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Rainbow Hearts and Unicorn Stickers: A Positivity Thread

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I am genuinely happy the show was renewed. And I gotta say that (at least) five seasons for a fantasy show on a broadcast network is not something that happens a whole heck of a lot, so for as much crap as we give the writing team and for as much as I may not always agree with what the show does, I do believe they deserve major congrats and all kinds of credit for creating and producing something that's resonated with so many people for so long.

I agree. Other than Lost (which can may or may not be considered fantasy), I can''t think of a fantasy show that has been going on as strong as OUAT on a major network.


Also, as far as the finale

I'm going to have to start cosplaying, because EF/Pirate Emma is giving me life. And I can't wait to see DarkCharming in action.


Also, also. My speculations for the finale are very different to others I've seen. I won't say now, in case I'm completely wrong, but I when I say "I KNEW IT!" in the live thread, you'll know. :)

Edited by ABitOFluff

Not specifically about the show itself, but I really like how much the cast and crew of the show care about each other and enjoy each other's company both on and off set. I think it makes all the difference in the world when a series is made by people who value one another like that. As frustrating as this show can be, I find it easy to root for and I think this is one of the reasons why.

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There seems to be two kinds of romantic relationships on TV. There's the kind that is fated and rushes like a freight train to the end game. Then there's the kind that is purposefully set to never go anywhere and to remain an ambiguous flirt fest for all of eternity. One thing I love about Captain Swan is that it doesn't fit into either category. It's an organic relationship complete with dating, closeness, time and tribulation. It's earned and it's not laid out on a silver platter. At the same time, it progresses slowly but surely. For these reasons, it feels so real and I feel that is one part of the show that's been largely successful.

  • Love 9
There seems to be two kinds of romantic relationships on TV. There's the kind that is fated and rushes like a freight train to the end game. Then there's the kind that is purposefully set to never go anywhere and to remain an ambiguous flirt fest for all of eternity. One thing I love about Captain Swan is that it doesn't fit into either category. It's an organic relationship complete with dating, closeness, time and tribulation. It's earned and it's not laid out on a silver platter. At the same time, it progresses slowly but surely. For these reasons, it feels so real and I feel that is one part of the show that's been largely successful.

Yes to all of this. I just had this conversation with my mom this weekend. We were talking about some of the skewed morality we've been seeing in books and TV lately, and I used this show as an example. I guess I got pretty heated about all the things that make me upset about this show, and she asked why I bothered watching. My immediate response was that Captain Hook is really cute, and she agreed with me there. Then I sad that he had one of the best bad boy-to-hero redemption arcs I've ever seen, and I liked watching the way the character has progressed and want to see more of how he continues to develop, which is one reason I can't quit the show. Then the other thing I came up with was the relationship, which so far has defied all the usual TV relationship tropes that make me hate most TV relationships. While he's a bad boy turning his life around, she didn't save him or change him with her love. He may have been inspired to change in part by her, but she didn't love him until he had already changed and had more than proven himself. They didn't get stuck in the eternal will they/won't they cycle, full of all sorts of contrived obstacles and misunderstandings so that the couple never actually gets together until the series finale. Even the stuff that seemed like it would be a contrived obstacle, like the kiss curse, turned out not to be (they already weren't kissing, so him not kissing her didn't slow anything down, she was mad at him for about an hour, and then she didn't hesitate to do CPR to save his life, and she didn't blame him when she lost her magic). But they're also taking their time and letting the relationship develop somewhat organically. They didn't do my pet peeve, going straight from first kiss to bed. They spent a reasonable amount of time as friends, a reasonable amount of time in the stage I'd call "affection," then a fairly reasonable amount of time as a couple before the word "love" came up too much (he's used it when talking about her, but it's been indirect). Most of the conflicts they've dealt with have been between them and the outside world, with them as a united front, rather than differences between the two of them. They're each other's biggest fans and supporters, and they have faith in each other. It's the rare TV relationship in which I can imagine them actually working in the real world and lasting.

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Captain Swan turned out to be such a lovely couple, and, perhaps more importantly, allowed both characters to grow and become better people, even outside of their couplehood. They just make each other better, not in a "I want to fix what I don't like about you" kind of way, but in a "you inspire me to be a better, more open person than I thought possible". They just bring out the best in each other, but also show no pressure or judgement. They love each other, warts and all, but are both convinced the other one is the most amazing thing ever, and needs to know that. Plus, the faith they have in each other is a beautiful thing to witness. 

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With the news of Rebecca and Sean being made regulars and

Merlin, Arthur and Guinevere being added

, I've been seeing alot of complaints. I don't really get the problem. Lost continued to add people to their main group (yay Juliet!) and were still able to give everyone a decent amount of screen time. Once has pretty much exhausted the backstories of the core group. I would be bored only seeing stories about Emma, The Charmings and Regina at this point. They have to expand the story and the universe. 


I chooses to remain positive until the writers f*** the show up beyond redemption. For me it hasn't gotten to that point yet.

  • Love 2

With the news of Rebecca and Sean being made regulars and

Merlin, Arthur and Guinevere being added

, I've been seeing alot of complaints. I don't really get the problem. Lost continued to add people to their main group (yay Juliet!) and were still able to give everyone a decent amount of screen time. Once has pretty much exhausted the backstories of the core group. I would be bored only seeing stories about Emma, The Charmings and Regina at this point. They have to expand the story and the universe. 


I chooses to remain positive until the writers f*** the show up beyond redemption. For me it hasn't gotten to that point yet.


at least we're not getting a new big bad with a tragic back story that will be defeated by the end of the first half season!


While I don't love the whole pregnant Zelena thing, I don't have too much issue with the character or Robin being made regulars. 


My happy thoughts is that with Rebecca and Sean being regulars means maybe we'll have Regina dealing with them and not whatever is going on with Emma. lol


And yes we need more back stories on Emma, Hook or even Will. Anything not Regina, Rumple or Snowing please.

Edited by mjgchick

From reading spoilers and just letting the anticipation gel up, I'm excited about Dark Emma. For such a long time this show has been about "react to a new villain!", but now there's a major change concerning a main character. I'm really glad its not "Oh noez! Morgana is in Storybrooke! Time to plow through Camelot!"

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 3

The depiction of Ariel is like the cartoon came to life, and I love that they managed to keep her slight ditziness and not quite fully getting humans. Also, the person who decided after her introduction that Hook would be the person in the main cast she'd interact with the most deserves a medal. Against the other Disney princess types she's cute, but it could easily get cloying. But throwing her perky goodness against Hook's darker and edgier (but still with that kernel of goodness) self is such a fun dynamic. I'd love to see more of it because that goody-goody but maybe also a little bit bratty kid sister/jaded (but still hopeful) big brother vibe they have is so much fun. I wouldn't want her as a regular because she'd get old fast (there's only so much perky one can take), but her popping up for the Hook centrics is fine with me.

  • Love 6

^ i love the Hookriel brotp (or interactions) too. In fact, most of my favorite relationships/interactions include the seafaring/pirate/I-don't-know-how-to-define-it folks.

Hook, Ariel, Smee, Peter Pan, Ursula, Poseidon, Blackbeard, I'll throw in young Baelfire too...I love all their interactions.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to the Rumple/Emma stuff this season. They haven't really interacted for a while.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
  • Love 4

I love how Hook always seems to end up an episode with either a Disney Princess or in Elsa's case Queen going on some adventure. In fact I love that Hook always prefers teaming up with women good or evil.

I too can't wait to see the Emma/Rumple scenes as well as learning about the The Dark One.

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As much as part of me is dreading the DarkSwan storyline, my one glimmer of hope comes from seeing how exciting Jennifer Morrison is about the plot and how hard she has worked to invest the whole thing with depth and integrity. Rooting for her as an actress and hoping she gets lots of juciy material to work with is making me feel more positive about season 5.

  • Love 3
Hook, Ariel, Smee, Peter Pan, Ursula, Poseidon, Blackbeard, I'll throw in young Baelfire too...I love all their interactions.

It would be fun to have a nautical-related arc in which Ariel, Ursula, Poseidon, and Blackbeard all play a big role with Hook, and then we can have young Baelfire and Peter Pan in the flashbacks.


Continuing on my effort to be positive, one other character that I love in the way they brought her to life was Tinkerbell. Yeah, the pixie dust thing sucked and I'm not sure I can forgive her for inflicting Outlaw Queen on us, but the present-day Tink and even the bit we saw in the one Neverland flashback with her was wonderful. I love the way she looked so much like the cartoon version after she'd been through the wringer and had been living rough for a while. Jaded, cynical, borderline murderous Tink was just wonderful, but then I also like when her hope was restored. There was one moment in the scene in the church, just before she was able to fly again, when the camera focused on her face and she was so beautiful and radiant.

  • Love 3

One of my absolute favorite bits in the whole series was in season one when Ruby walked away from Granny's and Henry was trying to help her find a new job. All his suggestions were jobs involving her carrying things in baskets, and she had no idea why. That was one of those great little "fairy tale characters in the real world" bits that they've mostly forgotten to do.

  • Love 4

I thought I'd challenge myself and say all the positive things about... 2B.

* Cora. I love her as a villain and she's still my favorite Big Bad.

* The Miller's Daughter. It's still one of my favorite episodes of the show period. Great characterization and interaction with Rumple.

* Cora/Eva feud. Maybe others don't find it as iconic, but the scene at the funeral with Cora talking over Eva's body was a nice villain moment to me.

* Welcome to Storybrooke flashbacks. While I despise the present day and the Woegina pandering, I liked seeing the early days of Storybrooke.

* Lacey. It was a fun episode in of itself, both past and present. A good centric for Rumpbelle.

* The Evil Queen flashbacks. As much as this is a "poor Regina" staple, I give the show credit for exploring the idea of her disguising as a peasant and seeing how Snow really is. It's a shame it was misused so badly.

* Bae's Neverland flashbacks. So amazing!

If anyone else has some positive things to say about something we usually complain about, feel free to pitch in!

Edited by KingOfHearts
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My positive feelings toward this show almost entirely revolve around Hook scenes, but l'll also throw in my second favorite character: Young Baelfire. His Neverland flashbacks with Hook have already been mentioned, but I pretty much adore all of his scenes. I think the actor does a great job, and the Rumple/Young Bae relationship is one of my favorites on the show. While the writers have spent a lot of time and energy showing us Regina's descent into evil, I actually find Rumple's story with Bae a lot more compelling.

  • Love 3

I'm trying to stay positive, but whenever I come on the threads here it's hard. I love snark as much as anyone, but everything has become so negative. I feel like if there's a spoiler that has the name "Regina" in it or doesn't have "Hook" in it, everyone flips. I am really looking forward to the show coming back, so maybe I should just stay out of the spoiler discussion thread for a while.


I will stay hopeful for the new season!

  • Love 7

I thought I'd challenge myself and say all the positive things about... 2B.

* Cora. I love her as a villain and she's still my favorite Big Bad.

* The Miller's Daughter. It's still one of my favorite episodes of the show period. Great characterization and interaction with Rumple.

* Bae's Neverland flashbacks. So amazing!

I'll play along!

For 2b I agree about The Miller's Daughter being a highlight, as well as Cora (still probably my favorite villain) and the Young Bae flashbacks in the finale (probably some of my favorite flashbacks in the whole series).

I'll do the rest of the "B"s too (seeing how they're generally regarded as the weaker halves by many.


-I liked how Charming seemed to get slightly more focus (or it felt like it).

-the finale was awesome of course

-I liked Witch Hunt quite a bit. It had mystery, a bit of action with the monkeys, and a lot of the secondary characters got in a quick cameo after a longish time of not appearing

-I liked the concept of how they linked the 3 ingredients to the Wizard of Oz mythology (the execution of the concept is a whole 'nother ball game).


-Cruella was queen

-I can't bring myself to hate Maleficent. I liked how she was "burnt out" when it came to be being a villain

-I like The Apprentice, the Author, and Lily as characters (just not the story lines they were tangled up in)

-I liked the different feel of "Lily" and enjoy the episode as long as I focus on the episode itself and not the fandom concerning it.

-I liked Ursula's backstory. I wish we could have seen more of her in the present though. She's still alive, so maybe we'll see her again!

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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I love how they finally decided to send the crew to another land for a half season. The main characters aren't allowed to wear fun dresses and costumes and ride horses in boring ol' Storybrooke, so I'm glad Camelot gives them that outlet.


This, this, 100x this!  Also, I appreciate how they made Camelot being "only a CG model" actually make logical sense...it doesn't look realistic because it's meant to look unrealistic, Arthur magicked it up so that nobody can see the broken kingdom it still remains underneath.  So the obvious CG isn't as distracting here as it was in other realms.

Edited by Mathius
  • Love 1

* Cora. I love her as a villain and she's still my favorite Big Bad.

* The Miller's Daughter. It's still one of my favorite episodes of the show period. Great characterization and interaction with Rumple.

* Cora/Eva feud. Maybe others don't find it as iconic, but the scene at the funeral with Cora talking over Eva's body was a nice villain moment to me.

* Welcome to Storybrooke flashbacks. While I despise the present day and the Woegina pandering, I liked seeing the early days of Storybrooke.

* The Evil Queen flashbacks. As much as this is a "poor Regina" staple, I give the show credit for exploring the idea of her disguising as a peasant and seeing how Snow really is. It's a shame it was misused so badly.

* Bae's Neverland flashbacks. So amazing!

Along with all of these (which I agree with), I'll throw in Mulan and Aurora's interaction together, Hook/Cora as a team, and the tie between Aurora, Snow, and Henry because of the sleeping curse as the only things I enjoyed about that season as a whole.


3B and 4A are my favorite arcs after the first season, so I'll just make positive lists for 3A and 4B.



- Pan as a villain was great, and they picked the perfect actor for the role. I liked that his backstory was not sympathetic at all.

- The shadow and all the Darling scenes in London. Wendy was very well-cast.

- Ariel. Of course what they did with her was been-there-done-that Snow on the run, but the actress managed to make it interesting despite how stale the plot was. Too bad Eric was a fail.

- Henry as The Heart of the Truest Believer. I'm not a fan of Henry, but I liked this role for him, especially since he's the one who jumpstarted the plot season 1.

- Child Rumpel, even though I'm disappointed they never went back to his relationship with the three ladies (who I thought at the time would turn out to be the Fates).

- Tamara and Greg being killed immediately.



- Cruella. So surprised they made her work. Her backstory episode was phenomenal, especially since it played on this show's tendency to give woe-is-me backstories for the villains.

- Ursula and Rumpel sharing an apartment together.

- Maleficent. I was never a fan of the actress they chose in season 1, but she grew on me during this arc. Her chemistry with Regina and her focus on finding her daughter both made me like her.

- Ariel's cameo.

- Geppetto giving Regina a verbal smackdown.

- The Zelena reveal--especially Gold looking like he's about to wet his bedsheets.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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Dark Emma is fun and I really am enjoying the storyline. The Camelot arc is ok but what I really enjoy is the establish characters reacting to Emma the Dsrk One both on Camelot and Storybrook. I also like the reverse Emma and Regina with Regina being the one to pull Emma back from the darkness. I like irony.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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Hello, fellow seekers of ye old bright side! I had to come over here, because I realize that some of the other threads were feeling a bit like it did exactly this same time last year. Funny.To avoid any possible spoilers:


True. for fans of Hook and Emma, 4x11 lacked the payoff many of us hoped for. Nothing can make up for that particular episode. But, the writers did give us some good moments in 4B and some incredibly awesome moments in 5A. And, I think there's more to come.

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