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Pet(s): Photos & Discussion

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I originally posted these in the "My Cat From Hell" subforum, but decided to bring them over here.

This is China, my 9.5 year old Siamese mix, on my old computer table(with my old computer).  Since my current desk is too small for her, I actually put a table next to it just for her.  So spoiled! :) (One of her nicknames is Cyber-Cat.)




Here she is "helping" me with my laundry:



And this is Pumpkin(aka Punky Puss), whom I unfortunately had to say goodbye to in February at age 13.5(apologies for the crappy cell-phone pic):


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This is fun!


I share two more of Danny, both for reasons that have nothing to do with him.


First, notice that the glasses are held on to his head by a rainbow loom band that my daughter made specifically so that she could strap the glasses onto his giant head. The kid has a streak of creativity and dedication to goofing-off that I haven't seen since the planning sessions for my fraternity parties 20+ years ago. I am both very proud and terrified of her at the same time.



Second, while he stares at me wondering when breakfast will be served, notice another one of my yet to be posted here pets in the background. In the cage (to the right of the pink pig-loo) is Oreo, 9 month old guinea pig.  I would like to mention that the pig is a pretty cool pet. Way better than I thought it would be. Fortunately, we are currently terrier-free, so nobody in the house wants to kill it.



ETA: I suppose you could also notice the "I am so smrt" pants I am wearing but feel free not to notice them.

Edited by JTMacc99
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It's all fun and games until you end up in a onesie - at least Pip never worries his "owies" so he never needs a cone.  He got a bad abscess so has to wear a onesie to keep it clean while allowing it to get air while it heals.  He's doing really well, and at this point the infection is gone and now he just needs a little more time to heal.  But he looks so darn cute in his onesie that I might make him wear them as PJs going forward...



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Aww thanks for the nice comments about my kitty. And yes smrou that is a weird sentence:) Sometimes we call him Sputie, and sometimes just Spu. I used to say to him, "are you disputing that you are a Rasputin?" I know silly... Anyway I just discovered this section yesterday and I love animals, love seeing everyone's pets. This is such a positive thing! 

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As I'm sure you all saw the incredible video of the cat chasing off the dog attacking a four year old boy, I thought I would share something with you.


After I got over the first two thoughts which were, "Oh my god! That could have been much worse!" and "Holy crap! That cat was awesome!", the third thought that came to my head was "Go get help Cat Lassie!"


I don't really remember when I first saw this, or where it came from, but as a cat and dog owner, it's always made me laugh.

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In order of age:


Akiko, a four-year-old Exotic Shorthair. She's fabulous and she knows it. 






This is Handsome E. Wonderful (the E is for Edward), a 18-month old British Bulldog. He is sexy and he knows it.







And this is Maisie or Agnes (depending on who you ask) our 1-year-old British Shorthair. She is the bookish sister.





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First Bambi of the season (for us).  We live on a couple of acres and have a large, cleared back area with a few trees.  The local deer realized "Hey, this is a great place to hide the fawns while we go graze, because none of the predators like to run across the open field!") 


This guy was so new we're pretty sure we saw his first real steps.  His Mama parked him under a tree.  Dilemma! At the same time one of the tortoises that lives down there was spotted laying her clutch.  We found her clutch last year and guarded the eggs and hatched them.  We can't get the cover on the clutch until Mama picks up Newbie Bambi or else it will scare her away from there.  




And back in a second with last year's turtles.  





Edited by stillshimpy
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Forgot to post, my foster dog Sabrina got adopted a couple of weeks ago.  Her new mom friended me on Facebook, so I get to see pictures and updates, and it sounds like she's doing great!!



We need to wait a few weeks before we take in another foster because we've got a lot going on, but we're helping out with this guy while his regular foster dad travels - his name is Junior, a super shy little terrier mix.  He's pretty scared of people - someone obviously didn't treat him very well at some point - but once he's decided you're OK, he adores you beyond words.


  • Love 3

Hi Junior!!!!  Aw, he's a super sweetie.   Good for Sabrina! I hope she loves her new forever home.  I follow a bunch of rescue sites on Facebook and so almost every day in my newsfeed is the story of somebody who found their forever fur-baby.  It's one of my favorite things in the world, I sit there with my coffee and read all the different stories.  Some of them aren't written by people who are comfortable with writing, and for some reason that moves me even more.  Just people who don't write naturally making the effort, finding the time to tell the stories of how they found their pets.  It's just that they are clearly doing something that doesn't come naturally to them, and the effort moves me tremendously. 

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I posted my foster failure fur-baby a couple of pages back, but I just wanted to chime in and say how utterly awesome it is to see how many people interested in being rescue help or fosters.  I tried, I got to the second fur-baby and couldn't bear parting.  She was created for us, we could not have asked for a better addition to our small mother-daughter family.  It was sweet to read @stillshimpy your routine of reading about foster placements to forever homes.  That is the bestest part of this work.  I do home inspections for our rescue organization here in the area, and there is nothing more satisfying then to see a family happy with their new addition.

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I love this thread!  And all the great photos of your pets!


This is Sophie, a pointer mix and an SPCA rescue  I got her a few months after my other dog (Spencer) passed away.  I was a little hesitant as I thought it might be too soon, so she came for a trial weekend.  Five years later and she's still here.  :)






She's smiling in the one above - that was after she'd been here for about a month.  The first few days, this was her default expression:




It took her some time to realize that finally she was home.


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Oh cute, I only just found this topic...

These are my tortie girls in a rare moment of affection for each other. Esme (on the left) is 11 and Reese is 8. Even though I rescued Reese from feralhood, and is a tortie, she is the sweetest, most affectionate and outgoing kitty you could ever meet. Tiny bit skittish. Esme, however, is everything you've ever heard about a tortie.172895_198433143514624_1067656_o.jpg


This is really more typical of them: th_IMG_4071_zpsbf702c36.jpg


And this young man plotting my demise is Kaidan, who's 10. He was not happy being awoken to my placing a flip flop on him.




And as you can see from flip-flop/cat proportion, he is quite a large cat.  All of them are, actually. I feel like I raised a herd of pumas because they can and WILL knock you down.

Edited by kariyaki
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Either that, or you have tiny feet.  Are you exceptionally whee?  Do you have Whos in your ancestry?  Can only Horton Hear You?  


Okay, I'm done being silly (FOR NOW, MWHAHAHA....no really, done now).  


I love Sophie's initial expression of concern, transformed into "HIYA MAMA! Treat?"  


Also, the universal sign of pet ownership from kariyaki -- the pet blanket on the couch!  It's like The Hitchhike's Guide to the Galaxy Towel: Pet Division.  The Sofa Protecting fleece! 

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Since I don't own a dog(waaa!) but I'm a big animal lover, here's my niece's dog, Hampton. I love this pic so much,the dogsitter she used to have was also a professional dog photographer, so my niece would get the greatest pictures from the sitter.  And this pic actually won Hampton the December page in a Corgi calendar contest that my niece entered her in; I love the face she's making and the multi colored lights really make the photo pop.  Yes I am a proud dog Aunt.


Hampton has beautiful blue eyes too. Here she is as a pup,about eight weeks nibbling on my fingers. Oh those eyes!





Love looking at everyone's pets!

Edited by Valny
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AAAAAWWWW! Cuteness!! Cuteness everyone!! What kind of dog is Brita, RescueMom? She's look particularly muppety there.  


Sampson is a very impressive Feline. As is his companion...all.that.fur.  


Hampton does have beautiful eyes, really, really striking ones.  


Crystal and Casper are both just beautiful too!  So. Much. Cuuutttte! 

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Not the best photo (lighting wasn't great), but here are Crystal and Casper's "we hear a stranger in our house!" faces:



OMG, do yours do that to you, too? Late at night, suddenly going on alert and freaking you out. And then laying back down, all "Never mind."? The worst was the night one of my previous kitties (RIP, Birdie) learned how to turn the hall light off and on. So, it's 2:00 am, I live alone and suddenly the hall light just outside my bedroom comes on. I'm on the verge of screaming when I hear *scrabble, scrabble, FLIP!* and the light goes out. *scrabble, scrabble, FLIP!* the light goes on. And Birdie comes sashaying in all proud of herself for learning a new trick. Arrgghh!

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