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S03.E06: The Road Home, Part 2


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They actually got everyone (except Ty, who chose to stay) back to the present with a happy ending. Good for them. Hope Ty doesn't regret that after the next T-Rex attack.

Was there an aroura in the sky this whole time?

I thought when Eve was in 1965 she was a prisoner...how did she go around leaving letters in some tree?

Speaking of the tree, why did they meet Eve there at the end? This wasn't an emergency where they had nowhere else to meet, they could have just gone home and waited.

I know Maya was evil and all, but did they really just kidnap Petra and then murder her mother in front of her? Even if she didn't want to stay in 10,000 BC it is kidnapping to take a kid from their mother. 

Scott seems like someone who would know that Jurassic Park was wrong. You don't stay still if you encounter a T-Rex. But Jurassic Park (a thirty year old movie) did have better special effects for the dinosaurs. Why did it not eat anyone? It just knocked them out of the way.

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Para said they were attacked by “a pack of dinosaurs.”
A "pack" of dinosaurs? Really?? That's what they're calling it? Not “herd”?

Yeah. I know. That was the least of it. 

  • Para walks away from being pinned under a bone crushing weight.
  • Don't get me started on Sam's apparently successful emergency surgery on Riley in a 1965 hospital.
  • Arrows and spears win over automatic weapons.
  • Lucas sends his pregnant wife off alone to a different century with a see-ya-later while he goes off to battle dinos and AK-47s. 
  • And instead of going to a post-pandemic year, they fly straight to 2021. With a little luck, they might be in time to make a killing on real estate.
    Oh. Of course. It's an Alternate Universe 2021.
    Alrighty then.


  • Where'd they park the time travel plane?


7 minutes ago, Brown44 said:

I'll say this about the Finale, they put some money on that T-Rex.

Maybe they did it on the cheap with AI?

Edited by shapeshifter
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I don't even know where to start with this mess. So much time running around, jumping to different timelines, just to gather everyone back together again. If some of the actors were only going to be available for one or two episodes, they should have all been sent back to 2021 so they could just all end up there. The entire 1965 timeline made no sense. They had to destroy the research facility because that would destroy all of Maia's tech, but then they had to destroy the chip back in 10,000 BC too? Only they didn't because there was a time travel plane which they took back to 2021 and then just left it in a field? Who gets the plane? And how did Gavin break into the Pasadena research facility in the first place? They just sort of skipped over that part.

If Eve destroyed the research facility in 1965 how did she get back to 2021? I don't know why they threw that whole bit with her writing letters to the future in there, it didn't make any sense. She should have just said she jumped through the aurora right before the beacon or whatever blew up.

Let's not even get into the primitive villagers with spears and bows and arrows getting the jump on soldiers with machine guns. Where did the soldiers and the villagers all go when Gavin and his friends were in the hanger with the plane? Did they all disappear except for Maia?

Sure, Josh, hug the girl who just had abdominal surgery.

How did the soldiers get Paara's ring if she wasn't dead? Did they pull it off her finger while she was trapped under rubble then just leave her there?

Way too many 11th hour additions to this story just to give everyone a love interest. I guess Izzy and Leyla just weren't meant to be. Why didn't she bring her back with her? Everyone else got their happily ever after.

I think maybe six episodes were five too many to finish out this story because it was all over the map. In a perfect (well, better) world, competent writers would have been hired to write a tidy two-hour movie to wrap things up. Instead everything wrong with the first two seasons got 10 times worse.

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14 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

If Eve destroyed the research facility in 1965 how did she get back to 2021? I don't know why they threw that whole bit with her writing letters to the future in there, it didn't make any sense. She should have just said she jumped through the aurora right before the beacon or whatever blew up.

I think there was a double aroura in 1965, just like 10,000 BC and 2021, so I guess she got through at some point.

But the letters definitely made no sense. I thought they were going to read them in a voiceover with a montage of everyone being happy, and they would have some meaningful message. But why say she wrote letters and then never read them?

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Yeah, this final episode was stupid all around.

The duel between the fighter jet and the T-Rex was ridiculous.

The T-Rex CGI made the giant alligator from last episode look Oscar-quality.

The entire resolution about how Eve got back to 2021 was just sloppy.
Tossing in that nonsense about the tree was just so dumb.  And the unopened letters from the past just made it dumber.

How long after the sinkhole appeared in L.A. did the time traveling plane arrive ?
Apparently long enough that Emily thought Scott was dead.

Who has the microchip now ?   Did they destroy ?

So many unresolved plot threads on this show.

For example, we never did find out how the Confederate Gold got to 10,000 BC California.  Or what year in the future that Gavin's parents came from ?

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3 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

They actually got everyone (except Ty, who chose to stay) back to the present

Well, they got Eve, Gavin, Izzy, Josh, Riley, Dr. Sam, Scott, Veronica, Lucas, Petra and Helena back to 2021 before the La Brea sinkhole opened up, but what about all the background characters who fell into that sinkhole - aren't they still back in 10,000 BC?

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4 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Don't get me started on Sam's apparently successful emergency surgery on Riley in a 1965 hospital.

Having worked in an operating room, all I could think of was - Where's his sterile field - sedating someone is not the same as anesthetizing them, so whatever sedative Dr. Sam was injecting into his daughter's intravenous hook-up was not going to work - and didn't anyone in the hospital notice that someone other than a surgeon on staff had operated on Riley?

4 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Where'd they park the time travel plane?

Good question.

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4 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Where'd they park the time travel plane?

You don't exactly fly an F-117 into LAX and then offload a bunch of civilians in presumably stinky clothing onto Gate 27B.  That should have attracted some attention, but maybe everyone was still dumbstruck by the sinkhole.

Writer's Room - "Alright, everyone, we got a 1 hour show to do here.  Minus an inch over a minute for the Previouslys, and 10 minutes for commercials, that leaves us with barely 8 minutes each for each character arc, plus some general fight scenes.  Get with it!"  T-Rex - "I'm calling my agent."

So you build an extremely secret airbase in 10K BC.  Why do you need a roadblock at the entrance?  And, uh, wouldn't there be some remnants of development even after all that time? Maybe there's something like a Men in Black cleanup crew that goes back in time to remove the evidence. 

 I wonder if the remaining soldiers from Thugs R Us came back to the base and just said "Screw it, there's no adult supervision anymore, I'm taking the day off."

Minus the flashbacks, Natalie Zea had, what, three scenes for the entire season?  They weren't just woofin' when they said she would have a limited appearance.

So, the ScoobyDoo gang sets out to steal cars and they get a classic Caddy, a Ford F-150, and a hot Chevy (I think).  How could they ruin that Ford by crashing it?

  • LOL 1

LOL all day long.  I laughed so hard so many times during the last two episodes.  I laughed the way people laugh at Vin Diesel in the XXX movies.  I chortled, guys.  I chortled big time.

At least the t-rex looked better than that horrible rafting/alligator-crocodile scene from episode 5.

What a stupid waste of the first 5 episodes, just to cram in so much that they skipped scenes altogether, taping them together with a line of dialogue ("we helped Petra escape") or none at all.  Like how did anyone ever know how to find anyone????  Yet people kept reuniting at different places and times.  What in tarnation!

The other La Breans lined up to go through the 2021 aurora when Veronica was going through it, too.  Some went through before her.  Then she and Lucas took their sweet time until she went through.  Meanwhile, they showed a line of other La Breans still queued up, no one going through until Veronica did.  No sense of urgency for an aurora that could disappear at any time.

This show was so convoluted from beginning to end that I can't even begin to try to make connections.  Maya Schmidt is the shittiest Big Bad this year, I think.  And I have no idea what her relationship with Grandpappy Harris was - were they parallel villains?  Did they both work for Reisander?  Was Grandpappy on his own?  Did he break away from Reisander?  I refuse to rewatch the show to determine what I can pull together and what was just unaccounted for.

They didn't have any time for Judah, the recurring grouch with the curly hair and glasses, to make one last whiny complaint.  Please tell me he is not invited to 2021 La Breans weekly brunch.

Josh and Riley will 100% break up within 6 months.  Sam finally remembered he has another kid.

Eve took so long to meet up with her family because she stopped at Drybar to get a blowout.

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43 minutes ago, sweetandsour said:

Eve took so long to meet up with her family because she stopped at Drybar to get a blowout.

O-o-oh! So that’s where she was coming from when she got “stuck” in traffic by the La Brea tar pits.<snerk>


5 hours ago, iMonrey said:

The entire 1965 timeline made no sense.

I may need to watch the Stargate SG1 episode “1969” as a palate cleanser.

I feel like I missed some crucial scenes - like how Eve got from being a captive in 1965 to being free in 2021, how she managed to hide letters in the tree when she was a captive in 1965, and how Gavin went from frantically searching for her in the past to being fine with just waiting for her at their tree in 2021 (how did he know she escaped and went to 2021?). Even if Natalie Zea was not available to shoot additional scenes, there could've been a line of dialogue or exposition from another character to explain what happened.

Also, after his daughter gasps that she can't breathe, Sam decides that that's a good time to have a heart-to-heart talk with her. Clock's ticking and he keeps talking. I thought Riley would suffocate before Sam shut up and started operating.

Edited by tv echo
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12 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

I think there was a double aroura in 1965, just like 10,000 BC and 2021, so I guess she got through at some point.

There's a double aurora in 10,000 BC - one side leads to 2021, the other side leads to 1965. Helena says Maya has a research facility in 1965, that must be where they took Eve. So Helena, Gavin, Izzy and Sam all go there, to rescue Eve. Once there, Helena produces a stripped down EMP and says they must destroy the beacon at Maya's research facility in Pasadena, which will then destroy all her time travel tech.

Question is, what is creating the double auroras? Is it Maya's tech, or are they holdovers from when Levi destroyed the tower? In either case, how does Helena know the auroras will close in a matter of hours? How does she even know how long they've been open? How does she know which sides lead to where?

So they split up, cut to Gavin having broke into the research facility off-camera, taking out all guards single-handedly, but Eve's cell is empty. They learn from a chart that guards have only just recently moved her. So they chase down a jeep, take out the driver and rescue Josh, who tells them Eve put up a fight and he doesn't know where she is.

At some point Helena pulls up and says Eve escaped and will take over the mission with the EMP to take out Maya's tech. All this off-camera, of course. But they have to go back to 10,000 BC and destroy the chip. So they head back to 10,000 BC, leaving Eve behind.

Now, assuming Helena was right that the aurora would close in a matter of hours, Eve either had to go back through it before it closed, or be stuck in 1965 indefinitely. But her "I came to this tree so often and wrote you all letters in case I never saw you again" story suggests she spent months, if not years, back in the 60s. So how the hell did she get back to 2021?

What I thought might happen is that at the very end they would find Eve as an old woman, maybe living in a nursing home somewhere, because she had to stay in 1965.

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I have a soft spot for this ridiculous show because when it first came on, it was when the covid shutdowns were starting to his hit network TV hard, and it was the only new content. (I didn't have a lot of streaming options at that time, maybe it was better.) I was so grateful for something new to watch, stuck in the house, in the middle of everything in the world falling apart. And I do mean everything. 

So I've always kind of just enjoyed the absurdity of it, and retained a fondness, despite the incoherence which makes "Lost" look like a textbook example of tight story construction. This last season was something else though! Points made in this thread, I co-sign. 

Mostly, when I remember La Brea, I will think of Mr. Teeny: "This plot makes no sense! Tell the people!"

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This finale hit a level of cheese, rushed writing, and production constraints to a point that I just had to go with it and get some enjoyment out of how baffling they chose to wrap up plotlines. It would be fascinating to hear the behind the scenes of what went wrong on this season because even with a reduced episode order and actor availability, they still found ways to write themselves into new confusing corners and ignore established plot from the past seasons which didn't help.

You could feel the budget/actor avail/writing limitations when entire scenes were being explained through exposition and characters were missing - all this buildup to 1965 and Eve's rescue and heroic sacrifice in 1965 happens offscreen, and then Riley is "just in the backseat of the car" unconscious lol. My favourite was the beat they spent on Scott and Lucas deciding to go and save Petra, and then two seconds later with no scene or explanation, "okay, saved her!"

The show's time travel and internal logic just made no sense by the end, and everyone here is making great and amusing points about it all. Some other questions I still have:

  • So, there ended up being no connection between James's time travel efforts that caused the sink holes and this completely separate military time travel project of Maya's that's also conveniently operating in 10,000 BC? It was just pure coincidence that Eve time traveled using James's device back to 1965 where Maya's military base operations also happened to be located?
  • Scott's paper/knowledge about that prehistoric plant was important because...? They completely dropped that.
  • Scott also seemed to have no memory of Ty visiting him in 2021 before falling into the sinkhole. So is this a multiverse time travel situation? Yet at the same time Eve can leave a box of letters under a tree and expect it to be there in 2021. The show wanted its time travel to work both ways.
  • The aurora to 2021 took Ty back to before the sinkhole in LA happened, yet in the finale (given that Scott's fiancée thought he was dead) it's taking everyone back to 2021 after the sinkhole appeared? How the aurora decides this makes sense only for the convenience of the plot. But at least this avoids there being a second "pre-sinkhole" version of each character being present at the same time (I still squint at how they just ignored this when Ty went to 2021 earlier this season).
  • And I'm still confused at what point Levi was recruited by Maya (or was he a double agent this entire time?). That came out of nowhere to me. 

No doubt everyone involved didn't intend to make such a mess of it, but this was a rough way to end the show. Still, it was at times a fun and fascinating mess to watch.

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If i have one nice thing to say it's that it was kind of fun watching the T-Rex throw the soldiers around. And that's about it.

I have to believe there were some scenes that ended up on the cutting room floor because a lot of time was spent this season on the burgeoning relationship between Izzy and Leyla, and Leyla so strongly expressed wanting to leave her village behind and go with Izzy to 2021. And yet, here in the finale, even after Leyla popped in to save Izzy's life, they didn't even get a goodbye scene. Nothing. Izzy just left for 2021 with Gavin and Josh and nary a wave goodbye, even, to Leyla. Meanwhile Scott gets a happily ever after with some chick that was never even on the show. Go figure.

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18 hours ago, Js Nana said:

Well, they got Eve, Gavin, Izzy, Josh, Riley, Dr. Sam, Scott, Veronica, Lucas, Petra and Helena back to 2021 before the La Brea sinkhole opened up, but what about all the background characters who fell into that sinkhole - aren't they still back in 10,000 BC?

No, they made a point of saying they couldn't go through without everyone else. I forget who went back to the fort and got them, but someone did and then they showed a line of people going through before Veronica said it was her turn.

10 hours ago, tv echo said:

I feel like I missed some crucial scenes - like how Eve got from being a captive in 1965 to being free in 2021, how she managed to hide letters in the tree when she was a captive in 1965, and how Gavin went from frantically searching for her in the past to being fine with just waiting for her at their tree in 2021 (how did he know she escaped and went to 2021?). Even if Natalie Zea was not available to shoot additional scenes, there could've been a line of dialogue or exposition from another character to explain what happened.

They did have a line about her getting free in 1965. The sister freed her and then Eve told the sister she would finish destroying something and then would go through the aroura back to 2021. She told the sister to tell her family to go to 2021 and she would meet them. Obviously they were limited by the actor not being available.

The letters makes no sense though. And weirdly, the line about letters added nothing to the plot. So why drop in a line that makes no sense and adds nothing?

8 hours ago, iMonrey said:

There's a double aurora in 10,000 BC - one side leads to 2021, the other side leads to 1965.

Right, and there was also a double aroura in 2021 that Ty was able to take to 10,000 BC. So, it is logical it would be in 1965 as well. And that is how everyone got back to 10,000 BC from 1965.

But why the 1965 aroura stayed open longer than the others or why they were there in the first place is something this show doesn't care to answer.

7 hours ago, gail56 said:

I just read an article on TVline that they originally thought they had 14 episodes to wrap things up, and then told it was only 6. They had to scramble to try and fit it in 6 episodes. 

If true, I feel bad for the writers then. That is a lot of episodes to lose where they could have explained things or shown them in more depth. And it explains why they introduced all these new characters this season.

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Eve went to 1965 via James random portal generator. We are to assume she  spent sone time there free and that’s when she wrote the letters. Then we are to assume that Maya saw her, recognized her  somehow and then kidnapped her.  

When Levi returned to 10,000BC, he had a tattoo- which I think was the symbol of Maya’s military unit.  

It was a definite plot hole that Scott, Ty, Gavin and Sam had no memories of their 2021 pre-sinkhole interaction.  

There was no explanation as to how there could be two 2021 pre sinkhole Tys, and both have  cell phones, yet this Ty’s phone was the one that rang when Scott called him to tell him about the message from Gavin - which magically got excavated at just the right time . 


Edited by mythoughtis
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Such an odd show.   It is understandable (kind of sorta) that they couldn't pick up all the things that were hinted at in season 2 finale.  But what happened to all those people supporting Gavin's search in season 1?   And they made a big deal about Gavin having a sister?   But what happened to Izzy and James' Aunt Ione Skye?  

I may sit down later and make a list of the inconsistencies.  But, then again, I may not.  

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2 hours ago, alvajon said:

Does anyone know how long the time frame actually was, from the time the sinkhole happened to getting back home?  A month, a year? Couldn’t tell, couldn’t keep track.  


They were there at least several months. Veronica and Lucas weren’t together until later and now she’s pregnant  

However they could have returned to 2021 just a few days after the sinkhole happened ( but after Gavin and Izzy made their way into the sinkhole and Levi wrecked his rescue plane). 

So they’ve all returned after being thought dead.  Is the government agency that investigated  the Manifest passengers going to swoop in once the rumors about 10,000BC and time travel start?   

Edited by mythoughtis
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9 hours ago, Thalia said:

I may sit down later and make a list of the inconsistencies.  But, then again, I may not.  

It could be good practice for organizing chaos into order in case you need to do so for some real life application. 

It could also be a nice escape for you, like my Mom knitting many backs of sweaters. Later in life she just knitted scarves, which I still wear.😉🤔

If you do, maybe share here in case others might recall a throwaway line that could explain an inconsistency — or create another plot hole.🙃

  • LOL 1
11 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

So they’ve all returned after being thought dead.  Is the government agency that investigated  the Manifest passengers going to swoop in once the rumors about 10,000BC and time travel start?   

That's another thing I wondered about. I kind of figured men in black suits and sunglasses would swoop in and gather up everyone who'd been to 10,000 BC to interrogate or at least debrief them. After all, the military base in 10,000 BC was a black ops site, presumably funded by the government.

And this season made a huge deal out of the government trying to use time travel as a weapon and how they MUST be stopped! Yet Gavin left the time travel plane and, presumably, the chip they obsessed over all season, sitting in a field somewhere. They should have at least shown Gavin smashing the chip once they got back.

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Loved everyone's comments here. It was a fun ride while it lasted. As long as you didn't take it too seriously, it was entertaining for what it was and I agree, I have a soft spot for it as it came on during the pandemic when we were all still sitting around doing nothing but watching a lot of tv. It's too bad they weren't given enough episodes to tie up all their loose ends. I'm not going to think about the inconsistencies and plot holes anymore now that the show has ended but it has ignited an interest in me and my husband to visit the La Brea tar pits museum the next time we are in Los Angeles. 😆

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20 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

There was no explanation as to how there could be two 2021 pre sinkhole Tys, and both have  cell phones, yet this Ty’s phone was the one that rang when Scott called him to tell him about the message from Gavin - which magically got excavated at just the right time . 

Ty could have gotten a burner phone or something once he realized he was back in 2021. Not sure how he had money, but maybe he had his wallet in his pocket this whole time?

19 hours ago, Thalia said:

Such an odd show.   It is understandable (kind of sorta) that they couldn't pick up all the things that were hinted at in season 2 finale.  But what happened to all those people supporting Gavin's search in season 1?   And they made a big deal about Gavin having a sister?   But what happened to Izzy and James' Aunt Ione Skye?  

I may sit down later and make a list of the inconsistencies.  But, then again, I may not.  

Yeah, the search from season 1 is a dropped plot point. Along with everyone being presumed dead. That is a whole other show there, actually.

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My thoughts, that are not yet discussed here.

We know that what happened at 10k BCE affected present time. Case in point, Eve left an artefact (for God's sake I cannot remember) under a boulder in 10k BCE for Gavin to find in the present. Now they introduced species from Cretaceous to Neogene period. Did that not affect the present at all? Those dinosaurs skipped very long time period, including the mass extinction, to be in 10k BCE. Surely evolution of species in that earth cannot be the same as it is IRL. And therefore 2021 Los Angeles cannot be the same as the one they left.

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8 hours ago, TV Anonymous said:

My thoughts, that are not yet discussed here.

We know that what happened at 10k BCE affected present time. Case in point, Eve left an artefact (for God's sake I cannot remember) under a boulder in 10k BCE for Gavin to find in the present. Now they introduced species from Cretaceous to Neogene period. Did that not affect the present at all? Those dinosaurs skipped very long time period, including the mass extinction, to be in 10k BCE. Surely evolution of species in that earth cannot be the same as it is IRL. And therefore 2021 Los Angeles cannot be the same as the one they left.

There should definitely be differences, but we don't know how many dinosaurs made it into 10,000 BC. If it is only a few, they would likely just die out.

Now, why scientists in 2021 wouldn't have found the way to recent dino bones is another question. But they should have found remains of the fort and gotten confused about what people in the time period were doing.

Sounds like they ran out of time to explore that. They just wanted to show dinosaurs.

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I recently saw some click bait link for the worst 25 scifi tv shows of all time.  And believe it or not La Brea was not on it.  We were robbed!

The problem with the series finale and the show is not that it was convoluted and made no sense it is that they didn't even make any pretense of trying.  We got a shotgun introduction to "sister" and then "dad" who seemed a key figure disappeared.  Never mind Grandpa.

And I'm still unsure why this microchip could not just be replaced.

But that is not what is gnawing on me.  It's how they completely ignored the subject of how changing the past would change the present.  I.e. one reason we ended up with the world we have now is the neolithic revolution started in the middle east and spread from there with the America's being more isolated and developing and/or receiving various advancements at a delayed clip.  If agriculture is developed in 10,000 BC in California that changes a lot. And we're not even talking about more modern technologies such as computers and automobiles that are just lying there.

Now of course one reason why we're not reading about Olmecs sailing across the Pacific and conquering China is this "civilization" is facing packs of dinosaurs.  Perhaps still wandering around downtown LA to this day.  Again a pretty big deal.

At least TRY to come up with some type of answer, a wormhole, something from the past, a volcano destroying the area.. something to say why our timeline is not totally messed up.

Edited by Taget
On 2/19/2024 at 5:04 PM, Taget said:

At least TRY to come up with some type of answer, a wormhole, something from the past, a volcano destroying the area.. something to say why our timeline is not totally messed up.

Especially since they established in season 1 the changes DID impact the present. Even in season 2 they had Sam gain memories of meeting Riley and Josh back in the 1980s. But this season they didn't acknowledge it at all.

I will give the writers some credit since they apparently had their episode order cut. But a throwaway line about what happened to the dinosaurs doesn't seem like too much to ask.

Well, it's done...it was rushed...it needed two full hours. And it was very incoherent. At one point I thought the vintage truck and cars were driven through the vortex into 10,0000 BC. In honor of the rambling finale, I'll just post some random thoughts.

*Petra watches her mother be murdered and we don't even cut to her reaction.

*Paara and Ruth never share a scene together.

*Silas killed off camera in the dino attack? Who knows...nobody asked about him.

*I had no idea where Eve went with the EMP and was never clear why they said she went home.

*Why does the double aurora explode when it closed?

*What LA are they returning to....one with a giant sinkhole. Is the Hollywood sign still destroyed from 1988? What are the ramifications of all that 21st-century stuff and people from the base and the tower stranded in 10,0000 BC.

*There should be so much to deal with from the return...what about the scientest woman helping in season one...what about Gavin's adopted sister what would their reaction be....what about the rest of the world?

*The daughter and her Zena squeeze don't even get a tearful farewell?

I'll stop there.

On a positive note, they at least bothered to get all the redshirts home instead of killing them all off in a flaming arrow attack ala LOST. Still I don't understand the leisurely pace....I would have been bum rushing the vortex elbowing people out of my way to make sure I got through. I wonder if anyone besides Tye decided to stay behind.

And they did pull a surprise....I thought reformed drug dealer and reformed kidnapper would stay behind. They get a happy ending but Lily is still dead.

Appreciated the final shot of the destroyed clearing and the green aurora in the sky as a nod to the earlier version of LABREA when there at least seemed to be a mapped-out plan.

Lastly...what happened to the Confederate gold?! Is Scott going to dig it up in 2021?

Edited by North of Eden

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