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@bilgistic, I remember that our girls died close together; the 17th will be the anniversary of Maddie's death.  It simultaneously seems like I've lived without her far longer than three years, and like she just died months ago. 

@ABay, my condolences to your best friend, and Riley and I shared a toast to her as she navigates this tough time, and to the memories of Star and Murphy (love that name!) - I'm sad they are both now gone, but happy they had the life every pet deserves and too few get.

  • Love 3

It is 5:40 am on a Saturday and I’m up because The World’s Worst Cat (aka Kitty Gunderson the Younger) is yowling. Breakfast was hand delivered to the princess, but patently everyone must get out of bed so she can snuggle into the covers wherever she wants (ie where I’m sleeping). She’s not cute enough to get away with it.

  • Love 5

Just went out to feed Harry, Sally and Wilma; it was all I could do to keep them from trying to go out into the rainy weather that we've been having lately because of Hurricane Florence. What I mean by that is that as soon as I opened the door to the middle part of the shop (they stay in there at night, but usually get out free in the morning to play in front of the open-air side of the shed where the mowers and other equipment are), they insisted on trying to get out. I had to distract them with their food so I could go refill their water, then it was also all I could do to keep them out of their litter box while I turned it (my word for sifting out the output from their litter). I eventually got everything done and dumped out the output, and now they have fresh water and fresh litter again. 

3 minutes ago, JTMacc99 said:

A friend had her dog at the vet on Friday. There was a lady with her three cats there:  Jerk. Asshole. And Lovebug. 

The next 3 critters I name may get the Deadwood shout-out : Cocksuckah, Motherfucking Fucker, and Degenerate Titlicker.   The vet's office may as well install a fainting couch now.  :-D

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, bosawks said:

Alli is soooooo jealous!

I'm jealous!


So I love having the kitten-cat and cat-cat cuddled up next to me, or sleeping in their blanket beds on the side of my bed but the cat-cat insists on sleeping on my shins and he is a heavy sleeping boy at 11lbs. I wish I could figure out why some nights they sleep all the way through and other nights, like last night it was time to playfight 3 times. I need more coffee.

  • Love 6

Not exactly a pet, but today we took a wild horse tour on Corolla Island, something I've wanted to do for a while.  There are approximately 100 wild horses, descendants of Spanish Mustangs brought to the area some 500 years ago.  They roam the area, and are protected - it is illegal to feed or approach a wild horse.  There are a number of companies that offer tours, riding in open-air trucks down the beach and into the dunes.  There are quite a number of people on the beach, and many homes, and the horses can be found on the beach, in the dunes, or even grazing in someone's yard.




Egrets often land on the horses and pick at insects on the horse.



This one was on the side of the road as we rolled up to him, and didn't pay us any attention as we stopped to photograph him.




  • Love 15

My dog is trying to kill me. 

Tonight I was coming down the stairs so I could start to make dinner when he shot by me at the speed of light knocking my feet out from under me.  I fell, hitting my back/butt/shoulder/head as I slid down a few steps. Scared the hell out of me.

I've had him for 2 years and there has never even been a close call.

  • Love 2
21 hours ago, bilgistic said:

I started an Instagram account on September 12 featuring my cats (stop rolling your eyes) because I am "political" in my main, anonymous account. I have no other outlet for my frustrations about...current things. I thought people like my mother and the cat enthusiasts might like to just see pictures of my cats and not read/see my political/activist rants. However, I have maintained my average mid-70s follower count including my mother, so go figure. I really expected it to decline. I started my account in April 2016.

Meanwhile, the cats have 23 followers gained in eight days. I'm hoping they become social media influencers so that I may live off of their endorsement deals.


3 hours ago, HazelEyes4325 said:

I follow several cat IG's (Beth Stern's is one of my favorites).  If you would like to share what this IG account is, I would love to follow it!

The girls' IG account is @everything.here.is.cats. The name is an offshoot of my main account, but I don't link back to it, so...no politics!

OK, no more self-promotion!
Edited by bilgistic
  • Love 9
19 hours ago, DeLurker said:

My dog is trying to kill me. 

Tonight I was coming down the stairs so I could start to make dinner when he shot by me at the speed of light knocking my feet out from under me.  I fell, hitting my back/butt/shoulder/head as I slid down a few steps. Scared the hell out of me.

I've had him for 2 years and there has never even been a close call.

Has he been hanging out with cats recently??


I hope you're OK!!

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, bilgistic said:

At least one of mine must use their toilet while I'm using mine.

I don't use the bathroom in which the litter box is placed anywhere near as often as the main bathroom, but whenever I did and Maddie was nearby to hear I was doing so, she ran in and hopped in the box to go potty with Mommy.  And, yes, that's what I said every time in my annoying "I'm talking to a cat" voice: "You go potty with Mommy (or Momma)" as I reached down to scratch her head.

5 hours ago, DeLurker said:

My cat tries to kill me nightly when I get up to go to the bathroom.  He must accompany by weaving in front of my feet.

Riley is the only cat I've ever had who doesn't do ever do that; everyone else, I had to remind, "You know, if you trip me, and I break my body, no one will feed you."

Riley doesn't do it because, for as comfortable and secure as she's become at home, she still doesn't get too close to me when I'm walking and she's on the ground.  If I walk up to her when she's on the bed, couch, table, etc. and thus there's not such a massive difference in height, it's fine (unless she senses I'm about to grab her and trim her claws).  But if she's sitting or lying on the floor, I can't walk right up to her; I have to stop a foot or two away and let her come to me.  So she's the one cat I'm not in danger of accidentally kicking - or being laid out on my ass by.

Edited by Bastet
  • Love 4

Yes, so... does that mean cat leaving super lovely, furry, spot to follow human to the bathroom mean:

1. cat loves human and cannot be apart

2. cat doesn't trust human and need to keep a eye in human when human is not is usual spot - like human in bed, sleeping; or human in the kitchen, before or after feeding cat 

3. Well, I can't see another reason and just asking the question brought me to yes, 2, so from now on, when I have non human visitor and don't close the door, I'll look my cat in the eye, blink and think "I KNOW WHY YOU'RE HERE" 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Bastet said:

Riley doesn't do it because, for as comfortable and secure as she's become at home, she still doesn't get too close to me when I'm walking and she's on the ground.  If I walk up to her when she's on the bed, couch, table, etc. and thus there's not such a massive difference in height, it's fine (unless she senses I'm about to grab her and trim her claws

Ella is the same way.  I don't blame her-the height difference would terrify me too if the roles were reversed.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, NutMeg said:

Why do cats feel the urge to follow us to the bathroom? Seriously?

I know why they like their water far from their food.

I know they get weird around catnip.

But what about our bathroom breaks, when they are so private about theirs?  


3 hours ago, bilgistic said:

At least one of mine must use their toilet while I'm using mine.

Both our current cats run in to use the bathroom litterbox (they have a kitchen one also) when either of Their Humans is on the toilet. There are sometimes harsh words exchanged (between the cats, that is).

2 hours ago, JTMacc99 said:

Well, my daughter wants a snake for her birthday. Pet count about to go to eleven. ?

My sister posted on Facebook tonight - my 13yo niece has presented a well researched case for getting a corn snake. Same kid did a PowerPoint presentation a few years back for a ferret (she got it, and it lives/d at her dad's house). 

I sneakily texted my niece and made her promise to double check the locks on the top whenever I visit.

  • Love 1
15 hours ago, ratgirlagogo said:


Both our current cats run in to use the bathroom litterbox (they have a kitchen one also) when either of Their Humans is on the toilet. There are sometimes harsh words exchanged (between the cats, that is).

My girls happily share their catboxes (two under the bathroom sink in the cabinet), like everything else. I live in a one-bedroom, one-bathroom apartment, so there's little space for catboxes.

My late cats only tolerated each other and unfortunately, Bilgisticat was a bit of an antagonist when girl cat, a.k.a. Senorita Pantalones, a.k.a. Miss Fluffy Britches, was in the loo. She developed a habit of zooming out as soon as she made her deposit for fear she would be sneak attacked, a.k.a. "snuck attuck".

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, DeLurker said:

What does Luna think?

It’s not in the home yet. Tank and everything are being set up for pick up next week.  I’m sure Luna will be unimpressed; she isn’t interested in the bearded dragon.

She is more into attacking my legs when I’m just minding my own business of late. The claw mark I’m looking at on my leg today is about five inches shorter than the vicious attack she hit me with two weeks ago,

  • Love 1

I went to a friend's house last night for movie night, and before we settled in - but after we'd already had a couple of drinks to fortify ourselves - we gave her cat (my "nephew" Shermie) a bath.  He licks himself constantly, so he's Smelly Cat and he's turned much of his white fur brown with saliva stains.  We've ruled out allergies, and it seems to be a psychological (self-soothing) thing rather than any sort of full-body hot spot, so the bath wasn't going to help his skin in that way, but it would get us a fresh start on the smell. 

He's declawed on his front paws (via his previous owner; my friend adopted him that way, and would never do that to a cat on her own!), and he used to really know how to use his teeth and back claws to compensate -- she'd get mauled putting him in the carrier for a vet visit.  But he's mellowed some in his old age (he's about 17, if the previous owner's information that he was 12 at the time of surrender to the shelter was accurate), so we figured we'd give it a whirl, expecting quite an adventure.

But he was a pip!  She held, I washed, and not a drop of blood was shed; he started hissing when we were drying him, because that's the "I'm wet, cooling, and realizing what an indignity has befallen me" stage of things, but until then he cooperated very well.  We wound up wishing her husband had been home (he came home later, but he just chats for a bit and then goes into the office and later to bed to leave us alone during "our" nights) to take a picture because Shermie sported some pretty funny looks on his face throughout the process.  And when I was doing the initial dry, while his mommy went to get the next towel, he rested his head on my shoulder and let out a big sigh.  It was adorable.

Yes, folks, that is how I roll on a Saturday night. 

Edited by Bastet
  • Love 16
18 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

I bought actual kitty beds to replace the makeshift blanket beds I've been setting up on the corner of my bed. Betting is now open on if they will use them or not.

The cat-cat was all curled up in one of them when the kitten-cat woke me up at 3am. YAY! I feel bad since the cat-cat is so big (he's long and lean) and the beds are small and am thinking I should get the bigger, yet "XS" doggie bed I saw. But then again cats are all about 'if I fitz I sitz" and I don't think he would curl up somewhere he wasn't comfortable given his multitude of sleeping options all over my home.

  • Love 3

When I adopted Maddie and Baxter (the first cats who were truly mine - not family cats or roommate cats), I dutifully ran out the same day and bought a selection of pet beds to place around the condo.  I have no idea why, since all previous cats had simply slept with me/us at night and on various people furniture, sunny spots on the floor, and computer monitors (ye olde CRT type) during the day/evening, but, I guess, first-time parenting.  They all went back a week or two later, without so much as a strand of fur on them.

Bandit and Chester (my parents' cats) have pet beds in the garage for when they want to sleep out there (but Chester usually just climbs on top of Bandit in one), and Chester has a cat bed (that looks like Sylvester) near the fireplace that two cats before him also used when a fire was lit.  Otherwise, between all the cats we have/have had in the two households, it's "Um, I have a bed - yours."  And the guest bed.  And the couches.  And the desk.  And ...

  • Love 4

It takes a bit for my cat to get used to the idea of a cat bed or his cat tree before he'll actually use them.  I got the cat bed for him and put it wear he normally sleeps on my bed, and he was mortally offended by it.  I moved it to a chair in the room since he was not using it and it was taking up prime real estate, he immediately jumped in and made himself comfy and took a good long nap.  The cat tree I had set up by the corner windows he always hung around to watch Squirrel TV.  Did not go near it for 2 weeks.  I was going to give it to my nephew so I was moving it around and it ended up getting set down my the sofa I sit on when I watch tv (not Squirrel TV).  Since it was positioned near the end of the sofa I sit at and put us about the same height, he decided it was an acceptable thing after all.  So in the evening I'll sit and watch tv, he naps on the the cat tree where he can keep an eye on me to make sure I am not paying the dog too much attention, he can easily climb over to allow me to pet him or give his ears a scritch.

  • Love 6
11 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

Kitty beds are going back. After seeing them stare then restlessly curl up elsewhere I pulled out the blankets. Kitten cat immediately curled up and went to sleep. 


Edit: and 5 minutes later the cat cat is in the other blanket

I tried a cat bed with my two late cats. They sniffed it and promptly returned to sleeping in my bed. The cat bed went back to the store.

My girls now sleep mostly either in the cat tree or window seat. Sometimes they'll sleep with me. They slept with me in the winter. I look forward to that again.

  • Love 4

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