Anela January 15 Share January 15 (edited) 13 minutes ago, ebk57 said: Thank you so much for this! I've been turning over in my mind how to say just this to the original poster and I just wasn't getting there (without being a bit mean...). This is so beautifully written. I appreciate this!! Same. I've tried to politely explain, and just had assumptions made about me, and received no understanding whatsoever, in return. I even asked questions, in good faith. And it was beautifully written. I don't recall anyone going too far in responses, but I wasn't reading everything, so I guess I missed that. At some point, I'm going to be residing in echo chambers for a while, because it's been nine years of me mostly existing in MAGA echo chambers, or seeing people who hated him, vote for him, because of RFK Jr. Or their husbands, or because they think they'll be better off financially, so as long as he hurts "the right people" it's all good. And what really kills me, is that they know he's a criminal. They know he shouldn't have been allowed to run again. I'm so tired of the insanity. I thought we were going to get past it, but it's only getting worse. Edited January 15 by Anela 6 4 6 4 Link to comment
Dimity January 15 Share January 15 I wish this belonged in the jokes thread but it's not a joke: 11 2 1 Link to comment
PRgal January 15 Share January 15 12 minutes ago, isalicat said: Just because you want to give your kid some excellent opportunities outside academics doesn't make you an "anything"....I am an old, and my parents (back in the 1960s!) gave me piano and ballet lessons (the latter of which I pursued most of my life - thanks, Mom and Dad!) and sent me to summer camp every summer. Don't be worrying about labels or being associated with labelled people by default - it will drive you crazy! Summer camp (well, the sleep away kind) isn’t traditionally an Asian thing (save for a STEM enrichment program at a university), and since I totally plan to send him to one when he’s older, I guess I’m not a TRUE tiger mom!! 3 2 Link to comment
bluegirl147 January 15 Share January 15 2 minutes ago, Dimity said: I wish this belonged in the jokes thread but it's not a joke: And the thing is Trump doesn't even realize it. It was always said he listens to the last person who talks to him so that is probably why Musk has pretty much taken up residence at Mar a Lago. 9 Link to comment
bluegirl147 January 15 Share January 15 If this happens before next Monday Trump will still take credit for it. 11 1 Link to comment
Dimity January 15 Share January 15 11 minutes ago, bluegirl147 said: If this happens before next Monday Trump will still take credit for it. And when it breaks down, as it probably will, then he'll blame Biden. 11 2 Link to comment
Spartan Girl January 15 Share January 15 As will I. The imbeciles are probably whining that he should’ve done it sooner and probably still blaming him for all the casualties. 6 2 2 1 Link to comment
Notabug January 15 Share January 15 (edited) 12 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said: As will I. The imbeciles are probably whining that he should’ve done it sooner and probably still blaming him for all the casualties. Love Kamala's smirk at Biden's reply. Of course, supposedly there were members of Trump's 'team' present at the negotiations, so he will claim it was his dealmaking abilities. Reminds me of the Iranian hostage crisis in Jimmy Carter's day. After he won the election, Reagan negotiated for the release of the hostages and made sure that it didn't happen until the day he was inaugurated so he could claim full credit while insulting Carter one last time. Edited January 15 by Notabug 13 1 Link to comment
Anela January 15 Share January 15 43 minutes ago, bluegirl147 said: If this happens before next Monday Trump will still take credit for it. There are people who are already giving Trump credit. 2 10 1 1 Link to comment
kittykat January 15 Share January 15 36 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said: As will I. The imbeciles are probably whining that he should’ve done it sooner and probably still blaming him for all the casualties. They already punished him (and all of us) by not voting. 8 1 1 Link to comment
tres bien January 15 Share January 15 19 minutes ago, Anela said: There are people who are already giving Trump credit. This morning while watching my one designated hour of Kassie Hunt she interviewed a woman (American in NY) who has a relative still being held. She praised Trump. Made it clear that none of this would have happened without his leadership. She never thanked President Biden President Biden may get credit for all he did for but sadly it’ll probably be many years from now 1 9 2 Link to comment
Lantern7 January 15 Share January 15 1 hour ago, tres bien said: This morning while watching my one designated hour of Kassie Hunt she interviewed a woman (American in NY) who has a relative still being held. She praised Trump. Made it clear that none of this would have happened without his leadership. She never thanked President Biden Occupation that might be in high demand immediately: deprogrammer. Anyone with a Drop Squad VHS tape and a dream stands to make a lot of money. Trump negotiated the ceasefire on his own. Uh huh. I believe it's possible for Mexico to put up a border wall on their own and make Americans pay for it. 3 1 6 Link to comment
kittykat January 16 Share January 16 A few of you asked about a page ago why Obama was elected in a landslide, even taking stronghold red states. We're 16 years removed from that presidency but it was because George W Bush was a fucking disaster. So much that the party disassociated from him he was Nixon levels of unpopular with his own constituent. Him endorsing John McCain was a huge albatross that likely cost him the election (though Sarah Palin was a huge misstep) that's how toxic his own party found him. I'm only bringing this up because Donald Trump is the best thing to happen to GWB. A lot of folks on both sides have sane washed the Bush Jr. years, glorifying the aughties and holy hell those years sucked. A war we were thrown in under false pretenses, the worst economic crash since 1929 which may as well have been the death knell to the middle class. We had warmongers like Cheney and Rummy trying to give more powers to the president. By 2006, GWB was polling at an all time low, the Democrats took back Congress which led to the steamrolling of 2008. I'm only looking back on this because during this time I was in my mid twenties and I had no idea what I was going to do. The economy was in shambles and everyone was at each other's throats politically so when Obama came in it was like a breath of fresh air among all the poison. It felt new, he felt invigorating. And GWB and his cronies fucked up in a matter we thought at the time would never be unmatched. So don't think about his gaffes or his deer in the headlights face when someone talked to him using a four syllable word, he was bad. While the seeds of Trumpism didn't start with his presidency, a movement was already brewing that even we didn't know how deep it was. And that's why the Republicans are so committed to doubling down on this orange tinted sludge, because they think holding their own accountable is weakness and will end up in ceding power to the Democrats so they mobilize on whatever their people want no matter how toxic they may find it themselves. They see the window to push their agenda through and they're taking it. I wish they would stand up to Trump but the last ten years have proven that there's no line he apparently can cross. So here we are. 14 7 Link to comment
annzeepark914 January 16 Share January 16 (edited) My sis is following the Donald Trump Jail Tracker blog or website. Anyway, it's promoting "Operation Tank The Inauguration (TV ratings)". They're asking folks to put all their TVs on a channel like HGTV or Food Network during the hours of the coverage on Monday. The goal is to have many TVs on, but not on any channels broadcasting the inauguration. Will this work (i.e., send a message to a ratings addict)? Edited January 16 by annzeepark914 11 1 Link to comment
Spartan Girl January 16 Share January 16 Watching Biden’s farewell address and crying. 6 7 Link to comment
peacheslatour January 16 Share January 16 So now Sean Spicer is doing Carshield commercials. "Everything is so expensive, what with the skyrocketing cost of groceries, housing blah blah blah.." Is he going to be singing the same song next month? Next year? How isn't he going to square this with his orange god emperor? 2 2 1 3 Link to comment
Popular Post FilmTVGeek80 January 16 Popular Post Share January 16 18 hours ago, Soapy Goddess said: Exactly!! Even if it WAS a "theory", now it's not. So what's the problem? And why are you so against someone changing their mind? It WASN'T a theory. You're calling something that actually happened a theory. That's the problem. I'm not against "someone" changing their mind. I'm against this particular person/group changing their mind. On the one hand, I suppose I can't blame someone for seeing a financial opportunity and taking it. But that doesn't mean I have to admire or like this person deciding to line their pockets by supporting someone who is an admitted assaulter and unrepentant criminal. 18 hours ago, Soapy Goddess said: So the entire country should just go on and continue to hate one another?! How lovely. Talk about empathy and decency... Well said, heatherchandler. Apparently some people don't have a mind of their own, so they must listen to their favorite celebrity to see what they're doing. It's the monkey see, monkey do mentality. Yeah, we need to be more empathetic and decent - follow the example of 45 who is absolutely known for those two things. You know how it was so decent and empathetic of him to wish the best to all of those losing their homes and fearing the worst during these horrible California wildifires. Wait, I'm sorry, that orange pussball never actually expressed any kindness, empathy, or decency towards those suffering. Instead he's used their tragedy to call the governor names and spew idiotic conspiracy theories. 17 hours ago, Soapy Goddess said: And you would be wrong regarding their motivation. It's not that they NEED a different thread to be happy. That's absurd. It would just be nice to post without having the majority twisting one's words with total negativity. Which is really disappointing because PT'er used to be all about inclusivity! There's nothing wrong with celebrating a win. It's much better than all the doom and gloom being posted in this thread. But TPTB deemed it necessary to have "the feels" thread for one faction, while totally ignoring the others! You all talk about fair, but this is far from it. No one is twistinig your words. You seem to have a problem with people calling out the misinformation you post and correcting it. That's not twisting your words or attacking. It's called fact-checking. It would be nice if you could attempt - instead of blithely referring to people's genuine concerns as "doom and gloom" - to employ some of that empathy you were talking about earlier. Repeating something over and over again doesn't make it true. This thread was not created for one faction. 17 10 Link to comment
ProudMary January 16 Share January 16 8 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said: It's because the GOP saw this and went into action to preserve their power. They got some major assists from people like Rupert Murdoch and other heads of media, and figured out how to make social media like Facebook work for them. The Mercers and Cambridge Analytica. I'm still so angry. 5 1 Link to comment
kittykat January 16 Share January 16 40 minutes ago, peacheslatour said: now Sean Spicer is doing Carshield commercials. "Everything is so expensive, what with the skyrocketing cost of groceries, housing blah blah blah.." Is he going to be singing the same song next month? Next year? How isn't he going to square this with his orange god emperor? Oh dear God, not that Melissa McCarthy cosplayer! 5 Link to comment
Anela January 16 Share January 16 (edited) I'm starting to get really anxious about next week, and everything that comes after it. Fuck. Edited January 16 by Anela 6 1 9 1 1 1 Link to comment
Soapy Goddess January 16 Share January 16 18 hours ago, annzeepark914 said: So...ask PT to set up a thread for those of you who *are* celebrating Trump's win. Then you can avoid coming here and getting annoyed. We HAVE! And we are totally ignored. It truly makes me wonder what direction PT'er is heading toward. Do they want us to continue barking at each other, or are they changing their "rules" regarding respect and inclusivity?? What puzzles me is that it was only a month before the election when I got a stern warning for calling a fictional character a psychopath. And yet here you all can wish Trump dead and that's okay. Such bullshit! Link to comment
Soapy Goddess January 16 Share January 16 15 hours ago, bluegirl147 said: Let's not act like the right doesn't say fuck you to people who support people they don't like and not support people they do like. Well, I don't. I will only give as good as I get. And I can assure you, I don't tell people to fuck off just because they support the left. 16 hours ago, Dimity said: Anyway that's not exactly accurate, unless the TPTB had second sight they had no way of knowing who was going to win the election when this thread was created in September. While the thread was opened by the TPTB in September, it didn't explode until the NIGHT of the ELECTION. This is when the attacks started, and that's a fact. 2 Link to comment
Soapy Goddess January 16 Share January 16 15 hours ago, bluegirl147 said: Considering Trump was a celebrity before a presidential candidate the answer is yes for his base. The monkey see, monkey do quote was for civilians who can't make up their own mind and must listen to their favorite celebrity to see who to vote for. That's what all the fuss was about with the billions of dollars given to celebrities by KH for their endorsement. DJT didn't do it because as you know, NOBODY was outwardly admitting to voting for Trump (must less endorse him) so your statement doesn't apply to my quote. 1 Link to comment
Soapy Goddess January 16 Share January 16 12 hours ago, Avaleigh said: All that being said, I've seen some posters try to politely explain to you @Soapy Goddess why they're upset that our country elected Donald Trump again, given everything that happened during his first term, and given everything that he has promised to deliver on for his second term. Much earlier in the thread, there were a couple of posters who took their comments to you too far and those posts had to be removed. Ideally, if people want to explain why they disagree with your POV, they will do so in a respectful manner. I've had some sympathy for you because I know from personal experience that it isn't easy when it feels like a pile on, and I've acknowledged that I have friends and family who voted for Trump and wouldn't want them to be made to feel that they are terrible people because they (IMO) mistakenly believe that Trump will help make their lives better. All this being said, I have yet to see you genuinely acknowledge why people find the idea of a second Trump term to be upsetting. There are people who are worried that they will lose their healthcare. There are women who are worried that they could be prevented from seeking healthcare, even if their lives are at risk, if they happen to live in the wrong state. There are couples who are worried that their IVF could be disrupted. There are people who are worried that their marriages will become invalid. There are people who are concerned about the SCOTUS potentially reinterpretting birthright citizenship. There are people who are worried about their friends and relatives in Ukraine and elsewhere, and know that Trump is unlikely to be sympathetic to their side. There are also people who are barely making ends meet as it is,and worry that things will become even more unaffordable because Trump's priority seems to be to make sure the ultra wealthy get even more money. First I want to thank you for your thoughtful post. You articulated your points very well without going for the jugular. As I mentioned to another poster here recently, it's very much appreciated. We're not all monsters just because we didn't like Kamala. Here's my take on people who are spewing their Trump hate based on his first term. As we all know, he didn't have the political expertise when he won his first term. He definitely wasn't presidential. That goes without saying. But I, along with others, are hoping that things will be different for his second term. All I was trying to convey at the very beginning was at least TRY to give him the benefit of the doubt. I mean he hasn't even taken office yet, and the hate started immediately after the election was called! Look, I'm not so ignorant that I don't understand some people's fears. That goes without saying. In fact, there are a few things that concern me, but I have faith that he has learned his lesson and will take a different approach this time around. I prefer to remain optimistic rather than spew hate to the opposing side. 1 1 1 Link to comment
Soapy Goddess January 16 Share January 16 12 hours ago, Avaleigh said: It might not be wrong for people to celebrate winning, but it does come across as insensitive given the gravity of the issues that some people will be dealing with once he takes office. It's not the same as, say, celebrating your favorite sports team winning. For the losing team, life pretty much continues as normal. When it comes to politics, the consequences of losing can be a lot more severe, so celebrations can feel a bit like salt in an open wound. Also, I wouldn't go so far as to say that celebrating is "better" than the posts from people who are openly upset about what they fear will happen because this thread has been about a lot more than that. If nothing else, I hope you've noticed how many posters have continued to have a sense of humor, have continued to share valuable information, have continued to be sympathetic to certain posters, have continued to have hope, and have continued to emotionally support the people who find it challenging to feel positive given everything that's happening. There's a lot of good to be found here and I think that's why people find the thread comforting even if they don't necessarily receive support from other posters or even if they don't necessarily agree with every point that has been made. This thread has been a good example of why PT is still a solid community. I understand it would be insensitive to some people on this thread, which is why I started out slowly (you can see some old posts right after the election). But no matter what I said, I was attacked (many of those were removed). And it's not as if I would be doing cartwheels here. Hence my request for a thread where like-minded people can convene without being insensitive to folks here. I believe we're ALL good people. We just have different views of what we want, who we like and where we're going. It's human nature. But again, no one likes being bullied. If everyone took the time to post their feelings (as you have) in the same manner, we all might get somewhere...and maybe even learn a few things along the way. But when someone is backed into a corner and told the "name 'em" then it feels as if nobody cares because nobody's listening. And then we just go around in circles with our same viewpoints, which I called "tedious"...and got crucified for it. We're all human. And believe it or not, the right would like a comfortable place to lay its head too without fear of being called names or being ridiculed for their beliefs. It works both ways. But that said, I DO hear you. 4 Link to comment
MostlyContent January 16 Share January 16 4 minutes ago, Soapy Goddess said: Sorry, but not everyone supports the party. Many just support the man. And, many more support the party and will have to put up with the wo/man, like it or not. I'm quite sure a lot of us feel/ have felt that way no matter the political affiliation. I'm posting because I'm having the 'feels', and apparently, this is the place for both sides. One wouldn't have thunk it.....but....okay. It's better than allowing *two* political threads on a 'no politics' site, because that can quickly become a war which infects the whole board and responses everywhere. I bet we've all seen it. There are many good reasons for keeping a board politics free, and I was sorry to see even this one thread, but what's done is done. Sooooo.... I'm happy. I'm feeling positive for the first time in a really long time, and although I have reservations about some people, I'm just going to give in and feel ......... happy. At least for a little while, I'm perfectly content watching Ms. Underwood belt out a patriotic song and feel good about it. She's never pushed any of her views on me and I really don't care what they are. Same with the Village People. OMG, I hated that song when I was a kid. 🤣 Now it just sounds like a happy song. Anyway, I've always been glass half-full and I guess that's just the way it is. Here's another thing. When I look at the county by county results of the last few US elections, I don't see much except that people who reside mostly in highly urban places tend to vote one way, and people who chose not to live in the cities tend to vote another way. State after state after state. It goes up and down, of course, depending on candidates and current events. All that leads me to believe, is that we have different concerns (obviously). What I don't see are roving bands of uneducated, armed, mostly white, racist woman-haters slinking around our lands whispering death wishes upon all who might appear somewhat different. Quite the opposite, so I'm lucky. I also don't see roving bands of transvestites seeking out kindergarten classes in which to stage a sit-in of some sort. Lucky again! I also wanted to say, and this sounds so fucking obsequious that I can hardly stand it........I am sorry that some of you are experiencing such fear and anger. I understand it well. It does *not* feel good. To see one's country making decisions that you do not agree with absolutely sucks. Do I believe that 97% of your fears will come to pass? No. Fundamentalists (on all 'sides') do not run this country (imo). CRAP. I totally promised myself I was going to be breviloquent and I caved on that faster than it usually take me to dig the Reese's with caramel out of my top drawer. Anyway, my 'Feels' are happy, optimistic, but reserved. Link to comment
Soapy Goddess January 16 Share January 16 5 hours ago, FilmTVGeek80 said: No one is twistinig your words. You seem to have a problem with people calling out the misinformation you post and correcting it. That's not twisting your words or attacking. It's called fact-checking. It would be nice if you could attempt - instead of blithely referring to people's genuine concerns as "doom and gloom" - to employ some of that empathy you were talking about earlier. Repeating something over and over again doesn't make it true. This thread was not created for one faction. It's only fact-checking when the wrong party feels they're correct. Even the internet doesn't always get it right. For instance, people can watch the same show and see two totally different things. It happens all the time. I DID have empathy from day one. Go back to the night of the election and a few days thereafter. I strived to understand your (collective) POV, but that wasn't good enough. And it's no fun trying to defend yourself continuously. We should also be allowed to speak our minds, but many on the right are not comfortable joining the fray. Now you're joking. Of course this thread was made for one faction. That's why it is called "The Feels". Trump supporters don't talk like that and would never use that terminology. 2 Link to comment
Yeah No January 16 Share January 16 32 minutes ago, Soapy Goddess said: We HAVE! And we are totally ignored. It truly makes me wonder what direction PT'er is heading toward. Do they want us to continue barking at each other, or are they changing their "rules" regarding respect and inclusivity?? I have said this twice already, but there is nothing stopping you or anyone from starting a thread to celebrate Trump's win or to gripe about what bothers his supporters politically. Admin. does not need to be asked. The only reason this thread was started by the admin. is because before this the entire board had a no-politics policy so no one would do it. Now that the policy appears to have changed I see no reason not to start one of your own. The worst thing that can happen is that it will be taken down, but I don't know if I'd assume that right off the bat. I will say this - I don't like the vitriolic tone of some of the responses to you here, but unfortunately it doesn't look like they are going to stop or that anything will be done to stop them. And with my history of being a target of similarly vitriolic responses, I feel for you and hate to see you at the receiving end of them even if I don't agree with you. Although I will say that most of what I have seen said to you here has been in my opinion very civil and respectful, especially @Avaleigh's. 2 minutes ago, Soapy Goddess said: All I was trying to convey at the very beginning was at least TRY to give him the benefit of the doubt. I mean he hasn't even taken office yet, and the hate started immediately after the election was called! Look, I'm not so ignorant that I don't understand some people's fears. That goes without saying. In fact, there are a few things that concern me, but I have faith that he has learned his lesson and will take a different approach this time around. I prefer to remain optimistic rather than spew hate to the opposing side. I'm a big believer in giving someone the benefit of the doubt. I tried to do that when Trump won the first time but I didn't get very far with that before he did things that ruined it for me. Like the "good people on both sides" comment and the way he started acting about the pandemic, which are only the first two things of so many more that I can't even list. I lost my 92 year old father to Covid in the early days of the pandemic (early April of 2020) and took it very personally when Trump was showing himself to be essentially a science denier who did not heed the warnings of the medical experts or support action that could have prevented more deaths. The politicizing of mask mandates, which he used to his advantage, and his general ignorance of and downplaying of the virus in general, especially after he got Covid himself, felt like a personal slap in my face. It was unforgivable, and I know of many people who lost loved ones in the pandemic that felt the same way. This woman speaks for me and I remember seeing this right after it was posted. It still reduces me to tears. Unlike you, I don't have faith that Donald Trump has changed in a positive way, especially after hearing some of the stuff that has come out of his mouth recently, much of which has already been discussed here. For me, it is already not going in the right direction. I personally think he was trying to act more "presidential" in his first term, especially given his appointments. But now I feel like he's doing whatever he wants and doesn't care how it looks or comes off, or who it benefits other than himself. He doesn't even have to worry about getting elected again so he's not even concerned with that. 8 Link to comment
Soapy Goddess January 16 Share January 16 4 minutes ago, Yeah No said: I will say this - I don't like the vitriolic tone of some of the responses to you here, but unfortunately it doesn't look like they are going to stop or that anything will be done to stop them. And with my history of being a target of similarly vitriolic responses, I feel for you and hate to see you at the receiving end of them even if I don't agree with you. Although I will say that most of what I have seen said to you here has been in my opinion very civil and respectful, especially @Avaleigh's. I agree wholeheartedly. And I have acknowledged Avaleigh's kind & respectful post, as I have to another poster (she knows who she is, so I won't name names). 1 Link to comment
FilmTVGeek80 January 16 Share January 16 (edited) 2 hours ago, Soapy Goddess said: Sorry, but not everyone supports the party. Many just support the man. And there were those who voted for the lesser of two evils. You can't paint everyone with one brush. The man is the party now. He's just as full of hate. 2 hours ago, Soapy Goddess said: Oh please with criminal charges. Only the Dems can prosecute a man for fucking a whore. It's pure bullshit. They've been after DJT for the last 8 years. They were bound to make something stick. It is not pure bullshit and it is not about him fucking a whore (hilarious that you're looking down your nose at Stormy Daniels when 45 is a bigger whore than she could ever be.) It was about him falsifying business records, which many people are prosecuted for. He was found guilty by a jury of his peers. Sorry if you think that doesn't count because you want to give him the benefit of the doubt. They've been after him because he's a criminal, pure and simple. 2 hours ago, Soapy Goddess said: Do you really believe that if Trump didn't run for a second term that they would have wasted resources prosecuting him? The answer would be no. So he listed his hush money in the wrong column. Big fucking deal. You all know they've been after him, looking for something to stick, and they found it. I guarantee if he would have walked away quietly, the trial never would have come to fruition. Yes, they would have prosecuted him because he's a CRIMINAL. The only reason the criminal announced he was running as soon as he did is so he could use that as an excuse. Why do you think it's not criminal to knowingly steal classified documents and then refuse to turn them over and try to tamper with evidence? Why exactly should he not be prosecuted for that? Trying to steal an election is a crime. He did it and what I can guarantee is anyone else in his position would have been charged. But, he got away with it, so you should be happy about that. 2 hours ago, Soapy Goddess said: While the thread was opened by the TPTB in September, it didn't explode until the NIGHT of the ELECTION. This is when the attacks started, and that's a fact. That fact doesn't prove the point you're trying to make. It was created in September BEFORE the election. The fact that it exploded after doesn't mean it was created for one side or the other. 2 hours ago, Soapy Goddess said: The monkey see, monkey do quote was for civilians who can't make up their own mind and must listen to their favorite celebrity to see who to vote for. That's what all the fuss was about with the billions of dollars given to celebrities by KH for their endorsement. DJT didn't do it because as you know, NOBODY was outwardly admitting to voting for Trump (must less endorse him) so your statement doesn't apply to my quote. While they were of much, MUCH lesser quality - 45 certainly wanted celebrity endorsements and got them - Dennis Quaid, Hulk Hogan, Kid Rock, Amber Rose, etc. 1 hour ago, Soapy Goddess said: Here's my take on people who are spewing their Trump hate based on his first term. As we all know, he didn't have the political expertise when he won his first term. He definitely wasn't presidential. That goes without saying. But I, along with others, are hoping that things will be different for his second term. All I was trying to convey at the very beginning was at least TRY to give him the benefit of the doubt. I mean he hasn't even taken office yet, and the hate started immediately after the election was called! Look, I'm not so ignorant that I don't understand some people's fears. That goes without saying. In fact, there are a few things that concern me, but I have faith that he has learned his lesson and will take a different approach this time around. I prefer to remain optimistic rather than spew hate to the opposing side. If people wanted to "spew hate" simply for his first term that would be entirely justified. Your job history informs people of whether or not they want to give you another chance. So his record was horrific enough. Then you add on the fact he's an adjudicated rapist and felon and that's worse. Add on that he tried to steal an election. Add on that he riled up his base and set them on the capitol and didn't care if they killed his vice president. Why should anyone give him the benefit of the doubt? And what has that benefit of the doubt gotten his supporters? The main reason they claim they voted for him was because of the economy. His main bright idea to "fix" that are tariffs that anyone with a brain bigger than 45's knows won't fix anything. He claimed he could get grocery prices down with a snap of his finger. Oops. He's already backtracked on that. He claimed he could end the war in Ukraine, day one. Oops. Backtracked on that one, too. It's almost like he's someone who constantly tells people what they want to hear just as long as he gets what he wants. Do you know why the hate started immediately? BECAUSE OF WHAT HE PROMISED TO DO TO GET ELECTED. Fine, you want to ignore his first term. Are people supposed to ignore the things he's done and said in the last four years? Are we supposed to ignore him threatening to jail his opponents? Him threatening to sic the military on ANYONE who disagrees with him? Are we supposed to ignore him threatening to defy the constitution and go after birthright citizenship? Are we supposed to ignore him treating immigrants like lesser life forms? Are we supposed to ignore him threatening to with hold aid from blue states? Genuine question - what in the last four years shows that he's learned any lessons? Though you are certainly right that he's taking a different approach. Instead of surrounding himself with competent people who are more loyal to the Constitution, he's trying to surround himself with incompetent people with no experience. The only thing that matters is if they can kiss his butt sufficiently enough. Sorry not sorry, I'm not going to be spreading positivity about someone like that. 1 hour ago, Soapy Goddess said: It's only fact-checking when the wrong party feels they're correct. Even the internet doesn't always get it right. For instance, people can watch the same show and see two totally different things. It happens all the time. I DID have empathy from day one. Go back to the night of the election and a few days thereafter. I strived to understand your (collective) POV, but that wasn't good enough. And it's no fun trying to defend yourself continuously. We should also be allowed to speak our minds, but many on the right are not comfortable joining the fray. Now you're joking. Of course this thread was made for one faction. That's why it is called "The Feels". Trump supporters don't talk like that and would never use that terminology. This isn't KellyAnne Conway and alternative facts. Facts are facts. There aren't two sides to it. You've been fact-checked when you've posted inaccurate information. Empathy shouldn't have a shelf life. No, I'm not joking. Only you continue to insist that this was made for one side and refuse to look at what was posted by the mods. Whether you believe their stated goal at the top of this thread is irrelevant. Your claim that the title isn't what a 45 supporter would use isn't proof, either. Edited January 16 by FilmTVGeek80 10 11 Link to comment
tres bien January 16 Share January 16 (edited) I will never forgive the voters who put this man back in office. He alone lead to the overturning of Roe v Wade and took gleeful credit for it Edited January 16 by tres bien 11 2 7 Link to comment
Spartan Girl January 16 Share January 16 (edited) 3 hours ago, tres bien said: I will never forgive the voters who put this man back in office. Neither will I. And for those who are going to be annoyed we we say “I told you so,” we aren’t doing it be smug, we do it because we tried to warn you and we’re PISSED you didn’t listen. Edited January 16 by Spartan Girl 22 2 Link to comment
tres bien January 16 Share January 16 (edited) And to all the no Trump no Isreali/ Hamas ceasefire people. Good have it your way. When deal goes south you have to take credit for that too Edited January 16 by tres bien 10 Link to comment
Popular Post Annber03 January 16 Popular Post Share January 16 5 hours ago, Soapy Goddess said: Sorry, but not everyone supports the party. Many just support the man. And there were those who voted for the lesser of two evils. You can't paint everyone with one brush. As noted, Trump has taken over the party. And even if he hadn't, the party's platform is the same as the one he's been running, so either way, his voters are still supporting questionable people and policies. And if people honestly think Donald "attempts a violent coup because he can't deal with the fact he lost an election" Trump was the lesser of two evils, then ad best they aren't paying attention. At worst they're totallly okay with and fully support a president exhibiting authoritarian rule. Neither option makes them look good. Quote Ronald Reagan was also a celebrity, so what's your point? Yes, and thanks for proving my point even further for me, which is that for all the right's talk about how celebrities should stay out of politics, they sure seem happy to vote a lot of them into political office, up to and including the highest office in the land. Quote Oh please with criminal charges. Only the Dems can prosecute a man for fucking a whore. It's pure bullshit. They've been after DJT for the last 8 years. They were bound to make something stick. As noted elswhere, the Democrats were "after" him because he, y'know, committed crimes. But way to totally be dismissive of those criminal charges - which I will remind you were not just about Stormy Daniels, but also his general shady/illegal business dealings and his attempts at election interference up to and including, once again, his attempted violent coup of a democratic election. Call me crazy, but I think people should be charged and persecuted for that stuff. Don't you? Also, "only the Dems can prosecute a man for fucking a whore" - I'm sorry, did you completely forget the GOP going after Clinton for his affair with Monica Lewinsky back in the '90s, or...? You know, back when they still tried to paind themselves as the party of "good Christian family values"? 2 hours ago, tres bien said: I will never forgive the voters who put this man back in office. He alone lead to the overturning of Roe v Wade and took gleeful credit for it 1 hour ago, Spartan Girl said: Neither will I. And for those who are going to be annoyed we we say “I told you so,” we aren’t doing it to me smug, we do it because we tried to warm you and we’re PISSED you didn’t listen. Ditto all of this. There was absolutely no valid excuse or justification for supporting and voting for Trump. None. January 6th should've been the official nail in the coffin of his political career, and the fact that it wasn't and that people are just..allowing him to come back and be president again is a massive stain on our country and all it claims to stand for. It's embarrassing and shameful and there's no reason it should be happening. And anyone who thinks we still deserve to give Trump a chance after the events of January 6th? Nope. Not happening. He doesn't get a pass after pulling that. Nobody should. And it really pisses me off that he gets to have the flags at full mast next Monday. Because god forbid this overgrown toddler not get his way for once. 10 1 15 Link to comment
bluegirl147 January 16 Share January 16 Here is Trump's blacklist. People he says he doesn't want in his administration. The only I think would even consider working for him would be Nikki Haley. But for the other ones it's like being told you aren't invited to a party you didn't want to attend anyways. I can only speak for myself but when someone who has different political beliefs than me as long as they aren't obnoxious about it I can talk to them and have a debate. As long as it's about policy. But tone matters and for me the issue is people not just happy Trump and Republicans won but they seem to want him to go on his grievance tour and punish people he and they think wronged him. If Trump does in fact make things better and my definition of better is strengthen the ACA, keep inflation in check which means no tariffs, don't use for profit prisons as a way to keep undocumented immigrants here and be used as slave labor, leave marriage equality alone and stop chipping away at our democracy, I will say I was wrong about him. But I don't have high hopes for that and the reason I don't is Trump's own words and actions. And the fact he is liar. But if he turns out to be just as bad as he was his first term and he has made things worse by doing everything I listed then I hope his supporters can admit they were wrong. 10 1 Link to comment
Popular Post Dimity January 16 Popular Post Share January 16 With regard to the Felon and Daniels it will never make sense to me that the right calls her a whore but the man who was cheating on his pregnant wife with her is signing bibles and is considered admirable. Party of family values? Ok. 8 2 2 14 3 Link to comment
bluegirl147 January 16 Share January 16 11 minutes ago, Annber03 said: But way to totally be dismissive of those criminal charges - which I will remind you were not just about Stormy Daniels, but also his general shady/illegal business dealings and his attempts at election interference up to and including, once again, his attempted violent coup of a democratic election. I'm reading a book about that trial and it was absolutely election interference. Trump only cared if his tryst with Stormy Daniels was exposed before the election. He himself said if it came out after the election it wouldn't matter if people cared about it or not. He was only worried about voters thinking he was a pig since the Access Hollywood tape has just come out. 3 minutes ago, Dimity said: With regard to the Felon and Daniels it will never make sense to me that the right calls her a whore but the man who was cheating on his pregnant wife with her is signing bibles and is considered admirable. Party of family values? Ok. It is always the woman who is denigrated never the man. 9 2 1 Link to comment
tres bien January 16 Share January 16 Only a mean girl would have an blacklist of people he doesn’t want in his administration and have to call them stupid mean girl names He is unacceptable and unfit to hold any office. He can’t even pretend to act mature If I hear one more person defend him, his crappy policies or the former Republican Party, I’m going to ignore you. You do not deserve one minute of my life to be spent on you 8 10 Link to comment
tres bien January 16 Share January 16 For the I support the man not the party or visa versa people. There’s no such thing! 8 Link to comment
bluegirl147 January 16 Share January 16 4 minutes ago, tres bien said: For the I support the man not the party or visa versa people. There’s no such thing! I think that is called a cult. 10 1 Link to comment
Spartan Girl January 16 Share January 16 16 minutes ago, tres bien said: If I hear one more person defend him, his crappy policies or the former Republican Party, I’m going to ignore you. You do not deserve one minute of my life to be spent on you Ditto to anyone that tries to defend their decision to vote for Jill Stein or skip voting completely. 6 8 Link to comment
fairffaxx January 16 Share January 16 16 minutes ago, tres bien said: If I hear one more person defend him, his crappy policies or the former Republican Party, I’m going to ignore you. You do not deserve one minute of my life to be spent on you The ignore function is so soothing, I recommend using it. 9 2 2 2 Link to comment
Cementhead January 16 Share January 16 31 minutes ago, tres bien said: Only a mean girl would have an blacklist of people he doesn’t want in his administration and have to call them stupid mean girl names His own personal Burn Book. That's so fetch. 3 1 8 Link to comment
Yeah No January 16 Share January 16 1 hour ago, tres bien said: For the I support the man not the party or visa versa people. There’s no such thing! The Republican party sold its soul to him so there is no distinction now. But even if one could separate them out they are both just as bad in different ways. I just can't get over how people make excuses for him and compartmentalize his offensive, nasty, mean spirited comments and behavior like they are irrelevant or not to be taken seriously. A man's character directly influences his words and behavior. If the behavior is rotten then his character is too and vice versa. And both are equally as important. If someone shows themselves to be fundamentally morally bankrupt in some ways, they will be in others too, and no amount of spin would ever make me believe otherwise. This is a person that's not to be trusted. And no, religious right, God does not make deals with the devil for the purpose of good. It doesn't work that way. You are rationalizing your own sins with that delusion. It boggles my mind that people want to turn themselves inside out to find reasons to believe in and trust this person that has proven himself over and over again to be all in it for himself and motivated by bigotry and hate. He has conned them into thinking that he will protect their selfish interests and would never turn his back on THEM, but if the chips were down THEY would be the FIRST people he'd screw over and leave in the dust. Mark my words. I have been a student of human nature and character my whole life and on this type of thing I have never been wrong. It saddens me that so many people refuse to see the light. They will pay for it and their selfishness in one way or another. 12 2 Link to comment
PRgal January 16 Share January 16 This ought to be fun to watch....a bunch of grown-ups (mostly men) acting like middle school kids. Maybe someone should tell them they're acting like 12 year old GIRLS. 2 2 Link to comment
bluegirl147 January 16 Share January 16 2 minutes ago, Yeah No said: If someone shows themselves to be fundamentally morally bankrupt in some ways, they will be in others too, and no amount of spin would ever make me believe otherwise. I remember when the Bill Clinton/Monica thing happened. Republicans were losing their minds because they said it showed what an immoral man Clinton was and that made him unfit to be president. They used the lying under oath to impeach him but they thought his indiscretion with Monica was enough. And how many of those same people handwave away all the moral failings Trump has had? 17 2 Link to comment
bluegirl147 January 16 Share January 16 18 minutes ago, PRgal said: This ought to be fun to watch....a bunch of grown-ups (mostly men) acting like middle school kids. Maybe someone should tell them they're acting like 12 year old GIRLS. 12 year old girls are going to be asking you for an apology. 8 2 4 Link to comment
Yeah No January 16 Share January 16 (edited) 26 minutes ago, bluegirl147 said: I remember when the Bill Clinton/Monica thing happened. Republicans were losing their minds because they said it showed what an immoral man Clinton was and that made him unfit to be president. They used the lying under oath to impeach him but they thought his indiscretion with Monica was enough. And how many of those same people handwave away all the moral failings Trump has had? I know, I was thinking about Bill Clinton when I wrote that, but Trump's actions aren't just moral failings in my opinion. With Trump there are many things that can be added up to show that it's more than that with him, but comes from an extreme selfishness and hatred at the core of his being. Bill knew he did wrong and addressed his failings. That's because Bill Clinton has a conscience. Trump will never do that. He has no conscience. He thinks his behavior is acceptable. And he's conned millions of people into buying into that or rationalizing it in one way or another. And many of those same people still find fault with Bill Clinton over Monica. It's insane. Once when I was a teen I had a crush on a guy that turned out not to be such a nice person. I turned myself inside out to ignore what I saw him say and do in order to continue to believe that he was the "answer to my problems", but after a while I woke up and could not continue in that delusion. I had to ignore too much of my common sense and the gnawing feeling in my gut to accomplish it. If I had gotten involved with that guy nothing good would have come of it, in fact probably the opposite. I would have been left with nothing and feeling betrayed. Thank goodness I woke up before I allowed that to happen. It's a lesson I learned young. I can't believe so many much older people haven't learned it yet. Edited January 16 by Yeah No 15 1 Link to comment
Ohiopirate02 January 16 Share January 16 25 minutes ago, bluegirl147 said: I remember when the Bill Clinton/Monica thing happened. Republicans were losing their minds because they said it showed what an immoral man Clinton was and that made him unfit to be president. They used the lying under oath to impeach him but they thought his indiscretion with Monica was enough. And how many of those same people handwave away all the moral failings Trump has had? Newt Gingrich was leading the charge against Bill when he was actively cheating on his second wife with a staffer 20 years his junior. He also cheated on wife #1 with wife #2 when wife #1 was battling cancer. 12 2 4 Link to comment
tres bien January 16 Share January 16 (edited) Here’s the thing. I don’t think there’s one person in the Trump/MAGA/republican party that is a person of character or has a moral compass. They show us every day with their words and actions. They don’t feel an ounce of compassion. The policies and laws they put into effect that do nothing to help the people they work for. Being evil and uncaring is just another day at the office The confirmation hearings this week were so telling of who they are Edited January 16 by tres bien 10 7 1 Link to comment
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