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Except Chelsea (and Cole)

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@Scarlett45 Awwwww, I like that one too! They look so cute! I bet Aubree is a great big sister. In real time, I'm sure she got to be more hands-on when she was out of school. 

I had the funniest dream last night!!! I actually dreamed I was watching TM2 during the early seasons when Chelsea was vegging on the couch and missing classes, and I thought, "how lazy can you BE?!" That thought was followed by, "but at least she was a world class gymnast." Then my mind's eye showed me some footage from the "first episode" of TM2 of her in leotard whipping around the uneven bars, and Randy was apparently her coach. I thought about how good it was that he could motivate her to achieve that level of greatness, and somehow my mind was convinced that TM2 was a show about former world class, Olympic material gymnasts who had to drop out because they were pregnant. Haha. Think of Kail as a gymnast!!! ???

But then after I woke up and had a good laugh, it led me back to my usual thought pattern...why can't they find girls who are good role models? Sure, you will never find four great gymnasts willing to throw their career away to get pregnant, but wouldn't it be fun if the next teen mom could be, instead of New Jersey, Teen Mom: Accomplished Edition. Find a gymnast level seven or up, who can whip around the bars for a second of footage and look cool. Then add a basketball player who will lose her scholarship. Third can be a high school valedictorian who will show up for graduation pregnant. Then we can round it out with an aspiring singer or actress who has legit credits to their name already. There would still be a ton of drama, but it would be coming from different sources!

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@Christina87 you're hilarious. I think that will never happen because 1. Girls in that position are less likely to become pregnant and stay pregnant, 2. If they do they are less likely to sign up for a reality show, 3. If they did sign up think of how boring their segments would be? "Typical life" is pretty boring to film day in and day out. 

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13 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

@Christina87 you're hilarious. I think that will never happen because 1. Girls in that position are less likely to become pregnant and stay pregnant, 2. If they do they are less likely to sign up for a reality show, 3. If they did sign up think of how boring their segments would be? "Typical life" is pretty boring to film day in and day out. 

I do think they could make it dramatic, but the girls would have to be ok with editing! I think it would be interesting to see the girl who lost her scholarship struggle to change plans, or the snide remarks behind the valedictorian's back at graduation, or see her have a baby freshman year of college. Sadly though, I think these girls may not be popular because MTV's audience may find them "snobby." Instead of sitting on the couch, this kind of girl would want to work towards her future, and would probably be resentful of where she was. I could totally see the would-be college basketball player working at McDonald's to support her baby and saying, "I could be getting a free education right now and playing the sport I love, but I'm stuck at McDonald's." I could just hear the indignant: "OMG SHE IS SO STUCKUP amirite ain't nothin wrong wit working at mcd's u just such a snobby piece of shit just cause U had a scholarship ain't mean u better n us." These trashy fans would overlook the fact that the girl could just be lounging around, and that some people have higher standards for their lives. 

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On 8/24/2017 at 2:26 PM, ghoulina said:


I have to say, I don't really think Kail WANTS to work, any more than the others. I think she wants to give the ILLUSION of wanting to work. I think she likes the attention and accolades she gets for going to college and obtaining a degree. She thinks it sets her apart. She likes to portray herself as this hardworking "boss bitch". Whether she will actually DO something with any of that remains to be seen. 

Edited August 24 by ghoulina.


I agree completely.  That "presentation" she gave for school was pathetic, and she should have failed.  Instead the teachers are coming in their pants over how she compared herself to Oprah.  Kail is about Kail, nothing else.  

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On ‎9‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 5:34 PM, Scarlett45 said:

@evilmindatwork I think that Chelsea and Maci are both "the best" TMs because their parents actually PARENTED them. Yes they made poor choices as autonomous adults (I think of Maci and her excess drinking) but she was actually parented- given rules, boundaries and expectations by her parents. 

Not excusing their behavior but it's obvious that Catelynn & Kailyn raised themselves (and could've turned out a lot worse when you think about it), Farrah was given finacial support/advantages but the family has their emotional issues, Leah was doing exactly what Momma Dawn wanted her to be doing (minus the cheating on a hard working man), I think if Jenelle didn't suffer from mental health/drug issues she would've been more like Barb- May have made some mistakes etc but would've been a functional human being. Amber....hard to tell, I just think she's foul. 

This is so true. TM is always fascinating to me in terms of how family issues can be cyclical. There is always the person who manages to break out and break the cycle, but the cycle continuing or worsening is far, far likelier barring some sort of combination of mentorship, opportunity, privilege (even slight ones, like a bit better education, or a bit more functional parenting than the previous generation) or simply an individual with an extremely high drive/work ethic or IQ/skill level.

These girls are already very mediocre, with some worse than others in terms of morals and laziness--Catelynn was never going to be anything super-special, nor was Leah or Jenelle, nor was Chelsea for that matter. Add in their generational cycles of whatever--poverty, narcissism, abuse, single parenthood or what have you--and you've got, well, "a Catelynn" or "a Leah." Of course they can be individually blamed for their current behavior, but 'zooming out' also gives an interesting look at, say, why generation after generation stays poor or stays obese or addicted (i.e., why the opioid epidemic exists). If Nova or Jace ends up addicted to drugs or in prison, for example, I will totally get how that happened from watching this show. If Lincoln and Isaac wind up bitter towards women and materialistic, I get why. If Leah ends up with abandonment issues, Kaiser acts out violently to get attention, Ali has major hangups about her disability or Gracie is pregnant by 14, they will be responsible for what they do with that but it will also be incredibly predictable.

I always find the nature vs. nurture argument pretty silly because it's always clearly both, minus some anomalies on either end of the spectrum (really bad or really great). I doubt that Kailyn's personality would have been all that different in a different family, for example, but it might have manifested in just a series of toxic relationships and self-centeredness, rather than toxic relationships, self-centeredness AND three baby daddies by 25.

Amber is the only one I truly can't figure out. Her family never seemed all that dysfunctional and she was raised somewhat normally from what I could tell. She, I would argue, is one of the anomalies on the "holy fuck this person was always going to be a shitbag" end of the spectrum. Maybe she just did so many drugs so early that it permanently affected her.

Edited by Lm2162
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4 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Amber is the only one I truly can't figure out. Her family never seemed all that dysfunctional and she was raised somewhat normally from what I could tell. She, I would argue, is one of the anomalies on the "holy fuck this person was always going to be a shitbag" end of the spectrum. Maybe she just did so many drugs so early that it permanently affected her.

I think both Amber's parents had substance abuse issues at one point, and she was raised largely by her grandmother. Didn't her father die of cirrhosis of the liver or something? I think she had pretty complicated relationships with both of them. 

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14 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I think both Amber's parents had substance abuse issues at one point, and she was raised largely by her grandmother. Didn't her father die of cirrhosis of the liver or something? I think she had pretty complicated relationships with both of them. 

Oh, maybe I remember it wrong then, or made her background different in my mind because of her close relationship with her brother.

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I think she and Bubby may be very close BECAUSE of having shitty parents. Amber is on okay terms with her mom now, but I seem to remember a time when they weren't really in each other's lives. I think she was living with her grandma on her 16 & Pregnant episode. But, of course *I* could be totally wrong!!!

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@Lm2162 I think Kailyn is someone who would've benefited a lot from a better upbringing and family situation. Inately her IQ isn't low, and she doesn't suffer from addiction- during her formative years of she were given emotional stability, nurturing and a chance to pursue interests I don't think she would be so insecure/entitled (I've noticed many insecure people are very entitled), and she wouldn't be such a user because she wouldn't be compelled to get one over on people. Also she wouldn't have been on 16&Pregnant trying to gain a family by getting pregnant. I don't think she'd be the sweetest nicest person alive or anything but her worst traits would be tempered. 

Amber and her brother were close, but neither of their parents were "present" much. Their grandmother raised them. Amber's brother never approved of her abuse of Gary or drug use. 

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6 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I think both Amber's parents had substance abuse issues at one point, and she was raised largely by her grandmother. Didn't her father die of cirrhosis of the liver or something? I think she had pretty complicated relationships with both of them. 

And her mom seems whacked out on something every time they show her. I saw a lot of dysfunction in Amber's family. 

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On ‎9‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 6:25 PM, Scarlett45 said:

This is a cute one. I love the ears and Watson's chubby cheeks. 

Sweet. This is adorable. Aubs loves her little brother. Reminds me of when my younger brother was born. We were 8 years apart. I had moments when I was so annoyed by him, but that is so normal. Overall, we were thick as thieves and I was so over-protective of him. 

Did Chelsea and Cole take their family to that Great Wolf Lodge place? Didn't Leah take the girls there? 

Edited by GreatKazu
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On 8/31/2017 at 9:52 PM, Scarlett45 said:

What I find interesting about Randy and his family is that NONE of his kids seem to have done things "his way" (white collar professional of some kind). With four kids I figure at least 1-2 would emulate him, you'd have 1 black sheep (Chelsea who just isn't the brightest) and 1 avante guard artist type. 


Chelsea may intellectually know that x amount of money is required to support her lifestyle but because she never went without - or even had to make decisions about her discretionary income (like Starbucks vs a Mani/Pedi) she just doesn't get it. 

What do the other kids do?

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30 minutes ago, Darknight said:

What do the other kids do?

Chelsea is an esthetican by training, one sister blogs from home (so a work at home Mom- I think her husband is enlisted), and the eldest is a SAMH and the sister that is still single works retail (I THINK, I'm not 100% certain). I do have respect for Chelsea's sisters not being fame whores and obsessed with MTV life. 

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56 minutes ago, Darknight said:

Chelsea may intellectually know that x amount of money is required to support her lifestyle but because she never went without - or even had to make decisions about her discretionary income (like Starbucks vs a Mani/Pedi) she just doesn't get it. 

Imagine every thought you have being in that stupid babytalk tone.  Poof! - you're Chelsea.  

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Plenty of women take time out from careers to stay home with kids. As someone who did that for 14 years, I was not just sitting on my ass. I will be the first to admit it is mostly easier than working outside the home - definitely not financially, though. But tons of people make the trade off for a variety of reasons to not work when their kids are younger and usually it is not because they are lazy. For us, we wanted a simpler, slower pace. As long as you can afford it and you are productive, who cares? 

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I don't think anybody has an issue with Chelsea staying at home, though I personally wish at least one of these girls would use the money or fame from MTV to show the value of education, volunteer/give attention to a worthy cause or something (have we ever seen them care about anything or use their fame for good at all?) --but that's just me.

I don't disrespect stay at home moms or dads at all. But most stay at home parents I know don't stay at home *on TV* after being a teen parent, get paid six figures per season (and much more for social media posts) to discuss their drama and televise their children, and then complain and whine when the show is dramatic or spends any time focusing on their drama. That makes me give side eye. If she wanted a simpler, slower pace, I would assume she wouldn't stay on reality TV which is as not-simple and not-slow paced as it gets. I don't hate her or anything but she's not the average stay at home parent, but seems to want to be treated like she is (aka, no one ever criticizes her, bothers her or pries into her personal life. She gets paid to not have a private personal life!).

Edited by Lm2162
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4 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

I don't hate her or anything but she's not the average stay at home parent, but seems to want to be treated like she is (aka, no one ever criticizes her, bothers her or pries into her personal life. She gets paid to not have a private personal life!

Exactly.  One of the laws of physics says you change a thing simply by measuring it.  These teen moms became utterly unusual the minute they were televised.  The fact that we are observing them so much changes them in permanent ways.  I doubt any of them will do well or have anything like a normal life when the cameras stop rolling.  They won't know how.  

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22 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

I don't think anybody has an issue with Chelsea staying at home, though I personally wish at least one of these girls would use the money or fame from MTV to show the value of education, volunteer/give attention to a worthy cause or something (have we ever seen them care about anything or use their fame for good at all?) --but that's just me.

I agree. It makes me wish that MTV picked at least one truly against the odds, highly ambitious teen mom. It's like when I read the story about the teen mom in California who got into Harvard or the one in Chicago a couple of years ago who went from being homeless to being the top of her graduating class and getting a ton of scholarships-those are people I wish the TM franchise would promote. I know we are lucky to at least have one or two decent moms in Chelsea and I guess Macy (don't watch TM, just going by what I heard), but it is sad that the rest of them are losers who have wasted most of the opportunities they were given. I'd like to see what a truly ambitious, intelligent teen mom would've down with the money and opportunities being on TM could afford.

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2 minutes ago, HeySandyStrange said:

It makes me wish that MTV picked at least one truly against the odds, highly ambitious teen mom.

That would be ideal, but that teen mom would probably not agree to give up her goals to be on this ahow.  

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1 minute ago, evilmindatwork said:

Agreed. I think a truly ambitious, intelligent one would probably be at school, home, and work though. Probably minimum dating and clubbing. Not hugely interesting to watch or film. 

True, but technically Chelsea has been pretty "boring" for a while, probably to serve as the one fresh breath of normal air we get. I personally would be far more interested watching someone juggle school, being a real mom, work, and other activities then the constant bs drama we see.

3 minutes ago, Sprockets said:

That would be ideal, but that teen mom would probably not agree to give up her goals to be on this ahow.  

Good point. I'd be afraid that even a very intelligent, grounded TM might get caught up in the TM/MTV bullshit, to be honest.

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21 minutes ago, Sprockets said:

That would be ideal, but that teen mom would probably not agree to give up her goals to be on this ahow.  


19 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Or exploit her minor child's life.

That would be Katie Yeager.  (Possibly Alex also but I haven't heard too much about her.)


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I have tremendous respect for stay-at-home parents! My mom was a SAHM, and really did it the right way. Our house was always spotless, she made all our food from scratch, and she spent a lot of time with us. My dad got to relax after work in a clean house and didn't have to do a thing. 

Two ways Chelsea is different from this:

1. Her house is a mess!!!!!!! I would give her a pass because she has an infant, but it has always been like this. Cole either has to accept living in filth, or he has to clean it himself after working a full day, and...

2. She seems to only want to be a SAHM because she has no drive or ambition to do anything else. She wanted to drop out of HS and be supported as a SAHM by Randy, and if he'd said, "I'll continue this arrangement forever unless you get married to someone who support you," I bet no little part of her would have objected. My mom was an established, successful businesswoman for 10 years before she became a SAHM, and even though I didn't know her then, I respect the hell out of her as a person for her accomplishments. People say SAHM's are lazy and setting a bad example, but I obviously didn't feel this way about my mom. That might be different, though, if my mom had been supported by her dad almost my whole life until she met a decent guy. 

Edited by Christina87
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Yes, there are people who choose staying at home because they HAVE to financially (aka because childcare is more expensive than staying at home) or because they just love their kids and have a true passion for home/family. While Chelsea obviously loves her children and husband, she's been the pampered princess of her dad and moved directly from that into marriage, and now apparently wants to be MTV's pampered princess--that is, paid big bucks but having to offer nothing in return, including filming anything she doesn't want to film, having the storylines go exactly how she wants them, only discussing what she wants to discuss, presented in a positive light at all times despite not letting them film most of her actual life/private moments, etc. She's fine and all but she's not much like the other SAHMs I know; she's more like a 'lady who lunches.'  There's not a lot to hate or disrespect but also not a lot to specifically *respect* either, if that makes sense. She's just sort of...there.

Edited by Lm2162
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5 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

I don't hate her or anything but she's not the average stay at home parent, but seems to want to be treated like she is (aka, no one ever criticizes her, bothers her or pries into her personal life. She gets paid to not have a private personal life!).

I think in some ways she is.

I will be and have been the first to criticize her and Cole for shilling their kids and their privacy on Twitter and Instagram and TM2. I hate that. I don't care if I was paid $1million/year, I would never do that. No amount of money is worth it to me. 

But having said that....she mostly seems to live a pretty ordinary life. Her house isn't OTT. She does drive a Range Rover but she doesn't seem to really drive OTT vehicles or change them out a lot.  They spend their time doing things around the house. I don't see her taking nearly the vacations that Kail or Jenelle do. Cole works a regular job.  For all we know, she might have been a SAHM right now even if she didn't have MTV. I've known plenty of women who were able to manage to do that on one salary - even like a teacher's salary.  (Plus she could have always had help from Randy, another thing that's pretty common with young adults.)  And, thank you God, no clothing or make-up lines from her even though she's probably the most qualified (and then not even) to have a make-up line.

And it is tough, imo, to do much else when you have a baby. I can't see her starting up a charity or going to school again or anything like that. Sure some women do that but most stay-at-home moms don't - they stay at home to be at home with the kids. Trust me....when I started doing stuff (volunteer work) like a full-time job, I actually got a job. lol  If I was going to work that  much, I wanted to be paid. But that wasn't until my children were all in school full-time.

4 hours ago, Christina87 said:

I have tremendous respect for stay-at-home parents! My mom was a SAHM, and really did it the right way. Our house was always spotless, she made all our food from scratch, and she spent a lot of time with us. My dad got to relax after work in a clean house and didn't have to do a thing. 

Two ways Chelsea is different from this:

1. Her house is a mess!!!!!!! I would give her a pass because she has an infant, but it has always been like this. Cole either has to accept living in filth, or he has to clean it himself after working a full day, and...

2. She seems to only want to be a SAHM because she has no drive or ambition to do anything else. She wanted to drop out of HS and be supported as a SAHM by Randy, and if he'd said, "I'll continue this arrangement forever unless you get married to someone who support you," I bet no little part of her would have objected. My mom was an established, successful businesswoman for 10 years before she became a SAHM, and even though I didn't know her then, I respect the hell out of her as a person for her accomplishments. People say SAHM's are lazy and setting a bad example, but I obviously didn't feel this way about my mom. That might be different, though, if my mom had been supported by her dad almost my whole life until she met a decent guy. 

Some people don't care that much about a spotless or tidy house.

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1 hour ago, DangerousMinds said:

Lots of women work full time jobs and have babies. Maybe not for everyone, but many do. Of course, many fathers contribute their fair share making it easier.

Of course they do. 

I wonder how practical it is to have a full-time job and be a TM. I am not sure they can do it. Film only from 6-7:30 pm every night and the weekends? I am guessing most jobs don't allow the cameras. I don't think we have seen anyone actually at work besides places who want the publicity - spas, restaurants, dentist. 

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1 hour ago, lilmarysunshine said:

Of course they do. 

I wonder how practical it is to have a full-time job and be a TM. I am not sure they can do it. Film only from 6-7:30 pm every night and the weekends? I am guessing most jobs don't allow the cameras. I don't think we have seen anyone actually at work besides places who want the publicity - spas, restaurants, dentist. 

It's maybe not practical, but I think they should. They need to build a work history! If they were professional actors, I would feel differently, but they are unlikely to get another 300K a year media gig when this one is through. Chelsea will be ok, and at least Kail finished school, but Leah and jenelle need to begin some sort of career. Oh, who am I kidding? Both of them will live off Uncle Sam, but at least Leah will not need as much taxpayer money, because she has her child support checks. 

Edited by Christina87
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3 hours ago, Christina87 said:

It's maybe not practical, but I think they should. They need to build a work history! If they were professional actors, I would feel differently, but they are unlikely to get another 300K a year media gig when this one is through. Chelsea will be ok, and at least Kail finished school, but Leah and jenelle need to begin some sort of career. Oh, who am I kidding? Both of them will live off Uncle Sam, but at least Leah will not need as much taxpayer money, because she has her child support checks. 

I totally agree with you. If any of them were my daughter, I would absolutely advise against relying on this as a "job."  Not only are they selling their privacy and that of their kids, they are not setting themselves up to be independent later on. I'm not sure I buy that they make $300K/year but even if they did, a substantial portion of that goes to taxes and agents, I'll bet. 

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12 hours ago, Christina87 said:

It's maybe not practical, but I think they should. They need to build a work history! If they were professional actors, I would feel differently, but they are unlikely to get another 300K a year media gig when this one is through. Chelsea will be ok, and at least Kail finished school, but Leah and jenelle need to begin some sort of career. Oh, who am I kidding? Both of them will live off Uncle Sam, but at least Leah will not need as much taxpayer money, because she has her child support checks. 

Granted I know plenty of people who don't deserve it get gov't benefits, but I don't know what grounds Jenelle or Leah could use to get benefits when TM2 goes away. Both are healthy individuals with no legit reason why that can't work. Well, maybe Leah has a case with taking care of Ali, but plenty of parents that have children with disabilities have to work. Anyway, I'm no expert of gov't benefits but I do know to get them you have to prove some pretty severe financial hardship, and they do take into account all of your assets, houses, cars, any savings accounts and even your children's college funds. If either of them do end up on bennies, it will probably be a few years after TM2 ends and they slowly lose everything they racked up over the years. Leah just better hope she can find and keep a hard working sucker yet again, and Jenelle is a lost cause anyway.

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1. Her house is a mess!!!!!!! I would give her a pass because she has an infant, but it has always been like this. Cole either has to accept living in filth, or he has to clean it himself after working a full day, and...

It is his home too. He should clean it up. I worked and came home to a house that needed cleaning. If my husband got home before I did, he'd start cleaning. Sometimes we'd give each other a break and take turns because we know sometimes you need to just go home and chill.  How do we know if Cole is even one who complains about a messy house? As @lilmarysunshine noted above, not everyone is about having a tidy home.

Come to my house right now and you will see I need to get my ass off this computer and tend to my house. In a couple of hours, you will see a home that is neat, tidy, and spotless.

When I see Chelsea's home on camera, I do get a desire to reach through my screen and start cleaning up. lol  I have a friend like this. I start to pick up and help out a bit when I am there visiting. She is a SAHM and is such a wonderful parent to her kids. She sometimes babysits other people's kids. Her home isn't always clean, but it sure is filled with lots of happy kids. 

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On 9/17/2017 at 7:31 PM, lilmarysunshine said:

I think in some ways she is.

I will be and have been the first to criticize her and Cole for shilling their kids and their privacy on Twitter and Instagram and TM2. I hate that. I don't care if I was paid $1million/year, I would never do that. No amount of money is worth it to me. 

But having said that....she mostly seems to live a pretty ordinary life. Her house isn't OTT. She does drive a Range Rover but she doesn't seem to really drive OTT vehicles or change them out a lot.  They spend their time doing things around the house. I don't see her taking nearly the vacations that Kail or Jenelle do. Cole works a regular job.  For all we know, she might have been a SAHM right now even if she didn't have MTV. I've known plenty of women who were able to manage to do that on one salary - even like a teacher's salary.  (Plus she could have always had help from Randy, another thing that's pretty common with young adults.)  And, thank you God, no clothing or make-up lines from her even though she's probably the most qualified (and then not even) to have a make-up line.

And it is tough, imo, to do much else when you have a baby. I can't see her starting up a charity or going to school again or anything like that. Sure some women do that but most stay-at-home moms don't - they stay at home to be at home with the kids. Trust me....when I started doing stuff (volunteer work) like a full-time job, I actually got a job. lol  If I was going to work that  much, I wanted to be paid. But that wasn't until my children were all in school full-time.

Some people don't care that much about a spotless or tidy house.

I just mean she isn't the average stay at home parent in that most of them don't make six figures for having been a teen parent at some point and dramatizing their life, but then she *complains* about her life being dramatized. I personally find that to be a bizarre level of entitlement. I don't mean she lives an especially lavish life or anything.

And idk about the baby thing. It certainly is tough, but she had a bunch of years pre-baby where she wasn't doing any of the stuff I mentioned. All I mean is that other celebrities I see, even people from the Bachelor or something, at least try to raise money for charity once in a while or run a 5K for a cause they care about on a weekend sometime and use their fame for good. And many of them have kids. It would just be something I would think would be nice for the TMs to do, since they have such a platform. I'd just like to know one of them cares about something other than themselves (cancer awareness? animal rescue? Idk, literally anything), and, in Chelsea's case, her own immediate family.

I'm not saying she should be a high achiever or start championing deep political thought, and I don't much care that the house is messy. I just wonder if any of them think about the world at large. If they can use social media to sell lipstick, waist trainers, baby stuff and socks it'd be nice if they gave a shoutout to somebody who needs it once in a while. Just a thought.

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Your post just reminded me of a scene where Chelsea was doing something for March of Dimes. As far as I know, and I don't follow any of them on social media, it only happened that one time and the show aired it, so it doesn't seem like they wouldn't cover it again if she was still actively doing it. 

Chelsea has been reported to be rude to fans who approach her, and she has said something about getting anxiety over it, but she could do something on social media to fundraise and drive attention a charity. There is no doubt in my mind that some people approach and intrude, and I wouldn't even doubt that some people think they are her friends because they watch her on television, but hell, pitch in on one of the beauty days that some cancer wards do for their patients. For many years I worked with professional photographers and there was one cancer ward that would make a day where they did the hair and makeup of the patients then gave them a family photo. I was only lucky enough to get to do about ten of them because my day job interfered, but it was all volunteers and everyone enjoyed it. 

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On 9/18/2017 at 10:38 AM, Miss Chevious said:

Jenelle stands to lose half of her assets assuming her swamp wedding goes through. You can be sure UBT is going to take her to the cleaners when they inevitably divorce.

Nah..he'll get it all plus insurance after her unfortunate accident.

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