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Beth: You're going to miss me when I'm gone...

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I would not wish this on anyone in real life, but since this is a tv show, it would be cool if Beth's facial cuts became scars. On a show where Carl can get shot in the gut and be up and around in no time, that Beth's cuts haven't healed by now is interesting. Scars would make her look tough. You know, don't mess with the blonde chick. She looks stringy, but she'll cut ya. 

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Funny, I was just thinking about that very thing (yeah, a life: I need one) and would be willing to bet those huge badly stitched cuts heal leaving no scar at all.

I think it'd be awesome if every time we saw Beth (even in the same episode), she has another badly-stitched cut, no explanation, just the assumption that Dawn slapped her again.

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I think it'd be awesome if every time we saw Beth (even in the same episode), she has another badly-stitched cut, no explanation, just the assumption that Dawn slapped her again.


Does Dawn wear a ring? I just don't understand how a slap split open Beth's face...

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It's because Beth is such a delicate princess - one slap is all it takes.  And just try putting a pea under her mattress....

Personally, given how much whispering that goes on at Grady and all the bruised and angry women there. I think there is a fight club thing going on there.

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The cut on the forehead was caused when Dawn grabbed a picture with a broken glass and clocked Beth with that.


And I think that Beth already had a cut there, and at the end of the Beth-centric episode, Dawn clocked her good, reopening the wound.

And who knows if the Doctor stitched her wound properly.


Personally, I'd like to see Beth give Dawn some scars of her own. Maybe next week in the mid-season finale.

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I think Sasha is the show's equivalent to the GN Andrea.  Gale Ann Hurd (executive producer) said they gave a little of Andrea's storyline (a remixed version of it) and some of her toughness to Carol.  For me, Beth is the least like GN Andrea.

Edited by GreyBunny
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Something people have noticed that the scar on Beths cheek is similar to one that Andrea has in the comics.

Someone on another site compared Beth to a Woodbury nurse in the comics. I haven't read the comics, so I have no idea how valid it might be.

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Beth Greene

Forgotten But Not Gone.




For me, there are some faces which either appeal to me or bug me right away.  Shallow, but there it is.  Beth's face annoyed me from the start, along with her voice and her deilvery, but it didn't matter so much because she was in the background.  My irritation with her expanded along with the promoting of the character.


It hit me last night who she resembles....Cindy-Lou Who.

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For me, there are some faces which either appeal to me or bug me right away.  Shallow, but there it is.  Beth's face annoyed me from the start, along with her voice and her deilvery, but it didn't matter so much because she was in the background.  My irritation with her expanded along with the promoting of the character.


It hit me last night who she resembles....Cindy-Lou Who.


And EK's skeevy eye-batting delivery.  She takes moments of sweetness and comfort and pushes them into icky Lolita territory; not to mention the way Beth kissed Rick.  Gross.  


Beth was horribly miscast. The character is too young for a relationship with any adult for it to not be creepy and the actress is far too old for Beth to have a relationship with a teen for it to not be really creepy. Noah/TJW is currently the only age appropriate choice for the actress and the character.  


EK looks young but it's only a matter of time before she ages out of the role and looks too old to be a teenager.  Some say she already has.

Edited by GreyBunny
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I don't really think most viewers care about whether she looks like a teenager, as it's not a big factor on the show. 


I have a feeling tonight's episode will be controversial no matter what happens to Beth, but I do think Emily's done a nice job this season. For the other flaws of the hospital story, I think they've managed to show Beth as someone who is trying to do her best, while still making her fallible. I also think her relationship with Dr. Edwards has been interesting to watch, as she needs his help, but will never trust him again. There's a believable spikiness and regret.


I wasn't all that thrilled with some of the material last season (I understood the purpose, I just didn't care for some of the writing), but I think this season has worked for the character. 


I just hope if she goes she goes with some dignity and a bang. 

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For the other flaws of the hospital story, I think they've managed to show Beth as someone who is trying to do her best, while still making her fallible. I also think her relationship with Dr. Edwards has been interesting to watch, as she needs his help, but will never trust him again. There's a believable spikiness and regret.

Beth told Dr. Edwards she had the key to the medicine chest—then injected Carol with the medicine he recommended. Did she forget what happened the first time?!

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That last time was mostly because the guy was a doctor.

but this time she wasn't asking because he's a doctor? Then she might as well have asked the old man in trade for a strawberry.


If someone admitted they set me up last time so I'd get blamed for killing someone and they'd get to murder a rival and get off scot-free, then if I wanted to save a friend's life I wouldn't trust him.

I would have at least tried convincing him that saving Carol would benefit him somehow. Now we only know that he knew--and said--Dawn didn't give Beth access to drugs for any nice reason, so Dawn gave her the key for a bad reason, and Dr. E is afraid to cross Dawn.


So he's going to say what will save his ass with Dawn, and Dawn thinks Beth made a fatal mistake with drugs before...yet gives her a key?


I don't know what I'd do, but I could tell that machines monitoring the patient are not life support, and if the Dr. said Carol had internal injuries--- those won't be fixed with a shot of anything. Carol doesn't even appear to need pain relief. So screw it, if I was going to take a risk, I'd nod to Dawn and nod to Dr. E, then when I got the diversion started I'd put Carol on a gurney and wheel her into a supply closet or somewhere. She isn't making noise! She doesn't need blood (with internal injuries, hmm) and doesn't need oxygen, she be safer in a dark closet . Then I'd tell them I accidentally offed her and dumped the body down the elevator shaft. Since that's what they really want, they wouldn't punish me.

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but this time she wasn't asking because he's a doctor? Then she might as well have asked the old man in trade for a strawberry.


I meant Dr. Edwards killed the last guy because he was a doctor. Edwards saw him as a threat. He didn't have the same problem with Carol.

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I don't know what I'd do, but I could tell that machines monitoring the patient are not life support, and if the Dr. said Carol had internal injuries--- those won't be fixed with a shot of anything. Carol doesn't even appear to need pain relief. So screw it, if I was going to take a risk, I'd nod to Dawn and nod to Dr. E, then when I got the diversion started I'd put Carol on a gurney and wheel her into a supply closet or somewhere. She isn't making noise! She doesn't need blood (with internal injuries, hmm) and doesn't need oxygen, she be safer in a dark closet . Then I'd tell them I accidentally offed her and dumped the body down the elevator shaft. Since that's what they really want, they wouldn't punish me.

That whole thing is either really badly written/plotted or its a giant setup by Dawn to mess with Beth.

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Dr. Edwards used Beth to kill the other doctor because he was a threat to Dr. Edwards' safety. Beth already tried to escape once, and now she's going behind Dawn's back to try & save this new patient.

It's perfectly reasonable for Dr. Edwards to eliminate yet another potential threat to the status quo. And it's flat out stupid of Beth to trust Dr. Edwards. She trusted him with the intel that she's plotting against Dawn, she trusted him with the intel that Carol is important to her, and she trusted him to tell her the correct treatment.

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Beth Greene

Forgotten But Not Gone.

Kikismom, I missed you!

I hope if Beth lives that she gets left behind to live happily ever after at the hospital while everyone else moves on. For one, I would no longer have to listen to my roommate telling me EK is a great actor, Beth's story is poignant and moving and that the hospital plot is completely logical. And that anyone who doesn't see those things must have brain damage.

I agree that EK is already aging out of the role, but I guess if we have to hand wave Carl being 11 then we have to hand wave that.

I just hope if she goes she goes with some dignity and a bang.

100% agreed! As much as I couldn't bring myself to like Lori and as much as I grew to hate the way Andrea was written, both of their deaths packed an emotional punch and made me cry. I hope that if and when Beth goes, the same is accomplished. Not sure if the actress can pull it off but I'm willing to be happy to be proven wrong on that.

And EK's skeevy eye-batting delivery. She takes moments of sweetness and comfort and pushes them into icky Lolita territory; not to mention the way Beth kissed Rick. Gross.

You put your finger on something that's been bothering me but that I couldn't quite express. It's like she's playing wide-eyed naïveté with the wink and nod of an older, more experienced woman. Like a parody of youthful optimism and innocence. It comes off as bug-eyed instead of wide-eyed and knowingly icky rather than innocently, unconsciously flirty.

Beth Greene

How Can We Miss You if You Won't Go Away?

Edited for typos. I suck at typing on my phone's keypad.

Edited by BrokenRemote
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Dr. Edwards used Beth to kill the other doctor because he was a threat to Dr. Edwards' safety. Beth already tried to escape once, and now she's going behind Dawn's back to try & save this new patient.

It's perfectly reasonable for Dr. Edwards to eliminate yet another potential threat to the status quo. And it's flat out stupid of Beth to trust Dr. Edwards. She trusted him with the intel that she's plotting against Dawn, she trusted him with the intel that Carol is important to her, and she trusted him to tell her the correct treatment.

Sasha was flat out stupid to trust Sgt. Bob Lamson, and I'm hoping she suffers greater consequences than getting her head bonked on a window pane. Rick was flat out stupid to trust Abraham. And I'm afraid Michonne mollycoddling Fr. Gabriel might come back to bite her (or Judith) in the ass.

This being the Beth thread, I only posted about her stupidity. But I don't want my harsh assessment of her to get lumped in with all the Beth bashing. Seriously, guys, it's not cool.

Edited by editorgrrl
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PETE MARTELL, ON 30 NOV 2014 - 09:10 AM, SAID:
I just hope if she goes she goes with some dignity and a bang.


100% agreed! As much as I couldn't bring myself to like Lori and as much as I grew to hate the way Andrea was written, both of their deaths packed an emotional punch and made me cry. I hope that if and when Beth goes, the same is accomplished. Not sure if the actress can pull it off but I'm willing to be happy to be proven wrong on that.


Yes. I hope for this as well. I really disliked...no...I actively hated Lori and I found her death moving. I was glad she was gone, but her final exit was emotional. I went back and forth on Andrea throughout her entire run, and I was really upset when she died. I hope EK can move me as well, but she has an added hurdle to overcome, that is, she has rarely made me feel anything in her entire run. I think I will have needed to feel something for her to care at all when she goes. I'm afraid that she has been so bland that I won't care at all.


I still hope that she can surprise me.

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I'm just not sure what other options Beth had. She could have faked Carol's death and hidden her away, as mentioned, but that would involve a lot of scheming and lying and going back to check on her. I don't think the show handled it all that well given that the medicine the doctor mentioned apparently wasn't accurate, but ignoring this, I assume we're supposed to believe she was right to trust Edwards and he was genuinely trying to help her.

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I've heard the most complaints about her playing a teenager from other teenagers. I'm sure to a bunch of 40-somethings (TPTB) she looks young enough.


I'm 34 and EK looks super young to me. I have zero problem buying her as an 18-year-old based on her looks alone. But I do think the older actress struggles with connecting with the mindset of a teenager, because her performance rarely resonates with me. And, I've said this before, I also think the writers struggle with writing authentically for youth characters. I've noticed the same thing with Carl.

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Just came here to say that I'll miss Beth. I've always had a soft spot for her, but between last season and this one she really climbed up my ranks of favorite characters on TWD. Yea she survived because of those around her, but so have most of the people left over at this point.

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I'm trying to figure out why I'm so angry at the death of a character I really didn't even care about.


How exactly did the writers decide to take her out that way? Did they sit around a table all, "ok guys, we'll gonna kill off Beth. Let's talk it out. I think we should go for kinda brutal to really make it sad that such a sweet young life was taken that way. Maybe someone can blast a hole through her pretty head. Sound good? Yeah me too. But how will it happen? Well, let's make it TOTALLY SENSELESS. How about we blow her head off due to accidental firearm discharge? How can you go out more pointlessly than that? Yes! Well done! What else? Well, gee, let's go for the hat trick of stupidity and have Beth cause her OWN senseless death by acting OOC and attacking an armed Dawn. Sure, Beth has never struck out at a person in her life, but who cares? It'll be the last thing she ever does anyway!!! Great idea, man! You get a bonus this year!"


Ugh. What a fucking terrible exit for any character.


And her "reunion" with Daryl must have been a kick in the fucking teeth for fans of their dynamic. There was literally nothing there. She didn't even look at him! She looked dead ahead and then back over her shoulder at the action. I found that kind of insulting. You'd think she'd hug him in gratitude or relief at least!!

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I'm trying to figure out why I'm so angry at the death of a character I really didn't even care about.


How exactly did the writers decide to take her out that way? Did they sit around a table all, "ok guys, we'll gonna kill off Beth. Let's talk it out. I think we should go for kinda brutal to really make it sad that such a sweet young life was taken that way. Maybe someone can blast a hole through her pretty head. Sound good? Yeah me too. But how will it happen? Well, let's make it TOTALLY SENSELESS. How about we blow her head off due to accidental firearm discharge? How can you go out more pointlessly than that? Yes! Well done! What else? Well, gee, let's go for the hat trick of stupidity and have Beth cause her OWN senseless death by acting OOC and attacking an armed Dawn. Sure, Beth has never struck out at a person in her life, but who cares? It'll be the last thing she ever does anyway!!! Great idea, man! You get a bonus this year!"


Ugh. What a fucking terrible exit for any character.


And her "reunion" with Daryl must have been a kick in the fucking teeth for fans of their dynamic. There was literally nothing there. She didn't even look at him! She looked dead ahead and then back over her shoulder at the action. I found that kind of insulting. You'd think she'd hug him in gratitude or relief at least!!

Well, except for those 2 cops she killed...

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Well, except for those 2 cops she killed...


I meant that she has never instigated violence. First cop died after she manipulated things so that the walker would get him (and after he was gearing up to rape her). The other cop was mid-attack on her and Dawn. Both instances of "death by Beth" were basically self-defense. Until Dawn.

Edited by NoWillToResist
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Guess those cuts on Beth's face are never going to become "Andrea's Scars" now.


I'm fine with Beth going.  Especially given some of the other choices we had this season.  I guess we have to have FPP stick around a bit so that we can find out what's boiling his brain pan so bad.  And after Ty's confession to Sasha that he outright lied about killing Martin, he can go any time.  He's now the new Dale - determined not to let this new world change him.  And those who can't evolve must die.  At least he'll die as himself, so there is that.  Makes me remember Dale's little speech to Shane when Shane found him trying to hide the guns in season 2.


I like Rosita, and Tara brings the laughs.  And even Eugene has his uses (filtering water).  I used to really love Glenn and Maggie, and I want to regain that love before either of them dies.


So yes, Beth was about the only one who was dispensable.  I wish EK great luck on her singing career.

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Beth died as she lived: being impulsive and stupid.  Being impulsive and stupid in the ZA can get you killed and guess what, it did. 


I felt sorry for Maggie losing a sister and the others losing a friend, but feeling sorry for Beth herself?  Nah. 


Well, let's make it TOTALLY SENSELESS


Sure, why not?  Not every death is going to have meaning or make sense or be attached to sweeping acts of heroics.  Sometimes people just do something stupid and they die and in a dangerous world taking place in the ZA, to not have senseless deaths would be unrealistic. 


And her "reunion" with Daryl must have been a kick in the fucking teeth for fans of their dynamic.


Them's the breaks.  Not everyone even gets a reunion of any kind.  Lori never met her baby, Maggie and Glenn didn't see Beth until after she was dead, Carol didn't get a reunion with Sophia, Michonne's reunion with Andrea was to put a bullet in her head...at least Daryl and Beth got something, even if it was nothing more than a pat on the back.

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I had no problem buying EK as 18 most of the time. It was her acting that I didn't believe. Ever. Even so, I might kind of miss her. She was someone without mad skills of any kind and easier to identify with than Super Fighters like Michonne, although I've grown a little fond of her too.


And after Ty's confession to Sasha that he outright lied about killing Martin, he can go any time.



For me, he could have gone way back in the middle of Se04. Being useless is one thing, but having your uselessness endanger others and even get them killed is another.

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I meant that she has never instigated violence. First cop died after she manipulated things so that the walker would get him (and after he was gearing up to rape her). The other cop was mid-attack on her and Dawn. Both instances of "death by Beth" were basically self-defense. Until Dawn.

Don't forget she was aiming to kill the doctor right when Carol got wheeled in. The stupid grows strong when Beth has scissors in her hand.

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One of the things that keeps nagging at me is I felt like Beth committed suicide - the hospital had taken most of her already, and I ended up wondering if she felt she would never be the same in the "real" world, so she wanted to take out Dawn if she could. I feel like she and Dawn became each other and killed each other. I have no real idea if this was intended in the writing. I feel like some of this made sense but wasn't executed that well, and some was just shock value. 


The suicide thing bothers me because Beth had already attempted suicide, which Dawn had thrown in her face. And while I know the show has no responsibility and i hope no one takes this show as a social message, it makes me a little uneasy that someone who had survived a suicide attempt went out this way.


I feel like there was tons of potential with Beth. I don't really think the show hates young women or has it out for young blonde women, as I put Beth in a different category than Sophia, Meghan, Lizzie, Mika (she was a character, while other than Lizzie, the other girls were just symbols), but I do think if they were going to spend so much time building up the arc of Beth trying to find herself, and learning about the ugliness of life, they could have kept her on a little longer to explore what Grady made her become. I think a lot of viewers, especially younger viewers, identified with this, and it was never fully resolved.


I'm also disappointed at the nagging feeling that they did this for Daryl's pain and angst. And it's just not worth that. I've seen it before, more than once. Don't need to again.


Emily Kinney is such an interesting actress because there's a very strange quality to her work, underneath a sweet image. I felt like we were finally tapping into that this season. I'm sorry to lose it.


I'm not going to quit watching the show, as I love most of the characters and sometimes like the writing/themes/etc., but I hope the next time they try something like this, they do a better job of putting their thoughts out there on the screen and not making everything so vague and confused. I think a lot of fans mostly just ended up being angry and confused.

Edited by Pete Martell
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I did cry for Beth, but I'm moved by every one of Rick's gang dying.  I actually teared up immediately, so it wasn't just from everyone's reaction.  I think we were robbed by editing though.  They showed a still on TTD, and it looked like Daryl had laid Beth in Maggie's arms, and Glenn is standing behind her, hands on his head, crying.  It moved me more than the actual reveal.


I had a lot of empathy for Emily on TTD, so I won't kick her while she's down.  I think the actors on this show suffer in a way that's similar to those on Lost.  They've relocated to a more remote area of the US for filming, and probably spend a disproportionate time with each other because of it.  The loss of your job is a much greater loss in this situation.  I know after Boone died on Lost, the show runners said they realized how damaging dangling a character's death was to the rest of the cast, and they tried to be more sympathetic after that.  Emily stated she found out on episode seven that she was being killed off in episode eight.


I think Emily may be very much like Beth.  I researched the album she has out, and looked at a lot of pictures.  Many of them include minimal makeup, doe-eyed innocence, and baby doll dresses.  Someone in the episode thread stated that she must be a very sweet woman due to the reaction of her cast and crew to her loss.

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So yes, I will miss the character now that she is gone but today I'm thinking about the actress and wondering if we'll ever hear from her again or will she disappear? There are several actresses I've enjoyed in the past but they seem to have just curled up and blown away....


Renee O'Connor, where have you gone? Maybe you're hanging out with Virginia Hey? Claudia Black seems to stay busy with voice work but I miss her on screen presence.  Anna Torv must have gone back to Australia and I guess Jasika Nicole is on Scandal these days so good for her but I dont see much of Blair Brown. I hope Emily Kinney does as well as Jasika Nicole or at least better than Renee O'Connor (who is a much better actor than Lucy Lawless imo) and Virginia Hey.

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One of the things that keeps nagging at me is I felt like Beth committed suicide - the hospital had taken most of her already, and I ended up wondering if she felt she would never be the same in the "real" world, so she wanted to take out Dawn if she could. I feel like she and Dawn became each other and killed each other. I have no real idea if this was intended in the writing. I feel like some of this made sense but wasn't executed that well, and some was just shock value. 


The suicide thing bothers me because Beth had already attempted suicide, which Dawn had thrown in her face. And while I know the show has no responsibility and i hope no one takes this show as a social message, it makes me a little uneasy that someone who had survived a suicide attempt went out this way.


I feel like there was tons of potential with Beth. I don't really think the show hates young women or has it out for young blonde women, as I put Beth in a different category than Sophia, Meghan, Lizzie, Mika (she was a character, while other than Lizzie, the other girls were just symbols), but I do think if they were going to spend so much time building up the arc of Beth trying to find herself, and learning about the ugliness of life, they could have kept her on a little longer to explore what Grady made her become. I think a lot of viewers, especially younger viewers, identified with this, and it was never fully resolved.


I'm also disappointed at the nagging feeling that they did this for Daryl's pain and angst. And it's just not worth that. I've seen it before, more than once. Don't need to again.


Emily Kinney is such an interesting actress because there's a very strange quality to her work, underneath a sweet image. I felt like we were finally tapping into that this season. I'm sorry to lose it.


I'm not going to quit watching the show, as I love most of the characters and sometimes like the writing/themes/etc., but I hope the next time they try something like this, they do a better job of putting their thoughts out there on the screen and not making everything so vague and confused. I think a lot of fans mostly just ended up being angry and confused.


I didn't get the sense that she was committing suicide because I didn't get the impression that the hospital was wearing her down THAT much. I thought the hospital arc was about her hardening like the rest of the gang. There was no one to protect her there, but she survived. And she learned to do what she had to. The Beth that would've left Grady would've been different than the Beth that got in, for sure, but she didn't seem suicidal to me. Actually, it would've been an interesting storyline to see her outside of the hospital, and seeing how others reacted to her change. I think Beth as a character had some more life left in her.


Frankly, I found her death really odd, from a writing point of view. Pointless, even. I understand that Beth felt she had to kill Dawn because she had become the new Hansen (?), and that it was the end of their arc together. After all, Dawn was her main relationship at the hospital and during the hospital arc. But it was weird that she dies basically by accident. It was like she tried to do this heroic thing and 'oops, didn't work!' I find it an odd choice. I know TWD is a very gloomy show and people can die at any moment, but it felt odd and wrong to create a whole arc that culminates in a random event. If she had been randomly eaten by a walker on a supply run I think i would've found it less odd and less bothersome, like when Bob died.


Frankly, I too get the feeling that she was killed just for the Daryl angst and I don't like it either. Well, for Daryl angst and for shock value. And I think it's messed up that no one in the gang will even understand what her death was about because both her and Dawn died.

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I didn't get the sense that she was committing suicide because I didn't get the impression that the hospital was wearing her down THAT much. I thought the hospital arc was about her hardening like the rest of the gang. There was no one to protect her there, but she survived. And she learned to do what she had to. The Beth that would've left Grady would've been different than the Beth that got in, for sure, but she didn't seem suicidal to me. Actually, it would've been an interesting storyline to see her outside of the hospital, and seeing how others reacted to her change. I think Beth as a character had some more life left in her.


Yeah, I don't think Beth went into that altercation expecting to not come out of it.


What I am most bothered about is that Beth chose to either non-fatally stab an armed woman, just because she wanted to leave with a giant FU to Dawn; or, she's the most incompetent wanna-be murderer ever. Who stabs a (covered!) collarbone when there's an exposed neck right there? She was Hershel's kid...she must know a good place to stab if you wanna kill someone or seriously wound them. Or fuck, watched a movie one time?


Either way, Beth's stupidity got her killed and it was either because of OOC spite or ignorance of basic biology. Neither are particularly acceptable reasons for Beth to have died. Why she couldn't have stabbed Dawn in the jugular rather than having her bungle it and have Daryl step in to avenge her by killing Dawn? What was gained by her failing at killing Dawn? Did TPTB not want her memory to be tarnished by an out-and-out premeditated murder? Frankly, I'd rather that than what they chose.

At least she would have died taking out Dawn, rather than dying for nothing. At a stretch, I could say that she's responsible for Noah's freedom, but the idea that Rick Fucking Grimes would have stood aside while Dawn enslaved that kid again, in blatant disregard for the deal that was made, is too laughable for me to consider.


As an aside, I don't even know what to make of the Beth fans creating a petition to bring the character back. Girl had a hole shot clean through her brain. That was not an ambiguous death. Also, haven't they finished filming all of S5 now? So unless the show plans to pull an old-school Dallas move and go "the last season was all a dream!", I really don't know what they plan on accomplishing with that...

Edited by NoWillToResist
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