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Chit-Chat: The Feels

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Just now, Is Everyone Gone said:

I must admit that I thought Trump 2 was going to be more like Trump 1: hateful, but also messy and dysfunctional. But looks like they're way more organized this time ... which is scary.

This time he has a literal playbook, from the Heritage Foundation.  Yet look how many people didn't bother to Google "Project 2025" until after they voted.

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18 minutes ago, Bastet said:

This time he has a literal playbook, from the Heritage Foundation.  Yet look how many people didn't bother to Google "Project 2025" until after they voted.

Quoting myself to say, duh, he had their Project 2017 the first time around (he adopted well over half of it), and I think that was just as detailed a playbook.  So that doesn't account for any differences in degree of organization.  This being the second time around?  Musk?  I think a big part of it is knowing you weaken resistance via bombardment, which doesn't relate to organization so much as ramping up the "shock and awe" strategy.  I think the chaos is having more of an impact (which is its point) than the organization.

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5 minutes ago, fairffaxx said:

"Felonizes"?  I miss Kingfish too, but he was never intended to be taken seriously & quoted by Senators.

I don’t know who that is.  She was saying that anyone who votes against trump, when it comes to immigration, will now be a felon in Tennessee  


3 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

Turned on the TV, flipped to CNN, and there's been another ane crash, this time in Philadelphia.

Yeah, I saw that when I was in the store. I was taking a minute, just to scroll, and a woman’s live video came on. She had just been at the sprouts store, and she was panicking.  Just said it was an explosion. 

Edited by Anela
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4 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Quoting myself to say, duh, he had their Project 2017 the first time around (he adopted well over half of it), and I think that was just as detailed a playbook.  So that doesn't account for any differences in degree of organization.  This being the second time around?  Musk?  I think a big part of it is knowing you weaken resistance via bombardment, which doesn't relate to organization so much as ramping up the "shock and awe" strategy.  I think the chaos is having more of an impact (which is its point) than the organization.

The techbro battle cry-

Move Fast. Break Shit.

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I just had to turn off Rachel's show. It's getting too depressing. Things are bad at the FBI. They're going after agents who were a part of any investigations against the Jan. 6th defendants, agents who searched Mar a Lago, agents who investigated Russian involvement with Trump, etc. Also will make public the agents' names. Trump's retribution has begun. 

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Unfortunately the Trump voters are getting everything they want.  They're loving every second of this because their "enemies" are suffering.  We have schools and employers ratting anyone they want to ICE, loyalists being put in nonpartisan positions.  It was never about the eggs, they always wanted to punish us others.  It's been 12 days and they are all falling into line out of the playbook.  They heard our warnings, this is what they want.

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5 hours ago, Annber03 said:

But yeah, for all the talk the GOP made about the economy, I'm not exactly sure how forcing women to have children they may not be able to afford is going to help with that. Course, if the  GOP were capable of using logic, they wouldn't be the GOP, so...

Nazi Germany also made an organized effort to raise the German birth rate in the 1930s. They always needed more soldiers for their front lines ;)

2 hours ago, Bastet said:

This time he has a literal playbook, from the Heritage Foundation.  Yet look how many people didn't bother to Google "Project 2025" until after they voted.

Yup, it's interesting seeing all these controversial nomination hearings with all the loyalists up there, almost like schoolchildren, promising the Senate that they would behave themselves and not do all the things they have said they would do if they were, as Kennedy kept saying, have the 'privilege or the honor of being confirmed.' But we all know there have been nominees who have said, 'I won't do that when I'm in office,' and then they get confirmed and and know they have the president's back, and they will do that.

It'll be a long 4 years while Project 2025 becomes our new "Constitution."

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20 minutes ago, kittykat said:

Unfortunately the Trump voters are getting everything they want.  They're loving every second of this because their "enemies" are suffering.  We have schools and employers ratting anyone they want to ICE, loyalists being put in nonpartisan positions.  It was never about the eggs, they always wanted to punish us others.  It's been 12 days and they are all falling into line out of the playbook.  They heard our warnings, this is what they want.

Oh, I'm not even talking about them, necessarily - you're right that the inflation/eggs stuff was just their bullshit excuse to cover for the REAL reasons they actually voted for Trump.

I'm talking abotu the people who sat out this election because "bOtH sIdEs!" or who felt that Harris wouldn't be any better than Trump, and who didn't really think Trump's return would be that big a deal or any worse than before, or whatever. I wonder if they've finallyl gotten the figurative, and possibly literal, smack upside the head yet at just how wrong they turned out to be. 

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25 minutes ago, kittykat said:

Unfortunately the Trump voters are getting everything they want.  They're loving every second of this because their "enemies" are suffering.  We have schools and employers ratting anyone they want to ICE, loyalists being put in nonpartisan positions.  It was never about the eggs, they always wanted to punish us others.  It's been 12 days and they are all falling into line out of the playbook.  They heard our warnings, this is what they want.


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7 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

I'm talking abotu the people who sat out this election because "bOtH sIdEs!" or who felt that Harris wouldn't be any better than Trump, and who didn't really think Trump's return would be that big a deal or any worse than before, or whatever. I wonder if they've finallyl gotten the figurative, and possibly literal, smack upside the head yet at just how wrong they turned out to be. 

From what I’ve seen on Blusky, they’re still blaming everyone but themselves, acting like they’re still so above it all. Poseurs.

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21 minutes ago, Kemper said:

I don't think a person had to be a liberal to despise Reagan and what he did to this country. All the tax cuts for the rich, the rise of the Corporate Elite, Trickle Down Economics, budget deficits, the first salvos fired at the beginning of the end of the Middle Class. And it has been that way ever since - there is no catching up.  We can thank Reagan for starting that ball rolling.

Ugggh don't get me started, I got real peeved when I read a recent post on another forum (from a 20 something) about Obama being a worse president than Reagan because he was "ineffective" when it came to policy and left the Democratic Party in an untenable position that's left them where they are today. I couldn't let that one go.

Nevermind that he spent nearly half of his first term placating white voters from believing he was a terrorist or a non-US citizen. Or that Congress was a shambles because they were more outraged at the thought of a black person being President which overshadowed wanting to help the country (McConnell said over and over how he was determined to make Obama a one-term president). How effective can you be in the face of birther conspiracy theories and Islamophobic rhetoric directed towards you and your family?

And yet, he still ensured that people had health coverage during the Great Recession (Obamacare, which was his lifeline into a 2nd term even if his favorability was shrinking imo). And his economic policies pushed during that time resulted in the longest continuous run of job creation in modern U.S. history at a time when the administration oversaw net job losses during his last term, which Trump took the credit for.

You know what I remember of Reagan's era policies that were also effective? The War on Drugs which imprisoned a whole generation of black men in the 90s. Defunding of mental health institutions via the MHSA which added to the homelessness crisis in the 80s. Repression of the union labor movement with the firing of the Air Traffic Controllers Organization. Denial of the AIDS crisis. And all of the other things you mentioned in your post.

Everything is more "effective" when you're white in America 🙄

Edited by Eri
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On 1/30/2025 at 8:37 AM, bluegirl147 said:

Every year i see comments whining about Black History Month. And I'm always tempted to respond don't the other 11 months celebrate White History?

This reminds me of what parents used to say when kids asked why there was a mother's and a father's day but no children's day. Their answer was "Every day is children's day".

On 1/30/2025 at 2:29 PM, kittykat said:

It's always been a shit double standard when someone screws up.  A white man screwing up is just a reflection of that person only.  A woman or POC makes a mistake, "OMG we can't let them run anything!!!"

I feel like Trump himself is showing even more of his own prejudice now than back in 2017. And he showed it back then too.

On 1/30/2025 at 3:14 PM, bluegirl147 said:

Anytime he blames "DEI hires'' he is reinforcing what his base already believes.  That women, people of color, Muslims, LGTBQ, pretty much anyone that isn't like them is getting jobs and educational opportunities that should go to them.  But if they would just be honest with themselves they would realize it is them who isn't qualified.

This is a complicated issue for me because I have known first hand of situations where hiring managers were having trouble finding qualified DEI hires. Where I worked they kept those positions open and didn't compromise on talent to fill them but I can imagine that in some cases compromises have been made. There isn't always a pool of qualified, willing and available non-white/female candidates for any given position. And that's a logistical recruitment problem that should be addressed. It's not an ideological one. But it gives ammunition to the racists to say that DEI hires are "unqualified".

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I see that one of the soldiers on the helicopter that crashed was a woman and that her family has requested that her name not be released.  This will no doubt send Fox News on a mission to out her so that her family can be appropriately attacked and shamed in their time of grief.  I am near tears thinking about how it is that we have come to this: that a woman serving her country in the military cannot be recognized when she is killed in the line of duty because the lunatic fringe will vilify her for being a woman in a white man's job.

I presume the idiot-in-chief can and will discover her name and let Fox News know so they can launch their attacks.  No one has indicated she was the pilot or in any way connected to the cause of the crash.  The voices recorded by the tower just prior to the collision were male.

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Happy Black History Month- because history is something vital to know so folks can be inspired by triumphing over odds and lessons can be learned on things not worth repeating-regardless of whether they share the ethnicity or shape of the protagonists or the culpable.

FWIW, I'm a lifelong lover of history from virtually all corners of the world and always will be- and NOT of bowlderized propaganda (and I recognize that there are folks from my ancestries who didn't always do the right things but that doesn't mean I have to fake otherwize).

BTW, I don't get those folks who get upset at being called racist yet openly tar entire ethnicities and belittle those who evaluate others via their individual actions and characters rather than ethnic backgrounds.

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I suppose it's just as well that  #45 is golfing near the Atlantic shore rather than golfing on the Gulf of. . that body of water whose shoreline is in  Mexico from Matamoros all the way to the northern tip of the Yucatan Peninsula.

@PRgal FWIW, I'm not angry at your reporting this but I'm angry that this has happened so I hope everyone enjoys their guacamole, chocolate and maple syrup at hand. .

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10 hours ago, Yeah No said:

This reminds me of what parents used to say when kids asked why there was a mother's and a father's day but no children's day. Their answer was "Every day is children's day".

Thanks for the chuckle! This is *exactly* what my dad would say when I'd express my frustration re: mother's day & father's day..but no children's day? Actually, our Methodist church did celebrate children's day in my younger years (my sis & I received gifts at home...not sure other kids in my church did). I don't remember children's day lasting into my teen years, so that's when I must've been whining 😁. Seems like our dads knew how to handle us kids just right!

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1 minute ago, annzeepark914 said:

Thanks for the chuckle! This is *exactly* what my dad would say when I'd express my frustration re: mother's day & father's day..but no children's day? Actually, our Methodist church did celebrate children's day in my younger years (my sis & I received gifts at home...not sure other kids in my church did). I don't remember children's day lasting into my teen years, so that's when I must've been whining 😁. Seems like our dads knew how to handle us kids just right!

As a florist, lemme tell you, there's a day for just about every damn thing. Sweetest Day used to crack me up. Literally nobody celebrates it but we'd get all kinds of literature from FTD, Teleflora, etc with splashy offers for "specials" we could run.

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13 minutes ago, atomic said:

The White House is using their official social media accounts to go after Selena Gomez all because she posted an emotional video about the ICE raids happening all over the country.  Absolute unhinged, scary times we're living in where the government is running targeted campaigns against private citizens who speak out against it.


I saw this last night.  It’s so fucked up.  As is the added emphasis of their killers being undocumented, as though we don’t have plenty of citizens harming/killing women.  

in 2018, someone unfriended me, because I countered her, when she said about the driver in an accident, “I bet he’s an illegal!” She just decided that, all on her own.  As if it made any kind of difference.  

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12 hours ago, Anela said:

I saw this last night.  It’s so fucked up.  As is the added emphasis of their killers being undocumented, as though we don’t have plenty of citizens harming/killing women.  

in 2018, someone unfriended me, because I countered her, when she said about the driver in an accident, “I bet he’s an illegal!” She just decided that, all on her own.  As if it made any kind of difference.  

That reminds me of something that happened c. 2002 when someone sent me a staged photo of the proposed rebuilt WTC that had a large sign of gigantic letters on permanent display screaming '[BLANK] YOU, BIN LADEN!'. ..and I replied that I didn't believe that small children needed to see that profanity on display.

Well, this individual  actually accused me of being pro-terrorist and anti-US American for not hoping the future WTC tower would have had that on display  for real and my attempts to explain that I had had close relatives who witnessed that atrocity just blocks away, have had a long line of family members who had become soldiers to defend the US (and that I just believe that its best to try to  avoid profanity usage around children out of respect for them) fell on deaf ears. Looking back, it's just as well that they ghosted me.

Edited by Blergh
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16 hours ago, Eri said:

Ugggh don't get me started, I got real peeved when I read a recent post on another forum (from a 20 something) about Obama being a worse president than Reagan because he was "ineffective" when it came to policy and left the Democratic Party in an untenable position that's left them where they are today. I couldn't let that one go.

Nevermind that he spent nearly half of his first term placating white voters from believing he was a terrorist or a non-US citizen. Or that Congress was a shambles because they were more outraged at the thought of a black person being President which overshadowed wanting to help the country (McConnell said over and over how he was determined to make Obama a one-term president). How effective can you be in the face of birther conspiracy theories and Islamophobic rhetoric directed towards you and your family?

And yet, he still ensured that people had health coverage during the Great Recession (Obamacare, which was his lifeline into a 2nd term even if his favorability was shrinking imo). And his economic policies pushed during that time resulted in the longest continuous run of job creation in modern U.S. history at a time when the administration oversaw net job losses during his last term, which Trump took the credit for.

You know what I remember of Reagan's era policies that were also effective? The War on Drugs which imprisoned a whole generation of black men in the 90s. Defunding of mental health institutions via the MHSA which added to the homelessness crisis in the 80s. Repression of the union labor movement with the firing of the Air Traffic Controllers Organization. Denial of the AIDS crisis. And all of the other things you mentioned in your post.

Everything is more "effective" when you're white in America 🙄

Every Democratic president since Carter gets blamed for what they didn't do and what they did do is either ignored or downplayed.  Meanwhile Republican Presidents have their failures, of which they are many, excused or blamed on Democrats. Part of this is the media but it's also the voters fault.   They would rather believe the lies Republicans tell them than believe the truths Democrats tell them.

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1 hour ago, Blergh said:


BTW, I don't get those folks who get upset at being called racist yet openly tar entire ethnicities and belittle those who evaluate others via their individual actions and characters rather than ethnic backgrounds.

They want their intolerance to be tolerated.  In other words they want to be racists they just don't want it called out.

2 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

Lol, anybody want to field this one?


Trump needs to learn two or three or four can play his silly games.

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5 minutes ago, PRgal said:

How long do you think this trade war will last?  It’s not just going to affect the consumer but the stock market as well.  Not looking forward to Monday.  My portfolio, my husband’s and my son’s university fund.  

When rich people start losing money Trump might blink.  Already Republican senators from states with agriculture exports are voicing concern.  

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5 minutes ago, PRgal said:

How long do you think this trade war will last?  It’s not just going to affect the consumer but the stock market as well.  Not looking forward to Monday.  My portfolio, my husband’s and my son’s university fund.  

I talked to my financial guy on Wed. after Monday's panic. He was very reassuring but this is unprecedented ratfuckery, we'll hopefully be able to ride it out. 

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10 minutes ago, PRgal said:

How long do you think this trade war will last?  It’s not just going to affect the consumer but the stock market as well.  Not looking forward to Monday.  My portfolio, my husband’s and my son’s university fund.

We'll ride it out like those of us with income to invest always do.  I'm a lot more concerned about the people for whom the increase in the cost of all the affected items will have immediate day-to-day consequences.

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2 minutes ago, Bastet said:

We'll ride it out like those of us with income to invest always do.  I'm a lot more concerned about the people for whom the increase in the cost of all the affected items will have immediate day-to-day consequences.

I stopped to get gas on my way home yesterday and there were a lot of older white men in their trucks filling up a lot of gas cans and I thought oh your guy Trump spooking you with his tariffs. Guess they didn't see the leopard coming.

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