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S05.E03: Well-Done and Over With

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Tammy tells her that her son went back in the bathroom? Again, alone. And then no one goes to check on him while putting masks on, etc. I kept waiting to hear a Thud! & baby screaming. 

I feel bad for Amy, but it was telling that when Tammy said ‘just clean up after the boys….and yourself’. Her first reaction was to pout & cry. She’s just sitting there, watching Tammy hold the baby…get up and clean something. 

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Any needs a physical cuz her hormones are way off after having Glenn. She also needs antidepressant meds and a therapist stat. 

She could  shut/lock doors so Gage won't get into off limits rooms. Put in a hook and eye latch up high where he can't reach it.   Limit his play space to the living room or where she can see him.

She needs to work out a separation and visitation schedule with Michael and his mom,  since it sounds like that's where the kids will be watched. Amy cd benefit from a legit financial advisor so as not to blow her $.

As the prime breadwinner she will most likely end up paying support to Michael and sharing custody. They both need parenting classes and ideas for how to play/teach the kids plus playgroups as mentioned by another poster. 

Who wd have thought that Tammy becomes the voice of reason in this show? Unfortunately the longer she is out of rehab the more she will adapt to the madness. Hope she has a therapist in her town. 

However, the boys still need to see their father.  Tammy cannot fill that role.





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Imo, truly incorporating healthy eating habits is very difficult for those with serious obesity issues.  I have witnessed it with my own extended family.  It’s heartbreaking how the obsession with food overrides everything.  I didn’t believe Michael’s comments about making the food he made healthful.  Tammy has little chance of true long term success with weight loss in that group.  They all need serious therapy.  They still have the mentality that healthy eating is a punishment to be endured, rather than a lifestyle that provides delicious and rewarding options. 

For my family’s main holiday gathering this year, I bought several healthy foods to be prepared, because I eat different now and not a lot of high calorie, high fat, or high sugar foods.  She put them in the freezer and prepared a ton of unhealthy dishes that the rest of the family would love, but didn’t need, due to their obesity and health conditions.  So, I picked at a few things she served….just a bite or two, since those foods do nothing for me and cooked my own healthy dishes the next day.  Lol. It’s really sad.  


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2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Tammy has little chance of true long term success with weight loss in that group.  

You nailed that one! And Tammy saying something about Amy taking care of her for so long and now it's time for Tammy to take care of Amy. It's going to be a disaster. Tammy can afford her own place to live on her TLC money. But no, she's going to move in with Amy so they can enable each other (and argue). 

This show is moving backwards to where it started.

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I struggle with the idea of saying it's Amy's money.  It's not like she came into the marriage with it, so doesn't it really belongs to them both?  I have that same reaction when husbands say that when their wives are not working outside the home.

I'm taking the children out of the equation, because I think they are figured in to decide how their money should be divided.

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2 hours ago, cynicat said:


I struggle with the idea of saying it's Amy's money.  It's not like she came into the marriage with it, so doesn't it really belongs to them both?  I have that same reaction when husbands say that when their wives are not working outside the home.

I'm taking the children out of the equation, because I think they are figured in to decide how their money should be divided.

That might be valid if Amy brought in the money and Michael contributed to the family by taking care of the house and kids etc. But he does nothing. So yes it is Amy’s money. But I’m sure she will have to continue to support Michael with her earnings. 

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19 hours ago, Pi237 said:

I feel bad for Amy, but it was telling that when Tammy said ‘just clean up after the boys….and yourself’. Her first reaction was to pout & cry. She’s just sitting there, watching Tammy hold the baby…get up and clean something. 

Nope.  She is not going to do it.  She is lazy.  She had no problem with roaches and mice crawling around in the same room as her baby after the first one was born.

If Tammy had been born into a different family, she could have made a good life for herself. Amy, not so much because that takes effort.

Edited by Kid
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3 hours ago, SDVegas said:

That might be valid if Amy brought in the money and Michael contributed to the family by taking care of the house and kids etc. But he does nothing. So yes it is Amy’s money. But I’m sure she will have to continue to support Michael with her earnings. 

Maybe I'm wrong but when this show started Michael worked full time night shift at a mill. That was before the kids and when he was escorting/driving both Tammy and Amy everywhere.

Amy and Tammy were certainly getting a TLC pay check back then. I'm not defending the accusations of him being a disengaged father but damn, Amy chose who she wanted and got what she wanted. Two kids and now she's complaining. 

So I'm not believing all the negative talk about Michael. He must be getting paid by TLC too. Just like all of these family members. 

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Wish I could quit this sh******. Have watched from day 1. Amy is visually impaired which is going to impact her day-to-day life. Amy also has shown for years now that she is also lazy AF. Two kids under 2 is a lot, and it will only get harder as the baby gets mobile. We will never know the true story of her marriage to Michael, but she shares responsibility in the break up of her marriage. Did she ever ask for help around the house or just expect it? Did she and Michael go to counseling? I'm liking Amy, Amanda, Misty and Chris a lot less these days. Absolutely hate how they all call each other "bitch". I have 7 sibs and have never referred to any of them that way (as an adult 😁). Like Tina Fey said in Mean Girls- girls calling other girl bitch gives boys permission to do the same thing. Rant Over.

Edited by BAForever
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I’m not licensed in GA, but it appears their law on marital property is similar to that in NC and all property acquired during the marriage is marital, with a few exceptions, like gifts or inheritances. Meaning, it doesn’t matter who earns the money, it’s marital and thus, usually divided 50/50, unless certain factors indicate a different division would be appropriate.  

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4 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I’m not licensed in GA, but it appears their law on marital property is similar to that in NC and all property acquired during the marriage is marital, with a few exceptions, like gifts or inheritances. Meaning, it doesn’t matter who earns the money, it’s marital and thus, usually divided 50/50, unless certain factors indicate a different division would be appropriate.  

They live in Kentucky, but I expect the laws are similar in most places. 

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And doesn't Amy get a paycheck from her YouTube videos? And free products from many companies for showing those products on YouTube. 

Amy needs to quit crying about her sad life and take charge of her life as a mom. Why is she making this all about her? It should be all about her sons. She is lazy and selfish. But now she's got Tammy to help her and be the nanny. This whole family is nuts. 


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Yeah - it’s Amy’s money. All she had to do was leverage her gross antics on YouTube for reality show infamy. She worked really hard for that cash. /s

Michael is a waste of space but I struggle to see how much better Amy is. They’re both lazy, grifting goblins. Heck - maybe Amy can tap into the fraudulent Gofundme she started for Tammy’s “funeral” when they lied about her death years ago.

I think the entire family is entitled trash. So now the two other sisters will fail at gifted WLS. Maybe Amanda can be a two time loser. Who knows? I will say that Tammy is much more likeable this season. In fact - she’s the only one who I can tolerate in this group. Imagine that. I know Caleb’s fate so don’t want to go too hard on him. But I think that he was a lodestone for Tammy. He had no intention of losing weight. His continued excuses about missing Tammy and emotionally eating was a joke. Dude was 500 lbs and in a freaking rehab center before he even met her. His excuses didn’t hold water for me. 

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Any is clearly depressed.

It's a struggle to do anything, like even move, when depressed.  She needs meds stat to start, and therapy, and a babysitter or daycare a few days a week---not Tammy or other family.  

That said,  Amy wasn't much of a housekeeper before and she isn't going to start now--especially with two little ones around, because their paraphernalia is overwhelming. Laundry, bottles, toys, etc...Add a weekly housekeeper into the support mix above. 

I doubt any of the kids ever cleaned house regularly cuz of how slovenly and coarsely theywere raised. When there a lot of people in the house,  it's a fool's errand, to try to keep things picked up or clean-- unless everyone's on board.  I doubt this family ever agreed on much or should I say how it should be done, or one of them at least wd have pitched in and helped pick up. 

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On 12/27/2023 at 8:27 PM, BAForever said:

I'm liking Amy, Amanda, Misty and Chris a lot less these days.

Ditto!  I'm especially disliking Amy a lot.  She and Michael were married when the show started so their money from the show should be split equally, right?  They were married in March of 2019.  The show first aired on January 1, 2020.  Taking that money out without Michael knowing was just wrong!  He's just as much part of the show as any of them. 

Edited by swankie
Added more comments and moved them to the proper episode.
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4 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Ref. Amy and Michael…..You know the saying….You never divorce the same person you married.  Lol (People often change after marriage and you have no idea who they are or how they will treat you when it’s over.)

In the BEST case scenario, a divorce turns a marriage into a business transaction. My friend has her own family law firm, and the divorces with the least tension tend to be 1. Very short marriages with little assets and no minor kids, 2. Long term marriages with no kids or grown kids, where wealth has been built, and people want to live their senior years in peace.  

Having two small kids and money from the reality show- I can see this getting messy. 

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