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Except Chelsea (and Cole)

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Yes, why doesn't Adumb have school officials in his back pocket, lying about Chelsea's drop off times? Come on man, don't you know how this works? Better start getting MTV to photoshop some heroin in Chelsea's house too.

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16 hours ago, SPLAIN said:


He has so much anger directed at Chelsea. Anything that is connected to Chelsea, and it affects him, he takes it out on her. But sadly, he also takes it out on her by way of their child. He knows by hurting Aubree, by extension he is hurting Chelsea.

True. I wonder why, exactly. Because she exposed him for who he was, maybe? 

I've got to say, Adam is pretty high up there on my list of TM hates, which is something like this: 


Maci/Tyler/Matt/Dr Drew (quite a close second)




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20 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

True. I wonder why, exactly. Because she exposed him for who he was, maybe? 


Adam is a textbook narcissist and narcissists lose their shit when their mind games and manipulations no longer have any effect. Chelsea was easy to control in the early seasons because she was dickmatized and determined to create a nuclear family for Aubree. Once she let go of that and saw Adam for who he really was, he no longer had any power over her. 

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2 hours ago, Tatum said:

Wow, Maci ranks above Farrah and Amber on the hate list?

You forgot Taylor. He's got to be on there.

Yeah, I really can't stand Maci. Farrah and Amber are trashy and bitchy but at least Farrah didn't have another kid and makes her own money, and Amber went to prison and seems somewhat accountable for some of her actions. Maci, to me, is a huge hypocrite and very self-righteous. She's also highly dishonest. Keeps herself "above" the others while being anything but. That's a pet peeve for me. Both Farrah and Amber also get fewer hate points simply because they seem to be able to keep a fucking IUD inside themselves for more than an hour. I'd way rather someone shove their butt in my face or just be like "yep I was a drug addict" than faux-whine about their grandma/their respectability and becoming an "honest woman" while faking that she didn't know she was pregnant so she could drink, and pushing an unwilling partner into marriage. Way trashier imo.

Taylor would be around the same level. 

Adam is a sociopath just like Jenelle. They'd actually make a good couple. Like Harley Quinn and the Joker. 

Edited by Lm2162
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I'd way rather someone shove their butt in my face or just be like "yep I was a drug addict"

@Lm2162 Same here, except I expect that same addict to at least acknowledge their behavior while they were an addict, not blame other people as Amber has done when she points fingers at Gary. That behavior continues whenever she mentions it is Gary's fault she doesn't have her child. I cannot stand Maci, but I can at least give Maci props for actually parenting the children she brings into the world. I hate to even post that since she brought them into this world under the guise of them being "oops" children when she clearly planned them out. Still, she does parent her children, she is a hands-on mother, and has tried to get Ryan to be an equal part in that.

Amber plays the victim. I loathe people who play themselves as the victim when they have created their own problems. Amber cannot bother to be a parent. But, she can open her home to one scummy dude after another.

In one way or another Maci and Amber are trashy. I don't like liars and hypocrites. That makes them trashy.

Edited by SPLAIN
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Yeah, if I organized them by parenting, Amber would definitely be way below Maci, that's for sure. But I have seen Amber take responsibility for her addiction on multiple occasions in ways that Maci never will for having multiple kids out of wedlock while making money preaching abstinence and birth control to teens, and for drinking heavily while pregnant and asking us to believe she was an innocent girl who had no idea. 

It's hard to parse, but personally I just really can't stand Maci. The self righteous holier-than-thou act personally irritates me more than people who play the victim. Amber clearly has low self-esteem while Maci thinks VERY highly of herself for no reason.

Edited by Lm2162
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28 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

Yeah, I really can't stand Maci. Farrah and Amber are trashy and bitchy but at least Farrah didn't have another kid and makes her own money, and Amber went to prison and seems somewhat accountable for some of her actions. Maci, to me, is a huge hypocrite and very self-righteous. She's also highly dishonest. Keeps herself "above" the others while being anything but. That's a pet peeve for me. Both Farrah and Amber also get fewer hate points simply because they seem to be able to keep a fucking IUD inside themselves for more than an hour. I'd way rather someone shove their butt in my face or just be like "yep I was a drug addict" than faux-whine about their grandma/their respectability and becoming an "honest woman" while faking that she didn't know she was pregnant so she could drink, and pushing an unwilling partner into marriage. Way trashier imo.

Taylor would be around the same level. 

Adam is a sociopath just like Jenelle. They'd actually make a good couple. Like Harley Quinn and the Joker. 

I'll give you Farrah. Amber to me loses major points when she talks about what an "amazing" mom she is when she doesn't pay child support and dragged her sick daughter along for a romp with creepy Matt at the no-tell motel. Gross. Sorry to wander off topic. I definitely agree Chelsea deserves the bottom spot on the hate list.


Adam and Jenelle would be an intriguing couple. Adam tends to gravitate towards submissive women- would be interesting to see how he'd deal with someone who screams at him and maybe knocks him around a little.

2 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

Yeah, if I organized them by parenting, Amber would definitely be way below Maci, that's for sure. But I have seen Amber take responsibility for her addiction on multiple occasions in ways that Maci never will for having multiple kids out of wedlock

It was a MIRACLE PREGNANCY. Both of them. Who are we to argue with that?

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TMI but I'd assume Jenelle likes to get roughed up in bed. 

That photo posted of Adam a while back suggested that Adam prefers a woman with some, uh...dominant tendencies.....

Yeah, I don't think Amber is a good mom at all, she's awful. I guess I just see her statements like that as more of a defense mechanism whereas Maci truly buys her own bullshit. I do give her props for choosing prison, I actually think that deserves some degree of respect instead of the fakey rehabs they all go to. Like, Amber is a POS but I actually believe she sort of knows it, and she has openly talked about what a huge drug addict she was. Matt is sort of stumping her growth and enabling her now. She was on a better path before. 

It's really not about liking Amber, I just really really really can't with Maci. Especially after this season and the horrible fake surprise at the ultrasound. Ugh. The " I'm just a lil ol respectable Southern girl y'all!!!" act just grates on me. Everyone's irritated by something different but Maci just pushes my buttons. 

Edited by Lm2162
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Amber is just as manipulating as Matt and lies to us like Maci. Amber is trying to sell us a story. She is trying to con us the same way Matt is conning her. She is lying to us just like Maci lies to us with her stories. Amber is still drinking. In my book, she is not clean. She may not be popping pills, but she how now chosen a new vice. Which is not unusual for addicts to do. They trade in one vice for another. Amber is hoping if she keeps saying it over and over, she can continued to be coddled and told how great a person she is just like what that producer told her in the last episode. What was that nonsense? Amber has accomplished a lot in 7 years? Gimme a break. Bitch has done nothing.

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10 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

That photo posted of Adam a while back suggested that Adam prefers a woman with some, uh...dominant tendencies.....

Well, when I say submissive, I mean more in personality. Chelsea is definitely not what I would consider dominant and Taylor seemed pretty easy to push around. I am not sure which photo you mean, but if it's the one I am thinking of, that was beyond scarring.

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25 minutes ago, SPLAIN said:

Amber is just as manipulating as Matt and lies to us like Maci. Amber is trying to sell us a story. She is trying to con us the same way Matt is conning her. She is lying to us just like Maci lies to us with her stories. Amber is still drinking. In my book, she is not clean. She may not be popping pills, but she how now chosen a new vice. Which is not unusual for addicts to do. They trade in one vice for another. Amber is hoping if she keeps saying it over and over, she can continued to be coddled and told how great a person she is just like what that producer told her in the last episode. What was that nonsense? Amber has accomplished a lot in 7 years? Gimme a break. Bitch has done nothing.

Yeah, again, I don't like her. I just truly cannot stand Maci. She grates on me to no end. I don't think I'll be able to watch her wedding. #yikes

@Tatum, it haunts my nightmares. aaahhhh

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On September 17, 2016 at 10:25 AM, GreatKazu said:

@Lm2162 -A dissomaster is used to calculate support and yes, it is based on both parent's income whatever that income may be including, but not limited to, wages, self-employment, unemployment, taxable disability, and other non-taxable income, public assistance, and both parents must supply both federal and state income tax information for the prior year. Some information that is required for the dissomaster is mortage payments, property tax, and health insurance costs.

Depending on the state... family law is a state issue. 

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30 minutes ago, DoctorWhovian said:

Depending on the state... family law is a state issue. 

Yes, I know. I worked in the courts. I posted the calculation information for South Dakota above in a previous post. I was just pointing out to the other poster that both incomes are used in calculating support.

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6 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Yes, I know. I worked in the courts. I posted the calculation information for South Dakota above in a previous post. I was just pointing out to the other poster that both incomes are used in calculating support.

Well I don't know what state you're barred in but it's still pretty standard for "it depends" to be part of a legal answer. But to be fair, most of the divorce cases I've worked did not involve minor children and the CA bar does not test family law (although I know at least one state does, and community property never goes into child support) so it is not something I've touched on much. 

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1 hour ago, DoctorWhovian said:

Well I don't know what state you're barred in but it's still pretty standard for "it depends" to be part of a legal answer. But to be fair, most of the divorce cases I've worked did not involve minor children and the CA bar does not test family law (although I know at least one state does, and community property never goes into child support) so it is not something I've touched on much. 

I never posted I was an attorney.

My mistake for not posting "in some cases, depending on the state" just as I have in previous posts. I am not giving out legal advice. Merely chatting on a tv reality show board. :-)

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9 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

I never posted I was an attorney.

My mistake for not posting "in some cases, depending on the state" just as I have in previous posts. I am not giving out legal advice. Merely chatting on a tv reality show board. :-)

Whoops, my mistake for making the assumption :) There's just so much bad interpretation of legal stuff online when so much of it can't be answered with any amount of certainty (not in a legal advice way, but in any legal way at all), but the general joke is always that it depends, or as my con law professor liked, it's a judgment call.

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On September 17, 2016 at 10:06 AM, BitterApple said:

Yep, the fact that whoever wrote it knew the correct plural possesive of 'girls' is a dead giveaway. 

And since when does Leah say "children"? I'd accept her using kids (more likely kidses) but we all know she is way more likely to say girlses, like you said. No way she's using "questions or concerns" either. "Were to be"? Hah. Not Leah. She'd say "was gonna be" or some such.

Edited by Rebecca
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On 9/19/2016 at 2:10 PM, Lm2162 said:

Yeah, if I organized them by parenting, Amber would definitely be way below Maci, that's for sure. But I have seen Amber take responsibility for her addiction on multiple occasions in ways that Maci never will for having multiple kids out of wedlock while making money preaching abstinence and birth control to teens, and for drinking heavily while pregnant and asking us to believe she was an innocent girl who had no idea. 

It's hard to parse, but personally I just really can't stand Maci. The self righteous holier-than-thou act personally irritates me more than people who play the victim. Amber clearly has low self-esteem while Maci thinks VERY highly of herself for no reason.

I have ALWAYS really disliked Maci. From episode 1.

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Haha it occurred to me that it's almost October, and I knew that was the month, so I googled it. I'm kind of surprised if it's less than a week away and we haven't heard anything out of her! But then again, she's probably spending all her time saying, "Cole, are you suuuuuure you want to marry me? You're not leaving me and your future child at the altar, RIGHT?" ?

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Ok, so I was browsing Chelsea's Instagram which led me to browsing Chelsea's sister's Instagram and it turns out her oldest sister (the one who lives in Germnay) isn't coming to the wedding tomorrow. I'm not trying to imply there's any sort of rift, but isn't that kind of odd? If it was a matter of finances, surely Randy would have paid for her ticket. I was kind of surprised to read that.

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Heh, that is a little odd since Chelsea and her sisters seem close, and in particular the oldest sister seemed to have a mama bear attitude towards her baby sister. Outside of money, which is probably no object, my guess is she doesn't want to do the long, grueling trans-Atlantic flight, or her husband might be deploying soon and she doesn't want to leave him. I just can't see what they would have a grudge about, since Chelsea's family loves Cole and supports their relationship.

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8 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Ok, so I was browsing Chelsea's Instagram which led me to browsing Chelsea's sister's Instagram and it turns out her oldest sister (the one who lives in Germnay) isn't coming to the wedding tomorrow. I'm not trying to imply there's any sort of rift, but isn't that kind of odd? If it was a matter of finances, surely Randy would have paid for her ticket. I was kind of surprised to read that.

Do you mean she lives in Germany or is Germnay a city in America I've never heard of? 

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I'm so happy for her.  I'm actually a little emotional looking at that picture. I don't know her of course but I'm really proud of her. We've watched her grow up and become the best human being on any Teen Mom show.  

I think she and Cole are two peas in a pod and I for one feel postitve about their future together.  

I'm also extremely proud of her for not having her wedding filmed. She could have had MTV pay for it all for the show but she told them no.  The other girls on this show should take note.  None of them want marriages, they want weddings on TV. 

She got her dream.  She has her little nuclear family that she always wanted so badly and I'm thrilled for her. 

Edited by Maharincess
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On one link I read that it was a small, intimate ceremony at her fathers cabin. Once she has her baby she plans on having a big wedding. I'll see if I can find it. 


Edited by Mkay
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To be honest, I don't know how I feel about this. When Chelsea announced she was pregnant, but still planning on having exactly the wedding she wanted, I had mad respect for her. As someone so image conscious, the fact that she was choosing to look less than her best (or, "fat-uhhhhh") on what should be the most gorgeous day of her life because she loved and couldn't wait to marry this man gave me mad respect for her. It showed that the marriage was more important than the actual wedding, and she would even forsake vanity for her new family. Even I wouldn't do that! If I got pregnant before my wedding, I would most definitely gave a courthouse quickie like Kail, and then a real ceremony later...or just wait on the whole thing. 

Now I think the scene went something like this...Chelsea found out she was pregnant and wailed, "cooooooole! I'm gonna be fat-uh for my wedding-uh! But-uh, we told everybody we'd wait until after our wedding to get pregnant, and they'll be all over us if we change our date too-uh! So let's go ahead and pretend-uh that we're not changing our date, and then we'll have another wedding-uh where I'll be skinny and pretty-uh! If we announce it after this first wedding when everybody's happy for us, they'll be a lot less harsh-uh than if we announce it right now when everybody's judging us!"

it's of like a spoiled child who plans the perfect birthday party, but it rains that day, and they still have the party and then demand Daddy for a do-over. In fact, that scenario or a similar one likely happened during Chelsea's childhood. 

I wouldn't have judged her at all for waiting on the whole thing, or getting legally married before the baby came in order to have that stability and the big wedding later. But you can't have two "real" weddings, complete with bridal showers and bachelorette parties, just because everything didn't go right the first time. 

Chelsea is by far my favorite teen mom, and by far the best one. It just aggravates me how she gets soooooo close to convincing me she's matured from the spoiled daddy's princess she was at the beginning of the series, and then always disappoints me at the eleventh hour. It's not like the weight of this disappointment is going to alter my life, and it's not like my opinion matters, but I suspect a lot of other viewers likely feel the same way I do. 

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29 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

To be honest, I don't know how I feel about this. When Chelsea announced she was pregnant, but still planning on having exactly the wedding she wanted, I had mad respect for her. As someone so image conscious, the fact that she was choosing to look less than her best (or, "fat-uhhhhh") on what should be the most gorgeous day of her life because she loved and couldn't wait to marry this man gave me mad respect for her. It showed that the marriage was more important than the actual wedding, and she would even forsake vanity for her new family. Even I wouldn't do that! If I got pregnant before my wedding, I would most definitely gave a courthouse quickie like Kail, and then a real ceremony later...or just wait on the whole thing. 

Now I think the scene went something like this...Chelsea found out she was pregnant and wailed, "cooooooole! I'm gonna be fat-uh for my wedding-uh! But-uh, we told everybody we'd wait until after our wedding to get pregnant, and they'll be all over us if we change our date too-uh! So let's go ahead and pretend-uh that we're not changing our date, and then we'll have another wedding-uh where I'll be skinny and pretty-uh! If we announce it after this first wedding when everybody's happy for us, they'll be a lot less harsh-uh than if we announce it right now when everybody's judging us!"

it's of like a spoiled child who plans the perfect birthday party, but it rains that day, and they still have the party and then demand Daddy for a do-over. In fact, that scenario or a similar one likely happened during Chelsea's childhood. 

I wouldn't have judged her at all for waiting on the whole thing, or getting legally married before the baby came in order to have that stability and the big wedding later. But you can't have two "real" weddings, complete with bridal showers and bachelorette parties, just because everything didn't go right the first time. 

Chelsea is by far my favorite teen mom, and by far the best one. It just aggravates me how she gets soooooo close to convincing me she's matured from the spoiled daddy's princess she was at the beginning of the series, and then always disappoints me at the eleventh hour. It's not like the weight of this disappointment is going to alter my life, and it's not like my opinion matters, but I suspect a lot of other viewers likely feel the same way I do. 

A ceremony with just parents and siblings seems the equvalient of a courthouse wedding to me. The pregnancy may have Chelsea feeling not up to a big party and lots of celebrations. I'm not suggesting that she's ill but she might be tired. I don't recall her having a Bach party and a shower already did she?

I like her flower headband, it's rustic chic. And Aubrey's matches!

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Yeah, she had a bachelorette party and shower. I think if she had just announced that plans had changed, and this one would be a small, legal wedding, but they were moving their big one, it would be different. She just let everyone think that they were 100% sticking to their original plan, and had all the festivities that would go along with a big one, but secretly knew it wasn't so. It just feels deceptive...not that she owes us anything, but she already had to eat her words about not getting pregnant before the wedding, and didn't want to also have to eat her words about the actual date. I'd think this ceremony was fine if she hadn't duped everybody...and I'm sure some of the more die-hard fans probably sent her gifts, and now feel like, "wtf?"

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I'm guessing she just wants a big party where she can dance and drink. And look hot. I don't blame her for not having the big reception when she's pregnant. Despite her past, I'm sure she's an old-fashioned girl and knew that daddy wanted her to be married for the next baby. That's not a bad thing - I married before a baby some 26 years ago. :)

Now, we will see if this ends up being filmed with the obligatory appearances by the other teen moms. I think she and Kail have a legitimate friendship, so I'd bet she'll be there either way. I don't see Chelsea dropping out of the show should it continue. She's coming off really well, and it's an easy paycheck. 

I love that Aubree is always front and center in their relationship. So many people push the kids back for "true love" (insert teen mom names here). 

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16 minutes ago, EmeraldGirl said:

Now, we will see if this ends up being filmed with the obligatory appearances by the other teen moms. I think she and Kail have a legitimate friendship, so I'd bet she'll be there either way. I don't see Chelsea dropping out of the show should it continue. She's coming off really well, and it's an easy paycheck. 

It occurred to me as well that they are having a small, intimate wedding now and that the bigger one will be the one that is filmed, plus Chelsea could enjoy it more since she won't be pregnant. TBH, she isn't the first person I've know of who's had more then one wedding celebration. Hell, my cousin was older and not even pregnant and had two ceremonies with two different dresses days apart for no particular reason. And my cousin and her family is far from rich.


Chelsea is by far my favorite teen mom, and by far the best one. It just aggravates me how she gets soooooo close to convincing me she's matured from the spoiled daddy's princess she was at the beginning of the series, and then always disappoints me at the eleventh hour.

I like Chelsea a lot, she is sweet, a very good mother who always puts Aubree first, and basically a good person. I think, however, it is easy to build her up because of how much better she looks in comparison to the other moms.  She has definitely matured but at the end of the day she is kind of a sheltered ditz who trajectory has always been to have that nuclear family, so I'm not surprised when she jumps on it.

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I come from a culture where weddings are a big deal (South Asian), so I don't really think it's awful for her to have two events. I, personally, hate being the center of attention so I'd cut my wedding ceremonies down to minimal fuss but love attending other people's weddings. If she's not going broke for it, who cares? I think I felt annoyed by Kail's wedding because it was super dramatic and she was rude as hell to people who were trying to help her, I think, if MTV airs Chelsea's second ceremony/party/whatever she'll be pleasant and her drama will be minimal so I'll happily watch. 

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Kail had a civil ceremony and then had her wedding. What is the difference? Well, except for how rude she was to everyone and not to mention she didn't marry for love. At least Chelsea loves Cole. Chelsea had a small civil ceremony  with the parents. My sister had a civil ceremony when she was three months pregnant. She was married through the courts so she could be added to her spouse's health insurance. After the baby, she had her wedding. It wasn't a huge wedding, but nonetheless it was a wedding in church because in our culture it is not considered a real marriage without the blessing of God. That was in the 1970s. My nephew was married 7 years ago three times. Him and his wife had a civil ceremony. They then married in his wife's country at her family's church and then he married here in the church we all grew up going to. It allowed them to celebrate with all family and friends from both countries.

That explains why Chelsea's sister didn't show up for this wedding. She will show up for the bigger event.

Edited by GreatKazu
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1 hour ago, EmeraldGirl said:

I'm guessing she just wants a big party where she can dance and drink. And look hot. I don't blame her for not having the big reception when she's pregnant.

Yeah that makes sense but she said she would be having another wedding ceremony.  That doesn't make sense. You can't get married if you're already married, which she is.  

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Agreed GreatKazu. If I get married again, I'd probably elope, I am an introvert, and don't want the stress of planning such a large event. But my first wedding was 3 days long with different events ( again, not that unusual in my culture)-- I did it to make my parents happy. In the subcontinent our wedding events are spread out over 2 weeks. So, yeah, Chelsea and Kail don't bother me. Kail bothers me because me she's a rude-ass social climber, who couldn't even pretend to like the women she asked to be her bridesmaids and hear out their concerns. 

Edited by evilmindatwork
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They'll probably reenact/renew the vows for everyone who didn't attend (and maybe cameras). I bet she's dreamed of a wedding forever. The lacy baby bump dress with the crown of flowers was one look. She'll definitely go for hot mama the second time around. I guess that's one way to have two weddings without having two husbands !

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I wonder if Chelsea is holding off on the big wedding until after the baby is born is due to the fact that Aubree was a preemie.  Chelsea's doctor may be advising her to take it easy or she just may have decided to keep the stress level down in hopes of avoiding another preterm delivery.  My youngest was premature and I'd never want to experience that again.  

I hope they do film the second ceremony.  I know a couple of DeBoer families that I think must be related to Cole, but I'm too embarrassed to ask them because it pains me to admit I watch the show.   I'd love to try to pick them out of the crowd at the wedding.

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Didn't Leah have a courthouse wedding with Jermy and then a big, unnecessary MTV-Paid-For ceremony later? I'm sure they were married by the JOP so she could go on the new house deed, or something.

We had 2 weddings. I didn't even want ONE, because I'm insanely anxious all the time, will not have my photo taken and do not want people looking at me AT ALL. I actually asked the officiant at the first one (us and 3 guests under a random tree) if he would just sign the licence without us saying any vows and he said no, lol. Then my (divorced -and they don't even like me or my husband but wanted to meet their grandchild-) parents came over from the UK 2 years later and my mother bitched about not being able to be the centre of attention at a big fuck-off wedding like her sisters at their daughters' hella expensive ones, so we had another one just for them, with a massive THIRTY guests and my father gave me away. I was plastered before it even started and hated every second of it. So, yeah, that's a few seconds of your life you'll never get back after reading this...

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2 hours ago, EmeraldGirl said:

They'll probably reenact/renew the vows for everyone who didn't attend (and maybe cameras). I bet she's dreamed of a wedding forever. The lacy baby bump dress with the crown of flowers was one look. She'll definitely go for hot mama the second time around. I guess that's one way to have two weddings without having two husbands !

Oh yeah she can have a vow renewal but it seemed like from that tweet she thinks she's having another "wedding."  She can call it a wedding of course, I mean I can go get a burrito and call it a wedding but that doesn't mean it's actually a wedding.  She had a wedding yesterday and I'm sure it was lovely.  

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Oh Lord, seriously Chelsea? I can understand having a reception after the baby is born, but actually going through the rigamarol of a ceremony, new dress, bridesmaids etc.? Just no. I'm starting to think Chelsea is just as dumb as these other girls when it comes to blowing money on unnecessary shit. If she was so concerned about having the fairytale wedding she should've waited to get knocked up. It's not like she's 40 with a ticking clock.

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5 hours ago, Christina87 said:

To be honest, I don't know how I feel about this. When Chelsea announced she was pregnant, but still planning on having exactly the wedding she wanted, I had mad respect for her. As someone so image conscious, the fact that she was choosing to look less than her best (or, "fat-uhhhhh") on what should be the most gorgeous day of her life because she loved and couldn't wait to marry this man gave me mad respect for her. It showed that the marriage was more important than the actual wedding, and she would even forsake vanity for her new family. Even I wouldn't do that! If I got pregnant before my wedding, I would most definitely gave a courthouse quickie like Kail, and then a real ceremony later...or just wait on the whole thing. 

Now I think the scene went something like this...Chelsea found out she was pregnant and wailed, "cooooooole! I'm gonna be fat-uh for my wedding-uh! But-uh, we told everybody we'd wait until after our wedding to get pregnant, and they'll be all over us if we change our date too-uh! So let's go ahead and pretend-uh that we're not changing our date, and then we'll have another wedding-uh where I'll be skinny and pretty-uh! If we announce it after this first wedding when everybody's happy for us, they'll be a lot less harsh-uh than if we announce it right now when everybody's judging us!"

it's of like a spoiled child who plans the perfect birthday party, but it rains that day, and they still have the party and then demand Daddy for a do-over. In fact, that scenario or a similar one likely happened during Chelsea's childhood. 

I wouldn't have judged her at all for waiting on the whole thing, or getting legally married before the baby came in order to have that stability and the big wedding later. But you can't have two "real" weddings, complete with bridal showers and bachelorette parties, just because everything didn't go right the first time. 

Chelsea is by far my favorite teen mom, and by far the best one. It just aggravates me how she gets soooooo close to convincing me she's matured from the spoiled daddy's princess she was at the beginning of the series, and then always disappoints me at the eleventh hour. It's not like the weight of this disappointment is going to alter my life, and it's not like my opinion matters, but I suspect a lot of other viewers likely feel the same way I do. 

I don't think she gives a flying fuck what anybody feels or thinks. 

I don't see anything wrong with having a second ceremony, and she can call it a wedding if that's what she wants to call it.   She probably wants to be able to drink and party at her reception and that OK.  They had their small intimate ceremony and next year they'll have a big one.  There's nothing wrong with that.  It's not like she's asking any of us to pay for it, so what's the big deal? I seriously don't understand why this is considered to be wrong. 

Edited by Maharincess
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If people sent her presents for getting married? She did. I'm not sure why anyone (and I'd never send anything to anyone I don't know, but whatever) would differentiate by the size of the celebration. They can feel justifying in celebrating her marital status. 

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