frankel's life for thirty years (as Bethenny said at the reunion/in the media). Jill was still in a near-thirty year marriage, and Frankel was so ambivalent about the relationship, she ghosted him for ninety days.  (And if that was due to his addiction, smart move.)

To me, that's a different level of loss.  And that matters (again, to me) because I don't think all grief is the same; some people have lives that present them with much harder losses than others, and I think it becomes a competition when people can't admit/see that  ("Oh no - my smaller loss is just as big as yours!")  I think Bethenny is clearly grieving, but what she has to let go of -- a two year on again/off again relationship  -- is not the same loss being endured by Jill and his kids.

8 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

 Jill is 100% left with 4 children to grieve the loss of their father at a very precipitous time in their lives in young adulthood- as their independence unfolds, the drug OD aspect of it, the press etc. It sucks. Losing your parent at that age is a trauma. 

I agree. And I bet Jill is worried  (in light of Dennis having been an addict) about her kids turning to alcohol or drugs to handle their grief/rage/loss/etc.  

8 hours ago, AnnA said:

Bethenny has been busy with her relief efforts, SG jeans launch and filming S11 of RHONY.   I checked her Twitter feed and she has NOT said anything about Dennis and neither has Jill.   IMO the only "competition" is fan fiction.  

In the last few days alone, she talked to the press about Dennis at the SG launch, posted an insta story dedicating a song to Dennis two days ago. and People did a one pager about her "grief diet".  (And Frankel is certainly free to talk about anything she wants -- and people are free to respond how they want, as well.) 

Edited by film noire
corrected to reflect usernamefatigue's info
  • Love 7
4 hours ago, Rap541 said:

No need to mock Shanna :)

I mean, I am pretty sure if we look back thru this thread, there was actually someone asking if posters who were close by could go see whether Skinny Jeans were really being sold etc etc etc. Now we know.

 I'm sure she does :) I've always been shocked that Luann didn't make much effort to point out Bethenny was dating a married man.

A married man who expressed his love for the love of his life by publically cuckholding his love of his life and openly stated he was separated from the love of his life. For years. 

If anyone was painting a story that Dennis wasn't happily married to Jill, the love of his life, I think it was Dennis. 

....and his daughter

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, smores said:

I'm puzzled to the references about there being trenches between her boobs.  I mean, I can assure you I don't have implants, but regardless of the size of my boobs, they do not touch.  (And mine have varied in size over the years)  Mine just have never, ever met, no matter what kind of push up bra I wear, they sit in a weird way, and there is always a flat spot between them.  But, it's 100% natural.

Ditto. I also think it's a better look in low cut styles (imho)

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, film noire said:


 Dennis was a fixture in Jill's life since they got together in the eighties, but Dennis was not in Frankel's life for thirty years (as Bethenny said at the reunion/in the media). Jill was still in a near-thirty year marriage, and Frankel was so ambivalent about the relationship, she ghosted him for ninety days.  (And if that was due to his addiction, smart move.)


I don't remember Bethenny saying that she and Dennis were not in each other's lives before getting together. I remember her saying they were friends for years. Which also is what Dennis said in the interview days before his death. He said he and Bethenny met when they were both in college, and remained friends during his entire marriage to Jill. 

  • Love 7

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