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Ratings And Scheduling: I Can't Do This Alone


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Supernatural held steady from the fall finale:  However the Flash was down but that is probably all due to the SOTU address.


CW  Supernatural  1.0/3  2.53


Supernatural garnered a 1.0 adults 18-49 rating, even with its midseason finale.


In our area (East coast), The Flash ran before the State of the Union Address, and shows were pretty much as usual at 8:00, so I don't know what affect that would have, unless Supernatural got a boost form being opposite the address, while The Flash didn't get that boost. Were there any sports going on? (I'm guessing no due to the address, but I could be wrong).

Ratings for The Executioner's Song


Supernatural had its most watched (2.29M) and highest rated episode in A18-34 (0.9/3) since its midseason finale on 12/9, and its highest rated episode in A18-49 (0.9/3) since 1/20. Week to week, Supernatural was up 29% in A18-34, up 13% in A18-49, and up 16% in total viewers.


Supernatural ranked #3 (tie) in the hour in A18-34, and #4 in both A18-49 and total viewers.


CW  Supernatural  0.9/3  2.29

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L+7 ratings for About a Boy.




I have no idea what the numbers will be back on Wednesday, but it's clear that the show still gets the same basic audience it did last season. But of course that doesn't matter if it doesn't show up on the night.

Edited by Pete Martell

It has bounced back in the past as the weeks go on - not quite as high as in the beginning of the season, but higher ratings over time. They will take only one week off between now and the finale on May 20th, probably April 8th or 15th. I think that may help with the ratings too. What would help more is better writing, but that is another forum. ;)

I think that was mostly because it went head-to-head with the big Empire finale. Everyone seems to have watched it. From my completely unscientific survey, anyway. I'd guess this week is going to be relatively low, too, because of March Madness. And the week after might take a hit because of Spring Break. It's kind of irrelevant in the grand scheme, though, because SPN is remarkably consistent compared to other shows.


Was there a difference in the ratings from the first half hour to the second? If there was, maybe the teaser and/or Cole was a turnoff for people? *shrug*

Fast overnight ratings :( for "Paint It Black". 


CW  Supernatural  0.7  2  1.73


And it sucks even more because Arrow's numbers went up :(.  over last week.


CW  Arrow   1.0  4  2.78


This week there was no Empire. It was Modern Family, Criminal Minds.. and the 2nd hour of American Idol.  I dunno, man.  I realize SPN was already renewed but I still am not digging this drop off. 

Edited by catrox14

Given that the show is already renewed, I'm OK with seeing a drop off in ratings given the drop off in quality. Maybe it'll be a wake up call that the show would be more successful ratings-wise with better writing.


Though I also don't like this time slot. SPN is too similar to Arrow, and I just don't want to watch them both in the same night. For me, that means skipping Arrow, but if other people are feeling similarly, maybe they'd rather skip SPN.

Given that the show is already renewed, I'm OK with seeing a drop off in ratings given the drop off in quality. Maybe it'll be a wake up call that the show would be more successful ratings-wise with better writing.


Though I also don't like this time slot. SPN is too similar to Arrow, and I just don't want to watch them both in the same night. For me, that means skipping Arrow, but if other people are feeling similarly, maybe they'd rather skip SPN.


I don't really see the similarities between Arrow and SPN aside from some hot guys LOL. I mean the action is different. There is life and death and heroices but that was the same with The Flash lead for SPN too.  Oliver and Dean brood a lot.  The look and feel is different etc etc.  But MV as always.  

No, I tried The 100 when it first started, but couldn't get into it and don't watch it now. I think it was a combination of it being too heavy on the sci fi (I'm more of a horror fan. Gothic horror FTW!), and it being about actual teenagers. And Clarke was grating. An outdoorsy blond is just really difficult for me to relate to, sorry. :P


I hear it got better, but I'm not really planning to find out for myself!

About half way through the 1st season it really changed and the 2nd season was pretty dang interesting. But then I am a BSG-girl and a Breaking Bad and Walking Dead fan  so my threshold for dark, depressing series might be higher than most. I think SPN is much darker than Arrow so I think that's why I don't see the similarities other than the brooding and angst.

Looks like they kept the .7.


I saw some "oh noes all time lowest, fire everyone," but beyond it not being the lowest, the ratings likely aren't low enough to where that would happen. If anything it would just make season 11 the final season, which I sort of expect anyway. 


I do wish the ratings would make them make a few changes, but I'm not even sure if they'd make the right ones. 


Honestly I think they were lucky to get a decent rating (and for CW, .7 is decent, ever after Arrow [The 100, with far more media hype and buzz than SPN, didn't get that even when Arrow hit big after the Flash crossover) for that episode. It was the dullest episode I can remember.

Edited by Pete Martell

I think they are earning these ratings honestly. If they want better ratings, they need to provide a better product.


I totally agree. I don't think this slump has anything to do with the new timeslot. Last week it was up against some big contenders; this week, I'm thinking most people didn't have many expectations considering who the writing team was. Hell, I still haven't watched it and not sure I even care to.


They typically do slump some at this point of the season anyway, if I recall properly.


And Clarke was grating. An outdoorsy blond is just really difficult for me to relate to, sorry. :P


Not only an outdoorsy blonde, but an outdoorsy blond who never set foot outside before she was dropped on a planet, but still managed to be outdoorsy! I watched the first season of The 100, but it wasn't easy making it to the end, let me tell you.

Why do you think SPN is much darker than Arrow? Or, what do you think is dark about either of them?


I think it's pretty heavy subject matter in Supernatural over the years. Monsters, demons, consent, death, resurrection, torture, people selling their souls. Trips to Hell and back, Sam's Halluciferations were pretty awful. 


Oliver Queen is a typical hero.  Sure he's been through some godawful things but he hasn't dabbled with the kinds of things in SPN.  But what Oliver Queen has done and the stuff he went through on the Island was pretty grim but a different kind of grim. And there is a hopefulness to Oliver...(well until this season...fuck s3 BTW GRRRR).  The worst thing was

Moira's death IMO. That was horrible and harrowing. 

Oh boo you Cox Cable on demand.  I was so excited to get back to watching on my fancy flat scree HDTV and they have teased me with having the last 5 episodes on demand but NOT the Cain episode.  Assholes.

I think it's pretty heavy subject matter in Supernatural over the years. Monsters, demons, consent, death, resurrection, torture, people selling their souls. Trips to Hell and back, Sam's Halluciferations were pretty awful. 


Oliver Queen is a typical hero.  Sure he's been through some godawful things but he hasn't dabbled with the kinds of things in SPN.  But what Oliver Queen has done and the stuff he went through on the Island was pretty grim but a different kind of grim. And there is a hopefulness to Oliver...(well until this season...fuck s3 BTW GRRRR).  The worst thing was

Moira's death IMO. That was horrible and harrowing. 


Arrow seems like it's gotten a lot goofier and soapier this season, which I don't like. But in a really general sense, I think it covers a lot of the same ground as SPN. YMMV, I can see how Oliver is just more straightforward as a character, and in terms of his situation, than the Winchesters are.


Personally, I wish that Arrow were less violent and SPN less gory than they are. I think that, if nothing else, that would make the violence/gore that does still get shown have more impact. But when in doubt, I always prefer quieter and more interior stories just as a general rule. YMMV on that, too.


Also, I guess it's sort of idiosyncratic what one person thinks of as dark/depressing and what another does. In order to care about a character, I need to see that he wants to be a better person than he is, even if he fails at it completely or is very cruel/terrible atm. That's why, on Arrow, I like Oliver and Roy more than I do Felicity and Diggle. And that's why I like characters like Teddy on Rectify (but not Daniel particularly) and Klaus on the Originals (but not Elijah particularly) and Norma and Dylan on Bates Motel (but not Norman particularly). (And why Lex Luthor on Smallville is always my favorite). I do think it's sad to see those characters fail all the time, and become angrier/sadder/embittered by it. But on the other hand, I still feel invested in what's happening to them, and that's why I'll keep watching the show.


That's also why SPN irks me sometimes. Sometimes it seems like the guys are just not that interested in becoming better people or thinking about ways that they could be better or how they wish they were better. Often they are, but sometimes it seems like they're just not hungry enough anymore. Idk, like I said, it's idiosyncratic.


ETA:  maybe this is too off-topic? Can move the discussion someplace else, if that's better.

Edited by rue721
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It seems bad to me  It's really hard to say what is going on.  In my opinion, the ratings for an episode are not generally an indicator of the quality of a particular episode but more of the perceived quality.  It's not like people know the episode BEFORE they turn on.  So what affects perceived quality includes the episode(s) just prior, the advertisement of a particular episode, and any press around it.  In this case, they had advertised Bobby's return.  I think the promo guys were counting on that bringing in "old timers".  But it didn't.  It didn't get cause the "event" they were hoping for.  That's not Jim Beaver's fault, BTW.  I think there are other factors that are driving:

- the seasonal slump - weather is nicer, people drop off as they rush to spring.  They come back for May finales. So Supernatural could still finish strong

- March Madness - there was no game this week but the post-mini-hiatus with the move to Wednesday WAS during the first round.  

- The move to Wednesday - I think it's clear we lost viewers.  The Empire finale, in addition to Basketball, took away people. It's possible that the love affair with Empire created a dissatisfaction with the "usual fare" (which Supernatural kind of is after 10 years).

- Increased preemption.  Baseball is starting. The CW affiliates are often the baseball affiliates.

- Arrow: Arrow is holding steady but we don't seem to retain the lead-in.  It used to be a good lead-in but it's not meshing these days.


Finally there is potentially storyline fatigue for many. Personally I'm thrilled with S10, but Supernatural has developed a rep for making the last run (3 or 4 episodes) a big finish.  People may be opting to skip the subtleties in the meantime and wait for the big show. And this season is not as close of a matchup with the comic-characters.  It's more inward focus.



Forecast:  I think they will rebound starting with the Charlie episode.  They'll advertise the hell out of Felicia Day's return.  And then it's non-stop from there.  If those first two episodes are rocking, they'll get folks to return.  I think Mark P has a strategic plan for next season's schedule.  Plenty of indicators that the early renewals had everything to do with the big affiliate they are trying to secure.  And I think iZombie is going to help keep that affiliate.  If they spend some coin on connecting the CW to the genre business (it certainly is going that way), then they may pick up more steam.  


OTOH, if Supernatural stays this low in the demo through May?  Yikes.  They'll get S11 but that may be it.  No decisions until the October/November numbers come in, but if there's no big rebound, they'll shift into wrapping it up IMO.  I think the boys (J2) would want that as well.  They'd want to go out with a good audience, not a sense of hanging on beyond their welcome.


So...it's worisome but not deadly at this point.  So many factors: Wednesday, Spring slump, spotty programing, all affect the current numbers.  IMO watch for a rebound in late April/May or prepare for "wrapping it up" chatter.  

Edited by SueB

I agree, SueB, I think they'll rebound as we get toward the end of the season. Supernatural has a pattern of kinda sitting on their laurels around this time of year in terms of plot movement, so I'm assuming people are thinking these episodes are mostly filler so no need to watch them live, but will probably return when things get rolling again.


I'm always curious about this idea of lead ins because I'm not sure the vast majority of people watch TV like this anymore. So many people watch on their DVRs, stream it online and such. Do that many people still sit down and watch the same network all night because they tuned into watch one show and never turned it off?  I do watch both Arrow and Supernatural, but rarely watch them on the same day--way too much manly angst and soap opera-ness for one sitting, IMO. Maybe Arrow and Supernatural were a better pairing before both shows tipped over the melodrama ledge?

I'm always curious about this idea of lead ins because I'm not sure the vast majority of people watch TV like this anymore.

THIS.  In fact I think that Mark P knows this as well as well.  Although the stodgey old foggies at the Neilson's have tried to make a few allowances (DVR+ ratings), they are not remotely capturing on-line content.  I don't know if, for example, iTunes or Hulu revenue go to the CW or straight to Warner Brothers.  And if so, does it roll back into offsetting production costs? 


I think saying that Americans generally don't want commercials is a fair statement.  And the younger generations are like pfffft....why would I even BOTHER.  They'll find on-line content, legal or illegal, and be happy. So, the ratings model is more than flawed in terms of show popularity.  BUT it does still set advertising costs, so it still matters to the bottom line.  It'll be interesting to see what the advertising rate will be for Supernatural for S11 after the May sweeps.  If it's significantly less than S10 (which was up, I think), then that'll get attention. 


A note to advertisers: It sucks to be you.  I'll actually pause and watch a few commercials (Flo at Progressive doing her historic schtick, the gal from Verizon talking about Bedazzling, Android's Robin Hood & Little John) but that's because the ads themselves are entertainment.  Otherwise, you are just selling me stuff.  And I'm not sure the old models of what we buy and why are working. 

I'm always curious about this idea of lead ins because I'm not sure the vast majority of people watch TV like this anymore. So many people watch on their DVRs, stream it online and such. Do that many people still sit down and watch the same network all night because they tuned into watch one show and never turned it off?  


Honestly, I don't think so.  I think people watch "event" television now.  So many channels and the ability to stream online make it possible to watch everything eventually.  So, unless something major happens, how many people watch "live"?


Sporting events have been getting great ratings the past few years and I suspect it's because you can (almost) only watch live.  So people set aside their usual shows because they know they can watch at a later date.


We're trying to figure out which service to go with once we move into our house -- one offers DVR recording of up to 6(!) shows at once and 2000 hours of storage.  Why would I watch anything live -- unless I absolutely love it -- if I can binge at the end of the season without having to wait for Netflix?


It's a changing world and I'm not sure if ratings will ever be able to catch up to the technology.

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