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Season 03


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This was a pretty good episode - I was hesitant about it at first as episode 1 already dealt with white supremacist terrorism, and so when it looked like the episode was going down that route I didn’t think it would be good, but once it turned into a gang murder for hire it became more interesting. 

I think the hitman did the shooting at the party hoping to disguise who his real target was, but he failed to hit his real target. I didn’t get why he didn’t leave NYC immediately after the shooting, maybe he was sticking around to try to kill Gabriel again? 

I immediately thought Gabriel would be involved in the plot after his first scene but I wasn’t sure how. 

I also wondered if Valentina was going to be more involved than she let on, but it turned out they didn’t do a last minute twist, but I didn’t have an issue with that as I liked how it played out. 

I loved Scola undercover as the repair man and I liked their plan to have Ian cut out the signal to the TV in order to get inside the house and get the evidence against Jose, that was a good plan, perfectly executed. 

As for Nestor, I still don’t care for him, he seems smug and I didn’t think it was his place to be ordering Maggie and OA around. He did come through in the end for them, but there’s something about him I dislike and distrust. 

I really like how they’ve balanced the screentime amongst the characters this season - everyone has gotten a decent role, and I like the analysts that work in the office, as I’ve said before, it now feels like a real team effort with a lot of people working together to solve the cases, whereas in season 1 it all too often felt like it was all Maggie and OA with no one else. The show has improved tremendously since season 1. 

I did notice there was no mention of the events of the last episode or of them trying to track down the cartel leader, I think they are saving that for the season finale or a crossover with Most Wanted. 

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So, a Latino bad guy has the latino outside piece of his Latino girlfriend murdered by a hitman. Annnd the hitman is a white supremacist. Because. And to make matters worse, he uses a semi-automatic pistol! Just like every other pistol shown throughout the entire show. Just like every pistol in the entire world which isn't a six-shooting revolver or a flintlock dueling pistol. But let's vilify and demonize it anyway.

10 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Valentina must only wear leather pants day and night.

Just imagine the stink!

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Question: On Law & Order, evidence gets thrown out all the time, because someone (not the police) gets the evidence without a search warrant and the defense claims that they were "an agent of the police" ((even if the police didn't have anything to do with it) and therefore, it was an illegal search). How is this (the taking of the gun out of a locked safe) not the same thing?! In fact, the law enforcement (ie FBI) told her to do it!!! Are the rules of "search and seizure" different for the FBI????? They certainly didn't have enough evidence for a search warrant (someone thinks they remember seeing a gun similar to the murder weapon is the only supporting evidence)

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The promo for "FBI: Most Wanted" had me thinking the show was out of commercial break and they were are part of the search for the Grace. Not well timed CBS!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Maggie should have had one of those analyst do a thorough back ground check on Nestor the moment he asked her out. She should not have been surprised about the kids.

If I'm a parent, I'm not waiting at a hotel while the FBI search the woods.

Young Lucy following Ben by herself to taunt him without the other kids! Sure! Sounds to me like Lucy had a secret attraction to Ben.

Once they mentioned Lucy's death, I immediately thought of a relative getting revenge on the Harris family. Wasn't buying Ben being the suspect at all.

Druggie Ray Parkins has a real good memory to remember Ben's face 20 years later.

Ray Parkin had a lengthy rap sheet and still got a job at SNY. Must be a desperate company.

Ray Parkin couldn't look decent for his ID photo? I know you are a mechanic but have some pride in your appearance. Should be kissing the ground they gave you a job!

Since when does the FBI allow the family to pay the ransom? I thought banks immediately notify the FBI when someone makes a withdrawal over $100,000?

Was Maggie wrong for agitating Ben while he had a gun to the wife? He could have shot her easily.

Ray got two shots off to Maggie! Where was OA, Scola and Tiffany to back her up?

I wanted an extra 10 minutes to find out if Ben's wife left him after finding out about his past.

I actually cheered when they found Grace. I am losing it!

Edited by mxc90
  • Love 6

Another really good episode - I liked all of the detective work from everyone it took to solve the case, each character got a nice role, and it was an intense, suspenseful case. The whole team worked really well together to solve the case, and the show is on a consistent run of strong episodes. 

I also immediately suspected that a family member of the girl Ben killed was responsible for the kidnapping, and I didn’t think Ben was responsible. Still the twists were good and I liked how the investigation proceeded. 

I wondered how Ben was able to hide his past from his wife so well, and how he was able to turn his life around after he got out of the juvenile prison enough to go to college and get a law degree. And I also wanted to know whether Ben’s wife would dump him or not, I know she let him hug the daughter at the end but who knows if they stayed together, I somehow doubt it, I don’t think I could stay with someone who was a murderer and hid it from me. 

I couldn’t help but feel some sympathy for the kidnapper, given that his whole family was torn apart after his sister’s murder, but kidnapping an innocent child was inexcusable and they had no choice but to kill him when he fired at them. I didn’t feel much sympathy for Ben, while he may not have meant to kill the girl he still did and his character just wasn’t likable -the real victims in this tragedy were the kidnapped girl and to a less extent Ben’s wife. 

I didn’t give a shit about Nestor’s scenes - I’m not fond of the character and I don’t really care about his relationship with Maggie. Those scenes were just filler. 

Overall this was another strong episode with a good case and a nice role for each character. 

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Since when does the FBI allow the family to pay the ransom?

How would they prevent you? It's your money, right? Does the Police State say you can't use it to recover a missing loved one?

10 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

I don’t think I could stay with someone who was a murderer and hid it from me. 

I'm not sure if causing an accidental death is properly classified as "murder".

As soon as the counter flap went back, I was hoping SA Tiffany Wallace would take two rounds to the gut. Just because all the script writers character-building tough-guy stupidity from someone as tough as a wet Kleenex deserves a fitting response.


10 hours ago, mxc90 said:

The promo for "FBI: Most Wanted" had me thinking the show was out of commercial break and they were are part of the search for the Grace. Not well timed CBS!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Your post (which glimpsed before I started watching) lead me to believe this was a 2-episode cross-over with "FBI: Most Wanted", which... ghaaaa! Because FBIMW is... ghaaaa! 


Edited by Netfoot
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I hate the standard M/O on all of these procedural shows.  When you see the perp and he's like 20 feet away then yell FBI.  Couldn't Maggie get a little closer?  And then of course she killed him.   They always kill the kidnapper so then it's a race to find out where the kidnapped person is.

I'm thinking Maggie and Nestor are going to be history soon enough.

I agree how did the kidnapper even recognize Ben as an adult...bald head and all.

The FBI Wanted commercial was right in the middle of the search in the woods.  When I saw the guys face I thought...hmm crossover.

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20 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

Another really good episode - I liked all of the detective work from everyone it took to solve the case, each character got a nice role, and it was an intense, suspenseful case. The whole team worked really well together to solve the case, and the show is on a consistent run of strong episodes. 

I also immediately suspected that a family member of the girl Ben killed was responsible for the kidnapping, and I didn’t think Ben was responsible. Still the twists were good and I liked how the investigation proceeded. 

I wondered how Ben was able to hide his past from his wife so well, and how he was able to turn his life around after he got out of the juvenile prison enough to go to college and get a law degree. And I also wanted to know whether Ben’s wife would dump him or not, I know she let him hug the daughter at the end but who knows if they stayed together, I somehow doubt it, I don’t think I could stay with someone who was a murderer and hid it from me. 

I couldn’t help but feel some sympathy for the kidnapper, given that his whole family was torn apart after his sister’s murder, but kidnapping an innocent child was inexcusable and they had no choice but to kill him when he fired at them. I didn’t feel much sympathy for Ben, while he may not have meant to kill the girl he still did and his character just wasn’t likable -the real victims in this tragedy were the kidnapped girl and to a less extent Ben’s wife. 

I didn’t give a shit about Nestor’s scenes - I’m not fond of the character and I don’t really care about his relationship with Maggie. Those scenes were just filler. 

Overall this was another strong episode with a good case and a nice role for each character. 

Ben is not a murderer, he was a kid and it was an accident. Not that the girl's family would care about the distinction.

On another not I don't like Maggie, she has that whole arrogant know it all thing with her.

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On 1/27/2021 at 4:47 PM, mommalib said:

Ben is not a murderer,

I thought that when they brought it up in the war room, the tech spec said that he had been convicted of murder when he was 12.  Don't really remember, though.

Once again, agents in a dark motel room using their flashlights.  That light switch on the wall serves a purpose, you know.

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19 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

I thought that when they brought it up in the war room, the tech spec said that he had been convicted of murder when he was 12.  Don't really remember, though.

Once again, agents in a dark motel room using their flashlights.  That light switch on the wall serves a purpose, you know.

I think they did say he was convicted of murder but they wat Ben explained it was that it was an accident. He was explaining that he's not a killer.

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I don't want to say I told you so but I knew last episode that Maggie and Nester were going to be kaput.  She's so intense.  I bet she never has any fun.  I kind of liked Nester today.  He was badass.  Even OA liked him. 

And then once again we have the stupidity of this show wherein they are not close to the perp and they yell FBI, giving him a chance to run.  Lucky for them those cars were right there to corner him.  I shake my head every episode at this! 

This last episode with the bomb had me really nervous at the end.  I knew they would diffuse it but my heart was in my mouth.

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When Nestor was first introduced last year, he wasn't this crazy/bold/unstable. After the holiday break, it seems the writers figured what they wanted to do with him and just went from 0 to 60 with his attitude.

Plus, he got way too much screen time and action tonight. Is this his show now writers?

Just like the last episode, it ends with Maggie rejecting Nestor. Is the show going for the Nestor kidnaps Maggie route? I would be pissed if he gets physical with her.

Nestor doesn't know what rejection means, he'll buy Maggie a new car and propose marriage next week.

All that blood on the street and did the multiple NYPD officers decided to not follow or were just blind to not see it. Their sole purpose/focus was to make sure the tow truck was called!!?!????

At the aunt's apartment, OA had his head down by the door when Nestor (behind him) saw Damon run. Bad job on OA for not being attentive. Could have been shot.

Damon couldn't remember four numbers and had to write it on hand?

The club scene was so cringe. Everybody in the club and the bartender should have seen Maggie/Tiffany with Clint's phone and warned him.

Scola and Tiffany arrive at the warehouse and did not bother call for back up? They smell an odor and still decide to go in without any covering on their faces to expose themselves to whatever toxic fumes was in there.

How many times was "white" mentioned? Must have set a record.

Every show, the bomb squad is always 2 - 4 minutes away. How bad is the traffic on these shows?

If Wilkerson thought he would be long away from the bomb, why would he build it with an off switch? 

Is this the first time we got names to go with the other analyst (not including Elise)? Their roles seems to be increasing.

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I liked the case, for the most part, but I’m fucking sick of Nestor. He pissed me off constantly tonight with his reckless behavior, and I’m sick of him hogging the screentime. The show’s called FBI - not the Nestor Hour. 

The case was really good up until it turned into another domestic terrorist group situation - between this show and Most Wanted, they’ve done too many of those plots lately, I would prefer more episodes of more “regular” crimes being investigated instead of endless plots about domestic terrorists. I really liked the episode for the majority of it, the investigation was really good and everyone got a nice role, but I lost interest when it became another domestic terrorist situation and we all knew the bomb wasn’t going to go off at the end. 

But my main issue was Nestor - he got more screentime than anyone and he annoyed me constantly, and I hope this is the end of him, I do not trust him and I’ve found him smug since the beginning and tonight he seemed borderline controlling with how he signed the lease on the apartment despite Maggie being unsure of whether she wanted to move in with him. I’m hoping Maggie dumps him after this, I don’t like him and he’s taking screentime away from the main characters, all of whom I really like. So please let this be the end of the Nestor show. 

And to answer the above poster’s question - we’ve heard the names of the other analysts before, Jubal has called Ian and Kelly by name many times. 

So this was probably my least favorite episode of the season - it wasn’t a bad episode by any means, but Nestor getting more screentime than anyone plus another domestic terrorist group situation made the episode weaker in my book. 

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1 hour ago, LakeGal said:

I started to think Nestor was going to be killed or badly hurt this episode.  They were spending so much time on him.  I just don't like the guy.  It is his smile that just seems so smug.  

Cannot stand Nestor and his smug, creepy, I'm so badass, death wish self.  I hope that's the last we've seen of him.  

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1 hour ago, Netfoot said:

I really enjoyed this episode, because it was all about White Supremacy, which is a plot direction I haven't seen at all in every episode of every cop show on every channel in the entire fucking world. 

Nestor got a new house so he and Maggie I don't care.

One of my favorite posts I've seen in a long time!  I rolled my eyes when the show went there AGAIN-- omg, is no one in charge noticing how repetitive??   And I love how your sentence about the new house just trailed off into I don't care.  

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13 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

I liked the case, for the most part, but I’m fucking sick of Nestor. He pissed me off constantly tonight with his reckless behavior, and I’m sick of him hogging the screentime. The show’s called FBI - not the Nestor Hour. 



But my main issue was Nestor - he got more screentime than anyone and he annoyed me constantly, and I hope this is the end of him, I do not trust him and I’ve found him smug since the beginning and tonight he seemed borderline controlling with how he signed the lease on the apartment despite Maggie being unsure of whether she wanted to move in with him. I’m hoping Maggie dumps him after this, I don’t like him and he’s taking screentime away from the main characters, all of whom I really like. So please let this be the end of the Nestor show. 

This. Also whenever Maggie is angry at him it looks very convincing but when she relents and smiles at him it looks forced and unconvincing (not just in this episode but also before). There is zero chemistry between them which makes his presence on the show perplexing.  

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Once again the basic premises of the plot didn't make a lot of sense to me.  The ammonia tank was stored in a customs area (not a chemical plant as the description said) presumably being held for inspection before being imported into (or exported from) the US.  The two men attacked were customs agents (CBP on their jackets).  Ammonia is exported or imported in large volumes in tankers, not in little two wheel trailers pulled by pickups.  I guess the only reason they did it this way was to give the show an excuse to have the FBI investigate a/c the dead federal agent.

There are easier ways to get ammonium nitrate besides making  it: buy or steal ammonium nitrate fertilizer.  Also, the bomb looked much more sophisticated than that bunch of meatheads was capable of making.

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On 1/25/2021 at 8:44 PM, NYGirl said:

hated the macho es macho? fights between OA and her boyfriend..(don't know names)  I can't imagine the real FBI being like that.

I'm just now getting to this episode.. But to me OA was just an asshole.. And Rico takes precedence.. And while the epi just ends.. I wish just once a tv show would actually show how bad it gets after a case as big as the one our heroes interrupted gets... The east coast meeting canceled tge work of tons of agents shuttered because OA needed to get "justice"... 

I've spent the better part of my almost 26 year old tv watching life.. Seeing plot after plot of gang affiliated record producer or hip hop artist or basketball star... Every possible version of Arabic/ Muslim extremist... Tons of Latinx led cartel stories.. But for about a year plus we get an uptick in the also very real militant white supremacist stories... And folks are mad mad... 

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On 2/9/2021 at 8:29 PM, Xeliou66 said:

But my main issue was Nestor - he got more screentime than anyone and he annoyed me constantly, and I hope this is the end of him, I do not trust him and I’ve found him smug since the beginning and tonight he seemed borderline controlling with how he signed the lease on the apartment despite Maggie being unsure of whether she wanted to move in with him. I’m hoping Maggie dumps him after this, I don’t like him and he’s taking screentime away from the main characters, all of whom I really like. So please let this be the end of the Nestor show.

I think the concentration on him, etc., was to drive home the point that Nestor is way too cocky for his own good. That he's not a "team player" and refuses to listen to the people he works with, which carries over to his personal life. 

At one point, she was telling him not to go after the bad guy and to wait for backup or something, but he totally blew her off and ran out there on his own.

It wasn't borderline controlling that he signed the lease, it was straight-up controlling. It was him bringing his lone wolf persona into his personal life. An extension of his earlier speech about how he wasn't lucky, he was doing the right thing.

Nestor is 100% about Nestor. He doesn't listen and just does what he thinks is right. He gets a real charge out of it.

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1 hour ago, Sweet Tooth said:

I think the concentration on him, etc., was to drive home the point that Nestor is way too cocky for his own good. That he's not a "team player" and refuses to listen to the people he works with, which carries over to his personal life. 

At one point, she was telling him not to go after the bad guy and to wait for backup or something, but he totally blew her off and ran out there on his own.

It wasn't borderline controlling that he signed the lease, it was straight-up controlling. It was him bringing his lone wolf persona into his personal life. An extension of his earlier speech about how he wasn't lucky, he was doing the right thing.

Nestor is 100% about Nestor. He doesn't listen and just does what he thinks is right. He gets a real charge out of it.

Agreed 100% with your assessment of Nestor. He’s an arrogant prick and I’m sick of him. I hope this is the last we see of him. 

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On 2/11/2021 at 3:49 PM, UnoAgain said:

I've spent the better part of my almost 26 year old tv watching life.. Seeing plot after plot of gang affiliated record producer or hip hop artist or basketball star... Every possible version of Arabic/ Muslim extremist... Tons of Latinx led cartel stories.. But for about a year plus we get an uptick in the also very real militant white supremacist stories... And folks are mad mad... 

Tell me about it. 

  • Love 9
On 2/11/2021 at 6:49 PM, UnoAgain said:

I've spent the better part of my almost 26 year old tv watching life.. Seeing plot after plot of gang affiliated record producer or hip hop artist or basketball star... Every possible version of Arabic/ Muslim extremist... Tons of Latinx led cartel stories.. But for about a year plus we get an uptick in the also very real militant white supremacist stories... And folks are mad mad... 

And it's not like white supremacist domestic terrorists tried to overthrow the government last month, or that the (real life) FBI says that white supremacist extremists are the biggest threat to the country or anything, no, of course not...

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The writers brought some serious WTFs this week! At least they were smart with NO Nestor! 

Where would these agents be without cameras? They would never solve a case.

55 year old Janine pulled off all these hits by herself? She is in some shape to throw a brick through a window (with some force) and quickly run to the front to be ready with a precise shot/dead center to the forehead. Then she goes to Marcus' apartment, throws a brick and shoots him. She didn't stick out like a sore thumb there? Then she goes to Thomas' office in Crown Heights, throws a brick in broad daylight, shoots Thomas and there's no witnesses? 

Couldn't ring the door bell Janine?

I don't feel sorry for Tiffany's ex-friend  Jemila whose brother was put away. He sold drugs to high school kids. Too bad he got 10 years (should have gotten more). Tiffany shouldn't feel guilty for doing her job.

Is Tiffany the only one that has to made to feel guilty about her job or the tactics in the JOC? There are other black analysts there, they couldn't speak up? I would like to have seen her have a conversation with Isobel about this.

Jubal could have had a better conversation with Tiffany. If he noticed she was bothered by this he could have pulled her off the case.

No one noticed the gun Thomas had in his waist from the protest outside Logan's home? Not his detractors or the local news? 

There's footage of Marcus getting beaten and this never made the news or no protest???!!!

How far could have Cody gotten from the bar Maggie? Make an effort to run after him. And she didn't learn her lesson when she saw him at his apartment. She yells FBI far away and (of course) he runs! Scola and Tiffany did what Maggie should have done......pull up/guns drawn/no chase/arrest!

Tiffany and Scola will be better partners after this. 

At least Logan Reed has the perfect excuse to miss the Rubin's dinner next week.

Edited by mxc90
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I had mixed feelings about this episode -

On one hand, I’m sick of the constant political themed episodes, I get enough politics in real life that I get tired of it on tv and while I get that white supremacist groups and domestic terrorists are a big threat, I would like a greater variety of cases, between this show and Most Wanted, they’ve gone to this well too often. 

On the other hand, I did think the case had a good investigation and I thought each character had a good role and I liked that we got more of a look at Tiffany and Scola this week. I understood where Tiffany was coming from with her frustrations about DHS and all, but I thought they did the right thing at the end and I liked Scola’s comment that victories come with costs but it’s still a victory. I like the Tiffany and Scola partnership and I liked them getting more focus tonight. 

I also liked how Jubal said things could only work well if each agency worked together and cooperated, he’s right about that, and I liked how he was very cool and calm throughout the situation, it’s one reason I like Jubal a lot, he’s calm under pressure and has a cool demeanor. 

I did call the mom as the killer once they arrested the son and it was clear he didn’t do it. 

No Nestor!!!! I really hope that douchebag is gone for good, I got really sick of him. 

So this episode was a mixed bag - I liked getting more focus on Scola/Tiffany and the case was solid, but I just wish they would go away from the political stuff more often. 

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Just once I'd like to see the agents' reaction when the first words a suspect says is "I want to have my attorney present during questioning."  It always seems that every crook they pick up starts talking right left and center after the first question.

Probably not a good idea to yell out "FBI! Put your hands up!" in a crowd of protesters, especially if you're not wearing any identification and they already think you're the bad guys.  They're lucky the NYPD didn't shoot them first.  And that dumb DHS agent opens the door just because someone says "FBI, open up."  I'll bet he got an ass chewing later on for not seeking authorization first.

12 hours ago, mxc90 said:

She is in some shape to throw a brick through a window

Hey, you sling enough beers at the bar, eventually you build up those arms. 

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Here is the synopsis for S03.E08, "Walk The Line", airing on March 9, 2021:


After a bomb leaves three people dead, the team presses a reluctant informant to gather information from his close friends who are under suspicion. Also, OA finds tension in his relationship with his girlfriend, Mona, when they clash on where the informant’s rights lie.

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Well at least they cornered the bad guy the right way instead of yelling FBI from 50 yards away, causing a chase.

I didn't like this episode and I really felt sorry for Vega, especially because they really didn't have good intel that it was them.  What did they think?  That the restaurant owner was going to say..."oh yeah I planted the bomb" when talking to a guy he just met?

Maggie was so self-righteous in this episode.  OA was so torn.

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15 minutes ago, NYGirl said:

Well at least they cornered the bad guy the right way instead of yelling FBI from 50 yards away, causing a chase.

I didn't like this episode and I really felt sorry for Vega, especially because they really didn't have good intel that it was them.  What did they think?  That the restaurant owner was going to say..."oh yeah I planted the bomb" when talking to a guy he just met?

Maggie was so self-righteous in this episode.  OA was so torn.

Maggie usually is self-righteous, I don't like her. I do like Tiffany and I liked her little pep talk to OA.

  • Love 6

No Nestor again. Good! Was Rina necessary? I guess they need someone to be the bad agent. No way our stars can fill that role.

Now it's OA turn for guilt.

Good to see a scene of OA and Tiffany bonding. She processed her experience quickly from last week.

Poor OA! Rina got the last word on him and Mona is shutting down any "bedroom" action for the foreseeable future. 

I can understand OA's frustration on the FBI's tactics but the first person the FBI went after was the white school professor.

Does Philip Stafford look "Middle Eastern"? The professor who didn't want to look like "the bad guy", set the FBI on the wrong path anyway. His girlfriend made the right choice dumping him.

What intelligence on Hassan from the FBI? Rina has been monitoring him for years. Never got anything on him. Then they just took a big leap to make him the main target. A lot of people could fit it that description.

Too bad Hassan doesn't have good memory to recognize well dressed Tiffany in his restaurant earlier as the junkie who wanted some food.

That was some serious niceness Hasaan showed Tiffany after she pulled the race card on him. She looked shocked by his gesture. I would loved to have seen a scene of her putting doubt on Hassan being the target to her bosses. Tiffany probably showed up the next day for the free food.

A good showing for some New Yorkers tonight. They completed their tasks to the end and did not just steal the $1,000/watch/Infiniti from the fool.

That small phone from the car delivered some loud sound and maybe some people thought it would be a good idea to get far way from the car. Only to have the bomb go off next to them. That's a very low early April Fool's trick from Stafford!

These writers referenced the "Nashville" incident from December quickly. 

Edited by mxc90
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This was a decent episode, I liked the twists and turns it took and the investigation was good and everyone got a nice role. 

I did have a couple of questions - how did the guy who stole the car for the bomber, and the professor who was the witness, think the bomber was Middle Eastern, he didn’t really look Middle Eastern? And why were they so sure the restaurant owner did it, they had no real evidence against him? 

I had mixed feelings about OA and Maggie’s argument, I thought OA did have a point about how the informant sort of got a raw deal, but I thought he was letting his personal feelings get in the way of his job some, 3 innocent people were dead and a bomber was on the loose and catching him should be the first priority. 

I liked the scene between OA and Tiffany at the end. 

I liked seeing Rina again. 

I have a feeling this will be the end of OA and Mona’s relationship, I wonder if she will appear again.

No Nestor!! Awesome, I hope that douche is gone forever, never to be mentioned again!! 

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