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Deal or No Deal Island Discussion: Let's see what's on the Board


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I think Miranda was totally right taking the personal offer.  There's no guarantee how long she will last and she knows that Aron is not tight with her, and she's probably not in any alliance.  Also, even if she made it to the finals, there's no guarantee that she will walk away with more than the $.01 case.  And, yes, I think it was great that she shared her info (she doesn't owe Aron any kind of loyalty).

I think Aron overplayed and his position may start changing.  Rob may be looking for a new #1.

This game has always been a lot of smoke and mirrors.  They put focus on the high numbers and that dazzles everyone, but there are more lower number cases.

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4 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

I think Aron overplayed and his position may start changing.  Rob may be looking for a new #1.

I think Aaron should have just added that although he trusts Alyssa in the alliance, he didn't trust Alyssa with that much power to decide who goes home if she wins Deal or No Deal so that's why he'd put Rob up over Alyssa. He'd basically use Rob's own reasoning for not wanting Miranda in the bottom two, not trusting that Miranda would do what the alliance wanted.

Edited by AntFTW
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I was just happy to see someone other than Rob showing a little strategic initiative, even if Aron then negated it by sharing too much.

I don’t generally put much stock in game show conspiracy theories, but if a little producer manipulation is needed to keep Rob in the game, I have no doubt it will happen. He’s their whole show, and they know it.

Then again, it may not be necessary. This cast is giving me flashbacks to the time Rob finally won Survivor— it was like casting went out of their way to cast a bunch of wide-eyed, fawning young women whose main ambition was to stroke Rob’s hair, fan him and feed him grapes. But then again, maybe those ladies would have been strategic powerhouses in a different season. Maybe Rob is really just that good. (I’d forgotten about that whole Amazing Race thing with the meat. That was awesome.)

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15 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

At this point I'm starting to think he is!  Either way, not sure I care, because he's entertaining the hell out of me.  

Agree. I do wonder if he got x amount of $ just to appear/play. So maybe he’s not the ultimate winner but there for name & likeability. 
Are they pulling new people out of the jungle every week?  Last week, I didn’t recognize or know Miranda. This week, it was Jordan. 

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I was actually hoping that the Banker Bonus case was going to reveal a double elimination, so I was really disappointed.

Rob really keeps the game going-he's playing the alliance that's against him as smoothly as his actual allies.  Everyone is so focused on him that they aren't playing their own game.  I'm sure he worked a contract that guaranteed a payment to him whether he wins or not (he has had similar contracts for some of his later Survivor appearances [my source is this board for his and Amber's appearances on the all-star version of exile island]).

Although not a fan, I felt for Amy when Alyssa sat next to her, proclaimed that they could just relax and not talk game, and then preceeded to do nothing but talk game.

Oh, and snakes?  That was tough-hopefully they have medics to take care of the bites...

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Another episode of everyone thinking they need to do something about Rob, then getting distracted by a shiny object. I can handle the ridiculousness of this show, but the boredom is threatening to drive me away. Somebody needs to do something interesting, and quick. 

I really don't understand the point of the briefcase round. I know they want to create ties to the original game, but this is not the way to do it. When someone is just trying to survive, the dollar amounts are meaningless. The only consideration should be the odds of staying or leaving, based on where the offer falls within the remaining case amounts. That should take about a half second to calculate, so why all the angst over what other people think and what might or might not go into the pot? If you're not there at the end, you won't care.  Gah, these people.

If they do this again, they need to make the cases strictly symbolic, or use them in a way that isn't so mind-numbingly stupid. Then again, I probably won't be back to see it, unless they find another veteran I like to harass and manipulate the sheep. (Got some free time, Parvati?) Maybe the solution is to go all-star, like The Traitors. At least everyone would come with sharpened knives.

Nah, who am I kidding. The solution is to cancel this trainwreck and put it out of our misery. The sooner, the better. Just give Rob his briefcase full of cash and let him go home already.

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Trying to picture the end…one contestant standing, they go into another briefcase round with the highest case the total of all they have been collecting.  I wonder about the value of the other cases.   How low will the low values be?  They could make a deal like Rob did for a relatively small amount, or make a bad deal and lose everything so the entire show would end with no real winner.  Am I on track?

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There’s something between Stephanie and Alyssa that we didn’t see. There has to be more because this animosity between them makes no sense.

Stephanie is seemingly still pretending like she wasn’t told about the plan about getting out Kim, and then lied about it when she was called out in front of everyone? And she thinks she has the moral high ground? Alyssa is somehow the snake and the one that lacks integrity?

Edited by AntFTW
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Wow.  Just wow.  There was quite a bit of animosity evidenced here.  However, Stephanie revealed a weakness that infects a lot of participants on these reality competition shows when she stated that she needed to get rid of players who weren't here to play for her.  I am always amazed when people think that everyone else should be playing in order to help them win and not, you know, win for themselves.  Alyssa knew how to push Stephanie's buttons, that's for sure.

Rob gave some good strategy advice-basically that those who nobody is targeting are actually the most dangerous players as they will make it to the end.

Aron was out of his emotional depth in this game.  He was way too tied to Alyssa.  Rob tried to bring the emotions down after Alyssa left, but Aron was far too affected by the drama.  I have no idea if he will quit the game or continue.

Liked Rob and Nick during the paddle board competition, it looked like they just accepted that they were the worst at paddle boarding and just decided to enjoy the moment.

Oh, and it doesn't matter how large the final case is-chances are the winner will end up with the $.01 case anyway...

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Well that was unpleasant.  lol  But like Alyssa says, check the tape.  Everybody will see (after it's too late, of course) that Stephanie knew exactly what was going on and agreed to a plan and then changed her mind.  Which is perfectly okay, but no use lying about it because it is on record.  But the way they went at each other was just ugly.  Everybody wants to win, you can't exactly get mad at someone for wanting to win the game they signed up to try to win.

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9 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

Liked Rob and Nick during the paddle board competition, it looked like they just accepted that they were the worst at paddle boarding and just decided to enjoy the moment.

Like so much on this show, the way this competition was played made no sense.  It doesn't seem the task was timed, yet they all seemed to trying to beat each other to the cases and then to the beach.   If there was more than one key, I can maybe see why a team would want it first.  (was there a second key in the final crate?)   Nick and Rob could have taken a leisurely paddle around the Banker's Island and I can't see that they would have been penalized in any way. 

Did Stephanie agree or was she noncommittal when Alyssa told her the plan?  I remember it as the latter, but I could be wrong.   And Alyssa was correct when she said Stephanie never spoke up against the Kim plan when she had a chance.  

One reason I quit watching the Chase was it was too irritating when the players left with nothing at the end.   That was only for 1 episode.   I imagine I'll be livid after the finale if Rob (or Austin or Jordan) leave with a prize of $20 

Edited by Thalia
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2 hours ago, Thalia said:

Did Stephanie agree or was she noncommittal when Alyssa told her the plan?  I remember it as the latter, but I could be wrong.   And Alyssa was correct when she said Stephanie never spoke up against the Kim plan when she had a chance.

From the way I read it, she was verbally noncommittal. She never said "I agree with the plan" or anything similar. However, from what we saw*** she gave the impression that she was okay with the plan without actually saying "I agree." She did not give any impression that she wouldn't follow along with the plan. Alyssa said something like "everyone has to be in on the plan" and Stephanie said "ok" in a manner that would suggest she's onboard with the plan. She didn't express or show any discomfort with the plan or any sense of unease. She was smiling and cackling with Claudia as Claudia was giddy at the plan to get Kim out. Claudia also got the impression that Stephanie was in agreement of the plan. My guess is that she didn't want become the target if she disagreed, which is fair.

However, in addition to that, Stephanie still acted like she didn't know the plan when the time came to execute. She knew what people expected of her. Stephanie was put on the spot because she knew she was informed of the plan and she knew they expected something from her. To me, she knew that she gave them an implicit agreement because she didn't want the "steal", and her getting the 'steal' meant she would have had to show that she was a part of the plan. She wanted to hide her allegiance by getting any of the dollar amounts. Once she got the 'steal', she had to either play dumb or pick a side.

I just don't quite understand how Stephanie's mad at and/or disgusted with Alyssa for that, and what made Alyssa a "snake" from Stephanie's POV.

ETA: I forgot that Miranda dropped a bomb on her way out that Aron was targeting Stephanie. I nearly forgot Miranda was on the show. That may have fueled the fire Aron and Alyssa were super close.

Edited by AntFTW
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On 4/9/2024 at 12:01 AM, AntFTW said:

There’s something between Stephanie and Alyssa that we didn’t see. There has to be more because this animosity between them makes no sense.

Stephanie is seemingly still pretending like she wasn’t told about the plan about getting out Kim, and then lied about it when she was called out in front of everyone? And she thinks she has the moral high ground? Alyssa is somehow the snake and the one that lacks integrity?

I have issues with both women, but I feel somewhat Alyssa owns who she is.

On 4/9/2024 at 9:07 AM, seacliffsal said:

Wow.  Just wow.  There was quite a bit of animosity evidenced here.  However, Stephanie revealed a weakness that infects a lot of participants on these reality competition shows when she stated that she needed to get rid of players who weren't here to play for her.  I am always amazed when people think that everyone else should be playing in order to help them win and not, you know, win for themselves.  Alyssa knew how to push Stephanie's buttons, that's for sure.

Rob gave some good strategy advice-basically that those who nobody is targeting are actually the most dangerous players as they will make it to the end.

Aron was out of his emotional depth in this game.  He was way too tied to Alyssa.  Rob tried to bring the emotions down after Alyssa left, but Aron was far too affected by the drama.  I have no idea if he will quit the game or continue.

Liked Rob and Nick during the paddle board competition, it looked like they just accepted that they were the worst at paddle boarding and just decided to enjoy the moment.

Oh, and it doesn't matter how large the final case is-chances are the winner will end up with the $.01 case anyway...

Rob said it well, that in these games you can't play well if you are caught up in your emotions and play it personally like Stephanie. One thing I will say for Alyssa, I thought she was snaky but I knew it was all for game play.

Yes I would imagine it's tough for someone with anxiety troubles to be on a show like this. 

Yes I love how Rob and Nick just laughed about the whole paddleboard competition and their role in it.

On 4/9/2024 at 4:31 PM, bunnyface said:

Well that was unpleasant.  lol  But like Alyssa says, check the tape.  Everybody will see (after it's too late, of course) that Stephanie knew exactly what was going on and agreed to a plan and then changed her mind.  Which is perfectly okay, but no use lying about it because it is on record.  But the way they went at each other was just ugly.  Everybody wants to win, you can't exactly get mad at someone for wanting to win the game they signed up to try to win.

I don't think she ever agreed to the plan per se. I think she was acting like she agreed to the plan but was never going along with it when all was said and done. And yes the worst part was the lie, not the fact she didn't want to do the plan in the first place.

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Something is missing in this show but I'm not quite sure what it is. It's trying to be part Survivor and part game show but the survivor part doesn't work because there are no teams, we don't get a chance to get to know much about most of the people besides Rob and Aron and a big part of every challenge is luck rather than just skill. The suitcase part isn't all that interesting because instead of 26 cases, they usually have 12 and have to open 7 at first so the rounds are really short, Than of course people aren't really getting money they are just avoiding elimination and we usually can guess who will be eliminated, 

I didn't like Alyssa and don't care that she is gone. Why does everyone act like Aron is some God and untouchable? Because he is friends with Rob? I don't see anything about him that makes him one of the top players and people act like him and Rob are in charge of the game. 

I found it weird that when Aron left, he said he couldn't handle it then made a big deal about it.  If he really couldn't handle it, he would have said it and left.  Turning back around, making sure he had everyone's attention, and being dramatic just seemed so fake... unless he was quitting the game, but I don't believe that.  How is he going to get revenge if he quits? And how would he get revenge anyway?  He can vote her out, but he would be doing that anyway for his own game, not revenge.

Sigh.  I didn't watch the two eps before this one, so I don't know the group dynamics other than Rob and Aron are allies.

9 hours ago, Johannah said:


Sigh.  I didn't watch the two eps before this one, so I don't know the group dynamics other than Rob and Aron are allies.

Basically, Rob, Aron, & Alyssa made an alliance and then Amy, Stephanie, Miranda, and one the other guys (Derek I think) got mad that the Rob Mob made an alliance so they hypocritically made an alliance called the Night Owls. I’m not sure where Jordan & Nick fit in. Rob clearly takes nothing personally, but it seems most others are. But I’m sorry—everyone should play their own game and own it, win or lose. I’m not sure why a person would think that everyone else should help them win. 

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I find it amusing that so many of the players state that they want to control their own game and therefore want to face the banker.  Probably just bravado as they know they will be the ones who have to play against the banker.  But, there is very little strategy involved in 'facing the banker.'  If the offer is lower than most of the remaining cases, then it will most likely be a 'bad' deal.  If the offer is higher than most of the remaining cases, then it will most likely be a 'good' deal.  That's really it.  This show has really been about hyping people into thinking they will win 'big' money when most of the cases don't really have that much in them (of course, I would be excited to win anything but that's not the 'response' they want-they want the hype, the pressure to try to go 'big').  And, on this iteration of the show, they try to pressure the players to add 'big' to the last suitcase.  The priority should be to not be eliminated, not to add 'big' money to one suitcase that, most likely, nobody will win anyway.

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8 hours ago, AntFTW said:

I'm curious at what the end looks like. Once they get down to the final players, how is the winner determined?

Do they face the banker in Deal or No Deal? I can't imagine that being how the winner is determined. If that's not it, then what is?

…and then there is the question of how much they win.  Just because there will be a huge case in the mix, no guarantee they will pick this case or tha5 they will make a good deal. 

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I'm sure there will be a Deal or No Deal banker showdown with the Biggest Case ever! available as one of the cases. 

The rest of the high value ones will probably be scaled to be similar to it, but still significantly lower. (So if the Biggest Case is 10M, the second biggest will probably be 7M then 5M, 3, 2 and 1M, and then it drops down to the usual 'small value' cases). 

As long as you don't knock out the high value cases early, the banker offers should stay in the million range, making for a decent payout, even if your chances of actually winning the Biggest Case Ever! value are pretty slim. 

And yes, that means there is a chance that after all this buildup, someone could walk out with a penny case. 

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I think the producers want me to root for Aron, but I am now 'rooting' for him to leave.  He is borderline obsessive about Ayssa and it's a bit concerning.  He's going to avenge her?  Play his game for her?  Why?  I get that they were friends, and yes, you want your friends to stay in the game with you, but this is way overboard.  And then even when Rob shows him where a case is, he is in no hurry to retrieve it.  

I am also ready for Amy to ga home.  Being in the 'majority' in an individual game sure went to her head.  Oh, and choosing to go after Aron immediately after his emotional breakdown?  Not a good look.

I'm glad that we're finally getting to know Jordan (who?) a bit more.  

Dawson absolutely made the right choice to take the personal offer.  I would have taken it in a heartbeat.  All this hoopla about how large the final case will be?  Doesn't really matter as statistically the chances are that the final player will not win that last, huge case.  

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4 hours ago, DEL901 said:

Maybe I took it wrong, but I thought Joe implied that the banker would appear in the final showdown…wonder if it will turn out to be Howie?

I was wondering too if it was Howie. I thought Howie in the original version wrote the "script" for the banker anyhow.

2 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

I think the producers want me to root for Aron, but I am now 'rooting' for him to leave.  He is borderline obsessive about Ayssa and it's a bit concerning.  He's going to avenge her?  Play his game for her?  Why?  I get that they were friends, and yes, you want your friends to stay in the game with you, but this is way overboard.  And then even when Rob shows him where a case is, he is in no hurry to retrieve it.  

I am also ready for Amy to ga home.  Being in the 'majority' in an individual game sure went to her head.  Oh, and choosing to go after Aron immediately after his emotional breakdown?  Not a good look.

I'm glad that we're finally getting to know Jordan (who?) a bit more.  

Dawson absolutely made the right choice to take the personal offer.  I would have taken it in a heartbeat.  All this hoopla about how large the final case will be?  Doesn't really matter as statistically the chances are that the final player will not win that last, huge case.  

I like Aron but he's not cut out for this show. If all this action is causing an anxiety attack for Aron, maybe he's better off leaving??

The game definitely went to Amy's head. I'm over her. 

I like Jordan from what we have seen of her. I'm rooting for her or Rob to win.

Definitely a good choice for Dawson. Because we have no idea if he or someone else would even make it to the final and win the big case or even get a big deal, $100 K guaranteed is definitely a good deal.

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Dawson Addis Had a Secret Alliance on Deal or No Deal Island (Outside the Night Owls)
The Wisconsin realtor was eliminated on his own terms, but he says he had an alliance that never made it to the final TV broadcast. 
By James Grebey    Apr 16, 2024

Edited by tv echo
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Wow, Aron's behavior is so embarrassing. Telling Alyssa "I will avenge you" and then moping around the next day and rolling his eyes like a bratty child while Dawson was playing the suitcase round was pathetic. If I were his girlfriend (and he does claim to have one) I would be mortified watching him act this way over another woman, even if they were just platonic friends. Yikes.

I don't remember anyone's name, so I guess I'm rooting for the muscly NY garbageman, but only because he annoys me the least. This is a very weird show!

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I can handle it when my favorite players don't win these games.  But if Pam Amy wins I can see me being angry for days.  She is such a bully, and Nick is right there with her for making fun of Aaron's status as the 97 lb weakling of the show.   Classy. 

PS, I think I keep calling Amy Pam because she reminds me of "Angry Pam" from the old Trading Spaces days.  And that goes back a while! 

Edited by Thalia
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49 minutes ago, Thalia said:

I can handle it when my favorite players don't win these games.  But if Pam wins I can see me being angry for days.  She is such a bully, and Nick is right there with her for making fun of Aaron's status as the 97 lb weakling of the show.   Classy. 

Is Pam the blonde woman? 🤔

I actually liked last night's episode. For a moment, I thought (insert name of person that played Deal or No Deal) was going to send Stephanie home if he had won. I also got the impression that if he were to make it to the end and win the prize money, he would spend 100% of it on his wedding.

It's shameful that I only remember Rob, Stephanie and Aron's names. The show has pretty much been 90% of Rob and the rest is a mix of everyone else.

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Amy is getting meaner and cockier the closer to the finale she gets. The 'night owls' are really piling on Rob. I don't get why they seemingly dislike him so much. I wish Rob actually had a better strategic partner than Aron.

Will be interesting to see if Jordan has an impact next week. I do wish she had spoken up about the 'night owls' being so very mean and mocking, but we are watching the prioritization of trying to win money (with no guarantee of anyone walking away with anything) over all else.

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9 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

Amy is getting meaner and cockier the closer to the finale she gets. The 'night owls' are really piling on Rob. I don't get why they seemingly dislike him so much.

I think a overwhelming part of it that they do see Rob as a genuine threat, which they should. They got all the tea about how he played Survivor and how he won. It just festered from there. I'm sure it may have rubbed some people the wrong way about how he's played the game so far while also completely ignoring that they're doing the same thing.

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