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Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo

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  On 10/20/2024 at 1:54 AM, LilJen said:

Was the whole video this beige? What is it with fundies wearing non colors in a field of weeds?

And some people desperately want children and can’t have them and cannot afford to adopt or do infertility treatments.


And, some people try to adopt or do infertility treatments and it doesn't work out.

As far as adoption goes, except in surrogate situations, somewhere around 95% of women who decide to give their child for adoption before delivering change their minds afterwards and keep the baby.  If a couple cannot afford to do a private adoption which costs up to $50,000, there is about a 7 year wait for an infant via the public agencies.  That includes infants of all races.  So, a couple hoping for an infant has got to have both time and/or money to make it happen.  

Not every parent is able to care for an older child with emotional issues or a child with significant disabilities; so telling couples that they should just adopt an older special needs kid is not very helpful.  Sort of like the Supreme Court justice who claimed that for a woman who was pregnant and not prepared to parent; there was no difference at all between a first trimester termination and carrying to term, delivering and surrendering for adoption then.  Apples and oranges.

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  On 10/20/2024 at 6:38 PM, Notabug said:

And, some people try to adopt or do infertility treatments and it doesn't work out.

As far as adoption goes, except in surrogate situations, somewhere around 95% of women who decide to give their child for adoption before delivering change their minds afterwards and keep the baby.  If a couple cannot afford to do a private adoption which costs up to $50,000, there is about a 7 year wait for an infant via the public agencies.  That includes infants of all races.  So, a couple hoping for an infant has got to have both time and/or money to make it happen.  

Not every parent is able to care for an older child with emotional issues or a child with significant disabilities; so telling couples that they should just adopt an older special needs kid is not very helpful.  Sort of like the Supreme Court justice who claimed that for a woman who was pregnant and not prepared to parent; there was no difference at all between a first trimester termination and carrying to term, delivering and surrendering for adoption then.  Apples and oranges.


And sometimes even adoptions don't work out.  A teacher and her husband that I worked with adopted a baby girl.  They went through an expensive attorney who specializes in adoptions.   A week after they brought their newborn daughter home, the birth mother showed up and took her baby back.  My friends did adopt another baby girl using the same attorney, and have been a very happy family ever since,  but that experience was devastating.

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I guess it's an interpretive thing. Personally, as an "older" mom, I know people who outright say that they are too selfish to have kids. I don't think there is anything wrong with that either. If you choose (key word) not to have kids because you don't want them to interfere with your life and you do want to be able to go whenever you want to, it is selfishness.

I think the issue comes with saying that people are wrong for that when they are not. I did not become a mother until I was 35 years old, and I tell people all the time it was because I was selfish. I did not want to devote my life to a child until I was ready to do so. Once you are a parent, it becomes all about your kids, and it's hard to find and keep your own identity in that. Right now my son is in three sports and goes to a private school a 1/2 hour away, which turns into a 1.5-hour commute during rush hour. Most days I can't even think about taking time for myself. 

So we should normalize selfish decisions when it comes to deciding to be parents. If you choose to do it, you need to want it; unfortunately, I think there are too many mothers out there who should have chosen to remain selfish and not have kids. In Jinger's world, selfish decisions are demonized. They are supposed to make every decision with JOY in mind, so in my opinion, when she holds up a mirror and sees her family of just 2(3) kids, deep down, she feels it's selfish based on how she was raised, and she's not sure how to reconcile that. 

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  On 10/21/2024 at 8:13 AM, andromeda331 said:

I always hoped to have children giving birth or adoption if I never married. I had a health problem in my 20s that took five years to fix. A second health problem started in my early 30s and I'm still dealing with it now. Having kids no longer is option. I can't take care of myself and I don't know if I ever will be able to. And if by chance I do get back to normal having a kid is still not an option. I had too many health problems that I don't know if I could carry a child to term. Adoption would be out too. Who's going to give a child to a broke woman in her 40s with two previous health problems one that left me unable to take care of myself for years? What if I relapse? Have another health issue? Despite really wanting kids there's never really been a time to have one.   


My situation was/is similar in many ways, so you’re not alone. ❤️

Edited by AstridM
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I think Jinger needs to stop with the influencer, social media, podcast, writing books stuff and focus long and hard on therapy. She talks a big game about becoming free and not being a people pleaser and being able to worship God without fear like she used to, but she's still overly focused on being selfish for not having enough children, judging others for not having them, and so many other things that are not any of her concern. 

This is what I hate about MacArthur and other religions like his. How a person chooses to worship or not worship, how many children a woman has or does not have, who a person chooses to love, none of this is any of their business. Most people don't try to force their beliefs on others, why do MacArthur and Jeremy and Jinger and Jill Rodrigues and Jim Bob feel it's okay for them to try to force their beliefs on others?

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I have no doubt Jinger thinks her eyes are wide open, but she still lives in a 'you don't know what you don't know' state of mind. Its her desire and willingness to try to see things differently that leaves the door open to more changes. Changes she may not be ready for right now and changes she may never buy into.

Many folks reach for faith when they're going through tough times. I think folks like the Duggars should give up 'faithing' for a month and see what happens.

Edited by GeeGolly
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I was just coming here to talk about the video I watched earlier but then I got distracted. The seemed to ramble off track worse than usual.  Lots of talk about the Bates, accents, storm damage, etc.  They talked about the dancing which was kind of funny.  Jeremy has so much more normal world experience that seems to help him fit into whatever social situation and make conversation and friends.  They really need to edit their  podcasts and remove the much of the rambling such as the whole accent section.  Though he did point out the whole changing the g words to sound like K. 

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Jinger posted a youtube about Jason's wedding.  They already did the podcast talking about it.  There was video of their traveling (as we know they didn't take the girls), some video of the service/event.  Jinger, the older sisters (sans Jill) and Abbie went to the Bates daughter's shop after the wedding to buy some clothes and their spouses hung out.  



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  On 10/17/2024 at 9:10 PM, GeeGolly said:

I just watched part of the video. My take was Jinger feels judged as being selfish for only having two (soon to be three) kids. That each family needs to do what is right for them, including asking God.


I agree, and I don't know that I believe that Jinger believes that 
"people who don't have children are selfish." I think that she would be happy with zero, one or two -- maybe. I'm sure she has children herself because she's heard that mantra about "selfish women" approx 1 million times.

I don't think she's really capable of thinking for herself that way -- and that's 100% intentional. Gothard's "teaching materials" and methods were designed to prevent critical thinking and Jinger is a graduate. Jeremy chose her for that reason -- she's not especially dumb, but she doesn't have any interest in examining her existing beliefs. I'm sure that Jinger's docility is a plus to MacArthur and is helping Jeremy within the organization.

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That video was hard to watch as they rambled more than usual.  They need to put more effort into planning their podcast.  The only thing of interest was that Michlle's father lived with them for a while after he was in a car accident and his wife had already passed. It was before JB's parents moved in. She talked about the close relationship she had with her grandma Mary and that Mary and Amy had an even closer relationship.  Jere says he only remembers seeing a few scenes of the show at his pastor friend's house. It was so all over the place so I did a lot of skipping around.  

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On their latest video, on the subject of alternate careers they'd like, Jinger said she'd like to be a PA (Production Assistant) on a set.  She said when she drives by a set, she thinks of how fun that would be.  (Just think, in another universe, she could have been a PA and worked her way up to producer or something.)  Jeremy would like to be a professional golfer.  On the topic of what was the last thing you googled, Jeremy's answer was a brand of shoes. 😄

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It's nice to hear that they have "normal" wishes instead of the usual missionary or preacher that you hear from most people who were raised like Jinger was.  She has come such a long way.  It is so sad that she was not allowed to pursue education--or even have the hope of education-- when she was younger.  Jeremy may have followed the preacher route, but at least he has had actual education.

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  On 12/12/2024 at 7:28 AM, Gemma Violet said:

On their latest video, on the subject of alternate careers they'd like, Jinger said she'd like to be a PA (Production Assistant) on a set.  She said when she drives by a set, she thinks of how fun that would be.  (Just think, in another universe, she could have been a PA and worked her way up to producer or something.)  Jeremy would like to be a professional golfer.  On the topic of what was the last thing you googled, Jeremy's answer was a brand of shoes. 😄


Does Jinger think she has a career now? Does Jeremy? 🤦‍♀️

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I seem to recall that Jinger was interested in photography when she was young.  That could have blended well with her wish to work on a set.  She could have gone to school for cinematography and ended up a camera operator.  So many possibilities that were wasted. 

Edited by Gemma Violet
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  On 12/12/2024 at 7:34 PM, ginger90 said:

She could have gone to school as an adult too.


In the video, she did jokingly ask that someone give her a PA job but not until the kids are older.  So maybe she will do something later on.  After all, I never would have dreamed that Jana would have gone to college for nursing.  

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  On 12/12/2024 at 7:42 PM, Salacious Kitty said:

Have they announced the sex of the baby?


Not that I recall.  They did discuss a while back in a video that one of the girls drew a picture of the family with a baby brother, but they didn't really announce or confirm anything.  They'll probably do a video about it when they're ready to announce.  They did say on this video that Jinger is at the halfway mark in her pregnancy.    

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They still don’t have realistic goals for jobs – even the imaginary ones. A professional golfer? A PA? So Jinger thinks she’s just going to march into a Hollywood studio and be given some sort of a job? Because she was on TV and because she lives in LA? And Jeremy had no other thoughts besides preaching or being a famous athlete? I don’t think being in LA is helping them at all, it’s inflating their egos. As is Jinger’s book money. what could she possibly talk about next? I think her time as an author is coming to an end.

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To be slightly fair to them, does anyone answer the fantasy jobs question with a realistic goal? One of my answers to that question is historical costume design. I don't cosplay or even sew beyond mending seams and assembling sweater parts, plus there's very low demand and I likely wouldn't make enough to live on. Still a dream job, though!

Not to say that Jinger and Jeremy's continued semi-working success isn't one of the mysteries of the universe, though.

Edited by satrunrose
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  On 12/13/2024 at 10:34 PM, satrunrose said:

To be slightly fait to them, does anyone answer the fantasy jobs question with a realistic goal? One of my answers to that question is historical costume design. I don't cosplay or even sew beyond mending seams and assembling sweater parts, plus there's very low demand and I likely wouldn't make enough to live on. Still a dream job, though!

Not to say that Jinger and Jeremy's continued semi-working success isn't one of the mysteries of the universe, though.


I do often think realistically about what I could’ve done. I’m not putting myself up there anywhere as some fictional, major athlete or movie director. In my mind, I think that I have always liked taking care of people, so I would’ve been a good RN. And my husband thinks realistically about being a military officer. He ended up with a good federal law-enforcement government and job anyway, so that probably worked out better. And I wanted to stay home with babies, and travel, so I was part-time travel agent. I would hope that most people think realistically about what they could’ve done instead of head in the clouds dreams. they gained a little bit of fame, and were all like– I wanna be an astronaut! I want to be a country music singer! I wanna play golf! I want to direct movies!

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  On 12/13/2024 at 2:14 AM, Salacious Kitty said:

 Hopefully, it will be her last foray into the literary world.


Why would anybody care about her writing books, if they claim they don't read them anyway? 

She doesn't hurt anybody by telling her tales to hacks that put them together in chapter form.  Leg humpers line up for that shit, but people that don't give a crap about her "experiences" don't have to go anywhere near them.  

Basically a "live and let live" kinda deal.  


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  On 12/15/2024 at 9:22 AM, EmeraldGirl said:

I do often think realistically about what I could’ve done. I’m not putting myself up there anywhere as some fictional, major athlete or movie director. In my mind, I think that I have always liked taking care of people, so I would’ve been a good RN. And my husband thinks realistically about being a military officer. He ended up with a good federal law-enforcement government and job anyway, so that probably worked out better. And I wanted to stay home with babies, and travel, so I was part-time travel agent. I would hope that most people think realistically about what they could’ve done instead of head in the clouds dreams. they gained a little bit of fame, and were all like– I wanna be an astronaut! I want to be a country music singer! I wanna play golf! I want to direct movies!


That all sounds really great. 

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  On 12/15/2024 at 9:53 PM, Salacious Kitty said:

Jinger's two previous books attracted a lot of hate readers. Hopefully, they used the library and didn't line her pockets. 


She bores me so much that I couldn’t even be bothered to hate read her books for free. Hell, I wouldn’t read them if you paid me (unless it was a substantial amount 😆😆)

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  On 12/15/2024 at 9:53 PM, Salacious Kitty said:

Jinger's two previous books attracted a lot of hate readers. Hopefully, they used the library and didn't line her pockets. 


That's what I have done.  I'm not sure she has any content for yet another book.  I'm expecting soon we'll get books by the church ghost writer with Jinger's name just put on them.

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  On 12/13/2024 at 10:34 PM, satrunrose said:

To be slightly fair to them, does anyone answer the fantasy jobs question with a realistic goal? One of my answers to that question is historical costume design. I don't cosplay or even sew beyond mending seams and assembling sweater parts, plus there's very low demand and I likely wouldn't make enough to live on. Still a dream job, though!

Not to say that Jinger and Jeremy's continued semi-working success isn't one of the mysteries of the universe, though.


I always wanted to do that and I can barely sew on a button! 

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