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S18.E18: One on One Part 4


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36 minutes ago, Kellyee said:

The scene where Christine is telling her kids about her lack of intimacy with Kody IS inappropriate, as is any shit that Christine has talked about Kody to her kids. I suspect that Christine's oldest daughters were parentified at a young age and have been her emotional crutch for a while. But I don't think Christine is purposely alienating them from Kody. It has always been Kody demanding that everyone choose "loyalty" to him over Christine. He is the one forcing them to take sides, not her.

It's not great but the first time these kids heard that didn't come from Christine; Kody said it in front of the cameras. Christine probably felt like she owed them an explanation of why she stayed and then why she left. She absolutely parentified those kids and is sharing more that she should but once you agree to put your life on TV those boundaries become way harder to maintain. They already know; they've already seen it. Some of those kids watch the show for money at this point. 

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56 minutes ago, xls said:

Anyone watch the talk back part 1 tonight? 

The best part was seeing how over it/ unhappy Gravel Gertie was next to Kootie!🤣

I watched it.  It’s remarkable how light and happy Christine, Janelle and Meri seem, in comparison to Robyn, who seems so miserable and dour.  (Btw, she can NOT STOP touching and twirling her hair!  It was so irritating!)

Kody was his usual insufferable self.  He can not stop trash-talking Janelle and Christine (how ironic!), and takes zero responsibility for anything.

Sorry, but Meri was also her usual in-denial self, claiming she was no “doormat,” and stating her marriage with Kidney ended at “just the right time,” even though they both acknowledge it had been over for at least 7-8 years.  Ok, Meri, thanks for the honesty. 🙄  Can’t wait to read your book.  

One more random observation: they all own big, ugly, brown sofas!  All of them!  Weird. 

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6 hours ago, Soapy Goddess said:

Saw it and agree that she looked as if she wanted to be anywhere else but sitting next to him...although she still can't resist coaching him/his answers.

Am I allowed to ask why Robyn seemed so subdued? Or should this go to spoilers?

It did seem out of character for her without any fake tears.    Again I did not see any fake tears!!!!!!

Edited by js9548
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On 12/19/2023 at 7:48 PM, nosedive said:

Ode to a Robyn


Robyn Sullivan Jessop Brown

Just couldn’t make a tear come down. 

She’d rub her eyes and bite her lip

But alas, t’was ne’er a drip.


She’d wring her ear and pinch her skin 

And tug the hairs upon her chin.

She’d dig her nails into her head 

And twist her nipple ‘til it bled.


Her fists would be balled up and taut

And knees all tangled in a knot.

She’d squeeze and squeeze and squeeze some more

But not a tear could she implore. 


Dry as dust, after all she’d done

She couldn’t make her eyeballs run.

But she was determined to prove to all

That she’s the victim of the family squalls.


So she wrung her ear and pinched her skin

And tugged the hairs upon her chin.

She dug her nails into her head

And twisted her nipple ‘til it bled.


She balled her fists and weaved her knees

And took a breath, slow and deep,

And scrunched her eyes and bit her lip,

And after a prayer to Joseph Smith,


She tightened and tensed her gluteus max

And pushed and strained, willing tears to hatch.

And with a grunt, heard loud and grand,

Robyn Brown done shat her pants. 



I read this aloud to Mr. X, and thank you for the laughs!  🤣

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Robyn wanted to be anywhere else but on that couch watching the episode with Kody. All her spoken words were to soothe Kody, but her mannerisms showed she agreed with the OG wives.  Kody isn’t who she thought she married.  

Most normal people would have calmed down some  by now - this has to have been filmed a full year after the episode they watched. Maybe able to admit their part in the issues.   Kody is still in full denial anger mode.  At this rate, his kids may speak to him about the time MyKelti’s twins start driving. 


Edited by mythoughtis
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So glad I caught it while cooking. Robyn was bored to tears, oh wait a minute.... Kody is an angry little toad- and the brown couches were hideous. Loved Meri commenting that Kody is a wimp when sick. Also, if Kody is in a fetal position on the floor with covid, how could he also be helping with Robyn's kids? Revisionist Error #2654 for Robyn. 

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It felt so lonely watching this all by myself! I missed our live chat!

There seems to be a little more "truths" exposed, or maybe better to say "lies" exposed, but I didn't feel many of the responses were entirely open and candid. As usual Kootie couldn't control himself and Crybrows had to steer him or basically shut him up a few times.

Are all reality shows this untruthful? I only watch this show and the Twit on MBBFL, for comparison.  It seems to me most of the untruths on that show are not as egregious, or affecting/hurting so many people including children as MSW does.

Edited by Gramto6
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On 12/20/2023 at 7:08 PM, xwordfanatik said:

Is anyone else having problems leaving a thumbs up on posts?  And now the only other choice is thumbs down?  WTF.

On 12/20/2023 at 7:08 PM, xwordfanatik said:

Is anyone else having problems leaving a thumbs up on posts?  And now the only other choice is thumbs down?  WTF.

On 12/18/2023 at 1:22 PM, UsernameFatigue said:

In fact it seems that the footage they showed of Kody and Christine at lunch was a scene that we had never seen before?

I was trying to reply to this when the forums went offline and I don't know how to get rid of this. 

I had no idea the Talk Back show was on last night. I am watching it On Demand now. Robyn looks pissed and or sick or  both. I think she knows that Kody caused the downfall of the family but she can't say this.  And Robyn turning to Kody and saying you didn't want to have Christmas separately and then blaming this on Janelle . Robyn you were the one who told Meri and Kody that getting together on Christmas Eve would not be a good idea because a fight might break out.  Kody and Robyn must know that they are screwed but they have to keep up with the story that they are the innocent parties here.

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9 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

I watched it.  It’s remarkable how light and happy Christine, Janelle and Meri seem, in comparison to Robyn, who seems so miserable and dour.  (Btw, she can NOT STOP touching and twirling her hair!  It was so irritating!)

Kody was his usual insufferable self.  He can not stop trash-talking Janelle and Christine (how ironic!), and takes zero responsibility for anything.

Sorry, but Meri was also her usual in-denial self, claiming she was no “doormat,” and stating her marriage with Kidney ended at “just the right time,” even though they both acknowledge it had been over for at least 7-8 years.  Ok, Meri, thanks for the honesty. 🙄  Can’t wait to read your book.  

One more random observation: they all own big, ugly, brown sofas!  All of them!  Weird. 

Christine and Janelle were glowing during their segments. They seem so real now talking to the camera instead of shut down and trying to think first what is safe to say. They don't have to worry about Kody repercussions. 

Christine said that Kody only wanted the bubbly Christine. That still wasn't enough for him. He still denigrated her in front of the family and on television. He wanted to be insulated from anyone's negativity. None of that made him a better man. He still hated on her. 

Robyn, you are the queen of Kody dunghill. On a sidenote, the mystery of Kootie hair has been revealed. Robyn showed him how to scrunch his curls. Maybe he will teach you how to cry. 

Meri says she's not a" doormat"... don't tell us you want to save that info for your book. 

In contrast to how Christine and Janelle look so happy and healthy, Meri looks miserable like she's had a cold, for years. Her hair is a mess, looks like she's been crying, and comes across as a woman who has no hope. Meri, you should be thriving now. You are rid of Boris and Natasha's manipulations. We need a spark of something from her because she's coming across as a doormat. See Meri, you still haven't changed your image. 


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22 hours ago, xls said:

Gertie looks about a second from leaving his ass!

I wish that were true!  THAT would be a proper ending for the show and fantastic karma for the Kodster.  My take on their interactions was that Robyn put on her long-suffering face because she was going to have to slog through an episode of those nasty sister wives trash talking her husband. /s.  Kody was hanging on to her in an affectionate manner and Rob'em piped up with several points in an attempt to make Kody look better.  Rob'em has the perpetual victim look because she doesn't know how else to play her role. 

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