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S18.E08: Party Time

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David :  Being I like you so much, try this experiment.  You could always change it.  Cut your hair.  Shave your beard.  You are a good looking and great guy.  See how Michelle likes your new look.  I think the change would do you wonders.  You cold always grow those things back if things don’t work out for her.  It’s worth a try.  Good Luck, Your Fan

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It really hit me in this episode that there's a reason they did not cast/choose Ikechi for the Houston season and they should have rejected him for this season.  I can't stand his arrogant and sanctimonious self.  What did he think the reaction would be when he called his wife a 'bit aggressive'?  And then taking offense when he is identified as 'nonchalant'?  Someone during the After Party called him passive-aggressive and was spot on.  The whole conversation before the housewarming about how he could make the tacos and then when Emem offered to go get everything so he could make tacos he totally backtracked and kept contradicting himself.  He's not fooling anyone and Emem's cousin and friend (?) could see right through him.

But, in my opinion, the MVP of this episode was David's friend who pointed out that Michelle is burning through money paying the rest she pays while David is saving in order to buy what he truly wants.  He was spot on and it seemed like Michelle never even thought of that as a consideration.  She is living in the apartment she wants NOW while David is planning for where he wants to live in the FUTURE.

Keisha and Camille both seem to think that there's a 'right' culture and a 'not right' culture although Keisha did backtrack a bit and talk about looking at Tom's inner person.  Camille seems focused on the exterior of a person rather than the interior as she wants a toughness at the superficial level but that hasn't ever worked out for her.  Tom seems sincerely nice, thoughtful, and hard working.  But, we shall see.

Finally we're starting to see the cracks in Alan.  I couldn't believe he missed the group activity, especially as it was planned by Madison.  Not a good look Alan. I wonder what their contracts stipulate about missing events.

Oh, and Karla?  I can't even listen to you as it seems you cannot put a sentence together without using 'like' about a million times.  Juan's not interested.  She also seems to be a bit of a slob when they show the apartment before Juan cleans up.  I'm more like Juan in that I appreciate actions more than words, but Karla wants the words so I don't think they'll last.

I've not been to Chicago outside of the airport but it looks beautiful from what they are showing us.

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27 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

Juan is not the affectionate type.  He thinks doing things around the house shows he cares for Karla.  Karla wants hugs, kisses and signs of affection.  I don’t know if he will change.

He might but she could also change. She could learn to see his love language (of doing chores) as gestures of affection while also learning to be more direct about what she wants (she could say, for example, “I could use a hug right now.”). I don’t think either of them particularly wants to change though.

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I usually fall asleep during the show, which doesn't start until 9 here, so I watch the recording. Last night, I managed to watch a lot of it live, but decided I will never do that again! I wished I could ff any time Ikechi was on - what an arrogant, defensive ass he is. He wasn't much better on the Afterparty. I don't think his appearance on this show is going to do him any good. He certainly didn't sign up and apply TWICE to get a wife. And Emem is just too strange for me. Neither one of them are attracted to the other one, and she keeps making weird faces and giving him side eye every time he speaks. I get that, but she isn't coming off as being happy with her match.

I also want to add that in addition to the "like," the "yeahs" are equally annoying. I think that is all that Michelle and Madison have managed to say to their spouses. Michelle is still a cold bitch, and his friend pretty much silenced her about her attitude about David living at home. She is going to have to find another reason to not like him. I HOPE he is getting tired of asking what he can do better, when he is doing way too much to try to make this "marriage" work. I did love how they managed to nonchalantly insert in there that David and Madison have continued to work out together. That is going to blow up soon, I hope! That is what happens when the show insists on having everyone live in the same place.

I don't really like Madison, either, but she is not as condescending or mean to Allen. He still doesn't feel any emotional connection with her, but she is playing the game. She laughs too much, and her hair with the extensions is ridiculous. 

Karla and Juan are just kind of there. There is no chemistry between them and he seems clueless as to how to express any emotion or pay attention to her. He just wants to have fun, as he has repeatedly said. And, in the previews for next week, he says he is not feeling any attraction to her, which I am guessing is not something she has heard much. But, as long as she is focusing on their energy and not their communication, nothing will change. It won't anyway - they are done.

Tom is nice, but Camille doesn't know what she wants. She thinks she is this cool urban chick, but she isn't. For me, there is way too much conversation about her/their culture. It is interesting for a little while, but it has gone on too long. And, also on Afterparty. Again, it brought out an interesting perspective, but let's move on. He is trying, but she doesn't give him anything to work with and just smiles a lot.


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1 hour ago, seacliffsal said:

But, in my opinion, the MVP of this episode was David's friend who pointed out that Michelle is burning through money paying the rest she pays while David is saving in order to buy what he truly wants. 

The other was her friend who was like, “He’s a good guy and he’s going to give up if you don’t start being nice to him.” For me it’s not that she’s not into him, it’s that she’s mean about it.

1 hour ago, seacliffsal said:

I've not been to Chicago outside of the airport but it looks beautiful from what they are showing us.

Great city. I could live there if it weren’t for the winters. Summers there are amazing but short, and winters are brutal. History, culture, great food, diversity. I highly recommend it.

Camille is stopping just short of telling Tom he’s not Black enough for her, which is not a conversation I’d entertain. If there are 40M Black people in the country, there are 40M ways to be Black.

I’m into fitness and working out but the class Madison took Allen to looked weird. It seems like a really limited activity.

Edited by Empress1
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33 minutes ago, Empress1 said:


Camille is stopping just short of telling Tom he’s not Black enough for her, which is not a conversation I’d entertain. If there are 40M Black people in the country, there are 40M ways to be Black.


I think that is exactly what she is trying to tell him without actual saying it and if it’s what she means, I wish she would say it outright so he can say to her what he has said before to the camera, “I am a Black man.” They can fight about it and be done with it instead of Camille trying to dance around it.

I thought it was… interesting when Camille’s sister (friend? Not sure who she was) at lunch was trying to explain that there is a specific “Black woman” experience. I believe that; but was she trying to characterize it as being more challenging than being a Black man? I have a hard time believing that though I think it’s probably difficult to quantify the “difficulty” of a particular experience. I think being a Black man is incredibly difficult in the United States, and as difficult as being a Black woman (though as a white woman, I really have no standing to comment on either). 

I really like Tom so that probably colors my view of the whole subject. I think he is a nice, solid guy who is genuinely interested in having a marriage. He’s smart and personable and has a lot to offer. 

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Probably an unpopular opinion, but I did not really care for David's friend. He was talking down to Michelle like she's so dumb for renting when people prioritize different things and the tradeoff of living in the city is going to mean higher rent...Granted the $2,350/month rent did strike me as pretty steep, especially for the "simple" (lol) place she was living in.

Also, while David claims he lives at home to save money, he never really tells Michelle about working towards any kind of plan beyond basement living. He mentions things like how he's paying off student loans, but nothing like, "I've been accumulating a nest egg that I plan to put towards a down payment on a house in x amount of months." Michelle told the experts she could bend on a guy living with their parents if they were working towards a bigger goal, but we haven't seen any indication of David fulfilling that caveat.

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Camille needs to stop talking about high school; Tom is 42 years old and a long way away from school. She should focus on what she wants now which is a good husband and maybe one day a good father. I think Tom is handsome, willing to compromise and talk things out. 

Michelle interrupts and talks over David. I can’t stand her. I don’t like Juan or Karla. She expects him to earn all the money, pay the rent and clean while she sages. He likes to be the center of attention and will never put his wife first. I can’t figure out Emem and Ikechi: I think they don’t like each other but don’t want to come across bad on TV but either way Emem is hardly aggressive.

Edited by Madding crowd
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34 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

I think that is exactly what she is trying to tell him without actual saying it and if it’s what she means, I wish she would say it outright so he can say to her what he has said before to the camera, “I am a Black man.”

She won’t. I think she’s savvy enough to know how it would look. She also has a white parent, which complicates the dynamic. But that’s what she means when she talks about swag, R&B, etc. And I agree that she’s too old to be concerned about who they were in high school.

34 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

I have a hard time believing that though I think it’s probably difficult to quantify the “difficulty” of a particular experience. I think being a Black man is incredibly difficult in the United States, and as difficult as being a Black woman

As a Black woman, I disagree. You can quantify it this (oversimplified) way: the dominant demographic in America is white men. Black men can lean on maleness to align more with the dominant demographic; white women can lean on whiteness to align more with the dominant demographic. Black women can do neither.

16 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

Emem is hardly aggressive.

Not at all. She’s driven but that’s not the same thing. I didn’t love the way her cousin was grilling Ikechi at the wedding but I did like how he implied that Ikechi talks a lot but doesn’t say much.

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Ikechi is such an a-hole.  He really is terrible.  I think she came into this with such an open mind and truly wanted a husband and they stuck her with this word-salad clown.  I think the cousin is a bit aggressive himself but the female friend had a great point about needing to wine and dine her even if they are already married.  Or at least go out and do something fun, even if its just a walk or going in the hot tub.  I do think however, that filming does take up a fair amount of their time but they're not really supposed to break the third wall and say that.  


I thought Madison throwing the surprise party was sweet and he did actually seem genuinely surprised.  In general I find these "parties" so strange as their only allowed 2-3 guests each and its really just a grilling session for the guests.  Karla did say at the afterparty that her group stayed out till 4am after getting kicked out of their apartment and Allen and David were with them.  Wonder if something happened there that caused Allen to be mad at Madison the next day and not attend the flag football game.  I also thought it was a bit odd that Allen said she spends too much time working out and they don't have time to do other things together.  But then David said he works out with her in the morning before work.  Does she work out more than once a day? 

Camille just needs to stop. All this talk about swag and she dresses like a 60 year old.  What was that she was wearing at the pool party?  I think Tom's identical twin having a white wife skews her opinion of Tom.  I think it makes her think he grew up in a white world and lives in a white world.


Edited by Katie111
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More so than some seasons, this is really demonstrating why its a bad idea to have someone pick someone out for you. I'm not sure how 'true to they self' people are when they fill out forms and interview. Its like the difference between the acknowledgement some day you'll die and finding out you're terminal. Several people seem to be in denial they are married.

Michelle isn't married in the least bit, David is not her husband in any sense of the word and he should throw in the towel. Noble of him to do and try anything just to get something going. Its a cliche it takes two to tango, that doesn't mean its not true. She mentioned he stayed out the whole night, I would have confronted her so did you text me? Did you call me? Did you call any contacts you have? Did you check hospitals and jails. Did you lose sleep over it? What's the point of enduring another 5 weeks? He shouldn't cut his hair or stop wearing whatever he wants. Nothing is going to appease her.

Did Camille and Thomas really want to get married? Did they really think everyone is kidding them when they say marriage is difficult? There is no sure fire way, even based on what you ask for, that initial attraction is going to happen. To me they look like a very striking couple. For most its marriage on approval not first at first sight. That's just the name of a show. Many of the females and some of the males seem to think they need to be courted, wined and dined as if its a dating thing. Its supposed to be this is who you've chosen now make it work.

Are Emem's eyelashes getting longer as time goes on? She's accepted the concept they are husband and wife. He hasn't. He's waiting for approval.

Karla, although too thin for my taste, is very beautiful. I don't know how Juan can keep his hands off of her. She's seems to have accepted she's married just wondering if he has.





I'm certain there is a back story to the football game.

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6 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

Out of all the so-called "husbands," I would pick Allen to hang out with.  

Me too.  He’s a good guy.  What does she want anyhow?  I wouldn’t call her a raving beauty like she thinks.  Seems she rather be with her girlfriends.  Why even come on the show then?  Waste of time.  Friends come and go.

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18 hours ago, DrewPaul2010 said:

More so than some seasons, this is really demonstrating why its a bad idea to have someone pick someone out for you. I'm not sure how 'true to they self' people are when they fill out forms and interview. Its like the difference between the acknowledgement some day you'll die and finding out you're terminal. Several people seem to be in denial they are married.

Michelle isn't married in the least bit, David is not her husband in any sense of the word and he should throw in the towel. Noble of him to do and try anything just to get something going. Its a cliche it takes two to tango, that doesn't mean its not true. She mentioned he stayed out the whole night, I would have confronted her so did you text me? Did you call me? Did you call any contacts you have? Did you check hospitals and jails. Did you lose sleep over it? What's the point of enduring another 5 weeks? He shouldn't cut his hair or stop wearing whatever he wants. Nothing is going to appease her.

Did Camille and Thomas really want to get married? Did they really think everyone is kidding them when they say marriage is difficult? There is no sure fire way, even based on what you ask for, that initial attraction is going to happen. To me they look like a very striking couple. For most its marriage on approval not first at first sight. That's just the name of a show. Many of the females and some of the males seem to think they need to be courted, wined and dined as if its a dating thing. Its supposed to be this is who you've chosen now make it work.

Are Emem's eyelashes getting longer as time goes on? She's accepted the concept they are husband and wife. He hasn't. He's waiting for approval.

Karla, although too thin for my taste, is very beautiful. I don't know how Juan can keep his hands off of her. She's seems to have accepted she's married just wondering if he has.





I'm certain there is a back story to the football game.

I think they all are on for exposure.  For what reason, I have no idea.

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Well, we know these people are never gone. Just this week, Stacia was on Afterparty. The successful marriages seem to go away and live their lives (except for Jamie and Doug, who had to be forcefully removed). The ones who didn't work out keep popping up on panels and other filler shows. I guess any recognition is good? Although, I wonder how that worked out for that "f'ing good person" Alyssa? 

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21 hours ago, Katie111 said:

Camille just needs to stop. All this talk about swag and she dresses like a 60 year old.  What was that she was wearing at the pool party?  I think Tom's identical twin having a white wife skews her opinion of Tom.  I think it makes her think he grew up in a white world and lives in a white world.

I think Camille's sister likely nailed the actual issue.  Both Camille and Thomas are black presenting people who live primarily in "white worlds".   But they may have taken different things from those experiences.   Camille mentioned Thomas and his brother frequent a bar that she feels has had some race related issues.   Camille's experiences have led her to stay away from places like that.  So she struggles on why Thomas would frequent the establishment.   Thomas might separate whatever incident(s) happened there from the bar itself.  

However, I do think this "culture" issue is somewhat producer manipulated.  It seems to be the only thing anyone asks about.   So that is what gets aired.  

On a previous Afterparty someone said Camille and Thomas bicker like an old married couple (impression was in a cute way).   I want to see this part of their relationship.  

Edited by After7Only
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I know there have been MANY Black couples/people on this show and there has never been as much discussion about culture before, so maybe it is their "producer assigned" problem they have to resolve. But, even Afterparty seemed to spend the whole show talking about this topic this week. I wish they would find something else to focus on. And, if that is all that Camille and Tom have to argue about, then just let them be and let them be the couple that seems like a real couple, since none of the others do, and it would be nice to have ONE couple be happy.

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12 minutes ago, Retired at last said:

I know there have been MANY Black couples/people on this show and there has never been as much discussion about culture before, so maybe it is their "producer assigned" problem they have to resolve. But, even Afterparty seemed to spend the whole show talking about this topic this week. I wish they would find something else to focus on. And, if that is all that Camille and Tom have to argue about, then just let them be and let them be the couple that seems like a real couple, since none of the others do, and it would be nice to have ONE couple be happy.

Nah - have you already forgotten last season's trainwreck of a couple whose names I can't even remember? The Native American guy and the African American woman? 

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1 hour ago, Elizzikra said:

Nah - have you already forgotten last season's trainwreck of a couple whose names I can't even remember? The Native American guy and the African American woman? 

OMG how could I have forgotten Orion and what's her name, who were insufferable each in their own ways, talked endless word salad, and could never just let it go because the producers wouldn't let them!

I also thought Allen looked really attractive in this episode when the camera was close enough to show his beautiful blue eyes.  meanwhile Madison looks increasingly unappealing and "hard" to me.

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How long are Camille and Thomas going to have the same discussion with different peoples takes on it? It’s time to focus on the present. 
Are any of the couples doing anything other than filming together? They’re in Chicago and should be out doing some things as a couple. 
I get not rushing into sex but I don’t see anyone showing any affection. Juan likes to show love through cleaning but why get married if you don’t expect  to touch the other person at all?
Ikechi announced that he would have made the fish tacos.  Emem tried to make him happy and then he says well he could have made the tacos but doesn’t want to. What the hell? 
They could change the name of the show to Filming Together at First Sight. 

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meanwhile Madison looks increasingly unappealing and "hard" to me.

She looks very artificial to me. And don't get me wrong. I've had hair extensions, fake nails, eyelash extensions, botox... not all at the same time and definitely not in my 20's, but I don't have a problem with any of that stuff. Madison just has it all to the extreme and at the same time (maybe not botox). Dialing any of it back a bit would make it all work better, I think. But, you know, you do you...


How long are Camille and Thomas going to have the same discussion with different peoples takes on it? It’s time to focus on the present. 

I think the producers have assigned this as their issue because they really don't have anything else. I remember with NC Donna and Gregg it was all "Deonna hasn't been in a relationship in forever" and that was the big thing but really it was because they were just a nice couple who didn't have a big problem. Same with DC Austin and Jessica. Their big "problem" I think was that he didn't say "I love you" soon enough? Or something? A pandemic, a dog and two kids later and they are still going strong. I think if anyone manages to stay together this season, it will be Tom and Camille and we will find out that this really wasn't a big deal for them; it was just their structured storyline.


Ikechi announced that he would have made the fish tacos.  Emem tried to make him happy and then he says well he could have made the tacos but doesn’t want to. What the hell? 

That was weird. I mean - yeah, I can cook a lot of things but I don't always. Sometimes I order stuff for a party that I could have made myself. It was like they hadn't really talked about the party except that Emem was doing food and decorations and Ikechi was... thinking of passive aggressive responses to conversation topics? And then she "handled" food by ordering and he got pissy. If he wanted to cook, he should have said he wanted to cook, and then cooked.

Anyone else have flashbacks to the Mexican food ordering disaster party that the tall Australian and the therapist had last season? When he had planned to order but hadn't actually done it so he did it when she mentioned it and then the food was tepid and soggy by the time their guests arrived? And it turned out that had been his reason for not ordering so far in advance but he didn't mention that? Ugh. No more tacos on this show please.

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The subject of "stay with parents or not" is a matter very much discussed especially in my country where the crisis hit us hard. I can hear arguments from both opinions for the matter. From one side, I find it stupid to pay half a salary to live alone in a small appartment just to say you live alone and you are independent. From the other side, well this is adulthood and that's how you learn the skills to be married and raise kids later on. I get both Michelle and David's points of view. I think what makes the change in this decision is the personality of both the person and their parents. If this is a person like David who wants to live near his parents and help them occasionally with everything and hang out with them and not mind if they are in his house once in a while, then I can see his decision making sense. If the person is Michelle who likes to be independent and make her own decisions and not have anyone interfere in her life, then I can see she should live alone.

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The problem with David is despite how he's spinning it, he's most likely living at home out of necessity at 36. David works as a foreman of custodial workers for a Chicago airport. Public record shows he makes less than $21/hour. I am not knocking him for that, but his friend was clearly BS'ing when he said David has the ability to move out and buy a house any time he wants to. 

Michelle asked for someone who can match her lifestyle and bottom line is the experts did not give it to her. I also don't even think it's an unreasonably high bar for a man to match her financially. She seems to be doing okay for herself, but not rolling in money like Stacia, Emem, or Olivia from the New Orleans season. Shame her all you want for how she's handling her frustrations, but I don't think she deserves to be shamed for wanting a husband who is financially secure and further along in his career than David.

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52 minutes ago, atomic said:

I don't think she deserves to be shamed for wanting a husband who is financially secure and further along in his career than David.

Maybe she could have found that husband by herself then.

Also she should say clearly that she wanted a RICH husband. Not "match my lifestyle". Who are you kidding?

I think the experts saw her shalowness and trolled her good with David. Made for a fun season. 😋

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13 minutes ago, Hip-to-be-Square said:

Juan is way too focused on work, money and success- he's an exhausted workaholic.  

I was thinking the same thing.  He’s too busy for marriage and shows it by not giving the attention she craves.  This is all bullshit.  I believe in love for a marriage, and that’s hard enough too.

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15 minutes ago, SummerDreams said:

Maybe she could have found that husband by herself then.

Also she should say clearly that she wanted a RICH husband. Not "match my lifestyle". Who are you kidding?

I think the experts saw her shalowness and trolled her good with David. Made for a fun season. 😋

You're right. Nobody should go on this show if they aren't willing to take the colossal risk of production screwing them over. I was contacted on LinkedIn for the Houston season a few years ago. Of course I didn't entertain it for a second because I know all too well the history this show has of making disastrous matches for the sake of dramatic TV.

Please cite examples of Michelle being an obvious gold digger who's seeking out a rich man? Because wanting a man who's self-sufficient and independent is hardly the same thing.

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21 minutes ago, SummerDreams said:

Maybe she could have found that husband by herself then.

Also she should say clearly that she wanted a RICH husband. Not "match my lifestyle". Who are you kidding?

I think the experts saw her shalowness and trolled her good with David. Made for a fun season. 😋

Like the Spanish Inquisition, nobody expects to get a Mom's-basement-dweller, never mind an unkempt one who smirks that his bed is "the couch." Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. 

His living situation is why he is single. Michelle's request to have a husband on her literal level (above-ground, haha) is reasonable, normal, and fair. If the judges thought she was disingenuous and actually avaricious, they didn't have to make themselves look stupid by assigning her David as a "gotcha."  (Calling that "trolling" is acknowledging he was a very bad option.)

I'd have noped right outta the show. 

Let me know when he's "saved" enough. 


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31 minutes ago, SummerDreams said:

Maybe she could have found that husband by herself then.

Also she should say clearly that she wanted a RICH husband. Not "match my lifestyle". Who are you kidding?

I think the experts saw her shalowness and trolled her good with David. Made for a fun season. 😋

Going on a show as this to me is ridiculous.  Not knowing what you will get is terrifying to me.  You don’t know what you will get.  Plus, who can sleep with a stranger?  A woman has to pick a partner herself.  Some were lucky as they liked who they picked.  Most were not happy.  I don’t like the “experts” either, as they push even tho the match isn’t right.  I watch anyway for laughs.  In my day, I dated a few and knew right away if I could go forward, but the minute I met my husband, I knew he was for me. Just the way he looked and the brief conversation we had.  You just have to see them and converse for a bit before going forward or not.   The ones that stayed together on this show was pure luck.  Looks like none of these will stay together.  I think.

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Yes, 'tis true that MAFS is not how relationships  usually develop in real life. Nobody is in the dark about this. Thus, the applicants obviously want one or more eventualities: lasting love after the ceremony; an improved financial situation; fame; a career in the Reality TV Universe; just an over-all betterment of their life. 

The faint-hearted, the logical, and the lucky need not apply.  

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I think because there are some couples who made a go of it  and a few who are still together is why I continue to watch.

I get both sides regarding David. 36 is old to be living in your parents basement but if he’s truly saving, good for him. My question is, why even agree to marry at first sight if you aren’t in your own place?  I think they focus on choosing folks who would make good tv rather than who really wants to be married.

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I think the days of nice, kind, likable people who really want to get married are long gone. The past several seasons (0/5) show that. As far as people getting what they "asked for," I still say that this is not Santa's list. If what they wanted was so easy to find, they would have found it on their own. Either their expectations are too high or their self-esteem is too high and they all want gorgeous, healthy, happy partners. Most are unwilling to look beyond their wish list, so they will never be satisfied. Perhaps the people who actually apply for the show may be more willing, but I am guessing that the ones (usually men) who were recruited are doing this for fun and some kind of exposure.

I understand the frustrations of the "experts" when they find someone who is so shallow, that they can't overlook a superficial feature (such as no bald men, or certain hair color), but, I also understand that people want what they (think they) want. I think that the reason that this season was so delayed after the dismal last season is that the results are no better and the people are no more likable. Well, Allen/Alan is nice and I still like David, although he is not attractive to me. And, I don't really care about any of the women (at least how they are portrayed).

So, while the original intent of the show may have been focused of marriage, this show has devolved into a typical scripted reality show where nothing is real and everyone is cast to play a part.

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I think the days of nice, kind, likable people who really want to get married are long gone.

I mostly agree. Every now and then we find some. I think thus far this season, I think that Tom and Camille are in it for the right reasons. So far, I think the same about Allen/Alan/Allan. I have blocked season entirely from my mind but I'd agree that none of them were there for good reason. Going further back, I think Miles and Karen had good intentions; also Woody and Amani though I doubted Woody in the beginning (my bad). I loved Austin and Jessica and still do; they are the only ones I follow on any sort of social media. Also Kristen and ... oh shit. I forget his name - but they were in Philly, she is a realtor and he is a respiratory therapist, I think. Double oven Gregg and Deonna are also favorites. Steph and AJ were a surprise success for me as well. Those are few and far between though and I didn't watch early seasons. 


My question is, why even agree to marry at first sight if you aren’t in your own place?  

I mean, that used to be the norm, at least for women, right? Back in the day, women lived with their parents and then with their husbands. It wasn't uncommon for women to never live alone until they were widowed. Then again, on average, people married younger then.

I think one advantage to David's situation is if the marriage did stick (hah!) he would be one of the few that would have a relatively easy situation regarding moving in together. Most of the other couples have a remaining lease to contend with or a home that they own but maybe the other person doesn't want to move in there for whatever reason (who was the nutter in an earlier season - Jake? - who owned his home but had it all decked out in 80's neon?). David can probably pull up stakes and move wherever, whenever in the Chicago area. So there's that. 

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I strongly dislike that self-righteous, arrogant assh0le Ikeche. That fish taco interaction would have had me breaking dishes and flipping tables. "I could have made the tacos but I dont want to." Uuuugh, I would have called off the marriage right there!

On the Afterparty, it seemed like Keisha and Stacia didn't like him much either.

BTW, when he said "aggressive" I think he really meant "horny" because she's always trying to cuddle and get frisky and he always rebuffs her.

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I see David as the second coming of Michael from the D.C. season. Publicly available information shows David was lying about ever owning a bar or being a social worker. The only difference is Meeka sniffed out the truth about Michael on camera, whereas Michelle is already over this and doesn't seem to care about challenging David on all his tall tales.

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On 12/11/2024 at 6:00 PM, Elizzikra said:

I thought Madison said Allen was hungover from having gone out the night before???

Allen left a comment on the YT channel of one of the MAFS podcast shows. He says Madison's claim of him getting plastered off tequila shots is untrue and we'll probably find out the real reason he bailed on the flag football game in the next episode:


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