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Judge Judy vs Judge Everybody Else: Compare & Contrast


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Yes, it's the same Judge Mablean.  Just watched an episode.  Hope she keeps the screeching to a minimum.  Hate it when the judge is more annoying than the litigants.


then I caution you about Hot Mess. I wanted to smack the smug smirk off the male Judge's face...............I know people think JJ can be smug, but this guy probably has a BA in Smugness and a Masters degree in Smirks.

Edited by Milz
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I was so amped to watch Hot Bench, since it had the blessing of JJ.  It was rather meh - 3 judges are two too many.  It was distracting to listen to each of the judges give their opinion.  Also, having them go into another room and stand around rehashing the details while deciding the case just slowed everything down.


The case today... the man crying about his dog made me cringe. His tearful face made me laugh instead of feeling empathy.  Why - because the show had the stink of scripted. I've seen some of those scripted court shows and the telltale sign for me is that the people are usually well dressed.  Both the plaintiff and defendant were extremely stylish and polished. Made me go hmmmmmm.   I'll keep watching to see if I just have to get used to this new style of court show, but so far it was underwhelming.

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My Judge viewings are: Judge Judy, People's Court and Judge Mathis (and formerly Judge Joe Brown), and for now Hot Mess. Mathis (and JJB) were "PVR's almost empty/I'm not really watching TV, might as well watch it." viewing, while JJ and People's Court are pretty much "Watch immediately as soon as I'm home" shows.


People's Court is possibly my favorite currently, even over Judge Judy. Judge Milian is pretty no nonsense like Judy, but she usually lets the party's air their grievances, while keeping them on focus. Plus, unlike JJ, TPC isn't technophobic. Not only does she allow (and use) diagrams to make the case clearer, she uses Google Maps (and similar) if it would help, and she's increasingly savy about text messages and such. Milian reminds me of Judy 10+ years ago I think. Her main problem is she can get to shrill and shouty at times. (That and the -er "jokes" Harvy makes on the bumpers. Well having Harvy in general is a negative. )


Mathis, isn't too bad, but he could use more courtroom control. He lets the party's stroke his ego a bit too much IMO, and lets them get into shouting matches with each other way too much (JJB was bad for this as well). Most annoyingly is that Mathis seems to use cases as soapboxes for his personal causes. I don't mind it too much but often times he gets off on a tangent and I hit the FF button.


As for Hot Mess, of the 3 cases seen so far, the show is seriously on the bubble. 3 Judges is 2 too many, and the two female judges seem to be trying to figure out who's goign to be Queen of the bench, while the Male judge is sitting there not really doing much. (Granted the Toilet case, the plaintiff made her case strongly, and the two judges were just seeing who could out joke each other while the guy was just thinking 'I'm having none of this.' ). Maybe today's eps will give him a chance to lead a case or something. But having the Dog case as the very first case was probably a bad idea. It's too emotional of a case to open with. The second episode would have been a better opener overall; maybe followed by a case where the judges have some dissension or something so the Deliberation scenes would work. 


I do like that Sonia is working again (not surprising since IIRC JJB used to be made by Judy's company I think? Or at least they shared studio space or something). But so far, Hot Mess isn't looking good. At least the Judges seem to be more in touch with reality than Judy has been lately.

I watched my Hot Mess episodes last night and I actually enjoyed them - but it would really piss me off to hide out they were fake cases. And the man who started crying because of his dog really made me sad. I'm happy he got his dog back. I did notice the lady defendant squeezed a few tears out at the end but I was distracted by her arms and pecs - she was a personal trainer? Man she was cut.


The toilet one just cracked me up. Nobody could MAKE that stuff up. 

Hey everybody.  I'm glad you're liking the new thread; however, I wasn't very clear with my intentions when I set it up.  The purpose of this thread is to compare Judge Judy and her show to other judges and other court shows.  It's not to talk about other shows without any mention of JJ.


For example:


X court show had a case where a guy was so unprepared that JJ would have thrown the case out but Judge Awesome just went with the flow.  Good.


X court show had a case where a guy was unprepared but Judge Awesome just went with the flow.  Should be posted in X Court Show forum and not here.


Just make sure you're talking about JJ and how that relates to the other shows your talking about.




PS.  I'm not talking about anyone in particular and nobody is in trouble.  You guys are great members and I enjoy reading your posts.  Keep up the good work!

I took a few glimpses at other court shows, but the only one I watch faithfully is JJ, specifically because she gives people the straight talk and beat downs which they desperately need (even if it doesn't penetrate their domes) and which I love hearing.


I really do like Judge Milian, but it's difficult to watch that show without a FF and mute button at the ready due to the unbearable garbage from that slimy, sleezy, shyster, Levin and his half-assed peanut gallery outside, and the dopey crap from the Hall Clown.


I never bothered tuning in again to Judge Joe or Judge Alex because they let litigants yell, interrupt, be disrespectful and fight with each other. I want to see the iron fist that only JJ (and sometimes Marilyn Milian) wields.


In fact, these days, JJ is my only "must watch" show.

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I've found other court shows to be all trying to rip off JJ so none of them ever caught on with me. Judge Millian seems to try too hard to be street or something and the overdramatics turned me right off. I thought since JJ created Hot Bench it might be something new to set for recording but the judges seem too theatrical and dramatic and are overdoing it. 


JJ is getting more and more nasty with litigants, but every time I watch her, whether I agree with her or not, her presentation is natural and there's no manufactured drama at all. 

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I disagree somewhat about TPC copying JJ. TPC had its format settled long before JJ's show started, and while they certainly got their reincarnation because of JJ, Judge Milian has her own flavour and style that has solidified through the years. 


Judge Judy is like the broadsword. She swings in hard and heavy, taking no prisoners and basically being in and out and done. Litigants tend to leave stunned more because they couldn't finish, or even start the big act they had planned out for their case. She has no patience anymore  to listen to stories or to let them prepare their own nooses, so she just snaps them off right off the bat and leaves them floundering.


Judge Milian is a lot more subtle, like a fencing sword or katana. She tends to lure the litigants into a false sense of security, but as soon as they mess up, she's on them in a flash. More than a few litigants end up leaving the courtroom stunned by what just happened because they thought they were winning until the end. She seems to love the Gotch! moments especially and will gleefully pounce as soon as they mess up. 


Hot Bench, the judges are still finding their styles, but so far they seem to be trying to fall into the middle between Judy and Milian. Granted we haven't had enough cases so far to tell one way or another, but they seem to like to give the litigants enough rope, and if they don't trip, they can win. 

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(Judge M) seems to love the Gotch! moments especially and will gleefully pounce as soon as they mess up.


Or after she returns from making a phone call to find out "who is a bald-faced liar" and then begins speaking very softly and winds up reaming out someone with a virulence that would awe even JJ. She ripped a room-renting Craigslist creep the other day so badly he appeared to be stunned as he drifted out in the hall to meet the Clown. It was a beautiful thing to see.


I will be saying goodbye to all of my JJ faves


Sad day indeed. What about the step-dad/Pell grant/rims/old beater car who summoned from JJ the greatest beatdown we've ever seen? Brings a tear of joy to my eye just thinking about it.

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The only two court shows I watch with regularity are JJ and People's Court. I've watched PC since I was a teen in the stone age when Wapner was on and throughout its judge changes (ironically through JJ's husband's stint on the show)  I watch them because the plaintiffs at least have a teensy modicum of sensibility (very rarely do you have a diatribe against the judge in the courtroom without a total verbal smack down (or threat to turn off the mike). I get very easily annoyed at the intentionally ignorant who think they're going to talk over the judge and just want to slap them in the head through the screen.  I guess they equate court with a good therapy/ bitch session - cos in regular court you don't get your say at ALL (at least in my experience). 


A couple of weeks ago I saw JJ on a repeat of 60 minutes from before her JJ show days (as part of that JJ docu). She's been just as ornery as she is now - in fact I think she's way less ornery. I wish I could have seen JM back in the day to compare. 

I disagree somewhat about TPC copying JJ. TPC had its format settled long before JJ's show started, and while they certainly got their reincarnation because of JJ, Judge Milian has her own flavour and style that has solidified through the years. 


Judge Judy is like the broadsword. She swings in hard and heavy, taking no prisoners and basically being in and out and done. Litigants tend to leave stunned more because they couldn't finish, or even start the big act they had planned out for their case. She has no patience anymore  to listen to stories or to let them prepare their own nooses, so she just snaps them off right off the bat and leaves them floundering.


Judge Milian is a lot more subtle, like a fencing sword or katana. She tends to lure the litigants into a false sense of security, but as soon as they mess up, she's on them in a flash. More than a few litigants end up leaving the courtroom stunned by what just happened because they thought they were winning until the end. She seems to love the Gotch! moments especially and will gleefully pounce as soon as they mess up. 


Hot Bench, the judges are still finding their styles, but so far they seem to be trying to fall into the middle between Judy and Milian. Granted we haven't had enough cases so far to tell one way or another, but they seem to like to give the litigants enough rope, and if they don't trip, they can win. 



I think JM toys with them too much sometimes. The case I saw today was a lady suing a plumber. Plaintiff had leaky shower which leaked to the floor below. She called a plumber, didn't get any other estimates. Paid plumber over $6000. Then sues him because she thought he overcharged her. JM drew out the case much longer than JJ would have. JJ would have dismissed the case within 5 minutes and go into wanting a refund after eating a steak or a tuna sandwich. (OTOH, Judge Alex would have spent the ENTIRE show on that one case.)

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Mathis, isn't too bad, but he could use more courtroom control. He lets the party's stroke his ego a bit too much IMO





...yes yes yes to the bolded...I think Mathis is okay, but every case begins with the Plaintiff and Defendant worshiping at the alter of St. Mathis and how he changed their lives and on and on...

...outside of that the only other annoyance is many of the individuals come off like actors...



Mathis is my break as I transition from People's Court to Judge Judy.  Judge Judy and her attitude are still the standard for me...I could watch her all day.  Second is The People's Court.  I'm not sure about everyone else's taste, but I did enjoy Judge Alex and could never get into Judge Joe Brown.

Edited by CyberJawa1986

Judge Joe Brown used to lecture people like JJ does. Only he went 3 steps beyond JJ telling loser men (jobless, 5 children with 5 women, etc) to be men and so forth. JJ doesn't do that. Sure she gives her two cents, and snarks about finding something else to do other than making babies, but Joe Brown used to go on and on.


I liked Judge Alex for the reason that he would explain the law. He wasn't bad to look at either.

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Judge Milian may let them get a snippet out sometime,


She used to let them do anything. I remember one guy who had his entire store of sex products spread out on his desk as though he were at a flea market, and she would allow people to sing or play instruments etc. If she's cracking down on that I'm glad.


 JJ would be "Get that junk out of here" and "This isn't an audition."

I watch JJ, Judge Mathis, and Divorce Court regularly.  Once in a while, I watch People's Court.  Like other have said, Judge Mathis enjoys the ego strokes before the case begins.  Judge Toler (DC) allows people to tell her that she gives good advice, but that's about it.  I can only imagine if someone tried to butter up JJ -- she'd tell them to shut up, and she'd distrust their motives immediately.


Judge Mathis loves to out-hood the people on his show.  For example, a man in a red suit and matching pimp hat came in with a modified George Jefferson walk (dude was old)...the voiceover said he was a pimp.  Well, JM quizzed him--what cities, how many girls, etc.  JM was bound and determined to find that this dude was only a "popcorn pimp."  And yes, I did have to google the term.  JM told him he ain't nothin but a popcorn pimp (in a small town with only one or two girls).  On today's show, he worked in the info about his childhood housing projects and the fact that someone intentionally shot him in the ankle.  


Judge Toler lets the plaintiff and the defendant speak to each other very briefly during some cases; JM nearly brings in a teacart so they can continue their leisurely talk, and JJ shoots flames from her fingertips if they dare to look in one another's direction.  "Eyes RIGHT HERE."  JT does give wise advice and tries to help people.  I even read her book about her mother's anecdotes (it was a short, easy read).  Her "courtroom" obviously has a dress code (unlike the other two), which I think is a nice idea.  


I have to see if there are other court show forums on here...sometimes I have 2 cents about those other shows!  :D

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I think just about all the court shows have boards here now, with varying degrees of activity. It would be nice if there was a way to share threads so we could have this one in common across all of them, but that isn't possible (sadly).


As for how the judges handle cross litigant chatter, you got it bang on. (Though abbreviating Mathis to JM confused me, since that could also fit Judge Marilyn Milian at TPC. :) ). On People's Court, she generally doesn't let them cross talk too much, but she silences them a tad more nicely than Judy does. Unless the litigants insist on getting the last word against the other; then Milian comes down on them like a tonne of bricks. 


I may have said this before, but as far as how Burnable the judges are (IMO) are as follows:


Judge Judy: Quick to burn, explosive. Don't drag things out at all.

Judge Mathis: Slow to burn, almost to the point of being unburnable. Almost impossible to cause to blow up, and if he does blow, he doesn't seem to come down too hard; though he seems to boot from the courtroom if he feels he's reaching his limits.

Judge Marilyn Milian: Slower burn, but when she snaps, you are not safe, not even outside the courtroom.


As for the Hot Bench judges, it feels we don't have enough yet to get their feels but my impressions so far: 

Judge Larry Bakman: Shortest temper of the bunch, but a quiet burn when he does snap. Not likely to shout *too* much (but he does shout).

Judge Acker: Medium burn, but more of a shouter when she has had enough.

Judge DiMango: Due to the others, I don't think we've seen her snap yet; they usually go first. That makes her the mediator somewhat between the three (probably why she's in the middle). If we ever get to a point where she snaps, it'll be epic; whether an epic win or an epic wiff remains to be seen.


*Edit* Discovered I mixed up the Hot Bench female judges.

Edited by Taeolas
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I watch JJ, Judge Mathis, and Divorce Court regularly.  Once in a while, I watch People's Court.  Like other have said, Judge Mathis enjoys the ego strokes before the case begins.  Judge Toler (DC) allows people to tell her that she gives good advice, but that's about it.  I can only imagine if someone tried to butter up JJ -- she'd tell them to shut up, and she'd distrust their motives immediately.


Judge Toler lets the plaintiff and the defendant speak to each other very briefly during some cases; JM nearly brings in a teacart so they can continue their leisurely talk, and JJ shoots flames from her fingertips if they dare to look in one another's direction.  "Eyes RIGHT HERE."  JT does give wise advice and tries to help people.  I even read her book about her mother's anecdotes (it was a short, easy read).  Her "courtroom" obviously has a dress code (unlike the other two), which I think is a nice idea.  


I have to see if there are other court show forums on here...sometimes I have 2 cents about those other shows!  :D



I started a forum for Divorce Court maybe back in July. No one responded to it and I can't find it anymore. 


I love what Lynn Toler has to say to the people in her court:


'Control your fertility'

'Never make a man tell you more than once he doesn't want you' You roll


I love how she proceeds with caution if people are wanting to discuss sexual topics and thanks them for keeping it not icky. 


I can't remember what it was the other day - probably something sexual and she said 'now Mr.... you are backstroking down a river I don't want to be in'

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Judge Mayblean (sp) seems to get the more interesting cases. One was when a man sued a medical transit company because they lost his aunt. She had dementia and he was her guardian. The company was transporting her to a medical appointment from the assisted living facility where she lived, and since they were a person short, she got off the vehicle and was missing for three days. The man had to fly back from London where he was on a business trip.

OMG! I was looking through youtube and found this guy from the UK




He's like a combo of Judge Judy, Judge Joe Brown, Judge Alex, and Judge Milian (with a little Wapner tossed in). He does this annoying "tss tss tss" thing when he wants a litigant to shush up and he tossed out a person in the "public gallery", and he gives "strikes" (yeah like baseball strikes 1, 2, 3 and yur out! type strikes).

Paternity Court is slowly picking up for me.


I think a court show is only as good as the Judge presiding over the cases (hello, JJ, TPC, etc. who have survived while many have disappeared).  The Paternity Court judge is a bit Judge Toler, who I love now, I didn't originally appreciate her when she took over Divorce Court, but it's one of my must watches after JJ and TPC.


The one program I absolutely loathed was "We The People" w/Gloria Allred, is that still on?  Divorce Court was rotated in that shows spot in my local channels about a year or two back...

Well, I really like Judge Millian, Judge Mathis for the more light hearted stories and responses. And the wacky people who come on.

I am beginning to think Judge Judy needs to just retire because she is really out of touch with how things work today and she's often unnecessarily mean and degrading.

I also really enjoy the judge on Paternity Court.  Unlike Maury Povich, she seems to really care about the people on the show and there are often some very touching stories.

Glad Judge Joe is no longer on and is now just peddling some local law firms in commercials.

And let's not forget "Judge" Ross, where the cases are all fake and the acting and rulings are bad.

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The litigants on Paternity Court are bigger messes than the ones on JJ or People's Court. I saw a few episodes and I thought my head was going to explode with the conception calendars, the multiple possible fathers, with the mothers swearing that the alleged father is the father only to find out that DNA doesn't support that (and after she spends the previous 25 minutes telling everyone how irresponsible the guy is).

Edited by Milz
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I was really liking Hot Bench for a while.   It had a JJish feel to it but with less hostility.  I liked how they discussed the evidence with each other before ruling so the audience got to know about texts, emails, and other evidence that we aren't made privy to with JJ.  Lately, however, they are becoming increasingly nasty (which can be entertaining) and more interested in joking around and speaking with each other than actually hearing what the litigants are telling them.  I guess it was just a matter of time before they started competing with each other to be the "star".

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I stumbled across Judge Faith the other day. She looks 14 years old to me. I loathe the shows that are re-enactments or "based on real cases" (cough*Judge Ross*cough) so I searched the intrawebs trying to find out if this is one of them, to no avail. Withholding judgment (rimshot!) until I know more. 


Like many here, I am increasingly disillusioned with Judge Judy, who has gone from feisty older woman who takes no shit from litigants to ill-tempered, out-of-touch one-percenter who does not appear to LISTEN to anyone and makes horribly negative assumptions based on class. I've watched JJ for so long that I don't think I can quit her, but Judge MM on People's Court is a far superior jurist, and for me, better TV (I just can't stand those two tools she's saddled with).

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I stumbled across Judge Faith the other day. She looks 14 years old to me. I loathe the shows that are re-enactments or "based on real cases" (cough*Judge Ross*cough) so I searched the intrawebs trying to find out if this is one of them, to no avail. Withholding judgment (rimshot!) until I know more. 


Judge Faith does hear real cases, a la Judge Judy. (In fact, she names Judge Judy as her idol in this article, which also gives a bit more information about the show) I've really gotten into her show - she hears some interesting cases and doesn't put up with a lot of crap.  


Like many here, I am increasingly disillusioned with Judge Judy, who has gone from feisty older woman who takes no shit from litigants to ill-tempered, out-of-touch one-percenter who does not appear to LISTEN to anyone and makes horribly negative assumptions based on class. I've watched JJ for so long that I don't think I can quit her, but Judge MM on People's Court is a far superior jurist, and for me, better TV (I just can't stand those two tools she's saddled with).

Excellent post!  Especially not being able to quit JJ.  That was spot on!


I like Judge Faith,  too.  Problem there is - I can't stand allowing the "audience" to applaud.  That sends it into faux court world for me.  I think the major clue as to how real is in the closing credits where they fess up to re-enactments.  I'll check Judge Faith on Monday to see what her credits look like.  

On a couple of cases on TPC, while the Judge was scrolling through the litigant’s phone, the phone rang or a text message came thru.  MM laughed and made a comment about the text, on the call she answered and told the defendant's grandson that his grandparents were in the middle of their case.  In each case, she was good natured about the interruption.  I can't imagine JJ taking either of these incidents in stride, without making some caustic comment.

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