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Unverified Intelligence: The Speculation/Wishlist Thread

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So... No Eyes guy.

This seems to be a fairly dead on analysis of who he probably is: http://comicbook.com/2014/12/10/agents-of-s-h-i-e-l-d-is-the-character-in-the-midseason-finales-/

The thing is whether or not Reader's entire backstory is along for the ride too. If so, that means a new major player, Ennilux Corporation, besides Hydra and SHIELD. And that makes a kind of sense if you think about it, because it leaves the MAIN Inhumans on the shelf a bit longer for the movies, and keeping them on-tap seems like a Win-Win for Marvel.

  On 1/28/2015 at 8:14 PM, FurryFury said:

Did he? I thought part of the reason he got killed off was him being a regular on another show.

But I admit, I had the same thought about Steve's blood - it really looked like a Chekhov's gun.


The B Plot in Carter seems possibly more tied in with SHIELD than the blood - Russians mysteriously ripped apart like in Hunan .And the future Mrs Zabo was debriefed by Peggy personally so I think there is more chance it will wander that way .

  On 1/28/2015 at 7:48 PM, Eegah said:

After Peggy Carter hid Steve's blood in her wall on Agent Carter, I'm hoping it gets dug up on AoS to give someone some kind of power. Maybe even bring Trip back to life, given how even the actor complained about the role getting cut short.

I put in the Agent Carter episode thread that I think the probable Levitation agent Dottie will get the blood and it will become part of the Winter Soldier project.

The Support Group has nothing to do with Hydra, AIM, Leviathan, 10 Rings or any other known group, although may have been infiltrated by them. Its an anti alien group born out of the Battle of New York.

Mac being a tech and not a field agent is not able to shield his emotions and is likely gone like Grant Ward when the truth about Skye comes out. Bobbi will either turn double agent ot stay undercover for the Support Group.

Agent 33 has to be Madam Masque. She seems like a villainous fit for the Netflix series coming up

  On 2/28/2015 at 4:50 AM, ottoDbusdriver said:

What they didn't show was Dottie in a rowboat under the bridge with a big funnel catching all the blood.  Hey, it could happen.  And it's no stupider than Skye being an Inhuman.

Someone posted on tumblr that Steve's blood in the water explained the rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I nearly busted a gut laughing so hard.


In terms of speculation on AOS, my guess is that Bobbi and Mack work for whatever organization that Momma May works for. Last season Momma May dropped that at least "her organization" wasn't in trouble.  I would bet that Momma's org is looking to take over SHIELD and has sent her finest in to secure Fury's toolbox because she/they find SHIELD now incompetent.  

  On 3/8/2015 at 5:02 PM, HistoryGirl said:


In terms of speculation on AOS, my guess is that Bobbi and Mack work for whatever organization that Momma May works for. Last season Momma May dropped that at least "her organization" wasn't in trouble.  I would bet that Momma's org is looking to take over SHIELD and has sent her finest in to secure Fury's toolbox because she/they find SHIELD now incompetent.  

If we go with an allied nation's homegrown version of the international SHIELD. there can be the British STRIKE mixed with the counter extraterrestrial SWORD if I am right. X-Men/FOX may have the rights to the Canadian programs since I can only think of Weapon X and May's mom found her in Canada.

  On 4/3/2015 at 10:28 PM, Kromm said:

Can we guess that because Skye basically, albeit under attack, staked a guy, that OlmosSHIELD will now consider her a shoot to kill on sight threat?


That's probably the mover to get Bobbi (and possibly Mack) on the other side.

I think she was under a kill order anyway .The guy she took out crept up behind her with a real gun,safety off and a bullet chambered,and aimed it at her head.

I'm guessing that no matter what Bobbi(who was probably the only one using her ICER) said Calderon had ordered them to use real guns and kill her on sight - question is is it off his own bat or did Weaver (whose experience might have made her an 'ist) or Gonzales give the order.

  On 4/4/2015 at 1:19 AM, Humbugged said:

I think she was under a kill order anyway .The guy she took out crept up behind her with a real gun,safety off and a bullet chambered,and aimed it at her head.

I'm guessing that no matter what Bobbi(who was probably the only one using her ICER) said Calderon had ordered them to use real guns and kill her on sight - question is is it off his own bat or did Weaver (whose experience might have made her an 'ist) or Gonzales give the order.

You'd think this would figure as an important element, but looking at that scene it seemed JUST as likely that maybe they had him holding a recognizable gun mostly because it looks cooler than an ICER.  I mean if it was really kill on sight at that point him not simply pulling the trigger rather than threatening made less sense.

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  On 4/4/2015 at 1:26 AM, Kromm said:

You'd think this would figure as an important element, but looking at that scene it seemed JUST as likely that maybe they had him holding a recognizable gun mostly because it looks cooler than an ICER.  I mean if it was really kill on sight at that point him not simply pulling the trigger rather than threatening made less sense.

I need to re watch because the sub machine guns looked no different from the icers used at the SSR base to take down Coulson and crew. It is the pistol icers with the silver tip like the toy replicas with a day glow tip where I noticed the difference. And they made  a point of Tomas making sure he had a normal pistol when Bobbi ordered icers only.

  On 4/4/2015 at 1:50 AM, Raja said:

I need to re watch because the sub machine guns looked no different from the icers used at the SSR base to take down Coulson and crew. It is the pistol icers with the silver tip like the toy replicas with a day glow tip where I noticed the difference. And they made  a point of Tomas making sure he had a normal pistol when Bobbi ordered icers only.

And that first gun fired a real bullet ,with the sound of an actual bullet (with a yellow flash )not an ICER round (with a blue flash) that sounds like being fired through a  suppressor .

So, I'm guessing that Linc and the others are going to want to keep Skye sequestered at Afterlife (and what kind of name is that?), and she'll be all "you can't keep me from my family" and find a way to contact Coulson and that will result in various flavors of SHIELD/HYDRA figuring out where it is and blowing the whole Inhuman thing wide open.


Also, is Tripp the new Bucky, in that he's now the only person who doesn't get to come back from the dead?

 I only know of SWORD because it was mentioned as potentially what "real SHIELD" when is was still a mystery.  But could that be the ultimate resolution to the two SHIELDs problem?  That "real SHIELD" stays it own separate organization and morphs into SWORD while SHIELD is legitimately re-formed?  I'm assuming that SHIELD is officially reactivated in Avengers 2. 

No, Tripp is worse off than Bucky. HE got to come back. Though if they wanted to make a case of it, being apparently turned to stone and disintegrated doesn't necessarily mean Tripp's dead. He could have turned into gas or come back as a ghost or something. Okay, so it's not much, but this is a comic book show after all so even seeing him die doesn't have to be the end of his story.

*doubles over*


Ouch, right in the feelings, Eegah!


I hope that next season, they spend more time focused on some of the other, non Skye characters. I actually like Skye, and would be disappointed if she left permanently, but let her be in the supporting cast for a little while. I`m up for more of Simmons, traveling to the past, dealing with her feelings for Fitz, getting powers, anything at all, I`m there. 

I'm hoping that Skye having powers means the show is done with her as the viewpoint character. She was the normal person whose view of super humans was what she saw on the news, then she found out about SHIELD and got all the stuff explained to her so they could explain it to the audience. But once Skye was a full part of SHIELD she didn't need the explanations any more and now that she's Inhuman she's hardly normal. Maybe the show runners will make it more of the ensemble it should have been in the first place, though I have my doubts it will stop being primarily the Skye and Coulson show.


I'd like to either see Coulson show some actual character growth, or just become the side character who gives exposition and orders. Instead he's always inhabited this weird middle ground where he has top billing and main character status, but he's a completely static character. He has storylines, but no real arcs, if that makes sense. Tahiti was a wash, his alien writing arc at the beginning of this season was actually well done, but Theta Protocol ended up being a big wet nothing. I actually liked the Real SHIELD storyline but out of all the characters, Phil somehow ended up the one changing the least from it, which just makes no sense on a narrative level. Did he learn anything from it? Did it make him want to change anything about his style of leadership? Did he even really suffer enough? If he's our protagonist the answers to all of those questions should be yes, and yet I don't feel like any of that happened.

Edited by Fat Elvis 007
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  On 5/20/2015 at 7:57 PM, Fat Elvis 007 said:

Did he learn anything from [the Real SHIELD storyline]? Did it make him want to change anything about his style of leadership? Did he even really suffer enough? If he's our protagonist the answers to all of those questions should be yes, and yet I don't feel like any of that happened.

Well, he *did* agree to serve under the Carrier Council. And he admits to them that they highlighted the flaws in his leadership by a) existing without his knowledge and b) successfully raiding his camp. I forget - did he also list "keeping secrets" as a flaw or just concede that an organization like SHIELD needs oversight? Either way, I saw it as proof of character - he admitted they got him and doesn't seem to be holding a grudge over it.

Coulson's certainly suffered generally at this point. I agree very little of his suffering is directly related to Real SHIELD, but that's largely because of his choices - he was careful not to hurt any of them badly enough to prevent reconciliation.


I have to concur with those who are praising the show for its diversity, especially among the ladies. This has turned into a surprisingly female-driven show. Skye, Simmons, Bobbie, May, Raina, and Xiaying are all completely different and complicated characters who drive the plot, and they all seemed to get more development than any of the guys this season. The gender and racial diversity on this show is definitely one thing the movie division, as well as DC's TV division, could learn from.


I feel like Joss Whedon has had a pretty steady progression of adding more racial diversity in each show he's created, although I suspect the multiple Asian women in the cast can safely all be credited to Maurissa Tancharoen. I've always interpreted her song on the Dr. Horrible commentary trackk as a direct criticism of Whedon himself, since his last effort was Firefly, a show set in an Asian-influenced future in which there were no actual Asian people. Fast forward to Dollhouse, and all of a sudden there are multiple Asians in the cast. Hard to see that as a coincidence.


As for Dichen Lachman, I think, like Eliza Dushku, she is very good at one or two things. She can play the cool, detached badass but she also does casual and fun-loving really well. "Belonging" was the best episode of Dollhouse and while a lot of that is down the writing, Lachman is still the star of that episode and I didn't see anyone criticizing her acting in discussions of it. I also think she seems more natural when she uses her real Australian accent. 


Still, I did think her acting as Xiaying fell really flat more often than not. It seemed to me that this character was maybe just a bit too complex and didn't really fit Lachman's acting style. She also had to give a lot of awkward exposition which is hard to sell without coming off as wooden. I thought she did a good job in the scene where she revealed to Skye that she was her mother, though.

Edited by Fat Elvis 007
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  On 5/26/2015 at 2:55 AM, Raja said:

Some folks are saying Moonstone given the Kree stone origin

Well that would suck given that Moonstone is a real baddie. Really slimy (her origin story is that she's a psychologist who manipulated patients into suicide).  So adapting that to a biologist who ISN'T a manipulative baddie?  It would just be a common set of powers then, I suppose.

  On 5/21/2015 at 1:23 AM, HistoryGirl said:

Awesome speculation on what possibly happened to Simmons. 


I'm partial to alt-world or that-wasn't-really-Simmons-that-got-sucked up. 

I'm not a particular fan of any of those options there as, except for the "she's just trapped like a fly in amber" and "she's being transformed into something that can fight Inhumans" basically ignore the fact that the thing is supposed to be a weapon that can destroy the Inhumans and just dropping Simmons somewhere else just doesn't seem all that hostile... unless its being dropped into someplace immediately fatal, in which case it may as just dissolve whoever it eats directly.


The interesting turn of phrase according the Inhumans though is not that its dangerous to individual Inhumans, but that according to the old stories it can destroy them all. I think that would certainly lend itself more to the "transformed" side of things for Simmons (and plays well with her "I thought of people with powers as abominations" arc in the backhalf by throwing "and now I AM one" atop it). If they're seriously looking at Skye's secret powered people team as a major part of Season 3, then throwing Simmons into it a manner that might be outside her comfort zone (say on the front lines because she gets the power to cancel out Inhuman powers) is the sort of plot I'd expect.


Its a bit of a stretch, but there's a thing called Xerogen Crystals that Kree left behind as a weapon in the comics and was used by the Inhumans to create the Alpha Primatives as a slave race. Only it was intended as a weapon to use against normal humans by the Inhumans, not as a weapon against the Inhumans... but this is the MCU not the comics so they could certainly flip things around.


My guess would be even if they have it do something different, I think there's a good chance the obilisk will eventually be labeled as Xerogen simply due to that term's connection to the Inhumans.

As I recall Gordon said (and I'm paraphrasing) there was an old story of a rock that was a threat to the Inhumans. We, and they, don't know for sure this is one of those rocks or even if it is that it really IS a threat. And for that matter, what would be considered a threat? Does it kill them? That would make it pretty dangerous but also not too effective, since there were Inhumans around for a while near the end and it wasn't able to get any of them. We still don't know why it went after Simmons though considering she isn't, to our knowledge, even Inhuman. Transporting them somewhere could be considered threatening, I suppose, since from an outside perspective it might look like they were disintegrated or consumed. Alternatively, perhaps what the rock does is just negate their powers, either temporarily or permanently, which I imagine at least some of them would consider a threat. .


I'm hoping someone can help.  We missed recording the first 8 or 9 episodes of season 2, although I have the rest.  Where can I view them?  Does ABC plan to rerun them over the summer?  I subscribed to Hulu but discovered that Hulu does not offer ALL of them, only selected ones.  We watched episode 1 for free from my computer and bought episodes 2-4.  $1.99 each.  Any suggestions?  Thanks!

Edited by Ilovemylabs
  On 5/29/2015 at 4:55 PM, Ilovemylabs said:

I'm hoping someone can help.  We missed recording the first 8 or 9 episodes of season 2, although I have the rest.  Where can I view them?  Does ABC plan to rerun them over the summer?  I subscribed to Hulu but discovered that Hulu does not offer ALL of them, only selected ones.  We watched episode 1 for free from my computer and bought episodes 2-4.  $1.99 each.  Any suggestions?  Thanks!

They'll be on Netflix in a couple weeks.


Or you could just employ less-legal methods to get them. Is suggesting that against site rules?

I think the release date for Netflix Is June 11. I was stunned to hear they were going up so soon. Season 1 didn't make it onto Netflix until the first half of Season 2 was almost over.

Even if you don't already have a Netflix account, I'd still go that route as paying for a month of Netflix streaming would be cheaper than buying them a la carte.

  On 5/29/2015 at 10:51 PM, xqueenfrostine said:

I think the release date for Netflix Is June 11. I was stunned to hear they were going up so soon. Season 1 didn't make it onto Netflix until the first half of Season 2 was almost over.

Even if you don't already have a Netflix account, I'd still go that route as paying for a month of Netflix streaming would be cheaper than buying them a la carte.

Thank you all. We do have a netflix account and will be watching for the episodes.  Thanks again!

  On 5/29/2015 at 10:37 PM, MandolinMagi said:

They'll be on Netflix in a couple weeks.


Or you could just employ less-legal methods to get them. Is suggesting that against site rules?


Don't link to any/mention any by name, because that is most definitely not allowed. It's probably best if we mention only legal means of watching episodes.

I also have to agree with the praise in diversity in the cast. I was just thinking about that two minutes ago and the women, in particular, are getting the really meaty plotlines and it's awesome. Typically, it would be the male who would become the Inhuman. It would probably be a male who would be sucked up in a mysterious object and potentially become a weapon for the Inhumans. The two best fighters on the team would be male. Yet....all of them are women, and all of them are kickass. Coulson's the director but there's constant questions about his leadership, which doesn't happen in television unless to spark some really huge dramatic twist. Typically, the 'supposed' bad guy would be redeemed so he could stay on the team and on the show as a regular. Ward is definitely not redeemed and never will be. Also, he'll never get with Skye because she made the smart choice in saying 'hell no. By the way, say hello to my little four bullet friends'. Hunter's boring and he's kind of gotten stuck as just the love interest, which would usually be reserved for a female. Sure, I like Hunter, but the majority of his story this season has been revolving around women. 


The fact is, though the show has had its ups and downs, and it has a lot of flaws, the one thing it absolutely gets right is the female characterization. Skye isn't the Mary Sue that many claim that she is. Maybe for a lot of the first season, but not now. She would be going through what a male lead would be going through. The confusion, the wanting to hide it from people...it may unravel differently onscreen, but Skye was great this season because they gave her a story to tell. 

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